





Until she was six,Oprah Winfrey lived on a farm with her grandmother. She remembers,“One day,my grandmother was boiling clothes because at that time we didn’t have a washing machine . I was four years old,and I remember thinking,‘My life won’t be like this. It will be better.’”It is better—much better. Winfrey is a billionaire(亿万富翁),and “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” which is watched by over 20 million people every day, has won many awards.

As a little girl, Winfrey was always different. She learned to read when she was thee. She read from the Bible(圣经)in church and was famous for being the little girl who talk a lot. Since then, talking has been the most important part of her life.

She got her fist break while at Tennessee State University. At age 17, she was offered a job at a radio station. Next ,she hosted a talk show, “People Are Talking”,which soon become very popular. People felt comfortable telling about their lives,and audience like her warm interviewing style. After a year,the show was renamed “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” and she was a star.

Winfrey’s real ambition, though, was to be an actor.

Finally, she achieved this when she starred in “The Color Purple” in 1985. Her performance won her an Oscar nomination(提名). She now has her own production company,Harpo Productions. Winfrey says her greatest lesson in her life is “not living my life to please other people, but doing what my heart says.”

1.What was Oprah famous as when she was a little girl?

A. A wonderful Actress.

B. A radio host.

C. A quiet girl.

D. A talkative girl.

2._______probably made the talk show popular immediately.

A. Oprah’s charming face

B. Oprah’s family

C. Oprah’s warm hosting style

D. Oprah’s company

3.Which of the following words can best describe Oprah?


B. Lazy

C. Impolite

D. Inspiring


Hong Kong is a city that’s full of surprises.You can find plenty of fun things to do here.

Ride the ferries(轮渡)

The trip doesn’t take long,but you can get a great view of the city.You can also pick up a ferry to go to Lantau, Lamma or Cheung Chau Islands.

Look for the pink dolphins(海豚)

Take a cruise(乘船游览)to look for the very endangered(濒危的)pink dolphins in the waters around Lantau Island. The pink dolphin(they are really pink)only live in the water around Hong Kong,but only about 100 pink dolphins are left in local waters,because of water pollution and boat traffic.

Go horse racing

Horse racing is a very popular sport in Hong Kong,the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club has race on Wednesdays,Saturdays and Sundays.

Trip to Ocean Park and Water World

Ocean Park and Water world are huge, fun entertainment parks which are great for kids or the young. The two parks are situated right next to each other.

Shop at Stanley Market

Hong Kong is famous as a shopping paradise(天堂). There are malls and shopping centers just about everywhere. But everyone who visits Hong Kong goes to Stanley Market.

4.Which of the following would be the best tittle for the text?

A. Fun things to do in Hong Kong

B. Fun things to do in Lantau

C. Ride the ferries in Lamma

D. Shop at Stanley Market in Hong Kong

5.The pink dolphins are in danger because of _______and boat traffic.

A. shopping center

B. water pollution

C. horse racing

D. noise pollution

6.If you want to watch horse racing,you should go to _______on Wednesdays,Saturdays or Sundays.

A. Ocean Park

B. Cheung Chau Island

C. The Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club

D.Water World

7.Where can we probably find this text?

A.In a tour guide

B. In a science magazine

C. In a text book

D. In a letter


We all long for friendship, but how to make a friend? “The best time to make a friend is before you need one.” Joy Steven said. The following are some tips for you.

People equal friends

Friends usually begin with strangers. Getting in touch with other people is the first step to make a friend. Friends can’t be made in empty air. Best friends take time to make.

Friends understand friends

Friends understand each other when talking. Many unpleasant personal quarrels can be avoided if you will take the time to understand others’ feelings and points of view.

Friends touch friends

Touching is a warm from of communication between friends. When you see best friends communicating, you will notice them stand close together, touch each other comfortably and listen to each other. Sometimes a friendly touch is more powerful than words.

Friends praise friends

Praise is a powerful tool to make a friend. Honest praise can affect (影响) your friends’ lives. So try to praise your friends, including your general ones. Friends can loyal (忠诚的) and trustworthy

Trust and loyalty go hand in hand for friends. Friends can share secrets with you, because good friends never break confidence (信心) and are loyal forever.

8. From Joy Steven’s words, we can conclude that ________

A. a friend in need is a friend indeed

B. it is never too late to make a friend

C. it is late to make a friend when you need one

D. everyone needs a friend in his life

9. To make and keep many friends, you need to do the following EXCEPT


A. get in touch with people

B. understand your friends

C. praise your friends

D. quarrel with your friends

10. The passage mainly tells us ______________.

A. how to communicate with a friend

B. how to develop friendship

C. when to make a friend

D. how to praise a friend


Are you truly happy? Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? _11___. The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life.

Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy. Your moods will very likely increase if you are going after something you value.

Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way. ___12___.

When something goes wrong, try to figure out a solution instead of being absorbed in self pity. Truly happy people don’t allow setbacks to affect their

mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor.

__13_. These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continuous happiness.

_14__. Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance, you will be subconsciously (下意识地) putting yourself in a better mood.

Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. Find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you happy.

Keeping healthy is another way to achieve happiness. _15__ .

A.What makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy.

B.On the contrary, if you are around people who are happy, their emotional state will be infectious.

C.Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood.

D.These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves.

E.Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy.

F.There are some tips in life that lead to happiness.

G.It’s also important to take some time eac h day to do something nice for yourself.


I was a medical student at the university. Last year I spent my internship(实习期)in a hospital.

One cold rainy evening last October,after I finished visiting Ms Carter,a patient,I prepared to leave. Before I stood up,Ms Carter spoke up in her 1 voice. “I haven’t seen you here before,doctor. Are you new?”“Not really,Madam. It’s just I don’t come here every day.”I 2 . I was surprised that such a weak patient like her would want to talk.

Ms Carter started talking about 3 . She started her difficulties and sufferings,and expressed her worry and fear about what her children suffer if something 4 happened to her. I didn’t know what to say. Looking into 5 eyes,I tried hard to remember the from a communication skills class,but my mind was blank. I blamed myself for not paying more attention. I could just sit quietly while she talked,holding her hand.

Finally,she stopped 6 . “I am very sorry for keeping you here to listen to

my problems,but I fell much better now. I had no one to pour out(倾吐)my 7 to. Thank you,doctor,thank you so much.”I suddenly realized that she was not expecting any reply from me. She just wanted me to 8 .

A few days later,Ms Carter got better and left the hospital.

I think sometimes 9 do not need expensive medicine or advanced technology. They just 10 someone with the patience and willing to lend an ear and spare a little of their time. For me, that is one of the best things a doctor can do for a patient.

1. A. weak B. clear C. top D.sweet

2. A. laughed B. answered C. left D. asked

3. A. herself B. itself C. himself D. myself

4. A. good B. exciting C. happy D. bad

5. A. my B. her C. his D. their

6. A. looking B. listening C. talking D. sleeping

7. A. success B. problems C. happiness D. speeches

8. A. listen B. write C. leave D. speak

9. A. doctors B. nurses C. patients D. babies

10. A. forget B. blame C. refuse D. need

第二节语篇型语法填空(共10题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)In recent years, learning Chinese 1 (become) popular among people around the world. Last month, I 2 (receive )an email from my cousin Jack in Canada. He said he was enthusiastic about Chinese, and asked me to find him some books 3 (intend) for Chinese beginners. I was very pleased to do 4 a favor. So I went from one bookstore to 5 , hoping to find something suitable for him. 6 I selected a set of Chinese textbooks among a variety of similar ones. Then I went to a post office to have them 7 (deliver) by air without delay. Several days later, I received Jack’s email,8 (say) that he really appreciated the books I 9 (send). I’m very glad that Jack is beginning to learn Chinese just like many other foreigners abroad, 10 I know it may be an enjoyable challenge for him.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.




1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



My best friend Chen Yang come to our school in last term. 1. _______

I noticed he was quite differently from others. He liked 2. _______ doing sports. When other student come back to classroom 3. _______

to studying as soon as they finished their supper,he would 4. _______

play the basketball for a while. It seemed that he was not a 5._______ hardworking student,but ^ my surprise,he took the first 6._______

place at the end of last term,I ask him how he could be so good 7._______

at her studies,although work as hard as others. “Well,8._______

if you want to study good,first you need to relax yourself.”9._______

he said. I think that’s what we should learning from him. 10._______









参考词汇:1.吃小吃和其他不健康食品eat snacks or other unhealthy food,

2. 摄入营养过少或过多take in either too little or too much nutrition;

3. 不吃早餐上学go to school without breakfast

4.不好的影响 a bad effect

5.遭受疾病suffer from different illnesses

6. 改掉坏的饮食习惯give up sb’s bad eating habits

7.不吃或少吃不健康的食物not eat or eat less unhealthy food

8. 蔬菜与水果fruit and vegetables

请根据上表所提供的信息写一篇题为“Teenagers need healthy eating”的英文演讲稿,准备参加学生会组织的英语演讲活动,内容包括:

1. 青少年饮食的现象及后果;

2. 你的建议。【写作要求】 1. 词数100左右;

2. 演讲的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;

3. 信中不得使用真实的人名、校名。 Good afternoon, everyone!

The topic of my speech today is “Teenagers need healthy eating”. Healthy eating is ev ery important to us teenagers. ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________








_____________________________________________________________ That’s all. T

hank you for listening!
