9 正反翻译法

9 正反翻译法
9 正反翻译法




(1)If the weather holds a couple of days, the team of the explorers will set off.


(2) The Foreign Minister doubted the desirability of a negotiation to be held at this time.


(3) John dived into the water fully clothed and rescued the old lady.


(4) The soldiers would rather fight to death before they surrendered.


(5) While trade is good, money is very tight at present.


(6) The rocket traveling in space is free from the earth’s gravity.


(7) In the event of any contingencies beyond our control, we shall not be held responsible for the late delivery of the goods.


(8) Cowards die many times before their death; the valiant never taste of death but once.


(9) In the absence of a settlement through negotiation, the case under dispute can be submitted to arbitration.


(10) While he liked her work, he pointed out areas where improvement was possible.



(1)Students, with no exception, are to hand in their papers tomorrow afternoon.


(2) We are not completely satisfied with your manner of doing business.


(3) After the ship unloads at the dock, the goods will go to the container freight station.


(4) The doubt was still unsolved after her repeated explanations.


(5) Their undisguised effort to persecute the leaders of opposition party met with nationwide condemnation.


(6) There is nothing like jogging as a means of exercise.


(7) The system of gas supply in the town leaves nothing to be desired.


(8) Suddenly he heard a sound behind him, and realized he was not alone in the garage.


(9) The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him then.


(10) Th e significance of these incidents wasn’t lost on us.




1) Galileo recognized the problem, but failed to solve it.


2)They refused us admittance.


3)The world today is far from peaceful.


4)His explanation is far from satisfactory.


5)Gases have neither size nor shape.


6)Eclipses are not seen in every part of the world.


7)But this does not happen often.


8) As a result, no rational decision-making process is really complete without optimization.


9) No other material in the history of the world has been used for so many different purposes.


10) It is beyond your right to sign such a contract.


11) His conduct is above reproach.


12)There is nothing like mineral water to quench one's thirst.


13)The valley land was deep and rich, but the foothills wore only a skin of topsoil no deeper than the grass roots.


14) 游击队员宁愿战死,也不投降。

The guerrillas would fight to death before they surrendered.

15) 到年底再下结论。

Don't make any decision before the end of the year.

16) 他75岁了,可是并不显老。

He was 75, but he carried his years lightly.

17) 他的话最为激励人。

His words can’t be more inspiring.

18) 这篇论文经得起推敲。

The paper can stand criticizing.

练习二Passage translation

April 22 brought the last turning point in Hitler’s road to turn. From early morning until 3 P.M. he had been on the telephone, as he had been the day before, trying to find out from the

various command posts how the Steiner counterattack was going. No one knew. General Koller’s planes could not locate it, nor could the ground commanders, though it was supposed to be rolling only two or three miles south of the capital. Not even Steiner, though he existed, could be found, let alone his army.

The blowup came at the daily military conferences in the bunker at 3 P.M. Hitler angrily demanded news Steiner. Neither Keitel nor Jodl nor anyone else had any. But the generals had other news. The withdrawal of troops from the north or Berlin to support Steiner had so weakened the front there that the Russians had broken through and their tanks were now within the city limits.

This was too much for the Supreme Warlord. All the surviving witnesses testify that he completely lost control of himself. He flew into the greatest rage of his life. This was the end, he shrieked. Everyone had deserted him. There was nothing but treason, lies, corruption and cowardice. All was over. Very well, he would stay on in Berlin. He would personally take over the defense of the capital of the Third Reich. The others could leave, if they wished. In this place he would meet his end.



As the saying goes, it is the superior quality of the products that help them get the upper hand. But in the high-tech world this may not be the case. The good products may not always score, while the inferior goods do not necessarily lose out. It all depends on competition tactics. A classic example is Apple-Macintosh losing out to Microsoft. The Windows system had been applied to M acintosh many years ago but now Windows has become the ace in Microsoft’s hole.

G Affirmative vs. Negative 肯定与否定


1. All that glisters is not gold.


2. Leaves are not necessarily green.


3. Both the instruments are not precision ones.


4. There is not any advantage without disadvantage.


5. There is no rule that has no exception.


6. He cannot but agree.


7. There is no story without coincidence.


8. Such a chance was denied (to) me.


9. The secretary was free from all blame for the errors.


10. Ignorance of the law excuses no one.


11. His conduct is above suspicion.


12. It is beyond my power to promote you.


13. The mayor is the last man to accept a bribe.


14. He didn’t half like the girl.


15. I couldn’t feel better.


16. I couldn’t agree with you more.


17. He can’t see you quick enough.


18. You cannot be too careful in proofreading.


19. The importance of this conference cannot be overestimated.


20. The engine didn’t stop because the fuel was finished.


21. One could not be too careful in a new neighborhood.


22. One may as well be asleep to read for anything but to improve his mind and morals, and regulate his conduct.


23.His impoliteness is more than we can stand.


24.What you are studying seems to be foreign to the main issue of our practical production.


25. 那座大楼处于无人管理的状态。

That building is in a state of neglect.


1. 不准换线!Keep in lane!

2. 请勿践踏草地!Keep off the lawn!(正说反译)

3. 他绝不会说这样的话。He was the last man to say such things.

4. His speech leaves much to be desired.


5. Appearances are deceptive.


6. There is every reason for society to undertake progams that grapple with these problems.



7. Virtually every economist agrees that these concerns are valid, though many questions whether economic growth is their major cause.



8. Western society (about 1.2 billion people) cannot bring the remaining 5.1 billion people in less developed countries up to the Western consumptive “standard of living”without exhausting the earth’s resources.



9. I know not what course others may take, but, as for me, give me liberty or give me death.


10. Mr. Branson loves nothing more than a daunting challenge.


11. He never lets a week go by without telephoning his parents.



12. 医生从未见他精神状态这么好。

The doctor had never seen him in better spirits.

13. China insists always on the need for self-reliance, no less in economic policies than in making revolution.



谈英汉翻译技巧中的增补与省略 【摘要】增补法是英汉翻译中常用的方法之一。所谓增补,就是为了使译文准确和符合汉语习惯,译者应该添加必要的词句。所谓省略法,就是将不必译的冠词、物主代词、连系动词等省略不译。 【关键词】翻译技巧增补法省略法 英汉翻译是英语学习中最基本的技能之一,在今天的飞速发展的世界中越来越显示出它的重要性。一篇好的译文应该是既忠实于原文,又符合汉语的用法习惯,并且在内容与形式上与原文达到辩证的统一。忠实于原文是翻译中最重要的一点。但由于英汉两种语言的巨大差异,“忠实”的涵义并不是逐字逐句地照搬原文,而是“忠实地表达”原作者的思想,准确地理解和恰当地表现原文。因此,译者必须在理解原文的基础上,运用恰当的翻译技巧,将原文译出。 英汉翻译技巧一般来说有8种,即“分清主从”,“选词用字”,“增补法”,“省略法”,“词性转换”,“词序调整”,“正说反译和反说正译”以及“长句拆译”。本文侧重谈谈英汉翻译技巧中的增补与省略这两种方法。 1.增补法 增补法是英汉翻译中常用的方法之一。增补不是给原文增加某些内容,而只是翻译中的一个必要的规则。它实际上主张,为了使译文准确和符合汉语习惯,译者应该添加必要的词句。增补法在下面几种情况下经常使用: A.当某些词在英语的句子中被省略时 例如:We can get rid of a bad style and keep the good. 虽然,在good 一词后省略了style. 这句可译成:我们能够去掉不良作风,保持优良作风。 He majors in English and l in French. 在I 后面省略了动词major. 这句应译成:他主修英语,我主修法语。 在这类句子中,原文省略的部分应在译文中写出来。 B. 当英文中用代词来避免重复时


翻译技巧笔记:转换法 泛瑞翻译 于英汉两种语言在语法和表达方式等方面存在着许多差异,因此英译汉时常常有必要改变表达方式,使译文通顺流畅、地道可读。这种变通技巧就是转换法(shift of perspective)。转换的形式多种多样,大体可分为7种:①词类转换,②句子成分转换,③表达方式转换,④自然语序与倒装语序转换;⑤正面表达与反面表达转换,⑥主动式与被动式转换,⑦分句转换。 一、词类转换 词类转换是指英语中的某一词类译成汉语时转换成另一词类。 (一) 英语名词、介词、形容词或副词转换为汉语动词 (1) The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of first importance to a public man. 因此,对于一个从事社会活动的人来讲,培养一种爱好和新的情趣方式,乃是至关重要的对策。 (2) The Red Army Men marched on bravely against the piercing wind. 红军冒着刺骨的寒 风英勇前进。 (3) All were unconscious that this experience was a test of character; and, when the first excitement was over, felt that they had done well, and deserved praise. 大家都没有认识到这番 经验却是一次个性的考验,最初的兴奋过去以后,又觉得自己已经干得不错了,理应受到赞扬。 (4) He appeared at her side, breathing audibly, a moment after she reached the stop. She gazed ahead, rigid. 她到车站不一会儿,他便出现在她的身旁,听见他喘息的声音。她凝视着前方,表情严峻。 (5) Yet to both classes the need of an alternative outlook, of a change of atmosphere, of a diversion of effort, is essential. 然而,对所有这两种类型的人来说,变换一下看法、改变一下环境和转换一下注意力都是最基本的需要。 (6) …and it was on the first stage of this journey, in Kenya, that she received the news of her father's death and her own accession to the throne. ……就在此行的第一站肯尼亚,她接到了父 亲去世并由她本人继承王位的消息。 (二) 英语动词、副词转换为汉语名词、形容词 (1) The inflammation is characterized by red, swelling, fever, and pain. 炎症的特点是红、肿、热、痛。 (2) The visiting guests were escorted to the Yellow Crane Tower last Sunday. 上星期天,来


【翻译技巧】英语笔译技法——正反译法 由于国家、历史、地理、社会文化背景和生活习性的不同,汉英两种语言在表达正说和反说时有很大差异,尤其英语在否定意义的表达上更为复杂,有时形式否定而实质肯定,或形式肯定而实质否定。在两种语言互译时,原文中正说的句子可能不得不处理成反说,或是用反说表达更为合适。反之亦然。翻译中,这种把正说处理成反说、把反说处理成正说的译法,就称为正反译法。 正反译法是翻译技巧中的一个重要方法,属于引申和修辞范围。 笼统的说,英语句子中含有“never”、“no”、“not”、“un-”、“im-”、“in-”、“ir-”、“-less”等否定词以及否定前缀或后缀的单词,以及汉语句子中含有“不”、“没”、“无”、“未”、“甭”、“别”、“休”、“莫”、“非”、“勿”、“毋”等否定词的即为反说,不含有这些否定词的即为正说。 但实际操作时,正说和反说的界限又变得极为模糊,例如“correct”可以翻译成“正确”(正说),也可以翻译成“没有毛病”(反说)。因此,到底译文要采用正说还是反说,就完全要看译文语言的惯用表达和上下文的语气语态了。 在正反译法中,英译汉正转反(正说反译法)和汉译英反转正(反说正译法)是最为重要的两种正反译法。 英译汉正转反 英语中有些否定概念是通过含有否定意义或近似否定意义的词来表达的,虽然形式是肯定的,但这类词大多是某些肯定词所引申或变化出来的反义词,或经过长期历史演变而引申出其他否定词义,即所谓的“含蓄否定词”或“暗指否定词”,这类词在译成汉语时,需要变成汉语的否定词组,必要时还需要作词类转换。 1、名词 —含蓄否定名词主要有:shortness / shortage(不够;不足)、lack(缺乏;没有)、absence (不在)、failure(未能;不成功)、defiance(不顾;无视)、denial(否认;否定)、exclusion (排除)、freedom(不;免除)、refusal(不愿;不允许)、loss(失去)等。 Shortness of time has required the omission of some states. 由于时间不够,没能访问那些国家。 Behave yourself during my absence. 我不在时要规矩点。 We were perplexed by his failure to answer the letter. 他何以不回信,我们大惑不解。 2、动词或动词短语 —英语中常见的含蓄否定动词包括:refuse(不愿;不肯;无法)、lack(缺乏;没有)、defy(不服从;不遵守;不让)、forbid(不许)、stop(不准;别)、ignore(不理;不肯考虑;无视;不顾)、hate(不愿意)、miss(没听清楚;没赶上)等。


词类转换翻译法练习 转译成动词 1. Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 2. In China, there is a lot of emphasis on politeness. 3. A careful study of the original text will give you a better translation. 4. The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 5. He is a good singer. 6. Those small factories are also lavish consumer and waster of raw materials. 7. You must be tired. Why don’t you take a rest? 8. I am anxious about his health. 9. Doctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life. 10. Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible. 11. She opened the window to let fresh air in. 12. After careful investigation they found the design behind. 转译成名词 13. This kind of behavior characterizes the criminal mind. 14. To them, he personified the absolute power. 15. Our age is witnessing a profound political change. 16. Most U.S. spy satellites are designed to burn up in the earth’s atmosphere after completing their missions. 17. He was treated very shabbily by the press during this period. 18. I was encouraged by our president. 19. They did their best to help the sick and the wounded. 20. Both compounds are acids, the former is strong and the latter is weak. 21. He was eloquent and elegant—but soft. 22. His whole family were religious. 转译成形容词 23. This issue is of vital importance. 24. The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment. 25. Our performance was a success. 26. Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 其它词类转译 形容词与副词的互相转译 27. We must make full use of existing technical equipment.


译国译民 专心翻译 做到极致 常用十大翻译技巧之五:正反译法 正译法和反译法: 这两种方法通常用于汉译英,偶尔也用于英译汉。所谓正译,是指把句子按照与汉语相同的语序或表达方式译成英语。所谓反译则是指把句子按照与汉语相反的语序或表达方式译成英语。正译与反译常常具有同义的效果,但反译往往更符合英语的思维方式和表达习惯。因此比较地道。如: (1) 在美国,人人都能买到枪。 In the United States, everyone can buy a gun. (正译) In the United States, guns are available to everyone. (反译) (2) 你可以从因特网上获得这一信息。 You can obtain this information on the Internet. (正译) This information is accessible/available on the Internet. (反译) (3) 他突然想到了一个新主意。 Suddenly he had a new idea. (正译) He suddenly thought out a new idea. (正译) A new idea suddenly occurred to/struck him. (反译) (4) 他仍然没有弄懂我的意思。 He still could not understand me. (正译) Still he failed to understand me. (反译) (5) 无论如何,她算不上一位思维敏捷的学生。 She can hardly be rated as a bright student. (正译) She is anything but a bright student. (反译) (6) Please withholdthe document for the time being. 请暂时扣下这份文件。(正译) 请暂时不要发这份文件。(反译)


词法翻译1——词性转换的运用 1.事实胜于雄辩。 Facts speak louder than words. 2.眼见为实。 Seeing is believing. 3.不要怕犯错误。 Don't be afraid of making mistakes. 4.在中国,人们非常注重讲礼貌。 In China,people emphasize politeness much. 5.赞成还是反对我们的建议,请大家畅所欲言,表明立场。 Please everyone speaks up freely on whether you agree on our suggestion or not and states your stand. 6.独立思考对学习是绝对必需的。 Indendent thinking is absolutely needed for learning. 7.决不允许违反这个原则。 It is definitely not allowed to be contrary to this principle. 8.人口一直在不断增长。 The population increase continually all the time. 9.你赞成还是反对这项计划? Do you agree on this plan or not? 10.官方宣布,中国已经成功的实现了载人航天。 Declaring by the official,China has already accomplished the project of manned space flight. 11.就业形势不可避免地受金融危机的影响。 The situation of employment is unavoidably impacted by the financial crisis. 12.科学家对政治并不陌生。 Scientists are not unfamiliar with politics. 13.亚洲仍然是世界上最具经济活力的地区。 Economically,Asia is still the most dynamic region in the world 14.大幅削减税收有利于增加投资。 Slash tax in favor of investment promotion. 15.要想保护自然界,就要从根本上改变目前的生活方式。 Intending to protect the nature,changing the way of living fundamentally is needed.


Put the following sentences into Chinese, using the technique of omission. 1.If you give him an inch, he will take a mile. 2.These developing countries cover vast territories, encompass a large population and abound in natural resources. 3.Winter is the best time to study the growth of trees. Although the leaves are gone and the branches are bare, the trees themselves are beautiful. 4.It is not entirely right to say that if there is food, let everyone share it. 5. 6.Scientific exploration, the search for knowledge, has given man the practical result of being able to shield himself from the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by others. 7. 8.There was no haste or restlessness in his manner but a poised friendliness. 9. 10.N ever trouble yourself with trouble till trouble troubles you. 11.T he true joy of joys is joy that joys in the joy of others. 12.F or generations, coal and oil have been regarded as the chief energy source to transport man from place to place.


词类转换翻译法 在英译汉的过程中,有些句子可以逐词对译,有些句子则由于英汉两种语言的表达式不同,就不能逐词对译。原文中有些词在译文中需要转换词类,才能使汉语译文通顺自然。 一、名词的转译 1.英语名词转译成动词 由动词派生的名词,具有动词意思的名词,以结尾表示身份或职业的名词等,这些名词都可以转译成动词。 【例1】The remembrance of these will add zest to his life. ×对于这些事情的回想将会增添他生活的乐趣。 【译文】回想起这些事情,会给他的生活增添乐趣。 【例2】He looked on the Convention as a fair and faithful representation of the people. ×他认为这次大会是人民的公正忠实的代表。 【译文】他认为这次大会公正忠实地代表了人民。 【例3】Other governmental activities are the responsibilities of the individual states, which have their own constitutions and laws. ×其他政府活动则是各个州的责任,各州都有自己的宪法和法律。 【译文】其他政府职能则由各个州来承担,各州都有自己的宪法和法律。 【例4】The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 【译文】看到我们的喷气式飞机,听到隆隆的机声,我感到特别神往。 【例5】To my knowledge, some computers have gone missing. 【译文】据我所知,有几台计算机失踪了。 【例6】He was a good listener and they would like to talk with him. ×他是个好听众,所以他们喜欢同他谈话。 【译文】他善于听取别人意见,所以他们喜欢同他谈心。 1)由动词派生的名词转译成动词,在政论文体中出现比较多。 ·The government called for the establishment of more technical schools. 政府号召建立更多的技术学校。 ·Until 1972, all efforts by the two nations to curb the nuclear arms race had founded on one point: U.S. insistence on the right to make on-site inspections of the Soviet strategic arsenal and Russia’s refusal. 到一九七二年为止,美苏之间关于限制核军备竞赛的一切努力都在这一点上失败了:美国坚持有权视察苏方战略武器现场,而苏联则拒绝这样做。 ·Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经被用来探索宇宙。 2) 含有动作意味的名词(在记叙、描写文体中出现较多)往往可以转译成动词。 ·Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources. 越南战争不断消耗着美国的资源。 ·A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument


1 【翻译技巧】英语笔译技法——正反译法 2 由于国家、历史、地理、社会文化背景和生活习性的不同,汉英两种语言在表达正3 说和反说时有很大差异,尤其英语在否定意义的表达上更为复杂,有时形式否定而实质4 肯定,或形式肯定而实质否定。在两种语言互译时,原文中正说的句子可能不得不处理5 成反说,或是用反说表达更为合适。反之亦然。翻译中,这种把正说处理成反说、把反6 说处理成正说的译法,就称为正反译法。 7 8 正反译法是翻译技巧中的一个重要方法,属于引申和修辞范围。 9 10 笼统的说,英语句子中含有“never”、“no”、“not”、“un-”、“im-”、11 “in-”、“ir-”、“-less”等否定词以及否定前缀或后缀的单词,以及汉语句子中12 含有“不”、“没”、“无”、“未”、“甭”、“别”、“休”、“莫”、“非”、13 “勿”、“毋”等否定词的即为反说,不含有这些否定词的即为正说。 14 15 但实际操作时,正说和反说的界限又变得极为模糊,例如“correct”可以翻译成16 “正确”(正说),也可以翻译成“没有毛病”(反说)。因此,到底译文要采用正说还17 是反说,就完全要看译文语言的惯用表达和上下文的语气语态了。 18 19 在正反译法中,英译汉正转反(正说反译法)和汉译英反转正(反说正译法)是最20 为重要的两种正反译法。 21

22 英译汉正转反 23 24 英语中有些否定概念是通过含有否定意义或近似否定意义的词来表达的,虽然形式25 是肯定的,但这类词大多是某些肯定词所引申或变化出来的反义词,或经过长期历史演26 变而引申出其他否定词义,即所谓的“含蓄否定词”或“暗指否定词”,这类词在译成27 汉语时,需要变成汉语的否定词组,必要时还需要作词类转换。 28 29 1、名词 30 —含蓄否定名词主要有:shortness / shortage(不够;不足)、lack(缺乏;没31 有)、absence(不在)、failure(未能;不成功)、defiance(不顾;无视)、denial 32 (否认;否定)、exclusion(排除)、freedom(不;免除)、refusal(不愿;不允33 许)、loss(失去)等。 34 Shortness of time has required the omission of some states. 由于时间不够,35 没能访问那些国家。 36 37 Behave yourself during my absence. 我不在时要规矩点。 38 39 We were perplexed by his failure to answer the letter. 他何以不回信,我40 们大惑不解。 41 2、动词或动词短语 42


题目:论转换法在英汉翻译中的应用 On Application of Conversion in English-Chinese Translation by Liu Xiao Under the Supervision of Li Wentao Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

School of Foreign Studies Shandong University of Finance and Economics May 2012

Acknowledgements Upon the completion of the thesis, first of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Li Wentao, for his enlightening guidance, incessant encouragement and careful modification throughout the process of writing this thesis. Without his patience and prudence, I could not have brought my thesis to its present form. Besides, I am also greatly indebted to other beloved teachers in the School of Foreign Studies of Shandong University of Finance and Economics, for their valuable and informative courses which have benefited me a lot during my college years. Last but not the least, I am also much obliged to all my friends who have helped me with my thesis. L. X. (名字的第一个字母)


英语翻译之词义省略法 一、从语法角度来看 (一)省代词 1.省略作主语的人称代词 (1)省略作主语的人称代词 I had many wonderful ideas, but I only put a few into practice. 我有很多美妙的想法,但是只把少数付诸实践了。 He was thin and haggard and he looked miserable. 他瘦弱憔悴,看上去一副可怜相。 (2)英语中,泛指人称代词作主语时,即使是作第一个主语,在汉语译文中往往也可以省略。联展在线:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4197018.html,/xkyfd/ 考研学习:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4197018.html,/kcnet1450/ We live and learn. 活到老,学到老。 When will he arrive?—You can never tell. 他什么时候到?——说不准。

The significance of a man is not in what he attained but rather in what he longs to attain. 人生的意义不在于已经获取的,而在于渴望得到什么样的东西。 2.省略作宾语的代词 The more he tried to hide his mistakes, the more he revealed them. 他越是想要掩盖他的错误,就越是容易暴露。 Please take off the old picture and throw it away. 请把那张旧画取下来扔掉。 3.省略物主代词 I put my hand into my pocket. 我把手放进口袋。 She listened to me with her rounded eyes. 她睁大双眼,听我说话。 (二)代词it的省略 Outside it was pitch dark and it was raining cats and dogs.


英汉翻译中的转换法综述 【摘要】翻译就是从语义到语体在译语中用最贴切,最自然的对等语再现源语的信息。由于英汉两种语言在语法或表达习惯上存在巨大差异, 在英汉翻译的过程中, 往往需要改变原文的词类或句子成分。作为英汉翻译中常用的翻译技巧,转换法可以使译文自然、流畅、准确,既传达原意又符合汉语的表达习惯。 【abstract】Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor l anguage the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, firstly in terms of meaning ,and secondly in terms of style.Due t o the great differences between English and Chinese in gramm ar and expression style, translation need to adopt the approa ches of changing the word classes and sentence components i n English-Chinese (E-C) translation.conversion ,As a frequentl y-used translation technique,makestranslators to achieve a natu ral, fluent and accurate translation that not only conveys t he original text’s information but also fits the idiomatic u sage of Chinese. 【关键词】英汉翻译词类句子成分转换 [key words]Englishing-chinesetranslation,word classes,sentence c omponents ,conversion 词类转换是常用的英汉翻译技巧。在翻译时,由于两种语言在语法和习惯表达上的差异,在保证忠实原文的前提下,译文必须改变词类,这就叫词类转换。


考研英语翻译中词类转换方法实例分析 (1)转译成动词 1)名词转换成动词 经典例题: Interest in historical methods has arisen,less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves. 分析:interest在原文中是名词,而在译文中为了符合中文的表达方式,在不改变意思的前提下,将它改成动词。 参考译文: 人们之所以关注历史研究的方法,主要是因为史学家们内部分歧过大,其次才是因为外界并不认为历史是一门学科。(1999年真题) 经典例题: With the click of a mouse,information from the other end of the globe will be transported to your computer screen at the dizzying speed of seven_and_a_half times around the earth per second. 参考译文: 只要一点鼠标,来自世界另一端的信息便会以每秒绕地球七周半的惊人速度传输到你的电脑屏幕上。 2)形容词转换成动词 经典例题: Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion problems arising from mass migration movements—themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport. 参考译文: 由于人口的猛增或大量人口流动(现代交通工具使大量人口流动变得相对容易)所造成的种种问题也会增加社会压力。(2000年真题) 经典例题: Doctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life. 参考译文: 医生们说他们不敢肯定能否救得了他的命。Success is dependent on his effort. 参考译文成功与否取决于他的努力。 3)副词转换成动词 经典例题: She opened the window to let fresh air in. 参考译文: 她把窗子打开,让新鲜空气进来。 4)介词转换成动词 经典例题: Many laboratories are developing medicines against AIDS. 参考译文: 许多实验室正在研制治疗艾滋病的药物。 经典例题: “Coming!”Away she skimmed over the lawn,up the path,up the steps,across the veranda,and into the porch. 参考译文: “来了!”她转身蹦着跳着地跑了,越过草地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过凉台,进了门廊。 (2)转换成名词 1)动词转换成名词 经典例题: The university aims at the first rate of the world. 参考译文学校的目标是世界一流。 经典例题: The net and electronic commerce will foster a large number of free_fancers,and


英汉翻译常用技巧----省略法 Oct. 17th–21st 省略是指原文中有些词在译文中不翻译出来。原因是译文中虽无其词但已有其意,或者在译文中是不言而喻的。换言之,省略是删去一些可有可无的,或者有了反嫌累赘或违背译文语言习惯的词。但省略并非把原文的意义删去。 一、从语法结构考虑的省略 1. 代词的省略 A.省略作主语的代词。汉语习惯中,前句出现一个主语,后句如仍为同一主语,就不必重复。英语中则通常每句都有主语,人称代词往往多次出现。英译汉中该类人称代词常常可以省略。eg1. He was thin and haggard and he looked miserable. 他消瘦而憔悴,看上去一幅可怜相。 eg2. Like his friends he had many wonderful ideas, but he only put a few into practice. 像他的朋友一样,他头脑里虽然有许多美妙的想法,却只有少数付诸实施。 eg3. My elder brother did not come yesterday, he went to his friend’s home. 我的弟弟昨天没来,到朋友家去了。 B. 泛指的代词常常不译。 eg4.When will he arrive? – You can never tell. 他什么时候到?很难说。 eg5. One is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。 eg6. All those years in the military, where there were certain standards and rules; where young men treated their superiors with respect; where you gave an order and it was obeyed; where a uniform meant you were all on the same side. 多年来的军队生涯,那里总是有一定的标准和规则;年轻人尊敬上级;发出命令,人人遵守;同样的制服就意味着站在同一边。 eg7. He who cannot forgive others destroys the bridge over which he himself must pass. 人不宽容他人,就会断了自己的后路。 eg8. If you want to kill a snake you must hit it first on the head and if you want to catch a band of robbers you must first catch their leader. 打蛇先打头,擒贼先擒王。 C. 省略作宾语的代词。 eg9. In fact, Hitler’s ―blitz‖ carried him so far in Russia, to the very gate of Leningrad by September, a city he was never to seize. 事实上,希特勒所进行的“闪电战”曾深入苏境,九月份已直逼列宁格勒--一座他始终未能攻陷的城市。 eg10. I’ve received your letter and read it with delight. 我收到你的来信,很愉快地读了。 eg11. In fact he showed quite clearly that the Copernican ideas were correct. But he did not say


词类转换翻译 由于英汉两种语言分属两个不同的语系,它们在语言的表达方式上各有各的特点。尽管它们在词类划分上大致相同,但词类的使用频率在两种语言中却有所差异。英语中频繁使用名词和介词,而汉语中却经常使用动词。因而,在英汉互译中,经常要用到词类转换法,即根据上下文和译文的表达习惯,在不改变原文词义的前提下,将原文中某些词的词性在译文中作相应的变化,以便使译文读起来更加通顺。 1. 英语名词译为汉语动词 1) The economic environment is characterized by buyers, sellers and competitors. 2) Laser is one of the most sensational developments in recent years, because of its applicability to many fields of science and its adaptability to practical uses. 3) Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 2. 英语形容词译为汉语动词 1) They are quite content with the data obtained from the experiment. 2) We are especially grateful to you for arranging the meeting for us with the Machinery Trading Delegation at such short notice. 3. 英语副词译为汉语动词 1) When the switch is off, the circuit is open and electricity doesn’t go through. 2) In this case the temperature in the furnace is up. 4. 英语介词译为汉语动词 1) President Lincoln proposed to establish a government of the people,by the people, and for the people. 2) A force is needed to move an object against inertia. 5.英语动词译为汉语名词 1)The design aims at automatic operation, easy regulation, simple maintenance and high productivity. 2)Such materials are characterized by good insulation and high resistance to wear. 3)The volume of trade has increased tremendously to the advantage of both countries. 6. 英语形容词译为汉语名词 1) Computers are more flexible, and can do a greater variety of jobs. 2) In the fission processes the fission fragments are very radioactive. 7. 英语副词译为汉语名词 1) Oxygen is one of the most important elements in the physical world, and it is very active chemically. 2) The paper said editorially that with unemployment high and the dollar low the economy will be the President’s sternest trial. 3) All structural materials behave plastically above their elastic range.
