


Unit1 ?Where did you go on vacation?

【题目要求】假设你的名字叫小明。你很喜欢旅游,你和家人去年夏天去了长城。请以“The visit to the Great Wall”?为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。

【优秀范文】The visit to the Great Wall

My name is Xiao-ming and I like traveling very much. Last summer, I went to the Great Wall with my family.

It was fine that day. We went there by bus early in the morning. When we got there, there were many other visitors there. When my family and I went onto the Great Wall, we saw beautiful scenery(风景). We all were amazed(惊讶的) by how beautiful it was. We took quite a few photos there.

We had a good time there. The time flew by, and soon we had to go back. I was tired after traveling, but I really enjoyed visiting the Great Wall!

Unit2 ?How often do you exercise?

【题目要求】你的生活和饮食习惯健康吗?请以“My Lifestyle”为题写一篇短文来介绍你的生活饮食习惯。词数:80左右。

【优秀范文】My Lifestyle

Let me tell you a little about my lifestyle.?

I often eat fruit and vegetables. Apples and oranges are my favorites. I love junk food, too, and I eat it three or four times a week. I sleep less than seven hours ever day. I often feel sleepy. I brush my teeth once a day. I run in the morning, and play ping-pong after school. In my free time, I enjoy surfing the Internet. On weekends, I often go to the movies with my friends.

I think I’m kind of unhealthy. I shouldn’t eat too much junk food. I’ll try to have a balanced diet and sleep more. I should brush my teeth twice a day. I hope I can have a better lifestyle.

Unit3 ?I’m more outgoing than my sister?



My best friend is Li Ming. We are in the same class. He is as old as me, but he is taller and stronger than me. Both of us have black eyes and black hair, but his hair is shorter than mine. As for hobbies, we have something in common in some ways. I like the friends who have the same hobbies with me. Both of us like sports. We often exercises together after school. But he is more outgoing and better at sports than me. Besides, collecting stamps is our same hobby, too. We often exchange our stamps with each other.

About the learning, I think I’m a little smarter than him. Most of my subjects are better than his, so I often help him with his study.

Unit4 ?What’s the best movie theater?

【题目要求】请以"My dream job"为题,介绍你的梦想。

【优秀范文】My dream job

When I grow up , I’m going to be a journalist(记者).?I have been eager(渴望的)to do something benificial(有益的)to the world. And I think it' suitable(适合的)for me to be a journalist.

To realise(实现)my dream, I will study harder. What's more, I am going to?write articles(文章)for magazines and newspaper in my free time, so I can know more about the job.?

If I work hard enough, my dream will come ture.?

Unit5 ?Do you want to watch a game show?

【题目要求】谈谈你常看或最喜欢看的电视节目或电影,以及你的一些感想。词数:80左右。【优秀范文】My favorite TV program

My favorite TV program is Animal World. It’s very interesting and exciting. There I learn a lot kinds of animals.?

Some people think some animals are dangerous. They may hurt us humans. We can kill them. I can’t stand the idea. Each animal has its reason to live on the earth. They are important for the world. They keep a balance. If somebody breaks it, we humans may not be able to live on the earth.

Unit6 ?I’m going to study computer science.







参考词汇:knowledge 知识??social activities 社会活动

【优秀范文】My winter vacation

The winter vacation is coming. I’m going to do what I want to do.

First, I’m going to have a good rest and relax. I will read some good books. Reading books is useful because it can help me get more knowledge. It can open up my eyes to the world. Next, I’m going to s pend more time talking with my parents. I will also try my best to help them do some housework. Then, I’m going to take part in social activities (社会活动)so that I can know more people.

What do you think of my vacation? I hope you will have a happy winter vacation.

Unit7 ?Will people have robots?

【题目要求】以“The life in the future”为题写一篇文章,按下列提示完成。

1. 想象一下未来生活会是什么样子;

2. 具体介绍一下未来的生活:很多事情都由电脑和机器人完成。例如:料理家务、购物、看病,孩子们通过网络把课堂搬到家里,人们可以活到200岁等;

3. 为了未来的生活,我们现在应该努力学习,实现理想。


【优秀范文】The life in the future

What do you think the life in the future will be like?

Every family will have computers and robots. Computers will help us know a lot all over the world. Robots will help us do most of the housework. They can help us do some cleaning, cooking or washing.

We can do some shopping and see a doctor without going out. Students can study at home on computers. People will live to be 200 years old because of the better medical care.

Our life will be better and better. For this, we should study hard. I believe we’ll be able to do this.

Unit8 ?How do you make a banana milk shake?


Ingredients(材料):2 pieces of bread; 1 spoon of cheese; 1 green pepper; 1 onion; some mushrooms(蘑菇);

2 pieces of beef;2 spoons of relish(开胃小菜/调味品)



Do you know to make the beef sandwich? Now, let me tell you.

First, put a spoon of cheese on a piece of bread. Then cut up a green pepper and an onion. Add these

to the bread. Next, put some mushrooms and 2 pieces of beef on the bread. Put two spoons of relish on the beef. Finally, the other piece of bread on the top.

Now you can enjoy it. It’s very delicious.

Unit9 ?Can you come to my party?

【题目要求】你是Mike,你去Marry 家,想问问她去不去参加你的生日聚会,但是她不在家,你


1. 明天是我的生日,你会参加我的生日聚会吗?聚会晚上6:30开始;




Dear Marry,

I’m Mike. Tomorrow is my birthday. I want to invite?you to take part in my birthday. Can you come tomorrow??

The party will begin at half past six in the evening. My parents, friends and classmates will come, you can see them in the party.?

If you come to my birthday party, please make a phone call to me.?I will be happy that you can come.


Mike Unit10 ?If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time.

【题目要求】请以“If I have a lot of money”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。

【优秀范文】If I have a lot of money

If I have a lot of money, I will have the chance to do what I want to do.?

First I’ll travel around the world, because I love traveling, and then I’ll give some money to schools and charities. I’ll t ry my best to help the people who are in trouble.

Next, I will buy a big house with a garden and a swimming pool for my parents, so they will live a happy life. I’m sure we will enjoy a better life.


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 上周你和家人一起去青岛度假。请以"My Vacation" 为题介绍一下你的假期。70词左右。要点如下: 1,乘火车前往, 天气晴朗,去了沙滩; 2,在沙滩上拾贝壳(shell);在水中嬉戏; 3, 吃海鲜(seafood);逛商店; 人们很友好。 要求: 不要逐字翻译,相关内容自己添加,注意合理性。 My Vacation Last week, I went to Qingdao with my parents. We went there by train. I loved it after I came to the city. The weather there was fine and not too hot. We went to the beautiful beaches. We picked a lot of shells and we had great fun playing in the water For meals, we ate a lot of seafood. There are many big shops in Qingdao. We went shopping after lunch. The people were very friendly to us. I had a wonderful time in Qingdao. 范例 Aug. 7th Sunny My family spent the weekend with my grandparents. They live in a quiet and nice village. On Saturday morning, 1. ____________________________(我们拜访了亲戚朋友). In the afternoon, 2. ____________________________(我们帮忙做家务). I fed the hens and milked the cows. It was really interesting. On Sunday morning, 3. ___________________ (我们在山上散步). We saw many beautiful flowers, trees and animals. In the afternoon, ______________________(我们去河边钓鱼). My mother walked along the river and took many photos there. We 5. _________________________(在周末玩的开心). I felt happy and relaxed. I also learned many things. Unit 2 How often do you exercise?


且行且珍惜话题高考作文800字议论文范文 什么是且行且珍惜,是一种祝福,是一种意境,更是一种情感,带着无尽的感谢。下面是橙子为大家整理收集的且行且珍惜话题高考作文800字议论文范文,希望可以帮助到你! 且把珍惜留下来 什么是且行且珍惜,是一种祝福,是一种意境,更是一种情感,带着无尽的感谢。 ——题记 缘分的大手把彼此拉在一起,于是我们开始扮演生命中最精彩的角色——为梦想而彼此搀扶的竞争者。在那些彼此依靠的年华里,在那些谁都离不开谁的时光里,沉淀下来的不只是赢取梦想的筹码,还有那些未曾有机会表达的感谢。 第一份感谢要送给这本毕业文集,感谢你给了我这次表达的机会。 “只有泪光你给过希望怎么能忘是你填满温暖让梦想有了翅膀教我如何控制风的方向让我每一天能飞到更远的地方不能和你一起拥有喜悦和悲伤不管走多远步伐都没有力量不能和你一起走往这世界幸福方向孤单的身旁少了坚强只有简单感伤” 第二份感谢要送给我亲爱的小龟。那已经有些褪色的“小红”;那疯狂的贫穷的2005年10月;那一个个黄澄澄甜蜜蜜的奉节特产;那段热衷于耍宝的岁月;那张讨厌被别人碰却被我肆意蹂躏的小脸;那七张绿幽幽的票子;那一直清晰的你洗碗的身影;那个胖胖的多拉A 梦;那一段从教室到校门的漆黑路程……这些别人眼中微不足道的细

节或是嗤之以鼻的无聊却在我的高中岁月里一直闪着耀眼的光芒。亲爱的小龟,能够遇见你,在彼此一生中最美好的年华,以前的以后的所有的空缺都在这一刻被灿烂地填满。所以,我闭上眼睛去看见这样一种幸福??也许曲终人散之后,离开的离开,忘记的忘记。 然而旋律最好的时候,感谢上天让我们是在一起的。我想说:“不管怎样你都要记得我,你永远都是我最好的伙伴,就像身体的一部分。IwasdfsnttothasdfsnkyouforgivingmethebestdasdfsyofmylifeOhj usttobewithyouishasdfsvingthebestdasdfsyofmylife。” “沮丧时总会明显感到孤独的重量多渴望懂得的人给些温暖借个肩膀很高兴一路上我们的默契那么长穿过风又绕个弯心还连着像往常一样最初的梦想紧握在手上最想要去的地方怎么能在半路就放最初的梦想绝对会到达实现了真的渴望才能够算到过了天堂” 第三份感谢要送给我可爱的同桌??谭JJ。在我认识的所有女生中,实在找不出象她一样不顾形象娱乐大众的孩子。曾经以为高三残酷的岁月会枯燥乏味却因为她的存在而变得有趣起来,“清废帝”的经典是可以载入史册的笑话;冻土和东突的差别真的是很大……亲爱的谭JJ,猪MM不会忘记我哭泣时你懂事地沉默,不会忘记那双卡哇依的手套,不会忘记你用行动教会我的善良和宽容,不会忘记你这个单纯却又丰富着的孩子。我想说:“好人有好报。”“谁能够划船不用浆谁能够扬帆没有风向谁能够离开好朋友没有感伤我可以划船不用浆我可以扬帆没有风向但是朋友啊当你离我远去我却不能不感伤” 第四份感谢很大,要送给4010和4001的姐妹们??麻子、韦小毛、


人教新目标版八年级英语作文范文精选汇总 Unit 1 My Vacation to Beijing Wednesday, August 20th Today the weather was hot and sunny. I went to Beijing with my parents.Idid a lots of things there. We visited the Palace Museum and the Great Wall.We also went to Tianan’men Square. Th e many people there. Then we went to a Beijing Hutong. It was beautiful. We took some photos. I liked this place because it was interesting. For dinner we had Beijing duck. It was delicious. In the evening, I felt really tired but very happy.. 1.假如你是林涛,去年夏天去北京度假,参观过许多地方。以My vacation 为题目, 2.写一篇70词左右的短文。内容包括:1,旅游景点 (the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tian'anmen Square, Beijing hutong). 2, 天气、活动。 3,观点等。 Last summer, I went to Beijing on vacation with my father. The weather was sunny and hot. First w e visited the Great Wall. There were a lot o f people on the Great Wall. It is really the longest wall in the world. The next day, we visited the Palace Museum and Tian'anmen Square. We took many ph otos there. We also visited some other interesting places in Beijing. We visited a Beijing hutong, too. We had a great time there. I hope to go there again. Unit 2 根据调查结果写一篇短文 Activities Here are the results of the students' activity survey in my class. Everybody takes their exercise for a n hour every day. 90% of the students eat fruit and drink milk every day.7% of the students eat junk food for 2 or 3 times a week. Nobody drinks coffee. Most students sleep for 8 or 9 hours a day. Unit 3 你和你朋友在外貌和性格方面有什么异同呢?请以"My best friend and I"为题,运用比较级写一 篇英语文章. Should friends be the same or different? For me ,It’s not necessary to be the same .My na vid. My best friend Jeff is quiet different from me. He is shorter and quieter than me . We both like sports ,but he plays baseball better than me ,so he always wins . Jeff works harder and always get go od grades .We can talk and share everything. I think my best friend helps to bring out the best in me


八年级英语(上册)作文范文 1.My Summer Vacation I had a wonderful summer vacation last year. Last summer vacation I flew to Hainan with my parents because it is a good place to spend a vacation. First, we went to the beach. We played beach volleyball, swam in the sea and picked up beautiful shells (贝壳). Then, we went to the shopping center to buy some gifts for our friends, but I didn’t buy anything for myself because they were too expensive. Finally, we put up the tents (搭起帐篷) by the sea. How interesting it is to hear the sound of the sea while sleeping! I think I had a wonderful and relaxing summer vacation. 2.My Last Weekend It was a beautiful day last Saturday. I went to Fenghuang Mountain with my classmates. In the morning, we met at the school gate at 8:30, then we walked to Fenghuang mountain. We talked and sang along the way. It seemed all the birds in the trees sang along with us, too. At around 9 o’clock, we arrived at the Fenghuang Square. We began to play many kinds of games, some of us played badminton, some of us rode two –seat bicycles, some of us climbed the mountain and others went boating on the lake. What a good time we had! When I got home at around 6 pm, I was very tired but really happy! 3.My Lifestyle I am a 14-year-old middle school student. I have a healthy lifestyle. I often eat fruit and vegetables. Apples and broccoli are my favorite. I love junk food, too, but I only eat it two or three times a week. I sleep less than seven hours every day. I feel sleepy sometimes. I run in the morning and play ping-pong after school. In my free time, I enjoy reading books. On weekends I often go to the movies with my friends. I brush my teeth once a day. I think my lifestyle is not good enough. I shouldn’t eat too much junk food. I will try to eat a balanced diet and sleep more. I should brush my teeth twice a day. I hope I will have a better lifestyle. 4.How do I keep healthy? I think health is very important in our life, but how to keep healthy? To keep healthy, I believe that we should have a healthy lifestyle. First, we should eat a balanced diet. We should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, they are good for our health. Also, we should drink milk every day. Then, we should exercise twice or three times a week. Doing sports is healthy for our mind and our body. Next, we should get enough sleep. It is best to get at least eight hours’ sleep a day. We shouldn’t stay up too late. We should go to bed early and get up early. In a word, health is very important in our life. 5.My Best Friend and I Linda is my best friend. In some ways we look the same and in some ways we look different. We both have black eyes and black hair. Her hair is longer than mine. She is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but she plays tennis better, so she always wins. However, Linda often helps me to bring out the best in me. Now I’m getting better at tennis. Also, Linda is more hard – working and more careful than me, so she always get better grades than I do. This is my best friend, I like her very much. 6.My winter vacation plan My winter vacation is coming. I’m going to do what I want to do in the winter vacation. Let me tell you something about my plan for the winter vacation. First, I’m going to have a good rest and relax myself. I’m going to read more useful books because reading books is interesting and it can also make me 1


八年级上册Unit1-uni5作文典例及范文 Unit1 假日活动是本单元涉及的话题内容,也是大家非常熟悉的一个写作话题,写这类记叙文时,要根据事情的发生顺序展开。此类话题作文写作的常用表达有:(1)I went to … (2)We took quite a few photos (3)It was wonderful (4)We all had a good time 典例:假如上周你和班上的同学到方山玩,你们玩得很快乐。请以“my happy weekend”为题,根据下面的提示写一篇短文。 时间:星期天早上8点集合地点:学校门口 路程:骑自行车到达目的地约30分钟活动:拍照,玩游戏,野餐 感受:大家都度过了一个快乐的周末 要求:1.词数:80左右 2.短文必须包含所提示内容,但不得逐条翻译。 My happy weekend Last weekend,my classmates and I went to Fangshan. We enjoyed ourselves very much.________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________. 范文: Last weekend, my classmates and I went to Fangshan. We enjoyed ourselves very much. At 8:00 on Sunday morning, we got together at the school gate. When all of us arrived, we started. We liked riding, so we went there by bike. After about 30 minutes’ ride, we got there. We found a beautiful place to have a rest. And we took quite a few photos and played games together. When we felt a little hungry, we took out our food to have a picnic. Everyone ate a lot. We all had a good time.


八年级下册英语作文复习及范文 Unit 1 假如您就是李明,您的朋友Peter即将面临中考,然而她却深感压力巨大,寝食难安,情绪低落,学习效率低下。请您写一封信给她提一些有益的建议,帮助她调整心态,提高学习效率,轻松迎考。 要点如下:1、学会放松(体育锻炼,听音乐……)2、健康饮食3、充足睡眠4、学会沟通 注意:1、次数80词左右。(文章的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数) 2、可适当的发挥,但必须包含以上要点。 Dear Peter, Don’t worry about y our study too much、First, you should learn how to relax yourself、I think doing more sports is good for your health、Listening to music is also a good way to relax、And I think it’s necessary to have healthy eating habits、Please remember to have breakfast every morning、It can give you enough energy to study for the whole morning、You’d better go to bed early and have enough sleep、It will keep you active during the day、Finally, I think you should talk with your friends, parents, or teachers often、Tell them about your thoughts and feelings、Try to get help from them、 I hope you can stay in good spirits and study better、 Yours, Li Ming Unit 2 (A)假设您就是晨光中学的李华。您校拟选拔一些优秀的学生,利用暑假到晨曦希望小学为学生辅导英语。您希望参加此次活动。请根据提示给校评选组写一封申请信。80词左右。 1、对此次活动的认识(如对本人、学生与学校的益处) 2、个人优势(如性格、独立生活能力、语言能力等) 3、您的计划(如怎样辅导等) Dear Sir/Madam, I’m Li Hua from Class One, Grade Two、I am writing to apply[?’pla?] (申请)for the opportunity to help the students in Chenxi Hope School with their English、They can improve their English during the summer vacation、Meanwhile[‘mi:nwa?l](同时), I can learn how to get along well with the students and benefit[‘ben?f?t](利益) the whole school、I’m kind, outgoing and always ready to help others、I wash clothed and make beds by myself to develop independence [?nd?’pend?ns](独立)、English is my favorite subject and I have won several prizes in English contests、So I think that I am qualified [‘kw?l?fa?d] (有资格的)for the position、 (B)假如您就是来自一中的学生李明,您很喜欢动物,可就是现在很多动物的数量在逐渐减少。请以“I Want to Be A V olunteer of Protecting Animals”为题写一篇演讲稿。 内容提示:1、您的性格就是什么样的?2、您为了保护动物都做过什么?3、作为一名志愿者,您需要做什么? 要求:1、词数100左右,演讲稿的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2、所写演讲稿必须包括所有要点,自由发挥内容必须围绕主题。3、文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。 I Want to Be A V olunteer of Protecting Animals Good morning, everyone、My name is Li Ming, a student from No、1 Middle School、As we know, animals are our good friends、However, as we can see, some animals, especially rare animals, are becoming fewer and fewer、


初二上册语文作文范文八年级上册语文作文人教版八年级语文上册第一单元作文例文 珍惜和平 纵观世界风云,战争贯穿着人类的发展史,由古至今,大大小小的战争不计其数。据 ___统计,人类历史上真正没有战争的日子只有300多年,可见战争就是人类矛盾不可调和的产物。尤其是两次世界大战把多少人类积累的财富毁于一旦,无论战争是正义还是非正义的都在怕坏着人类的发展。 由大导演斯皮尔伯格拍摄的《兄弟连》真是的反映了战争和战争中的人,他把战争描写的很贴切,很写实。因为他是以一群二战老兵的眼睛去看战争,而不是像无聊的国产剧是一群文人想象的。二 战老兵经历了真正的战争,他们懂得珍惜生命,热爱和平。这样的人我们崇拜他,他在战争中为战友付出着,和平时期他们为人们讲述着战争的残酷性,他提醒人们不要忘记战争的危害。而美化战争的人,还有英雄主义的文人们,他们没有让人们看清战争,英雄不是写出来的,英雄就在我们的身边。所以要反思战争,珍爱和平。

每一次战争损失的物质财富不计其数,第二次世界大战中,我国的损失就有3500亿美元,伤亡军民达3000多万。整个二战中损失的财富用金条来计算,它可以绕地球三周多。然而在战争中失去的不仅仅是物质财富,精神财富也在不断的失去,遗迹的毁坏,文物的毁坏,亲人的丧失,战争对人们的摧残都是残酷的。 战争的本质就是矛盾的激化,战争是统治阶级们为了满足自己要求而进行的,战争是统治阶级们的另一种发财之道。 如何才能消灭战争呢?只有民主制度才可以消灭战争,所以我们要求民主,建立民主制度。发扬民主,弘扬民主,贯彻民主才是我们奋斗的目标。 我只有这个,希望能帮到你。 一直藏在我心中的秘密 没有秘密的世界是空虚、失落的。我们每个人心中都有秘密,而且秘密都不同,你想知道我的秘密吗?那就请你再往下看吧!


以人才为话题的议论文高中范文 【篇一】 长期以来,人们习惯于将智商作为衡量人才的标准,而现代研究表明,人才成功的决定因素不仅仅是智商,还有情商。 美国一家很有名的研究机构调查了188个公司,测试了每个公司高级主管的智商和情商,并将每位主管的测试结果和该主管在工作上的表现联系在一起进行分析。结果发现,对来说,情商的影响力是智商的9倍。智商略逊的人如果拥有更高的情商指数,也一样能成功。 李开复说,情商意味着:有足够的勇气面对可以克服的挑战、有足够的度量接受不可克服的挑战、有足够的智慧来分辨两者的不同。他十分认同“要建立由品德、知识、能力等要素构成的各类人才评价指标体系”。 情商不是靠背书、考试能学到的。在中国传统背考模式的影响下,情商的培养受到了长期的忽视甚至忽略。应试心态造成了不少中国学生每天拼命地读书,把追求好成绩当做惟一人生目标,没时间交朋友,忽略了人际关系的培养。而中国学校的“名次”造成了一种“零和”心态(每班只有一个第一名,学生都彼此当作竞争对手)。这样的教育模式可能逐渐把学生培养成为情商很低的人。 总而言之,良好的教育中藏着巨大的情商因素培养空间。如果教师在整个家庭教育过程中始终以塑造孩子的心灵为本,从情感上关心孩子,从人格上尊重孩子,从日常行为规范上教育孩子,让孩子从高层次的教育中领悟其中的道理。那么,这些接受情感教育的孩子不会只成为学习的机器。 智商是用以表示智力水平的工具,智商的高低反映着智力水平的高低。情商是表示认识、控制和调节自身情感的能力,情商的高低反映着情感品质的差异。情商对于人的成功起着比智商更加重要的作用。智商和情商,都是人的重要的心理品质,都是事业成功的重要基础。所以要想成为一名成功的人士,不但应该学习相关领域的新知识、新技能,也应不断的有意识地提高自己的情商水平,它可以影响其他能力的充分发挥。 【篇二】


八年级下册英语作文范文集锦 Unit 1 What’s the matter? 【话题?谈论健康和事故】谈论自己的健康,发生事故时怎么做及如何向他人提出建议和劝告,从而养成良好的饮食和生活习惯。具体到书面表达中要求同学们掌握描述人体的不适,并提出正确的建议。 范例1 ★★ Last week, I got sick. On Wednesday, I had a cold, but I still went to school. On Thursday morning, I had a fever. My mother took me to see a doctor in Renmin Hospital. Then we went back home and I had some chicken soup. My mother said chicken soup was very good. On Friday, I stayed in bed and had a good rest. On Saturday, I felt much better. 范例2 【Unit 1单元测试范文】★★★ Dear Sally, I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well these days. Are you still feeling tired now? I think you should drink a lot of hot water and have a good rest. You shouldn’t go to bed too late or work too late. Don’t be under too much pressure, and tr y to relax yourself. If you still don’t feel better, you should go to a doctor and take some medicine. I hope you will feel better soon. Yours, Julia Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. 【话题?帮助他人和参加志愿活动】描述发生在我们身边相关的事情,提倡相互帮助,关心社会和谐发展。此类为常考话题作文,写作时应尽量用倡议或号召性的语句或者用自己、他人亲身经历的事件鼓励教育他人。


人教版丨八年级上册英语各单元话题作文 话题一:学习经验 假如你是Sara,在学校的英语竞赛中,你取得了第一名的好成绩。同学们邀请你向他们介绍一下你学习英语的经验。请你根据以下提示,写一篇70 词左右的短文,给他们提些建议吧! 1. 对学习英语感兴趣; 2. 喜欢听英文音乐和看英文电影; 3. 经常用英语和别人交谈; 4. 喜欢用英语写读后感。 【短语/句型】 1. be interested in... 对……感兴趣

2. try to do sth 尽力做某事 3. be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 1. I'm glad to... 2. Why not...? 【参考范文】 Good morning everyone! I'm glad to tell you something about my English study. I am very interested in English. Here's some advice for you. First, listening is very important in learning English. Why not listen to some easy English songs or see English movies every day? Then, try to speak English as much as possible, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Finally, after you read an English story, you can write something about the story to improve your writing! 话题二:健康生活


改变自己的话题议论文范文 我们不可以改变时间,但可以把握时间。我们可以改变自己,让自己变得更加坚强更加优秀。下面是橙子为大家整理的改变自己的话题议论文范文,希望对大家有帮助。 改变自己 “只有两种生活方式,腐烂或是燃烧。”高尔基如是说。 人生而注定消逝于世的命运,生命过于短暂,以至不待看尽风月,黑夜便尾随白昼而至。人生如斯,有人选择在暗夜中静待腐烂,有人却选择在阳光下痛快燃烧。 命运的生死我们或许无能为力,然而生存方式却可以改变。处于相同的空气,有人任真菌腐殖,有人却发光发热。既然不能改变世界,那我们何不改变自己? 燃烧迸发生命的光华,改变,我们也可以绽放价值。 在列强争相撕扯时仍固守苟延残喘的封建制度的近代中国,封建遗毒根深蒂固。或许这种局面一时无法动摇,然而依旧有人从麻木的人群中站了出来,一如黑色枝条上绽放的红色花蕾。他们义无返顾的走上封建社会的祭坛。“戊戌变法”的铡刀砍下了,“黄花岗”的枪声落下了。他们清楚改变世界任重而道远,但正如谭嗣同为变法牺牲时的决绝:就算改变不了,也绝不随波而流,任人宰割。 改变自己,至少不会在改变不了的污浊中沾污发臭。 但还有一种改变,能在污泥中开出花来。 “物竞天择,适者生存。”生存环境不为我们所左右,然而改变

自己,我们也能脱颖而出。爱迪生生来家贫,而后失学,只好火车上做工。也许他便只能如此含混着终了一生,即便是天才也终将沦落为火车顶上飘出的一缕薄烟,在嘈杂的风尘中湮灭为一声轻叹。但是他没有。 辍学又如何,他可以自学。没有实验室,他就在火车上实验。改变不了环境,改变一种生命方式,依旧迸发出了科学的火花。 改变自己,一切或许将染就另一种颜色。 在城市车水马龙的街道中,我们改变不了布局,改变不了人流,但只要每个人都遵守秩序,事故或许就不再频繁。我们改变不了伤亡和意外,但只要消融一下自己内心的坚冰,世界也将温暖如春。 其实改变自己,世界也将有所调整,不复昨日的阴晦。然而如今我们更多是听到旁人的抱怨,在混乱中更添混乱。就像与阳光背离的角落里,总有人愿意赖在那发霉甚至腐烂。 也许我们左右不了世界,但是我们没有理由扎根于不满,任由生命一无是处的终结。 改变自己,至少可以为自己点燃一支蜡烛,为生活带去一分亮色。 正如同改变不了黑暗,我们也可以自己寻找光明。这总比闭上双眼的好。 改变自己 很多年以前,我曾经说过,时间可以改变一切。 看着那些老旧的照片,感觉好像还是活在过去,想着想着……如今,也回不到从前了,也听不到那欠扁的笑容了,其实,我以为一辈


八年级下册英语作文范 文 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

初二下册英语作文10篇1.My hobby My hobby is rich and colorful. I always read in the morning. I think reading is interesting. I can get a lot of knowledge from books. I like listening to English at noon. I think English is important and interesting. Sometimes I listen to popular music. Because music can relax myself. I often play basketball with my classmates after school. I think playing basketball is good for our health. It can get on with my friends. I like playing the piano very much. I practice playing the piano in the evening. Then I finish my homework. I am busy every day and I am very happy. 2.I want to be a player Everyone has a dream. But I think my dream is to be a football star when I grow up. I liked playing football when I was a child. No matter what the weather is like, I often play football with my friends on the playground after school. I like Ronaldo best. Now I will do my best to study hard in the school. I believe my dream will come true in the future. At that time, I am not only proud of my parents, but also proud of all the people in Yunnan. Now I am still a middle school student. I must try my best to work hard at my lessons. I think my dream will come true some day in the future if I work hard. 3.My future


人教版八年级英语上册作文题目与范文unit1版本一:介绍你的一个朋友,表达他的兴趣爱好,同时写清自己的的习惯,他怎么样才能保持健康(不少于60词) He thinks he isn't pretty healthy. He doesn't like exercise, so he does exercise once a week. He is very fat. He doesn't like vegetables, so he hardly ever eats vegetables. He likes eating junk food. He thinks it is very nice. He eats them about four or five times a week. He loves milk, but he doesn't drink it every day. He only drinks them two or three times a week. He eats fruit once or twice a week. But he sleeps nine hours every night. His lifestyle is not very well. But he knows healthy lifestyle helps him get good grades. He tries to eats some vegetables and eats lots of fruit. And he wants his parents to play sports with him. He wants to be the healthiest. Most students watch TV every day. Some students watch TV twice a week. Some students watch TV four times a week. Some students have sports every day. Some students have sports twice a week. Most students have sports four times a week. All the students do homework every day. No students do homework twice or four times a week. unit2假设李平是你的朋友,他目前的身体状况不好。他从来不锻炼,他经常感到很紧张,很疲倦,他爱吃零食,有时会胃疼。这几天,他感冒了。头很痛。请写一封信给他,并给他一些建议。 Dear LiPing, I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well。I think you should see a doctor,then you should take some medicines,and drink a lot of water。You said you are stressed out and tired。Why do not you listen to music and go to bed early。You should also try to exercise。Eating less junk food。Eating more healthy food,like apple,orange and milk 。I think they are good for your health。 I hope you feel better soon! Yours××× unit3.版本一:假设你的一个笔友上个星期天来看你,你安排了一个游玩计划,大意如下:早晨8:30在火车站接他后来到苏州动物园。那里有很多不同种类的动物。12:00吃午
