

1 目的


2 范围


3 职责

3.1 技术主管负责本程序文件的有效性。

3.2 专业部门技术负责人负责本部门抽样计划及抽样程序的审批。

3.3 专业部门检测/校准人员负责制定抽样计划,检测/校准人员进行抽样的实施。各专业部门检测/校准人员负责物品在进入实验室后的贮存、流转和检测或校准过程中的质量控制。

3.4 各专业部门样品(被检测/校准物品)收发员负责检测/校准物品的接收、记录物品的参数、状态,做好物品的标识以及物品在收发室与实验室间的流转和贮存中的质量控制。

3.5 监督员负责对样品收发员及检测/校准人员处置管理样品的程序进行监督。

4 工作程序

4.1 抽(采)样的管理


4.1.2 抽样计划及抽样程序的编制至少应包括以下内容:

(1) 目的;

(2) 适用范围;

(3) 名词术语或定义;

(4) 职责;

(5) 抽样过程程序(流程图加文字说明);

(6) 抽样依据的标准或方法清单;

(7) 相关的记录,包括所采用的抽样程序、抽样人的签名、环境条件,必要时有抽样地点图示及相关的抽样资料,抽样程序所依据的统计方法。

4.1.3 抽样计划和抽样程序在抽样地点应易于实现。抽样工作应由足够技术水平的人员依据已经批准的抽样计划和抽样程序进行,填写《抽样任务书》。抽样人员负责记录与抽样过程中有关的原始记录。

4.1.4 当客户对文件化规定的抽样程序有偏离、添加或删改的要求时,应详细记录这些要求和相关的抽样资料,并记入包含检测/校准的所有文件中,同时要将这些偏离通知有关人员。

4.1.5 如果专业部门不从事抽样活动,或不直接负责抽样,或不能保证从批量产品中抽取的样品真正有代表性,应在报告或证书上明确声明“本实验结果仅对来样负责”。

4.1.6 抽样过程是整个工作过程中众多环节中的重要一环,也可能是构成检测/校准测量总不确定度中的一个重要组成分量,应分析抽样对不确定度的贡献大小。

4.1.7 有关抽样的记录与检测过程的原始记录按GDK/SYS-2012/B12-4.13《记录控制程序》要求执行,由各专业部门统一存档。

4.1.8 抽样纪律 抽样人员必须持有效的抽样文件,按照抽样要求实施抽样。 抽样前不得事先通知被抽样品持有人有关抽样的一切信息。 抽样人员必须秉公办事,执行抽样公务期间,不得提出和参加与抽样工作无关的活动。 抽样将所抽取的样品随身带回或亲自押运,样品在运输途中要注意保护。 抽样人员至少两人组成。

4.2 检测/校准物品(样品)处置的管理

4.2.1 物品的接收与标识 样品(被检测/校准物品)收发员(后简称收发员)在接收物品时,应根据客户的需求,查看其状况(包装、外观、数量、型号、规格、等级等),并清点数量,认真检查物品及配件及资料的完整性,检查物品的性质和状态是否适宜于规程、标准的要求,有些物品还应检查所用的包装或容器是否可能造成物品的特性变异,并在“检测和校准物品(样品)接收处置单”上登记说明。同时应与客户商定有关物品准备的要求、包装和发送方式及试毕的处理方式。 对于多项目检测/校准的物品,收发员必须向用户询问具体检测/校准要求,并详细记录,防止出现漏项或无必要的增项。 物品的异常情况或者客户的特殊要求,应在接收处置单上详细注明,并请客户签字认可。 收发员应协助送检人员做好物品的清扫工作,使其能够符合进入的实验室要求。 收发员应认真填写接收处置单,并将所提供的服务经客户同意后,将客户联交与客户,做为取物品的凭证。 收发员在接收物品后及时进行编号,并加贴唯一性标识,注明物品的状态。 可以根据本部门的具体情况填写《检测和校准物品(样品)接收处置单》,详


4.2.2 物品的流转、贮存与管理 物品经收发编号登记后,由收发员将物品按专业送到实验室,将一份接收处置单交给检测人员。 检测人员根据接收处置单检查物品数量、状态及配件、资料完整性以及要求的适应性。 如对物品有疑问,收发员必须与客户联系,取得进一步说明后再进行工作。 各实验室对物品按要求分类放置。实验室中待检测/校准物品和已检测/校准物品要分别放置在规定的位置,物品上要有明显的标记以表明未检、正在检或已检。 已检测/校准的物品由检测人员负责送回收发室(不易搬动设备除外)。收发员应仔细将接收处置单与实物进行核对,如有疑问,收发员应向检测人员问明原因,并做好记录。 收发员将物品分类放置以方便查找。 收发员以及检测人员对送检物品要妥善保管,防止丢失。 物品的提取

(a) 客户持接收处置单取物品以及证书,若无接收处置单收发员有权不予发放;

(b) 收发员根据接收处置单逐一核对无误后,给客户办理手续,将证书或报告交与客户,并收回接收处置单;

(c) 如果客户确属丢失接收处置单,收发员必须向其索取书面证明,并经部门负责人批准后,方可发放。

4.2.3 样品的流转、贮存与管理 样品经收发编号登记后,由收发员将物品送到实验室,将一份接收处置单交给

检测/校准人员。 检测/校准人员应根据接收处置单检查样品数量、状态及配件、资料完整性以及检测要求的适应性。 对样品如果有疑问,检测/校准人员和收发员都必须与客户联系,取得进一步说明后再进行工作。 样品应按要求分类放置,妥善保管,样品上要有明显的状态标识。 已经检测的样品应及时进行处理。 若样品对存放的环境条件有规定时,实验室的存放地点应具备相应环境条件并记录。

4.2.4 物品(样品)的保密与安全


5 相关文件

5.1 《保护客户机密信息和所有权程序》


5.2 《记录控制程序》GDK/SYS-2012/B12-4.13

6 记录和报告

6.1 《抽样任务书》SYS/B28-01/□□□□-□□□□6.2 《检测/校准物品(样品)接收处置单》SYS/B28-02/□□□□-□□□□






NCE One Exercise For Lesson 1--30 I、Fill in each blank with the most appropriate word (用恰当的词填空)40% 1. Those girls aren't Chinese. They come from Germany. They're _____________. 2. That is my English magazine. Give it to ___________, please. 3. --- Is there _________ milk on the table? --- No, there isn't. 4. The windows are not ________, they are shut. 5. --- Is that bag heavy? --- No, it isn't. It is__________. 6. Helen's computer is __________ her desk. 7. ---Hi, Helen! How________ you today? --- I'm very well, thank you! 8. I've got a bad cold. I think I must go and see a ___________. 9. There is a pencil on the _________. 10.–What are their jobs? -They are keyboard ___________. 11. Toyota is a ___________ car make. 12. Helen and Jane work in the police station. They are __________. 13. –Come and ___________ my new handbag! –Oh! It’s very nice. 14W.hat ___–_______ are you? –I’m French. 15.–What color are your eyes? –They are ___________. 16. - __________methe book please. –Here you are. 17.There is a refrigerator in the ____________. 18. This bedroom is very ___________. You have to clean it. 19. I ’m very cold, ___________ the door please! 20. Mr. Smith's living room is very ___________. It can hold twenty people there. II、Write in “a”or“an”:(填写a或者an) My friend John is ____________ engineer and his wife Susan is ______________ teacher. They have two daughters, Anna and Christine.They are not children.Anna is_________air hostess and Christine is_________hairdresser. Anna has ____________ Italian car, but Christine has __________ English bicycle. They don't live with their parents. They have their own apartments. B. Write in “be”in the right form: (填写be动词的正确形式) Mrs Smith's kitchen________small.There________a refrigerator in the kitchen.The refrigerator________white.It _________ on the right. There ____________ an electric cooker in the kitchen. There ________ some cups near the cooker. The cups _______clean. There _________ a table in the middle of the room. There ________ two armchairs beside the table. The armchairs _________ very beautiful. C. Write in proper prepositions: (填入正确的介词) Mrs. Smith ’s living roomlaisrge. There is a table _________ the room. Some newspapers and magazines are __________ the table. The sofa is _________ the table. There are some pictures ________ the wall too. Read and match the correct questions and answers(为下列疑问句选择正确答语)20% () 41. Whose shirt is this? () 42. Come and see my new bedroom. ( ) 43. Who is this young man? () 44. What's the matter, children? ( ) 45. Where are my magazines?( ) 46.What is the make of your car? () 47.What are their jobs? () 48. Is this your shirt Tim? () 49. Are you all right now? () 50. Where's Jenny? () 51. Is Paul ’s new shirt (red)?52.Are these your dresses, Alice? () 53. How are you today? () 54. What's your job? () 55. Whatcolour are your new shoes? () 56. What is his job? () 57. How do you do? () 58. Where's the spoon? I can't see it. () 59. What ’s the number of your ticket? () 60. What nationality are you? a.It's in the cupboard. b.We're Chinese. c.No,my dresses are blue. d.Yes,we ar e. e.It’vsery nice! f. Perhaps it is Tim's. g. It ’s number e i h g.h T t e h e e n y.'r e red. i. Yes it is. j. They ’re taxi drivers. k. I'm very well, thank you. l. How do you do? m. She's in the room. n. He is a policeman. o. I'm a nurse. p. It ’s a For qd.. They're on the shelf. r. He is our office assistant. s. We're tired and thirsty , Mum. t. No, it ’s Dave ’s


混凝土强度与温度和龄期增长曲线图 组混凝土立方体试件,在标准条件下养护的1、2、3、7、28d的强度值。 3、用估算法估算混凝土强度的步骤: 1)用标准养护试件1~7d龄期强度数据,经回归分析拟合成下列形式曲线方程:f=aeb/D 式中f——混凝土立方体抗压强度(N/mm2); D——混凝土养护龄期(d); a、b——参数。 2)根据现场实测混凝土养护温度资料,用下式计算已达到的等效龄期(相当于20℃标准养护的时间)。 t=ΣαT·tT(2) 式中t——等效龄期(d); αT——温度为T℃时的等效系数,按下表使用; tT——温度为T℃的持续时间(h)。 3)以等效龄期t代替D带入公式(1)可算出强度。 等效系数αT 温度等效温度系数αT温度等效温度系数αT温度等效温度系数αT 50 3.16 28 1.45 6 0.43 49 3.07 27 1.39 5 0.40 48 2.97 26 1.33 4 0.37 47 2.88 25 1.27 3 0.35 46 2.80 24 1.22 2 0.32 45 2.71 23 1.16 1 0.30 44 2.62 22 1.11 0 0.27 43 2.54 21 1.05 1 0.25 42 2.46 20 1.00 -2 0.23 41 2.38 19 0.95 -3 0.21

40 2.30 18 0.91 -4 0.20 39 2.22 17 0.86 -5 0.18 38 2.14 16 0.81 -6 0.16 37 2.07 15 0.77 -7 0.15 36 1.99 14 0.73 -8 0.14 35 1.92 13 0.68 -9 0.13 34 1.85 12 0.64 -10 0.12 33 1.78 11 0.61 -11 0.11 32 1.71 10 0.57 -12 0.11 31 1.65 9 0.53 -13 0.10 30 1.58 8 0.50 -14 0.10 29 1.52 7 0.46 -15 0.09 一、普通混凝土达到1.2N/mm2强度所需龄期参考对照表


新概念一册1-36课的测试题 一、听力(共20分)  1、听句子选择正确答语(共10分)) 1.. A. Yes, it is. B. It’s good. C. Thank you. D. It’s me. 2. A.book. B. Blue C. Policeman D. table C. No, it isn’t. D. That’s all right. 3. A. It’s red. B. I am fine. C. He is fine. D. Thank you. 4. A. You are welcome. B. It is good. C. Yes, it is. D. No, it doesn’t. 5. A. It is on the table B. It is a cat C. He is Tom. D. She is a housewife. 2 听句子,补全句子中所缺的词语(10分) 6. --- What ______ is your T-shirt? --- It’s ______. 7. The man is _________blue . 8. He is _____. 9. What ____ is Anna? 10. Is this your _____?  二.用am、 is、 are 填空。(20分) 1. I_____ your teacher . 2. That _____ a book . 3. he _____ happy . 4. You _____ a boy . 5. They _____ tall . 6. We _____ good friends . 7. How _____ she ? 8. This _____ Alice . 9. How _____ they ? 10. It ____ a fat cat . 11.How _____ you today? 12.I _____ very well. 13.He _____ a teacher. 14.This _____ a new house. 15.They _____ Bill and Tom. 16.She _____ my sister. 17.The pens _____ red. 18.It _____ a lovely dog. 19.That _____ a door. 20.These _____ my books.


新概念英语第一册1—30课综合测试题 姓名________ 一、单词翻译:(每题0.5分,共20分) 1、能够__________ 2、老板__________ 3、要求__________ 4、蛋糕__________ 5、喜欢__________ 6、想__________ 7、鸡蛋__________ 8、香蕉__________ 9、橙子__________10、苹果__________ 11、黑板__________12、肉__________13、牛肉__________14鸡__________15、告诉__________ 16、西红柿__________17、梨__________18、葡萄_________19、桃子_______20、下雨__________ 21、country__________22、weather__________23、spring__________24、untidy_________ 25、empty__________ 26、letter_________ 27、walk__________ 28、jump__________ 29、March________ 30、homework__________31、vase_________ 32、sugar___________ 33、July_________ 34、August___________35、September__________36、October__________ 37、kettle__________38、handwriting__________39、biscuit________40、England__________ 二、根据要求变换:(每题1分,共15分) 1、I(宾格) __________ 2、dish(复数) __________ 3、sit(现在分词) __________ 5、tall(反义词) __________ 6、young(反义词) __________ 7、white(反义词) __________ 8、she(物主代词) __________ 9、desk(同义词) __________ 10、housewife(复数) __________ 11、children(单数) __________12、swim(现在分词) __________13、up(反义词) __________ 14、is not(缩略式) _________ 15、left(反义词) __________ 三、按要求改写下面的句子:(每题1分,共5分) 1.There are some watches on the table.(改为否定句)___________________________________ 2.There is a knife in the box.(改为复句)___________________________________________ 3.There is an apple in the fridge.(对划线部分提问)___________________________________ 4.The boys are playing football in the park.(改为一般疑问句)__________________________ 5.Mr. Zhang is my teacher.(改为一般疑问句)_______________________________________ 四、用a、some.或any填空:(每题0.5分,共2.5分) 1、I have _______new bike. 2、There is ______milk in the glass. 3、Is there ________bread in the kitchen. 4、I want __ ___coffee. 5、There is ________apple on the table. 五、用in、at、on、under填空:(每题0.5分,共2.5分) 1、Those books are ______the shelf. 2、I have dinner ______ the evening. 3、My father play basketball ________Sunday. 4、They go fishing ______ weekends. 5、There is a dog ________ the table. 六、用恰当的词填空:(每题1分,共20分) 1. Those girls aren’t Chinese. They come from Germany. They’re _______1_______. 2. That is my English magazine. Give it to _____2______, please. 3. --- Is there ____3______ milk on the table? --- No, there isn’t. 4. In our village all the shops aren’t _______4____ at lunchtime. They are closed. 5. --- Is that bag heavy? --- No, it isn’t. It is quite _____5______.


混凝土强度与温度和龄期增长曲线图 1、适用范围; 本法适用于不掺外加剂在50℃以下正温养护和掺外加剂在30℃以下正温养护的混凝土,亦可用于掺防冻剂的负温混凝土。 本法适用于估算混凝土强度标准值60%以内的强度值。 2、前提条件 使用本法估算混凝土强度,需要用实际工程使用的混凝土原材料和配合比,制作不少于5组混凝土立方体试件,在标准条件下养护的1、2、3、7、28d的强度值。 使用本法同时需取的现场养护混凝土的温度实测资料(温度、时间)。 3、用估算法估算混凝土强度的步骤: 1)用标准养护试件1~7d龄期强度数据,经回归分析拟合成下列形式曲线方程: f=aeb/D (1) 式中f——混凝土立方体抗压强度(N/mm2); D——混凝土养护龄期(d);

a、b——参数。 2)根据现场实测混凝土养护温度资料,用下式计算已达到的等效龄期(相当于20℃标准养护的时间)。 t=ΣαT·tT(2) 式中t——等效龄期(d); αT——温度为T℃时的等效系数,按下表使用; tT——温度为T℃的持续时间(h)。 3)以等效龄期t代替D带入公式(1)可算出强度。 等效系数αT 温度等效温度系数αT温度等效温度系数αT温度等效温度系数αT 50 28 6 49 27 5 48 26 4 47 25 3 46 24 2 45 23 1 44 22 0 43 21 1 42 20 -2 41 19 -3 40 18 -4 39 17 -5 38 16 -6 37 15 -7 36 14 -8 35 13 -9 34 12 -10

33 11 -11 32 10 -12 31 9 -13 30 8 -14 29 7 -15


新概念Book 1 Test 5(Lesson 25-30) 一.填入下列单词中所缺的字母(10分) 1.k tchen 2.l ft 3.c ker 4.m ddle 5.r gh 6. lectr c 7whe 8.n r 9.w nd w 10.p cture 11.d st 12.sw p 13.m st 14.und ty 15.r d 16.a 17.tr sers 18.p t 19.w ll 20.sh pen 二,翻译短语。(10分) 1.在右边 2.在厨房中间 3.在冰箱里 4.脱下 5.穿上 6.打开收音机 7.关掉电视机8.倒空杯子 9.整理房间10.关上门 三,填入下列对话中所缺的单词。(20分) 1.—There is knife the table. —is it? —It’s Tom’s. 2. —Is a table your room? —Yes, there is. There two chairs in my room. 3.—there cup on the desk? —Yes, there is. 4. —There is boy in the room. —is he? —Is Tom. — 5. —Is there a television Mrs. Smith’s living room? —Yes, there is. is a table in the room, too. 6. —there men in the room? —Yes, there are some men in the room.

7. —is mu cup? —in the kitchen. 8. —must I do? —Open the door. 9. —There is a refrigerator the right. —Right. 10. —Where is the table? —It’s the middle of the room. 四.按照要求改写下列句子。(10分) 1.There are some picture on the wall.(改为一般疑问句) ? 2.We must shut the window.(就划线部分提问) ? 3.The bedroom is very untidy.(改为一般疑问句) ? 4.I can see some magazines on the desk.(就划线部分提问) ? 4.There is a cigarette in the box.(改为复数句子) . 五.判断正误,在正确的句子后写T, 在错错误的句子后写F,并改正。(10分) 1. These pictures are not in the wall. ( ) 2. There is tree near the lake. ( ) 3.—What must I do ? — You are clean the room. ( ) 4.There are two knife on the table. ( ) 5.Are there some forks on the shelf? ( ) 6.Is there a table on the middle of the room? ( )


新概念1-30课测试卷 I..辨音:将下列每组单词中划线部分不合群的单词挑出来。(10’) 1. A. whose B. brother C. son D. colour 2. A. perhaps B. catch C. same D. black 3. A. officer B. white C. his D. tourist 4. A. green B. girl C. dog D. orange 5. A. customs B. sister C. case D. passport II.单项选择: 选出最佳选项(30’) 11. _____ shirt is that ? A. What B. Whose C. Which D. When 12.---Is this your dress? ---No, this is _____ dress. A. Mary’s B. Marys C. Mary’ D. Marys’ 13. Paul is here. That is _____coat . A. he B. him C. she D. his 14. She is a teacher. ______ name is Kate. A. She B. Her C. she D. Hers 15. This is Helen . This is ______ dog. A. Helen B. Helen’ c. Helens’ D. Helen’s 16.______ is the sky? --- It’s blue. A. What colour B. What C. Which D. How 17.This is ________. A. book B. a book C. books D. a books 18. --- What colour are your dresses? ----- _________________. A. My dress is yellow B. My dresses is yellow C. My dresses are yellow D. My dress are yellow 19. These are __________. A. blue pen B. blue pens C. red pen D. a red pen 20._______ does Helen come from? She comes from Canada. A. Which B. Why C. Where D. How 1


新概念一册1-30课阶段测试 姓名分数__________ 一.根据意思补全下列单词(0.5×10=5*) 1. h__ __ d-w__ __king(勤奋的) 2. J__ panese(日本人) 3.ward__ __ be(衣柜) 4. el__ __tric (带电的) 5.passp__ __ t (护照) 6. m__ chanic (机械师) 7. cup__ __ __ __d (食厨)8. sp__ __ __ (勺子)9. __ __ __ chair (扶手椅) 10. t__ __ __d(累,疲乏) 二、根据要求转换词形(0.5×20=10*) 1. I (宾格)________ 2. dish (复数) ________ 3. sharp(反义词)________ 4. tall (反义词) ________ 5. light (反义词)________ 6. children(单数) ________ 7.family (复数)________ 8. milkman (复数)________ 9. 一千(汉译英)one ________ 10. They are (缩略式)________ 11. left (反义词)_______ 12. write (同音词)________ 13. desk(同义词) ________ 14. we(名词性物主代词) ________ 15. empty (反义词)______ 16. his (名词性物主代词)______ 17. don’t(完全形式) ________ 18. is not(缩略式) ______ 19. electric cooker(英译汉)______ 20. 长裤(汉译英)__________ 三. 单项选择(1×20=20*) 1. My name _______ Lisa. I ______ from(来自) China. A. is; am B. are; is C. is; are 2. _____ is the sky? --- It’s blue. A. What colour B. What C. Which D. How 3. _____ shirt is that ? A. What B. Whose C. Which D. When 4.---Is this your dress? ---No, this is _____ dress. A. Mary’s B. Marys C. Mary’ D. Marys’ 5. Paul is here. That is _____coat . A. he B. him C. she D. his


新概念英语1综合测试题(Lesson1-30) 一、写出下列名词的复数 handbag ________ knife ________ glass ________ blouse ________ hero ________ story ________ passport ________ photo ________ key ________ watch ________ sheep ________ shoe ________ family ________ room ________ carpet ________ box ________ 二、完成表格 三、用a、an、some.或any填空) 1、There isn’t ________ water in the bottle . 2、I want _____ coffee. 3、Is there ________cake in the kitchen. 4、There is ______ milk in the glass. 5、There is ________ apple on the table. 6、There aren’t ________ chairs in the room. 四、用in、at、on、under填空 1、 He is here ______six o’clock. 2、It is cold ______ the morning.

3、My mother is at home ________ night. 4、The rabbit is ______ the tree. 5、There some pictures ________ the wall. 6、There is a dog ________ the table. 7、There are some monkeys________ the trees. 8、There are some small boats________ the river. 五、按要求完成句子 1. are, nationality, what, you,(连词组句) ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Is this your watch(肯定回答) ________________________________________________________________________ 3. There is a bottle in the refrigerator. (改成否定句) ________________________________________________________________________ 4. are, their, what, jobs, (连词组句) ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Are these your teachers(否定回答) ________________________________________________________________________ 6. is, on, table, the, a, cup, there (连词组句) ________________________________________________________________________ 7. There are four pictures on the wall. (改成一般疑问句并做否定回答) ________________________________________________________________________ 8. There is some water in the bottle. (改成一般疑问句并做肯定回答) ________________________________________________________________________ 9. some, magazines, the, on, there, television, are (连词组句) ________________________________________________________________________ 10. There are some newspapers on the table. (改成否定句) ________________________________________________________________________ 六、翻译下列词组 1、扫地___________________ 2、给房间通风___________________ 3、铺床___________________ 4、进来___________________ 5、关上门___________________ 6、穿上外套___________________


新概念英语第一册1---30课前测试题 新一Lesson1---2测试 一。英译汉,汉译英。 1.excuse 2. 我(宾格) 3.yes 4.这 5.is 6.你的 7.pardon 8.手提包 9.thank you 10.非常地11.pen 12.铅笔 13.book 14.手表15.coat 16.连衣裙 17.skirt 18.衬衣19.car 20.房子 二. Multiple choices(单项选择) ( )1.369-0182 my telephone number. A. is B. am C. are D. be ( )2.-Thank you very much. -_____________. A. Pardon? B. You are welcome. C.How are you? D.Yes ,it is. ( )3.你要问别人时间,一般先开口说:__________. A. Pardon? B.Thank you. C.Excuse me! D.What’s your name? ( )4.Is this your pencil? -______________. A. Excuse me! B. Thank you very much. C. Yes ,it is. D.My name is TOM. ( )5. The _______is in the handbag. A.car B. house C.coat D.book ( )6.—What’s your phone number, Lisa? —210-2854. A. She is B.I am C. He is D. It’s( )7. ---Is this_____ watch? A you B your C he D she ( )8.---- ____ that your coat ? A Are B Is C Are D Am ( )9. ----Excuse me ! ---- Yes ? ----Is this your skirt ? ---- _____ . D Yes, it is. A Yes, it isn’t . B No, it is. C No, it’s ( )10 ----Look at the nice girl. ---- _____? -----Look at the nice girl. A Yes B Sorry C Excuse D Pardon 三、用恰当的be动词填空。 1. They my parents . They doctors. 2. It Sunday morning. It sunny. 3. you from the USA? Yes, I . 4. I _______ a student. 5. He _______ a good football player. 6.Daniel and Tommy ________ in Class One. 7. I _______ ill. I ______ staying in bed. 8. -What day ________ it today? -It’s Saturday. 9. You, he and I ______ from China. 10.The dog _______ tall and fat.


混凝土强度与温度和龄期增长曲线图 我在论坛上看到一个混凝土强度估算方法,不过好像并无具体参考的东西! 1、适用范围; 本法适用于不掺外加剂在50℃以下正温养护和掺外加剂在30℃以下正温养护的混凝土,亦可用于掺防冻剂的负温混凝土。 本法适用于估算混凝土强度标准值60%以内的强度值。 2、前提条件 使用本法估算混凝土强度,需要用实际工程使用的混凝土原材料和配合比,制作不少于5组混凝土立方体试件,在标准条件下养护的1、2、3、7、28d的强度值。 使用本法同时需取的现场养护混凝土的温度实测资料(温度、时间)。 3、用估算法估算混凝土强度的步骤: 1)用标准养护试件1~7d龄期强度数据,经回归分析拟合成下列形式曲线方程: f=aeb/D (1) 式中f——混凝土立方体抗压强度(N/mm2); D——混凝土养护龄期(d); a、b——参数。 2)根据现场实测混凝土养护温度资料,用下式计算已达到的等效龄期(相当于20℃标准养护的时间)。 t=ΣαT·tT(2) 式中t——等效龄期(d); αT——温度为T℃时的等效系数,按下表使用; tT——温度为T℃的持续时间(h)。 3)以等效龄期t代替D带入公式(1)可算出强度。

等效系数αT 温度等效温度系数αT温度等效温度系数αT温度等效温度系数αT 50 3.16 28 1.45 6 0.43 49 3.07 27 1.39 5 0.40 48 2.97 26 1.33 4 0.37 47 2.88 25 1.27 3 0.35 46 2.80 24 1.22 2 0.32 45 2.71 23 1.16 1 0.30 44 2.62 22 1.11 0 0.27 43 2.54 21 1.05 1 0.25 42 2.46 20 1.00 -2 0.23 41 2.38 19 0.95 -3 0.21 40 2.30 18 0.91 -4 0.20 39 2.22 17 0.86 -5 0.18 38 2.14 16 0.81 -6 0.16 37 2.07 15 0.77 -7 0.15 36 1.99 14 0.73 -8 0.14 35 1.92 13 0.68 -9 0.13 34 1.85 12 0.64 -10 0.12 33 1.78 11 0.61 -11 0.11 32 1.71 10 0.57 -12 0.11 31 1.65 9 0.53 -13 0.10 30 1.58 8 0.50 -14 0.10 29 1.52 7 0.46 -15 0.09


单元测试1答案: A 1.He is busy. 2.He is leaning English. 3.He has a new book. 4.He lives in the country. 5.He will see you tomorrow. 6.He can understand you. 7.He must write a letter. 8.He may come next week. 9.He does a lot of work every day. 10.He did a lot of work yesterday. 11.He played football yesterday. 12.He bought a new coat last week. 13.He has had a letter from Tom. 14.He was busy this morning. 15.He could play football very well when he was younger. 16.He always tries to get up early. 17.He might see you next week. 18.He always enjoys a good film. 19.He had finished his work before you came. 20.He watches television every night. B 1.some 2.a 3.any 4.any 5.a 6.some 7.a 8.any 9.any 10.any C 1.I haven't got much butter. 2.You haven't got many cigarettes. 3.We haven't got much milk. 4.She hasn't got many biscuits. 5.They haven't got much stationery. D 1.bought 2.aired 3.lost 4.listened 5.emptied E 1.Q.Did he buy a new car? Q.What did he buy? N.He didn't buy a new car. 2.Q.Can she come tomorrow? Q.When can she come?


新概念一单元测试卷(1-29) 一、单项选择(20%) 1、----What’s your job? ----_____________. A.I’m French B. I’m a teacher C. I’m Robert D. I’m Italian 2、----How are you today? ----_____________. A.I’m nine B. I’m Tony C. Fine, thank you D. How do you do 3、----Whose ______ this car? ----This is _______. A.does; Tim’s B. does; Tim C. is; Tim D. is; Tim’s 4、This is your shirt. Here _________. A.you it B. is it C. you are D. are you 5、Come upstairs _____ see it. A.or B. and C. but D. then 6、It’s ____ colour. It’s green, too. A.a same B. same C. a D. the same 7、----What are their jobs? ----They are _______. A.women B. Swedish C. keyboard operators D. Jim and Anna 8、Emma is not a short girl. She’s _________. A.fat B. young C. thin D. tall 9、Our names are Tom and Jack. _______ are Americans. A.They B. Our C. We D. Names 10、----Is your father French? ----_____. A.Yes, she is B. No, I’m not C. Yes, he is D. No, they aren’t
