














《新视野商务英语是听说(下册)》中共有十个单元,每个单元由大致有两个Language Focus.

在教学过程中Language Focus A 和Language Focus B 都需精讲。

Unit 1 3学时

基本要求:本单元的主题是关于A Factory Tour,通过本单元的学习,学生应该知



Unit 2 3学时

基本要求:本单元的主题是关于Trade Fair,通过本单元的学习,学生应该掌握对


Unit 3 3学时

基本要求:本单元的主题是关于Making Enquiries,通过本单元的学习,学生应该


Unit 4 3学时

基本要求:本单元的主题是关于Negotiating Prices,通过本单元的学习,学生掌



Unit 5 3学时

基本要求:本单元的主题是关于Placing an Order,通过本单元的学习,学生应该



Unit 6 3学时

基本要求:本单元的主题是关于Terms of Payment,通过本单元的学习,学生应该了解介绍,公司介绍的相关的词汇,了解公司做介绍的基本结构,并且能够熟练地运用沟通技能。

Unit 7 3学时


Unit 8 3学时

基本要求:本单元的主题是关于Complaints and Claims,通过本单元的学习,学生应该知道如何接待商务宾客,熟练地运用沟通技能。

Unit 9 3学时


Unit 10 3学时


Revision 3学时












新视野商务英语视听说(第三版)上 Unit 1 Job Interview Warm-up 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B Listening Practice 1.interested 2.impressive growth 3.major 4.past experience 5.Peking University 6.marketing 7.chief responsibility 8.trade conferences 9.exhibitions 10. Language Focus A Task2 1.C 2.A 3.C Video 1 Viewing Task 1 1. yourself 2. Finance 3. international finance 4. leading 5. chance 6. use

Task 2 1. consultant 2. restoration 3. transferred 4. Friday Language Focus B Task 1 1. experience 2. investment 3. position 4. accounting 5. leave 6. challenging Task 2 HFGDACEB Video 2 Task 1 FTFFT Task 2 1. Sales Manager / sales manager 2. Five / five / 5 3. Brand Manager / brand manager 4. Biscuits 5. Business Administration / business administration 6. oral English


Unit 2 Part 3 1 Alice: Excuse me, sir, are you Mr. Hayes? Bill: Yes, I’m Bill Hayes. A: Are you the General Manager of the Beautify Cosmetic Corporation in America? B: Yes, exactly. A: How do you do, Mr. Hayes? I’m Alice Wang, Manager of Human Resources at the Beijing Sanmei Factory. I’m here especially to meet you. B: How do you do, Miss Wang? It’s very kind of you to come all the way to meet me. A: My pleasure. 2. Conversation 1: A: What is your job, Vincent? B: I’m a Regional Sales Manager. A: What are your main duties? B: My main duties are to develop customer relations and grow the sales of security products in Ohio. Conversation 2: A: What is your occupation, Flora? B: I’m a business analyst. A: Which company do you work for? B: I work for Delicate & Elegant Fashion. It’s a British company. A: What do you do for them? B: I’m in charge of the budget. Conversation 3 A: What do you do, Patrick? B: I’m a lawyer. A: what does your job involve? B: I give legal advice and assistance to clients and represent them in court or in other legal matters. Conversation 4: A: What kind of job do you have, Rachel? B: I’m responsible for receiving visitors. I have to make sure all visitors check in on arrival, and also arrange taxi and bus transport for them. A: Are you in reception? B: Yes, you’re right. I’m a receptionist. Part 4 Video 1 Introducer: Good afternoon, everyone! This is Robin Copperfield, the new Vice President of our company. He will be in charge of the accounting work. Let’s give him a warm welcome! Robin Copperfield: Thank you!


新视野商务英语视听说下 Unit 1 A Factory Tour Part Ⅰ: warm-up (1) eat (2)tour (3)taste (4)enjoy (5)make (6)closed (7)shop Part Ⅱ: listening practice Task1 (1)f (2)e (3)g (4)j (5)c (6)h (7)b (8)a (9)d (10) i Task2 1. (1)aerospace (2)manufacturer (3)services (4)showcase (5)production (6) various (7) producer (8) advanced (9) globe (10) leader 2. (1)~(5) F F F T F Part Ⅲ 1. (1) c (2) b (3) c (4) a (5) a 2. (1)6000units (2) only 1% (3) First, they will confirm the quality of each part according to the regulations at every point in the process. Also, they have computer-controlled equipment to test the quality of the semi-finished product and of the final product. Lastly, they send some products to the public quality-control centre for checking. Part Ⅳ 1 (1)200 markets across six continents (2) about 300000 (3)108 (4)8 (5)93 2 (1)2 0~30 (2)13 (3)15 (4)3 0~45 Part Ⅴ 1. (1) c (2) b (3) c (4) c (5) b

新视野商务英语视听说(第二版)第三单元 听力原文

Unit 3 Part 2 A: Good morning, Paper Mills plc. How can I help you B: Good morning. Can I talk to Pail Osman, please A: Who’s calling please B: Simon Weller, calling from Singapore. A: Well, Mr. Weller, I’m afraid Mr. Osman is not available at the moment. He has just left for a workshop. B: What time do you expect him back I need to talk with him. A: He told me he would come back in half an hour. Can I take a message or would you like to call him on his cellphone @ B: I’ll try his cellphone. Could you give me the number, please A: . B: Just let me check that. . A: That’s right. B: Thank you. Bye. Part 3 2. Operator: Hello, ABC Ltd. How can I help you Paul: This is Paul Jackson of Grandiose. Can I have extension 3421, please O: Certainly, hold on a minute, I’ll put you through. ¥ Roy: Louise Paulson’s office, Roy speaking. P: This is Paul Jackson calling. Is Louise in R: I’m afraid she’s out at the moment. Can I take a message P: Yes. Could you ask her to call me at 979-326-8965. I need to talk to her about the order; it’s urgent. R: Could you repeat the number please P: Yes, that’s 979-326-8965 and this is Paul Jackson. R: Thank you Mr. Jackson. I’ll make sure Louise gets this as soon as possible. P: Thanks. Bye. R: Bye. Part 4 。 Video 1 Receptionist: Hello, International sales. Schulz: Hello, this is Mr. Schulz here, calling from England. R: Yes, Mr. Schulz. Who do you want to speak to S: I’d like to speak to Mr. Matthews. R: Fine. Hold the line, please. I’m connecting you now.


新视野商务英语课程教学大纲 (216学时) 《新视野商务英语》教学大纲 一、课程名称:新视野商务英语 二、课程类别:专业必修课 三、教学时数:每周4课时,共216课时 四、学分:4 五、开课时间:第2.3.4学期 六、开课专业:商务英语专业 七、课程性质和任务 商务英语是高等职业学校商务英语专业的主干专业课程。它的任务是培养学生学习商务英语的兴趣和国际商务沟通能力,了解经贸英语知识,并提高听、说、读、写、译方面的基本能力,基本掌握国际贸易主要术语和必要的商务知识,熟悉经贸业务流程,还能掌握商务基本礼仪、经济、贸易等方面的基础理论;能够胜任用英语进行对外经贸活动方面的工作,使之成为21世纪复合型、国际型商务人才 八、教学内容 教学内容与商务活动紧密相连,侧重介绍与商务活动及日常业务相关的语言及语言技巧的运用。培养学生在各种商务活动及日常业务中英语语言的实际应用能力。这门课程还具有延伸性,与其他的商务英语专业课程(如国际商法、商务写作、外贸函电、外贸进出口实务等)的教学互相渗透,互相促进,互相支撑。 九.课程教学目标 在基础英语教学的基础上,巩固、扩大学生的语法、词汇等语言知识,侧重介绍与商务活动及日常业务相关的语言及语言技巧的运用。学习一般商务知识,通过听、说、读、写等基本技能的综合训练,培养学生的国际商务沟通能力,信息获取、整合及应用能力。通过商务基本技能的训练,使学生掌握一定的实务操作能力,真正能够运用商务英语知识。 新视野商务英语 各单元的主要部分 学生用书的每一单元包括如下几个部分 关键词汇 每单元开头有一篇短文,向学生介绍本单元主题,并提供谈论这一主题将用到的关键词汇。用黑体标出的关键词汇或者其后紧跟单词定义,或者学生可通过上下文推断出它的定义。 引导 这一部分的目的在于激发学生对每个单元主题的兴趣,以及对主题的意识,帮助学生在开始学习一个单元之前就先把相关的词汇、主题信息和个人经历从记忆中调动出来,同时教师也可以此判定学生对主题的把握程度。 语言点和练习 语法教学是根据初、中级水平学生设置的,特别注重将语法学习与有用的商务结构结合。 发音 每个语言点后紧跟着发音练习,让学生了解在特定的语法中如何使用弱音、缩略、语调模式、单个音以及

新视野商务英语视听说下册1-8单元video原文unit 3

Video 1 J: Good morning, is that Rockey speaking? R: Morning, this is Rockey, is that Jacques? J: Y es. R: Nice talking to you again. How’s the weather in your part of world? J: Terrific.Sunny,28°C, light breeze… R: Stop! I can’t take any more. It’s snowing here! So, what can I do for you, Jacques? J: I need a couple of your Q2000 speedboats to rent to my guests. Can you give me a quote? R: Let’s see…uh, the list price is us$6500. Y ou’re a valued customer, so I’ll give you a 10% discount. J: That’s very reasonable. Do you have them in stock? R: Sure we do! W e set up new inventory controls last year. So we don’t have any backlogs any more. J: That’s good. The tourist reason is just around the corner, so I need them pretty quick. What’s the earliest shipping date you can manage? R: Then can be ready for shipment in two or three weeks. J: Perfect. What’s the total CIF price, Rockey? R: Hang on…the price will be US$7850 to your usual port.


新视野商务英语是听说(下册)课内学时:30 一、课程的性质、目的与任务 《新视野商务英语是听说(下册)》视为高等院校培养“英语+专业”的复合型涉外人才 而编写,旨在培养学生在各种商务环境下熟练运用英语知识与技能的能力。本教材注重英 语听说技能在各种商务活动中的实际应用,其设计贯穿了一个基本理念:让学生在商务环境 中学习英语,通过英语获取商务知识,提高技能。建立商务英语专业人才培养的“宽,厚, 活”的模式,即“宽”基础能力,“厚”专业能力,“活’”岗位群适应能力的三维能力模式。“宽”基础能力,要求学生具有较宽的英汉语言文化知识,具有扎实的英语听,说,读,写, 译得基本功,以适应终身教育与学习化社会发展的需要;“厚”专业能力,要求学生拓宽专 业口径,夯实专业基础,不断加大经贸,金融,管理等专业主干课程的“双语”力度和范围, 掌握一般的经贸金融知识基础,突出专业的复合性;“活”岗位群适应能力,要求学生增强 适应未来岗位群的综合化特征的能力,通过模块化方向课程的设置,扩大专业选修课的范围, 参加相关专业的辅修课程的学习,加强实践,增强毕业后的择业能力和竞争能力。 二、课程内容及基本要求 《新视野商务英语是听说(下册)》中共有十个单元,每个单元由大致有两个Language Focus. 在教学过程中Language Focus A 和Language Focus B 都需精讲。 Unit 1 3学时 基本要求:本单元的主题是关于A Factory Tour,通过本单元的学习,学生应该知 道如何为面试做准备,如何回答关于个人的具体问题,如何处理一些不合时宜的问 题。 Unit 2 3学时 基本要求:本单元的主题是关于Trade Fair,通过本单元的学习,学生应该掌握对 工作及职责的描述,了解公司的各个岗位及部门;会表达对工作的满意和不满意。 Unit 3 3学时 基本要求:本单元的主题是关于Making Enquiries,通过本单元的学习,学生应该 能够回答电话,如何接通电话,留口信,处理电话的一些特殊情况. Unit 4 3学时 基本要求:本单元的主题是关于Negotiating Prices,通过本单元的学习,学生掌 握与会议有关的词汇,能够了解一般会议的组成要素,并且能够熟练地运用会议的 沟通技能。 Unit 5 3学时 基本要求:本单元的主题是关于Placing an Order,通过本单元的学习,学生应该 掌握与出公差相关的词汇,了解登记,通观,安全检查等过程,并且能够熟练地运 用沟通技能。


Unit 8 Receiving Visitors 2.Listening Practice Task 2-1 A receptionist in a small firm may have to use a computer, operate a switchboard, and perform other clerical duties, in addition to receiving visitors. In a large firm a receptionist can concentrate on welcoming and looking after visitors. A visitor to a large firm should make an appointment, because executives are often very busy and do not have much time for visitors. Executives and secretaries should notify the receptionist in advance about important appointments, and about the movements of executives, especially when they are out of the building on business. Executives often ask receptionists to make travel arrangements for them, such as booking hotel rooms and airline tickets. Task 2-2 There is a certain procedure for receiving visitors. A receptionist should find out if the visitor has an appointment or not. If the visitor is an important client, the executive or his secretary will come down to the reception area to greet the visitor. Sometimes the receptionist or another secretary escorts, or accompanies, the visitor to the executive’s office. Using the visitor’s name when he arrives is a friendly gesture and gives the visitor a good impression of the firm. The receptionist announces the visitor’s name, title and position, and introduces the executive to him. When a visitor’s request for a meeting cannot be satisfied, the receptionist should apologise and make some suggestions for an alternative time. If a meeting is impossible, the receptionist should express regret and explain why, with tact, so that the visitor’s feelings are not hurt. A receptionist should keep a register which includes dates, times, names and the firm the visitor works for. A receptionist can then refer to this if there is a request for information. 4. Video 1 (R for receptionist; S for secretary; V for visitor) R: Good morning. May I help you? V: Yes, I’d like to see Mr. Hansen, the president. R: Do you have an appointment, sir? V: Yes. I have an appointment with him at 10:30. R: Can I have your name, please? V: Brawn Dantini from Wilson Electronics. R: Thank you, Mr. Dantini. Would you please take a seat? I’ll tell Mr. Hansen’s secretary that you’re here. V: Thanks. R: Mary, this is reception. Mr. Dantini is here for his appointment. S: I’m sorry, but Mr. Hansen is on a long-distance call. Would you ask Mr. Dantini to wait for a few minutes? R: All right. I’m sorry, Mr. Dantini, our president is occupied just now. Would you please wait for a few minutes? V: Yes, of course. R: Would you like something to drink? Do you prefer coffee or tea? V: Thank you. Coffee, please. R: Would you like sugar and cream with your coffee?


《新视野商务英语(上)》课程教案 教研室:系部:教务处: Unit 1 Customers Objectives When the learners finish learning this unit, they should be able to ?providing information on customers and service ?collecting information on customers and service.

Language focus Direct and indirect forms Pronunciation : weak and strong form Skills Writing: capital letters Reading: kwit-Fit advertisement Listening: customer service Business Communication Making offers Key Vocabulary Customers goods services repeat business customer loyalty code of practice customer care service Lead-in 1.what does each company offer the customer? 2.what other examples of good customers care can you think of? Words and expression: In person : by themselves Hampers: n. packing-case or basket with a lid ,esp one used for sending food. Balance: capital Optional: which may be chosen or not as one wishes; not compulsory Assembly: mass come together Language Focus Sentences and clauses ①Direct and indirect questions 直接疑问句和间接疑问句 Use We usually use direct questions to get information.

新视野商务英语 教案

教案首页 周次: X 日期:课时序: X

授课教师: Unit 1 A Factory Tour (I) Ⅰ.Teaching Organization Ⅱ.Warm- up ◆Work in pairs. What would you do and say when you receive a factory visitor and future business partner? How do you attract his or her attention? Ⅲ.Listening Practice Task 1 Listen to the dialogues and check your answers. Step 1. Language points bother 打搅have a break 休息 Step 2.Play the audio and check your answers (1) I hope the noise isn’t bothering you? It’s no bother! (2) Why don’t we start at the workshop?

Sure. I’ll follow you. (3) What did you think of our factory? Very big and modern. (4) What’s your overall impression? I’m very favourably impressed. (5) How big is your factory? The multiplex of 9 buildings totals 767,708 square feet of floor area. (6) What is your market share? 45% (7) How many workers are there in your factory? At present, there are 2,000 workers at the plant. (8) Well, shall we have a break? You must be tired, having seen all of our plants all at once. Not really. But there is a lot to take in. let’s have a break! (9) Are all the products available now? Of course. We have good stock levels. (10) Is there anything else you’d like to see? I’d like to visit your research department. Step 3. Oral practice (Imitate and model)


s Speaking Test Preparation Pack for Business English I/II Time: Academic Week 13 Instructions: 1. Each student will in turn be given a written question to respond to an individual speech for 3 minutes. The interlocutor can explain and explore further the topics if necessary. The student will choose the questions by drawing lots. All the tests will be completed in the class within 90 minutes. 2. Students are supposed to give as many factors or reasons as they could to support their ideas and arguments when preparing the following questions of the oral test. 3. Focus: Organizing a larger unit of discourse; expressing and justifying opinions, developing topics, demonstrating abilities to develop business ideas. 4. No prepared paper or materials can be brought in the classroom when the oral test takes place. Questions: (1) What can a company do in order to achieve the customer loyalty? 为了获得消费者的忠诚度一个公司该怎么做。 (2) What is important when aiming to improve an after-sales service? 提高售后服务最重要的是什么。 (3) What is important when dealing with customer complaints 处理消费者的抱怨时最重要的是什么。 (4) How do you think of what a good advertisement looks like? 你认为一个好的广告的特征是什么。 (5) What elements should be covered when introducing a company,? 介绍公司是应该包括哪些因素。 (6) What is important when giving feedback?


Unit 1 A Factory Tour Part I :warm-up (1) eat (2)tour (3)taste (4)enjoy (5)make (6)closed (7)shop Part II : listening practice Task1 (1) f (2)e (3)g (4)j (5)c (6)h (7)b (8)a (9)d (10) i Task2 1. ("aerospace (2)ma nu facturer (3)services (4)showcase (5)producti on 2. (1)?⑸ F F F T F Part M 1. (1) c (2) b (3) c 2. (1)6000u nits (2) only 1% (3) First, they will con firm the quality of each part accord ing to the regulati ons at every point quality-c on trol cen tre for check ing. Part IV 1 (1)200 markets across six continents in the process. Also, they have computer-c on trolled equipment to test the quality semi-fi ni shed product and of the final product. Lastly, they send some products to the of the public (1)2 0 ?30 (2)13 (3)15 (4)3 0 ?45 (6) various (7) producer (8) adva need (9) globe (10) leader (2) about 300000 (3)108 (4)8 (5)93


1 .easy for people who are not experts to use or understand A、nice B、quick C、comforable D、user friendly 2. a feeling of liking or wanting someone or something more than someone or something else A、decision B、product C、preference D、program 3 .to make certain that something will happen A、ensure B、certain C、sure D、enforce 4 .to bring together in a group or mass; to gather A、collect B、put C、pack D、submit 5 .to introduce a new product, etc. to the public or into the market A、begin B、start C、Launch D、bring 6 .the ultimate consumer of a product, esp. the one for whom the product has been designed A、manager B、guest C、customer D、end user 7 .a written or printed list of questions to be answered by a number of people, esp. to gather data or as part of a survey A、form B、questionnaire C、chart D、table 8 .agreement to, or permission for something, esp. a plan or request A、application B、approval C、occupation D、analysis 1 .The R&D Department decided to conduct this season’s survey by means of questionnaire.


Video 1 Welsh: Hello, Mr. Wang. We received the samples you kindly sent to our headquarters. Thank you very much. We’re impressed by both the quality and the variety of your products. Wang: Thanks, and welcome to our factory. I hope you enjoyed the tour around some of our workshops. Welsh: Yes, we actually picked up several products from your catalogue after the tour. We maybe able to give you a trial order. Now I’d like to know if we place a firm order with you, when can you deliver the goods? Wang: It depends on how many items you choose and what quantity. Normally for one container order, we can deliver the goods within 6days. Welsh: That’s good. OK, let’s work through this list now. Wang: Mm, I see, Mr. Welsh. You’ve only selected 4 items so we can guarantee delivery. This is the unit price of each product. Welsh: Fine. But it seems to us that your price is much


新视野商务英语视听说(第二版)第 四单元听力原文 Unit 4 Task 2.2 The Korea ns aren ' t concerned about how well planned a meeting is. They will not trust anything that doesn ' ttake years to build. For example, a strong relati on ship of 10 years is more important than a brand new office buildi ng or an impressive meeting. Trust is most important thing for them. They also seldom offer any opinions uni ess they are sure about what they want to say. Face is perhaps most important to the Japanese. For example, if you put pressure on a Japa nese bus in essma n at a meeti ng, he will

resp ond with sile nee and your relati on ship is sure to be over eve n before the meeting finished. They will be more accepting of you if you learn to speak a little Japanese and look comfortable with their customs. Whe never there seems to be a bus in ess problem, the British will try to improve the situati on by say ing somethi ng amus ing, but sometimes others don' tfind this humour funny at all. Whenever you disagree with the French, they will enjoy arguing with you in a very lively way. They will offer you a bus in ess opport un ity more quickly tha n people from other cultures, but they will change their minds at the last mome nt, if they feel that you are not doing bus in ess in a satisfactory way. Part 3.1 Con versati on 1 A: I really thi nk we n eed to get some people together to discuss this problem. If we don ' t, it ' ll just get worse. B: I believe you ' re right, Leon. Who are you thinking of in cludi ng? A: The Acco untant, our Purchas ing Man ager,
