


1.Excuse me. Are you Susan Davis from Western Electronics?


2.Y es, I am. And you must be Mr. Takeshita.


3.Pardon me. Are you Ralph Meyers from National Fixtures?


4.I"m Dennis. I am here to meet you today.


5.I"m Donald. We met the last time you visited Taiwan.


6.I"m Edwin. I"ll show you to your hotel.


7.How was your flight? Was it comfortable?


8.It was quite good. But it was awfully long.


9.Did you have a good flight?


10.Not really, I"m afraid. We were delayed taking off, and we encountered a lot of bad weather. 不太好,我们起飞延误了,还遭遇了恶劣的气候。

11.How was your flight?


12.Did you get any sleep on the plane?


13.Mr. Wagner, do you have a hotel reservation?


14.No, I don"t. Will it be a problem?


15.I don"t think so. I know several convenient hotels. Let me make some calls.


16.I"ve made a reservation at the hotel you used last time.


17.We"ve booked a Western-style room for you.


18.Let"s go to the station to get a train into town.


19.Does it take long to get into Taibei from here?


20.It"s about an hour.


21.We"ll get a taxi from the station.


22.There"s a shuttle bus we can use.


23.I"ve brought my car, so I can drive you to your hotel.


24.Y ou must be hungry. Shall we get something to eat?


25.That sounds good. Let"s get somethingat the hotel restaurant. I feel a little tired. 那太棒了,我们就到旅馆餐厅吃点东西,我有点累了。

26.Would you like to have some dinner?


27.What would you like to eat?


28.Can I take you out to dinner? It"ll be my treat.


29.If you"re hungry, we can eat dinner now.


30.Have you had breakfast yet?


31.Y es. It was delicious.


32Good. Let"s go to the office.


33.How is your room?


34.Did you sleep well last night?


35.Why don"t we go to the office now?


36.We"ll start with an orientation video. It runs about 15 minutes.


37.The tour will take about an hour and a half. We ought to be back here by 3:00.


38.Our new product line has been very successful. We"ve expanded the factory twice this year already.


39.I"d like to introduce you to our company. Is there anything in particular you"d like to know?


40.We have some reports to show you for background information.


41.Is your factory any different from other plastics factories?


42.Y es, our production speed is almost twice the industry-wide average.


43.I"d like to explain what makes this factory special.


44.This is the most fully-automated factory we have.


45.It"s the most up-to-date in the industry.


46.We"ve increased our efficiency by 20% through automation.


47.Could you tell me the cost of production per unit?


48.I"m afraid I don"t know. Let me ask the supervisor in this section.


49.I"m not really sure about that. Mr. Jiang should know the answer to that.


50.Let me direct that question to the manager.


51.I"m not familiar with that part. Let me call someone who is more knowledgeable. 那部分我不熟悉,让我找专业人士来说明。

52.Y es, I"d like to know your daily production.


53.Is there anything you"d like to know?


54.Is there anything I can explain fully?


55.What did you think of our factories?


56.I was impressed very much.


57.thank you very much for giving us your valuable time.


58.We have a small gift for you to take with you when you leave the factory.



问好 1. Good morning/afternoon/evening. /May I help you? /Anything I can do for you? 2. How do you do? /How are you? / Nice to meet you. 3. It’s a great honor to meet you./I have been looking forward to meeting you. 4. Welcome to China. 5. We really wish you’d have a pleasant stay here. 6. I hope you’ll have a pleasant stay here. Is this your fist visit to China? 7. Do you have much trouble with jet lag? 机场接客 1. Excuse me; are you Mr. Wilson from the International Trading Corporation? 2. How do I address you? -fashion Electronic Company. I’m here to meet 3. My name is Benjamin liu. I’m from the Fuzhou E you. 4. We have a car an over there to take you to you hotel. Did you have a nice trip? 5. Mr. David smith asked me to come here in his place to pick you up. 6. Do you need to get back your baggage? 7. Is there anything you would like to do before we go to the hotel? 相互介绍 1. Let me introduce my self. My name is Benjamin Liu, an Int’l salesman in the Marketing Department. -FASHION ELECTRONIC COMPANY. Nice 2. Hello, I am Benjamin Liu, an Int’l salesman of FUZHOU E to meet you. /pleased to meet you. / It is a pleasure to meet you. 3. I would like to introduce Mark Sheller, the Marketing department manager of our company. 4. Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, general manager of our company. 5. Mr. Smith, this is our General manage, Mr. Zhen, this is our Marketing Director, Mr.Lin. And this is our RD Department Manager, Mr. Wang. 6. If I’m not mistaken, you must be Miss Chen from France. 7. Do you remember me? Benjamin Liu from Marketing Department of PVC. We met several years ago. 8. Is there anyone who has not been introduced yet? 9. It is my pleasure to talk with you. 10. Here is my business card. / May I give you my business card? 11. May I have your business card? / Could you give me your business card? ounce your name again? 12. I am sorry. I can’t recall your name. / Could you tell me how to pron 13. I’ am sorry. I have forgotten how to pronounce your name. 小聊 1. Is this your first time to China? 2. Do you travel to China on business often? 3. What kind of Chinese food do you like? 4. What is the most interesting thing you have seen in China? 5. What is surprising to your about China? 6. The weather is really nice. 7. What do you like to do in your spare time? 8. What line of business are you in? 9. What do you think about…? /What is your opinion?/What is your point of view? 10. No wonder you're so experienced. 11. It was nice to talking with you. / I enjoyed talking with you. 12. Good. That's just what we want to hear. 确认话意 1. Could you say that again, please?


请老外吃饭必备口语:干杯怎么说?Cheers! 一、用Here's to 表示: 1.Here's to your health / success. 为你的健康/ 成功干杯! 2.Here's to our friendship! 为我们的友谊干杯! 3.Here's to Tom for his new job! 为汤姆的新工作干杯! 二、用health, luck等表示:Good health! Good luck! All the best! 1.Your health, John—May you have a successful time in Manchester! 为了你的健康,约翰,也祝你在曼彻斯特前程似锦! 2.Helen raised her glass. “Good luck to you!” she said. 海伦举起酒杯,说道:“祝你好运!” 三、主人或主持人邀客人喝酒时,通常用Cheers! Do the honors! 例如: 1.He raised his glass, “I wish you all the best! Cheers!” 他举起酒杯说:“祝你成功,干杯!” 2.Pat, you do the honors and propose the toast.

帕特,你敬酒吧。 四、在比较随便的场合,通常用还有Happy landing!(美俚,原为空军用语)等。 五、在陈述句中,英美语通常用toast,round, drink to,,drink a toast for / to, propose a toast for等词表示。例如: 1.Friends, let’s toast——to our president! 朋友们,我给大家敬酒,为我们总统干杯! 2.I now propose a toast to our friendship. 现在,我提议为我们的友谊干杯! 更多学习资料请见美联英语学习网。


常用的英语接待口语,不管你进不进外企都一定要看看… 询问访客身份:May I have your name, please?请问您贵姓?What co mpany are you from?您是哪个公司的?Could you tell me what compa ny you are representing?能告诉我您代表什么公司吗? 如果碰到了老朋友可以说:What brings you here?是什么风把你吹来了? 询问是否预约,来访目的?Do you have an appointment?约好了吗?Would you give me your business card?请给我您的名片好吗?And ca n I ask what you wish to see him about?我能问一下您要见他有何事吗? 让客人稍候片刻:I'll see if he is available.请让我看看上司是否方便。Would you please have a seat and wait for a few moments.请您坐下 稍等片刻。给客人倒茶,礼貌待客:Would you like coffee or tea? How do you like your coffee?你要咖啡还是茶?要什么样的咖啡?(是否加奶或糖)带 客人去见经理:Please have a seat, Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith will see you in few minutes.请坐,琼斯先生和史密斯先生几分钟后就到。Mr. Chen is ex pecting you. I'll tell him that you're here.陈先生正在等你。我去告诉他你已到。 Would you come this way, please?请随我这边来。 婉言拒绝客人来访: Mr. Chen is occupied at the moment and wants to know if your busine ss is urgent.陈先生正忙着,请问您的事情很紧急吗?He may want to get in touch with you in the future. Would you leave your card?他想以后再 和你联系。请留下你的名片好吗? 一定要为自己争取机会:I'll take just a few minutes of his time.我只要占用他几分钟的时间。I'd prefer to explain that to him directly.我想我 最好还是我领你去,以免你迷路。 接待(2) 在上一次,你已经学会为你接待的客人安排好食宿。下来就该邀请他参加公司的活动了:安排各种活动:The tea party begins at 7 o'clock.茶话会在7点开始。 How's the party, Mr. Taylor?晚会如何,TAYLOR先生?The ceremon y will commence as soon as the minister arrives.庆祝会等部长一来就开始。 Our General Manager can't be here today, so I'm speaking on his beha lf.我们的总经理今天不能到会,因此由我代表他讲话。We are going to show you the town while you're here.你在此逗留期间我们将陪你在城里游览一番。 Do you have any place in mind you wanted to go in our town?本城有 什么地方你想去看看?What would you like to do this morning?There is no thing scheduled before lunch.上午你想干什么?中饭前日程表上没有活动安排。 Is there anything planned for tonight?今晚有什么安排?Have you


接待常用英语 1.Greetings 打招呼 How do you do? 您好。 ——How do you do? 您好。 Nice to meet you. 见到您真高兴。 Good morning. 早上好。 ——Good morning. 早上好。 Good afternoon. 下午好 ——Good afternoon. 下午好 Good evening. 晚上好。 ——Good evening. 晚上好。 Notes : (1) Hello. 招呼用语,语气较随便。 (2) How do you do?不是疑问句,而是初次相识时致意的用语,意为“您好”。对方也说How do you do?作为相应的致意。这是很正式的招呼用语。 (3) Nice to meet you.初次认识一个人,常用这句套语。 (4) Good morning. Good afternoon. 和 Good evening. 都是招呼用语,往往用于比较客气的场合。 2. Getting Acquainted 相识 Allow me to introduce myself. 请让我自我介绍一下。 My name is_____,the director of the tea museum. 我叫_______,是茶博的馆长。 Excuse me,but may I ask your name?对不起,请问尊姓大名? Welcome to Hangzhou. 欢迎您到杭州来。 Is this your first visit to China? 这是您第一次来中国吗? Are you British?您是英国人吗? How long are you going to stay here? 您打算在这儿住多久? Please sit down and make yourself at home. 请坐,别拘束。 We hope you’ll have a good time in our museum. 希望您在博物馆参观愉快。 We hope you’ll enjoy your visit here. 祝您在这儿过得愉快。 I know a little English, but not much. 我懂一点英语,但不多。 I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch what you said. 对不起,您讲的话我没听清。 Could you speak a little slower, please? 请稍微讲慢点。 It’s a nice day, isn’t it? 天气真好,是不是? How do you like the weather here? 您觉得这儿的天气怎么样? Have you done any sightseeing yet? 您游览过了吗? Would you mind waiting a moment, please? 请等一等 Any comments and suggestions are welcome. 请提宝贵意见。 You are welcome. 不必客气。 Notes:


国外客户吃饭 请国外客户吃饭,不能用我们国人的思维方式,一开口就是“一起吃个饭怎么样?”,这样对有些客户来说可能很不礼貌,我们看国外电影时,只要你留意,就会发现,男主角请女主角吃饭都是问“明天晚上有空吗?”,所以,如果你想请国外客户吃饭,应该先礼貌的问一下“你是否有空......” I wonder if you have time this evening? 我想知道您今晚是否有空? Would you be interested in dinner with me ? 今晚能请您吃个饭吗? Which kind of restaurant do you prefer, Chinese or Western? 您喜欢去中餐厅还是西餐厅呢? I’ll pick you up at 7:00 pm, if it’s ok with you. 如果合适的话,我晚上7点去接您。 美式地道用餐口语 我们来谈谈一些在餐厅内会用到的句子,以及一些跟吃饭有关的单字片语。配合美国的食物介绍一二集来看,相信从此以后到美国餐厅用餐不再是件难事。 1. Do you like to go out eating? 想不想出去吃呢? 有次我问老美出去吃东西怎么说,他回答说一般出去吃饭,他们只说go to eat ,go out eating 或是eat out 而不会说go to dinner,go for lunch,也就是不需特地说中餐或是晚餐。所以后来老美问我刚去哪了,我应该要说的I just went out eating,而不会说I just went to dinner。 如果要强调是去吃午餐或晚餐的话,一般就直接说lunch 或是dinner。例如人家问你,“Where did you go?” 你就可答说“lunch。” 2. There is a Deli over there,do you like it? 那里有一家Deli(餐厅),你喜不喜欢呢? 美国的餐厅可分很多种,Restaurant 是一般的通称,另外常用到的有Deli :供应三明治,沙拉这种现成的,不需再经过烹调的餐厅,例如SUBWAY 就可以算是Deli。另外还有Grill 也随处可见,翻译成烤肉餐厅,多半是提供牛排,汉堡热食类的食物。 Deli 这个字是delicatessen 的简写,可是现今在美国一般只会听到deli 而很少听到delicatessen 了! 3. What do you like to drink? 想要喝什么? 美国餐厅的习惯,吃饭时都会点一大杯饮料,所以侍者一定会先问你What do you like to drink。也有人会这么说,Can I get you something to drink?。一般餐厅都会提供的有Coke,Diet Coke,Sprite,Iced Tea,以及Lemonade 等。如果什么都不要,就说Just water。 值得注意的是,在一般的速食店提到drink 都是指soft drink 而言。但是一般人说到have a drink 时,他们多半指的是alcoholic,也就是含酒精的饮料。所以如果有人问你,“Come on, have a drink with us.” 他绝不是要你跟他们一起喝可乐的意思,而是要你跟他们一起喝酒啦! 4. Are you ready to order or just a minute? 你们准备好了吗?还是要再等一会?


接待英语100句欢迎和问候语: 1.Good morning/afternoon/evening , sir/madam. 早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。 2.-How do you do? -您好!(初次见面) -How do you do? -您好! Glad to meet you . 很高兴见到您。 3.How are you? 您好吗? Fine , Thanks . And you ? 很好,谢谢。您好吗? 4.Welcome to our hotel/restaurant/shop. 欢迎到我们宾馆(餐厅、商店)来。 5.Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel . 愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。 6.I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人刚入店时) I hope you are enjoying your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间) I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人离店时) 7.Have a good time! 祝您过得愉快! 电话用语: 8.Donsen Hotel , Front Desk . Can I help you? 东胜大厦,前厅。您找谁?

9.Sorry , I’ve dialed the wrong number . 对不起,我拨错号了。 10.-May I speak to your general manager? -能和你们总经理说话吗? -Speaking. -我就是。 11.Sorry , he is not in at the moment . 对不起,他现在不在。 Would you like to leave a message ? 您要留口信吗? 12.Pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍,好吗? I beg your pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍,好吗? 祝贺语: 13.Congratulations! 祝贺您! 14.Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 15.Happy new year! 新年快乐! 16.Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 17.Have a nice holiday! 假日快乐! 18.Wish you every success! 祝您成功! 答谢和答应语: 19.Thank you (very much) . 谢谢您(非常感谢)。


外贸常用语 (接待客人、签单、付款、展会等场景)一、 问好 1. Good morning/afternoon/evening./May I help you? /Anything I can do for you? 2. How do you do? /How are you? /Nice to meet you. 3. It?s a great honor to meet you./I have been looking forward to meeting you. 4. Welcome to China. 5. We really wish you'll have a pleasant stay here. 6. I hope you?ll have a pleasant stay here. Is this your fist visit to China? 7. Do you have much trouble with jet lag? 机场接客 1. Excuse me; are you Mr. Wilson from the International Trading Corporation? 2. How do I address you? 3. May name is Benjamin liu. I?m from the Fuzhou E-fashion Electronic Company. I?m here to meet you. 4. We have a car can over there to take you to your hotel. Did you have a nice trip? 5. Mr. David smith asked me to come here in his place to pick you up. 6. Do you need to get back your baggage? 7. Is there anything you would like to do before we go to the hotel? 相互介绍 1. Let me introduce my self. My name is Benjamin Liu, an Int?l salesman in the Marketing Department. 2. Hello, I am Benjamin Liu, an Int?l salesman of FUZHOU E-FASHION ELECTRONIC COMPANY. Nice to meet you. /pleased to meet you. / It is a pleasure to meet you. 3. I would like to introduce Mark Sheller, the Marketing department manager of our company. 4. Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, general manager of our company. 5. Mr. Smith, this is our General manage, Mr. Zhen, this is our Marketing Director, Mr.Lin. And this is our RD Department Manager, Mr. Wang. 6. If I?m not mistaken, you must be Miss Ch en from France. 7. Do you remember me? Benjamin Liu from Marketing Department of PVC. We met several years ago. 8. Is there anyone who has not been introduced yet? 9. It is my pleasure to talk with you. 10. Here is my business card. / May I give you my business card? 11. May I have your business card? / Could you give me your business card? 12. I am sorry. I can?t recall your name. / Could you tell me how to pronounce your name again? 13. I? am sorry. I have forgotten how to pronounce your name. 小聊 1. Is this your first time to China? 2. Do you travel to China on business often?


前台: --Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening; this is Highbird International, may I help you? 早晨好.需要帮忙吗? --Do you have an appointment? 您欲约了吗? --May I have your name? 请问您的姓名? --Welcome to XX. Please follow me. Sit down here,please. I'll see if she's available now. 欢迎光临XX。请跟我来.请坐,我去看一下她是否有空. --After you. 您先请. --Would you like drink tea or coffee? 您想喝点什么茶还是咖啡? --Would you give me your businese card? 我能看看您的名片吗? --May I tell him what you wish to see him about? 您找他什么事我能转告吗? --Mr.Li is expecting you. I'll tell him you're here. 李先生正在等您.我告诉他您来了. --I'm sorry. Mr.Li has a full schedule this week. 报歉.李先生本周的日程已排满. --Could you please write a note to him on the matter you wish to see him about? 您能否留下便条说明您有什么事要见他? --Could I get a new weekly schedule? 我可以索要一份新的本周课表吗? --Sure. This is our new weekly schedule. Here you are. 当然。这是我们本周最新的课表。给您。 --It’s dinner time. I want to order a meal. Could you show me the menu please? 现在是就餐时间,我想点餐。 --Can I get some coins? 我可以兑换几枚硬币吗? --Sure. How many do you need? 当然可以,你想兑换几枚? --Three one-Yuan and one fifty cents coins. 3枚1元硬币和一枚5角的硬币。 今天有到访吗?有几个?Do we have visited clients today? How many? 谁/哪个部门预约的?Who made the appointment? Which department made the appointment? 有咨询电话吗?Are there any consulting phones? 都是通过什么渠道来的?How do they know our school? 怎么样,都能来吗?效果好吗?Will they come? How is the effect? 今天有什么事情吗?What shall we do today? What’s going on?What’s up? What’s happening? 还有什么事情吗?Anything else? 一会XX上去替你们,咱们开会。XX will cover you after a while, and we will have a meeting.


接待国外客户常用英语小结 问好 1. Good morning/afternoon/evening. /May I help you? /Anything I can do for you? 2. How do you do? /How are you? / Nice to meet you. 3. It’s a great honor to meet you./I have been looking forward to meeting you. 4. Welcome to China. 5. We really wish you’d have a pleasant stay here. 6. I hope you’ll have a pleasant stay here. Is this your fist visit to China? 7. Do you have much trouble with jet lag? 机场接客 1. Excuse me; are you Mr. Wilson from the International Trading Corporation? 2. How do I address you? 3. May name is Benjamin liu. I’m from the Fuzhou E-fashion Electronic Company. I’m here to meet you. 4. We have a car an over there to take you to you hotel. Did you have a nice trip? 5. Mr. David smith asked me to come here in his place to pick you up. 6. Do you need to get back your baggage? 7. Is there anything you would like to do before we go to the hotel? 相互介绍 1. Let me introduce my self. My name is Benjamin Liu, an Int’l salesman in the Marketing Department. 2. Hello, I am Benjamin Liu, an Int’l salesman of FUZHOU E-FASHION ELECTRONIC COMPANY. Nice to meet you. /pleased to meet you. / It is a pleasure to meet you. 3. I would like to introduce Mark Sheller, the Marketing department manager of our company. 4. Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, general manager of our company. 5. Mr. Smith, this is our General manage, Mr. Zhen, this is our Marketing Director, Mr.Lin. And this is our RD Department Manager, Mr. Wang. 6. If I’m not mistaken, you must be Miss Chen from France. 7. Do you remember me? Benjamin Liu from Marketing Department of PVC. We met several years ago. 8. Is there anyone who has not been introduced yet? 9. It is my pleasure to talk with you. 10. Here is my business card. / May I give you my business card? 11. May I have your business card? / Could you give me your business card? 12. I am sorry. I can’t recall your name. / Could you tell me how to pronounce your name again? 13. I’ am sorry. I have forgotten how to pro nounce your name. 小聊 1. Is this your first time to China? 2. Do you travel to China on business often? 3. What kind of Chinese food do you like? 4. What is the most interesting thing you have seen in China? 5. What is surprising to your about China? 6. The weather is really nice. 7. What do you like to do in your spare time? 8. What line of business are you in? 9. What do you think about…? /What is your opinion?/What is your point of view? 10. No wonder you're so experienced. 11. It was nice to talking with you. / I enjoyed talking with you. 12. Good. That's just what we want to hear. 确认话意 1. Could you say that again, please? 2. Could you repeat that, please?


请客户吃饭用到的英语 请国外客户吃饭,不能用我们国人的思维方式,一开口就是“一起吃个饭怎么样?”,这样对有些客户来说可能很不礼貌,我们看国外电影时,只要你留意,就会发现,男主角请女主角吃饭都是问“明天晚上有空吗?”,所以,如果你想请国外客户吃饭,应该先礼貌的问一下“你是否有空 ......” I wonder if you have time this evening? 我想知道您今晚是否有空? Would you be interested in dinner with me ? 今晚能请您吃个饭吗? Which kind of restaurant do you prefer, Chinese or Western? 您喜欢去中餐厅还是西餐厅呢? I’ll pick you up at 7:00 pm, if it’s ok with you. 如果合适的话,我晚上7点去接您。 美式地道用餐口语 我们来谈谈一些在餐厅内会用到的句子,以及一些跟吃饭有关的单字片语。配合美国的食物介绍一二集来看,相信从此以后到美国餐厅用餐不再是件难事。 1. Do you like to go out eating? 想不想出去吃呢? 有次我问老美出去吃东西怎么说,他回答说一般出去吃饭,他们只说go to eat ,go out eating 或是eat out 而不会说go to dinner,go for lunch,也就是不需特地说中餐或是晚餐。所以后来老美问我刚去哪了,我应该要说的I just went out eating,而不会说I just went to dinner。 如果要强调是去吃午餐或晚餐的话,一般就直接说lunch 或是dinner。例如人家问你,“Where did you go?”你就可答说“lunch。” 2. There is a Deli over there,do you like it? 那里有一家Deli(餐厅),你喜不喜欢呢? 美国的餐厅可分很多种,Restaurant 是一般的通称,另外常用到的有Deli :供应三明治,沙拉这种现成的,不需再经过烹调的餐厅,例如SUBWAY 就可以算是Deli。另外还有Grill 也随处可见,翻译成烤肉餐厅,多半是提供牛排,汉堡热食类的食物。 Deli 这个字是delicatessen 的简写,可是现今在美国一般只会听到deli 而很少听到delicatessen 了! 3. What do you like to drink? 想要喝什么?


问访客身份: ★May I have your name, please?请问您贵姓? ★What university are you from?您是哪个大学的? ★Could you tell me what university(college)you are representing?能告诉我您代表什么学校(学院)吗? 询问是否预约,来访目的?Do you have an appointment?约好了吗? ★Would you give me your business card?请给我您的名片好吗?And can I ask what you wish to see him about?我能问一下您要见他有何事吗? 让客人稍候片刻: I'll see if he is available.请让我看看上司是否方便。 ★Would you please have a seat and wait for a few moments.请您坐下稍等片刻。 给客人倒茶,礼貌待客: ★Would you like coffee or tea? How do you like your coffee?你要咖啡还是茶?要什么样的咖啡?(是否加奶或糖) 带客人去见经理: ★Please have a seat, Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith will see you in few minutes.请坐,琼斯先生和史密斯先生几分钟后就到。 ★Mr. Chen is expecting you. I'll tell him that you're here.陈先生正在等你。我去告诉他你已到。 ★Would you come this way, please?请随我这边来。 ★I'd prefer to explain that to him directly.我想我最好还是我领你去,以免你迷路。安排各种活动: ★The tea party begins at 7 o'clock.茶话会在7点开始。 ★How's the party, Mr. Taylor?晚会如何,TAYLOR先生? ★The ceremony will commence as soon as the minister arrives.庆祝会等部长一来


外宾接待实用英语 外宾接待实用英语 久仰! I've heard so much about you. 好久不见了! Long time no see. 辛苦了! You've had a long day.You've had a long flight. 尊敬的朋友们! Distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends 阁下(多用于称呼大使) Your Excellency 我代表北京市政府欢迎各位朋友访问北京。On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have come to visit Beijing. 对您的大力协助,我谨代表北京市政府表示衷心的感谢。On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance. 在北京过得怎么样? How are you making out in Beijing? 我一定向他转达您的问候和邀请。 I'll surely remember you and your invitation to him. 欢迎美商来北京投资。 American businessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing. 欢迎多提宝贵意见。 Your valuable advice is most welcome. 不虚此行! It's a rewarding trip! 您的日程很紧,我们的会见是否就到此为止。 As you have a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time. 请代我问候王先生。 Please remember me to Mr.Wang. 感谢光临! Thank you so much for coming. 欢迎再来! Hope you'll come again. 欢迎以后多来北京! Hope you'll visit Beijing more often. 多保重!Take care! 祝您一路平安!Have a nice trip! Reception
