

[单选题]1.I was always taught that it was ______ to interrupt.







[单选题]2.Small boys are ______ questioners.They ask questions all the time.







[单选题]3.We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are


A.out of work

B.out of reach

C.out of stock

D.out of practice


我们很遗憾地通知你,你定的材料已经脱销了。out of stock无货,脱销。out of work失业。out of reach够不到。out of practice荒疏,久不练习。

[单选题]4.The bomb will ______ the moment it is touched.

A.go on

B.go off

C.go out

D.go over


炸弹一触即爆。go off离开,消失,爆炸。go on继续下去。go out出去;熄灭。go over仔细检查,复习。the moment做连词,引导一个时间状语从句时,等于as soon as,意为“一…,就…”。

[单选题]5.The car won’t ______; I’ve divied it several times, but it won’t work.






这辆车发动不起来;我试了好几次,但还是没有用。start出发,开始;发动。begin 开始,首先。launch下水,发射,发起。drive开车,驱赶,驾驶。[单选题]6.Children and old people do not like having their daily ______ upset.






孩子和老人都不喜欢颠倒日常事务的顺序。routine常规,日常事务,程序。habit 习惯,习性。Practice实习,实践。custom风俗,习惯。upset在这里作动词,意为“颠倒,倾覆”。

[单选题]7.In your first few days at school you’ll be given a test to help the teachers to ______ you to a class at your level.







[单选题]8.China only started its nuclear power indusdivy in recent years, and should ______ no time in catching up.






中国最近几年才开始发展核电业,应不失时机地赶上来。lose no time不失时机,及时。delay耽搁,延迟。spare节约,节省。spare no time in doing 不吝惜时间做某事。relieve减轻,解除。

[单选题]9.The government gave a very ______ explanation of its plan for economic development.







[单选题]10.An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of ______.







[单选题]11.It is a common theme in many science fiction stories that the world may one day be ______ by insects.

A.broken in

B.run over

C.taken over

D.filled in


昆虫某天将接管世界,这是许多科幻小说的共同主题。take over接管。break in 闯入,打断。run over超过限度。fill in填充,填写。

[单选题]12.In the meantime, the question facing business is whether such research is ______ the costs.


B.worth of





[单选题]13.He asked his sister to look after his children ______ his death.

A.in the event of

B.in view of

C.on account of

D.on the edge of


他请求姐姐照顾他的孩子们,万一他死了的话。in the event of如果…发生,万一,引导条件状语从句。in view of考虑到,由于。on account of由于。on the edge of濒于,几乎。

[单选题]14.When the young man walked into the office to see the headmaster, he had ______.

A.butterflies in his heart

B.butterflies in his mind

C.butterflies in his stomach

D.butterflies in his spirit


have butterflies in one’s stomach紧张而焦虑,心里七上八下,是俗语。

[单选题]15.—Could you lend me some money, Jack?

—Sorry, Mike.I myself can’t earn enough to ______.

A.make the ends meet

B.make ends meet

C.keep the ends meet

D.keep ends meet


make ends meet能够维持生活,使收支平衡,为固定搭配。

[单选题]16.New York City collects garbage ______ $209 per family per year.

A.at the cost of

B.at the sacrifice of

C.in demand of

D.in support of


纽约每家每年花费209美元处理垃圾。at the cost of以…为代价。at the sacrifice of以牺牲…为代价。没有in demand of的说法,词组in demand表示“需要”的意思。in support of支持;证明…正确。

[单选题]17.We got home late last night, ______, early this morning.


B.in other words

C.or rather

D.in any case


or rather更确切地说。namely即,也就是。in other words换句话说。in any case无论如何,不管怎样。

[单选题]18.The miners escaped the danger by ______.

A.a hair breadth

B.hair breadth

C.hair’s breadth

D.a hair’s breadth


a hair’s breadth只差一点,千钧一发。

[单选题]19.When our imports ______ our exports, we say we have a favorable divade balance; however, when our imports and exports are the other way round we say we have an unfavorable divade balance.

A.fall short

B.fall short of

C.run out of

D.are lack of


当进口额小于出口额的时候,叫做出超;当进口额大于出口额时,叫做入超。fall short没有达到标准,不够,不足。其后接our exports这一宾语,必需加介词of。run out of用完。be lack of缺乏。所以选项B正确。

[单选题]20.Today, festival performances range _____ taste _____ the exotic and condivoversial _____the highly sophisticated.

A.in; from; to

B.from; to; into

C.on; in; with

D.about; with; to


现在节日期间表演的节目在形式上从异国的、有争议性的节目到高度复杂的节目,应有尽有。range in在…的范畴。range from…to…从…范围到…范围。

[单选题]21.Male and female students are quite different from each other _____the age at which they begin to develop an intellectual self-discipline.

A.with regard to

B.in the light of

C.in proportion to

D.on account of


在“开始发展理性的自律的年龄”上,男生们和女生们截然不同。with regard to 关于,谈到。in the light of按照, 根据。in proportion to与…成比例。on account of由于。

[单选题]22.We _____ at a very adivivactive hotel on the way back from Paris.

A.put up

B.dropped out

C.took in

D.dwelt on


从巴黎回家的路上我们在一家非常吸引人的小旅馆暂住。put up at有“在某地暂住”的意思。drop out不参与, 离去, 放弃。take in吸收。dwell on细想,详述。

[单选题]23.Research shows that pets ______ in teaching children about sharing, caring, communication and responsibility.

A.are very meaningful

B.have a good understanding

C.play an important role

D.know a lot


研究表明宠物在教孩子学会分享,关心,交流和培养他们责任感方面起到重要作用。play an important role起到主要作用,meaningful有意义的。have a good understanding很好的理解。根据句意,C项正确。

[单选题]24.In order to utilize female talents effectively, it may ______be necessary, as many have already argued, to provide some supports in the form of flexible work schedules, childcare facilities and______.

A.ever; so on

B.well; the like ,

C.best; something

D.right; etc.


正如很多人所主张的那样,为了有效地利用女性人才,为女性提供弹性工作计划、配备照顾孩子的设施以及类似的支持或许是有必要的。well在这里表示强调,the like是名词短语,表示类似的事情。

[单选题]25.The World Bank has funded many improvement schemes

______, including shantytown and divansport improvements.







[单选题]26.Floods are a major problem in the city, but the government seems to be making______ to improve the situation.

A.lots of programs

B.few divials

C.little effort

D.many measures


洪水是这个城市的主要问题,但是政府好像并没有花心思提出治理这种情况的策略。这是一个转折句,故判断后句应该是否定意义的,故排除A、D两项,little effort没有努力。few trial很少尝试。

[单选题]27.Women’s high participation in informal employment is______ the fact that many jobs in the formal economy are not open to them.

A.owed by

B.due to

C.on account



女子大量参与不正式的雇佣关系是由于很多正规的经济并不向她们开放。due to 由于,因为。on account分期付款,与of连用表示“由于”。owe欠(债等); 应该向(某人)付出。because因为,常独立引导原因状语从句。

[单选题]28.The book gives a brief______ of the history of the castle which was built in the Middle Ages.






这本书对这个中世纪建造的城堡的历史进行了简单的描述。account报告, 报道; 说明, 记事, give an account of对…进行报道,是固定搭配,其他选项无此搭配。[单选题]29.Research findings______ the argument that there are benefits for families considering a change to a fairer division of the pleasures and pains of family life.

A.give help in

B.offer aid to

C.lend support to

D.supply a hand in


研究结果证实了更加平均分享家庭的快乐和痛苦对家庭来说是有好处的。lend support to支持,支援,证实。offer aid to提供帮助。give help提供帮助。supply a hand无此搭配。根据句意,C项正确。

[单选题]30.One of my favorite hotels is the Hermitage Hotel on New Zealand’s South Island which I came across______ when I was climbing.

A.through accident

B.for opportunity

C.on occasion

D.by chance


我最喜欢的旅馆之一就是新西兰南部岛屿上的Hermitage Hotel,它是我在爬山时偶然间发现的。by chance偶然地,意外地。On occasion有时。前两个选项无此搭配。

[单选题]31.You spend all your money on beer and then complain about being poor, but you can’t expect to ______and eat it too, you know.

A.have your cake

B.take your cheese

C.make your bread

D.sell your meat


你把所有钱都花在买啤酒上,然后抱怨自己没钱,但是,你知道,你不可能鱼和熊掌两者兼得。have your cake and eat it too是英文中的常见表达,在中文中意思与“又想马儿跑,又想马儿不吃草”有异曲同工之妙。

[单选题]32.Although he is recognized as one of the most brilliant scientists in his field, Professor White cannot seem to______ in class.

A.make his ideas down

B.divansfer his thought on

C.convey his thought up

D.get his ideas across


虽然怀特教授被认为是他领域内最杰出的科学家,但是他好像无法使自己的观点被学生所理解。get across (使)越过, 通过, 被理解。

[单选题]33.Tom felt embarrassed about the way he had behaved toward Amy and decided ______her for a few days.

A.to run up against

B.to get rid of

C.to steer clear of

D.to hold back from


汤姆因为他对Amy的行为而感到尴尬,所以他决定避开她一段日子。steer clear of避开,绕开。run up against意外遇到,与…发生冲突。get rid of摆脱,去除。hold back from阻止某事发生。根据句意,C项正确。

[单选题]34.Nearly every hospital has the same unwritten regulation—the badly wounded have priority for medical attention ______those only slightly hurt.






几乎每家医院都有这样一个不成文的规定—严重的伤患要比受轻伤的患者具有优先医治的权力。over有“(地位、职务、权势等)高于…, 在…的上位”的意思,含有两者比较之意,句中提到优先权,即暗指比较关系,所以A项正确,其他选项不合题意。

[单选题]35.Women and men from______ in Beijing gathered at the Great Hall of the People to celebrate the 50th anniversary of International Women’s Day, on March the 8th.

A.all walks of life

B.all fields of life

C.each way of living

D.every aspect of work


三月八日,北京各行各业的人们聚集在人民大会堂欢庆妇女节的50周年纪念日。all walks of life是一个固定词组,表示“各行各业”。故此本题选A再合适不过,其他选项不符合,而且十分牵强。

[单选题]36.The latest studies of bee colonies______ what is the most elaborate social sdivucture next to that of humans.

A.were exposed to

B.shed new light on

C.gave many ideas of

D.made an assumption of


关于蜂群的最新研究为了解人类社会以外最精致的社会结构是什么样子提供了新的解释。shed light on sth使某事清楚明白地显示出来。expose to暴露出来,使受…,使易受…。make an assumption提出假设。give many ideas of提出很多想法。根据句意,B项正确。

[单选题]37.______ quite recently, most mothers in Britain did not take paid work outside the home.






直到最近,英国大多数妈妈们并不在外边工作赚钱。until recently直到最近,until直到,到…为止。其他选项不符合题意。

[单选题]38.The TV station probably will be back _____ no earlier than this afternoon because of difficulties in locating a part.

A.in the air

B.on the air

C.in the line

D.on the line


由于装设部件的困难,电视台在中午之前也许不会开播。on the air表示电视,广播节目的播放。on the line与观者的眼睛相平, 模棱两可, 处于危险中, 立即。in the air在空中, 悬而未决, 在流传中, 不设防。根据句意,B项正确。

[单选题]39.Emma was specially divained before divying to swim the English channel, and after having a tough time with the rough and cold water, she______.

B.had succeeded

C.got that

D.set out


艾玛受过横渡英吉利海峡的特殊训练,在经过凶猛和冰冷的水的考验后,她成功了。make it达到预定目标, 及时抵达, 走完路程, (病痛等)好转。succeed是瞬间动词,不用完成时形式。set out出发。get that得到。根据句意,A项正确。[单选题]40.The desdivuction of these diveasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could______

A.stand up to it

B.make up for

https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f19224174.html,e up with

D.put up with it


对这些宝藏的破坏是人类的巨大损失,这些损失无法用金钱来弥补。make up 弥补,补偿。stand up to勇敢地抵抗。come up with提出,拿出。put up with 忍受, 容忍。根据句意,B项正确。

[单选题]41.Don’t ______ that rope, or you might fall.

A.get rid of

B.let go of

C.let alone


别放开那个绳子,否则你会掉下来的。Let go of放开,放松。get rid of处理掉。let alone更不用说。part with跟…分手, 放弃, 丧失, 卖掉。根据句意,B项正确。

[单选题]42.A serious epidemic has ______in South America and thousands of people are dying.

A.broken out

B.gone off

C.set out

D.turned up


南美爆发了一场严重的流行病,数以千计的人们濒临死亡。broke out爆发(疾病,战争等)。go off离开,去世,消失,睡去,爆炸,被发射。set out出发,开始,装饰,陈列,测定。turn up找到,发现,出现,折起,拐入。根据句意,A项正确。

[单选题]43.The workmen have been told to increase the______ of their production.






工人们被告知要提高生产水平。Level水平,可以用level of…的形式,表示“…水平”。Grade等级,级别,后面一般不接of形式。Note笔记,记录。Mark 标记。

[单选题]44.The father expected his son to______ the family divadition that had been handed down for nearly two hundred years.

A.carry on

B.pass through

C.account for

D.bring on


父亲希望自己的儿子能继承相传了两百多年的传统。carry on坚持,继续保持。pass through通过,经过。account for说明,解决。bring on带来,引起,导致。根据句意,A项正确。

[单选题]45.Mechanical appliances have______ much of the drudgery of housework.

A.done without

B.done away with

C.worn out

D.burnt up



全国大学生英语竞赛A、B类词汇与语法真题汇编一 [单选题]1.I was always taught that it was ______ to interrupt. A.rude B.coarse C.rough D.crude 参考答案:A(江南博哥) 我总是被教导:打断别人是无礼的,rude粗鲁的,无礼的。coarse粗俗的,粗糙的。rough粗略的,大致的。crude拙劣的,粗鲁的。 [单选题]2.Small boys are ______ questioners.They ask questions all the time. A.original B.peculiar C.imaginative D.persistent 参考答案:D 男孩子们总是会特别爱问问题。persistent持久的,稳固的。original最初的,原始的。peculiar奇怪的,特别的。imaginative富有想象力的。 [单选题]3.We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are ______. A.out of work B.out of reach

C.out of stock D.out of practice 参考答案:C 我们很遗憾地通知你,你定的材料已经脱销了。out of stock无货,脱销。out of work失业。out of reach够不到。out of practice荒疏,久不练习。 [单选题]4.The bomb will ______ the moment it is touched. A.go on B.go off C.go out D.go over 参考答案:B 炸弹一触即爆。go off离开,消失,爆炸。go on继续下去。go out出去;熄灭。go over仔细检查,复习。the moment做连词,引导一个时间状语从句时,等于as soon as,意为“一…,就…”。 [单选题]5.The car won’t ______; I’ve divied it several times, but it won’t work. A.begin https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f19224174.html,unch C.start D.drive 参考答案:C


全国大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)历年真题 (含完整答案) (说明:本文为word格式,下载后可编辑修改)

2012 National English Contest for College Students (Level C – Preliminary) (总分:150分时间:120分钟) Part I listening Comprehension (30 marks) Section A (5 marks) In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once .After each conversation, there will be a twenty-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. What does the man say we can do to deal with oil crisis? A. To make full use of oil. B. To use as little oil as possible C. To find alternative energy. 2. Where does this conversation most probably take place? A. In an insurance company. B. In a bank. C. In a supermarket. 3. According to the man, who is going to take over the position they are talking about? A. Janice. B. Someone else. C. Meryl. 4. What does the woman say about the man’s report for the meeting? A. He has to get it ready before tomorrow noon. B. He has done well enough. C. He has enough time to prepare it. 5. How many people will be on the earth by the year 2020 according to the professor? A. Some 5.8 billion. B. Nearly 7 billion. C. Over 8.5 billion. Section B (10 marks) In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and the three choices marked A, Band C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre Conversation One 6. What’s the main job of Simon’s organization? A. They send out radio signals to communicate with other planets. B. They look for life and intelligence on other planets. C. They study stars that have planets orbiting around them. 7. Why does the organization search for radio signals from space? A. Their presence may prove the existence of aliens.


大学生英语竞赛A类词汇语法专项强化真题试卷1(题后含答案及解 析) 题型有:1. 1.The Smiths were leaving that ______ town. Everybody wanted to escape its noise and pollution and was looking forward to a ______ country life. A.crowded; peaceful B.deserted; peaceful C.desert; thrilling D.empty; sour 正确答案:A 解析:下文谈到“escape its noise and pollution”可知城镇很拥挤,想要寻找一个安静的地方。 2.My friend Tanya ______ Japanese for six years before she ______ Japan. I’ve just received a letter from her. It says she has been studying Chinese for three months and ______ for China in a month. A.had been studying; visited; is leaving B.studied; had visited; will live in C.has studied; visited; would leave D.was studying; has visited; leaves 正确答案:A 解析:从题干中得知Tanya现在在学汉语,在此之前去过日本,因此用过去时,而在去日本前学了日语为过去的过去,因此用过去完成进行时,强调动作的延续性“一直在学日语”;一个月后将要去中国,leave用进行时表示将要发生的动作。句意:我的朋友Tanya在去日本前学了六个月的日语,我刚收到她的信,信上说她已经学了三个月的汉语,将要在一个月后去中国。 3.He took away ten papers, but only seven were in his pocket. What had become ______ three ? A.of another B.with others C.with the other D.of the other 正确答案:D 解析:句意:他拿了10份文件,但是在他的口袋里只有7份,其余三份呢?本题旨在考another与the other的区别。Another表示三者以上当中的另外一个,

大学生英语竞赛B类英语专业 词汇与人文知识一

大学生英语竞赛B类英语专业-词汇与人文知识(一) (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、选择题(总题数:0,分数:0.00) 二、Section A(总题数:40,分数:40.00) 1.______, Marcia walked up to the podium and deliverer an animated acceptance speech. A. Excited about winning the award B. Been excited with winning the award C. To be excited about winning the award D. Exciting with winning the award (分数:1.00) A. √ B. C. D. 解析:[考点] 过去分词 [解析] 主语为she,故应用excited,激动的。be excited about sth. ,因某事而激动。过去分词充当形容词做状语,表状态。 2.As a scientific document, the book should stand for several years until further ______ make revision ______. A. development; impossible B. experiments; optional C. advances; necessary D. attempts; undesirable (分数:1.00) A. B. C. √ D. 解析:[考点] 词义辨析 [解析] 根据语境,未来科技的进步使得对这本书的修订变得“有必要”。 3.When I was a teenager, I ______ a lot and people couldn't understand what I was saying. A. complained B. mumbled C. uttered D. gossiped (分数:1.00) A. B. √ C. D.


大学生英语竞赛A类词汇语法专项强化真题试卷6(题后含答案及解 析) 题型有:1. 1.______ is on the rise, with over 20% of serious crimes being committed by children under the age of seventeen. A.Junior crime B.Juvenile delinquency C.Minor crime D.Senior delinquency 正确答案:B 解析:juvenile delinquency为固定搭配,表示“青少年犯罪”,其他均不符合语境。句意:青少年犯罪在上升,有20%的重罪是17岁以下少年所犯。 2.Email newsletter marketing is more cost-effective than ______ any other form of marketing that a firm does. A.really B.utterly C.practically D.specially 正确答案:C 解析:句意:电子邮件时事通讯营销比几乎所有形式的销售都赢利。practically几乎,简直,差不多,常用于口语,意同“almost”或是“nearly”。utterly完全地。specially特别地。只有C选项符合题意。 3.That week’s talent included a spectacular dance team from Argentina, a popular rock group, a top vocalist and a magician ______. A.which made everything in sight disappear B.that was making all at sight disappear C.who made all at sight to disappear D.who made everything in sight disappear 正确答案:D 解析:句意:那个星期来参加演出的演员包括著名的阿根廷舞蹈队、流行摇滚乐队、优秀歌手以及可以让人们眼前的一切物体消失的魔术大师。magician魔术师,做先行词引导定语从句,连接词要用who。 4.______ she disliked the idea of marriage, she knew that political reasons


新征程全国大学生英语语法竞赛真题 1、85.You’d better? ? ? ? ? a taxi, or you’ll be late. [单选题] * A.take(正确答案) B.taking C.took D.to take 2、97.Go ______ the square and you will find the theatre. [单选题] * A.above B.at C.across(正确答案) D.on 3、—Whose book is it? Is it yours?—No, ask John. Maybe it’s ______.()[单选题] * A. hers B. his(正确答案) C. he’s D. her

4、Be careful with the knife. You may hurt _______. [单选题] * A. himself B. ourselves C. myself D. yourself(正确答案) 5、My friend and classmate Selina()running in her spare time. [单选题] * A.like B. likes (正确答案) C. is liked D. is liking 6、She passed me in the street, but took no()of me. [单选题] * Attention (正确答案) B. watch C. care D. notice 7、I _______ the job because I couldn’t stand(忍受) the rules. [单选题] * A. gave in


大学生英语竞赛A类词汇语法专项强化真题试卷10(题后含答案及 解析) 题型有:1. 1.Email newsletter marketing is more cost-effective than ______ any other form of marketing that a firm does. A.really B.utterly C.practically D.specially 正确答案:C 解析:句意:电子邮件时事通讯营销比几乎所有形式的销售都赢利。practically几乎,简直,差不多,常用于口语,意同“almost”或是“nearly”。utterly完全地。specially特别地。只有C选项符合题意。 2.I think my problems at work ______ the fact that I never really wanted to go into accountancy as a career. A.bring back B.stir up C.lie behind D.spring from 正确答案:D 解析:句意:我想我工作中的问题来自于我从来没有真正想过要从事会计这项职业。spring from来自于,来源于。bring back使恢复,使记起。stir up激起,唤起。lie behind是…的原因(理由)。 3.People carry out much of their commerce here, ______ selling vegetables, serving locals meals or running, a hair salon. A.was it B.it is C.it being D.be it 正确答案:D 解析:be it此处有“不管是…,还是…”以及“包括”的意思。was it时态与主句的carry不一致,可以排除。选择it is会使一个句子里有两个主语(people 和it),也可以排除。it being用于构成独立主格,而此句两个分句的主语是一样的,也可以据此排除选项C。只有选项D是正确的。


2022年全国大学生英语竞赛样题(B类)2022 National English Competition for College Students (Type B - Sample) (Total:150 marks Time:120 minutes) Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks) Section A (5 marks) In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, one question will be asked, and you have fifteen seconds to read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. 1.A. The price. B. The style. C. The size. D. The color. 2. A. Smoking in a public area. B. Taking photographs. C. Entering the building. D. Harassing other visitors. 3. A. He was glad that Elizabeth could come.


2018年大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)B类决赛真题试卷(题后含答案 及解析) 题型有:1. Listening Comperhension 2. Multiple Choice 3. Cloze 4. Reading Comperhension 5. Translation 6. IQ Test 7. Writing 8. Error Correction Part I Listening Comperhension Section A 听力原文:W: Excuse me, what are you reading in the newspaper?M: I’m reading a piece of information about house agents. I’ve been looking for a house for along time. But until now, I still can’t find the proper house I want. Question: What is the man’s problem? 1. A.He can’t find a good travel agent. B.He hasn’t found a suitable house. C.He has lost an important paper. D.He has been out of a job for a long time. 正确答案:B 解析:对话中男士提到他已经找房子找了很长时间一直没有找到合适的。说明男士的问题是找不到合适的房子。 听力原文:M: As you said, the Alexandria Library must be a great institution. Only important people can have access to it, is that right? W: Of course not. The Library is open to those who have spare time to read and who wish to learn. The books are very precious. All the books are original and don’t have copies. So people can only read them in the library. M: Oh, I see. Question: What’s special about the Alexandria Library? 2. A.It is open to researchers only. B.The books are all very old. C.No one can lend books from it. D.It is open round the clock. 正确答案:C 解析:对话中女士提到“So people can only read them in the library.”,说明人们只能在馆内读书,而不能借阅。 听力原文:W: Excuse me, Jack. Do you know the examination room of Mathematics taught by Mr. Brown? M: I remember Mr. Brown told us the exam


全国学术英语词汇竞赛历年真题 1.听辨单词(Words)(共5小题,计5分) 根据你听到的句子或对话,选出你听到的单词或词组。每个句子或对话只读一遍。1.A.heart B.card C.start https://www.360docs.net/doc/3f19224174.html,st 2.A.course B.horse C.house D.juice 3.A.seat B.theater C.seafood D.secret 4.A.fall down B.write down C.look around D.look down 5.A.marry B.carry C.worry D.hurry 2.句子理解(Sentences)(共5小题,计5分) 选出能回答你所听到的句子的选项。每题只读一遍。 6.A.Yes,it’just so-so B.Thank you C.Not all all. D.It doesn’t matter 7.A.Thank you,sir. B.I’ve no idea. C.That’s great D.Thank you all the same. 8.A.I think the panda is the most beautiful. B.The dog is mine C.Of course the elephant is. D.There are a lot of animal in the zoo. 9.A.They are all famous singers. B.in kunming. C.They came here last year D.Seven singers. 10.A.She liked music very much. B.He was born in 1958. C.The weather there is very cold. D.She lived there three years ago . 3.对话理解(Dialogues)(共10小题,计10分) (A)根据你所听到的对话内容,选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每小题读两遍。


大学生英语竞赛试题(5篇) 高校生英语竞赛试题(5篇) 高校生英语竞赛试题范文第1篇 全国高校生英语竞赛的举办可以在肯定程度上转变同学英语综合运用力量不强、缺乏英语思维方式、消失语言僵化现象的现实状况。高校生参与该项竞赛以及老师针对性的辅导,可以促进高校生的英语综合运用力量的提高,实现高校英语教学改革的根本目标。 【关键词】 高校生;英语竞赛;综合运用力量;竞赛辅导;促进作用 一、高校生英语综合运用力量的现状 1、实际运用力量不强 相比以前,高校生英语水平有了很大提高,但仍普遍存在实际运用力量不强,尤其是听说写力量较弱的现象。许多高校生学了多年英语,仍旧说不出、听不懂,不会写,属于“哑巴英语”、“聋子英语”。英语的实际运用力量绝非仅体现在某些语言技能上。张文霞,罗立胜曾经指出,英语综合运用力量应当包括以下四个方面:一是比较好的英语语言学问,包括语音学问、构词学问和语法学问;二是比较全面的语音使用技能,如听说读写译;三是相关的文化学问,包括本族语以及目的语的文化、历史和社会背景;四是相关策略,包括学习策略、交际策略等。对于语言学问,许多同学语音不全,不懂构词规章,虽然把握了一些语法规章,但不会敏捷运用。比如,同学在学习英语单词时,只留意单词的表面意思,对词的潜

在意义,尤其是词的精神及不同语境中产生的不同语意知之甚少;对于语言使用技能,大部分同学阅读力量略微强些,但听说写译力量明显偏差,比如在雅思索试中,中国考生的口语和写作成果几乎是全球倒数第一;对于相关的英语文化学问,更是缺乏,许多高校生根本不了解语言学问背后的文化背景,要想更好地学好语言,文化学问的把握是必不行少的;对于学习和交际策略,高校生在学习过程中,不讲究学习方法,死记硬背,一旦多年不再接触英语,将会忘得干洁净净。 2、缺乏英语思维方式 语言是社会和文化的产物,是生活在特定社会和文化中的人所持有的思维方式的表现。社会和文化的差异打算了语言形式和思想表达方式的不同。依据语言学家对语言的分类,英语属于印欧语系,日耳曼语族,西日耳曼语支,而汉语属于汉藏语系,属于完全不同的两种语言。以“客气”这一概念为例,中国人习惯用谦逊的方式来表达,这样就产生了“我没啥好说的”、“哪里,哪里”之类的说法,但英语国家的人却无此类习惯。另外,“笼统”的观念也是汉语有的思维,因而我们就有“差不多”、“还可以”、“马马虎虎”等说法,笼统的思维方式无疑会带来笼统的表达方式,假如用我们特有的思维方式去说英语和写英语文章,结果可想而知。在高校生英语学习过程中,普遍存在的问题就是仅注意语言学问的学习和语言技能的培育,而不注意培育英语的思维方式,不用英语思维去学习和思索问题,导致英语学习效果欠佳。 3、消失语言僵化现象 语言僵化这一术语最早是20世纪70年月由美国语言学家Larry


全国大学生英语竞赛真题 一、听力理解(共四篇,每篇5个小题,每小题2分,共40分) 第一篇 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. What is the woman's problem? 2. How long has the man been waiting? 3. Where does the conversation probably take place? 4. What does the man advise the woman to do? 5. What will the woman do next? 第二篇 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 6. Where is the woman going? 7. What's the probable relationship between the speakers? 8. What's the present temperature? 9. Why doesn't the woman have a coat on? 10. How does the man feel about the weather? 第三篇 Questions 11 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

11. Where does the conversation take place? 12. How far is the building from the station? 13. How can the speakers go to the museum? 14. Who would the man like to meet? 15. What did the man often do with Tom in college? 第四篇 Questions 16 to 20 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 16. What is the purpose of the advertisement? 17. How much will the cleaning supplies cost? 18. When does the sale end? 19. What does the woman want? 20. Where does the woman work? 二、阅读理解(共两篇,每篇5个小题,每小题3分,共30分) 第一篇 Do you know the real meaning of unconsciousness? If you don’t, you are not alone. Many people don’t know the true meaning of unconsciousness. Most people think unconsciousness is a state in which people lose conscious of what is happening around them. But it is not always the case.


2021年大学生英语竞赛B类新版历年真题和模拟试题详解 2021年全国大学生英语竞赛B类(英语专业)题库【历年真题(视频讲解)+章节题库+模拟试题】 内容简介 本资料是2021年全国大学生英语竞赛B类(英语专业)的题库,具体包括以下三部分: 第一部分为历年真题(视频讲解)。收录全国大学生英语竞赛B类历年初决赛考试真题(2017~2020),每套真题均提供答案详解,部分真题还附有视频讲解。通过该部分学习,既可以体验真实考试,也可以测试自己的水平。学员可充分了解出题风格,熟知解题思路,从而能够有针对性地备考。 第二部分为章节题库。按照最新真题及样题的试题结构设置章节,共分为听力、词汇与语法、完形填空等八大考试题型。每种题型精选专项练习,帮助学员加深对解题思路的理解和掌握,并在实战中灵活运用。专项练习是在参考众多相关考试用书、国内外权威杂志以及优秀论文等大量素材的基础上精心设计而成,具有很强的针对性和实用性。 第三部分为模拟试题。根据常考知识点,参考相关真题,精心设计两套模拟试题,便于考生检测复习效果。

• 试看部分内容 •第一部分历年真题[视频讲解+听力音频] •2020年全国大学生英语竞赛B类(英语专业)初赛试题及详解 •2019年全国大学生英语竞赛B类(英语专业)初赛试题及详解[听力音频] •2019年全国大学生英语竞赛B类(英语专业)决赛试题及详解[视频讲解] •2018年全国大学生英语竞赛B类(英语专业)初赛试题及详解[视频讲解] •2018年全国大学生英语竞赛B类(英语专业)决赛试题及详解[听力音频] •2017年全国大学生英语竞赛B类(英语专业)初赛试题及详解[视频讲解] •2017年全国大学生英语竞赛B类(英语专业)决赛试题及详解[视频讲解] •第二部分章节题库[听力音频] •第1章听力理解[听力音频] •第2章词汇与语法


批改网杯全国大学生英语词汇竞赛真题 1、The house was completed five months ago. [单选题] * A. 完成(正确答案) B. 复杂 C. 开始 D. 装着 2、—Can you play the violin at the art festival?—No, I ______. But I am good at playing the drums.()[单选题] * A. can B. can’t(正确答案) C. do D. don’t 3、I’m still unable to make myself_____in the discussion, which worries me a lot. [单选题]* A.understand B.understood(正确答案) C.understanding D.to be understood

4、--Could you please tell me _______ to get to the nearest supermarket?--Sorry, I am a stranger here. [单选题] * A. what B. how(正确答案) C. when D. why 5、I could ______ control my feelings and cried loudly when I heard the bad news. [单选题] * A. hardly(正确答案) B. ?really C. clearly D. nearly 6、The boy lost his()and fell down on the ground when he was running after his brother. [单选题] * A. balance(正确答案) B. chance C. place D. memory 7、---Excuse me sir, where is Room 301?---Just a minute. I’ll have Bob ____you to your room. [单选题] *


大学生英语竞赛B类词汇语法专项强化真题试卷8(题后含答案及解 析) 题型有:1. 1.The boxer recovered, although he had been ______ for ten minutes after the fight. A.unconscious B.unaware C.dazzled D.diminished 正确答案:A 解析:unconscious失去知觉的,昏倒的。unaware未认识到的,未觉察到的。dazzled眩晕的。diminished减少了的。只有A选项符合题意。 2.I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, ______ something occurred which attracted my attention. A.unless B.when C.until D.while 正确答案:B 解析:when引导时间状语从句。 3.The government is ______ and will take the necessary steps to maintain security and stability. A.on standby B.at risk C.out of control D.on the alert 正确答案:A 解析:on standby严阵以待,随时准备着。at risk处境危险。out of control 失去控制。on the alert处于戒备状态,保持警觉。 4.—Two tins of baked beans, please. —I’m afraid we haven’t got any ______ at the moment. But we should be getting some more on Thursday. A.in stock B.on order


竞赛语法词汇题 51. There are as good fish in the sea __________ever came out of it. A. than B. like C. as D. so 【解析】答案选C。There's as good fish in the sea as ever c ame out of it. 为英语谚语,其意为:海里的好鱼是取之不尽的。可理解为:纵然失去一个机会,不愁没有其他机会。 52. All the President’s Men __________one of the important b ooks for historians who study the Watergate Scandal. A. remain B. remains C. remained D. is remaining 【解析】答案选B。All the President’s Men 为书名,故用单数。 53. ―You __________borrow my notes provided you take care of them.‖ I told my friend. A. could B. should C. must D. can 【解析】答案选D。“provided (that) +从句”表示种假设条件,相当于if。根据情况可使用虚拟语气或是陈述语气,这里表示真实的条件句。can表示在此表示许可或同意。 54. If only the patient __________a different treatment instead of using the antibodies he might still be alive now. A. had received


National English Contest for College Students (Level C – Preliminary) (总分:150分时间:120分钟) Part I listening Comprehension (30 marks) Section A (5 marks) In this section,you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once .After each conversation,there will be a twenty-second pause. During the pause,read the question and the three choices marked A,B and C,and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. What does the man say we can do to deal with oil crisis? A. To make full use of oil. B. To use as little oil as possible C. To find alternative energy. 2. Where does this conversation most probably take place? A. In an insurance company. B. In a bank. C. In a supermarket. 3. According to the man,who is going to take over the position they are talking about? A. Janice. B. Someone else. C. Meryl. 4. What does the woman say about the man’s report for the meeting? A. He has to get it ready before tomorrow noon. B. He has done well enough. C. He has enough time to prepare it. 5. How many people will be on the earth by the year according to the professor?
