

无形态变化,也可以叫介词,在句中起连接词汇的作用,前置词很多,我们只说常用的几种: 常用介词di,a,da,in,con,su,per,tra


la chiave di casa家的钥匙

la data di nascita出生日期


vado a venezia我去威尼斯


vado da beijing我从北京来!


vive in italia他在意大利生活


vado con lui我和他一起去


il libro e sul tavolo书在桌子上


faccio cosi per mio figlio我这样做是为了我儿子.


tra il libro e il quaderno c’e una penna书和本子之间是一支笔


Spero di imparare l’italiano.我希望学会意大利语.

di imparare l’italiano是动词sperare的不明确宾语从句


The Italian preposition a can mean "to," "at," or "in," depending on how you use it in context. You will need preposition a in the following cases:

1. To express the idea of going somewhere or staying somewhere (with names of cities):

Vado a Milano. (I go to Milan.)

Vado al mercato ogni lunedì. (I go to the market every Monday.)

Si trova a Venezia. (It can be found in Venice.)

Si trova alla piazza. (It can be found in the plaza.)

2. Before direct objects:

Scriva a Rita. (He/she writes to Rita.)

Scriviamo alla zia. (We write to our aunt.)

Telefono agli amici. (They call their friends.)

3. The preposition a is also used with several verbs. Often those are verbs of motion, but in other instances it's a case of usage. That means either you'll have to commit them to memory, or, more likely, you'll grow accustomed to the usage over time as you listen and read Italian: andare a... (to go to)

fermarsi a... (to stop)

incoraggiare a... (to encourage)

invitare a... (to invite to)

insegnare a... (to teach)

riuscire a... (to be careful)

venire a... (to come to)

4. To form several grammatical constructions with particular significance:

a mezzogiorno (at noontime)

alle tre (at three)

barca a vela (sailboat)

sedia a rotelle (wheelchair)

Usually the Italian preposition in means "in" in English, but it can also mean "to" or "by"! The preposition in is used in the following cases.

1. To express the idea of going somewhere or staying somewhere (with countries, continents, regions, large islands, and addresses): Vado in Italia. (I am going to Italy.)

Vado nella Sicilia. (I am going to Sicily.)

Abita in Germania. (He/she lives in Germany.)

Roma è in Italia. (Rome is in Italy.)

2. In describing a method of transportation:

Andiamo in macchina. (We are going by car.)

Andiamo in autobus. (We are going by bus.)

Viaggiamo in aereo. (We are traveling by plane.)

Viaggiamo in barca. (We are traveling by boat.)

3. In dates—note that nel is the contraction for the prepositional article in + il:

Cristoforo Colombo è nato nel 1451. (Christopher Columbus was born in 1451.)

Caravaggio è morto nel 1570. (Caravaggio died in 1570.)

The Italian preposition da means "from" in English. This preposition is used in time expressions, in which case you may translate it as "since" or "for." Italian uses the construction of present tense + da + time expressions to indicate an action that began in the past and is still going on in the present. For example:

Da quanto tempo leggi questa rivista? (How long have you been reading this magazine?)

Leggo questa rivista da molto tempo. (I've been reading this magazine for a long time.)

Da is also used in the following instances:

1. To express the equivalent of the English phrase "at the house of":

Vado dal fratello. (I'm going to my brother's house.)

Vado da Filippo. (I'm going to Filippo's house.)

Andiamo dai signori Rossi. (We're going to the Rossi's house.)

Andiamo da Gino. (We're going to Gino's house.)

2. To indicate origin or source:

Vengo da Torino. (I come from Torino.)

Vengo dalla Francia. (I come from France.)

è tornato dalle vacanze. (He is back from vacation.)

è tornato dagli zii. (He is back from his aunt an d uncle's house.)

3. To indicate the worth or price of something:

Voglio un francobollo da cento lire. (I want a 100 lire stamp.) è una casa da poco prezzo. (It's a house of little worth.)

The Italian preposition di means "of" in English. It is used in the following cases:

1. To indicate possession:

il libro di Maria (Maria's book)

la padella del cuoco (the cook's pan)

la casa dello zio (the uncle's house)

2. To indicate what an object is made of:

il tavolo di legno (wooden table)

la spada di metallo (metal knife)

la medaglia di bronzo (bronze medal)

3. To indicate origin using the verb essere + di + nome di città (name of the city):

Elisa è di Napoli. (Elisa is from Napoli.)

Maurizio è di Prato. (Maurizio is from Prato.)

I Rossi sono di Catania. (The Rossis are from Catania.)

4. The preposition di is used with certain verbs and adjectives:

Accorgersi di qualcosa (to notice something)

Innamorarsi di qualcuno (to be in love with someone)

Malato di una malattia (ill with a sickness)

Vergognarsi di qualcosa (to be ashamed by something)

5. The preposition di is found in many particular grammatical constructions:

di sera (during the evening)

di notte (at night)

d'estate (during the summer) un uomo di mezza età (a man of middle age


标准文案 英语常用介词 介词的分类和应用英语介词虽是小词,数量也不多,但它灵活多变,随处可见,功能强大而且难于掌握。在现代英语中,介词的地位非常重要。我们切不可小看这个小角色,不可忽视它的作用。如果你能在英语介词上下一番功夫,那么你的英语水平会有一个飞跃提高。 英语介词分类: 按构成形式分(5类): 简单介词.1如:in,at,on,by,with,down,for,beside ,along,across 等。 2.分词介词(在英语中有一部分动词的ing形式具备介词的性质,在很多 情况下将他们视为介词)如:including,during,following,considering,regarding 关于,speaking,judging,talking等。 3.双重介词如:from behind从后面until after直到…之后from among从…中间 4.合成介词如:inside,outside,onto,into,within 5.短语介词如:out of,apart from(除之外:别无、尚有),because of,by means of用、依靠等 A. 介词短语的词性--形容词 1) 常用于做定语的介词短语的介词 of: a child of six with: a man with a suitcase in: a girl in red to: the key to the door for: a war for money about trade about: an agreement 2) 常用于做表语的介词短语的介词

at: She was at a loss. beyond the hill;beyond The road is. 大全. 标准文案 in: He's still in danger. of: It's of no value. on: He is on guard. 值班 out of: I' m out of job. under: He's under forty. 3) 用于做宾语补足语: I saw George at work . A cold kept him in bed for 7 days. B. 介词短语的词性—副词 1)做状语,主要用于修饰谓语: . He has been here since Monday for two hours. Bake it is be+adj. 结构:2) 用于snakes. She is afraid of m sorry about that. I' 修饰非谓语动词:3) to the headmaster. I asked to speak 介词--短语动词中的关键角色含有介词的短语动词across, come for, answer for, ask v.+ 1. prep :agree with/to/on/in, 等。go after, live on, run into, head for, look for/after/at , run out 达到, go in for从事、爱好2. v.+ adv. + prep : come up to , keep up with, make up for, put up with等用光of, do away with废除 按表达意义分(3类): 1. 时间介词,如:at, on, in, during, over, from, for, until 等。 2. 地点介词,如:at, on, in, across, to, over, between, inside, outside等。 3. 其它介词,如:by, with, about, except, instead of, due to, apart from等。 (一)表示时间的介词: 1.at, on, in


意大利语介词a的用法 a的用法 a可以表示方向、地点、距离、年龄、目的、结果、花费、原因、方式、时间、从属关系、数量与单位的关系,引出间接宾语和动词不定式,用于某些形容词的后面等。 1)表示“方向或地点”,具有“在某地或某个方向”,或者“向某地或某个方向运动”的含义,如: Per arrivare in Piazza Tian An Men, dobbiamo dirigerci a nord o a sud? Andiamo alla biblioteca. Abito al terzo piano. 注意: 在城市、村庄、小岛屿的名称前面应该使用a,如: Viviamo a Pechino. Lavoro a Milano Sono rimasti a Capri. 2)表示“距离”,如: La Grande Muraglia si trova ad una settantina di chilometri dal centro di Pechino. La scuola si trova a una mezz’ora di bicicletta dalla casa. 3)表示“年龄”,如: A dieci anni nuotava già come pesce. All’età di sessant’anni si è ritirato in pensione. 4)表示“目的或结果”,如: Quando era giovane, andava spesso a caccia. Siamo usciti a passeggio. 5)表示“花费”,如: Ha comprato questa gonna a cinquanta euro. Non possiamo vendere questa macchina a un prezzo così basso. 6)表示“方式”,如: Il professore parla sempre ad alta voce in classe. Loro si riposano a turno. 7)表示“时间”,如: La lezione comincia sempre alle otto. Ad agosto andiamo al mare. 8)表示“原因”,如: A quella vista, mi commossi molto. A quelle parole, tutti si arrabbiavano. 9)表示“刑罚”,如: Il delinquente è stato condannato a morte. Questo funzionario corrotto è stato condannato a dieci anni di carcere. 10)表示“从属关系”,如: Questo palazzo appartiene al comune.


英语介词用法大全 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

介词(The Preposition)又叫做前置词,通常置于名词之前。它是一种虚词,不需要重读,在句中不单独作任何句子成分,只表示其后的名词或相当于名词的词语与其他句子成分的关系。中国学生在使用英语进行书面或口头表达时,往往会出现遗漏介词或误用介词的错误,因此各类考试语法的结构部分均有这方面的测试内容。 1. 介词的种类 英语中最常用的介词,按照不同的分类标准可分为以下几类: (1). 简单介词、复合介词和短语介词 ①.简单介词是指单一介词。如: at , in ,of ,by , about , for, from , except , since, near, with 等。②. 复合介词是指由两个简单介词组成的介词。如: Inside, outside , onto, into , throughout, without , as to as for , unpon, except for 等。 ③. 短语介词是指由短语构成的介词。如: In front of , by means o f, on behalf of, in spite of , by way of , in favor of , in regard to 等。 (2). 按词义分类 {1} 表地点(包括动向)的介词。如: About ,above, across, after, along , among, around , at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between , beyond ,by, down, from, in, into , near, off, on, over, through, throught, to, towards,, under, up, unpon, with, within , without 等。 {2} 表时间的介词。如: About, after, around , as , at, before , behind , between , by, during, for, from, in, into, of, on, over, past, since, through, throughout, till(until) , to, towards , within 等。 {3} 表除去的介词。如: beside , but, except等。 {4} 表比较的介词。如: As, like, above, over等。 {5} 表反对的介词。如: againt ,with 等。 {6} 表原因、目的的介词。如: for, with, from 等。 {7} 表结果的介词。如: to, with , without 等。 {8} 表手段、方式的介词。如: by, in ,with 等。 {9} 表所属的介词。如: of , with 等。 {10} 表条件的介词。如:


关于时间前的介词用法 1、介词in用法: 2、介词at的用法: 3、after 表示在什么时间之后。 4、其反义词是before 或ago 表示在什么时间之前 5、介词on的用法:

小学英语介词at,in与on在时间方面的用法 at表示时间的一点;in表示一个时期;on表示特殊日子。 如:He goes to school at seven o’clock in the morning. 他早晨七点上学。 Can you finish the work in two days. 你能在两天内完成这个工作吗? Linda was born on the second of May. 琳达五月二日出生。 1>. at后常接几点几分,天明,中午,日出,日落,开始等。 如:at five o’clock (五点), at down (黎明), at daybreak (天亮), at sunrise (日出), at noon (中午), at sunset (日落), at midnight (半夜), at the beginning of the month (月初), at that time (那时) at that moment (那会儿), at this time of day (在一天的这个时候)。 2>. in后常接年,月,日期,上午,下午,晚上,白天,季节,世纪等。如:in 2006(2006年), in May,2004 (2004年五月), in the morning (早晨/上午), in the afternoon (下午), in the evening (晚上), in the night (夜晚), in the daytime (白天), in the 21st century (21世纪), in three days (weeks/month)三天(周/个月), in a week (一周), in spring (春季)。 3>. on后常接某日,星期几,某日或某周日的朝夕,节日等。 如:on Sunday (星期日), on a warm morning in April (四月的一个温暖的上午), on a December night (12月的一个夜晚), on that afternoon (那天下午), on the following night (下一个晚上), on Christmas afternoon (圣诞节下午), on October 1,1949 (1949年10月1日), on New Year’s Day (新年), on New Year’s Eve (除夕), on the morning of the 15th (15日的早上)等。


意大利语法:意大利语介词A The Italian preposition a can mean "to," "at," or "in," depending on how you use it in context. You will need preposition a in the following cases: 1. To express the idea of going somewhere or staying somewhere (with names of cities): Vado a Milano. (I go to Milan.) Vado al mercato ogni lunedì. (I go to the market every Monday.) Si trova a Venezia. (It can be found in Venice.) Si trova alla piazza. (It can be found in the plaza.) 2. Before direct objects: Scriva a Rita. (He/she writes to Rita.) Scriviamo alla zia. (We write to our aunt.) Telefono agli amici. (They call their friends.) 3. The preposition a is also used with several verbs. Often those are verbs of motion, but in other instances it's a case of usage. That means either you'll have to commit them to memory, or, more likely, you'll grow accustomed to the usage over time as you listen and read Italian: andare a... (to go to) fermarsi a... (to stop) incoraggiare a... (to encourage) invitare a... (to invite to) insegnare a... (to teach) riuscire a... (to be careful) venire a... (to come to) 4. To form several grammatical constructions with particular significance: a mezzogiorno (at noontime) alle tre (at three) barca a vela (sailboat) sedia a rotelle (wheelchair)


(一)介词概述 介词是一种虚词,在句子中不单独作任何句子成分。它是一种表示名词和句中其他词之间关系的词。它常和名词、动词、形容词等搭配,构成固定短语,表示不同意思。介词还可以与名词构成介词短语,表示方位、方向、时间、地点、方式、原因等。这些介词短语在句中可充当定语、状语、补语等。2000—2005年的中考中主要考了形容词与介词的搭配:如:be famous for;表示时间的介词,如:at night;动词与介词的搭配,如:arrive in/have dinner with sb.;表示方式、手段的介词,如:by phone/in English. (二)基础知识梳理 1.名词与介词的搭配 a bit of有一点儿 a couple of两个、几个 a kind of一种、一类cover an area of占地面积 have pity on sb.怜悯某人huge amounts of大量的 make friends with与……交朋友make fun of拿……开玩笑 meet the needs of迎合……的需要one after another一个接一个;连续地 play a trick on捉弄the week after next下下周 2.动词与介词的搭配 agree with sb.同意某人的意见apologize to sb. for sth.为某事向某人道歉arrive at/in a place到达某地ask for请求、寻求 be covered with被……所覆盖be made of由……制成 be made up of由……组成belong to属于 break into破门而人、闯入 call on拜访 care for照顾、喜欢carry out执行 check in办理登机come across被理解;遇见 come from出生于、来自come on跟我来、走吧


意大利语属于拉丁语族罗曼语系。现代意大利语是从但丁开始的,其古典语为拉丁语。现代语语法较之古典语语法简化多了。意大利语是一种单词形态变化丰富的语言,九大词类中就有五类有形态变化。在句子中,人称,性,数,动词的时态都要相互一致,配合。意大利语语法与英语的差别很大,与汉语的更是不同。有一个可提醒注意:意大利语单词无论如何变化,最后都是以元音结尾(个别前置词,连词除外)。 句子成分 一个简单句是由若干句子成分组成的,基本句子成分是主语和谓语,其他成分都可以叫complemento【补语】。意大利语中的补语概念和汉语中的补语概念不同。汉语中的补语指位于动词或形容词之后的描写成分,表示结果,程度,趋向,数量,可能等意义,而意大利语中搞的补语成分包括,直接宾语,间接宾语,地点补语,时间补语,伴随补语等等。 句子分类 句子分为简单句和复合句,复合句又分成并列复合句和主从复合句,主从复合句又分成主句,从句,从句又分为不明确从句,明确性从句。 例:简单句io vado. 我走了。 并列复合句io lavoro mentre lui studia.他学习时我工作。 主从复合句spero di poter venire.我希望能来。 动词avere的变位 这里首先要讲的一点是动词变位。动词变位是意大利语里非常重要的一个概念。是意大利语法的三大基础之一(另外两个分别是时态和虚拟式)。动词变位就是动词在不同的人称或数作主语时,词尾必须根据主语的人称和数作相应的变化。 下面我们先看看AVERE(有)这个词的动词变位 我有...:io ho 你有...:tu hai 他有:...:lui ha 她有...:lei ha 我们有...:noi abbiamo 你们有...:voi avete 他们有...:loro hanno 谓语动词的形式必须随着主语的变化而变化。 记住:类似下列的说法都是错的! io avere tu abbiamo loro avete 等等


意大利语语法 目录 1 冠词 2 名词 3 代词 o 3.1 人称代词 3.1.1 主格人称代词 3.1.2 宾格人称代词 3.1.3 与格人称代词 3.1.4 反身人称代词 3.1.5 属格人称代词 3.1.6 介词人称代词 o 3.2 指示代词 o 3.3 关系代词 o 3.4 疑问代词 o 3.5 泛指代词 o 3.6 小品词 3.6.1 ci(vi) 3.6.2 ne 4 形容词 o 4.1 属格形容词 o 4.2 指示形容词 o 4.3 疑问形容词 o 4.4 形容词对比 5 副词 o 5.1 方式副词 o 5.2 时间副词 o 5.3 地点副词 o 5.4 数量副词 6 介词 7 连词 o 7.1 并列连词 o 7.2 从属连词 8 动词 冠词 意大利语的冠词分阳阴两性、单复两数,每一类都加在与其相对应的名词的前方。

单数 复数阳性 阴性 阳性 阴性 定冠词 l',il, lo l',la i, gli le 不定冠词 un, uno una,un' dei,degli delle 名词 意大利语的名词分阳性和阴性两大类,并有单复数的变化。不过一般而言,意大利语对格的变化已经退化了,故大多数的词仅会对该词所属的性别与指称的数量做相对应的变化。 请协助扩充此章节。 更进一步的讯息可能会在或讨论页或扩充请求中找到。请在扩充章节后将此模板移除。 代词 人称代词 主格人称代词 单数 复数 第一人称 io noi 第二人称 非敬词 tu voi 敬词 Lei Loro 第三人称

阳性 lui (egli, esso) loro (essi) 阴性 lei (ella, essa) loro (esse) 宾格人称代词 单数复数 第一人称 mi ci 第二人称 非敬词 ti vi 敬词 La Le 第三人称 阳性 lo li 阴性 la le 与格人称代词 单数复数 第一人称 mi ci 第二人称 非敬词 ti vi 敬词 Le Loro 第三人称


英语常用介词 介词的分类和应用英语介词虽 是小词,数量也不多,但它灵活多变,随处可见,功能强大而且难于掌握。在现代英语中,介词的地位非常重 要。我们切不可小看这个小角色,不可忽视它的作用。如果你能在英语介词上下一番功夫,那么你的英语水平会有一个飞跃提高。 英语介词分类 : 按构成形式分 (5 类 ): 1.简单介词如:in,at,on,by,with,down,for,beside,along,across等。 2.分词介词(在英语中有一部分动词的ing 形式具备介词的性质,在很多情况下将他们视为介词)如:including,during,following,considering,regarding关于,speaking,judging,talking等。 3. 双重介词如:from behind从后面until after直到,之后from among从, 中间 4.合成介词如:inside,outside,onto,into,within 5.短语介词如:out of,apart from(除之外:别无、尚有),because of ,by means of 用、依靠等 A. 介词短语的词性--形容词 1)常用于做定语的介词短语的介词 of: a child of six with: a man with a suitcase in: a girl in red to: the key to the door for: a war for money

about: an agreement about trade 2)常用于做表语的介词短语的介词 at: She was at a loss. beyond ;The road is beyond the hill in: He’ s still in danger. of: It’ s of no value. on: He is on guard. 值班 out of: I’ m out of job. under: He ’s under forty. . 3)用于做宾语补足语: I saw George A cold kept him at work . in bed for 7 days. B. 介词短语的词性—副词 1)做状语,主要用于修饰谓语: He has been here since Monday . Bake it is for two hours. 2) 用于 be+adj. 结构: She is afraid of snakes. I ’ m sorry about that. 3)修饰非谓语动词: I asked to speak to the headmaster. 介词 -- 短语动词中的关键角色含有介词的短语动词 1. v.+ prep : agree with/to/on/in,answer for, ask for,come across, go after, live on, run into, head for, look for/after/at等。 2. v.+ adv. + prep: come up to达到, go in for从事、爱好, run out of, 用光 do away with废除, keep up with, make up for, put up with等 按表达意义分 (3 类 ): 1.时间介词,如: at, on, in, during, over, from, for, until 等。 2. 地点介词,如:at, on, in,across, to, over, between, inside, outside等。 3. 其它介词,如:by, with, about, except, instead of, due to,


具体日期前用“on” 注意: 一、含有this, that, these, those, every, each 等的时间状语前不用介词。如: We are going to play football this afternoon. 今天下午我们打算踢足球。 His father goes to work early every day. 他爸爸每天很早去上班。They are working on the farm at the moment. 这几天他们正在农场干活。 二、all day, all week, all year 等由“all +表示时间的名词”构成的时间状语前不用介词。如: We stay at home and watch TV all day.我们整天呆在家里看电视。 三、由“some, any, one等+表示时间的名词”构成的时间状语前不用介词。如: We can go to the Great Wall some day. 有一天我们会去长城的。 四、时间状语是today, tomorrow, tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow evening, the day after tomorrow (后天)等,其前不用介词。如:

What day is it today?今天星期几? Who's on duty tomorrow? 明天谁值日? MORE: at 表示时间的某一点 (节日或年龄、瞬间或短暂的时间) Your memory is always poor at this time. (表示一天中的某个时刻不用冠词) I got up at six in the mopning. on 表示某日或和某日连用的某个时间段 You were late on Monday last week. in 用于表示除日以外的某一时间段 (表示年、月、季节、世纪时代) Sorry, I am late, the frist time in May. in和at都可表示地点,而in表示的地点比at所表示的地点大


《意大利语动词与形容词搭配手册》自我测试1~9答案 外语教学与研究出版社推出的意大利语学习必读丛书之一《意大利语动词与形容词搭配手册》一书即将出版。 本书立足基础语法,针对初学者学习中遇到的一大难点,即动词和形容词与前置词的搭配,收录了最常用的动词介词、形容词介词的搭配,并配有专项练习,使学生能够在使用本书的过程中不断巩固的已有的知识。 本书共配有九个自我测验,并附有简明扼要的讲解。 自我测验1 答案 1 昨天我陪马里奥去看医生。 Ieri ho accompagnato Mario a fare una visita dal dottore . 使用词组:accompagnare qualcuno. a fare 注意:accompagnare 是一个及物动词,后面的宾语是直接宾语,如果要说“昨天我陪他去看医生”,则要说: Ieri ho accompagnato lui a fare una visita dal dottore . 直接宾语提前到谓语动词的前面,注意直接宾语和助动词avere 后面的过去分词的搭配,写作: Ieri l’ho accompagnat o fare una visita dal dottore . 想一想: 昨天我陪她去看医生。 这句话又应该怎么说? 2 我昨天出门时才发觉我没带钱包。 Ieri quando sono uscito mi sono accorto di non aver portato il portafoglio . 使用词组:accorgersi di 注意:accorgersi di 后面往往要加上动词的复合时态,因为在“发觉”的时候动作已经发生了。 3 你能帮我订一张机票吗? Puoi aiutarmi a prenotare un biglietto d’aereo ? 使用词组:aiutare qualcuno a fare 注意:在使用这个词组的时候需要注意,qualcuno某人是直接宾语,后面的前置词是a 不是di 。 4 他承认是他不对。 Ha ammesso di aver corto lui . 使用词组:ammettere di fare 注意:ammettere 的过去分词是ammesso .


介词in, on, at在表示时间时的用法区别 ①in时间范围大(一天以上)如:in Tanuary, in winter, in 1999;泛指在上午,下午,晚上,如:in the morning(afternoon, evening). 习惯用法:in the daytime 在白天。 ②on指在某一天或某一天的上午,下午,晚上,如:on Monday, on Sunday afternoon, on July 1, 1999 ③at时间最短,一般表示点时间,如at six o’clock, at three thirty.习惯用法:at night, at noon, at this time of year. in, on和at在表达时间方面的区别 in 表示在某年、某季节、某月、某周、某天和某段时间 in a year在一年中 in spring 在春季 in September 在九月 in a week 在一周中 in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/傍晚 但在中午,在夜晚则用at noon/night on 表示某一天或某一天的某段时间 on Monday 在周一 on Monday afternoon 在周一下午 on March 7th 在3月7日 on March 7th, 1998. 在1998年3月7日 on the morning of March 7th, 1998. 在1998年3月7日上午

at 表示某个具体时刻。 at eight o’clock 在8点钟 at this time of the year 在一年中的这个时候 at the moment 在那一时刻 at that time 在那时 注意:在英语中,如果时间名词前用this, last, next 等修饰时,像这样的表示,“在某时”的时间短语前,并不需要任何介词。 例如:last month, last week, this year, this week, next year, the next day, the next year 等。 1.What’s the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter in your country? 你们国家春天/夏天/秋天/冬天的天气怎么样? in 在年、月、周较长时间内 in a week 在里面 in the room 用某种语言 in English 穿着 in red on 某日、某日的上下午on Sunday afternoon 在……上面 on the desk 靠吃……为生live on rice 关于 a book on Physics 〔误〕We got to the top of the mountain in daybreak. 〔正〕We got to the top of the mountain at day break. 〔析〕at用于具体时刻之前,如:sunrise, midday, noon, sunset, midnight, night。〔误〕Don't sleep at daytime 〔正〕Don't sleep in daytime. 〔析〕in 要用于较长的一段时间之内,如:in the morning / afternoon, 或in the week / month / year. 或in spring / supper /autumn / winter等等。 〔误〕We visited the old man in Sunday afternoon. 〔正〕We visited the old man on Sunday afternoon. 〔析〕in the morning, in the afternoon 如果在这两个短语中加入任何修饰词其前面的介


at,in与on的用法 一、表示时间,注意以下用法: ①表示时间的某一点、某一时刻或年龄等用at。如: Igetupatsixinthemorning.我早上六点钟起床。 Hegotmarriedattheageof25.他25岁结婚。 ②泛指一般意义的上午、下午或晚上以及月或年等较长的时间,一般用in。如: WewatchTVintheevening.我们晚上看电视。 HewenttoJapanin1946.他于1946去了日本。 ③若表示星期几或某一特定的日期,则用on。如: HelefthereonthefifthofMay.他于5 月 5日离开这儿。 二、表示地点、场所、位置等,注意以下用法: ①表示某一点位置,用at。如: WeliveatNo87BeijingRoad.我们住在北京路87号。 Thehospitalisattheendofthestreet.医院在这条街的尽头。 与名词所有格连用表示地点,也用at。如: atmysister's在我姐姐家atthedoctor's在医务室 ②表示空间或范围,用in。如: What'sinthebox?这盒子里有什么? HelivesinPariswithhiswife.他同他妻子住在巴黎。 但有时两者可换用。如: Themeetingwasheldat[in]thehotel.会议在宾馆举行。 ③at与in的另一个区别是:at用于指较小的地方,而in用于指较大的地方。如: inShanghai在上海atthestation在车站 但是,大与小是相对的,有时随着说话者的着眼点不同,大地方也可能用at(比如把一个大地方看作一个点时)。如: OurplanerefuelledatLondon.我们的飞机在伦敦加油。 WestoppedforanhouratMoscowonourwaytoParis.我们在去巴黎的途中在莫斯科停了1个小时。 ④介词on用于地点,主要指在某物的表面。如: What'sonthetable?桌上有什么? There'sawalletlyingontheground.地上有个钱包。 【注】在少数搭配中,也用介词on。如: Heworksonafarm.他在农场工作。 三、在某些搭配中,三者的区别与英国英语和美国英语有关:


意大利语冠词的用法 说说冠词 冠词用在名词前起限定作用,有形态变化.他本身没有意义,如英文的a,the.分定冠词和不定冠词,有性数变化. 例: il cane 名词为阳性,起首字母为一般辅音. 单数 i cani 名词为阳性,起首字母为一般辅音. 复数 lo zio 名词为阳性,起首字母为z. 单数 lo studio 名词为阳性,起首字母为s加一般辅音. 单数 l’uomo 名词为阳性,起首字母为元音. 单数 以上三种情况的复数gli gli zii gli studi gli uomini 如果修饰阴性名词: 以辅音开头 单数复数 la casa le case la zia le zie la scuola le scuole 以元音开头 l’erba le erbe不定冠词: 阳性: 一般辅音或元音开头 单数复数 un fiore dei fiori un olivo degli olivi 辅音z或s加辅音 uno zero degli olivi uno studio degli studi 阴性: 辅音开头 单数复数 una casa delle case una zampa delle zampe una suola delle scuole 元音开头 un’erba delle erbe 名词前如有形容词等定数,那么冠词取决于该形容词的起首字母,如:

il mio amico l’ottava tavola

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常用介词及副词的搭配用法归纳 (-)about about既可以用作介词也可以用作副词,它常和下列名词,动词,形容词搭配使用。 名词+about talk about 关于???谈话;information about/on 关于???知识,消息 动词+about think about sth. 考虑某事look about 环顾;考虑 bring about 带来,造成,引起leave about 乱放 come about 发生go about 四处走动 get about 走动,传开,着手干set about 开始,着手 hang about 逗留,徘徊put about 传播谣言 turn about 回首,转身,轮流tell sb.about sth. 告诉某人某事 grief about sth. 对…伤心confuse sb.about sth 使某人对某事感到混乱 bother sb.about sth 为某事打扰某人gossip about sb.or sth.谈论、闲聊某人或某事 形容词+about hopeful about/of 希望,期待particular about 对…讲究,特别 enthusiastic about 对…热心crazy about ab./sth. 对…欣喜 sure about/of 对..确定知道,对…有把握 anxious about 对…担忧,焦虑anxious for 渴望 careful about/of 注意,保护,保重careful with 对…注意,照顾 careless about 对…不留心feel nervous about/at sth. 对…感到不安 doubtful about/of 对…感到好奇optimistic about 对…感到乐观 happy about/at sth. 因某事而感到高兴 (二)across across 既可以用作介词也可以用作副词,它常与下列动词搭配使用。 come across 横越…,偶尔碰见run across 跑着穿过;偶尔碰见 cut across 抄近路穿过get across 惹(某人)不高兴;通过 get sth. across 领会put across 哄骗put sth. across 使人听懂 (三)against against 只用作介词,常与下列名词或动词搭配使用。 1)名词+against grudge against 对…怨恨declaration against 反对…声明或宣言 hostility against 对…敌意battle against 反对…的斗争 2)动词+against swim against the current/tide 逆流而泳run against the wind 逆风而跑 work against 反对,抢时间defend against 团结起来反对… side against 与别人站在一方反对…人rebel against 反,反抗… stand against 反对… prejudice against 对…有偏见 rise against 起来反对… argue against 抗议,反对… protest against 抗议,反对strike against 反抗…

英语中表示时间、地点和位置的常用介词的应用 (自动保存的)

英语中表示时间、地点和位置的常用介词的应用 内容摘要:介词是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词,在句中不能单独作句子成分。介词后面一般有名词代词或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句作它的宾语。介词在英语中有非常重要的地位,但其种类繁多,用法复杂,一个介词还往往有多种意义,本文将从时间、地点和用名词尤其是由动词转化过来的名词的机会较多,而名词与名词之间常常需要介词连接,故英语中使用介词的现象比比皆是。 关键词:表示时间地点和位置附加状语名词动词 内容: 一、英语中表示时间的常用介词 after表示...之后,指某事发生在所指时间后的任意时间,是before的反义词,表示在...之后(1)用在附加状语里,常跟有-ing小句,,如: Li Ming was released from prison after serving three years.李明在服刑三年后出狱。(2)用在名词之后,如:I hate the time after sunset before you come home.我不喜欢日落之后、你回家之前的这段时间。(3)用在动词be之后,如:He turned and went after his brothers.他转身去追赶他的兄弟们。after通常指次序的先后。 in(1)表示在某世纪、年、季度、月、周”以及泛指的上、下午、晚上。如:in the 20th century在20世纪;in 1999在1999年;in winter在冬季;in September在九月;in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上。(2)in 过...后(未来时间),不晚于,如:The train will arrive in three hours.火车三小时到。(3)表示某段时间之后,如:to return in a few minutes/hours/days/months几分钟/几小时/几天/几个月后回来。(4)表示做...时,...发生时,当...时,如:In attempting to save the child from drowning, she nearly lost her own life.她在抢救落水儿童时,自己差点丧命。 注:after与in都可表示“在……之后”,但after后可跟时间段,也可跟时间点;而in后必须跟时间段。after既可用于将来时,也可用于过去时,而in只能用于将来时。I’ll arrive in an hour. 我一小时后到。 during表示在……期间(1)某事在某段时间里连续发生或发生过几次,用在附加状语里,如:During all the years of work, he had been realistic with himself.这些年来在所有的工作中,他总是对自己实事求是。(2)表示某物在某段时间里从开始到结束,都一直得到发展,用在附加状语里,如:I hope this will become clear to you during the course of the lectures.我希望在讲座过程中,你会渐渐明白这一点。(3)指某事在某一期间内的某一刻发生,用在附加状语里,如:The boy disappeared from the hotel during the night.这名男孩在夜间从旅馆失踪。 from表示时间的起点,从……起,多用于“from…to/till…”中。如:You can come anytime from Monday to Friday. 周一至周五你什么时间来都行。from 仅说明什么时候开始,不说明某动作或情况持续多久。 for 表示达...之久(1)过了多少时间,后接“一段时间”,表示某事持续多久,多与完成时连用,如:She has been ill for several days. 她已经病了几天了。(2)表示某事已经发生过一次,用在附加状语里,如:Before using a pan for the first time, wash it with a sponge.在首次使用平底锅前,用
