

盗墓笔记英语演讲稿The Graver Robbers’ Chronicles

The Graver Robbers’ Chronicles Hello everyone! Today I will introduce you an interesting novel which called The Graver Robbers’ Chronicles. There are nine books.And the content is a story of some tomb raiders. In their explorations, they encountered a lot of strange things .There were many doubts and suspicions. And various mystery was filled in hero's heart. They experienced a lot of risk which you can never think of. Such as monsters, stratagem ['str?t?d??m] ,traps , poison and so on. WuXie is the owner of an antique shop (古玩店). In former, he has never worried about his life, just like the one who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. (含着金汤勺出生) He is so silly, so innocent, so they call him “tian zhen wu xie”. The Nine Gates is an organization of robbing tombs.has three parts The upper class is formed by dignitaries. The middle class is formed by robbers The lower class is formed by traders Zhang Qiling is a man that has some special abilities . Such as displace the bricks(砖) only with his slender fingers , and things spread on his blood won‘t be bitten


电影版《盗墓笔记》剧情介绍 《盗墓笔记》是由上海电影(集团)有限公司、乐视影业(北京)有限公司、南派泛娱有限公司出品的动作探险片,由李仁港执导,鹿晗、井柏然、王景春、马思纯等主演。该片于20XX年8月5日上映,下面,本人为大家简单介绍一下这部影片的主要内容,希望大家喜欢! 剧情简介: 落魄作家为了写作素材,寻访到了一个叫做吴邪的古董铺子老板,而吴邪正准备离开这个城市,临走之前,吴邪和他讲诉了关于自己奇怪的盗墓家族往事,并说出了自己第一次随家族探险所经历的诡异事件: 那一次他们的家族因为偶然获取了一件特殊的青铜器,追根溯源,寻找到了被掩埋在中国西北盆地中的西王母古国,他们招募了一批盗墓贼一同前往古城遗址探险,进入了位于古城地下的西王母陵中,发现了当年周穆王与西王母求长生不死之术的真相。作家听完吴邪的故事,却发现其中有很多疑点,吴邪到底说的是自己的臆想,还是真相更加可怕复杂,因为吴邪的离开变成了永恒之谜。 主要演员表: 角色介绍: 吴邪 演员鹿晗 有点小莽撞,待人处事天真无邪。出生于老九门吴家,对考古事业有与生俱来的兴趣。个性温和善良,细心谨慎、好奇心重,讲义气且重感情。拥有的技能包括建筑学、解谜、破译古代密码、机械等。与张起灵、王胖子合称铁三角。吴家的现任当家,西泠印社旁古董店吴山居的老板,人称“小三爷”。 张起灵 演员井柏然 外号闷油瓶,为人神秘莫测,身手不凡,为张家族长的现任指定继承人。外表高冷孤傲,却又保护着所有人。十年前,张起灵来到康巴部落,找寻雪山下尘封已久的秘密。十年后,帛片秘密乍现,张起灵背负族人使命,出山找寻千年前长生不死的秘事。认为自己如果在这个世界上消失了,不会有人发现,但他知道有一个人一定会记得他。 阿宁 演员马思纯 精明干练的女性探险者,隶属于盗走吴邪爷爷吴老狗的战国帛书的传教士裘德考的公司。此人集美貌与智慧于一身,做事亦坚决果断,绝不拖泥带水,着实令人叹服。 吴三省 演员王景春 南派土夫子巨头,吴邪的三叔,是个精明狡猾,心思极为细腻的老江湖,做事决绝且心狠。十几岁就开始去盗墓,经验丰富,后期为解连环所假扮,但一直都伴随着吴邪长大。 王胖子 演员张博宇


My Life Motto Good morning/Good afternoon everyone. It is an honor for me to make a speech here and I am very glad to share my topic with you. Then today I'd like to talk something about my life motto. First,I want to introduce a series of books——《The Tomb Notes》.It is written by Xu Lei. There are nine books. The content of those books is a story about some grave robbers . In their explorations,they met with a lot of strange things . There are many puzzle is full of mystery . They experienced a lot of risk which you can never think of. Such as monsters,traps ,poison and so on. There are many people in the story.Wu Xie is The protagonist of the story. At the beginning of the first book he joins his uncle Wu Sanxing to experience grave-robbing for the first time, setting off the series of events to come in later books. At the end of the book, Wu Xie followed Qiling to the bronze door in the Changbai Mountains, at there he knew most of the things. When he waked up he went back to his antique shop, and stickled to the promise about ten years. Zhang Qilin is a man with a mysterious past whose story leads the last few volumes of the chronicles. He came from snow mountains and was full of secrets. he lost his memory again and again, so he has to find his memory back and find the truth in the tombs. The main character of the story are WuXie, Zhang Qiling and PangZi, In the underground palace, Wuxie has made a deep friendship with Pangzi and Zhang Qiling. They went through fire and water together for many times. With secrets emerging from the water, they became mature and the relationship of them just likes Iron triangle. My life motto is trade my life for your ten years of innocence. Everyone should have a deep friendship. And made the relationship likes Iron triangle. We should treat others sincerely and pay out for another regretless. Thank you for listening.


The Graver Robber’s Chronicles(盗墓笔记) 50 years ago,a group of thieves from Changsha dig out a silk which records a peculiar position from the Warring States period tombs, but they were hit by a strange incident underground and almost wipe out. 50 years later, one of the tomb robbers’grandson s discovered the secret in the notes. He and a group of experienced master went to the tomb to hunt the treasure. But beyond everyone’s expectation, this is only the beginning of the story. A huge conspiracy started slowly under the impetus of “it”. This story consists of 8 parts which are the Lu Palace of 7 stars, the god’s tree in Qin Mountain, the Air Palace, the Xisha Islands, the snake town, the Castle of Yin Mountain, the evil spirits in Qionglong and the ending (I&II). The main characters in the novel are WuXie, PangZi and ZhangQiling. WuXie is the tomb robber’s grandson at the beginning of story. His nickname is the innocent. He is the soul of the novel. Pangzi is an occupational robber selling antiques in Beijing Panjiayuan. He is humorous, avaricious and a grave master. But he is a flexible fatty. Zhangqiling who dislike talking too much is named the dumb bottle, and everyone called him Xiaoge. He is a great master, and he has many secrets. At the end of the story, he came to Changbai Mountain to protect the bronze doors, and makes a 10 years appointment with Wu to meet with each other. We have too many mysteries unsolved for this story. The author said recently the ultimate secret had been completed and it will be released on August 17th,
