


Justin Bieber used to be an ordinary Canadian boy, but his life totally changed in 2008. With his great musical talent, this seventeen-year-old boy has become a superstar in the music industry. Justin Drew Bieber was born in 1994 in Stratford, Ontario and was raised by his single mother. Bieber learned to play musical instruments when he was very young. In 2007, he took part in a local singing competition in his hometown, and he did it just for fun. He never took singing lessons before but surprisingly he placed second in the competition. Then, with the help of his mother, he uploaded (上传) videos of him singing on a website and they successfully attracted the attention of thousands of viewers. His videos got popular through word of mouth and some of them have received up to 10,000,000 views.

Justin Bieber would have never gotten a career in the music business without his videos. Scooter Braun, a former marketing executive (主管) of So So Def Recordings, had watched Bi eber’s videos and he was impressed by the boy’s talent. Braun then contacted Bieber and he flew the boy into Atlanta seven months after the first video was posted. Bieber showed his talent in singing as well as his ability in playing musical instruments. He then got a record deal.

In 2009, Justin Bieber released (发行) his first single “One Time” while he was recording the debut album (首张专辑). The single “One Time” tells a story about love. This song had success not only in Canada and the US, but also in the international market. Then he released his debut album “My World 2.0” in 2010 and the song “Baby” became the lead single. This album successfully entered the Top Ten Charts in seven countries. In June 2010, he started his first world tour in Hartford, Connecticut. One month later, he started recording his second album.

1.Justin Bieber’s career in music began to take off when _____.

A. he met with Scooter Braun

B. he released his debut album

C. he won second place in a competition

D. his singing videos were uploaded to a website

2.It can be inferred from the text that Justin Bieber _____.

A. owed his success to good luck

B. showed a gift for music when he was young

C. is the youngest superstar ever in the music industry

D. released his debut album with the help of Scooter Braun

3.What do we learn about Justin Bieber’s “One Time” according to the text?

A. It is about love and was released in 2010.

B. It attracted the world’s attention after released.

C. It successfully entered the Top Ten Charts in seven countries.

D. It is the lead single of his debut album “My World 2.0”.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. Justin Bieber’s journey to success

B. Lucky boy — Justin Bieber

C. What made Justin Bieber a singer?

D. Secrets of Justin Bieber’s success

When the dog named Judy spotted the first sheep in her life, she did what comes naturally. The four-year-old dog set off racing after the sheep across several fields and, being a city animal, lost both her sheep and her sense of direction. Then she ran along the edge of cliff( 悬崖) and fell 100 feet, bouncing off a rock into the sea.

Her owner Mike Holden panicked and called the coastguard of Cornwall, who turned up in seconds . Six volunteers slid down the cliff with the help of a rope but gave up all hope of finding her alive after a 90-minute search.

Three days later, a hurricane hit the coast near Cornwall. Mr. Holden returned home from his holiday upset and convinced his pet was dead. He comforted himself with the thought she had died in the most beautiful part of the country.

For the next two weeks, the Holdens were heartbroken . Then, one day, the phone rang and Steve Tregear, the coastguard of Cornwall, asked Holder if he would like his dog bark.

A birdwatcher, armed with a telescope, found the pet sitting desperately on a rock. While he sounded the alarm, a student from Leeds climbed down the cliff to collect Judy.

The dog had initially been knocked unconscious(失去知觉的)but had survived by drinking water

from a fresh scream at the base of the cliff. She may have fed on the body of a sheep which had also fallen over the edge. “The dog was very thin and hungry,” Steve Tregear said , “It was a very dog. She survived because of a plentiful supply of fresh water,” he added.

It was ,as Mr. Holden admitted, “a min or miracle(奇迹)”.

5.The dog Jody fell down the cliff when she was

A. rescuing her owner

B. caught in a hurricane

C. blocked by a rock

D. running after a sheep

6.Who spotted Judy after the accident?

A. A birdwatcher

B. A student from Leeds

C. Six volunteers

D. The coastguard of Cornwall

7.What can we infer from the text?

A. People like to travel with their pets.

B. Judy was taken to the fields for hunting.

C. Luck plays a vital role in Judy's survival.

D. Holden cared little where Judy was buried.

8.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Miracle of the Coastguard.

B. Surviving a Hurricane.

C. Dangers in the Wild

D. Coming Back from the Dead



Here is some advice on food shopping. Generally speaking, each family spends about one-sixth of its income on food. Because food is expensive, it is important to spend money wisely you shop.

A careful shopper can prepare nourishing (有营养的) and tasty meals inexpensively. Here are some suggestions to help you better.

Buy only the food you need. There are several ways to avoid buying food. First, a shopping list before you go to the store. Then, when you are at the store, your list

carefully. , do not go shopping if you are hungry. When you are hungry, foods look very tasty and you want to buy more than you need. , go shopping alone if you can. If you shop with your young children, they often ask you to buy unnecessary food like sweets.

When you have a , choose the least expensive brand (商标) of a product. There are points to remember when you buy canned tomatoes, for example. First, look at the advertisement in the newspaper to see if your supermarket is a “special” o n canned tomatoes. this, when you are in the store, you should check the for each pound of tomatoes. Sometimes you save money if you buy the larger size can sometimes, however, you do not. Third, remember that a grade A product or a more expensive product is not necessarily more healthful a grade B or less expensive product. Grade A tomatoes may look better, all canned tomatoes have the same nutrients.

Shoppers seem to have special when they buy fresh fruits and vegetables. There are several things to consider when buying fresh foods. Because fresh foods if they are not used, you have to buy the correct amount for the number of people you are serving. Next, to use fresh foods that are in season because fresh foods are less expensive then. Lastly, choose fruits and vegetables that have a bright, fresh . A good colour is often a that the food has a lot of vitamins.

9.A. after B. when C. since D. until

10.A. shop B. prepare C. learn D. spend

11.A. expensive B. cheap C. tasty D. extra

12.A. make B. write C. take D. bring

13.A. observe B. follow C. mind D. notice

14.A. Therefore B. What’s more C. As a result D. On the contrary 15.A. Besides B. Above all C. In a word D. Finally

16.A. collection B. selection C. possibility D. number

17.A. three B. two C. four D. five

18.A. making B. supplying C. carrying D. offering

19.A. Except B. Besides C. Because of D. In spite of 20.A. price B. quantity C. quality D. size

21.A. to B. also C. than D. above

22.A. and B. but C. also D. for

23.A. choices B. interests C. difficulties D. pleasures

24.A. destroy B. go bad C. dry up D. go wrong

25.A. refuse B. offer C. plan D. expect

26.A. especially B. generally C. completely D. fortunately 27.A. look B. root C. colour D. leaf

28.A. sign B. mark C. scene D. luck










Ladies and gentlemen,

May I have your attentions, please? In Saturday, July 27th, there will have a few visits to different places. Everyone is welcomed. All the visitors will be divided into four groups. Each group of visitors can visit one of the place – a factory, a farm, a school or a hospital. Please you sign your name at the Service Desk before 9: 00 a.m. and say what place you wish to visit. We’ll set out after the breakfast at 8 and we will return in the afternoon. We will have lunch at place of visit. We hope you a pleasant journey. That’ s all.

Thank you.


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。When I was young, I read many kinds of books, 30.(include) fairy tales.In those books, heroes described were handsome and heroines were beautiful.So, I believed I had to be beautiful

if I wanted to become a great person.

As I 31.(grow) up, I began to realize outer beauty was not so important to make someone excellent.I remember a friend of 32.(I).She believed that she could do everything she wanted because she was so beautiful, but she lost friends one by one.My poor friend! 33.she learned was that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty.

Whenever I see TV 34.(advertisement), I feel that they make us believe beauty is very important --- 35.(especial) physical attractiveness.Although we say that inner beauty is more valuable, we often look for plastic surgery (整容手术) 36.(make) us more beautiful.There seems to be a boom in plastic surgery.It is surprising to realize 37.number of people who try it is increasing day by day.

We know good-looking guys usually get 38.(high) scores on job interviews than others.So, what is real beauty? I want to say that it 39.(be) inner beauty that makes one look like a really beautiful person.


Some Ways to Deal With Hardship and Pain in Life

Regardless of the difficulties you may face, it’s getting back up and moving forw ard that counts the most when you need to deal with hardship.40.

Write or talk about how you feel

Keeping my feelings to myself used to make me feel lonely, but when I found someone who actually cared about me, it became natural to share how I felt with him and that contributed to my ability to overcome troublesome situations. 41.Although talking to strangers about your issues may seem crazy, it actually isn’t.


It is said that running away from your problems will never help, and though that’s partially true, it doesn’t mean that you need to make yourself go so deeply into a situation that you run out of air to breathe and lose the ability to weigh the pros and cons of your choices. That happens more than we like to admit, which is why it’s important to separate yourself from a situation long enough to think clearly without having people hanging over your shoulders.

Remind yourself that you’re not alone

Regardless of who or what you depend on, you need to remind yourself that you are not alone; you have people who do care. 43.Sometimes it’s strangers who may share the same feelings as you do. Think about it—you may not know any of these readers personally but they could be in the exact same situation as you, so in fact, no one is truly alone.

Accept the results and get back up again

44.Whether the results of your choices proved to be helpful or not, it’s time for you to accept them and get back up. This time you have a new experience to add to your book of life so the next time something tries to knock yo u down, it won’t be easy because you will be strong and determined to push forward. Life will go on, time will never stand still, and it rests upon you to make the right decision of moving forward.

A. Separate yourself from the situation.

B. Tell yourself to accept the hardship.

C. Finally, it’s time to accept what has happened.

D. All in all, remember that life is short.

E. Not only did I speak to him about how I felt, but I decided to blog about it.

F. Here are some things I've tried just to help me believe in a brighter future and get over a tough situation.

G. Even if it’s just one person, that’s enough to give you reason to remind yourself that you will never truly be alone.



注意:1. 字数100左右;

2. 文章中不得出现真实学校与班级;

3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

4. 开头与结尾已为你写好。

Dear Anne,


_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Yours,

Li Hua































【小题2】In 改为On

【小题3】Have 改为be


【小题5】place 改为places

【小题6】Please you改为Please

【小题7】say what place 改为say which place

【小题8】after the breakfast 改为after breakfast

【小题9】at place 改为at one place

【小题10】We hope改为We wish







36.to make










Dear Anne,

I am very sorry that I didn’t attend your birthday party last Sunday. I feel awful about it and want to apologize to you.

It was nice of you to invite me to your party. I should have come and celebrated the precious

moment with you, but the monthly test is around the corner, so I was so busy preparing for the test that I forgot the appointment. I hope you understand my situation and forgive me. Is it possible for you and me to have a private meeting after the test? I do long for a pleasant chat with you.

It is much to my regret that I missed the chance of a happy get-together. Once again, please accept my sincere apology.


Li Hua


东城区某名校英语分班考试试卷 考试时间:60分钟满分100分 一、按要求写单词。(1×10分) 1. she _______ (宾格) 2. country _________ (复数) 3. close ________ (现在分词) 4. three __________ (序数词) 5. China ________ (形容词) 6. I _________ (名词性物主代词) 7. boy _______(复数)8. swim _______ (现在分词) 9. photo _______ (复数)10. mouse ________ (复数) 二、选择填空。(1×10分) ( ) 1. Look! Lucy is ______ a new red dress. She is beautiful today. A. with B. put on C. in D. wear ( ) 2. -- __________? -- My bike is broken. A. What is it B. What is wrong with you C. Where is it D. Whose is this ( ) 3. There are so many people in the shop. You must ________ your things. A. look at B. look after C. put away D. put on ( ) 4. I have two good pen friends. One is an American, ______ is in England. A. the other B. another one C. another D. other ( ) 5. -- _______ are his football clothes? -- Under the bed. A. Where B. Who C. Whose D. What ( ) 6. I can see ______ in Lucy's room. A. other thing B. any other thing C. some thing D. some other things ( ) 7. These are ______. You can buy a pair for your mother. A. woman sock B. women sock C. women socks D. woman socks ( ) 8. -- Thank you very much! -- ________. A. You're right B. All right C. You are welcome D. OK. ( ) 9. -- She must be in red.


学年教学工作计划 一、学情分析 本班共有学生10人,在经过了一个学期的数学学习后,大部分学生已经养成了良好的学习习惯,基本知识、技能方面基本上已经达到学习的目标,对学习数学有着一定的兴趣,乐于参加学习活动中去。特别是一些动手操作、需要合作完成的学习内容都比较感兴趣。有部分学生思维敏捷,好学上进,不足之处是本班学生不善于发现、思考和解决问题,有一小部分学生比较顽皮,对学习不太自觉,依赖心比较重。 二、教学内容 这册教材包括下面一些内容: 第一认数对数7 、8、9 、10 、0 的认识。 第二对图形的认识,其中有长方形、正方形、圆的认识。 第三是对10以内的加法的数得数为2、3、4、5的加法的计算。 这册教材的重点教学内容是:学会对10以内数的认识,10以内的得数为2、3、4、5的加法。在学生掌握了10以内各数的基础上,这册教材把认数的范围扩大到20,使学生初步理解数的概念,学会10以内数的读法和写法,弄清10以内数的大小,会用这些数来表达和交流,形成初步的数感。且10以内的加、减法,分为口算和笔算两部分。而这册教材出现的是只是对数的初步认识,即对数7、8、9、10、0的认识。这些在日常生活中有广泛的应用,又是进一步学习计算的基础,因此,应该让学生很好地掌握。同时,教材结合认识了解计算教学,安排了应用所学计算知识解决问题的内容,让学生了解所学知识的实际应用,学习解决现实生活中相关的计算问题,培养学生用数学解决问题的能力。 三、教学目标: 1.认识数7、8、9、10、0,初步理解这几个数表示的意义,能够熟练地数10以内的数,会读会写10以内的数,掌握10以内数的形象记法,掌握10以内


智障儿童康复训练主要内容 对智障儿童进行功能训练;智能训练:异常行为矫正训练;以提高智障儿童的感受能力和活动能力以及身心协调,并通过增加感知活动和肌肉活动,对大脑刺激频率和大脑本身的分析、综合、调节活动的锻炼,以促进大脑机能的修复和补偿。 功能训练 1.感知训练(视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、时间知觉) 2.口语训练(语言障碍训练、口语训练) 3.大肌肉群活动川练(爬行训练、行走训练、反应速度、力量训练、协调训练、平衡训练) 4.手功能活动训练(粗大运动训练、精细运动训练) 智能训练 1.培养思维能力训练 2.锻炼记忆力训练 3.培养注意力的训练 4.培养兴趣开阔视野 异常行为矫正训练 行为矫正训练就是运用操作反射原理对智障儿童的异常行为进行技术矫正,训练和发展自我服务,社会适应能力,为培养智障儿童成为自食其力的人奠定基础。 1.正强化2.消退3.塑造4.条件强化5.惩罚 智能障碍的定义 智能障德指现有的能力水准有实际上的限制,其特征为: 显著低于平均的智力水准(IQ70以下)。 同时有下列各项适应技能中两种以上的相关限制: ●沟通●居家生活●自我照顾●社交技巧●使用社区●自我引导●健康安全●功能性学科能力●休闲娱乐●工作●智能障碍发生于十八岁以前 早期干预与系统康复训练 一、什么叫时期干预 "早期"从年龄来讲,是指从出生0岁到上学6-7这段时间,也就是人生最初阶段。"干预"包括医疗与保健,教育与训练,社会心理咨询。其中为儿童提供康复训练为主。 二、早期干预的效果 儿童在生长发育的早期,就是0-7岁即人生的初几年,是大脑、智力、社会适应能力发展最迅速的时期,也是学东西最容易,最快的时期。这个时期儿童的可塑性很大,不失时机地从医学,心理学,社会学等角度对儿童进行干预,可以促进儿童运动能力,感知能力、认知能力,语言交往能力,社会生活能力,生活自理能力,以及个性的形成和发展。 受过早期干预的智障儿童可以进入普通小学或培智学校。 三、障碍系统康复训练 1.系统康复训练的领域 我们把康复训练的内容分解为可以观察测评的六个部分,每个部分称为一个领域,形成系统康复训练的内容。他们分别是:运动、感知、认知、语言互往,生活自理和社会适应等六个领域。 2.个别训练计划 由于智障儿童存在着显著的个别差异,每一个智障儿童在上述六个领域发展情况


河北定州中学2016-2017学年第一学期高一承智班化学周练试题(11)一、选择题 1.现有易溶强电解质的混合溶液10L,其中可能含有K+、Ba2+、Na+、NH4+、Cl-、SO42-、AlO2-、OH-中的几种,向其中通入CO2气体,产生沉淀的量与通入CO2的量之间的关系如下明所示,下列说法正确的是 A.该溶液中能确定存在的离子是Ba2+、AlO2-、NH4+ B.肯定不存在的离子是SO42-、OH- C.若不能确定的离子中至少还存在着一种阳离子,则该离子的最小浓度为0.2 mol/L D.OA段反应的离子方程式:2 AlO2-+ CO2+3H2O=2Al(OH)3↓+CO32- 2.下列关于铁的叙述正确的是( ) ①铁能被磁铁吸引,但纯铁易被腐蚀②在人体内的血红蛋白中含有铁元素③铁位于元素周期表中第四周期第ⅧB族④铁能在氧气中剧烈燃烧,但不能在水蒸气中燃烧⑤铁与强氧化剂硝酸反应的产物仅是Fe(NO3)3⑥不能通过化合反应制得FeCl2和Fe(OH)3 A.①③ B.②④ C.②⑤ D.④⑥ 3.下列叙述中正确的是( ) A.向含有CaCO3沉淀的水中通入CO2至沉淀恰好溶解,再向溶液中加入NaHCO3饱和溶液,又有CaCO3沉淀生成 B.向Na2CO3溶液中逐滴加入等物质的量的稀盐酸,生成CO2与Na2CO3的物质的量之比为1 :2 C.等质量的NaHCO3和Na2CO3分别与足量盐酸反应,在同温同压下,生成的CO2体积相同 D.向Na2CO3饱和溶液中通入CO2,有NaHCO3结晶析出 4.设N A表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法错误的是 A.1 L 0.1 mol/L的NaHCO3溶液中,HCO3-、CO32-离子数之和为0.1N A B.44 g CO2、N2O组成的混合气体中所含有的原子数为3 N A C.36g3H2中含有的中子数目为24 N A D.2.24 L(标准状况)O2与钠反应时,转移电子数目可能为0.3 N A


小升初分班考试英语试题汇编 一、选出下列单词中划线部分读音不同的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内(1×5分) ( )1. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse ( )2. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths ( )3. A. any B. catch C. black D. stamp ( )4. A. book B. good C. food D. classroom ( )5. A. pens B. teachers C. apples D. cats 二、根据所给中文、英文释义及首字母提示完成句子(1×5分) 6. How many ____________ (猴子) does the zoo have 7. He listens to the teacher as ___________(仔细) as hi s cousin. 8. The old man lived in a __________(not quiet) street, so he couldn’t sleep well ever y day. 9. W___________ (the fourth day in a week) is my busies t day. 10. My ideal school starts at 9:00 . and f_________ at

3:00 .. 三. 根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式。(1×5分) 11、Look! One of the children __________(swim)in the la ke. 12、Lily is much __________(health) than her sister. 13、They _________(fly) to the UK, didn’t they 14、Is _________(eat) too much good or bad for your bod y 15、Mr. Lee _______________ (give) us a talk on the his tory of China tomorrow, isn’t he 四. 选择最佳答案。(1×10分) ( ) Could you help me , please --- _____________________. A. Yes , please . B. Yes , I could. C. Yes, I can. D. Y ou’re welcome . ( ) is _____________sheep on the hill . A. little B. a few C. a little D. few


培智班康复课教案《手指谣》 教材分析: 这是一节培智康复课,本课主要分为两块:学习基本手型和手指操。通过把手指动作运用到儿歌当中,成为一个完整的内容,使学生的小肌肉群得到了锻炼。 教学目标: 知识目标: 1、通过学习基本的手指指型,能跟随老师正确做动作。 2、能正确的朗读儿歌,并能完成手指操的动作。 能力目标:培养学生手指灵活性及模仿能力。 情感目标:锻炼学生的首脑协调能力,培养学生的学习兴趣,教育学生要多运动、多锻炼。 个训目标: 1、能在老师的指导下正确做出动作。 2、能认真上课,不打扰他人上课。 教学重点: 手指指型、手指操的动作。 教学难点:手指操的完整及连贯性。 教学方法:直观法、演示法、练习法、讲解法。 教学过程: 一、组织教学 二、复习 手指指型 三、新授: 导入:(伸出两只手)这是什么? 我们每个人都有两只手,他们能做很多事,今天老师和同学们一起让自己的两只手动起来。

1、出示课件图片,让学生仔细观察: 分指合指切指拳头扇指钩指弯指 提问:我们学习过了分指、合指,今天我们继续来学习几种手指指型。 教师分别示范切指、拳头、切指、扇指、钩指、弯指的指型动作,并讲解要领,让学生模仿动作。 在熟练之后教师喊口令做手指指型动作组合,教师指导。 2、学习儿歌并做手指操?——《五个好兄弟》 五个好兄弟 两个大拇指(两手成拳相对,拳心面向身体,拇指伸直), 比比一样高(拳心相对,拇指并在一起), 相互点点头(两手拳相对,拳心向身体,拇指向前弯屈), 接着弯弯腰(拳心相对,拇指向前弯屈) 两个小拇指(两手小指伸直) 一样都灵巧(两手小指弯屈运动) 相互拉拉勾变成好朋友(两手小指反复互勾) 食指、中指、无名指(依次弹动食指、中指、无名指) 样样事情离不了(两手食指中指无名指弯屈运动) 五个兄弟在一起(分指、合指) 团结起来力无比(拳头) 教师带领学生熟读儿歌之后,教师完示范动作讲解要点,分节教授并指导。 四、巩固练习: 游戏《手指操》。 五、小结: 教育学生上课时要认真听讲,积极发言。对本节课表现好的同学给予表扬,其他同学鼓励。


英语能力测试 客观题部分(共55分) 一、单项选择:请从每小题的 A ,B 或 C 三个选项中,选择一个最佳选项,并把选项代码 A , B 或 C 填到答题纸上。(每题 1 分,共 10 分) 1.I gave John a nice toy on ________ birthday. A. he B. his C. him 2.She goes to visit her grandparents ______ Sundays. A. in B. on C. at 3.Tom is ______ boy in the family. A. tall B. taller C. the tallest 4. There ________ a lot of milk in the bottle. A .is B. are C. am 5.----- ________ does your father work ?----- He works in a big company. A. How B. Who C. Where 6.They got up early, ________ they missed the school bus. A. but B. and C. so 7.----- ________ butter do you need ? -----Only a little. A. How many B. How much C. What 8.----- Where are your parents ? -----They ________ in the supermarket. A. shop B. go shopping C. are shopping 9. He is taking the book ________ his schoolbag. A. out B. out of C. in 10. Mother often helps me ________ my Chinese. A. to B. for C. with 二、完形填空:请阅读下面两篇短文,并根据短文内容从每小题的 A ,B 或 C 三个选项中,选择一个最佳答案。把选项代码 A ,B 或 C 填到答题纸上。(每题 1 分,共 15 分) (A) Venice is a great city in Italy. It is a “Water City”. You can ’tsee ___11___ cars or taxis there. When you ___12___ to a far place, you can take a boat. There are many rivers around the city and there are many ___13___ of boats. The best way to visit Venice is walking. ___14___ you are tired, you can buy some ___15___. The ice cream in Venice is good to eat. Venice is a good place for ___16___ to have fun. You can let your kids ___17__ food to pigeons on San Marco Square. They are all beautiful. Or you can also take a water-bus to some nice places. Guggenheim Museum is near San Marco. It is a good place for kids to go, too. There kids can learn ___18___. Don’twait ! Go to Venice to have a good time soon. 11.A . lot of B. some C. any 12.A. go B. want C. come 13.A. kinds B. colors C. lots 14.A. And B. But C. When 15.A. Food B. fruits C. ice cream 1


培智一(2)实用数学教学计划 一、生源及学情分析 本学期本班共有学生10名,男生5名,女生5名。多为中度和重度智力障碍,其中有近半学生几乎没有语言,不能正常进行交流沟通。 二、指导思想 为适应中度智力残疾学生教育、教学的需要,实用数学课程编写组以国家教委制定的《中度智力残疾学生教育纲要》为依据,编写了以生活板块内容为主线的中度弱智单元主题丛书。根据中度弱智教育大纲由浅入深,从低向高,最大限度地补偿弱智学生的缺陷,挖掘学生的潜能,帮助学生生存于社会,适应社会生活,成为一名半自立于社会或自立于社会的人。 三、教材编排 本册教材以大量丰富的生活素材为主,配以大量图片,让学生了解身边熟悉的事物,结合学生的生活实际,建立数前概念,创设各种语言环境,培养学生的口头表达能力,逐步发展学生的智力。 四、教学目标 1、建立“有、没有”、“大、小”“多、少”、“同样多”、“上、下”、“里、外”等数前概念,学会认识“1、 2、3”三个数字。 2、根据智力障碍儿童认识事物的规律,选择适当有效的教学措施,指导学生了解、理解、会说、记忆数前概念和认识数字“1、2、3”。 3、听懂日常用语,逐步听懂教师的提问和同学的回答,学会使用简单的礼貌用语,能与同学和教师进行简单的交流沟通。 4、能描摹、抄写学过的笔画和数字。 5、从学生的实际出发,对学生进行爱的教育,培养学生良好生活和学习习惯。 五、教学重点 1、规范学生的课堂行为,逐步能在课堂上安静的坚持比较长的时间,不影响教学秩序。 2、掌握正确的读写姿势。

3、学习运用学过的数前概念或数字表述生活中的简单数学问题。 六、教学难点 1、多读多说,学习说简单的句子。 2、学习正确书写数字。 3、培养学生听说能力和良好的听说习惯。 七、具体措施 1、培养学生学习兴趣,鼓励学生多说话。 2、提高学生认读能力,学习使用学过的数前概念。 3、增强学生记忆,能正确书写数字1、2、3。 八、教学安排 9月学习数前概念“有”、“没有”、“大、小”和综合练习(一)。 10月学习数前概念“多少”、“同样多”和综合练习(二)。 11月学习数前概念“上下”、“里外”和综合练习(三) 12月学习认数“1、2、3”和综合练习(四) 13年元月总复习 培智一年级一班下学期数学教学计划 培智一年级一班下学期数学教学计划 一、学生情况分析: 培智一(1)年级目前有学生13人,学生智力障碍程度不一,基本上可以分为三类。A类学生语言较丰富,能力较强,能够达到大纲要求的教学目标;B类学生能力一般,基本能够达到教学目标;C类学生几乎什么都不会,能够遵守课


河北定州中学2016-2017学年第一学期高一地理承智班周练试题(五)一、选择题 下表为我国某城市的学生连续三天实测当地日出、日落时刻(北京时间)和正午标杆影长记录表。读表,回答下列问题。 1.此时段 A.太阳直射点位于南半球且向北移 B.南极圈内极昼的范围逐渐扩大 C.地球在公转轨道上接近远日点 D.射入屋内的阳光面积达全年最小 2.关于此时段所属季节,下列叙述正确的是 A.非洲热带草原草木枯黄 B.俄罗斯北部有候鸟迁入 C.我国西南山区易发生泥石流 D.吉林松花江适宜观赏雾凇 读下图,回答下列问题。江苏某中学地理兴趣小组对其宿舍楼前十颗广玉兰树进行了观察和记录。读广玉兰分布位置和太阳视运动轨迹图,回答下列问题。

3.下列对宿舍楼前后广玉兰开花时间的描述,正确的是 A.南侧开花时间总体晚于北侧 B.南侧五棵开花时间差距较北侧五棵差距更明显 C.宿舍楼北侧光热条件优于南侧 D.北侧五棵开花由早到晚的顺序为a、b、c、d、e 4.图示实线表示太阳视运动轨迹的时间段最有可能是 A.春分日到秋分日 B.夏至日到冬至日 C.秋分日到春分日 D.冬至日到夏至日 2011年2-3月,利比亚动乱,中国撤离在利比亚华侨华人共35860人,我国组织华侨通过海陆空从利比亚全面撤离。其中有从的黎波里直飞上海的空中撤离和通过北印度洋的海上撤离线路;下图为北部非洲局部地区简图。据此并结合所学知识,回答下列问题。 5.从的黎波里飞往上海的最近线路的飞行方向是 A.先向北后向南 B.先向东北后向东南 C.先向东后向北 D.先向西北后向西南 6.海路撤离的华侨经过印度洋时,船上的五星红旗飘扬方向为 A.西南 B.东北 C.西北 D.东南 7.关于图示区域的地理环境说法正确的组合是 ①利比亚首都的黎波里为地中海气候 ②居民主要为白种人,以阿拉伯民族为主 ③人口主要分布在中部地区 ④图示大部分地区气候干旱,原因是深居内陆 ⑤农业生产以畜牧业和灌溉农业为主


北京四中新初一分班考试 英语试题(时间为50分钟,试卷满分为100分) 第考场____号原学校性别____姓名___ 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共20分) 1. It’s time ______________ (have) classes. 2. I want __________ (put) the vegetables in the basket. 3. Let’s _________(help) him _______(find) his watch. 4. ________ (be) everyone here today? 5. The woman with a dog __________ (be) in a red sweater. 6. The _________ (policeman) are running after a thief. 7. The door is _________ (lock). Nobody can get in. 8. There are some __________ (pear) trees on the farm. 9. Yao Ming is a good basketball __________(play). 10. This is ______________ (Tom and Jerry) room. 11. He is a friend of __________ (Liu Ming). 12. Kate’s aunt has three ________ (child). 13. Let _______ (we) have a rest. Is that OK? 14. Is the new bike his or ________(you)? 15. There are three ____________(woman) coaches in the field. 16. He stands there for one and a half ________(hour). 17. ________ (who) son is the little boy? 18. I have two __________ (watch). 19. The _________ (twin) father is Mr. Gao. 20. Mr. Gao likes _________ (they) very much. 二、语言知识(每小题1分,共15分) 21. – Would you like to go hiking with us? – Yes, ________. A. I would like B. I’d love to C. I’d like D. I like 22. – Mary watched TV last night. – _______. A. So he did B. So did he C. Did he so D. He did so 23. – Do you want another pie? – ______. I’m full. A. No, please B. No, thanks C. Yes, please D. I like it 24. – Would you like ____ sugar _____ your coffee? – Yes, please. A. to have, in B. have, on C. to have, with D. having, with 25. – How long did it take you to ride here? – It took ____ an hour and a half. A. me B. mine C. my D. I


2014-2015学年第二学期 培智一年级数学教学计划 一、指导思想 根据教育部2007年初颁布的《培智学校义务教育课程设置实验方案》,以全国培智学校课程改革的新理念为指导,以培智学生生活中最需要什么就选择什么内容、培智学生能学会什么就选择什么内容为编写原则制定本教材。 二、学情分析 培一年级学生年龄较小,知识水平较差。其中张佳敏、杨继桃程度好,学习知识的速度快。李明明智力水平也较好,但程度较差,尤其在传授知识的同时要注重对语言能力的培养。常双龙和常小龙基本上不能进行知识的学习,重点在于课堂习惯的养成。 三、教材分析 教材内容突出生活化,提倡以需定教,因材施教,在教学内容和教学要求上都有可选择性,以方便个别化计划的制定和实施。教材特点有3:第一,三个合一。教本与学本合一、评估与教材合一、家长指导手册与教材合一。第二,内容开放。设置校本内容空间,方便选择添加,体现个别化理念。第三,多种课程形式融合。生活性、适应性、功能性、环境生态性有机统一。 四、教学总目标 知识目标:

1、匹配生活中常见的物品和物品数量对应; 2、学习数字0及6~10,为学生感悟数字在生活中的用途打下基础; 3、认识椭圆形、梯形、扇形、星形,为掌握生活中物品的形状打下基础。 情感目标: 1、培养学生学习数学的浓厚兴趣; 2、培养学生运用数学解决实际问题的能力。 五、达成目标的方法与措施 根据学生的特点及接受能力,通过说一说、指一指、运笔、画圈、连一连、圈一圈、画点、画一画、涂一涂、贴一贴十种学法,引导学生动脑、动口、动手,把抽象的数学知识变成直观、生动、有趣的物像,结合多媒体和各种教具,适时运用情境教学法,激发学生学习兴趣,使学生走进快乐的数学世界。 六、教学进度安排: 为了实现教学目标,现将本学期的教学进度安排如下:


培智部康复计划 2014-2015学年第一学期 一、培智部现状分析 上学期培智部的康复分为两大块:(1)语言康复(2)运动康复 1、单纯的语言康复,难以激发培智生的积极性,学生参与性不高。同时,培智班学生 人数基数大,学生差异性大,语言表达能力更是参差不齐。集体上课针对性不强, 一对一,一对二,一对三教学难以实现。教师要维持好状况百出的课堂,又要完成 康复目标,一节课的难度很大。 2、培智生大部分都集中在8-15岁年龄段,早已形成了自己的发音习惯,发音习惯一 旦形成,很难再发生改变。又加上智力与生理上的缺陷,稍有难度的发音练习,生 不易掌握。 3、上学期运动康复集中在感统训练室完成,感统训练室内配备了大跳床,羊角球,按 摩球,平衡步道,平衡凳,手接球,皮球等,只是室内活动空间有限,不能很好地 进行运动康复。 二、本学期,针对以上经验做如下调整: 培智部康复仍分两大块:(1)生活自理中进行语言康复(2)室内与室外运动康复 1、生活自理中的语言康复: 由于单调的语言康复训练,难以激发学生的兴趣,生活自理能力又是培智生的重要 学习内容,两者结合,能避免单纯语言训练的单调,效果必将更好。还可以结合《生 活》第一册教材作参考。 2、室内与室外运动康复: 室内主要针对不爱运动、活动量少的培智生;室外进行活动量相对大的活动及游戏。 授课教师可根据学生的实际情况,进行室内室外学生的调整。 三、教师安排 生活自理中的语言康复 室内、室外运动康复 四、学生分组: 语言训练低年级组: 乔熙晨胡立壮曹逛赵康康吴天阔闻琳丽张宇喆李路深刘若瑜 语言训练中年级组: 杨傲马传芹王梦琦张雨临张悦马克晨徐可晴宋长义宋长春单天送 室内运动康复组: 马传芹张悦乔熙晨胡立壮曹逛赵康康吴天阔闻琳丽张宇喆李路深刘若瑜室外运动康复组: 杨傲马传芹王梦琦张雨临张悦马克晨徐可晴宋长义宋长春单天送


2021-2022年高一物理上学期第一次月考试题承智班 一、选择题 1.一辆警车在平直的公路上以40 m/s的速度巡逻,突然接到报警,在前方不远处有歹徒抢劫,该警车要尽快赶到出事地点且到达出事地点时的速度也为40m/s,有三种行进方式:a为一直匀速直线运动;b为先减速再加速;c为先加速再减速,则( ) A. a种方式先到达 B. b种方式先到达 C. c种方式先到达 D. 条件不足,无法确定 2.三个质点A、B、C的运动轨迹如图所示,同时从N点出发,同时到达M点,下列说法中正确的是() A.三个质点任意时刻的速度方向都相同 B.三个质点从N点出发到M的任意时刻速度大小都相同 C.三个质点从N点到M点的平均速度大小和方向均相同 D.三个质点从N点到M点的平均速率相同 3.如图所示的位移-时间和速度-时间图象中,给出的四条曲线1、2、3、4代表四个不同物

体的运动情况,下列描述正确的是:() A. 图线1表示物体做曲线运动 B. S-t图象中t1时刻V1>V2 C. V-t图象中0-t3时间内3和4的平均速度大小相等 D. 两图象中t2、t4时刻分别表示物体开始反向运动 4.质点做直线运动的位移x和时间平方t2的关系图象如图所示,则该质点() A.加速度大小为1 m/s2 B.任意相邻1 s内的位移差都为2 m C.2 s末的速度是4m/s D.物体第3 s内的平均速度大小为3 m/s 5.一物体由静止开始沿直线运动,其加速度随时间变化规律如图所示,取开始运动方向为正方向,则下列物体运动的v-t图像中,正确的是

6.两物体A、B从同一位置出发,如图所示为两物体作直线运动时的图象,但纵坐标表示的物理量未标出,则以下判断不正确的是() A.若纵坐标表示位移,则A质点以2m/s的速度匀速运动 B.若纵坐标表示位移,B质点先沿正方向做直线运动,后沿负方向做直线运动 C.若纵坐标表示速度,则B物体加速度先减小再增加 D.若纵坐标表示速度,则在t=4s时刻,两物体相遇 7.如图是物体在某段运动过程中的v-t图象,在t1和t2时刻的瞬时速度分别为和,则时间由到的过程中() A. 加速度增大 B. 加速度不断减小 C. 平均速度v= D. 平均速度v> 8.如图所示是A、B两质点从同一地点运动的x-t图像,则


分班考试英语试题 分班考试英语试题 一、选出下列单词中划线部分读音不同的选项,将其序 号填入题前括号内(5分)(-4分) ( A )1. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse ( C )2. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths ( A )3. A. any B. catch C. black D. stamp ( C )4. A. book B. good C. food D. classroom ( D )5. A. pens B. teachers C. apples D. cats 二、 根据所给中文、英文释义及首字母提示完成句子(1×5分) 6. How many _____monkeys_______ (猴子) does the zoo have ? 7. He listens to the teacher as ____carefully_______(仔细) as his cousin. 8. The old man lived in a __noisy________(not quiet) street, so he couldn’t sleep well every day.9. W____ednesday_______ (the fourth day in a week) is my busiest day. 10. My ideal school starts at 9:00 a.m. and f_inishes________ at 3:00 p.m.. 三. 根据句意写 出所给单词的`正确形式。(1×5分) 11、Look! One of the children _is swimming________(swim)in the lake.


培智一年级上学期数学教学计划 一、学生情况分析: A 培智一( 1)年级目前有学生8 人,学生智力障碍程度不一,基本上可以分为三类。 类学生语言较丰富,能力较强,能够达到大纲要求的教学目标; B 类学生能力一般,基本能 够达到教学目标; C 类学生几乎什么都不会,能够遵守课堂秩序,跟着学和说就已经很不错 了。根据学生的实际情况,本学期重点是激发学生学习数学的兴趣,提高学生的生活自理能力,力争让课堂活跃起来,让学生都能够动口说,动手写,动脑想。 二、指导思想: 1、通过学习实用数学,了解与生活相关的简单的数学知识、基本计算技能,初步学会基 本的数学思维方法,激发学生学习数学的兴趣,从而达到本学期的教学目标。 2、提高学生的生活自理能力,力争在实际生活中学习数学,感悟数学。 三、教学目标: 1、绝大多数学生能遵守课堂常规,做好课前准备,部分学生能够跟着样子学。 2、能够初步了解体验数学的趣味性,力争大多数学生能动口说,动手写,动脑想,逐渐 培养学生学习数学的兴趣。 3、力争部分学生建立长与短、高与矮、快与慢、轻和重等基本数学概念,建立数1,2,3 的概念。能力差的学生,能够在老师帮助下跟着学。 4、发展学生的语言能力,尽量使每个学生都能开口说,动脑想,就是不会说、不会想的 学生也要跟着一起玩,一起动起来。 5、在教学中培养学生的社会认知能力和沟通能力,使学生能够与他人进行简单的语言 交流,能够表达自己的意愿。 四、教学重点:认识数1、 2、 3 各数;培养学生语言能力。 五、教学难点:数的概念以及数准 3 以内各数。 六、教学进度: 9 月份和 10 月份:有,没有,大小,多少数前概念。 11 月份和 12 月份:认数1-3 以内各数。 1月份:期末总复习


2021-2022年高一物理上学期开学考试试题承智班 一、选择题 1.如图,物体沿曲线轨迹的箭头方向运动,AB、ABC、ABCD、ABCDE四段曲线轨迹运动所用的时间分别是1s、2s、3s、4s.下列说法不正确的是() A.物体在AB段的平均速度大小为1 m/s B.物体在ABC段的平均速度大小为 m/s C.物体在B点的速度等于AC段的平均速度 D.AB段的平均速度比ABC段的平均速度更能反映物体处于A点时的瞬时速度2.下列所研究的物体,可看做质点的是() A. 天文学家研究地球的自转 B. 用GPS确定远洋海轮在大海中的位置 C. 教练员对百米运动员的起跑动作进行指导 D. 在伦敦奥运会比赛中,乒乓球冠军张继科准备接对手发出的旋转球 3.下列物体运动的情况中,可能存在的是() A.某时刻物体具有加速度,而速度为零 B.物体的速度始终为零加速度也始终为零 C.物体速度不变但加速度在变 D.物体的速度在增大,加速度在减小4.关于速度与加速度的关系,下列说法中正确的是 A. 物体的速度改变越快,其加速度也越大 B. 物体的速度越大,其加速度也越大 C. 物体的速度改变量越大,其加速度也越大 D. 物体的速度为零,其加速度一定为零5.下列图象表示物体做匀速直线运动的是()

A. B. C. D. 6.关于质点,以下说法正确的是 A.质点就是很小的物体,如液滴、花粉颗粒、尘埃等 B.体积很大的物体一定不能看作质点 C.一山路转弯处较狭窄,司机下车实地勘察,判断汽车是否能安全通过。此时在司机看来,汽车是一个质点 D.描绘航空母舰在海洋中的运动轨迹时,航空母舰可看作质点 7.下列各组物理量中都是矢量的是() A. 力速度路程 B. 长度质量时间 C.长度速度变化量加速度 D. 位移力加速度 8.质点是理想化模型。下列实例中,能把研究对象视为质点的是 A.研究地球绕太阳的运动规律 B.研究地球的昼夜交替规律 C.研究火车从福州到上海运行所需的时间 D.研究一列火车通过南京长江大桥所需的时间 9.如图所示,t=0时,质量为0.5kg物体从光滑斜面上的A点由静止开始下滑,经过B点后进入水平面(设经过B点前后速度大小不变),最后停在C点.测得每隔2s的三个时刻物体的瞬时速度记录在下表中,由此可知(重力加速度g=10m/s2)() t/s 0 2 4 6 v/(m?s﹣1)0 8 12 8 A.物体运动过程中的最大速度为12m/s B.t=3s的时刻物体恰好经过B点 C.t=10s的时刻物体恰好停在C点 D.A、B间的距离大于B、C间的距离 10.在研究下述运动时,能把物体看做质点的是 A.研究地球的自转时


北大附英语分班考试试卷姓名:分数: 一、用所给词的适当形式填空(共5分,每小题1分) 1.Today is her _____ (nine) birthday. 2. When spring _____ (come), the animals that sleep in winter start waking up. 3. Doctors often tell us _____ (drink) more water every day. 4. He made me ____ (draw) a picture for you. 5. Our school (hold) a sports meeting next week, isn’t it? 二、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分) 1. --- does Julia go to work every day? ---She walks to the bus stop, then takes the bus. A. How far B .How long C. How often D. How 2. I live at school. So I often go home Friday afternoon. A. in B. at C. on D. / 3. ---Can you go to the mall with me this Sunday? --- Sure, . A. I’d love to B. I’m sorry , I can’t C. OK D. Oh, no 4. My mother often ______ after supper with my sister . A. is taking a walk B. take walk C. takes walks D. takes a walk 5. ---How often does Tom play football? ---____. He doesn't like football. A.often B.always C.Hardly ever D.Every day 6. I finished ______ my homework and then I had a rest . A do B doing C does D did 7.. ---_______________? ---It's September 10th. A.What time is it? B.What's the weather like? C.What day is it today? D.What is the date today? 8. _____ takes us ten minutes _____ to school every day. A That , to walk B It , walking C This , walking D It , to walk 9.There ____ a sports meeting last week.



智障儿童康复训练原则 康复训练原则是根据康复目的和训练过程的客观规律制定的,是在康复训练中必须遵循的基本要求和指导原理。 康复训练原理应贯穿于各项训练之中,它对制定康复目标,设计康复训练方案,康复训练措施和使用的训练器械,确定训练方法以及所采用的训练组织形式都具有指导作用。 训练是康复的基本途径。在一切训练活动中都应坚持五个原则: 一、坚持全面发展,补偿缺陷的原则 以智障儿童得到康复,回归社会主流,成为自食其力的人为目的,要求我们不仅在大脑缺陷方面进行补偿训练:还要在身心、智能方面进行开发训练;也要在品格、修养方面进行养成训练:更要在生活自理,职前教育方面进行培训练。使其获得全面发展。 二、坚持系统性,渐进性原则 通过训练,提高智障儿童的感受能力,身心协调动作的能力,增加对大脑刺激的频率和大脑本身的分析、综合调节锻炼活动的,以促进大脑机能的补偿。因此对智障儿童训练,必须坚持系统性、渐进性原则,才能达到补偿的作用。 三、持因人实施原则 康复训练的实质是大脑缺陷补偿活动。每位智障儿童大脑损伤的部位及各种主客观条件不同,因此对不同的智障儿童还必须有针对性,量力性训练,坚持因人施训的原则。 四、坚持强化性原则

康复训练可以改善智障儿童的高级神经活动过程。大脑皮层有兴奋消退快、保护性抑制、定向反射弱的特点。因此要坚持强化性原则,以扩大兴奋点,建立新的神经通路。 五、注意游戏性、趣味性的原则 训练在游戏中,激发智障儿童积极性,主动性。使受训儿童参与其中,乐在其中。 智障儿童康复训练主要内容 对智障儿童进行功能训练;智能训练:异常行为矫正训练;以提高智障儿童的感受能力和活动能力以及身心协调,并通过增加感知活动和肌肉活动,对大脑刺激频率和大脑本身的分析、综合、调节活动的锻炼,以促进大脑机能的修复和补偿。 功能训练 1.感知训练(视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、时间知觉) 2.口语训练(语言障碍训练、口语训练) 3.大肌肉群活动川练(爬行训练、行走训练、反应速度、力量训练、协调训练、平衡训练) 4.手功能活动训练(粗大运动训练、精细运动训练) 智能训练 1.培养思维能力训练 2.锻炼记忆力训练 3.培养注意力的训练
