

Impression of Wuhan

Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province, and it is the most populous city in central China. It lies at the east of Jianghan Plain, and the intersection of the Changjiang River and Han River.Consisting of the three towns, Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang, Wuhan is known as " thorough fares of nine provinces"; It is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and expressways passing through the city. now Wuhan is recognized as the political, economic, financial, cultural, educational and transportation center of central China.


The East Lake has a vast expanse of water(thirty-three square kilometers), which is largest natural lake in Chinese cities and a famous national scenic spot.

The Yellow Crane Tower (Huanghelou) is presumed to have been first built in approximately 220 AD. It has a strong historic culture with many poets writing pretty poems for it.

Popular foods

Hot and Dry Noodles(Re Ganmian)consists of long freshly boiled noodles mixed with sesame paste. It is considered to be the most typical local food for breakfast.

Duck's Neck is a local version of this popular Chinese dish, made of duck necks and spices.

Bean Pan (Doupi)is a popular local dish with a filling of egg, rice, beef, and beans, structurally like a pizza without enclosing edges.

Soup dumpling(Tangbao)is a kind of dumpling with thin skin made of flour, steamed with very juicy meat inside. Every time one takes a bite from it the soup inside spilling out. Also,there are a lot of delicious food not mentioned.


笔试部分 一. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,用“√”,“×”,表示在括号内。 ()1. five thin ()2. use usually ()3. lake wait ()4. phone bottle ()5. me he ()6. lot note ()7. over old ()8. tree eat ()9. slow down ()10. horse work 三. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。 ()1. I’ve got a toothache. I’m going to see the _______. A. park B. doctor C. teacher D. hospital ()2. -May I ______ your bike? -Sure. A. ride B. riding C. read D. to ride ()3. -Whose ruler is it? -Maybe it’s ______. A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary’s D. Peters’ ()4. I want to see a film. I’m going to the _____. A. cinema B. school C. museum D. bank ()5. -_____ will you do this Sunday? -I’ll play football. A. What B. When C. Where D. How ()6. -What is she doing? -She _______. A. has a cold B. will dance C. is dancing D. usually goes swimming ()7. Mrs Arthur can _______ piano. A. played the B. played C. plays the D. play the ()8. -_____ does your father do? -He’s an engineer. A. Who B. What C. Which D. How old ()9. My father ______ a new car. He ______ it very much. A. have, like B. has, likes C. has, like D. have, likes ()10. What time will he _______ back tomorrow? A. be B. is C. am D. are 四. 从B栏中选出适合A栏的答语: A B ()1. What will your dad do next week? a. He is a doctor. ()2. What are you doing? b. It is green. ()3. What does he do? c. I surfed the internet. ()4. Did you have a good time? d. I am watching TV. ()5. When did you come home? f. We’re going to visit art museum.()6. What colour is it? g. Yes, I enjoyed myself very much. ()7. What are you going to do tomorrow? h. OK. My name is Jones White. ()8. Could you leave your name? i. About eleven in the evening. ()9. What’s Mary doing now?j. She’s sleeping in bed, she’s ill.()10. What did you do last night? k. He’ll go sailing. 五. 下列情景应说哪句话,将其标号填入括号内。 ()1. 当你想知道对方最喜欢什么时,问 A. What do you like best? B. Do you like English? C. I like English very much. ()2. 当你提醒Jack上学不要迟到时,说: A. Don’t read in bed, Jack! B. Don’t watch TV, Jack! C. Don’t be late for school, Jack! ()3. 当你想知道这周日的天气如何时,问: A. It’s Sunday today. B. What does Sunday like? C. What’s the weather like this Sunday? ()4. 当你想知道字典的价钱,问: A. Have you got a dictionary? B. How much is the dictionary? C. I like this dictionary.


Part I. Structure Section A: Multiple choices. 1. We must find a way to cut prices _________ reducing our profits too much. A. without B. despite C. with D. for 2. The new drug will not be put on the market _________ it has proved safe on humans. A. if B. until C. since D. when 3. I feel it’s a great honor for me _________ to this party. A. to invite B. invite C. having invited D. to be invited 4. Peter will _________ the job as Sales Manager when John retires. A. put away B. take over C. work out D. make up 5. _________ his lecture is short, it gives us a clear picture of the new program. A. If B. Because C. Although D. When 6. Don’t _________ me to help you if you are not working hard. A. guess B. speak C. plan D. expect 7. There is no doubt_________ he is a good employee. A. as B. who C. that D. what 8. Don’t ___________ this news to the public until we give you the go – ahead. A. release B. relieve C. relate D. retain 9. Our company’s visitors decided to stay in our city for _________two days as they wanted to have a look around. A. other B. the other C. another D. other's 10. She didn’t know _________ to express her ideas in English clearly in public. A. which B. why C. what D. how 11. He insisted _________going there together with us. A) to B) on C) at D) for 12. I’ll ask Mr. Smith to ring y ou up _________he comes back to the office. A) when B) where C) because D) although 13. Not until the day before yesterday _________to give a speech at the meeting. A) he agreed B) does he agree C) he agrees D) did he agree 14. Y oung _________he is, he is an able salesman. A) that B) who C) as D) which 15. I don’t doubt _________the stock market will recover from the economic crisis. A) if B) what C) that D) which 16. Jack would rather spend time complaining than ________ the problem by himself. A) solve B) solved C) solves D) to solve 17. Scientists should be kept ________ of the latest developments in their research areas. A) inform B) informing C) informed D) to inform 18. Only when we had finished all the work ________ that it was too late to take a bus home. A) did we realize B will we realize C) we did realize D) we will realize 19.We must find a way to cut prices ________ reducing our profits too much. A) without B) despite C) with D) for 20、She didn’t know ________ to express her ideas in English clearly in public. A) which B) why C) what D) how


武汉轻工大学简介 武汉轻工大学位于有“九省通衢”之称的湖北省武汉市,创建于1951年,是全国最早一所培养粮食行业专门人才的学校。曾先后隶属于原国家粮食部、商业部、国内贸易部,1998年实行中央和地方共建,以湖北省管理为主的体制,是湖北省和国家粮食局重点支持建设的普通高校。经教育部和湖北省人民政府批准,2013年5月,学校由武汉工业学院更名为武汉轻工大学。 在62年的办学实践中,学校始终坚持“育人为本、质量立校、人才强校、特色兴校”的发展战略,现已形成了以轻工食品类学科为特色,农产品加工与转化领域相关学科优势明显,以工科为主干,工、管、理、文、经、农、艺、法等学科协调发展的多科性大学格局。2006年10月,学校以“优秀”成绩通过教育部本科教学工作水平评估。 学校现有办学用地面积90余万平方米,校舍建筑面积近50万平方米。图书馆馆藏文献160余万册,中外文电子数据库28个,是湖北省研究级文献收藏单位和湖北省自动化水平优秀级图书馆。教学科研仪器设备值1.65亿元,建有教学实验室(中心)32个,其中湖北省实验教学示范中心6个,拥有校内实习实训中心10个、稳定的校外实习基地122个。 学校设有15个教学院(部),举办有继续教育学院。现有本科专业60个,其中国家级特色专业4个,省级品牌专业7个;一级学科硕士点8个、二级学科硕士点50个,工程硕士专业学位授权领域4个、农业推广硕士专业学位授权领域5个,立项建设博士学位授权学科3个。目前,全日制在校本专科生、研究生16000余人。有湖北省重点学科7个,其中省级优势学科1个、省级特色学科3个。有教育部大宗粮油精深加工省部共建重点实验室、湖北省农产品加工与转化重点实验室等省(部)级重点实验室5个,教育部、农业部、国家粮食局等省(部)级工程技术研究中心15个,“农产品加工湖北省协同创新中心”1个。 学校拥有一支敬业爱生、潜心治学的师资队伍。现有专任教师837人,其中高级职称教师440余人,具有博士、硕士学位的教师占专任教师总数的82.4%。教师队伍中,有国家级有突出贡献中青年专家、新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划人选、国务院政府特殊津贴专家、省高端人才引领培养计划第一层次人选、全国优秀教师、省高校教学名师等国家和省部级专家、名师54人。学校聘有湖北省“百人计划”、“楚天学者计划”等高层次


一、英语阅读理解训练 1.阅读理解Fill in the blanks. 根据短文内容填空。 In the night, there was one little egg laying(平躺)on the leaf. On Sunday morning, there was a tiny(微小的)and very hungry caterpillar(毛毛虫). He started to look for some food. He ate one apple, but he was still hungry. He ate two pears, but he was still hungry. He ate three plums(梅子), but he was still hungry. He ate four strawberries, but he was still hungry. He ate five oranges, but he was still hungry. He ate a lot of things, then he became a big and fat caterpillar. He was full and felt sleepy(困乏的). Then he became a beautiful butterfly. At first, there was a little ________ laying on the leaf, then he became a ________ and very hungry caterpillar. Then he became a ________ and ________ caterpillar. At last, he became a ________butterfly. 【答案】 egg;tiny;big;fat;beautiful 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】文章大意:介绍蝴蝶的成长过程。 (1)句意:期初,有一只小蛋平躺在树叶上。句中缺少单词egg,蛋,故答案为egg。(2)句意:然后他变成一个微笑的饥饿的毛毛虫。句中缺少单词tiny,微小的,故答案为tiny。 (3)句意:然后他变成又大又胖的毛毛虫。句中缺少单词big,大的,fat,胖的,故答案为big,fat。 (4)句意:最后他变成一只美丽的蝴蝶。句中缺少单词beautiful,美丽的,故答案为beautiful。 【点评】此题目要求快速阅读文章,把握内容、了解大意,然后细致阅读,抓住主要内容和细节,标出关键词,完成题目。 2.阅读理解阅读短文,判断正误 Mr. White has a daughter and a son. They live in the countryside. It is near a mountain. They were very poor before. They had little money. They bought some seeds. They planted rice, carrots and beans in the field. They worked very hard,and they were very happy. One day, some big birds came. They ate the rice, the beans and the carrots. Mr. White was very angry. He got the birds out of his field, and then he put some scarecrows(稻草人)in the field. There are no birds now. In autumn, Mr. White has got a lot of beans, carrots and rice. The Whites are happy again. They are not poor now. (1)Mr. White has two children. (2)The Whites live in the countryside and it is far from a mountain. (3)The Whites didn't buy any seeds with their money. (4)Mr. White put some scarecrows in the field. (5)Mr. White got lots of rice and vegetables in winter at last. 【答案】(1)1


2018武汉中考英语作文真题全球首发 七.书面表达。(15分) 中学生活即将结束,请你计划一下暑期生活。 内容要点如下: 1. 邀请同学逛街、看电影、吃饭; 2.跟父母一起去北京旅游; 3.每天跑步、游泳有助于身体健康; 4.预习高中课程; 5.补充一两点个人想法。 注意: 1.文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称; 2.词数:60-80; 3.不要逐条翻译,内容要连贯得体; 4.文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:jog v. 慢跑preview v. 预习course n. 课程 In order to make the coming summer vacation comfortable, I have made a plan for it. a possible version: In order to make the coming summer vacation comfortable, I have made a plan for it. First, I will invite some classmates to hang about the street, go to the movie and have a good meal. Second, I will take a trip to Beijing with my parents. Third, doing more exercise every day, such as jogging and swimming, will do good to my health. At last, I must preview new courses for high school. I believe I will have a good vacation by such a careful arrangement. (71 words)


湖北省武汉市六年级下册英语期末测试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、找出不同类的单词 (共5题;共10分) 1. (2分)选出与其他两项不同类的一项() A . forest B . tree C . river 2. (2分)找出不是一类的单词() A . book B . classroom C . school 3. (2分)选出不同项() A . how B . drive C . walk D . ride 4. (2分)读单词,选出不同类的一项 A . B . C . 5. (2分)选出与所给单词同类的一项:juice A . cake B . drink

C . noodles 二、单项选择。 (共10题;共20分) 6. (2分) Does Wang Bing __________? A . sing well B . sings well C . sing good 7. (2分) The machine is helpful. It can clean the floor A . in the past B . in a short time C . in a long time 8. (2分) How ________ they go to the park yesterday? A . did B . do C . does 9. (2分) They are ______ their email friends. A . talk about B . talks about C . talking about 10. (2分) Mary is hungry.She some food. A . needs B . wants to C . want 11. (2分)— ________you have a new Chinese teacher? () — Yes,we__________. A . Do,do B . Does,does C . Are,are 12. (2分)— How many ______? — There is one. A . spoon B . spoons 13. (2分) October 1st is _______.


武汉的主要特色介绍 一、地理概况 汉江横贯市区,将武汉一分为三,形成了: 武昌(长江以南的市区部分) 位于长江和汉水交汇处,隔江鼎立 汉阳(长江以北、汉江以南市区部分) 汉口(长江西北、汉水以北的市区部分) 属行政区划的辖区13个(中心市区7个郊区6个): 现辖江岸、江汉、硚口、汉阳、武昌、青山、洪山7个城区,蔡甸、江夏、黄陂、新洲、东西湖、汉南6个郊区; 另有非行政区划的经济开发区3个:武汉经济技术开发区、东湖新技术开发区(即光谷)、武汉吴家山台商投资区。 二、名胜古迹 黄鹤楼 亚洲民主之门红楼(辛亥革命武昌起义纪念馆) 归元寺 武汉长江大桥 武汉大学:位于湖北省武汉市武昌区珞珈山路16号 东湖风景区:东湖风景区共分为五大景区,目前已对外开放的有听涛、磨山、吹笛、落雁四大景区 (听涛景区-九女墩-行吟阁-寓言雕塑园-梨园、磨山景区-楚天台-梅园-樱园、落雁景区、白马景区、吹笛景区-马鞍山森林公园、珞洪景区、东湖鸟语林、武汉植物园、湖北省博物馆、湖北省艺术馆、九峰山森林公园、关公卓刀泉、放鹰台、东湖海洋世界、东湖梅岭) 东湖周边聚集了武汉大学、华中科技大学、中国地质大学等26所高等院校,中科院武汉植物园等56个国家、省、部属科研院所,东湖新技术开发区国家光电子产业基地——中国光谷,九峰城市森林保护区、湖北省博物馆,湖北省艺术馆 琴台 中山公园 光谷广场 木兰山风景区(木兰山、木兰湖、木兰天池、木兰清凉寨、木兰草原、云雾山、大余湾) 武汉九峰动物园 武汉科技馆 湖北省博物馆 三、主要特色街区 “武汉名小吃街”户部巷((武汉早点第一街)) 武汉最古老的街道分别为:武昌长街(今解放路)、汉口汉正街(始建于1525年)和汉阳显正街。 汉口地区:汉正街商贸街(武汉最古老的商圈)、江汉路商贸街(武汉首条商业步行街)、兰陵路酒吧一条街、吉庆街小吃街(武汉最大的大排挡街区)、精武路饮食街、香港路餐饮街、武汉文物市场一条街(位于香港路)、硚口路美食街、万松园餐饮街、台北路风情餐厅街、前进路电子产品街、大智路手机街、武广商贸街、中山大道-汉口租界建筑街区、新民众乐园购物街区、扬子街婚纱一条街、花楼街小吃一条街、解放公园林荫路(武汉目前保存最完好的林荫路)、宝成路夜市街、汉口江滩江景街、民意街烧烤小吃街、解放大道-


湖北省主要景点介绍(中英文对照) 东湖 国家级风景区,武汉人心中的骄傲。在这里,初春踏青,盛夏戏水,金秋品桂,严冬赏梅,已经成为几百万市民的野趣,也必将给您的旅途增添光彩。三十三平方公里湖面,烟波浩淼;三十四座岗峦,苍翠欲滴。散布于景区的古亭佛塔给秀美的东湖平添了几分历史的凝重。东湖湖岸曲折,港汊交错,因为有充足的水分和光照,东湖有372种树和390多种花,以梅花和莲花最为出众。徜徉于这秀丽山水之间,浓郁的楚风之中,怎不让人心旷神怡,流连忘返。 East Lake,located in Wuchang district, is rated as one of the top national attractions and is the pride and joy of the People of Wuhan. Many of the residents enjoy walking along the lakeside in spring, swimming in summer, smelling the sweet laurels in autumn and admiring the plum trees in winter. The lake covers 33 square kilometers and stretches as far as the eye can see. Ancient pavilions and pagodas scattered throughout the 34 hills around the lake make this scenic spot historic and impressive. Due to abundant rainfall and sunshine as well as a humid climate, East Lake has rich botanical resources. There are 372 kinds of trees and over 390 varieties of flowers, of which plum blossom and lotus are the most famous. While wandering


武汉轻工大学2014年普通专升本英语阅读理解试题 2015年武汉轻工大学普通专升本英语真题阅读理解部分,一共有四篇文章,且恢复了快速阅读。从题木数量上来说,武汉轻工大学一直保持着题量多的原则。在难易程度上来说,中等难度,跟公共英语三级持平。所以在考试时,小伙伴们不用担心题目很难,题目数量很多的问题。只要保持一颗平常心,把握做题速度就可以了。PS:在平时的练习过程中,一定要注意对时间的掌握哦。 英语阅读练习题 With so many of the deaths each year from around the world directly related to poor health choices we make.world health leaders have set a goal of loweri ng the number of preventable deaths by 25%from 2010 rates by 2025.That would save 37 million lives over 15 years.Reporting in thejournal Lancet,public hea lth experts note that the ways to prevent those deaths area’t surprising.But acting on those strategies will take individual and political will.Here’s how the experts hope to do it. Not smoke.The UN General Assembly set a target of cutting smoking around t he world by 30%by 2025.Already,higher-income nations that already adopted smo king bans in public places and instituted tobacco taxes have seen drops in smok ing rates,however,residents in lower-income nations continue to light up at hi gh rates. Limit excessive drinking.While moderate amounts of alcohol have been linke d to some health benefits,overindulging can increase the risk of certain cance rs and liver disease,as well as contribute to high blood pressure.Educating p eople about the risks of excessive drinking,as well as instituting taxes on al coholic products,has been somewhat successful in curbing(遏制)abuse.Cut back on salt.High sodium (钠)diets can increase blood pressure and con tribute to heart disease and stroke,and in many developed countries,people ea t several times the amount the salt their bodies need.In the U.S.,the avera ge American consumes about 800mg more salt every day than health experts consid er acceptable.Promoting alternatives,such as the citric acid in lemons,to sa tisfy the need for salt, Call help to bring sodiunl consumption down.Get blood pressure under control.Lack of exercise and high sodium diets co ntribute to hypertension(高血压),and uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to stroke and heart disease.Monitoring blood pressure with regular screenings,and treating elevated levels with changes in diet and exercise,or medications if necessary,are the most effective ways to address this risk factor.


湖北省武汉市2020版六年级下学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、读一读. 选出与划线部分相同类别的选项。(10分) (共5题;共10分) 1. (2分)选出与所给词同类的一项:brown A . yellow B . and C . it 2. (2分)选出不同类的单词() A . bread B . cookie C . tea 3. (2分)选出不同类的单词() A . nurse B . hundred C . singer D . writer 4. (2分) Xiaoyong made a model plane yesterday. A . basket B . bicycle C . seed 5. (2分)选出不同项() A . see B . ball C . have 二、读一读,选择正确的答案. (20分) (共10题;共20分) 6. (2分) "Where are we going,dad?" is a ________ TV show in China. Lots of people love watching it. A . proud

B . famous C . interesting 7. (2分) (2018四上·浙江期中) This is ________ English friend. A . me B . I C . my 8. (2分) A:you have balls? B: Yes,I do. A . Do;a B . Are;any C . Do;any 9. (2分) (2020三下·月考) I'm _____ good at English. A . not B . no C . on 10. (2分)—________ are you going to China? —On my holiday. A . How B . Where C . When 11. (2分)—are you? —I'm in the school. A . Where B . How C . Who 12. (2分)—_____you go to the museum? —No,I_______. A . Did;did B . Do;don't C . Did;didn't 13. (2分)—What colour is it?


六年级英语期末试题 一、听录音,选择所听单词的序号。(5分) ( )1. A. give B. get C. gift D. game ( )2. A. snowman B.snow C.snow D. snowball ( )3. A. healthy B. heavy C. high D.help ( )4. A. breakfast B. begin C.basketball D.body ( )5. A. something B. some C. something D. someone 二、听句子,看图,用1、2、3、4、5排序。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选择所听到句子的序号。(5分) ( )1. A. I played on the beach. B. I swam in the lake. ( )2. A. Don ’t be angry. B. Don ’t tell him. ( )3. A. Can you hit the ball? ? B.Did you have fun today? ( )4. A. We will go to the park. B. We will buy some fruit. ( )5. A. I have fun with my friends. B. I dry the dishes after dinner. 笔试部分 一、根据打乱的汉语提示,将正确的单词写在横线上。(5分) 1. I will ___________ my aunt and uncle. 2. I like to play ______________. 3. We make a beautiful _____________. 4. Throw the ball is ___________. 5. Let ’s have a surprise ____________ for Li Ming. 二、选择正确答案的序号,写在题前的括号内。(5分) ( )1. --__________ are you doing?


武汉轻工大学教务处 教务通知〔2016〕24号 关于在2014级本科生开办双学位班的通知 各学院: 根据《武汉轻工大学副修学位、辅修专业管理暂行办法》的有关规定,经研究,决定在2014级本科学生中开设“信息管理与信息系统”、“工商管理类”(含工商管理、市场营销、旅游管理)、“行政管理”、“广告学”、“英语”等七个专业的双学位班,现将有关事项通知如下: 一、修读条件 1、申请参加双学位学习的学生必须是具有我校学籍的2014级全日制在校普通本科生。 2、学生在前三个学期主修专业课程学习中经重修取得的学分不超过10学分。 3、累计学分达到主修专业培养计划规定时段内的学分要求,且核心课程平均学分绩点达到相关学士学位门类授予要求(理学、工学、农学门类专业在1.5及以上,经济学、管理学门类专业在1.7及以上,文学门类专业在2.0及以上)。

4、热爱社会主义祖国,品学兼优,身体健康,未受过行政记过及以上处分。 5、主修专业修读无欠费,且能一次性交清双学位学费。 6、符合“跨学科门类修读学位”的要求。 二、学生申请程序 1、学生到学校教务处网站→本科教学→培养方案查询各专业招生简章、专业介绍及教学计划,填写《双学位申请表》,于5月11日前交所在学院办公室。申请时最多可填报三个专业志愿。 2、各学院按《武汉轻工大学副修学位、辅修专业管理暂行办法》的规定和本通知精神,在5月12-13日对申请学生进行资格审核。 3、各学院将审核后的《学生名单汇总表》及学生报名《申请表》报教务处。教务处在5月16-17日复审及调整专业。教务处按各专业报名学生前三学期必修课平均学分绩点排序,对学生专业志愿进行审核、调剂。 4、原则上各专业招生人数不超过100人。 5、教务处将审核通过后的学生名单在5月20日予以公布。 三、专业教学计划及学位授予类别 由开办学院制定专业介绍及教学计划,于4月29日前报学校教务处,经审核后统一上网,供学生查询(教务处网站→本科教学→培养方案,网址:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4118733256.html,/ bkjx_3.asp)。修读双学位学生的校选课学分要求可降至6学分。 各专业学位授予类别为: 工商管理类(含工商管理、市场营销和旅游管理)管理学 广告学文学 行政管理管理学 英语文学 信息管理与信息系统管理学


外研版小学六年级英语能力测试卷 一、选出与众不同的一项。(每题1分,共5分。) ( ) 1. A. look B. listen C. moon D. shout ( ) 2. A. sun B. cloudy C. windy D. snowy ( ) 3. A. February B. Tuesday C. Monday D. Wednesday ( ) 4. A. panda B. talk C. kangaroo D. zebra ( ) 5. A. animal B. sheep C. goat D. lamb 二、英汉互译。(每题1分,共10分。) 1.do like this. ________ 2. work in pairs ________ 3. well done ______ 4.过来_______ 5. 一副漂亮的画 _____________ 6.去游泳 ___________ 7. 放风筝 ___________ 8.play a game __________ 9.喝茶__________ 10. have a rest___________

三、按要求写出下列单词的正确形式(每题1分,共10分。) sheep (复数形式) fat(反义词) goose(复数形式) beautiful(反义词) fox(复数形式) short(反义词) fish(复数形式) rainy(名词形式) candy(复数形式) friend (形容词)四、单项选择。(每题2分,共40分。) ( )1. ---I’m ___________Hong Kong. ---Welcome _______ Sichuan A. for , two B. from, to C. am, too ( )2 .---_________ --- I’m fine, thank you. A. How old are you ? B. How are you? C. How do you do ? ( )3.---What’s ___ name ? --- _______ name’s Tom. A. his, Her B. her, My C. your, My ( )4. Hello, Wang Ting. This ______ my daughter, Alice. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 5. ---John, where __________ you from? --- I’m from _____________ A. am, the usa. B. is, America. C. are, France ( )6. ---Let’s__________. --- Good idea! Let’s go. A. go to swim B. go swiming C. go swimming ( )7.---Are you ready?


Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The most unforgettable Teacher I ever Know. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below: 1、我生活中最难忘的老师是…… 2、为什么他(或她)令我难以忘怀, 3、结论。 参考范文: In my life I have met a great many teachers who are really worth recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable one I ever know is my English teacher. What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First of all, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer —an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of English language and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. Second, I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke chuckles or loud laughs.
