



亚洲Asia 欧洲Europe 非洲Africa 南极洲Antarctica

大洋洲Oceania 北美洲North America 南美洲South America


东亚(East Asia): 5个


朝鲜(Democratic People’s Republic of Korea : North Korea)

韩国(Republic of Korea: South Korea)

东南亚(Southeast Asia):11个



东帝汶(East Timor)

南亚(South Asia):7个

尼泊尔(Nepal)不丹(Bhutan)孟加拉国(Bangladesh)印度(India)巴基斯坦(Pakistan)斯里兰卡(Sri Lanka)马尔代夫(Maldives)

中亚(Central Asia): 5个



西亚(West Asia):20个


约旦(Jordan)黎巴嫩(Lebanon)以色列(Israel)沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)巴勒斯坦(Palestine)巴林(Bahrain)卡塔尔(Qatar)科威特(Kuwait)

阿拉伯联合酋长国(Arabia and the United Arab Emirates: UAE)阿曼(Oman)也门(Yemen)格鲁吉亚(Georgia)亚美尼亚(Armenia)



最全世界各国汽车品牌英文名称列表 A Acadiane 阿卡迪恩法国雪铁龙 Acclaim 欢呼 Accent 雅坤 Accord 雅阁日本本田 Accord Aerodeck 雅阁*艾罗迪克日本本田 Accord Inspire 雅阁?鼓舞日本本田 Acron 阿克朗比利时范胡尔 Acty 阿克泰日本本田 Acty Street 阿克泰?街道日本本田 Acura Integra 阿库拉?英蒂格拉 Acura Legend 阿库拉?传奇 Aero King 空中之王日本三菱 Aeromax 空中之王日本三菱 Aerostar 航空之星日本三菱 Alcyone 阿尔雄 Alfa 阿尔法意大利阿尔法.罗密欧 Alfa Romeo 阿尔法?罗密欧意大利阿尔法.罗密欧 Alfasud 阿尔法苏意大利阿尔法.罗密欧 Alfetta 阿尔菲塔意大利阿尔法.罗密欧 Alizee 阿利齐 Allante 艾伦特 Allas 阿特拉斯 Alliance 联盟美国通用 Alpina 阿尔宾那德国宝马 Alpine 阿尔宾法国雷诺 Alto 阿尔托日本铃木 AMX 阿曼士美国汽车公司 Applause 赞许(喝采) Argerta 阿金塔意大利菲亚特 Aries 阿力士美国克莱斯勒 Aristo 阿历斯托 Aro 阿罗罗马尼亚穆西尔机械厂 Ascona 阿斯科纳德国欧宝 Ascot 阿斯科特 Aska 阿斯卡日本五十铃 Aspen 白杨美国克莱斯勒 Astina 阿斯丁娜 Aston Martin 阿斯顿?马丁英国阿斯顿.马丁.拉格达 Astra 阿斯特拉英国伏克斯豪尔

Astramax 大阿斯特拉 Astravan 阿斯特温 Astro 阿斯特罗 Astron 阿斯特朗比利时范胡尔 Atlas 阿特拉斯日本日产 Atrai 阿特莱日本大发 Atrai 阿特雷日本大发 Audi 奥迪德国奥迪拉苏 Aurora 曙光(奥罗拉) 加拿大奥罗拉 Austin 奥斯汀英国利兰 Austin Healey 奥斯汀?希雷英国利兰Autobianchi 奥托比安西意大利奥托比安西Autosan 奥托桑波兰萨诺克 Avalon 亚洲龙 Autozam 奥托兰姆 Avallone 阿瓦龙巴西阿瓦龙 Avenir 阿凡尼尔 Avia 阿维亚捷克阿维亚 B Ballade 叙事曲日本本田 Barkas 巴尔卡斯东德依发 Baretta 贝雷塔 Bedford 贝德福特英国伏克斯豪尔 Beetle 甲虫 Belmont 贝尔蒙特英国沃尔斯蒙 Bently 本特里英国本特利 Bently Mulsanne 本特里?马尔森英国劳斯莱斯Beretta 贝雷塔美国通用 Berliet 贝利埃法国雷诺 Besta 别墅塔 Bighorn 大角羊 Bitter 彼特尔德国比特尔 Blazer 传播者美国通用 Blizzard 暴风雪日本本田 Bluebird 蓝鸟日本日产 B M W 宝马德国宝马 Bobcat 山猫美国福特 Bongo 紫羚羊日本松田 Bongo 本格台湾福特六和 Bongo Brawny 本格?布罗尼 Bonneville 博纳维尔美国通用 Bova 博瓦


德伯家的苔丝英文简介 As is known to all, Tess of the D'Urbervilles is the most famous novel of Thomas Hardy. Focusing on the tragic experience of its heroine Tess, the plot of story begins. Tess comes from a farmer’s family, the Durbeyfields. She has lived a poor bu t peaceful life. However, God, “The President of the Immoral” begins to play a cruel joke on this innocent girl. One day her father, John Durbeyfied learns that they are descended from the D’Urbervilles, an ancient family once renowned in England. Tess’s p arents are in an ecstasy of delight over the news. Her mother urges Tess to claim kinship with the remaining D’Urbervilles, so that Tess could marry a gentleman. Unwillingly, the girl comes in contact with the Stoke, D’Urbervilles. There she meets Alec D’U rbervilles, who shows off the estate and always seduces her. Having received a job of tending to chickens, Tess stays in the D’Urbervilles. Her tragic life has just begun. Before long the rich and guileful Alec manages to seduce the girl and make her pregnant. Being humiliated and resolute, Tess returns home. Despite the rumors all around, she gives birth to a child, who is called Sorrow but dies soon because of grave illness. For several weeks, Tess is overwhelmed by grief and sorrow. Nevertheless, without financial support, Tess has to leave home and goes to work as a dairymaid at a distant farm, where she meets Angel Claire. They have met each other before, and Tess has made a favorable impression on Angel. After Angel persistent pursuit of Tess, the two fall in love and become engaged. Then comes the wedding night, too honest to keep any secret, Tess admits about Alec D’Urbervilles and the child. She begs for forgiveness, but Angel leaves her in disgust. Tess again returns home alone, only find that her family remains impoverished and she even has no place to stay. In the meantime, Alec D’Urbervilles, the evil person appears again. He takes advantage of the Durbeyfields’ poverty and continues to tempt Tess. He promises to support her family, only as a means to make Tess dependent. At the end of hope, the girl jumps into the trap of the shameless man. However, the tragedy has not finished yet. Angel Claire, who is remorseful for his mercilessness, comes back, but to find the cruel reality. And his arrival makes Tess even more desperate. After Angel leaves, she stabs Alec in the heart and kills him. Then she follows Angel and escape with him. They manage to hide for a while in a wood before they come to Stonehenge, where she is arrested. She is hanged later. The turn of events and the moment of catharsis prove that the novel is a classic Aristotelian tragedy


世界七大洲及各个国家的英文名字 世界各国及首府中英文对照-亚洲 国家country 首都(capital) 阿富汗Afghanistan 喀布尔Kabul 孟加拉国Bangladesh 达卡Dhaka 不丹Bhutan 廷布Thimphu 缅甸Burma 仰光Rangoon 柬埔寨Cambodia 金边Phnom Penh 中国China 北京Beijing/香港Hong Kong/台湾Taiwan/澳门Macau 印度India 新德里New Delhi 印度尼西亚Indonesia 雅加达Jakarta 日本Japan 东京Tokyo 老挝Laos 万象Vientiane 马来西亚Malaysia 吉隆坡Kuala Lumpur 马尔代夫Maldives 马累Male (Maale) 蒙古Mongolia 乌兰巴托Ulaanbaatar 尼泊尔Nepal 加德满都Kathmandu 朝鲜North Korea 平壤P'yongyang 巴基斯坦Pakistan 伊斯兰堡Islamabad 菲律宾共和国Philippines 马尼拉Manila 新加坡Singapore 新加坡Singapore 韩国South Korea 首尔Seoul 斯里兰卡Sri Lanka 科伦坡Colombo 泰国Thailand 曼谷

土耳其Turkey 安卡拉Ankara 越南Vietnam 河内Hanoi 文莱斯里巴加湾市 巴勒斯坦Palestine 无 锡金Sikkim 甘托克 世界各国及首府中英文对照-欧洲 国家(coutry) 首都名称(capital) 阿尔巴尼亚Albania 地拉那Tirana 奥地利Austria 维也纳Vienna 比利时Belgium 布鲁塞尔Brussels 保加利亚Bulgaria 索非亚Sofia 克罗地亚Croatia 萨格勒布Zagreb 塞浦路斯Cyprus 尼克西亚Nicosia 丹麦Denmark 哥本哈根Copenhagen 芬兰Finland 赫尔辛基Helsinki 法国France 巴黎Paris 德国Germany 柏林Berlin 希腊Greece 雅典Athens 匈牙利Hungary 布达佩斯Budapest 冰岛Iceland 雷克亚未克Reykjavik 爱尔兰Ireland 都柏林Dublin 意大利Italy 罗马Rome 列支敦士登Liechtenstein 瓦杜兹Vaduz 卢森堡Luxembourg 卢森堡Luxembourg


Tess of the D’Urbervilles(德伯家的苔丝) By Thomas Hardy 1891 Main character: 苔丝Tess 亚历克Alec,其父原名Simon Stokes,后冠以贵族姓氏D’Urbervilles 安吉尔·克莱尔Angel Clare Tess of the D'Urbervilles is the most famous novel of Thomas Hardy (托马斯·哈代). Tess comes from a farmer’s family. She has lived a poor but peaceful life. One day her parents learn that they are descended from(来源于) the D’Urbervilles, an ancient family once renowned in England. They urges Tess to claim kinship with(攀亲戚) the D’Urbervilles, so that Tess could marry a gentleman. Unwillingly, the girl comes to their house to seek help. There she meets Alec D’Urbervilles who manages to seduce (引诱) the girl and make her pregnant(怀孕的). Being humiliated(羞辱), Tess returns home. Nevertheless(但是), without financial support, Tess has to leave home and goes to work at a farm, where she meets Angel Claire. They fall in love and become engaged. Then comes the wedding night, too honest to keep any secret, Tess tells her husband the truth. She begs for forgiveness (原谅), but Angel chooses to leave for Brazil. Several years later, Tess and her family remains poor and she even has no place to stay. At that time, Alec D’Urbervilles appears again. He takes advantage of the poverty of Tess and promises to support her family. Tess has to live with her foe(仇人). However, Angel Claire regrets(后悔) and comes back. Tess thinks Alec is the person who makes her lose Angel Claire again. She kills Alec angrily. In the end, She is hanged(处以绞刑).


Angola安哥拉 Afghanistan阿富汗 Albania阿尔巴尼亚 Algeria阿尔及利亚 Andorra安道尔共和国 Anguilla安圭拉岛AntiguaandBarbuda安提瓜和巴布达Argentina阿根廷 Armenia亚美尼亚 Ascension阿森松 Australia澳大利亚 Austria奥地利 Azerbaijan阿塞拜疆 Bahamas巴哈马 Bahrain巴林 Bangladesh孟加拉国 Barbados巴巴多斯 Belarus白俄罗斯 Belgium比利时 Belize伯利兹 Benin贝宁

BermudaIs.百慕大群岛 Bolivia玻利维亚 Botswana博茨瓦纳 Brazil巴西 Brunei文莱 Bulgaria保加利亚 Burkina-faso布基纳法索 Burma缅甸 Burundi布隆迪 Cameroon喀麦隆 Canada加拿大 CaymanIs.开曼群岛CentralAfricanRepublic中非共和国Chad乍得 Chile智利 China中国 Colombia哥伦比亚 Congo刚果 CookIs.库克群岛 CostaRica哥斯达黎加 Cuba古巴 Cyprus塞浦路斯

CzechRepublic捷克Denmark丹麦 Djibouti吉布提DominicaRep.多米尼加共和国Ecuador厄瓜多尔 Egypt埃及 EISalvador萨尔瓦多Estonia爱沙尼亚 Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚 Fiji斐济 Finland芬兰 France法国 FrenchGuiana法属圭亚那Gabon加蓬 Gambia冈比亚 Georgia格鲁吉亚 Germany德国 Ghana加纳 Gibraltar直布罗陀 Greece希腊 Grenada格林纳达 Guam关岛


世界各国及首都英文名称(带音标) 国家或地区简称(英文)国家或地区代码首都(中、英文)国家或地区全称(英、中文) 1. Afghanistan [?f'ɡ?nist?n] [AFG; AF]喀布尔(Kabul ['k?:bl;k?'bu:l]) the Islamic State of Afghanistan 阿富汗伊斯兰国 2. Albania [?l'beinj?] [ALB; AL]地拉那(Tirana [ti'rɑ:n?]) the Republic of Albania 阿尔巴尼亚共和国 3. Algeria [?l'd?i?ri?] [DZA; DZ] 阿尔及尔(Alger['?ld??]或Algiers[?l'd?i?z]) the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria阿尔及利亚人民民主共和国 4. Andorra [?n'd?r?] [AND; AD]安道尔城(Andorra La Vella) the Principality of Andorra 安道尔公国 5. Angola [??'ɡ?ul?] [AGO; AO]罗安达(Luanda [lu:'ɑ:nd?]) the Republic of Angola 安哥拉共和国 6. Antigua and Barbuda [?n'ti:ɡ?][bɑ:`bu:d?][ATG; AG] 圣约翰(Saint[seint,s?nt] John's)安提瓜和巴布达 7. Argentina [?ɑ:d??n'ti:n?] [ARG; AR]布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires ['bwen?s'ai?riz]) the Argentine ['ɑ:d??ntain]Republic阿根廷共和国 8. Armenia [ɑ:'mi:nj?] [ARM; AM]埃里温(Y erevan ['jere'vɑ:n]) the Republic of Armenia 亚美尼亚共和国 9. Australia [?s'treilj?] [AUS; AU] 堪培拉(Canberra ['k?nb?r?]) The Commonwealth['k?m?nwelθ] of Australia澳大利亚 10. Austria ['?stri?] [AUT; AT]维也纳(Vienna [vi'en?]) the Republic of Austria 奥地利共和国 11. Azerbaijan [?ɑ:z?bai'd?ɑ:n] [AZE; AZ]巴库(Baku [bɑ:'ku:]) the Republic of Azerbaijan阿塞拜疆共和国 12. Bahamas [b?'hɑ:m?z] [BHS; BS]拿骚(Nassau ['n?s?:]) the Commonwealth of the Bahamas 巴哈马联邦 13. Bahrain [bɑ: 're?n] [BHR; BH]麦纳麦(Manama [m?'n?m?]) the Kingdom of Bahrain 巴林王国 14. Bangladesh [?bɑ:?ɡl?'de∫] [BGD; BI]达卡(Dhaka [`d?k?]) the People's Republic of Bangladesh孟加拉人民共和国 15. Barbados [bɑ:'beid?uz] [BRB; BB] 布里奇顿(Bridgetown ['brid?taun])巴巴多斯 16. Belarus [?bel?'ru:s] [BLR; BY]明斯克(Minsk [minsk]) the Republic of Belarus 白俄罗斯共和国 17. Belgium ['beld??m] [BEL; BE]布鲁塞尔(Brussels ['br?slz]) the Kingdom of Belgium 比利时王国 18. Belize [be'li:z][BLZ; BZ] 贝尔莫潘(Belmopan ['belm?lp?n])伯利兹 19. Benin [be'nin] [BEN; BJ]波多诺夫(Porto-Novo) the Republic of Benin 贝宁共和国

《德伯家的苔丝》英文简介Summary of the Tess of d27Urbervilles

Summary: In the Victorian period, a rural clergyman in England tells Durbeyfield, a simple farmer, that he is descended from the illustrious d'Urberville family, now extinct; or maybe not. Durbeyfield sends his daughter Tess to check on a family named d'Urberville living in a manor house less than a day's carriage ride away. Alec d'Urberville is delighted to meet his beautiful cousin, and he seduces her with strawberries and roses. But Alec is no relation to Tess; he has gotten his illustrious name and coat of arms by purchasing them. Alec falls in love with Tess, seduces/rapes her, and she leaves, pregnant; back at home, the baby dies. Some time later, Tess begins work as a milkmaid, and there she meets her true love Angel Clare. Angel believes her completely innocent. They fall in love, but Angel does not learn of her previous relationship with Alec until their wedding night, and rejects her. Deserted by her husband, Tess meets Alec again, and poverty forces her to resume their relationship. Angel returns from travelling abroad, remorseful at his treatment of Tess, but finds her with Alec. Tess murders Alec in order to run away with Angel. They spend one night of happiness together, before she is arrested.


世界各国的英文名称,分洲罗列 Africa非洲 Algeria阿尔及利亚 Angola安哥拉 Azores亚述尔群岛(在北大西洋,属葡萄牙) Benin贝宁湾(几内亚湾一部分,靠西非的尼日利亚、贝宁和多哥等国) Botswana博茨瓦纳(位于南非共和国内,于1966年独立) Burkina Faso布基纳法索 Burundi布隆迪 Cameroon喀麦隆 Cape Verde佛得角[塞内加尔西部](非洲最西端) Central Africa中非 Chad乍得 Comoros科摩罗 Congo刚果 Cote d Ivoire科特迪瓦 Djibouti吉布提[非洲] Egypt埃及 Equatorial Guinea赤道几内亚 Eritrea厄立特里亚 Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚 Gabon加蓬(位于非洲中西部,首都利伯维尔) Gambia冈比亚(非洲西部沿海一殖民地,1965年独立,首都Bathurst巴瑟斯特(冈比亚首都班珠尔) Ganary Is加那利群岛(Is=Island/Islands) Ghana加纳 Guinea几内亚 Guinea-Bissau几内亚比绍共和国 Ivory Coast象牙海岸注:今为Cote d Ivoire科特迪瓦 Kenya肯尼亚 Lesotho莱索托(非洲南部一王国, 首都Maseru)(西非国家 Liberia利比里亚 Libya利比亚(北非国家) Madagascar马达加斯加岛 Malawi马拉维 Mali马里 Mauritania 毛利塔尼亚 Mauritius毛里求斯(非洲岛国) Morocco摩洛哥, 摩洛哥皮 Mozambique莫桑比克

德伯家的苔丝Tess of the d’Urbervilles 英文读书报告 经典

Tess of the d’Urbervilles In Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy has directly satirized nature. This novel revealed the tragedy of lower classes’ destiny and flayed hypocritical gentlemen and morals. In this novel, Hardy demonstrated his deep sense of moral sympathy for England’s lower classes, particularly for women. The novel, which indicated the tendency of anti-religious sentiments, against feudal morality and the laws of capitalists, was warmly received by the reading public though British upper class was bitter against it. In the novel, Thomas Hardy succeeded in portraying an artistic image- Tess. There were sensitivity and beauty to her that have nothing to do with looks. Her beauty is not kind of stunning beauty, but the more you approach to her, you will be more likely to indulge in her beauty. Although she is not an orthodox believer, she has her own pure pursuits of life and living criteria. Her integrated image of kindness and tenderness, tough-minded and plainness should own her a happy life. But it seems that God leaves her out. Alec in the novel is the son of a Manor owner, being dissolute and flirtatious in conduct; however, generally, he is not essentially a bad man. His strong desire to Tess is out of a sort of inherently desire and desire for possession.It’s very normal for such a young man.But he adopts a wrong way-he abducts Tess. He would like to take a part of responsibility of his behavior but Tess turn down his suggestion without hesitation. Tess’s self-respect can’t allow herself bend down to harm. Such a pure girl, should be so strong-mind to bear neighbor’s discrimination and secular pressure and to take the consequences by herself. She has never asked Alec for help even when she is driven to the last ditch. Finally, Tess chooses to leave for another village where her past is not known and secures a job as a milkmaid at Talbothays Dairy. She escapes from the old environment, meanwhile, prepares to make a new start. She fears a romantic love, at the same time, strongly looks forward to it. Anyway, she is only 21years old, she has the right to enjoy the pleasure that love can bring to her.There, she re-encounters Angel Clare who is eager for nature and full of dreams, is Tess’s Prince Charming, one of unfinished dreams in her girlhood. As for Angel Clare, Tess is part of his persistent vision. What he wants is a pure girl

世界各国国名的英文翻译 八

世界各国国名的英文翻译八 世界各国国名的英文翻译(中东,亚洲,欧洲,非洲主要国家)中东国家包括(西亚北非的统称): 巴勒斯坦Palestine 以色列Israel 伊拉克Iraq 科威特Koweit 伊朗Iran 沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia 阿拉伯联合酋长国United Arab Emirates 叙利亚Syria 突尼斯Tunis 黎巴嫩Lebanon 巴林bahrein islands 卡塔尔cartel 也门Yemen 阿曼Oman 毛里塔尼亚Mauritania 阿尔及利亚Algeria 埃及Egypt

约旦Jordan 土耳其Turkey 塞浦路斯Cyprus 苏丹Sudan 迪拜Dubai 利比亚Libya 摩洛哥Morocco 阿拉伯Arabia 索马里Somali 科摩罗Comorin 阿富汗Afghanistan 欧洲: 阿尔巴尼亚共和国The Republic of Albania 爱尔兰Ireland 爱沙尼亚共和国The Republic of Estonia 安道尔公国The Principality of Andorra 奥地利共和国Republic of Austria 白俄罗斯共和国The Republic of Belarus 保加利亚共和国The Republic of Bulgaria 比利时共和国The Kingdom of Belgium 冰岛共和国The Republic of Iceland 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那Bosina and Herzegovina 波兰共和国The Republic of Polish 丹麦王国The Kingdom of Denmark 德意志联邦共和国The Federal Republic of Germany 俄罗斯联邦The Russia Federation 法兰西共和国The Republic of France 梵蒂冈城国The Vatican City State 芬兰共和国The Republic of Finland 荷兰王国Kingdom of the Netherlands 捷克共和国The Republic of Czech 克罗地亚共和国The Republic of Croatia 拉托维亚共和国The Republic of Latvia 立陶宛共和国The Republic of Lithuania 卢森堡大公国The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


The Impression of Reading Tess of the d’Urbervilles In most works of Thomas Hardy’s ,he almost entirely concerns his native West Country—Wessex . For Hardy, nature was the primary fact in life. He felt that nature was good because it represented free life in its honest, basic form. Nature was also harsh and demanding, punishing those w ho did not live in tune with it. For most of his major character, life is a struggle to regain the simplicity and truth of natural living. Most of them are sensual women like “Tess” in Tess of the d’Urbervilles , they are the common villains in Hardy’s novels .The Wessex novels are similar in mant other ways. All of them rely heavily on sensational incidents and their plots are overloaded with exciting climaxes. Of all the Wessex novels, Tess of the d’Urbervilles is one of the most typical one. The other one is Jude the Obscure. Wessex raised a storm of controversy because of their “indecent” subject matter. Today, their subjects w ould be considered harmless, even dull, but the Victorians were outraged by his gloomy outlook and lack of sw eetness. The subtitle of the novel is “A Pure Maiden”. The novel portrays a pure maiden’s tragic experience. In Tess of the d’Urbervilles, a pure, just and industrious rural maiden Tess became degenerate under the press of society. She was filled with love and the trust in others. After being raped by Alec, she left Alec’s home, which embodies her pure heart and her yearning for well-being life. She didn’t want to live with a man she hated.

世界各国 中英文名 英文名字大全

Angola 安哥拉 Afghanistan 阿富汗喀布尔Kabul Albania 阿尔巴尼亚地拉那Tirana Algeria 阿尔及利亚 Andorra 安道尔共和国 Anguilla 安圭拉岛 Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达Argentina 阿根廷 Armenia 亚美尼亚 Ascension 阿森松 Australia 澳大利亚堪培拉Canberra Austria 奥地利维也纳Vienna Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆 Bahamas 巴哈马 Bahrain 巴林 Bangladesh 孟加拉国达卡Dhaka Barbados 巴巴多斯 Belarus 白俄罗斯 Belgium 比利时布鲁塞尔Brussels Belize 伯利兹 Benin 贝宁 Bermuda Island. 百慕大群岛

Bolivia 玻利维亚 Botswana 博茨瓦纳 Brazil 巴西 Brunei 文莱 Bulgaria 保加利亚索非亚Sofia Burkina-Faso 布基纳法索 Burma 缅甸仰光Rangoon Burundi 布隆迪 Cameroon 喀麦隆 Cambodia柬埔寨金边Phnom Penh Canada 加拿大 Cayman Island 开曼群岛 Central African Republic 中非共和国 Chad 乍得 Chile 智利 China 中国北京Beijing Colombia 哥伦比亚 Congo 刚果 Cook Is. 库克群岛 Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加 Croatia克罗地亚萨格勒布Zagreb Cuba 古巴


亚洲Asia(48个国家) 东亚: 中国China、蒙古Mongolia、朝鲜Korea、韩国South Korea、日本Japan(5) 东南亚: 菲律宾Philippines、越南Vietnam、老挝Laos、柬埔寨Cambodia、缅甸Myanmar、泰国Thailand、马来西亚Malaysia、文莱Brunei Darussalam、新加坡Singapore、印度尼西亚Indonesia、 东帝汶east Timor(11) 南亚: 尼泊尔Nepal、不丹Bhutan、孟加拉国Bengal、印度India、巴基斯坦Pakistan、斯里兰卡Sri Lanka、马尔代夫Maldives(7) 中亚: 哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan、吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyzstan、塔吉克斯坦 Tajikistan、乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekistan、土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan(5) 西亚: 阿富汗Afghanistan、伊拉克Iraq、伊朗Iran、叙利亚Syria、约旦 Jordan、黎巴嫩Lebanon、以色列Israel、巴勒斯坦Palestine、沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia、巴林Bahrain、卡塔尔Qatar、科威特Kuwait、阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)United Arab Emirates、阿曼Oman、也门Yemen、格鲁吉亚Georgia、亚 美尼亚Armenia、阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan、土耳其Turkey、塞浦路斯Cyprus (20)

注:锡金Sikkim现已并入印度成为其一个邦,所以这里不出现,详细请看: 欧洲Europe(43个国家/1个地区) 北欧: 芬兰Finland、瑞典Sweden、挪威Norway、冰岛Iceland、丹麦Danmark 法罗群岛Faroe Islands(丹)(6) 东欧: 爱沙尼亚Estonia、拉脱维亚Latvia、立陶宛Lithuania、白俄罗斯Belarus、俄罗斯Russia、乌克兰Ukraine、摩尔多瓦Moldova(7) 中欧: 波兰Poland、捷克Czech、斯洛伐克Slovakia、匈牙利Hungary、德国Germany、奥地利Austria、瑞士Switzerland、列支敦士登 Liechtenstein(LIE)(8) 西欧: 英国Britain、爱尔兰Ireland、荷兰Holand、比利时Belgium、卢森堡Luxemburg、法国France、摩纳哥Monaco(7) 南欧: 罗马尼亚Romania、保加利亚Bulgaria、塞尔维亚Serbia、马其顿Macedonia、阿尔巴尼亚Albania、希腊Greece、斯洛文尼亚Slovenia、克罗地亚Croatia、波斯尼亚Bosnia和墨塞哥维那Herzegovina(波黑)。


中南大学 CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY 高等教育自学考试英语专业毕业论文 题目从人物性格特点浅析《德伯家的苔丝》题目类别文学 单位或学校中南林业科技大学外国语学院 完成时间 2012年3月

Analysis of Tess of the D’Urbervilles in the Light of characteristic by Su Xiaojuan (010*********) March 2012 Central South University of Forestry and Technology

Acknowledgements The accomplishment of my dissertation owes greatly to all the professors who have taught me in the three years at Central South University of Forestry and Technology. I would like to take this chance to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Lu Guoqiu for her patience and guidance for this thesis .She has provided me with instructive guidance and constructive suggestions. I am also grateful to many of my good friends and classmates for their comments and support. It is just because of the contributions of these people, whether mentioned or not, that thesis is able to be completed. To every one of them, I give my most sincere thanks.
