西南-大学考博英语真题 手打版

西南-大学考博英语真题 手打版
西南-大学考博英语真题 手打版



Throughout our lives, we will have to make many decisions. Some will be small and

unimportant, but others, such as where to go to school, which career to pursue, and whether or not

to buy a house, will be important. It is this type of decision that we must be very careful about making. In my opinion, a person should never make such an important decision alone.

Our reason for my opinion is that I believe ‘two heads are better than one”. When we have an

important decision to make we can benefit from the advice and experience of others. In addition,

just talking the issue over with someone else might help us to see aspects of the problem we had

not considered before. Another reason for not making big decisions alone is that often these

decisions do not affect only us. If someone else is going to be affected by the decision, for

example, our spouse or business partner, that person should be able to voice his opinion and take

part in the decision-making process.


Part I Reading Comprehension(40points)

Directions: there are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D, you should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

A journalist’s friend who has been living in New York for many years writes a column for a Chinese newspaper in Hong Kong on cultural subjects, and Chinese and Western traditions, recently touched on the question: why translations of novels by well-known contemporary Chinese authors do not sell well abroad?

Quoting a mainland source, Dong Dingshan revealed that in France, which probably”has the finest tastes for art and culture in the world,” only 10 copies of translated works by Lu Xun and Ba Jin were sold in 1994.

The poor sales are a reminder that contemporary Chinese literature has yet to secure a place on the world stage as commensurate with its achievements.

One explanation is that while many Chinese authors nowadays take great pride in having their works translated into foreign languages, few have any idea how much their novels would be understood, not to say enjoyed, in foreign countries. Another is that those who have the power to select works for translation are guided entirely by their own very subjective standards rather than

the taste and interests of foreign readers. The two are interrelated but both show a lack of understanding of the foreign readership.

However, what seems to be the greatest difficulty to Dong on the translation of literary works for foreign consumption is rendering the distinctly different styles of Chinese prose writing. Whereas Chinese writers like to heap adjectives and decorative words, such descriptions are apt to be meaningless or annoying to foreign readers. Especially in the case of news writing, clarity is supreme and useless words only distract from a story’s readability.

In view of this, translation of lyrical works is often a thankless job. Dong believes essays and prose stand a much better chance of success. As for novels, success depends on whether foreign readers can follow the stories which are developed in circumstances with which they are entirely unfamiliar.

It is seldom realized that successful translation of Chinese novels is invariably the co-reation of the author and translator. With a good command of Chinese writing skills, the translator is ideally also someone who writes good, decent English, not just correct sentences.

The Chinese translator who relies on a dictionary every step of the way is unlikely to produce translations that can interest readers, Dong believes.

There is a great deal of sense in Dong’s belief that Chinese novels are ideally translated by native speakers of English, as did professor Jeffrey Kinkey who recently translated Imperfect Paradise by the contemporary Chinese writer Shen Congwen. Kindly took note in the preface of his translation that word-for-word translation only hurts the orginal-a credo heard often enough among translation circles in China but which is much easier said than done.

1.The passage is mainly about__________

A.translation of lyrical works

B.improper translation

C.understanding of the foreign readership

D.achievements of Chinese literature translation

2.Dong Dingshan’s attitude toward contemporary Chinese literature translation can be best

summarized as _________





3.Translation of novels by well-known contemporary Chinese authors don’t sell well

abroad mainly because_________

A.translated novels do not meet foreign readers’ taste and interest

B.novels being translated are best ones by famous writers

C.most translated works have distorted the originals

D.foreign readers’ taste have changed a lot

4.According to Dong Dingshan, what is the different in prose writing between Chinese and


A.Chinese prose is too political

B.There are more adjectives and decorative words in Chinese prose

C.There are more philosophical ideas in foreign prose

D.Foreign prose is very personal

5.All the following can implied from the passage EXCEPT_______

A. A good translation of Chinese novels is the co-creation of the author and translator

B.An excellent translator should have a good command of Chinese and foreign

language writing skills

C.Dong Dingshan believes that Chinese translator can do better job in translating

Chinese novels into English

D.Word-for-word translation may hurt the original

Questions 6 to 10 are bared on the following passage.

Disagreements among economists are legendary, but not on the issue of free trade. A recent survey of prominent economists---both conservative and liberal---concluded that”an economist who argues for restricting international trade is almost as common today as a physician who favors leeching.”

Why the consensus? International free trade, economists agree, make possible higher standards of living all over the globe.

The case for free trade rests largely on this principle: as long as trade is voluntary, both partners benefit; otherwise they wouldn’t trade. The buyer of a shirt, for example, values the shirt more than the money spent, while the seller values the money more. Both are better off because of the sale. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether the shirt salesman is form the united states or Hong Kong (or anywhere else).

The vast majority of American manufactures face international competition. This competition forces companies to improve quality and cut costs. By contrast, protectionism encourages monopoly, lower quality and higher prices. Americans pay an enormous price for protection—--over $ 60 billion a year or $1000 for a family of four. Thanks to protectionism, for example, American comsumers pay twice the world price for sugar.

Free trade also makes the world economy more efficient, by allowing nation to capitalize on their strengths. The United States has an advantage in food production, for instance, while Saudi Arabia has an advantage in oil. The Saudis could undertake massive irrigation to become self-sufficient in food, but it is more economical for them to sell oil and purchase food from us. Similarly, we could become self-sufficient in petroleum by squeezing more out of oil shale. But it is much less costly to buy some of our oil from Saudi Arabia. Trade between our two countries improves the standard of living in both.

Protectionism is both wasteful and unjust. It taces most heavily the people who can least afford it. Thus, tariffs that raise the price of shoes burden the poor more than the rich. Despite the powerful case for free trade, the United States and the rest of the world have always been protectionists to some degree. This is because free trade benefits the general public, while protectionism benefits special-interest groups, which are better organized, better financed and more informed. To make matters worse, much of what we hear on this issue is misinformation spread by the special interests themselves.

6.the economists____

A.disagree whether to restrict free trade or not

B.agree on free trade

C.agree on the restriction of internal trade

D.hold different arguments because of their different interests.

7.the two partners in a free trade_____

A.do not care at all

B.care for different things

C.care for the things being traded

D.care for the same things

8.What is the author’s attitude toward protectionism denoted from the 3rd paragraph?





9.Why has protectionism always been exercised even if it is wasteful and unjust?

A.It helps to establish national industry of one’s own

B.It can achieve an independent economy

C.It is favored by general public

D.It benefits some privileged few.

10.According to the free trade principle, the author suggests that____

A.U.S. explore its oil shale

B.Saudi Arabia build its own industry

C.Saudi Arabia import food from the U.S.

D.U.s. become more self-sufficient in food

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.

Occasional self-medication has always been part of normal living. The making and selling of drugs has a long history and is closed linked, like medical practice itself, with the belief in magic. Only during the last hundred years or so has the development of scientific techniques made it possible for some of the causes of symptoms to be understood, so that more accurate diagnosis has become possible. The doctor is now able to follow up the correct diagnosis o f many illness with specific treatment of their causes. In many other illness, of which the causes remain unknown, it is still limited, like the unqualified prescribes, to the treatment of symptoms. The doctor is trained to decide when to treat symptoms only and when to attack the cause: this is the essential difference between medical prescribing and self-medication.

The advance of technology has brought about much progress in some fields of medicine, including the development of scientific drug therapy. In many countries public health organization is improving and people’s nutritional standards have arisen. Parallel with such beneficial trends are two which have an adverse effect. One is the use of high-pressure advertising by the pharmaceutical industry, which has tended to influence both patients and doctors and has led to the pharmaceutical industry, which has tended to influence both patients and doctors and has led to the overuse of drugs generally. The other is the emergence of the sedentary society with its faulty ways of life: lace of exercise, over-eating, unsuitable eating, insufficient sleep, excessive smoking and drinking. People with disorders arising from faulty habits such as these, as well as from unhappy human relationships, often resort to self-medication and so add the taking of pharmaceuticals to the list. Advertisers go to great lengths to catch this market.

Clever advertising, aimed at chronic sufferers who will try anything because doctors have not been able to cure them, can induce such faith in a preparation, particularly if steeply priced, that it

will produce---by suggestion—a very real effect in some people. Advertisements are also aimed at people suffering from mild complaints such as simple colds and coughs, which clear up by themselves within a short time.

These are the main reasons why laxatives, indigestion remedies, painkillers, tonics, vitamin and iron tablets and many other preparations are found in quantity in many households. It is doubtful whether taking these things ever improves a person’s health; it may even mane it worse. Worse because the preparation may contain unsuitable ingredients; worse because the taker may become dependent on them; worse because they might be taken in excess; worse because they may cause poisoning, and worse of all because symptoms of some serious underlying cause may be masked and therefore medical help may not be sought.

11. The first paragraph is intended to ______

A. suggest that self-medication has a long history

B. distinguish between medical prescribing and self-medication

C. praise doctors for their expertise

D. tell the symptoms from the causes

12. advertisements are aimed at people suffering from mild complaints because_____

A. they often watch ads on tv

B. they are more likely to buy the drugs advertised

C. they generally lead a sedentary life

D. they don’t take to sports and easily catch colds

13. paragraphs 2 and 3 explain_____

A. that good things are not without side effects

B. why clever advertising is so powerful

C. why in modern times self-medication is still practiced

D. why people develop faulty ways of life

14.in paragraph 4 the author illustrates____

A. the reasons for keeping medicines at home

B. people’s doublt about taking drugs

C. why it may be worse to take drugs by oneself

D. the possible harms self-medication may do to people

15. the best title for the text would be _____

A. Medical Practice

B. Clever Advertising

C. self-medication

D. self-treatment

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.

In the new age of employment, New Zealand executives with skills to sell are increasingly creating their own future. In practical terms, this means that complains, which expect their staff to give their soul to the company, may be disappointed. New-age executives want to be the keeper of their own souls. Enlightened chief executives know that executives who give 100 percent aren’t necessarily the best people to have in the company.

The latest catch phrase for this nes approach is “ balanced employment,” which in the future will become the yardstick by which prospective employees judge companies. Smart companies are

right now creating an environment that will attract the skills they need. There will be a skill shortage in many countries in the next century. The people with skills that companies need are looking for an enjoyable working environment that recognizes the whole person. They do not want a corner office; they want freedom. They want to have plenty of holidays to do their own thing.

The implications for management styles are profound. Tomorrow’s executives will be not on productivity, cold on arbitrary work patterns. For the nes breed, a 70-hour working week isn’t something to boast about, it’s an admission of lousy time management. Executives recruitment agencies report that more and more people are asking first about the flexibility of the company’s working arrangements and only second about salary packages. The salary package wasn’t unimportant but came well behind what might be called the whole details of the job. Employees who work for organizations that give them flexibility develop an incredible sense of loyalty. Because they love their work, they develop a very strong tie with their company. In return, this adds up to the creation of an environment, which not only attracts staff but keeps them, too.

Furthermore, manufacturers have tried to install humanity in the workplace. Best-selling books by Dr Dyer have encouraged employees to think of themselves as creative individuals in the workplace and not as cogs in a corporate mill.

16. Executives who give 100 per cent aren’t necessarily the best people to have the company because____

A. employees themselves will decide which company to choose

B. the best people don’t want to devote themselves completely to the company

C. the best people looks down upon the less qualified

D. the best people don’t like to stay in a place for a long time

17. The company is popular if it has

A. arbitrary work patterns

B. lousy management

C. flexible working wnvironment

D. busy time schedule

18. Which is not true about balanced employment?

A. The numbers of employers and employees are proportional

B. employees will enjoy more freedom

C. It is a standard by which future employees judge companies

D. Companies will create environment attractive to the employees

19. The sentence “Manufacturers have tried to install humanity in the workplace”(para.


A. they carry out humane treatment

B. they encourage employees to work hard

C. they play a role in corporate mill

D. they like individual employees as dominant factor

20. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. employees decide to choose work at their own will

B. loyalty is essential to a company

C. prospective employees prefer favorable environment

D. companies have created attractive environment

Part II English---Chinese Translation(20 points)

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your answers on the Answer sheet

I believe that every human being has a talent---something that he can be better than anyone else. And I believe that the distinction between so-called “creative”talents and ordinary run-of-the-mill talents is an unnecessary and man-made distinction. I have know exterminators, typists, waitresses and machinists whose creative joy and self-fulfillment in their work could not by surpassed by Shakespeare’s or Einstein’s

I also believe that in the process of searching, no experience is ever wasted, unless we allow ourselves to run out of hope. In my own case I had 34 different jobs before I found the right one. Many of these jobs were heartbreakingly difficult. A fes of them involved working with unscrupulous and horribly unpleasant people yet, in looking back, I can see that the most unpleasant of these jobs, in many cases, give me the biggest dividends—the most valuable preparation for my proper life work.

Part III Chinese ----English Translation 20points)

Directions: translate the following short paragraphs into English and write your translation on the answer sheet.



Part IV Writing (20 points)

Directions: Write an assay of no less than 250 words on the topic given below. You must write it on the answer sheet and remember to write it in readable handwriting.

TOPIC: If you could change one thing about your hometown, what would it be?


Part I Reading Comprehension (40 points)

1----5 BAABC 6---10 BDDDC 11---15 ABCDC 16---20 BCADC

Part II English –Chinese translation (20 points)



Part III Chinese----English translation (20 points)

Rational, industrious, useful human beings are divided into two classes: first, those whose work is work and whose pleasure is pleasure; and secondly, those whose work and pleasure are one. Of these the former are the majority. They have their compensations. The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward, not only the means of sustenance, but a keen apptite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms. But fortune’s favored chidren belong to the second class. Their life is a natural harmony. For them the working hours are never long enough. Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation.

Yet to both classes the need of an alternative outlook, of a change of atmosphere, of a diversion of effort, is essential. Indeed, it may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those who need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds.


Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions:There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage: When Kathie Gifford ’s face was splashed across the newspapers in 1996 after her lucrative line of Wal mart clothing was exposed as the work of underpaid laborers in New York City ’s Chinatown, the Department of Labor and the White House teamed up to condemn such practices. With much fanfare, President Clinton’s administration launched the “No Sweat” campaign, which pressured retailers and manufacturers to submit to periodic independent inspection of their workplace conditions.; This campaign urged manufacturers to sign the Workplace Code of Conduct, a promise to self regulate that has since been adopted by a handful of retailers and many of the nation ’s largest manufacturers, including Nike and L.L. Bean. However, the Department of Defense, which has a $ 1 billion garment business that would make it the country’s 14th largest retail apparel outlet, has not signed the Code of Conduct. In addition, it has not agreed to demand that its contractors submit to periodic inspections.; Because the Department of Defense has not agreed to adhere to the code, the job of stopping public sector sweatshops falls to the Department of Labor. Federal contractors that persist in violating wage laws or safety and health codes can lose their lucrative taxpayer financed contracts. But Suzanne Seiden, a deputy administrator at the Department of Labor, says that to her knowledge, the department has never applied that rule to government apparel manufacturers. “I just assume that they are adhering to safety and health requirements,” she says. According to records obtained by Mother Jones, through a Freedom of Information Act request, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has cited Lion 32 times for safety and health violations in the past 12 years. 21.What is this passgage mainly concerned with? A)The functions of the Department of Labor in America. B)A serious problem threatening American economy. C)The successful attempt of regulating sweatshops in America. D)The seriousness of the problem of sweatshops in America. 22.According to the passage, Kathie Gifford ____. A) was one of the underpaid laborers in New York City’s Chinatown B) was one of the well paid laborers in New York City ’s Chinatown C) made much money from cheap laborers in New York City’s Chinatown D) wrote a newspaper article exposing the practice of employing cheap laborers 23.The underlined p hrase “to submit to” is closest in meaning to ____. A) to accept unwillingly B) to refuse coldly C) to welcome warm heartedly D) to blame strongly 24.Which of the following statements about the Department of Defense is true? A) It will become the count ry’s 14th largest retail apparel manufacturer. B) It hasn’t acted according to the Workplace Code of Conduct. C) It has demanded its contractors to sign the Workplace Code of Conduct. D) It has teamed up with the Department of Labor to launch a campaign. 25.What was the purpose of President Clinton’s administration launching the “No Sweat” campaign? A) To urge manufacturers to obey the Workplace Code of Conduct. B) To remind the manufacturers of the Workplace Code of Conduct. C) To urge the Department of Labor to take its responsibility. D) To urge the Department of Defense to inspect manufacturers. Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage: The term investment portfolio conjures up visions of the truly rich-the Rockefellers, the Wal Mart Waltons, Bill Gates. But today, everyone-from the Philadelphia firefighter, his part time receptionist wife and their three children, to the single Los Angeles lawyer starting out on his own-needs a portfolio.; A portfolio is simply a collection of financial assets. It may include real estate, rare stamps and coins, precious metals and even artworks. But those are for people with expertise. What most of us need to know about are stocks, bonds and cash (including such cash equivalents as money market funds).; How do you decide what part of your portfolio should go to each of the big three? Begin by understanding that stocks pay higher returns but are more risky; bonds and cash pay lower returns but are less risky.; Research by Ibbotson Associates, for example, shows that large company stocks, on average, have returned 11.2 percent annually since 1926. Over the same period, by comparison, bonds have returned an annual average of 5.3 percent and cash, 3.8 percent.; But short term risk is another matter. In 1974, a one year $1000 investment in the stock market would have declined to $735.; With bonds, there are two kinds of risk: that the borrower won’t pay you back and that the money you’ll get won’t be worth very much. The U.S. government stands behi nd treasury bonds, so the credit risk is almost nil. But the inflation risk remains. Say you buy a $1000 bond maturing in ten years. If inflation averages about seven percent over that time, then the $1000 you receive at maturity can only buy $500 worth of today’s goods.; With cash, the inflation risk is lower, since over a long period you can keep rolling over your CDs every year (or more often). If inflation rises, interest rates rise to compensate.; As a result, the single most imortant rule in building a portfolio is this: If you don’t need


2015年四川大学考博《英语》真题 (总分:100.00,做题时间:180分钟) 一、ⅠReadingComprehension 二、Passage1 Speechissofamiliarafeatureofdailylifethatwerarelypausetodefineit.Itseemsasnatural tomanaswalkingandonlylesssothanbreathing.Yetitneedsbutamoment'sreflectiontoconvinceus thatthisnaturalnessofspeechisbutanillusoryfeeling.Theprocessofacquiringspeechis,insob erfact,anutterlydifferentsortofthingfromtheprocessoflearningtowalk.Inthecaseofthelatt erfunction,culture,inotherwords,thetraditionalbodyofsocialusage,isnotseriouslybrought intoplay.Thechildisindividuallyequipped,bythecomplexsetoffactorsthatwetermbiologicalh eredity,tomakealltheneededmuscularandnervousadjustmentsthatresultinwalking.Indeed,the veryconformationofthesemusclesandoftheappropriatepartsofthenervoussystemmaybesaidtobe primarilyadaptedtothemovementsmadeinwalkingandinsimilaractivities.Inaveryrealsense,th enormalhumanbeingispredestinedtowalk,notbecausehiselderswillassisthimtolearnthear t,butbecausehisorganismispreparedfrombirth,orevenfromthemomentofconception,totake onallthoseexpendituresofnervousenergyandallthosemuscularadaptationsthatresultinwalkin g.Toputitconcisely,walkingisaninherent,biologicalfunctionofman. Notsolanguage.Itisofcoursetruethatinacertainsensetheindividualispredestinedtotalk ,butthatisdueentirelytothecircumstancethatheisbornnotmerelyinnature,butinthelapofasoc ietythatiscertain,reasonablycertain,toleadhimtoitstraditions.Eliminatesocietyandthere iseveryreasontobelievethathewilllearntowalk,if,indeed,hesurvivesatall.Butitisjustasce rtainthathewillneverlearntotalk,thatis,tocommunicateideasaccordingtothetraditionalsys temofaparticularsociety.Or,again,removethenew-bornindividualfromthesocialenvironmenti ntowhichhehascomeandtransplanthimtoanutterlyalienone.Hewilldeveloptheartofwalkinginhi snewenvironmentverymuchashewouldhavedevelopeditintheold.Buthisspeechwillbecompletelya tvariancewiththespeechofhisnativeenvironment.Walkingthenisageneralhumanactivitythatva riesonlywithinarestrictedlimitaswepassfromindividualtoindividual.Itsvariabil ityispurposeless.Speechisahumanactivitythatvarieswithoutassignablelimitaswepassfr omsocialgrouptosocialgroup,becauseitisapurelyhistoricalheritage,theproductoflong-cont inuedsocialusage.Itvariesasallcreativeeffortvaries-notasconsciously,perhaps,butnoneth elessastrulyasdothereligions,thebeliefs,thecustoms,andtheartsofdifferentpeoples.Walki ngisanorganic,instinctivefunction,speechisanon-instinctive,acquired,"cultural"functio n. (1).ThefirstsentenceofParagraphTwo,"Notsolanguage"istheclosestinmeaningto______. " A.thisisnotthecasewithlanguage " B.soislanguageandnotanythingelse " C.nosuchathingexistsinlanguage " D.notsomuchwithlanguage A.√ B. C. D. 解析:细节推理题。Notsolanguage承接首段的最后一句话,将language与walking进行对比,上文提及"行走是人类与生俱来的一种生物功能",而语言则不是。选项A与文中的意思最接近。故答案为A。


2012年厦门大学考博英语真题及详解 科目代码:1101 科目名称:英语 考生须知:所有答案(包括选择题、填空题)均必须写在答题纸:在试题纸上作答的内容均不予评阅、判分,后果考生自负。 Part I.Vocabulary and Structure(15%) Directions:There are30incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1.The weather wasn’t favorable and both teams had to______icy rain and a strong wind during the match. A.pin down B.get stuck in C.take control of D.contend with 【答案】D 【解析】句意:天气不太好,比赛过程中两支球队还不得不应对冰冷的雨水和狂风。contend with对付;与…作斗争。pin down确定;使受约束;阻止。get stuck in陷入了…;加紧进行。take control of控制。 2.People planning to travel by car to North Dakota in the winter are advised to______their cars with snow tires and warm clothing. A.install B.purchase C.provide D.equip 【答案】D 【解析】句意:计划冬季开车去北达科他州旅行的人们应当给车安雪地轮胎并备上保暖衣物。equip…with为惯用搭配,意为“装备;以…装备”。install安装;任命;安顿。


南开大学会计学专业博士生入学考试科目和参考书目 考试科目一:英语(包括:基础外语、听力,不包括专业外语)。 考试科目二:会计理论与方法(含财务会计学、审计学),其中财务会计部分大致占70%,审计部分大致占30%。 参考书目 1.威廉姆.R.司可脱著,陈汉文等译《财务会计理论》,机械工业出版社,2000年11月。 2.夏恩.桑德著,方红星、王鹏、李红霞译《会计与控制理论》,东北财经大学出版社,2000年12月。ISBN:711107896 3.王光远,《审计学》,(会计大典系列,第十卷;总主编,葛家澍等),中国财政经济出版社,第1-6章。 考试科目三:会计综合基础(含财务管理、微观经济学、计量经济学),其中财务管理大致占60-70%,微观经济学与计量经济学占30-40%。 参考书目: 1.詹姆斯.范.霍恩著,刘志远主译《财务管理与政策》,东北财经大学出版社,2006年。 2.计量经济学指定参考书及要求 ●指定参考书:张晓峒主编,《计量经济学基础》(第3版),南开大学出版社, 2007年9月。(该书为“普通高等教育”十一五“国家级规划教材”) ●内容要求: 第1章绪论 第2章一元线性回归模型 第3章多元线性回归模型 第4章非线性回归模型的线性化 第5章异方差 第6章自相关

第7章多重共线性 第8章模型中的特殊解释变量 本章只要求: §8.3 虚拟变量 第11章模型的诊断与检验 本章只要求: §11.1 模型总显著性的F检验 §11.2 模型单个回归参数显著性的t检验 3.微观经济学参考书目待定。 除以上参考书目外,考生还需要阅读了解《会计研究》、《中国会计评论》(北京大学出版社)、《审计研究》等专业期刊近两年来有关财务、会计和审计等方面的研究成果,特别是实证研究的有关成果。


四川大学2012考博英语真题及答案详解 阅读 1)Sign has become a scientific hot button. Only in the past 20 years have specialists in language study realized that signed languages are unique—a speech of the hand. They offer a new way to probe how the brain generates and understands language, and throw new light on an old scientific controversy: whether language, complete with grammar, is something that we are born With, or whether it is a learned behavior. The current interest in sign language has roots in the pioneering work of one rebel teacher at Gallaudet University in Washington, D. C., the world’s only liberal arts university for deaf people. When Bill Stokoe went to Gallaudet to teach English, the school enrolled him in a course in signing. But Stokoe noticed something odd: among themselves, students signed differently from his classroom teacher. Stokoe had been taught a sort of gestural code, each movement of the hands representing a word in English. At the time, American Sign Language (ASL) was thought to be no more than a form of pidgin English (混杂英语). But Stokoe believed the “hand talk” his students used looked richer. He wondered: Might deaf people actually: have a genuine language? And could that language be unlike any other on Earth? I t was 1955, when even deaf people dismissed their signing a s “substandard”. Stokoe’s idea was academic heresy (异端邪说). It is 37 years later. Stokoe—now devoting his time to writing and editing books and journals and to producing video materials on ASL and the deaf culture—is having lunch at a cafe near the Gallaudet campus and explaining how he started a revolution. For decades educators fought his idea that signed languages are natural languages like English, French and Japanese. They assumed language must be based on speech, the modulation (调节) of sound. But sign language is based on the movement of hands, the modulation of space. “What I said,” Stokoe explains, “is that language is not mouth stuff—it’s brain stuff.” 21. The study of sign language is thought to be _____C___. A) a new way to look at the learning of language B) a challenge to tradi t ional, views on the nature of language C) an approach: to simplifying the grammatical structure of a language D) an attempt to clarify misunderstanding about the origin of language(C) 22. The, present growing interest in sign language was stimulated by ___C_____. A) a famous scholar in the study of the human brain B) a leading specialist in the study of liberal arts C) an English teacher in a university for the deaf D) some senior experts in American Sign Language(C) 23. According to Stokoe, sign language is _____B___. A) a Substandard language B) a genuine language C) an artificial language D) an international language(B)


2018厦门大学考博英语作文范文带译文 导读:本文2018厦门大学考博英语作文范文带译文,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 厦门大学(2013) Directions: You are asked to write an essay on the following topic: Many universities and colleges offer qualification: through some sort of distance learning using the Internet, rather than by face-to-face contact in a classroom. In your opinion, do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages of learning in this way? You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. 【参考范文】 Online Learning Never Outweigh Face-to-face Learning With the development of internet technology, many educational institutions including some colleges and universities begin to provide online course for those who cannot or are not willing to attend the class. Undoubtedly, it is very convenient for people, especially those in remote areas to learn knowledge. They neither need to move into the same


南开大学考博课程答疑举例:英语知识答疑 一、问:老师,请帮我评一下这篇翻译!谢谢!联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八 The field of torts embraces a group of civil wrongs,other than breach of contact,that interfere with person,property,reputation,or commercial or social advantage.侵权行为指的是侵害人身、财产、名誉、商业或社会利益等领域权利的一系列民事侵权行为,它并不是合同法的一个分枝。While such an act,such as an assult,may sometimes be both a crime punishable by the state in a criminal prosecution and also a tort actionable by the victim in a suit for damages,the criminal prosecution and the damage action are quite separate and unrelated proceedings.但像突袭这样的行为就有可能既涉及到刑事惩罚,又涉及侵权诉讼,前者主要是由国家通过刑事诉讼来完诚,后者主要是由受害人通过损害赔偿诉讼来完成,这是两个完全分开且相互之间没有关联的诉讼过程。The essential purpose of the law of torts is compensatory and,though punitive damages may occasionally be awarded,its function is distinct from that of criminal law.and injured party is not awarded compensation in the criminal proceeding.侵权法的功能和刑法的功能是不相同,侵权法的主要目是补偿,偶尔也支持罚金,而刑法的主要目的是惩罚,受害方是不能通过刑事诉讼得到赔偿的。 答:同学你好,翻译的三个标准是:信达雅。所谓的信使忠实于原文,而所谓的忠实于原文说白了就是能不增减就不增减,能不动语序就不动语序,。 你给的这个文章整体而言翻译的还可以,但是你的翻译偶尔会触动:信字。尤其是在语序方面。我们看一下你翻译的最后一部分:The essential purpose of the law of torts is compensatory and,though punitive damages may


西南大学2015年博士研究生入学考试英语试题答案 Part I: Grammar and V ocabulary (20%) 1-5CADDD 6-10AABCD 11-15 CABBA 16-20 CBAAC Part II: Reading Comprehension (30%) 1-5 DCACB 6-10 AACAD 11-15 DAACA Part Ⅲ:English to Chinese Translation(15%) 她看到了屋外广场上,充满新春气息的树梢是那么的兴奋。空气中弥漫着芬芳的雨的气息。窗户下面的街道上,小贩正在叫卖他的器皿。远处传来缥缈的歌声,数不清的麻雀也在屋檐下叽叽喳喳地唱个不停。 对着她窗户的西边天空上,层层叠叠的云朵之间,露着一绺一绺的蔚蓝蔚蓝色的天空。突出文章的主题:被压抑的个性和对自由的追求。她把头靠在椅背上,非常地平静。除了像个孩子自己哭着睡着了,还继续呜咽一样,她也偶尔地呜咽一下,这使她有点颤抖。 她很年青,她那白皙、安详的脸上线条,显示着一种压抑甚至说是一种力量。但是现在,她那凝望蓝天的双眸,目光茫然,甚或有点呆滞。这并不是匆匆沉思的一瞥,更不是一种长久的深思熟虑,而是精神世界一片空旷。 Part Ⅳ: Chinese to English Translation(15%) Primary and secondary school will impart to you only some rudiments of knowledge. Even what you learn during the four years of university will be something quite superficial too. A university has often been misleadingly referred to as "the highest seat of learning, which sounds as if there were no more learning to speak of beyond it. The research institute of a university, however, is the place for preliminary scholarship. But even there you get only the first taste of learning and the emphasis is on research methodology and practice. Art is long, life is short. That is why some of our ancients continued to study even when they were hoary-headed. They were, of course, motivated by an enormous interest in their studies. Part V: Essay Writing (10%) The Pleasure of Learning The Pleasure of Learning Almost everyone will be confused when they ask themselves, "why we learn. " In China, students answer this question, "to pass the College Entrance Examination". But after I read the article which entitled The Pleasure of Learning, I know the correct answer. It's the pleasure of learning. In this article, the author thinks learning is a natural, inborn and instinctive pleasure, and it's one of the innate pleasures of the human race. However, this pleasure is not confined to learning from textbooks. It is found in all kinds of the experience, practices, arts, crafts and explorations. He believes that the wholeness of


灯塔之光--就业小贴士之一:关于考博 经常有同学问起,考博需要准备多长的时间,现在准备是否还来得及等等,关于考博时间安排的问题,结合个人了解的情况和一些和朋友们交流的经验,简要介绍以下时间的安排,按以下几个部分分开讨论 考博的时间主要分以下几个部分: 1、确定学校的时间。 2、联系导师的时间。 3、英语准备的时间。 4、专业课准备的时间。 其实从这些时间的安排大家也就可以知道了整个考博的准备的过程。关于确定学校和联系导师的时间,没有什么固定的时间可言。可是却在整个考博的过程中却是决定成本与否最关键的一个时间段。关于考博学校的选择,个人觉得还是学校第一,地点第二,导师第三。当然如果三者都可以兼顾上当然更好。读博本身就是一件成本很高的一件事情,所以如果要想读,而且不让自己留下太多的遗憾的话,就读好的学校,这样也许才不会让自己留下太多的遗憾和懊悔。在城市方面北京、上海我觉得是首选的城市,毕竟一个人的发展,个人的能力是很重要的,机遇也很重要……我这里要提到的就是一个人的视野非常的重要,在大的城市读博,在人生面临选择的重要关头,通过在大城市宽广视野的洗礼,我想大家都会作出正确人生选择的。哪怕回到内地,发展毕竟曾经对大城市了解过,经历过,对于以后的发展都是会有帮助的。其实就那几个城市,一个城市也就那几所大学,等到大家确定好城市和学校以后,就到了第二个时间段了,联系导师的时间,这个也是不定的,是不是越早越好,这个将在下一篇文章中讨论,这里只是谈一下时间“长度”的问题,关于导师联系点,我认为大家可以采用广撒网的方法,首先结合个人的学术经历,个人的学科背景,个人的兴趣爱好等等一些方面,选择一些自己感兴趣的导师,这里大家不要过多的考虑导师是否会要我这个问题,每个导师对于学术方面的发展有其自己的规划,你是否是最适合的,只有导师站在他的角度去考虑才是最真实的,所以不需要自己给自己找个理由就放弃了,确定好导师以后,就给他们发email,通过他们回信来判断导师是否对自己有兴趣。在这种方法下再去确定导师是最有效的,也是最节省时间的。根据导师的回信,一般会找到几个对自己感兴趣的导师,最后再根据个人的情况有所取舍,留下一到两个继续保持联系,继续保持联系的目的,一是找到一个最自己最敢兴趣的,这样可以在保证分数够的情况下,肯定录取,二是为了对于导师的为人还有课题有进一步的了解为最终的判断提供信息。到目前为止学校、导师都确定了,这一步走好了,才能保证你一下的复习是有意义的。


资料目录:厦门大学近年考博真题+考博经验分享 1.2018厦门大学考博经验分享 2.2019厦门大学考博经验分享 3.2018双非学姐的厦大考博逆袭之路——本硕求学生涯历程 2018厦门大学考博经验分享 初试 1英语: 词汇:比较难,但没有考语法 阅读理解:比较简单,反正比考研英语简单 翻译:好像是2010年的真题 写作:类似雅思的命题思路,可参照雅思的方法准备 2人文基本素质 客观题:不是行测那种,基本都不会,有考考研政治的哲学题,还有考厦大校训的出处。感觉比较难准备 主观题:三选一。文科——国学热为主题写作2500字;经济——中国经济与世界经济平衡1500字;管理学——忘了 3西方经济学,能回忆起的只有以下几题 价格下降对产出的影响 简述总供给三种模型 标准费排污许可证 IS-LM模型计算 MC不等的情况下古诺、斯塔伯格模型 感觉没有偏题,和前几年的真题有许多重复的地方,只要认真复习就不会考的太差。可是要考比较好,就必须复习的时候尽量深刻理解。

复试 笔试:分专业。各专业有道统一的金融英译汉。国际金融专业是——汇率决定论;人民币扩大波幅评述;欧债危机;还有些想不起来了,反正把国际金融的教科书及当前热点都准备了就差不多了。但这是考博,准备的程度要比考研尽量深入一些。 英语口试:与外教对话几分钟。除了自我介绍,还会针对个人情况问一些问题,以及经济方面的问题 综合面试:陈述个人科研成果(这个环节非常重要,以往成果越多越加分);外汇储备管理;银行盈利问题 2.2019厦门大学考博经验分享 2019年厦大国贸系的拟录取名单已经公布,虽然早已得知自己被录取,但还是长长地舒了一口气,不为别的,就是为自己一路以来的坚持而倍感欣慰。3年前,当我还是那个长彻案椅,为考研而发奋的孩子时,厦大就是我的目标,但最终我成为了失败者。尽管如此,在调剂的硕士学校读研期间,为了厦大的梦想,我还是努力坚持着。 今年我报了厦大和暨大两个学校,专业都是国际贸易学,两所学校考分竟然相同,都为231。今年厦大是改革的第一年,大家原以为这种改革方式会增加难度,却恰恰成为我们的机遇。今年厦大博士报考全面缩水,以我专业来说,只有3人报考,最后3人上线,最终取2人,而去年光一个博导报考就有10几人,我个人分析有三点原因:第一,厦大的专业课,也就是我们说的专业2在初试中取消,而被人文素质取代,由于题型和范围都未公布,之前一些同学很担心会考些非常规类的,或类似公务员考试的内容,因此打了退堂鼓;第二,厦大今年不再招在职生即委培对象,为保证生源质量必须是全日制培养,因此很多在职考生倍感压力,纷纷转向其他院校;第三,今年厦大和北方一些高校的考试时间重叠,我认为是比较重要的原因,因为以我学校为例,考博的学生一般会选择南开和厦大两所学校的经济类,而这两所学校从未时间冲突,坦诚地说我当初也准备报这两所学校的,但是厦大恰恰与几所北方高校的考试时间相同,我之后也很同学讨论过,
