


Introduction 介绍

In the Delphi organization, a common problem solving process is used to analyze and solve quality problems. 在德尔福组织里,一个共同的问题解决过程是用于分析和解决质量问题。

There are four major parts of the process: 这有过程中四个主要部分

?Grasp the Situation 掌握情况

?Cause Investigation 调查情况

?Problem Correction 问题纠正

?Prevention through Errorproofing

?Grasp the Situation 掌握情况

During the first part of the process, you:

?Identify the Problem 识别问题

?Clarify the Problem 阐明问题

?Locate the Point of Cause (PoC)

?Cause Investigation 原因调查

In the second part of the process, you:

?Conduct a “5-

?for the specific problem 特殊问题


?for why the “system” allowed the problem to occur为什么系统允许问题发生

?Problem Correction 问题纠正

In the third part of the process, you: 在过程的第三部分,你要:

?Take specific action to correct the problem. At a minimum, short-term temporary measures are required to protect the customer.


?Prevention Thru Errorproofing 预防错误

In the fourth part of the process, you: 在过程的第四部分,你要:

?Take specific action to make sure the problem cannot recur, typically through errorproofing

?Capture Lessons Learne





5 Why Funnel 5个为什么漏斗

Corrective Action

ˉLessons Learned 纠正措施课程学习




Part I – Grasp the Situation


?Step 1: Identify the Problem 第一步:识别问题

In the first step of the process, you become aware of a problem that may be large, vague, or complicated. You have some information, but do not have detailed facts. Ask:

在过程的第一步,你可以意识到问题可能是大的、含糊的或是复杂的,你有一些信息,但是没有详细事实。问:?What do I know? 我了解什么?

?Step 2: Clarify the Problem 第二步:阐明问题。

The next step in the process is to clarify the problem. To gain a more clear understanding, ask:


?What is actually happening? 实际发生了什么?

?What should be happening? 什么应发生?

?Step 3: Break Down the Problem 第三步:分解问题

At this point, break the problem down into smaller, individual elements, if necessary.


?What else do I know about the problem? 我还要对问题了解什么?

?Are there other sub-problems? 那里还有其它问题吗?

?Step 4: Locate the Point of Cause (PoC) 第四步;查找事故发生的地点。

Now, the focus is on locating the actual point of cause of the problem. You need to track back to see the point of cause first-hand. Ask:


?Where do I need to go? 我们需要去哪里?

?What do I need to see? 我们需要了解什么?

?Who might have information about the problem? 谁可能会有有关此问题的信息?

?Step 5: Grasp the Tendency of the Problem 第五步;掌握问题倾向

To grasp the tendency of the problem, ask:


?Who? 谁?

?Which? 那一个?

?When? 什么时候?

?How often?(单位时间发生的频率)多少?

?How much? 多少?

It is important to ask these questions before asking “Why?”


Part II: Cause Investigation 第Ц部分:原因调查。

?Step 6: Identify and confirm the direct cause of the abnormal occurrence.


If the cause is visible, verify it. If the cause is not visible, consider potential causes and check the most likely causes. Confirm the direct cause based on fact. Ask:

如果原因明显,验证它。如果原因不明显,考虑潜在的原因和检查类似事故,以事实为基础确认直接原因。问:?Why is the problem occurring? 问题为什么发生?

?Can I see the direct cause of the problem? 我能看到问题的直接原因吗?

?If not, what do I suspect as potential causes? 如果不能,我猜想潜在原因是什么?

?How can I check the most likely potential causes? 我怎么检查类似的潜在的原因?

?How can I confirm the direct cause?我怎么确认直接原因?

?Step 7: Use 5-Why investigation to build a chain of cause/effect relationships that lead to the root cause. Ask:


?Will addressing the direct cause prevent recurrence?查明直接原因预防再发生了吗?

?If not, can I see the next level of cause? 如果没有,我能看到下次再发生的机率吗?

?If not, what do I suspect as the next level of cause? 如果没有,对于下次再发生的机率我觉察到什么?

?How can I check and confirm the next level of cause?我怎样检查和确认下次再发生的机率?

?Will addressing this level of cause prevent recurrence? 查明事故级别预防再发生了吗?

If not, continue asking “Why?” until you find the root cause.如果没有,继续问为什么直到你找到了问题根源。

Stop at the cause that must be addressed to prevent recurrence. Ask:


?Have I found the root cause of the problem?我找到问题的原因根源了吗?

?Can I prevent recurrence by addressing this cause?我根据找到的原因,预防再发生吗?

?Is this cause linked to the problem by a chain of cause/effect relationships that are based on fact?根据基于事实的原因/结果关系链,这个原因与问题有联系吗?

?Does the chain pass the “therefore” test?这个链能通过“因此”测试吗?

?If I ask “Why?” again, will I be into another problem?如果我再次问“为什么”,我会深入到另一个问题之中吗?

Be sure you have used 5-Why Investigation to answer these questions:确信你会用5-Why调查回答这些问题:?Why did we have the problem?为什么我们会有这种问题?

?Why did the problem get to the customer?为什么问题会对顾客有影响?

?Why did our “system” allow it to occur?为什么我们的系统“允许”它发生?



Step 8: Take Specific Action to Address the Problem


Use temporary measures to eliminate the abnormal occurrence until the root cause can be addressed. Ask: 使用临时方法消除反常事件直到问题根源被找出。

?Does it contain the problem until a permanent solution can be implemented?

Implement corrective actions to address the root cause to prevent recurrence. Ask:



?Does it prevent the problem?它能预防问题发生吗?

Follow-up and check results. Ask:跟踪和检查结果,问:

?Is the solution working?此解决方案运行了吗?

?How do I know?我怎么知道?



To be sure you have followed the problem solving model, use this checklist as you complete the problem solving process.





Directions: 说明

?Use the Delphi Problem Solving Process to evaluate the Flex Industries Case Study below and on the following pages. Review the 5-Why Investigation results on Page 11.


?Use the worksheets on Pages 13 and 14 to record your work.使用第13、14页的工作表记录你的工作。

?Use only the information provided.仅用于假设信息

?Do not try to re-engineer the rivets or solve the technical problems in the case study. The purpose of this activity is to use the Problem Solving model to organize the given data.




Background 背景

Jake Ryan is the Quality Manager at Flex Industries. Flex is a component supplier that manufactures metal stampings and light assembly products. The company has a reputation for supplying high quality parts on a consistent basis. Seldom has there been a customer complaint. Flex has Quality representatives called Customer Support Engineers (CSE’s) at every customer assembly plant. The CSE’s report any problems to Jake for investigation and follow-up.


At 7:00 a.m. this morning, Jake received a call from Janet, CSE at the Winding River Assembly Plant. Janet informed him that the customer had found five defective stabilizing brackets on second shift last night. She checked the remaining inventory and there were no defects in the remaining 326 pieces. The manufacturing sticker on the back of the brackets indicated that they were made by the second shift operator. Normally, the stabilizing bracket is fastened to the regulator motor with three rivets. The five defective brackets had only two rivets in them. The lower set of rivets on all five brackets was missing a rivet. This was the first time that the problem occurred.


two more defective brackets had been found in the remaining 2019 pieces of inventory at Flex.


Cause Investigation原因调查

Jake went out to the floor to talk with the team leader of the two rivet lines (East and West) and the area quality assurance auditor. He informed Sam (the team leader) of the quality problem and asked him to identify the line which runs the stabilizing bracket assembly. Sam directed Jake to the East line which runs Winding River assembly brackets only.


At the East Line, he spoke with Judy (the QA Auditor for the area) and asked to see the quality log sheets. Jake and Judy reviewed the Nov. 11th log sheet and could not find anything out of the ordinary. He asked her to set-up

in-house containment procedures to sort for any discrepant material in the finished goods area.


Next, Jake tried to locate the second shift operator whose clock number was on the defective parts. Since that operator was gone, Jake spoke with the current machine operator (Ben). He asked Ben about any recent difficulties with the rivet machine. Ben said that he hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary. Ben also mentioned, however, that there had never been any quality bulletins posted in the two years that this particular part has been running.


Jake decided to stay in the area to watch the machine run for a while. After about 15 minutes, he watched Ben dump rivets into the feeder bowl to prepare for the next run.

Shortly after restarting rivet operations, Ben walked over to another riveter and came back with a steel rod. Ben poked around the rivet chute and then continued working. Jake approached Ben and asked him about the steel rod. Ben replied that from time to time the chute gets jammed and he has to clear it out. This happens two or three times during a shift. He didn’t mention this in his earlier conversation with Jake because the problem has existed ever since he started working with this machine. The previous operator showed him how to clear the chute. All the rivet machines are like this.



Jake called the Machine Repair Department and asked that someone look at the rivet track. A slight gap in the track was found and removed, and Ben continued to work.

Jake叫来机器修理部且要求看这个铆钉通道,通道中一个微小的缺口被发现,除去后,Ben 继续工作。

Two hours later, Jake got a call from Ben saying that the track was still jamming. As far as Jake could see, only rivets were in the bowl. Next, Jake looked into the rivet supplier containers. There was some foreign material in the blue container, but none in the red container. The label on the blue container showed that it was from Ajax Rivet, Inc., and the label on the red container indicated that it was from Frank’s Fasteners. Obviously, the foreign material was entering the rivet feeder bowl and jamming the track.

两个小时以后,Jake接到Ben 的电话说通道仍然堵塞。至到Jake看到仅铆钉在钵内。接着,Jake看到铆钉厂商的箱子,蓝色箱子里有一些杂质材料,但是红色箱子没有。蓝色箱子的标签显示它来自Ajax Rivet 公司并且红色箱子的标签显示它来自Frank’s Fasteners,明显的,杂质材料进入铆钉进料器,并且阻塞了通道。

Jake called Maintenance and requested that the bowl be cleaned. He also added the cleaning operation to the preventive maintenance schedule on the equipment. He then called both Ajax Rivet, Inc. and Frank’s Fasteners. He asked about the cleaning procedures on the returnable containers. Frank’s did a full container purge and clean. Ajax just re-introduced the containers back into their system. When Jake asked why Ajax did not clean their containers, he was told that Ajax was not aware that such a policy was needed.

Jake命令维修并要求清扫钵,他也把清扫工作加到预防性维护时间表上。然后他打电话给Ajax Rivet

I公司和Franks Fasteners,他要求在可退回的箱子上有清洁程序。Frank公司做了一次全面的清除和清扫。Ajax正好重申退回这些箱子。当JAKE问Ajax为什么不清扫他们的箱子时,他被告之Ajax没有意识到诸如这个方针是必要的。Upon further investigation, Jake learned that Frank’s Fasteners supplies other major automotive companies. Since these compan ies require that all returnable containers be cleaned, Frank’s instituted the purge as part of its practice for all customers. Ajax Rivet, however, depends primarily on Flex as its major customer. No such policy has ever been required of them.

在更深的调查上,JAKE认识到Frank’s Fasteners供应其它的重大汽车公司,自从这些公司要求清扫所有的可退回的箱子之后。Frank’s开始将清除作为为顾客实践的一部分,诸如这样的方针以前从来没有被要求过。(以下为方框中的译文):JAKE号召材料控制部门起草一项适用于他们所有厂商的包装箱维护政策,他也要求修正机器以能判断铆钉的存在。

requested that a container maintenance

policy be drafted which would apply to all their suppliers.

He also asked that a machine modification be developed

to sense for the presence of rivets. Hopefully, this would

error-roof the process.

Page 11

5-Why Cause Investigation 5WHY 原因调查

1. Make supplier part of APQP activities.做APQP 活动的供应商部分

2. Make PFMEA’s comprehensive of entire system

做整个系统的PFMEA 的全部

Reference No. _参考号______________ (Spill, PR/R…)

Delphi 5-Why Template to be used for all 5-Why Investigations

5-Why Analysis Reference No. __________

(Spill, PR/R…)



Corrective Action


Lessons Learned

Page 13

Page 14

Corrective Action


Lessons Learned



课堂纪律 ?愉快、享受、乐在其中?要积极倾听与发言 ?讨论时请忘掉职务与立场?遵守时间 ?手机要关机或设为静音?每1小时~1.5小时休息一次

为了最大限度的减少公司成本,以最少的投入,得到最大的产出,为公司的利益作出贡献。 理解本次教育的内容,将本次教育中学到的知识等运用到平时的工作业务中,提高管理能力。

5个为什么,又称“5问法”,就是对一个问题点以五个“为什么”来发问,以追究其根本原因。 从结果入手,沿着因果关系链条,顺藤摸瓜,直至找出问题的根本原因,不限定一定要5次,有时3、4次就可以找到也行。 ※五个Why最初是由丰田公司提出并在丰田公司广泛采用, 因此也 被称为丰田五问法,首创者是丰田公司的大野耐一(TPS创始人)。 大野耐一总喜欢在车间时走来走去,停下来向现场管理者发问,反 复就一个问题问“为什么”,直到回答令他满意。这就是后来 的“五个为什么”。 大野耐一

1. 事例分享 托马斯杰斐逊美国独立宣言的起草者,第3 任美国总统。托马斯杰斐逊纪念馆(华盛顿市) 托马斯杰斐逊雕像

2. 事例分享 市民投诉近期雕像上鸟粪较多了,影响伟人形象问题点对策:市政安排人员马上清洗,定期多次清洗后雕像腐蚀严重问题点以其他形式再发生附近鸟类增多了为什么1对策: 捕杀鸟类灯光操作者退休了,新人不清楚,自己按6:00定时开灯<真因> 交接作业没有标准化雕像灯光提前开了, 其他地方飞虫吸引过来了现地调查: 城市灯光6:30开,雕像灯光是6:00开。 为什么5鸟类的食物多了现地调查:附近的蜘蛛多了为什么2对策:捕杀蜘蛛蜘蛛的食物多了,繁殖量大现地调查:蜘蛛网上的飞虫多了为什么3对策:除飞虫对策:不开灯 飞虫多了,附近的飞虫都集中 到这里了现地调查:雕像射灯光吸引过来的 为什么4 因果关系,逻辑性是找到真因的关键




般经验而言,反复提出5次为什么基本就可以寻找到问题的根因。 “5WHY”分析法是根据事实分析找到问题根源,给出治本对策的一个过程。“为什么”的追问的越深入,发掘的原因就越逼近真实根本的原因。 整体的“5WHY”的基本思考方法如下: 最近发现大家知道使用5why分析法进行根因分析,但是经常出现找到的原因并非根因,那么相应的制定的再发防止对策也是无效的。究其原因就是虽然知道“5WHY”的方法但是却不会运用或者运用的方法不正确,导致不能够找到问题真正的根因。那么该如何做呢?接下来介绍一下具体的分析过程注意事项。 一般而言,“5WHY”从三个层面来实施: 一、为什么会发生?从“制造”的角度。 二、为什么没有发现?从“检验”的角度。 三、为什么没有从系统上预防事故?从“体系”或“流程”的角度。 每个层面连续5次或N次的询问,得出最终结论。只有以上三个层面的问题都探寻出来,才能发现根本问题,并寻求解决。那么如何做才能确保根因分析的正确和成功呢? 站在组织级视角来寻求改善组织体系/流程和系统性问题。这是最基本的立场。通常情况下,很多人站在个人的立场和视角进行问题分析,往往只能找到比较表层的原因,不能找到管理层面,体系架构以及组织级层面的问题。

确保根因分析成功的3个关键视点: 〇[为什么]要从个人转向组织/体系/系统层面。 〇[为什么]要从主观意识转向具体行动。 通过问“为什么?”要采取这样的行动,这样才可以从人的主管意识中分离出来。例如,在A先生泄漏机密信息的情况下,如果我们追溯问到“为什么A先生泄露了信息?”,这样就是站在A先生的主观意识角度来分析问题,如果换个角度问“A先生泄漏了什么信息?”,那么这样看看待问题的角度就指向了组织体系或者管理系统。这个关键点:不是[为什么会什么?]而是[你做什么?]。这个角度,大家可以体会一下。 〇[为什么]的主语设定成“我们”。 例如,在A先生发生了信息泄露的情况下,如果追溯的问题是“为什么A先生泄露了信息?”那么这个还是从A先生的角度来分析问题,得到的原因也肯定是A先生个人的主观错误原因。假如我们追溯问“为什么我们能让A先生把信息泄漏出去呢?”,那么我们就将问题观点角度转向了体系结构及组织系统。 1)整理问题点,并根据事实进行分析。 正确的把握现象是非常重要。 分析质量取决于对深究分析之前的当前情况的把握程度。 没有通过确认现场就判断出问题的原因是站不住脚的,是没有道理的。 想象要以能够可见而简单易懂的形式记录保留下来。(图文
