
Brief Introduction to Pinyin
Chinese characters are the writing symbols of Chinese language.And the Pinyin is the mark of phonetic notation for Chinese characters.Each character has a specific syllable.Each syllable is composed of three parts: initial,final,and tone.In the piyin system there are 21 initials,36final,2 semi—vowels,4 tones and a neutral tone.

声调音高示意图 (要求会画)
illustration of Tones

第一声:符号 ,高而平,自然地拉长读音,如:tāng(汤)。
第二声:符号 ,语音上扬,由低升高,如同提出疑问,如:táng(糖)。
第三声:符号 ,先降后升,语音较长,如:tǎng(躺)。
第四声:符号 ,语音下降,短促有力,如同非常愤怒,如:tàng(烫)。
轻 声:又轻又短的声调,没有符号,通常在词尾,如:mām。(妈妈)。
Introduction to Tones: Tone is a very important and difficult aspect of learning Chinese. Many characters have the same spelling in Pinyin but have different tones, therefore have different meanings.
There are four tones and one neutral tone in Chinese.
There are some basic tone rules, sometimes tones can change depending on the tones of the adjacent words
The first tone: marked by , high and flat sound, naturally prolonged, e.g.tāng (soup). The second tone: marked by , rising tone, from Iow to high, like making a question, e.g. táng (sugar).
The third tone: marked by , a comparatively long tone failing first and then going up, e.g. tǎng (to lie down).
The fourth tone: marked by , a falling tone, short and strong, as if in fury e.g. tàng (boiling hot).
The neutral tone: light and short, no mark, usually at the last syllable 0f a word or a phrase, e.g. māmɑ (mother).

当两个第三声音节连在一起时,前面的第三声音节读成半升。如:níhǎo (你好)
但当第三声音节和第一、第二、第四声音节连在一起时,前面的第三声音节读成半降。如: hěnxīn (很新) hěnlán (很蓝) hěnlǜ (很绿)
Rules of tone changes:
A third tone, when immediately followed by another third tone, should be pronounced as a half rising tone, e.g. nǐhǎo——níhǎo (hello)
But while immediately followed by a first, second or third tone, a third tone should be pronounced as a half failing tone.
hěnxīn —— hěnxīn ( very new)

hěnlán —— hěnlán (very blue)
hěnlǜ? —— hěnlǜ (very green)

注意“一”的变调。Pay attention to the tone changes of“yī”.
“yī”by itself, at the end ora phrase ora sentence, or in a name, is read in the
first tone.
“yī”, when followed by a syllable in fourth tone, is read in the second tone.
3)在第一、第二、第三声前念第四声:“yī”, when followed by a syllable in the first,second or third tone, is read in thefourth tone.

注意“不”的变调。Pay attention to the tone changes of“bù”.
“bù”, by itself, or followed by a syllable in the first, second or third tone, isread in the fourth tone.
“bù”, when by a syllable in the fourth tone, is read in the second tone.

2.以i和u开头的复韵母单独表示一个音节时,分别要将i和u改写成y和w。如: iě→yě(也)和uǒ→wǒ(我)。
6.在声母i上标声调时,要将上面的点去掉,直接标声调。此外,在复韵母的情况下,声调通常都标在最主要的韵母字母上。依次顺序为ɑ、o、e、i、u 、ü,如果有ɑ就标在ɑ上,没有就找o,以此类推。
Rules of Pinyin spelling
1. When the finals i,in,ing and u form syllables by themselves,y and w should placed before them respectively to make it yi,yin,ying and wu.
For example,yī(one) and wǔ(five).
2. When the finals that begin with i or u form syllables by themselves,i or u should be written as y or w. For example, yě(also) and wǒ(I,me).
3. When ü or finals that begin with ü meets the initial j, q, or x,the two dots above ü(the umlaut) should be omitted.
4. When ü meets y,the two dots above(the umlaut) should be om

itted. When ü or finals that begin with ü forms a syllable itself,the ü should be written as yu.
5. Compound finals iou, uei and uen are written as iu, ui and un respectively.
6. The tone symbols should be marked above the finals. When the final is a compound one,the tone symbol is usually marked above the main vowel,according to the order ɑ、o、e、i、u 、ü,for instance,if there is an ɑ,then just above ɑ, if not,then see if there is an o,and so on. When the tone symbol is marked above the dot above i should be taken off.
7. Final er can be placed after some syllables to make it a special kind of pronuncia tion. In written, r directly follows other syllables. For example,huā(flower)—— huār(flower).
8. The syllable-dividing mark( ' ) is used to separate two syllables when the secnnd syllable begins with ɑ, o or e. For example, piào (ticket) -- pí’ǎo ( leather jacket).
9. The i in zi, ci, si, zhi, chi, shi, ri, is not pronounced as i. The i just stands for the initial blade-alveolar or blade-palatal vowel sound that follows the consonant z, c, s, zh, ch, sh, r, and makes the syllable complete in form.
