








如果你住在一座公寓大厦里,这或许是一个熟悉的情景:大多数商业和办公楼在他们的屋顶上有冷凝装置,并且当你飞到上空时,仓库和商业区可能让人把10 或者20 套冷凝装置隐藏在他们的屋顶上:





1. 压缩机压缩低温的氟里昂气体,产生高温,高压氟里昂气体。

2. 这种高温气体通过一套线圈,因此它能使它的热消散,并且它凝结成一种液体。

3. 氟里昂液体充满一个膨胀阀,并且在这个过程里蒸发变得低温,低压氟里昂


4. 这种低温的气体通过一套线圈,允许气体吸收热并且使大楼里面空气冷却。






大多数空调是以英国热量单位(BTU)来评价他们的容量。一般说来, BTU 是提高一磅(0.45 千克)水1 华氏度数(0.56摄氏度)的温度需要的额度。明确的说,1 BTU 等于1,055 焦耳。在加热和冷却的条件过程中,1"吨"等于12,000 BTU。

一台典型的窗式空气调节器可以用10,000 BTU来评价。对于比较来说,一个典型2,000 平方英尺(185.8 m2)房子可能有5 吨的(60,000-BTU)空气调节系统,暗示你每平方英尺可能需要30 BTU。 (记住这些是粗略的估计。适合你的一台空调具体需要的是尺寸,用来与一个HVAC 订约人联系.)

一台空调的能量效率评价(EER)是超过它的瓦特数的BTU 等级。例如,如果一台10,000-BTU 空调消耗1,200 瓦特,它的EER 是8.3(10,000 BTU/ 1,200 瓦特)。显而易见,你希望EER 尽可能高,但是通常更高的EER伴随着一个更高的价格。

更高的EER 是值得的吗?

假如你有在两个10,000-BTU 单位之间的选择。一个有8.3 的EER 并且消耗1,200 瓦特,并且另一个有10 的EER 并且消耗1,000 瓦特。我们也说差价是100 美元。为了理解还本时期更昂贵的单位上是什么,你需要知道:


2. 你所在的地区消耗一千瓦时(kWh) 的所需要费用

假如你计划在夏天(一年中4个月)使用空调,并且它将大约每天6个小时操作。让我们也想象在你的地区的费用是0.10 美元/ kWh。在两者之间的能源消耗的差别是200 瓦特,表明与更昂贵的单位相比较,每5个小时比较便宜的单位将多消耗1kWh(因此更多的0.10 美元)。

如果在一个月内有30 天,你发现在夏天你正操作空调:










在一个变冷水的系统里,或者存放在屋顶上或大楼后面的整个空调。它把水冷却到在40 和45 F(4.4 和7.2 C)之间。然后这种变冷的水在整个大楼以管子输送并且连接到需要给处理机通风的机组。如果它隔离得好,没有对变冷水系统的管的长度的实际的限制。





节能可以说是楼字自动控制系统的出发点和归宿。众所周知,在智能建筑中,HVAC(采暖、通风和空调)系统所耗费的能量要占到大楼消耗的总能量的极大部分比例,大致在50%~60%左右。特别是冷:东机组、冷却塔、循环水泵和空调机组、新风机组,都是耗能大户。所以实有必要发展一种有效的空调系统节能方法,尤其用是在改善现有大楼空调系统自动化上方面。 DDC(Directdigitalcontr01)直接数字化控制,是一项构造简单操作容易的控制设备,它可借由接口转接设备随负荷变化作系统控制,如空调冷水循环系统、空调箱变频自动风量调整及冷却水塔散热风扇的变频操控等,可以让空调系统更有效率的运转,这样,不仅为物业管理带来很大的经济效益,而且还可使系统在较佳的工况下运行,从而延长设备的使用寿命以及达到提供舒适的空调环境和节能之目的。

一般大楼常用的空调系统有CAV、VAV、VWV等,各有不同操控方式,都可以用DDC 控制。






















由于冷却水系统采用最佳转换效率控制,保证了中央空调主机在满负荷和部份负荷的情况下,均处于最佳工作状态,始终保持最佳的能源利用率(即 COP 值),从而降低了空调主机的能量消耗,同时因冷却水泵和冷却塔风机经常在低于额定负荷下运行,也最大限度地节约了冷却水泵和冷却塔风机的能量消耗。













How Air Conditioners Work and energy conservation

technology research

Abstract:An air conditioner is basically a refrigerator without the insulated box. It uses the evaporation of a refrigerant, like Freon, to provide cooling. The mechanics of the Freon evaporation cycle are the same in a refrigerator as in an air conditioner.

Keywords:water towers 、weather-resistant、compressor、energy conservation

When the temperature outside begins to climb, many people seek the cool comfort of indoor air conditioning. Like water towers and power lines, air conditioners are one of those things that we see every day but seldom pay much attention to. Wouldn't it be nice to know how these indispensable machines work their magic? In this article, we will examine air conditioners -- from small to huge -- so you know more about what you're seeing!

The Many Faces of Cool

Air conditioners come in various sizes, cooling capacities and prices. One type that we see all the time is the window air conditioner.

Window air conditioners are an easy and economical way to cool a small area. Most people who live in suburban areas usually have one of these in their backyard:

If you live in an apartment complex, this is probably a familiar sight: Most businesses and office buildings have condensing units on their roofs, and as you fly into any airport you notice that warehouses and malls may have 10 or 20 condensing units hidden on their roofs: And then if you go around back at many hospitals, universities and office complexes, you find large cooling towers that are connected to the air conditioning system:

Even though each of these machines has a pretty distinct look, they all work on the same principles. Let's take a closer look.

The Basic Idea

An air conditioner is basically a refrigerator without the insulated box. It uses the evaporation of a refrigerant, like Freon, to provide cooling. The mechanics of the Freon evaporation cycle are the same in a refrigerator as in an air conditioner. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online, the term Freon is generically "used for any of various

conditioner. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online, the term Freon is generically "used for any of various nonflammable fluorocarbons used as refrigerants and as propellants for aerosols."

This is how the evaporation cycle in an air conditioner works (See How Refrigerators Work for complete details on this cycle):

1.The compressor compresses cool Freon gas, causing it to become hot, high-pressure Freon gas (red in the diagram above).

2.This hot gas runs through a set of coils so it can dissipate its heat, and it condenses into a liquid.

3.The Freon liquid runs through an expansion valve, and in the process it evaporates to become cold, low-pressure Freon gas (light blue in the diagram above).

4.This cold gas runs through a set of coils that allow the gas to absorb heat and cool down the air inside the building.

Mixed in with the Freon is a small amount of a light weight oil. This oil lubricates the compressor.

Window Units

A window air conditioner unit implements a complete air conditioner in a small space. The units are made small enough to fit into a standard window frame. You close the window down on the unit, plug the unit in and turn it on to get cool air. If you take the cover off of an unplugged window unit, you will find that it contains:

A compressor

An expansion valve

A hot coil (on the outside)

A chilled coil (on the inside)

A control unit

The fans blow air over the coils to improve their ability to dissipate heat (to the outside air) and cold (to the room being cooled).


Most air conditioners have their capacity rated in British thermal units (BTU). Generally speaking, a BTU is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound (0.45 kg) of

water 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.56 degrees Celsius). Specifically, 1 BTU equals 1,055 joules. In heating and cooling terms, 1 "ton" equals 12,000 BTU.

A typical window air conditioner might be rated at 10,000 BTU. For comparison, a typical 2,000-square-foot (185.8 m2) house might have a 5-ton (60,000-BTU) air conditioning system, implying that you might need perhaps 30 BTU per square foot. (Keep in mind that these are rough estimates. To size an air conditioner for your specific needs, contact an HV AC contractor.) The energy efficiency rating (EER) of an air conditioner is its BTU rating over its wattage. For example, if a 10,000-BTU air conditioner consumes 1,200 watts, its EER is 8.3 (10,000 BTU/1,200 watts). Obviously, you would like the EER to be as high as possible, but normally a higher EER is accompanied by a higher price.

Is the higher EER is worth it?

Let's say that you have a choice between two 10,000-BTU units. One has an EER of 8.3 and consumes 1,200 watts, and the other has an EER of 10 and consumes 1,000 watts. Let's also say that the price difference is $100. To understand what the payback period is on the more expensive unit, you need to know:

1.Approximately how many hours per year you will be operating the unit

2.How much a kilowatt-hour (kWh) costs in your area

Let's say that you plan to use the air conditioner in the summer (four months a year) and it will be operating about six hours a day. Let's also imagine that the cost in your area is $0.10/kWh. The difference in energy consumption between the two units is 200 watts, which means that every five hours the less expensive unit will consume 1 additional kWh (and therefore $0.10 more) than the more expensive unit.

Assuming that there are 30 days in a month, you find that during the summer you are operating the air conditioner:

Since the more expensive unit costs $100 more that means that it will take about seven years for the more expensive unit to break even.

See this page for a great explanation of seasonal energy efficiency rating (SEER).

Split-system Units

A split-system air conditioner splits the hot side from the cold side of the system。

The cold side, consisting of the expansion valve and the cold coil, is generally placed into a

furnace or some other air handler. The air handler blows air through ducts. The hot side known as the condensing unit, lives outside the building. The unit consists of a long, spiral coil shaped like a cylinder. Inside the coil is a fan, to blow air through the coil, along with a weather-resistant compressor and some control logic. This approach has evolved over the years because it is low-cost, and also because it normally results in reduced noise inside the house (at the expense of increased noise outside the house). Besides the fact that the hot and cold sides are split apart and the capacity is higher (making the coils and compressor larger), there is no difference between a split-system and a window air conditioner.

In warehouses, businesses, malls, large department stores, etc., the condensing unit normally lives on the roof and can be quite massive. Alternatively, there may be many smaller units on the roof, each attached inside to a small air handler that cools a specific zone in the building.

Let's take a look now at a chilled-water air conditioner.

Chilled-water System

In larger buildings and particularly in multi-story buildings, the split-system approach begins to run into problems. Either running the pipe between the condenser and the air handler exceeds distance limitations (runs that are too long start to cause lubrication difficulties in the compressor), or the amount of duct -work and the length of ducts become unmanageable. At this point, it is time to think about a chilled-water system.

In a chilled-water system, the entire air conditioner lives on the roof or behind the building. It cools water to between 40 and 45 F (4.4 and 7.2 C). This chilled water is then piped throughout the building and connected to air handlers as needed. There is no practical limit to the length of a chilled-water pipe if the system can be got well - insulated.

Whenever you walk behind a building and find a unit that has large quantities of water running through a plastic mesh, you will know you have found a cooling tower!

In many office complexes and college campuses, cooling towers and air conditioning equipment are centralized, and chilled water is routed to all of the buildings through miles of underground pipes.

Based on dynamic load track central air-conditioning system entire closed loop energy conservation technology research.

1. introductions

The energy conservation may say is the building character automatic control system starting point and the home to return to. It is well known, in the intelligent construction, HV AC (heating, ventilates and air conditioning) the system consumes to have to occupy the building consumption total energy enormous partial proportions, approximately about 50% ~60%. Specially cold: East the unit, the cooling tower, the circulating water pump and the air conditioning unit, the new atmosphere unit, all are consumes energy the big household. Therefore really has essential develops one effective air-conditioning system energy conservation method, especially uses is in improves in the existing building air-conditioning system automation the aspect. DDC (Directdigitalcontr01) the direct of numerical control, is a structure simple operation easy control device, it may borrow by the connection switches over the equipment to make the systems control along with the load change, like the air conditioning cold water circulatory system, the air conditioning box frequency conversion automatic amount of wind adjustment and the cooling tower radiation ventilator frequency conversion holds controls and so on, may let an air-conditioning system more effective revolution, like this, not only brings the very big economic efficiency for the estate management, moreover also may cause the system to move under a better operating mode, thus lengthens the equipment the service life as well as achieved provides goal of the comfortable air conditioning environment and the energy conservation.

The general building commonly used air-conditioning system has CA V, V A V, VWV and so on, respectively has differently holds controls the way, all may use DDC to control.

1 decides the amount of wind system (ConstantAirV olume, is called CA V).

Decides certainly the amount of wind system the amount of wind which blows out for the air conditioner certainly, provides coldly (is warm) the gas which the air conditioning region needs. When air conditioning region load variation, then changes the blast temperature to deal with in the room to shoulder, and achieves the maintenance indoor temperature to the comfortable area request. The commonly used central air-conditioning system is AHU (air conditioner) and the cooling water pipe system (the FCU system). These two generally decides the amount of wind (CA V) to supply the air conditioning area, in order to deal with in the room the partial loads change, decides the amount of wind system in AHU to change warm by the air conditioner blows of processes, controls in the general FCU system by cold water valve ON/OFF adjusts the blast temperature.

2 changes the amount of wind system (V A V)

Changes the amount of wind system (VarlableAirVolume, is called V A V) is the air conditioner (AHU or FCU) may move changes the amount of wind. The commonly used central air-conditioning system is AHU (air conditioner) and the cooling water pipe system FCU system. These two generally decides the amount of wind (CA V) to supply the air conditioning area, in order to deal with in the room the partial loads change, decides the amount of wind system in AHU to change warm by the air conditioner blows of processes, controls in the general FCU system by cold water valve ON/OFF adjusts the blast temperature. However these two has wasted the massive energys on the blast system. Because in long-term low load time the air feeder also carries out the entire amount of wind revolution to consume the electricity, this not only is not easy to maintain in the stable room humidity the condition, also wastes the massive blasts revolution energy. Changes the amount of wind system is aims at the blast system to consume the electricity shortcoming the energy conservation countermeasure. Changes the amount of wind system to be possible to divide into two kinds: One kind is in the AHU wind tube system air conditioning adaptable amount of wind system (AHU □the V AV system); One kind is in the FCU system room wind adaptable amount of wind system (the FCU-VAV system). The AHU-V AV system will be blows of in the entire wind tube system the temperature to be fixed, but adjusts the air feeder to deliver the amount of wind the way to deal with in the room the air conditioning load change. The FCU-V A V system is fixed cold water supplyment , but FCU installs in the room does not have the section to change the power controller to change delivers the amount of wind, that is changes FCU the heat change rate to adjust in the room the load variation. These two ways penetration amount of wind adjustment reduces the air feeder the power consumption, simultaneously also may increase the heat source machine the operating efficiency to save the heat source to consume the electricity, therefore may simultaneously obtains the energy conservation effect in the blast and the heat source two aspects.

3 changes the current capacity system (VWV)

So-called changes the current capacity system (VariableWaterVolume, is called VWV), is enhances the heat source machine by the certain water temperature supply air conditioner the efficiency, but changes by the special water pump delivers the water volume, while convenient achieves saves the effect which the water pump uses electricity. Changes the water volume system

to depend on the water pump to the water pump system energy conservation efficiency the control mode and the VWV use proportion but different, whether there is the general VWV control mode section speed change (SP) and the bidirectional valve control mode. Above three kind of air-conditioning system is the present building air conditioning most often the system which designs. The central air conditioning control also is the pipeline, the fitting, the valve body or the valve centralism hypothesis control fluid provides the air conditioning. Therefore effectively combines the central air conditioning control namely to be able the active control to consume energy, the design conforms with the energy conservation the air-conditioning system.

In recent years, the our country majority of areas, in particular southeast the coastal area summer the air conditioning energy consumption suddenly was rising, the air conditioning uses electricity the tendency which increases sharply to cause the electrical network power supply to be intense. Statistics have indicated, our country every year the burning hot season air conditioning consumed the electricity to occupy 1/3 in recent years which the entire society uses electricity, the massive electrical energies swallow by the industry and the civil construction air conditioning, in particular large-scale construction central air-conditioning system, like each kind of commercial construction (office, market, hospital, hotel and so on) central air conditioning because its space big, person current capacity many, operation time long, management complex characteristic, causes the movement energy consumption to be quite high, the commercial construction air conditioning energy consumption nearly occupies its total energy consumption 50%. The central air conditioning design capacity is according to the biggest load computation, but in a major part building year only has several dozens days time central air conditioning to be at the biggest load condition. The central air conditioning cold load throughout is in during the dynamic change, like every day sooner or later, each season in turn, every year samsara, the environment and the humanities condition, real-time will be affecting the central air conditioning cold load. General, the cold load undulates in 5 ~ 60% scope, the majority building every year at least 70% is in this kind of situation. But the majority central air conditioning actually opening machine capacity far is smaller than the installed capacity, if take the most greatly cold load as the maximum work rate actuation, creates between the actual need cold load and the maximum work rate output contradiction, actually creates the huge energy waste, the national economy and the society develops for brings the very tremendous influence. This has brought the stern topic for the central

air conditioning energy conservation control, also gives the general energy conservation control domain the worker brought enormously has displayed the talent the space.

The power load gap increases, the electric power supply tense aspect with difficulty obtains in recent years relaxes. Therefore, energy conservation in particular electricity saving, not only has the significant social significance moreover to have the urgent practical significance. Positively studies the development promotion green environmental protection new air conditioning technology and the equipment, the suppression air conditioning energy consumption increases, has become the building warmly to pass air conditioning domain urgent and the popular research topic. The dependence technology innovation, the system innovation, the energy conservation falls consumes, enhances the energy use efficiency, guaranteed are least in the "energy consumption, in the environmental pollution smallest" foundation, realizes the "energy conservation first, structure many Yuan, environment friendly" energy developmental strategy.

In our telecommunication production, air conditioning energy conservation supervisory work weaker, the energy waste phenomenon is serious, therefore strengthens air conditioning the maintenance management and the technological transformations, may achieve the energy conservation the goal.

Looked from the air conditioning pressure enthalpy chart that, only has the movement in the best operating mode and the condition, can display air conditioning the biggest refrigeration quantity, achieves the air conditioning energy conservation the goal. If the inflation valve oil stops up seriously, carries on the clean using the absolute ethyl alcohol, again severely newly installs; Loses the adjustment function the expansion valve to be supposed to replace. The air conditioning energy conservation, our maintenance department should from the movement cost, the maintenance maintenance aspect angle carry on the consideration.

2. air conditioning energy conservation system research survey

1) through the load control, achieves the energy conservation goal. (a) The burning hot season new atmosphere load occupies the entire cold load 25-40%, reduces the new atmosphere load, reduces the new atmosphere energy consumption, the choice smallest essential new amount of wind, also can achieve the goal. But the new amount of wind smallest supply on the one hand the country had the standard, moreover the new amount of wind insufficient will affect the air quality, will endanger the human body health. (b) Outside the optimized construction the

surrounding protection structure energy conservation design, uses the heat preservation thermal insulation material technology, reduces the air conditioning load, the realization construction energy conservation, but simultaneously also causes the building cost rise, the promotion to receive the certain limit.

2) gathers can the air conditioning. Gathers coldly through the ice, avoids the daytime to use electricity the peak, at night stores up the air conditioning freezing water refrigeration, daytime does not start the air conditioning main engine only to use the aqueous system to circulate. This method itself certainly does not conserve energy the province electricity, but optimized the electrical network power supply, to already implemented the time sharing electrovalence the area, played "to economize does not conserve energy" the role, had the area promotion significance.

3) water source heat pump. Is opposite says to the air and the soil, the water is the most ideal spatial transfer cold heat source, the water source heat pump also therefore has the environmental protection, is highly effective, the energy conservation and so on the multitudinous merit, but our country water source heat pump engineering research is not very mature, compares with some developed countries also has the certain disparity. At the same time, the water source heat pump although has very many merits, but receives the geology, the environment, the policy and so on the limit quite is also big, this caused the water source heat pump to be restricted in an our country more widespread application.

4) in the central air-conditioning system individually consumes energy the equipment energy conservation transformation. (a) Air blower and water pump general frequency changer velocity modulation energy conservation, this is at present uses more technologies. This method simple practical, electricity saving effect obvious, but product and so on water pump, air blower is the system auxiliary engine partially, occupies the overall system energy consumption approximately is 40%, therefore the excavation space is limited. (b) The refrigeration main engine, the refrigeration unit's power consumption holds the very big share in the air-conditioning system, saves this part of consuming energy is the entire air-conditioning system economy movement key. At present generally all uses reduces the indoor temperature standard, enhances the cold water temperature and so on the measure realization refrigeration main engine energy conservation.

Above several methods deficiency has only considered the partial energy conservation, but had not considered from the overall system overall situation.

5) the dynamic load track energy conservation control system take the entire central air-conditioning system as a body, unceasingly changes the condition according to the air conditioning area load, through changes in the main engine and the circulatory system various parameters movement change situation, the lock following load change, realizes in meets the load need under the premise the prompt quota supplies cold quantity, namely achieves "according to must supply", basically achieved "does not lag, are not many for, many gives" the goal. This method not only compared with the permanent current capacity water pump gentle breeze machine has realized the auxiliary engine largest scale energy conservation, moreover optimized the main engine movement operating mode, might achieve the overall system conserved energy 15-35%. This is this topic research key point.

3. dynamic loads tracks energy conservation control plan

The traditional central air-conditioning system adjustment plan is: Uses the permanent current capacity pattern or the heat sink side permanent current capacity but the load side changes the current capacity pattern, the system must shoulder is according to the biggest load, the worst meteorological condition and the worst use working conditions designs, when actual moves 50% above time, the system must shoulder all below 50%, the existence has the enormous energy dissipation. Also when shoulders Q when the change, the traditional system movement parameter simply cannot achieve the synchronized adjustment, the lag adjustment method besides passively increase the unloading through the main engine, nearly no other controls method.

This research topic will abandon the former control plan, will recognize, the servo-control system theory, the intelligence control system theory take the model as the foundation, will unify with the central air conditioning main engine refrigeration technology and the cold intermediary circulatory system control, take the frequency conversion technology as the assistance method, the realization central air conditioning entire system whole coordination movement and the overall performance optimization. This research is the air conditioning energy conservation new idea, has represented the energy conservation technology recent development tendency.

1) circulatory system energy conservation: By the system angle, through to the terminal load parameter, the central air conditioning main engine, the auxiliary engine movement operating mode change, the gathering temperature, the pressure and so on the many kinds of coefficient of variation, then through the load move computation, the change system freezing water current

capacity, the cooling water current capacity and the cooling tower air blower amount of wind adapts the air conditioning load change, simultaneously causes the main engine movement operating mode throughout to be in optimized in the best operating point. Generally when full load pumping machine needs the full speed movement, has not conserved energy the space, but uses the redundant technology and the frequency conversion technology unifies, the proportioning pump and the variable displacement pump coordinate,it is the truths.To freezes the aqueous system to use the best output energy control. When the ambient temperature, the air conditioning terminal load changes, Optimized the main engine movement pattern each group freezing water for the backwater temperature, the temperature difference, the differential pressure and the current capacity also along with it change, these parameters which the flowmeter, the differential-pressure pickup and the temperature sensor examines delivers to the intelligent controller, the real-time data and the system historyperformance data which the controller basis gathers, the real-time idea figures out the refrigeration quantity which the terminal air conditioning load needs, as well as each group freezing water for the backwater temperature, the temperature difference, the differential pressure and the current capacity best value, and to this adjusts various frequency changers output frequency, the control freezes the water pump the rotational speed, Changes its current capacity to cause the freezing aqueous system for the backwater temperature, the temperature difference, the differential pressure and the current capacity movement the optimum value which produces in the controller.Because the freezing aqueous system has used the output energy dynamic control, the realization air conditioning host frozen intermediary current capacity follows the terminal load the demand supply, causes the air-conditioning system in each kind of load situation, all can both guarantee terminal user's comfortableness, and maximum limit has saved the system energy consumption.The cooling water system uses the best hot transfer efficiency control. The cooling water and the cooling tower air blower system uses the best transfer efficiency control. When the ambient temperature, the air conditioning terminal load changes, central air conditioning main engine load factor along with it change, main engine condenser best hot transformation temperature also along with it change. The intelligent controller basis gathers the real-time data and the system history performance data, calculates the main engine condenser the best hot transformation temperature (inflection point temperature) and the cooling water is best, the inlet temperature, and by this adjustment cooling water pump and the

cooling tower air blower frequency changer output frequency, the control cooling water pump and the cooling tower air blower rotational speed, the dynamic adjustment cooling water current capacity and the cooling tower air blower amount of wind, causes the cooling water to enter, the outlet temperature approaches the optimum value which the intelligent controller produces, thus guaranteed the central air conditioning main engine is at under the best transfer efficiency condition to move as necessary.

Because the cooling water system uses the best transfer efficiency control, had guaranteed the central air conditioning main engine in the full load and in the partial load situation, is at the best active status, throughout maintains the best energy use factor (namely the COP value), thus reduced the air conditioning main engine energy consumption, simultaneously because the cooling water pump and the cooling tower air blower frequently in are lower than under the fixed load to move, also maximum limit saved the cooling water pump and the cooling tower air blower energy consumption.

2) auxiliary engine energy conservation: Each kind pumps the kind (freezing to pump, cold water pump, air blower and so on) the movement energy conservation. Uses has the space vector control the frequency conversion velocity modulation way, changes the proportioning pump the variable displacement pump. Auxiliary engine energy conservation many to 40%

3) optimizes the auxiliary engine movement pattern: Generally when full load pumping machine needs the full speed movement, has not conserved energy the space, but uses the redundant technology and the frequency conversion technology unifies, the proportioning pump and the variable displacement pump coordinate, the optimized movement pattern, may cause the auxiliary engine unit to synthesize the energy conservation.

4) multi- parameters non-linearity control: This system for multi- parameters, when changes, the nonlinear system, take the computer as the control method, designs a set to have from seeks the stable security control system which the superior auto-adapted intelligent control, the function consummates

This central air conditioning dynamic load track energy conservation control system, with the central air-conditioning system necessary use, may realize the central air-conditioning system highly effective energy conservation, the effect is remarkable. After the theoretical calculation, compares with the permanent current capacity central air-conditioning system, whole year the


建筑工程暖通空调节能技术探讨 摘要 近年来我国整体发展良好,社会各行业发展中所用技术与理念得到一定完善、优化与创新。在现代建筑工程之中,暖通空调正常运转需要耗费大量能源,能源逐渐稀缺的趋势下,节能技 近年来我国整体发展良好,社会各行业发展中所用技术与理念得到一定完善、优化与创新。在现代建筑工程之中,暖通空调正常运转需要耗费大量能源,能源逐渐稀缺的趋势下,节能技术研究更加受到重视。现代城市建筑的暖通空调需要消耗50%左右的能源,这就需要建筑行业在设计暖通空调时灵活运用节能技术,从而在真正意义上促使建筑工程中的暖通空调达成节能环保目标。 1暖通空调节能技术概 我国整体发展加快的趋势促使各大城市纷纷开始投入到城市化建设之中,大部分地区都涌现出诸多建筑工程。在建筑工程之中,暖通空调逐渐变成至关重要的环节之一,主要是因为在一座城市所有的能源消耗总量之中,建筑工程所消耗的实际能源大约是一座城市能源消耗总量的三分之一,其中暖通空调在完成设计与安装后运行时,所消耗的实际能源大约是一座城市能源消耗总量的五分之一,面对这种能源消耗速度与情况,我国能源开始出现缺乏征兆。能源在现代社会中属于战略物资,我国在能源方面的主要来源是煤矿,但由于很多矿石都不具备再生功能,一旦所掌握的能源总量降低到一定程度,就会限制未来发展规划的落实,甚至可能在根本上动摇我国发展根基。如果能够在建筑工程暖通空调之中适当运用节能技术,便可促使暖通空调不再消耗大量能源,暖通空调节能技术可以确保建筑内部的温度、湿度、空气流动度及洁净度等诸多参数,在与相关部门对暖通空调所提标准完全相符的基础上,最大程度地增加暖通空调对能源的利用率[1]。通过一系列有效技术与落实措施加强暖通空调对城市环境的保护效果,对于建筑行业、社会发展及人民大众来讲都有着至关重要的意义与作用。 2暖通空调技术在建筑中的运用原则 在建筑工程之中设计暖通空调时,为了切实保证暖通空调在完工后的节能效果与效率,实际运用节能技术时一定要注意以下几点运用原则。其一,回收原则。在建筑工程暖通空调内部之中,有很多零件或部件自身都具备或可起到重要作用,因此,对这种自身作用较大的零件或部件,一定要有针对性地回收,并于回收之后,可以通过重新加工与调整实现循环利用的目的。在实际回收暖通空调中重要零件与部件时,一定要明确区分回收和回用之间的差别,所以这种回收原则并非是没有任何基础与底线,十分随意且规模较大地回收暖通空


暖通专业词汇中英文对照 2007年04月10日星期二下午 02:30 暖通专业词汇中英文对照 air conditioning load空调负荷 air distribution气流组织 air handling unit 空气处理单元 air shower 风淋室 air wide pre.drop空气侧压降 aluminum accessories in clean room 洁净室安装铝材 brass stop valve 铜闸阀 canvas connecting termingal 帆布接头 centigrade scale 摄氏温度 chiller accessories水冷机组配件 chiller assembly水冷机组组装 clean bench 净化工作台 clean class 洁净度 clean room 洁净室无尘室 correction factor修正系数 dry coil units 干盘管 district cooling 区域供冷 direct return system直接回水系统 displacement ventilation置换通风 drawing No.图号 elevation立面图 entering air temp进风温度 entering water temp进水温度 fahrenheit scale 华氏温度 fan coil unit 风机盘管 ffu fan filter units 风扇过滤网组 flow velocity 流速 fresh air supply 新风供给 fresh air unit 新风处理机组 ground source heat pump地源热泵 gross weight 毛重 heating ventilating and air conditioning 供热通风与空气调节hepa high efficiency particulate air 高效过滤网 high efficiency particulate air filters高效空气过滤器horizontal series type水平串联式 hot water supply system生活热水系统 humidity 湿度 hydraulic calculation水力计算 isometric drawing轴测图 layout 设计图 leaving air temp 出风温度


楼宇暖通空调系统节能技术分析 摘要楼宇中的暖通空调系统是消耗能源比较多的系统,所以相关人员会将其作为建筑节能降耗的重要对象,可应用在暖通空调设备中的节能技术和降耗措施有多种,相关人员可综合利用这些技术和措施来达到节能目的。如此,建筑整体对能源的利用效率也会提高不少,当然空调节能是在其功能满足、楼宇室内环境良好的前提下实现的,相关人员要注意这一点,并注意将节能技术和措施落实到暖通空调中。 关键词楼宇;暖通空调系统;节能 暖通空调系统可以从变频调速或风量调节等方面入手,来减少能源的消耗量,也可以从能源方面入手,以自然可再生能源代替不可再生能源来使能源可持续利用。本文主要针对楼宇暖通空调系统节能技术进行分析。 1 楼宇暖通空调系统节能技术 1.1 冰蓄冷空调节能技术 在建筑楼宇中,昼夜温差大,对暖通空调的需求不同,且楼宇昼夜的用电需求也是不同的,对于这种能源消耗不均衡现象,相关人员可以将其作为能源节约的突破点,通过平衡空调系统的负荷量来达到降低能耗[1]。白昼用电量要远远大于夜晚,暖通空调用电也是如此。白天暖通空调的运行荷载比较多,如果能利用夜晚储存的冰冷量,则这些负荷量可以被抵消一部分。夜晚的冰冷量全是由彼阶段电能资源转化而来。如此整座建筑楼宇的电能综合使用率会提高,运用了这种方式的空调被称之为冰蓄冷空调,这种空调还可以使用电低谷的电能资源在实现经济效益同时具备很强的开发潜力,整个空调系统的能源负荷也会得到均衡,这意味着空调设备负荷运行影响会减少,空调的使用时间也会变长。虽然这种空调节能方案初次投入比较大,但其在运行期间既可以节能降耗,还会减少成本,所以相关人员可以将其作为暖通空调系统节能的重点改进对象,使其总成本更低。 1.2 变风量节能技术 该种节能技术的适应性和灵活性比较强,能针对不同的温湿度环境,自动调整空调送风量,进而满足该环境的温湿度需求。在室外温差特别大时,该空调节能技术还可以自动灵活调节室内总空调系统的状态,以减少温差。变风量调节技术是在定风量技术基础上改进而来,相比后者,变风量技术的节能效果很显著,所以这种技术已经被应用到暖通空调系统中。 1.3 变频调速节能技术 这种技术主要针对暖通空调系统中的风机电机,通过改变其运行频率来调整


空调净化工程的节能措施 摘要:净化工程的功能要求和节能要求在不断提高,因此对净化空调工程的风系统和水系统分别进行技术节能改进措施,本文通过风机进行控制,修改循环水系统的排水补水方式,达到空调运行时的节能效果。 关键词:空调系统;变频器;循环水;节能 abstract: decontamination of the functional requirements and energy requirements in continuous improvement, so the cleaning air conditioning engineering wind system and water system are energy-saving technology improvement measure, through the fan control, modification of circulating water system of drainage water, reach the air-conditioning running energy saving effect. key words: air-conditioning system; inverter; circulating water; energy saving 中图分类号:tm925.12 文献标识码:a文章编码: 引言 空调系统在净化行业的作用越来越重要,基本处于主导地位。最近几年的生物净化工程, 尤其动物实验室对空调系统的要求越来越高。净化空调系统主要功能就是恒温恒湿,因此,净化空调系统的设计、施工必须满足


暖通专业词汇中英文对照 air conditioning load空调负荷 air distribution气流组织 air handling unit 空气处理单元 air shower 风淋室 air wide pre.drop空气侧压降 aluminum accessories in clean room 洁净室安装铝材 brass stop valve 铜闸阀 canvas connecting termingal 帆布接头 centigrade scale 摄氏温度 chiller accessories水冷机组配件 chiller assembly水冷机组组装 clean bench 净化工作台 clean class 洁净度 clean room 洁净室无尘室 correction factor修正系数 dry coil units 干盘管 district cooling 区域供冷 direct return system直接回水系统 displacement ventilation置换通风 drawing No.图号 elevation立面图 entering air temp进风温度 entering water temp进水温度 fahrenheit scale 华氏温度 fan coil unit 风机盘管 ffu fan filter units 风扇过滤网组 flow velocity 流速 fresh air supply 新风供给 fresh air unit 新风处理机组 ground source heat pump地源热泵 gross weight 毛重 heating ventilating and air conditioning 供热通风与空气调节hepa high efficiency particulate air 高效过滤网 high efficiency particulate air filters高效空气过滤器horizontal series type水平串联式 hot water supply system生活热水系统 humidity 湿度 hydraulic calculation水力计算 isometric drawing轴测图 layout 设计图 leaving air temp 出风温度

制冷空调节能技术的应用分析及发展方向 赵春晨

制冷空调节能技术的应用分析及发展方向赵春晨 发表时间:2019-06-21T11:53:50.330Z 来源:《科学与技术》2019年第03期作者:赵春晨 [导读] 对节能技术的发展方向以及应用进行了相应的探讨。 天津市第一商业学校 300180 【摘要】近些年,随着科学技术水平不断地发展,社会经济水平的不断提高,人们生活水平不断提高,人们对于资源的需求量越来越大,尤其是不可再生资源。现如今“节能减排”已经成了国家人民最关注的问题,而这也是我国广大科学研究人员研究的重点之一,同时也是各个行业未来发展的目标。本文就针对空调的需求量急剧上升,甚至出现供不应求的现象,从现阶段制冷空调的现状出发,对节能技术的发展方向以及应用进行了相应的探讨。 【关键词】制冷;空调调节技术;节能技术 自我国改革开放以来,人们的生活水平有了非常大的提高,国家经济也实现了跳跃式的发展,但是随着全球气候变化的不断加剧,导致我国夏季气温逐渐呈升高趋势,自然而然地就使得制冷空调市场的需求量剧增,从而出现供不应求现象。而旧式的制冷空调存在着诸多的技术问题,容易造成大气污染,加快全球气候变暖的趋势,造成恶性循环。所以,国家要加快冷空调的质检,从而在技术上实现冷空调的更新换代。那么,怎样在提升制冷空调技术的同时兼顾全球的环境质量问题,是现阶段空调企业在生产过程中值得研究的问题。 一、目前我国制冷空调节能技术发展现状 随着社会的不断的进步,节能减排成为我国重点关注解决的问题,在我国的制冷空调方面,空调制冷节能技术是各大空调制造商关注的问题,同时也是各大高校研究的重点,虽然我国在该领域技术的发展相较于其他西方国家,只有几十年的时问,但是随着近些年国家在经济领域和科技领域的不断重视,我国国内企业已经慢慢从为国外高新技术制冷企业“打工”的阶段,到现在的逐步形成自己的知识产权的阶段,新技术的应用和新产品的开发速度明显加快。伴随企业对此技术的不断关注,国家针对此项技术改革也在不断推进中,推进技术的更高层次发展。 二、目前应用制冷空调节能技术的情况 现阶段随着人们环保意识的不断提高,人们在购买制冷空调时,不仅仅考虑空调制冷的能力,还会考虑到切实的制冷空调节能性能。面对近几年对制冷空调需求的不断提升,要想实现空调制冷技术的升级就要做到以下几点。 (一)燃气制冷技术的应用 燃气制冷技术具有污染较小、能源利用率高的优点,能于电网的负荷,是目前比较好的制冷空调节能技术,较高的够减轻对能源利用率使得对于能源的消耗减少,对于能源的节约起到了一定的作用。 (二)蒸发冷却式空调的应用 蒸发冷却式的空调制冷原理是制冷系统冷凝器,通过运用水蒸发吸热的工作原理,把高温高压制冷剂气体中的热量排出,实现冷凝温度与压力的降低,达到降低能耗的目的。蒸发冷却式空调是通过蒸发冷却式冷泵机组作为空调的核心技术。它的制冷过程是:冷却水通过水泵输送到换热排管当中,在这个过程中均匀地喷洒至换热管的表层,从而在换热管的表层形成水膜,并在风机风力的作用下吸收热量蒸发从而形成水蒸气,最终达到降温的作用。在这个过程中,把所蒸发的水滴落至集水盆中,进行循环利用。蒸发冷却空调利用节能技术可以使冷却水温保持在32℃,制冷剂冷凝的温度保持在35℃,和其他的制冷空调相比较具有明显的优势,并且还能运用节能技术节省耗能。 (三)热泵技术的应用 热泵技术在我国应用的方式主要有两种,一种是水源热泵技术,另一种是土壤源热泵技术。热泵节能技术具有很好的可靠性、污染比较的小、节能的时候比较高效等优点,在我国额空调行业得到了广泛的应用。 (四)温湿度独立控制系统的应用 温湿度独立控制就是向室内送入干燥空气来控制湿度,采用另外独立的系统排除显热来控制温度,从而全面调节室内热湿环境。温湿度独立控制空调系统的余热消除末端装置以干工况运行,冷凝水及湿表面不会在室内存在。传统空调系统在夏季,由于除湿的需要,风机盘管与新风机组中的表冷器、凝水盘甚至送风管道,基本都是潮湿的,这些表面就成为病菌等繁殖的最好场所。 溶液除湿空调系统就可以很好地去除空气中的有害物质,比如VOC、细菌以及灰尘等。有关材料证明,一些疾病与空调系统的微生物污染有直接关系。溶液除湿空调系统利用溶液直接处理空气,在室内风机盘管中没有冷凝水,从而避免了传统空调系统中风机盘管的凝水盘滋生细菌的问题。另外,常用的除湿盐溶液,如氯化铿、澳化铿、氯化钙等均具有杀灭细菌微生物等作用。 (五)磁悬浮压缩机的应用 磁悬浮压缩机是一种两级压缩机的离心式压缩机。在各种制冷压缩机中,离心式压缩机通常具有最理想的效率。新型的磁悬浮压缩机还结合了数字变频控制技术,使压缩机的制冷量最低可以达到20%的负荷。磁悬浮式压缩机相比传统压缩机实现了中央空调单机组多压缩机的冗余机制,提高了系统的可靠性。同时磁悬浮压缩机具有超强的自适应逻辑控制能力,能按照负荷的变化情况自动调节制冷量,即使制冷量非常低,也不会因负荷过小导致其自动关机,实现了机组的高效率工作,符合当今社会可持续发展的需要。此外,由于不采用润滑系统,既节能减排,又降低了机组运行费用,实现了社会低碳发展。 三、制冷空调节能技术发展方向 节能是现在的空调生产和研发商的共识,目前己经有许多的制冷空调的节能技术应用于空调制造的行业中,并取得了一定的成果。 (一)人工智能的发展应用 随着近些年科技的不断发展,人工智能已经成为科技发展的重要课题,这也就说明,人工智能不仅可以为人们的生活提供便利,还可以提升企业的经济收益。在这一情况下,企业越来越注重对人工智能的应用,在制冷空调的制造过程中把人工智能技术融入其中,可以及


空调系统的节能措施 摘要本文简单介绍了机房空调系统的一般性概念和现状,以及各种节能措施的简要原理,并针对空调的结构提出了空调系统安装、使用、维护过程中应采取的一些节能措施以及维护经验。 关键词空调系统、节能措施 1空调系统的分类 1.1空调的概念 空调是空气调节的简称,是用人为的方法处理室内空气的温度、湿度、洁净度和气流速度的技术,可使某些场所获得具有一定温度和一定湿度的空气,以满足使用者及生产过程的要求。 1.2空调的分类 空调系统按照不同规则有不同的划分方法,如按照使用目的分为舒适性空调和工艺性空调;按照空气处理方式分为集中式(中央)空调、半集中式空调和局部式空调和;按照设备制冷(热)量分为大型空调机组、中型空调机组和小型空调机。目前机房所用空调的类型一般分为四类:机房专用空调(恒温恒湿精密空调)、舒适性空调(普通空调)、大型中央空调和各种换热器类空调。 2机房的节能措施 机房的热负荷包括:设备热、人体热、新风热、照明热、传导热、辐射热和对流热。对于机房而言,终期设备热负荷占总热负荷的比重达到65-75%。一般来说,设备的热负荷基本上是不变的,谈到机房的节能降耗,一方面是降低热负荷,通过一些措施降低除设备发热以外的其它热负荷,另一方面就是采取一些节能措施。后者是非常直接和有效的,下面就简单介绍一下常见的几种节能措施。 2.1变频技术节能 在机房空调系统中,目前变频节能技术主要有两种方式的应用:一是机房专用空调压缩机变频方式,传统的机房专用空调和普通的民用空调一样,是依靠压缩机不断地“开、停”来调整室内温度,其一开一停之间容易造成室温忽冷忽热,并消耗较多电能。机房专用空调压缩机变频技术通过变频器来改变压缩机供电频率,调节压缩机转速。依靠压缩机转速的快慢达到控制室温的目的。空调在每次开始启动时,先以最大功率、最大风量进行制热或制冷,迅速接近所设定的


暖通空调技术发展与建筑节能探析 发表时间:2018-11-20T09:48:01.463Z 来源:《防护工程》2018年第21期作者:谢一之 [导读] 在现代建筑中,暖通空调系统被广泛的应用,该系统不仅可以让使用者感到舒适,还可以起到改善室内空气环境的作用。 摘要:可持续发展的理念在我国不断深入,人们也越来越重视各个方面的节能环保。暖通空调在建筑中使用频繁,无论是住宅、办公、商业、工业的建筑都离不开暖通空调系统,而随着暖通空调使用数量的增加,能源消耗也随之增大,违背了节能减排可持续发展的理念,因此,就要加大对空调节能的重视程度。在确保使用者的舒适程度的同时,做好节能环保的工作。 关键词:暖通空调;技术发展;建筑节能 引言:在现代建筑中,暖通空调系统被广泛的应用,该系统不仅可以让使用者感到舒适,还可以起到改善室内空气环境的作用。但暖通空调使用数量越多,不仅能源消耗越来越多,还对成本造成了浪费,对环境造成了负担。在建筑暖通空调中就要重视起节能工作,减少能源的浪费。实现节能环保的可持续发展理念。 一、暖通空调结构及特征 (一)、暖通空调结构 顾名思义,就是其每个环节中的组成部分。不要小瞧了每一个环节,缺少其中一部暖通空调工程都难以进行下去。暖通空调设施繁琐而复杂,主要包括通风型装置、调温型装置及采暖型装置等,且整个暖通空调工程是建筑工程中的重要组成部分。因此,发展暖通空调工程,对优化居民日常生活环境、促使人们生活更加绿色生态化都具有重要意义。 (二)、暖通空调特征 在现实情况中,建筑工程中,暖通空调工作占着绝大部分的比重,这也说明了其重要性。做好暖通空调的节能减排设计,既能将楼内的热度、温度及湿度合理分配和调节大小,又能提高人们的生活质量。绿色生态、节能减排,是暖通空调工程的特征概括化,做好暖通空调工程有着广阔的市场发展前景。 二、暖通空调技术发展 (一)、技术创新是暖通空调发展的核心 及时更新落后的技术和装备,对高能耗高污染的特种设备实行节能审查和监督。加快节能减排技术创新的优化,构建技术研发平台,推动建立以企业为主,产学研相结合的节能减排技术创新。在电梯、起重机械中,采用变频变压调速拖动技术,有效的提高特种设备工作效率,实现节能环保的目标。将变频控制装置和光电感应装置安装在自动扶梯上,乘客进入扶梯时,扶梯以正常的速度运行,当扶梯内无乘客时将转为低速运行,其节能效果十分明显。对于暖通空调的发展方面可以采取一些先进的蓄冷、蓄热措施、采用变频技术、合理选择冷热源、空调系统优化、提高自控水平,余热回收利用等等技术手段提高暖通空调的节能性能,促进其发展。 (二)、海洋能的应用 海洋能利用的主体是利用海洋能发电,其技术已日趋成熟。海洋是地球气候和淡水循环的天然调节源,其容量巨大,与大气、陆地间通过水汽等方式不断进行能量和物质循环,是一个天然容量巨大的低位冷热源,为人类制冷供热提供了 良好的条件,海水热泵是一个很好的选择。 (三)、可再生能源技术的运用 可再生能源技术主要包括自然风能和太阳能技术的运用。(1)自然风能。自然风能的供冷是暖通空调系统可再生能源技术当中的一个重要部分。在供冷期间,当室外空气焓值与温度低于室内时便能够借助室外风的自然冷量来实现室内的冷负荷,一般这种情况会发生在供冷的过渡期或夜间,此时可以采用新风直接供冷、夜间通风蓄冷的方式来进行。相比较常规的空调系统,自然风能的运用在很大程度上节约了电能,同时也减少了给环境带来的污染,改善了室内空气的质量。(2)太阳能的运用分为被动式和太阳能采暖、太阳能制冷两方面的主动式。太阳能采暖以电为辅助能源来驱动经太阳能加热后的水在管道当中循环流动,实现房间供热。太阳能制冷包括:以太阳能如何有效转化为电能为研究重点,用电能驱动压缩式制冷系统的太阳能压缩式制冷;将太阳能作为热源,借助太阳能辐射的热能驱动溴化锂-水溶液或者氨-水溶液系统的吸收式制冷;去除系统加热器与冷却器,让太阳能集热器和吸附床集为一体的利用夜间室外空气自然冷却的太阳能吸附式制冷。 三、建筑暖通空调节能技术 (一)、控制室外新风量 经过空调机组处理的新风量越多,其空调的负荷也会相应增加,电耗也会大大增加,但是处理的新风量太少又会对整个空调环境的质量造成一定的影响,所以在实际操作过程中,依据实际的空调环境,调整好新风比例和送风温度对于节能十分有效。尤其是对于夏天需要提供冷气,冬季需要提供暖气的房间,室内的风量越大,整个空调系统的能耗也就越大,为此将室外新风控制到卫生要求的最小值可以相应降低能耗。对于冬季和过渡季,大会堂、商场以及剧院等室内四周 负荷影响较小,而内部有着较大热量的建筑物,其室内仍需要提供冷风,此时就要对室外新风的冷量加以充分运用,有效推迟了人工冷源的使用时间,从而达到节约人工冷源能耗的目的。 (二)、冷热源的合理选择 冷热源的合理选择是节能技术在暖通空调安装施工中应用的基础和前提。在冷热源的合理选择的过程中工作人员应当注重选择合适的冷热源,并且在这一过程中应当对于系统设计和设备选配进行更加合理的优化。除此之外,在冷热源的合理选择的过程中工作人员应当深刻的理解到合理配置中央空调系统的冷热源对节能与能源合理利用具有非凡的意义。在冷热源的合理选择的过程中由于中央空调常见的冷热源配置方式有水冷冷水机组十锅炉、热泵型机组和溴化锂吸收式机组,因此工作人员应当注重对其合理进行选择来达到更好地节能环保效果,从而能够在此基础上促进节能技术在暖通空调安装施工中应用水平的有效提升。 (三)、变频技术的运用 将变频节能技术应用在暖通空调系统中,可最大限度降低系统消耗的能源,灵活选择运行的模式,达到节约运行成本的目的;还可进

建筑工程中暖通空调节能技术的运用研究 任立铭

建筑工程中暖通空调节能技术的运用研究任立铭 发表时间:2019-08-23T09:51:39.330Z 来源:《建筑学研究前沿》2019年9期作者:任立铭 [导读] 人们对建筑暖通空调运行系统也提出了更高的要求,因此加强暖通空调节能降耗技术分析研究意义重大。 济南四建(集团)有限责任公司山东济南 250031 摘要:实现现代建筑重要分部暖通空调的节能目标,对推进建设行业节能减排工作具有重要意义。因此,在暖通空调系统设计过程中,应进一步加强空调系统节能降耗技术应用研究,不断推动现代建筑节能、环保、绿色方向开发以满足人们的居住需求,进一步实现节能降耗。基于此,本文讨论了建筑暖通空调节能降耗技术,以促进暖通节能降耗技术的应用水平提高,实现建筑绿色发展。 关键词:建筑;暖通空调;节能降耗;技术 引言 暖通空调是现代建筑的重要分部工程,同时也是建筑使用的主要能耗系统之一,因此节能技术的使用可以满足现代建筑对暖通空调系统完全开发的需要。通过实施和实施暖通空调节能降耗技术,建筑行业真正向绿色发展。 1、绿色节能暖通空调技术的意义 20世纪90年代以来,全球化温度化进程逐渐加速,同时在全球范围出现了很多异常天气,这些异常天气的出现周期逐渐缩短,出现频率逐渐升高。这是地球的环境已经遭到了严重的破坏的信号,因此人们必须重视能源的节约和环境的保护。绿色建筑的提出,能够有效保证我国资源和能源的合理利用,做到保护环境,为人们营造舒心、健康、安全的居住环境。 2、暖通空调系统节能设计的原则 (1)节约原则;能源是不可再生的资源,节约能源也是全人类要关注的课题。设计空调节能系统时,也要实践节约意识,以最少的资源取得最大的效果。强调节能、节约材料不仅实践环保理念,与环境保护的大趋势相匹配,还显示了企业降低成本并最大限度地提高利润。(2)重复使用原则;在绿色思想中,实现资源回收是一个重要方面。建筑空调节能设计中实施环保概念的重要迹象之一是零部件可拆卸。换句话说,空调出现故障时,可以更换或修理有问题的部件,以确保空调的其他部分正常运转。此外,对于超过使用期限的建筑暖通空调,可以拆卸低回收成本的零件,然后在专业处理后再回收资源以回收资源。(3)环境保护原则;随着环境保护意识的提高,保持生态平衡成为衡量各种生产活动的基本指标之一。在建筑设计领域,环保原则也是未来发展的趋势。建筑暖通空调系统的节能设计应该坚持这一原则,考虑到碳排放减少、资源节约等一系列环境指标,在具体的生产和设计工作中引入环保概念。 3、建筑暖通空调系统节能设计的方法 充分利用能源资源:目前,我国走可持续发展的路线,绿色环保是全国人民共同关注的话题,所以在建筑行业中,绿色设计理念的应用范围在逐渐扩大。在应用节能设计方案时,要坚持绿色设计理念,一方面提升能源利用效率,控制不可再生能源的频繁使用。另一方面能够在能源设计的过程中强化对资源消耗结构的管理,从而实现能源消耗的有效控制。加强环境保护:在建筑工程中,暖通空调系统的应用性能与建筑空间的舒适度有直接关系,还与资源环境有一定的关联。在绿色理念的影像下,设计该系统时,首先要了解建筑周围的环境,对各项环境因素进行分析,了解其对建筑的作用,以及建筑工程对环境的影响。并在设计的过程中,合理控制自然和环境因素,避免外界环境影响系统的安装和使用质量,加强系统和环境条件的配合,建立有效的循环模式,进而实现能源的节约和环境的保护。 4、暖通空调节能降耗技术分析 (1)自然通风技术;我们知道风压技术和热压技术对提高建筑室内空气质量有很大的好处,能耗较低,根据原理,风压或热压技术原理可以充分利用暖通空调特定设计来实现自然通风,这就是在建筑暖通空调中应用自然通风技术和节能的重要技术。(2)太阳能技术;太阳能属于可再生资源,具有清洁无污染的特性,始终以研究利用为重点,因此如果充分利用太阳能并且在建筑暖通空调系统设计中,则可以运行相当一部分的暖通空调系统来节约能源。对于目前的研究利用率,太阳能在建筑暖通空调中的应用主要是通过采暖的太阳能加热系统设计将太阳能转换为热能,然后通过热传导系统将其处理并传输到热传输中心进行利用。(3)地源热泵技术;地源热泵技术应用于供暖具有良好的节能和经济效益,因此应用于建筑暖通空调系统不仅可以有效解决建筑采暖问题,而且对系统冷却也有很大的好处。地源热泵技术对环境的影响较小,无污染等逐渐成为现在建筑暖通空调设计研究的理想应用技术,热释放和热释放都实现了对环境的较低影响。现在可以认为地源热泵技术比较成熟,在北方地区主要增设供暖辅助设备,将太阳热与平行或串行地源热泵结合使用以供暖。像南方这样的温度较高的地区也可以使用冷却塔进行冷却,通过与地热热泵同列运行共享冷却负担,夜间减去土壤的过剩热量,达到冷却目的。 5、建筑暖通空调节能降耗技术应用举措 5.1科学设计暖通空调系统 主要是从技术运用层面来看,建筑暖通空调系统运行系统较为复杂,因此针对暖通空调系统设计是否科学合理对其整体性能的影响非常明显。而要想保障暖通空调实现最大的节能降耗目标,就要求应当科学设计空调系统。暖通空调系统的设计要求必须严格依据最高标准来完成,所以在实际的设计工作当中,需要以各个运行部分达到满负荷运行状态为标准来进行设计,由此才能促使各部运行荷载真正符合暖通空调低能耗运行的要求。 5.2切实提升暖通空调控制系统水平 空调控制系统的控制水平对暖通空调的整体运行功能造成影响,甚至在此基础上提高空调系统能源消耗情况及热能输出情况等。因此这就必须大力提升暖通空调控制系统的运行效率,这样不仅能够有效降低空调碳排放,同时还要求其应当在符合要求的基础上尽可能的降低和控制水泵耗电情况,由此才能最终达成其节能降耗的目标。近年来,我国建筑暖通空调的发展水平随之不断攀升,其运行当中的温湿度、冷热量等也将变得更为准确和到位,其可靠稳定性最终将获得持续攀升。这就需要采取针对性的举措,对建筑暖通空调设备实施相应的维护管理工作,促使建筑暖通空调系统始终处于最佳的运行状态,由此达成节能降耗的目标。 5.3结合建筑情况规划布局 通常建筑暖通空调节能降耗目标的实现,往往伴随着对太阳能、风能等自然资源的利用。而要想更加有效的利用此类资源,就必须结合建筑本身的实际情况来对暖通空调实施布局。在此过程中,对设计人员要求较高,其应当切实强化与建筑设计人员的沟通交流。具体要

HVAC 专业术语

1 编制目的 为了在工程设计文件中正确使用英文缩写词和理解英文词表达的函义,特编制本文件。 2 适用范围 英文缩写词可以在英文注释的专业图纸和设计文件中使用。中文注释的图纸和文件除特殊情况外一般不采用。 3 注意事项 3.1 在绘制工程设计图纸时,英文缩写词一律采用大写字母。 3.2 编制设计标准和设计文件时,除国家、机关、学会、工程单位等名称需采用大写字母的缩写词外,其余均应优先采用小写字母的缩写词,没有小写字母的缩写词时,再采用大写字母的缩写词。 顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义 A 1 a absorption 吸收(作用) 2 A ① ammeter 安培计、电流计 ② ampere 安培 ③ assembly 装配,组合,成套设备,机组,部件 3 AAC acoustical-absorption coefficient 吸音系数 4 AACC American Automatic Control Council 美国自动控制委员会 5 A.A.F American Air-Filter Co. 美国空气过滤器公司 6 AB anchor bolt

F—A14-96第 2 页共 60 页 地脚螺栓 7 ABA1 American Boiler & Affiliated Industries 美国锅炉和附属设备制造厂商协会 8 abb abbreviation 缩写,简体 9 abr abridgement 简介、简述 10 abs ① absolute 绝对的 ② absorption 吸收 顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义 11 A.B.S American Bureau of Standards 美国标准局 12 ABS.H absolute humidity 绝对湿度 13 ABS.T absolute temperature 绝对温度 14 a.c absorption coefficient 吸收系数 15 AC ① air condenser 空气冷凝器 ② air cooling 空气冷却 ③ alternating current 交流电 16 A/C ① air condition (-ing,-ed,-er) 空调(机) ② air compressor


文章编号:1009-3664(2012)04-0106-04 收稿日期:2012-04-17 作者简介:齐 伟(1965-),男,本科,工程师,2004年毕业于通化师范学院,现在联通通化分公司部门经理,主要从事通信设备的管理工作。

2012725294 和保护层,防止楼层水泥面或下层天花板结露。1.2 机柜内气流组织合理化 机柜内部安装的设备产生的热量需要及时散发到周围的环境中,这一方面要求机房大环境有良好的气流组织和适宜的环境参数(温度、湿度等),另外一方面要求通信机柜具备良好的散热工艺。 通信机柜的结构形式应充分考虑散热工艺的要求,否则会造成热量在机柜内部堆积而无法及时散发到周围的环境中去,从而影响通信设备的正常运行,严重时会造成通信设备故障率明显增加。目前一些通信机柜的结构形式在散热工艺上存在一些缺陷,问题主要包括:(1)机柜前后门开孔率不足,有些在前柜门位置还设置有防尘网,造成冷气进入阻力过大;(2)有些机房通信机柜内部堆放的设备过于密集,气流流道过于狭窄,内部气流循环不通畅;(3)柜内气流组织不合理,冷、热气流混合现象明显;(4)一些散热量大的通信设备机柜缺少风扇强制排风,仅靠机柜内部排风散热效果较差。 针对上述通信机柜内部存在的一系列问题,必须在机柜前期结构研发阶段对一些环节进行优化处理:应增加通信机柜的柜门开孔率,内部结构形式寻求更合理的流道设计,散热量大的机柜应考虑强制排风,进风量应可以根据柜内设备安装情况进行调节。 根据国内外一些工程的经验,对一些设备散热量较大且采用上送风的机房,可以考虑采用开放型货架式机柜。通信设备均搁置在完全敞开式的托架平台上,设备散发的热量可以迅速地释放到周围环境中,散热效果得到极大改善,当然这种开放式机柜也会对设备安装管理带来一些问题。 2 空调节能新技术原理及分析 目前空调节能的主要技术包括利用自然冷源[2]、乙二醇干冷器、空调添加剂、空调自适应节能系统、智能化综合节电技术,下面将对这5种技术的原理和特点进行分析比较。 (1)利用自然冷源 这种技术的原理是把室外的自然环境作为冷源,当室外空气温度低于室温且达到一定温差时,通过通风将机房内的热量带走,达到降低机房内部温度的目的。这样可以减少空调的使用时间,达到节约电能的目的。在技术实现上主要有引入室外新风的自然通风系统,以及运用隔绝换热方式的热交换新风系统。其中自然通风系统直接引入室外的空气,效率高、节能明显,但新风引入可能会造成机房内洁净度等指标产生变化,室外空气中的灰尘和硫化物处理不当,将对机房内设备产生不良影响。因此,采用该技术时应密切关注机房洁净度的变化,及时更换滤网,并密切关注设备运行情况,一旦出现异常情况,应立即组织查找原因。 (2)乙二醇干冷器 利用室外低温冷源,通过水泵的运转,将室内的热量传到室外冷凝器,再由室外冷凝器将乙二醇液体的热量散发出去,这样制冷就将压缩机工作的高能耗转化成了水泵循环的低能耗,达到节能的目的。 由于采用了间接换热的方式,避免了室外空气中的尘埃对室内洁净环境的污染。但在实际应用中也存在一些问题[3]。乙二醇水溶液作为载冷剂,其浓度的配置需要根据室外温度进行调整,可能造成压缩机高压过高而导致空调机不能正常工作。 (3)空调添加剂 通过向空调内添加节能添加剂,清除空调主机及冷凝管内的附着物,并在循环系统内形成保护膜从而提高空调工作效率,降低空调磨损,延长使用寿命,达到节能目的。 该技术一次性投资较少,方法简单,不影响现网设备的运行安全,特别对使用三年以上的空调效果明显。 (4)空调自适应节能系统 空调自适应节能系统是通过模糊控制技术[4],根据室外大气温湿度和室内环境温度的变化情况,灵活调节每台空调的工况参数设定,以最优化方案控制每台空调的运行状态,满足机房环境温度控制需要,达到节电目的。 节能监控系统的安装和施工简单方便,不需要对机房结构做任何变动,不影响原有空调系统的结构,具有安全可靠等特点,且有利于日常维护。 (5)智能化综合节电技术 通过对照明管理节能,空调节能、供电节能技术的智能化综合控制,达到整体节能目的。经过实际测试,节能效果较好。应用该技术时需特别注意交流供电系统的谐波等指标,且节能设备应尽可能采用电路并联方式,否则可能导致通信网络运行瘫痪的严重后果。 3 应急节能新风技术原理及实现 根据以上分析,并结合北方地区的具体气候特点,提出了应急节能新风技术的解决方案。 3.1 应急节能新风技术原理 技术核心是通过置换通风来达到保证良好的室内空气品质而且节能的目的。即采用下送风方式将低温空气直接从底部送到通信设备内,吸收通信设备的热量后,从机房顶部回到空调机组顶部。空调风流动方向与空气特性相一致,容易得到好的空调效果[5]。技术实现就是墙底部送风口所送室外洁净空气经过双重过滤,在地表面上扩散开来,可形成“空气湖(airlake)”;并且在热源周围形成浮力尾流(buoyant-plume),慢慢带走热量。由于风速较低,气流组织紊动平缓,没有大的涡流,因而室内工作区空气温度在水平方向上比较一致,而在垂直方向上分层,层高越大, · 7 0 1 ·

建筑暖通空调节能技术探析 张学雷

建筑暖通空调节能技术探析张学雷 发表时间:2018-04-02T15:44:19.807Z 来源:《基层建设》2017年第36期作者:张学雷1 杨华龙2 [导读] 摘要:随着人民生活水平的提高,我国建筑能耗总量逐年上升,在能源总消费量中所占的比例己高达38%,其中采暖空调能耗约占建筑能耗的55%,占全社会能耗的20%。 1.河南省建筑设计研究院有限公司河南郑州 450014; 2.身份证号:4115271988****5050 河南郑州 450008 摘要:随着人民生活水平的提高,我国建筑能耗总量逐年上升,在能源总消费量中所占的比例己高达38%,其中采暖空调能耗约占建筑能耗的55%,占全社会能耗的20%。而空调作为耗能大户,与能源紧张局势特别是当前电力紧张局势的形成有着密切关系。因此,空调系统的节能已是当务之急,意义重大而深远。降低空调系统的能耗对于减少建筑系统的能耗、缓解当前电力紧张局势、优化能源结构、提高能源利用效率等方面都有着非常重要的意义。暖通空调节能设计关键词:建筑暖通;空调节能;技术探析 1 建筑暖通空调节能设计的重要性 从现如今整个社会发展的现状上看,全球的资源已经到了一个枯竭的地步。在一些消耗能源十分巨大的产业之外,建筑能耗的比例非常高,建筑能源消耗的过程中,空调系统的能耗约占建筑总能耗的一半以上,所以建筑暖通空调节能设计是一件非常令人注重的事项。随着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对环境舒适的要求也逐步提高,为了给人们提供一个舒适的生活和工作环境,使用空调总数上升趋势,带来更大的能源消耗。尤其是在房地产业的快速发展,建筑面积开始急速递增。因此如何确保人们生活舒适的同时,降低空调能耗,已成为暖通空调设计的一个重要研究方向。为此,为了提高暖通空调的工作效率,减少能源浪费,做好暖通空调节能设计迫不容缓。 2 暖通节能技术措施 2.1 蓄冷技术 蓄冷技术是人类在面对能源危机时优化资源配置、保护生态环境的一项技术革新,能产生良好的社会效应和经济效益。其工作原理并不复杂:利用夜间电力低谷时段制冷,将冷量以冰或水的形式储存在蓄冷设备中:在电力高峰时段,将储存的冷量释放出来供给空调使用,达到电网的移峰填谷、节省运行电费、节能环保的目的。冰蓄冷和区域供冷除了节能环保外,更有利于社会资源的优化利用。首先,我国现在主要以火力发电为主,发电机的可调配性不强,所以很难随意控制或改变它的发电量。使用冰蓄冷技术,就可以让电厂的发电机组夜间在高效率区运行,这样就降低了它的单位煤耗。从这一点来说,冰蓄冷夜间用电提高了电厂发电机的效率。其次,冰蓄冷和区域供冷技术避开用电高峰后,其对电力资源占有率也随之降低。这就相当于把社会资源放大了,在同等的电力资源条件下我们可以供给更多的项目。反推回来,这还可以缓解国家对电力建设投入紧张的局面。 2.2 热泵技术 热泵按热源的不同可分为:(1)空气源(风冷)热泵。目前的产品主要是家用热泵空调器,商用单元式热泵空调机组和热泵冷热水机组。空气源热泵在使用上最大的问题是,冬季供热运行时,室外气温较低的时候,室外换热器翅片表面会结霜(需要采取除霜措施)。(2)地下水水源热泵。即从地下抽水,经过热泵提取其热量,然后再回灌到地下,这种技术在国内外都已广泛应用。但受到地下水文地质条件的限制,并非处处适用。研究更有效的取水和回灌方式,将使这技术的应用范围进一步扩大。(3)土壤源热泵。即在地下土壤中埋管,通入循环工质,使之成为循环工质与土壤间的换热器。在冬季,通过这一换热器从地下取热,成为热泵的热源;在夏季,从地下取冷,成为热泵的冷源。这样以来,就实现了冬存夏用和夏存冬用。目前,这种技术的主要问题是初投资过高。提高换热管的换热能力,降低初投资是这项技术广泛推广的关键。与水源热泵相比,由于没有水文地质条件的限制,土壤源热泵被认为有更好的应用前景。(4)污水源热泵。直接从城市污水中提取热量,是污水综合利用的组成部分。据测算,城市污水全部充当热源,可解决城市供暖用热的近20%。 热泵技术有三大优势:(1)它能长期大规模地利用江河湖海、城市污水、工业污水、土壤或空气中的低温热能,可以把我们生产和生活中弃之不用的低温热能利用起来。(2)它是目前世界上最节省一次能源(即煤、石油、天然气等)的供热系统。它能用少量不可再生的能源将大量的低温热量提升为高温热量。(3)它在一定条件下可以逆向使用。既可供热,也可用以制冷,即一套设备兼作热源和冷源。另外,由于能够有效地降低一次能源消耗,因而可以减少C02气体和其它燃烧产生的污染物的排放,是一种可持续发展的建筑节能新技术。理论和大量的应用实践都说明,热泵技术具有很好的节能效益,经济效益和社会效益,具有广阔的应用前景。 2.3 太阳能暖通节能技术 太阳光普照大地,没有地域的限制无论陆地或海洋,无论高山或岛屿,都处处皆有,可直接开发和利用,且勿须开采和运输。开发利用太阳能不会污染环境,它是最清洁的能源之一,在环境污染越来越严重的今天,这一点是极其宝贵的。到达地球表面上的太阳辐射能约相当于130万亿吨标煤,其总量属现今世界上可以开发的最大能源。据目前太阳产生的核能速率估算,氢的贮量足够维持上百亿年,而地球的寿命也约为几十亿年,从这个意义上讲,可以说太阳的能量是用之不竭的。太阳能供暖利用太阳能转化为热能,通过集热设备采集太阳光的热量,再通过热导循环系统将热量导入至换热中心,然后将热水导入地板采暖系统,通过电子控制仪器控制室内水温。在阴雨雪天气系统自动切换至燃气锅炉辅助加热让冬天的太阳能供暖得以完美的实现。春夏秋季可以利用太阳能集热装置生产大量的免费热水。太阳能供暖工程的寿命可达20年以上,一般5年内就可收回成本,长达15年以上的免费享用尽显它的经济节能本色。 系统组成:太阳能集热器;换热水箱;燃气锅炉(或者其他加热设备);循环控制中心;温度控制器;地板采暖系统;生活热水系统。 2.4 排风余热回收技术 夏季,空调建筑的排风温度低于室外新风温度,室内含湿量也低于室外新风含湿量。利用热回收装置对排风和新风进行热交换,可以降低新风温度和湿度。冬季,排风温度高于室外新风温度,排风含湿量高于室外新风含湿量,热回收装置可以预热和加湿新风。具体做法为:在排风出口安装热交换器,排风和新风分别通过各自的通道进行间接接触换热,利用排风余热来预热新风(或者利用余冷来预冷新风),从而达到回收排风余热的目的。目前可以采用的热回收设备分为显热回收型和全热回收型两种。这种产品不但能够用于中央空调系统,而且能够用于供暖建筑和使用家用空调器的建筑。不但节能,而且改善了室内空气质量。 2.5 建筑热电冷三联供技术
