2020-2021学年英语热点词汇素材:五福才不是five FU!等5则

2020-2021学年英语热点词汇素材:五福才不是five FU!等5则
2020-2021学年英语热点词汇素材:五福才不是five FU!等5则

英语热点词汇素材:五福才不是"five FU"!等5则

1 五福才不是"five FU"!说错马云都要气哭了!(内有敬业福攻略)





首先,我们要知道敬业这个词怎么说。它的名词形式是dedication,指的是全身心的投入,用作形容词的时候,就用dedicated来表示,指devoted to a task or purpose,对某件事情的专注,就是敬业的意思了。

那么敬业福就是dedication card啦,非常稀有的一张卡。


1.Nancy didn't get the dedication card last year.


2.Dedication card is the hardest card to get .





那么爱国福怎么表达呢?它被称为patriotism,可翻译为爱国主义;爱国精神;爱国心。爱国福就是patriotism card.


The crowd was high on euphoria and drunk with patriotism.




富强怎么说呢?可能大家都不是很明白。其实它的英文是prosperity,在牛津字典中表达为:the state of being prosperous,中文表达为繁荣,昌盛和成功。富强福=prosperity card.


1.The locals could not fathom out the reason behind his new-found prosperity


2.He saw poverty as the by-product of colonial prosperity.





它指的是the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole,就是一种协调,和谐,统一的状态。


1.The upper parts of the harmony may be reduplicated at the octave above.


2.We seek a harmony between body and spirit.





这个词在字典中表示为:a relationship between friends,就是朋友间的亲密关系。那么友善福就是friendship card啦!


1.They have extended the arm of friendship to developing countries.


2.They joined in non-competitive activities like friendship week.


2 “打我手机”千万别说成call my phone,为什么?

中文中的“打我手机”,很多人说英文的时候会说成,“call my phone”. 其实这么说不对,这是典型的中式英文。

我们打电话是打给“人”,而不是打给“手机”,所以"call my phone"这个表达不对,下面我们仔细分析一下这个问题。


(X)Please call my cell phone.

(√)Call me on my cell phone.

(√)Call me at this number.

打电话给某人,要直接用call somebody,要是想说明是手机还是座机,要加一个介词on,如果想说明某一个号码,要用at.


(√)Call me in the office.

(√)Call me at work.


如果想问是该打到你家里还是打到公司,还可以问,Should I call you at home or at work?


Can I help you?

How can I help you? (better)

两个回答“How can I help you?”更好一些,因为别人打电话到公司肯定是有事情,Can I help you?便是多此一举,还不如直接问,“我要怎样帮你?”


(X)Thank you for your calling.

(√)Thanks for your calling.

英文中并没有"Thank you for your V-ing"的表达,you和your意思一样同时出现意思繁冗,没有必要。

3 老外给你发“sorry,WC”,你知道他说的是什么意思吗?




















hiho = hola = yo = hi =嘿= hellow


sup = S'up =怎么了



cya = cu = see ya = 见

Laterz =以后=以后再见=以后再见=以后再见

gn = gn8 =骑士= 晚安

nn =天黑

说明:一般第一个人常说gnight / gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。这是约定俗成的沟通方式。



n1 =不错1 =不错

w00t = woot =什么



大声笑; 哈哈大笑

lmao =笑我的屁股


rofl =笑着滚



kinda =种类


cmon =加油


hax = hack =作弊


n00b = 新手




k = ok = okay

sry = sorry

gimme =给我

em =他们

thx =谢谢

ty =谢谢

ttyl =稍后再聊

生日快乐=生日快乐=生日快乐!dunno =不知道

plz =请


BRB =马上回来

lil =小

l8r =以后(l + 8 + r)

KIT =保持联系


zm =区域消息

cu =见

FTF =面对面


IC =我知道


r =是

IOW =换句话说

TIA =先感谢

TTuL =稍后再与您交谈

IMO =我认为

4 I'm over you 翻译成”我在你上面”?会让人哭笑不得的!

如果你的爱人对你说I m over you,





I m over you 是什么意思?


I m over you表示我不爱你了,不在乎你了

I want to break up,I m over you,You are a bad boy



Are you over me?


run over是什么意思?

run over 表示:撞倒; 轧过

英文解释:If a vehicle or its driver runs a person or animal over, it knocks them down or drives over them. 撞倒; 轧过


A boy was run over by a truck and got killed immediately.


stay over

stay over =stay the night=过夜,寄宿


Can I stay over, tonight?


Can t you stay over Sunday?


walk over

walk over=轻易地胜过,走过去

Tomorrow s game against Italy should be a walkover.


I walk over and sit down between my mother and her granddaughter.


5 “赖床”英语怎么说?可别说是stay in bed哦!其实很简单!



说好的,夏天一到我就要早起, 读书...




stay in bed?


赖床=sleep in

sleep in


I sleep in on weekends.





I'm a morning person. I never sleep late.




hit snooze button



snooze: 小睡,打盹

Don't hit snooze button. Time to get up.


那sleep over呢?


sleep over= 在别人家过夜

sleep over/stay the night


-Wanna stay the night?


-You're too drunk to drive. You must sleep over at my house.你喝得太醉了不能开车。你必须在我家睡。



hit the hay= 上床睡觉

“上床睡觉”除了go to bed


hit the hay/sack

=go to bed


hit有“撞击”的意思,也就是靠向某个东西hay: [he] 干草

sack: [s?k] 麻布袋

猜想:以前的床上是垫着干草, 这里代指“床”I'm too tired. I'll hit the hay.



wake up跟get up可不一样

wake up



get up/get out of bed


I usually wake up at 5: 50 and get up at 6:00.




a. 睡眠质量好

sound/heavey/deep sleeper


My husband is a sound sleeper. Nothing can wake him up.我丈夫睡觉很沉。什么都叫不醒他。

be out like a light



I'm not sleepy at all, but he's out like a light.


b. 睡眠不好

toss and turn


I tossed and turned all night.


I have insomnia.[?n?sɑmni?]


I'm an insomniac.[?n?sɑmni?k]



发动机分类 1 往复式内燃机reciprocating internal combustion engine 2 化油器式发动机carburetor engine 3 转子发动机rotary engine 4 旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine 5 二冲程发动机two-stroke engine 6 四冲程发动机four-stroke engine 7 增压式发动机supercharged engine 8 风冷式发动机air-cooled engine 9 油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine 10 水冷式发动机water-cooled engine 11 自然进气式发动机naturally aspirated engine 12 煤气机gas engine 13 液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine 14 柴油煤气机diesel gas engine 15 多种燃料发动机multifuel engine 16 石油发动机hydrocarbon engine 17 双燃料发动机duel fuel engine 18 热球式发动机hot bulb engine 19 多气缸发动机multiple cylinder engine 20 对置活塞发动机opposed piston engine 21 对置气缸式发动机opposed-cylinder engine 22 十字头型发动机cross head engine 23 直列式发动机in-line engine 24 星型发动机radial engine 25 筒状活塞发动机trunk-piston engine 26 斯特林发动机stirling engine 27 套阀式发动机knight engine 28 气孔扫气式发动机port-scavenged engine 29 倾斜式发动机slant engine 30 前置式发动机front-engine 31 后置式发动机rear-engine 32 中置式发动机central engine 33 左侧发动机left-hand engine 34 右侧发动机right-hand engine 35 短冲程发动机oversquare engine 36 长冲程发动机undersquare engine 37 等径程发动机square engine 38 顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine 39 双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engine 40 V形发动机V-engine 41 顶置气门发动机valve in-head engine 42 侧置气门发动机side valve engine 43 无气门发动机valveless engine


专题一中国节日及相关表达 1.春节the Spring Festival / Chinese lunar Near Year 农历正月初一the first day of the first lunar month 农历lunar calendar 年终大扫除year-end household cleaning 春联Spring Festival couplets 年画New Year pictures 剪纸paper-cuts 团圆饭family reunion dinner 饺子dumplings 春晚Spring Festival Gala 守岁stay up late on the New Year’s Eve 除夕Eve of Chinese New Year 辞旧迎新ring out the old year and ring in the new 拜年pay a New Year visit 红包red packets 压岁钱lucky money 放爆竹let off firecrackers 庙会temple fair 禁忌taboo 2.元宵节Lantern Festival 农历正月十五15th day of the first lunar month元宵rice dumplings 花灯festival lantern 灯谜lantern riddle 灯会exhibit of lanterns 烟花fireworks 3.端午节Dragon Boat Festival 农历五月初五5th of the fifth lunar month 粽子traditional Chinese rice-pudding 糯米sticky rice 粽叶bamboo leaves 舞龙dragon dance 舞狮lion dance 踩高跷stilt walking 赛龙舟dragon-boat racing 纪念in memory of 屈原Qu Yuan 诗人poet 忠臣loyal minister 4.清明节Tomb-sweeping Day 寒食节Cold Food Festival 祭拜祖先offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors 踏青go for a spring outing 5.中秋节Mid-Autumn Day / Moon Festival 农历八月十五15th of the eighth lunar month 月饼moon cake 赏月appreciate the glorious full moon 中国神话故事Chinese mythology 嫦娥the goddess of the moon 后羿Houyi


儿童英语单词大全素材 幼儿英语单词大全:水果名称(fruit 水果) apple 苹果——banana 香蕉——pear 梨——orange 橙子——Watermelon 西瓜——grape葡萄——peach桃——strawberry草莓——betelnut 槟榔——carambola 杨桃——cherry 樱桃——chestnut 栗子——coconut 椰子——cumquat 金桔——date 枣子——durian 榴莲——filbert 榛子——grape 葡萄——guava 番石榴——haw 山楂——honey-dew melon 哈蜜瓜——juicy peach 水蜜桃——kiwifruit 猕猴桃——lemon 柠檬——lichee 荔枝——longan 龙眼——loquat 枇杷——mango 芒果——nectarine 油桃——olive 橄榄——papaya (Pawpaw) 木瓜——persimmon 柿子——pineapple 凤梨——pomelo 柚子——plum 梅子——sapodilla 人参果。 幼儿英语单大全:颜色的英语(colours颜色) red红——blue蓝——yellow黄——green绿——white白——black黑——pink粉红——purple紫——orange橙——brown棕。 幼儿英语单词大全:动物英语名称(animals动物) cat猫——dog狗——pig猪——duck鸭——rabbit兔——horse 马——elephant大象——ant蚂蚁——fish鱼——bird鸟——eagle 鹰——beaver海狸——snake蛇——mouse老鼠——squirrel松鼠——kangaroo袋鼠——monkey猴——panda熊猫——bear熊——lion狮子——tiger老虎——fox狐狸——zebra斑马——deer鹿—— giraffe长颈鹿——goose鹅——hen母鸡——turkey火鸡——lamb小羊——sheep绵羊——goat山羊——cow奶牛——donkey驴——squid 鱿鱼——lobster龙虾——shark鲨鱼——seal海豹——sperm whale 抹香鲸——killer whale虎鲸。 幼儿英语单词大全:人物英语名称(people人物)


1.校园生活类 相关话题:学生兼职/就业、出国留学、校外住宿、大学生选课以及课外活动等。 热门词汇: Part-time job兼职工作economic burden经济负担 working experience工作经历competition and cooperation竞争与合作 tuition学费course arrangement课程安排 extracurricular activities课外活动distance education远程教育 required course/compulsory course必修课 take an examination/sit an examination参加考试 live outside campus住在校外food services饮食 application form申请表withdraw/draw cash取钱 instructor辅导老师student union学生会 undergraduate本科生postgraduate研究生 credit学分degree学位 经典句式: ①In recent years, studying abroad has become a new craze among college students. 如今,留学在大学生中成为一种新的热潮。

②With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fi erce competition in the job market. 随着大学的扩招,越来越多的毕业生在就业市场面临激烈的竞争。 ③Diploma and certificates are still significant standards by which many employers m easure a person’s ability. In order to increase the qualifications for a job, the students co mpel themselves to run from one exam to another. 学位和证书仍然是很多雇主衡量一个人能力的重要标准。为了增加找工作资格条件,学生们被迫不断参加考试。 ④During the holidays, a growing number of students choose to be volunteers, take p art-time jobs, or take part in other practical activities alike. 在假期,大量的学生选择做志愿者,做兼职工作或者参加其他类似的实践活动。 ⑤Some students spend too much time in taking part time jobs so as to ignore thei r study. Therefore, we are supposed to try to balance the relationship between social pract ice and study. 有些学生花大量的时间做兼职工作,从而忽视了他们的学业。因此我们应该平衡社会实践和学习之间的关系。 2.网络科技类 相关话题:电脑/互联网的普及、信息安全、媒体广告、通讯设备的进步、网络教学及网上阅读、网上娱乐(游戏、博客、开心牧场等) 热门词汇:


材料专业必备英语词汇编号中文英文 1 设计design 2 性能properties 3 温度temperature 4 应用application 5 工艺process 6 焊接welding 7 应力stress 8 腐蚀corrosion 9 强度strength 10 合金alloys 11 组织microstructure 12 参数parameters 13 激光laser 14 变形deformation 15 加工machining 16 热处理heat 17 模拟simulation 18 机床machine 19 材料material 20 不锈钢stainless 21 金属metal 22 涂层coating 23 力学性能mechanical 24 硬度hardness 25 铝合金alloy 26 疲劳fatigue 27 机理mechanism 28 数控nc 29 轧制rolling 30 模具die 31 软件software 32 铸造casting 33 高温temperature 34 铸铁iron 35 成形forming 36 切削cutting 37 裂纹crack 38 轧机mill 39 应变strain 40 断裂fracture 41 晶粒grain 42 有限finite 43 精度precision 44 耐磨wear 45 冷却cooling 46 误差error 47 磨损wear 48 凝固solidification 49 数值numerical 50 有限元finite 51 工艺参数parameters 52 磨削grinding 53 设备equipment 54 仿真simulation 55 计算机computer 56 寿命life 57 刀具tool 58 韧性toughness 59 显微组织microstructure 60 焊缝weld 61 氧化oxidation 62 厚度thickness 63 镁合金magnesium 64 优化optimization 65 残余residual 66 形状shape 67 奥氏体austenite 68 摩擦friction 69 淬火quenching 70 退火annealing


1. 山寨copycatting This Chinese term literally refers to the mountain strongholds of bandits. First borrowed to describe rip-off products, it has evolved to refer also to homemade products, such as video parodies of movies. 2. 囧be sunk/sunken This is an ancient Chinese character, pronounced "jiong". It means "light shining through a window". Young Chinese use it to express embarrassment, or a bad mood. Look at the character. Doesn't it look like a disappointed face? 3. 很黄很暴力very pornographic, very violent During a CCTV interview about a new Internet censorship regulation, a girl said that an uncensored Web page once popped up on her computer. She called it "very pornographic, very violent". Some believe the girl was told to say it by CCTV, so it is now used to mock the way the network covers news. 4. 槑nuts Pronounced méi, the word is a variant of the word for "梅". But it also looks like a double version of the character 呆(dai), which means stupid. So netizens have borrowed it to mean "very silly or very stupid". 5. 叉腰肌Psoas muscle Xie Yalong, the former head of the Chinese Football Association , once criticized women players, saying they have weak Psoas muscles. (This is the muscle that links the trunk to the legs; it's important for motion.) However, nobody, including the players, knew where the muscle is. This quote is now used to mock Xie, who was recently removed from his position. 6. 打酱油get some soy sauce When a person in Guangzhou was asked to give his opinion of the sex scandal involving Hong Kong star Edison Chen (Chen Guanxi), the man answered, "It is none of my business. I am just out to get some soy sauce." People have since begun using the words to mean "it's none of my business". 7. 泡良族pick-up artists This expression refers to men who seduce married women. 8. 凤凰男Phoenix man


· lace · v. [le?s] ( laces;laced;lacing ) · · 双解释义 · vt. & vi. 1.系牢,系紧fasten or tighten with string or cord · vt. 2.给…掺酒add a small amount of sth strong to a drink · vi. 3.打,鞭打;责骂attack physically or with words · 基本要点 ? https://www.360docs.net/doc/4011234670.html,ce的基本意思是“用带子系紧”,引申指“鞭打”“责骂”“给…掺酒”等。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4011234670.html,ce可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾 语,用作不及物动词时,主动结构常含有被动意义。 ? · 词汇搭配 ? ?lace one's boots 把靴子带系紧 ?lace one's shoes 系鞋带 ? ?lace apparently 明显地系上 ?lace artfully 熟练地系上 ?lace artistically 艺术性地系上 ?lace carelessly 粗心地系上 ?lace casually 漫不经心地系上 ?lace cautiously 小心翼翼地系上 ?lace characteristically 具有特色地系上 ?lace confidently 满怀信心地系上

?lace deliberately 故意系上 ?lace expertly 熟练地系上 ?lace extremely 完全地系上 ?lace fearfully 可怕地系上 ?lace guardedly〔soberly〕谨慎地系上 ?lace hesitatingly 犹豫不决地系上 ?lace hurriedly 仓促地系上 ?lace impatiently 急不可耐地系上 ?lace impossibly 不可能系上 ?lace indiscriminately 不加区分地系上 ?lace insidiously 不知不觉地系上 ?lace mockingly 愚蠢地系上 ?lace mutually 相互系上 ?lace noiselessly 悄悄地系上 ?lace oppressively 残酷地系上 ?lace patiently 耐心地系上 ?lace properly 恰当地系上 ?lace simply 简单地系上 ?lace steadily 踏踏实实地系上 ?lace tightly 紧紧地系上 ?lace vigorously 强有力地系上 ? ?lace into (狠狠)打击;猛烈抨击;严厉地批评;编织?lace with 在…加入;用…加入 · 常用短语 ? lace into(v.+prep.) 1.(狠狠)打击 lash; beat


工程材料常用词汇表 A 奥氏体 austenite 奥氏体本质晶粒度 austenite inhorent grain size 奥氏体化 austenitization, austenitii zing B 白口铸铁 white cast iron 白铜 white brass, copper-nickel alloy 板条马氏体 lath martensite 棒材 bar 包晶反应 peritectic reaction 薄板 thin sheet 薄膜技术 thin film technique 贝氏体 bainite 本质晶粒度 inherent grain size 比强度 strength-to-weight ratic 变质处理 inoculation, modification 变质剂 modifying agent,modificator 表面处理 surface treatment 表面粗糙度 surface roughness 表面淬火 surface quenching 表面腐蚀 surface corrosion 表面硬化 surface hardening 玻璃 glass 玻璃态 vitreous state, glass state 玻璃钢 glass fiber reinforced plastics 玻璃纤维 glass fiber 不可热处理的 non-heat-treatable 不锈钢 stainless steel 布氏硬度 Brinell hardness C 材料强度 strength ofmaterial 残余奥氏体residual austenite 残余变形 residual deformation 残余应力 residual stress 层状珠光体 lamellar pearlite


第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握 第一部分: 1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法 2 专业英语Specialty English 3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering 4 土木工程Civil Engineering 5 地下工程Underground Engineering 6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering 7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering 8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering 9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering 10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics 11 交通工程Traffic Engineering 12 港口工程Port Engineering 13 安全性safety 17木结构timber structure 18 砌体结构masonry structure 19 混凝土结构concrete structure 20 钢结构steelstructure 21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure 22 素混凝土plain concrete 23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 24 钢筋rebar 25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete 26 静定结构statically determinate structure 27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure 28 桁架结构truss structure 29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure 30 近海工程offshore engineering 31 静力学statics 32运动学kinematics 33 动力学dynamics 34 简支梁simply supported beam 35 固定支座fixed bearing 36弹性力学elasticity 37 塑性力学plasticity 38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity 39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics 40 土力学soil mechanics 41 水力学hydraulics 42 流体力学fluid mechanics 43 固体力学solid mechanics 44 集中力concentrated force 45 压力pressure 46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure 47 均布压力uniform pressure 48 体力body force 49 重力gravity 50 线荷载line load 51 弯矩bending moment 52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress 54 应变stain 55 正应力normal stress 56 剪应力shearing stress 57 主应力principal stress 58 变形deformation 59 内力internal force 60 偏移量挠度deflection 61 settlement 沉降 62 屈曲失稳buckle 63 轴力axial force 64 允许应力allowable stress 65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis 66 梁beam 67 壳shell 68 板plate 69 桥bridge 70 桩pile 71 主动土压力active earth pressure 72 被动土压力passive earth pressure 73 承载力load-bearing capacity 74 水位water Height 75 位移displacement 76 结构力学structural mechanics 77 材料力学material mechanics 78 经纬仪altometer 79 水准仪level 80 学科discipline 81 子学科sub-discipline 82 期刊journal ,periodical 83文献literature 84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号 85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号 86 卷volume 87 期number 88 专着monograph 89 会议论文集Proceeding 90 学位论文thesis, dissertation 91 专利patent 92 档案档案室archive 93 国际学术会议conference 94 导师advisor 95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis 96 博士研究生doctorate student 97 研究生postgraduate 98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引 99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引 100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引 101 题目title 102 摘要abstract 103 全文full-text 104 参考文献reference 105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation 106 主题词Subject 107 关键字keyword 108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会 109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署


2020年常用英语热点词汇 热点话题一:环境保护 基本词汇 pollute(污染); cut down trees(砍伐树木); waste water(废水); throw rubbish around(乱扔垃圾); protect the surroundings(保护周边环境); protect rare animals(保护稀有动物); improve the environment(改善环境); save energy(节省能源) 亮点词汇 do great harm to(给……带来很大危害) preserve/protect the ecological environment 保护生态环境 raise people’s awareness of environment protection 提高人们的环保意识 care for trees and plants 爱护树木花草 ride bicycles to work 骑自行车上班 recycle textbooks/trash 课本/垃圾回收利用 take public transport 乘坐公共交通

deal with rubbish properly 正确处理垃圾 save energy/water 节约能源/水 don’t litter/spit everywhere 不随地扔垃圾/吐痰sort the garbage 分类垃圾 ban abusing plastic bags 禁止滥用塑料袋 ban smoking in public places 禁止在公共场合吸烟 热点话题二和谐社会 基本词汇 harmonious(和谐的); honest(诚实的); credible (可信的); balanced(平衡的); social order(社会秩序); peaceful(和平的); sustainable development(可持续发展); help each other(互助); care for each other(互相关心); have a liking for (喜爱); build(创建); cherish(珍惜); public morals(社会道德) 亮点词汇


2021高考英语词汇素材积累与学习(五十) 1、stubborn[]a. 顽固的,倔强的;难对付的,难以克服的 [巧记]派生词:stubbornly(adv.倔强地; 顽固地; 顽强地)stubbornness(n.顽固, 顽强, 倔强)[语境]You might as well talk to a stone as try to argue with a stubborn woman. 你与其跟一个倔女人争吵,还不如对一块石头说话。 There is no reasoning with such a stubborn man as Peter. 跟彼得这种固执的人讲理简直是不可能的事。 [考点]a stubborn illness 顽疾;stubborn problem 棘手的问题 2、study[]vt. 学习;研究;细看vi. 读书n. 学习;研究 [语境]Give yourself to diligent study and you will certainly succeed. 努力读书, 你一定会成功。 He had devoted his whole life to the study of contemporary art. 他把他的一生都献给了当代艺术研究。 3、stuff[]vt. 填满,塞满 n. 物品;个人的所有物;原料,材料 [语境]He stuffed the apples into the bag. 他把苹果塞进袋子里。 Leave your stuff in the hall. 把你的东西放在门厅里。 [考点]派生词:stuffy adj.不透气的,闷热的;stuffing n.填塞物;注意区分staff全体职员。常用词汇:stuff with把……塞满;know one’s stuff内行,精通业务;stuff up 塞住,堵住 4、stupid[]a. 愚蠢的,迟钝的 [语境]Why grumble at me about your own stupid mistakes? 你自己犯了愚蠢的错误, 为什麽向我抱怨? It's stupid to go to the expense of taking music lessons if you never practise. 花钱上音乐课而从不练习是很愚蠢的. 5、style[]n. 风格,文体;时尚,流行样式;种类,类型 [考点]派生词:styling(n.款式, 样式)stylish(adj.时髦的, 流行的, 漂亮的) [语境]I wouldn’t tell lies to you;that’s not my style.


2021高考英语词汇素材积累与学习(三十七) 1、rid[]vt. 使摆脱, 解除…的负担, 从…中清除 [语境]Let's get rid of this moldy old furniture. 咱们把这件老掉牙的旧家具扔掉吧。 We have an extractor fan in the kitchen to get rid of the smell of cooking. 我们的厨房里有台排气扇,用来消除油烟。 [考点]rid oneself of debt 还清债务;get [be] rid of 摆脱; 除掉, 拨除(眼中钉) ;rid oneself [sb., sth.] of 摆脱; 驱除; 除去; 解除 2、ride[]v./n. 骑,乘 [语境]She hasn't been out riding since the accident. 她自从出了事故以後,一直没有骑马外出过。 The luxury model gives a smoother ride. 坐这种豪华型汽车感觉很平稳。 3、right[]a. 右的,正确的 n. 右,权利 ad. 在右边,正确地 [语境]The Normans ruled England by right of conquest. 诺曼人征服了英格兰成了统治者。 It took me ages to put things to rights after the workmen had finished. 工人干完活儿後,我用了很长时间才收拾好 4、rigid[]a. 坚硬的,刚性的,严格的 [巧记]同义词:hard(adv.努力地; 坚硬地) [语境]He’s very rigid in his ideas. 他的想法非常固执。 [考点]派生词:rigidly adv.建造的很坚固的;rigidity n. He’s very rigid in his ideas. 他的想法非常固执。


2020网课热点英语词句积累 2020疫情影响之下,传统教育方式得到了新的改变。从在教室学习转换为在线学习。 无论是教师还是学生都在这样的教学中力求突破、适应并提升,毕竟无论哪一种形式,目的都只有一个:那就是提高学生成绩。 渐渐适应中的我们不经要问,既然是变革,那是不是代表了网课可以代替面授教学? 对此,我们从中国日报网截取了对这一观点的所持的态度的英文原版文章,对此翻译(并未采取直译),同时对其中典型的词句做适当积累。 Online classes can't replace classrooms 在线课程不能替代课堂 and moved the classrooms online. 由于新冠病毒的爆发,中国见证了一个全新的学期:很多中国学校已经推迟了开学,并将课堂搬到线上。 ·单词积累· witness v. 见证

outbreak v. 爆发 suspend v. 推迟、暂停 On the first day of school, DingTalk, a virtual workplace developed by Alibaba Group, held online classes for an estimated 50 million students nationwide, from primary to high school level. 开学第一天,阿里巴巴集团开发的虚拟工作平台“钉钉”,为全国范围内的大约5000万名中小学生开设了在线课程。 ·单词积累· virtual adj. 虚拟的;事实上的 estimate v. 估计;判断 nationwide adj. 全国范围的 Education on Feb 12, "postponement of school without suspension of learning" is


汉译英 大坝dam 水轮机turbine or a hydraulic turbine 调压井suger tanks 变压器transformation 核能nuclear power 水斗叶片bucket 叶片,轮叶vane 喷射器,喷嘴injector 转轮runner 喷嘴nozzle 喷针needle 折向器deflector 调速器governor 气蚀,空化空蚀cavitation 围堰coffer dam 水头head 功率power 闸门gate 阀门valve 流量flow 转速revolving speed 压力钢管penstock 速度velocity 容量capacity 电枢armature 母线busbars 有功功率real power 无功功率reactive power 整流器commutator 集电环slipring 碳刷brushes 定子stator 转子rotor 磁极pole 继电器relay 断路器break 中控室control room 水锤water hammer 伺服电机servomotor 低电压low-tension 高电压high-tension 自动automatic 手动manual 变电站substation 调频regulation AGC automatic generation control 自动发电控制 A VC automatic voltage control 自动电压控制 RTU remote terminal units 远程控制单元 DCS distributed control System 分布式控制系统 SGC自动闸门控制 英译汉 Spillways溢洪道,泄洪道Open flumes开敞水槽 Canal渠道 Tunnel隧洞 Similarity laws相似理论 Model turbine efficiency模型水轮机效率 Prototype turbine efficiency原型水路机效率 Model turbine diameter模型水轮机直径 Prototype turbine diameter原型水轮机直径 Hill curves效率曲线 Rated output power额定出力 Rated power额定功率 Synchronous generators同步发电机 Induction generator异步发电机,感应发电机 Alternating current交流电 Direct current直流电 Excitation current励磁电流 Auxiliary generators测速发电机 Salient-pole凸级 Copper losses铜耗 Core losses铁芯损耗 Friction and windage losses摩擦风阻损失 The generation voltage发电机出口电压 Transmission voltage传输电压 Three-phase transformation三相变压器 Lagging current滞后电流 Leading current超前电流 Air gap空气间隙 Three-phase alternator三相交流发电机 Three-phase stator winding三相定子绕组 Exciting coil励磁线圈 Alternator terminals交流发电机终端 Main exciter主励磁机 Auxiliary equipment辅助设备 Governor oil pumps调速器油泵 Air compressors空气压缩机 Surface powerhouse地面厂房 Layout of a power station发电厂平面图 Section of a power station发电厂立面图 Trash rack slot拦污栅 Service valve slot检修阀门 Gantry crane龙门起重机 Ground wire接地线,避雷线 Amplifying devices放大装置 Hydraulic-mechanical governor机械液压型调速器 Electro-hydraulic type governor电气液压型调速器 Digital governor数字型调速器 Control error控制误差 Spinning reserve热备用 Regulations reserve调频备用 Processing modes控制模式 Master station主站 Operation consoles运行操作台 Local control level现地控制层 Remote control level远程控制层 英汉配对 1、 Hydraulic turbine水轮机 Impulse turbine冲击式水轮机 Velocity turbine流速式水轮机 Reaction turbine反击式水轮机 Pressure turbine压力式水轮机 2、 Head race引水渠 Tail race尾水渠 Inlet进水口 Conduit管道,水道 Storage reservoir蓄水库 Tail water pool尾水池 Head water pool前池 3、 Bucket水斗叶片 Nozzle喷嘴 V ane叶片,轮叶 4、 Earthfill dam土坝 Rockfill dam堆石坝 Gravity dam重力坝 Arch dam拱坝,拱形坝 Buttress dam支墩坝 Spillways溢洪道,泄洪道 5、 The spherical valve球阀 The butterfly valve蝶阀 The needle valve针型阀 Tube valve管阀 Hollow jet valve空心射流卸荷阀 Conical dispersion valve锥形分散阀 Dispersers分散器 6、 Vertical lift gates垂直提升式闸门 The sliding gates滑动式闸门 The fix-wheel gates固定轮闸门 Radial gates弧形闸门 Cylindrical gates圆筒形闸门 Draft tube gates尾水管闸门 7、 supporting frame支架 Shaft that transmits the rotating motion of the turbine轴 Exciter励磁机 Assembly of the built-up rotor转子组合装配 Rotor poles转子磁极 Collector rings and brushes or solid-state rectifiers集电环和 碳刷或者整流二极管 Stator and its component coils定子线圈 Stator coil supports定子线圈支架 Air cooler空气冷却器 Thrust bearing for vertical shaft machines推力轴承 Brake刹车 汉译英 大坝dam 水轮机turbine or a hydraulic turbine 调压井suger tanks 变压器transformation 核能nuclear power 水斗叶片bucket 叶片,轮叶vane 喷射器,喷嘴injector 转轮runner 喷嘴nozzle 喷针needle 折向器deflector 调速器governor 气蚀,空化空蚀cavitation 围堰coffer dam 水头head 功率power 闸门gate 阀门valve 流量flow 转速revolving speed 压力钢管penstock 速度velocity 容量capacity 电枢armature 母线busbars 有功功率real power 无功功率reactive power 整流器commutator 集电环slipring 碳刷brushes 定子stator 转子rotor 磁极pole 继电器relay 断路器break 中控室control room 水锤water hammer 伺服电机servomotor 低电压low-tension 高电压high-tension 自动automatic 手动manual 变电站substation 调频regulation AGC automatic generation control 自动发电控制 A VC automatic voltage control 自动电压控制 RTU remote terminal units 远程控制单元 DCS distributed control System 分布式控制系统 SGC自动闸门控制 英译汉 Spillways溢洪道,泄洪道 Open flumes开敞水槽 Canal渠道 Tunnel隧洞 Similarity laws相似理论 Model turbine efficiency模型水轮机效率 Prototype turbine efficiency原型水路机效率 Model turbine diameter模型水轮机直径 Prototype turbine diameter原型水轮机直径 Hill curves效率曲线 Rated output power额定出力 Rated power额定功率 Synchronous generators同步发电机 Induction generator异步发电机,感应发电机 Alternating current交流电 Direct current直流电 Excitation current励磁电流 Auxiliary generators测速发电机 Salient-pole凸级 Copper losses铜耗 Core losses铁芯损耗 Friction and windage losses摩擦风阻损失 The generation voltage发电机出口电压 Transmission voltage传输电压 Three-phase transformation三相变压器 Lagging current滞后电流 Leading current超前电流 Air gap空气间隙 Three-phase alternator三相交流发电机 Three-phase stator winding三相定子绕组 Exciting coil励磁线圈 Alternator terminals交流发电机终端 Main exciter主励磁机 Auxiliary equipment辅助设备 Governor oil pumps调速器油泵 Air compressors空气压缩机 Surface powerhouse地面厂房 Layout of a power station发电厂平面图 Section of a power station发电厂立面图 Trash rack slot拦污栅 Service valve slot检修阀门 Gantry crane龙门起重机 Ground wire接地线,避雷线 Amplifying devices放大装置 Hydraulic-mechanical governor机械液压型调速器 Electro-hydraulic type governor电气液压型调速器 Digital governor数字型调速器 Control error控制误差 Spinning reserve热备用 Regulations reserve调频备用 Processing modes控制模式 Master station主站 Operation consoles运行操作台 Local control level现地控制层 Remote control level远程控制层
