选修84 Pygmalion 2016年高考英语一轮复习资料解析版

选修84 Pygmalion 2016年高考英语一轮复习资料解析版
选修84 Pygmalion 2016年高考英语一轮复习资料解析版


1.hesitate vi.犹豫;踌躇

(天津卷书面表达)I hesitated for a moment before I offered my seat to her.


(1)hesitate to do sth.迟疑做某事

hesitate about/over (doing) sth.(做)某事犹豫不决

(2)hesitation n.踌躇,犹豫

without hesitation毫不犹豫地

have no hesitation in doing sth.毫不犹豫地做某事

①—Should anything happen to you,please don't hesitate to let me know.

—Thanks,I will.



②Seeing the girl struggling in the lake,he threw himself in the icy water without hesitation,and saved her

from drowning.





①Out of everybody's expectation,she___________________ the job.

答案:didn't hesitate to accept

②Out of everybody's expectation,she accepted the job______________________.

答案:without hesitation

③Out of everybody's expectation,she __________________accepting the job.

答案:had no hesitation in


①We are at your service.Don't hesitate______________(turn) to us if you have any further problems. 答案:to turn

②I didn't hesitate for a moment about________(take) the job.


2.betray vt.泄露(秘密);出卖,背叛

(朗文P)There are people who are prepared to betray their country for money.有些人准备为钱财背叛祖168国。

向某人泄露秘密betray a secret to sb.

betray one's trust辜负某人的信任

betray oneself暴露本来面目,原形毕露

He had a good disguise,but as soon as he spoke he betrayed himself.他伪装得很好,可是一开口说话就原形毕露了。




When I tell someone I will not__________________,I will keep my word.

答案:betray his confidence


It would be unbelievable that such an honest fellow ______________________________.

答案:should have betrayed his friends

3.acquaintance n.相识;了解;熟人

教材原句P:And I came to England to make your acquaintance! 30我也正是到英国来找你的。

make one's acquaintance?(1) 结识某人?make the acquaintance of sb. ?have a nodding acquaintance with sb.与某人有点头之交

have no acquaintance with不熟悉;不了解

(2) acquaint v.使熟悉;使了解

be acquainted with熟悉……

①(2014·抚州市高三第二轮复习检测)At Jimmy's birthday party I was introduced to make the acquaintance of several successful managers in IT industry.在Jimmy的生日聚会上,我被介绍认识了几位IT行业成功的经理。

②My father has a nodding acquaintance with the professor.





Employees should__________________emergency procedures.

答案:be fully acquainted with


It was at a wedding that I first made his acquaintance.

→It was at a wedding that I first________ ________ ________ ________him. [来源:]made the acquaintance of


4.promise n.妥协;和解;折衷;v.妥协;让步;违背,放弃

Most important of all,it is always wise to make decisions by promise and agreement.最重要的是,通过相互妥协相互协商来作决定总是明智的。

(1)reach/e to a promise (between/on sth.)和解,达成妥协

make a promise with与……妥协

by promise折衷

(2)promise one's principles/beliefs/ideas


promise with sb.与某人和解

promise on sth.以折衷方法解决争论、争端等

(朗文P)Talks are continuing in the hope that the two sides will reach a promise. 406为了双方达成妥协,谈判在继续进行。



①It is really important for parents to reach ________promise between what they want and what their kids


答案: a

②Sometimes,it's necessary to promise________your friends when you want to keep the friendship.


③Honestly speaking,we are not prepared to promise________safety standards.




In order to live in harmony,sometimes you need________________________.

答案:to make promises

5.fortune n.财产,大笔的钱;机会;运气

I have had the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors.我有幸与一些卓越的主管人员共事。

(1)seek one's fortune找出路,碰运气

e into a fortune得到财产

make a fortune发财

(2)fortunate adj.幸运的,侥幸的(=lucky)

(3)fortunately adv.幸运地(=luckily)

①Now there are many young men in our society dreaming of making a fortune without hard work.现


②Mr Parker worked in a small pany for two years and then he went abroad to seek his fortune.




①She was fortunate____________(find) a job as soon as she graduated from the university.

答案:to find

②She made________fortune and wore diamonds and designer clothes.

答案: a

③These two brothers decided to go to big cities to try their_________________ __(fortunate).



1.generally speaking一般来说

Generally speaking,older people are less able to speak up for their rights.一般来说,年纪大一些的人维护自己权利的能力弱一些。

诚实地说honestly speaking??严格地说strictly speaking? (1)广义地说broadly speaking??就我个人而言personally speaking 总的来说;大体上(2)in general as a general rule一般而言;在通常情况下those who pay attention to physical exercise are in good health. ①Generally speaking,一般来说,那些注意体育锻炼的人身体健康状况良好。,you must finish the work before

3 o'clock.②Strictly speaking 严格地说,你必须在三点前完成这项工作。【举一反三】完成句子

①一般来讲,在孩子的终生教育中起着主要作用的是家庭而不是学校。plays the primary role in educating children for life. ,the familynot the school,________________,Generally speaking


②就我个人而言,我不反对你马上就走。I have no objection to your leaving at once. ,

____________________Personally speaking


③普遍来说,舞蹈班里男生占极少数。boys are very much in the minority at the dancing class. ,____________In general


2.in terms of...就……来说;从……角度

The job is great in terms of salary,but it has its disadvantages.


e to terms with达成协议;和好;接受;适应

be on good/bad terms关系良好/不好

in the long/short term就长远/短期而言

①I feel sure that in terms of qualifications,ability and experience,you are absolutely suited to the position we

have in mind.我敢肯定就资历、能力和经验而言,你绝对适合我们心目中的职位。

②Learning is not always easy,but it is always beneficial in the long term.学习并不总是那么简单,但从长远看它总是有益的。




______________I'm quite rich,but not in terms of happiness.

答案:In terms of money


______________business,they are______________while______________friendship,they


on bad terms ;;in terms ofon good terms答案:In terms of;【句法语法突破】1.Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation.·希金斯正与皮克林上校坐着进行深入的交谈。亨利deep in sth.专心;全神贯注;深陷He was deep in thought when I saw him. ①我看见他时他正陷入沉思。He is often so deep in his books that he forgets to eat. ②他常常专心于读书以致忘了吃饭。deep in sth.可作状语。③Absorbed in the book,he didn't notice me enter the room. 陷入读书之中,他没注意到我进入房间。:Z,xx,k.]来源[ 【举一反三】完成句子(1),to tourists ,of the ,hours Several laterwith aid the policethe manage escape dangerous the placefrom


答案:hungry and frightened


________(lose) in the mountains for a week,the two students were finally saved by the local police.


2.What if I was?如果我是,又怎么样呢?

(1)What if...?常用来提出假设、建议、邀请、要求等,意为“倘使……将会怎样”?“如果……将会怎样?”。后面经常跟一般现在时,有时根据语境也可以跟虚拟语气。

It sounds like a good offer,but what if it's a trick?


(2)How e?用于口语交际中,表示疑惑,意为“为什么会这样呢,怎么搞的?”How e还可以接从句或v.-ing形式。

If she spent five years in Paris,how e her French is so bad?


(3)So what?那又怎么样?

—He is fifteen years younger than you.

—So what?





—Don't press the button,John.

—What if I________(do)?




1.The problem of the widening gap between the rich and the poor,if not properly________(handle),can

result in many serious social tensions.


2.Helen was chosen for the job because she was far superior ________any other candidate.


3.The television________(adapt) of the stage play was very successful.


cold floor and began to cry.

,The girl felt________(fort) lying on that hard.4.


5.Being short of money is a bit________(trouble) but we'll do what we can.


6.If you think you can carry on drinking so much without damaging your health,then


答案:mistaken :Z*xx*k.][来源7.They threatened to shoot him and robbed him________all his possessions.


8.—He will be giving us some training.

—What if he ________________(not e).

答案:didn't e

9.The man went to bed,________(drink) and when he woke up,he found his shoes still on.


10.Once I decide what to do,I will go after it without any ________(hesitate).



fade out;show...in;rob...of;once more;in need of;pass...off as;generally speaking;in terms of 1.They bought up pieces of old furniture and ________ them________________valuable antiques.

答案:passed;off as

2.These homeless children are________________help.

答案:in need of

3.As the programme ended,their conversation was______________.

答案:faded out

4.Although he is very young,he is much more experienced than others________________working ability.

答案:in terms of

5.________________,prices follow demand;if there is no demand,prices are low.

答案:Generally speaking

6.When he didn't know how to get into the building,a boy________him________. [来源:]in


7.They threatened to shoot him and ________ him ________ all his possessions.


8.The two sides did not agree on the subject for the first time,so today they will sit down


to have a discussion.

答案:once more


1.What he did in the past years would ____________________ (注定使他独自生活) in all his life. 答案:condemn him to live alone

2.______________________(就他们的约定而言),he should pass himself off as a Duke.

答案:In terms of their agreement

3.__________________________(是他作的评论) at the conference that left me wondering about his real


答案:It was his remarks that

4.__________________________(在他所做事情的鼓励下),I joined him in helping others.

答案:Greatly inspired by what he did

5.My father is undoubtedly ________________ (比……优越) my mother,both in intelligence and character.

答案:superior to

6.Pygmalion,King of Cyprus,was ______________________(才华横溢的雕刻家).

答案: a brilliant sculptor

7.—Any good tips for me,Sir?

—__________________________(绝不能忽视你的缺点) and try to improve yourself in every way. 答案:Never overlook your shortings

8.He came to realize that he fell in love with her,so he turned to the Greek Goddess


答案:bring her back to life

9.The Goddess__________________(犹豫了一会儿) before she agreed.

答案:hesitated for a moment

10.Unfortunately,Pygmalion________________(忽视了约定),the beautiful woman became a stone .)再次statue____________(

答案:overlooked the agreement;once more


1.才华横溢的雕刻家皮格马利翁(Pygmalion)创作了一尊漂亮女雕塑(a stone statue of a beautiful woman)。



4.他向希腊女神(the Greek Goddess)求助,使她复活。






Pygmalion,a brilliant sculptor,made a stone statue of a beautiful woman,who would condemn him to live

alone in all his life.He came to realize that he fell in love with her.So he turned to the Greek Goddess to bring her

back to life.However,the Goddess hesitated for a moment before she agreed.In terms of their agreement,he should

pass himself off as a Duke and not betray himself.Unfortunately,Pygmalion overlooked the agreement;as a

result,the beautiful woman became a stone statue once more.


In mythology (神话),Pygmalion was a sculptor 1.________did not like women.He couldn't find a woman

2.______________(love).And he decided to make a statue,Galatea.In George Bernard Shaw's play,Pygmalion

and Galatea 3.__________________(pare) to Professor Higgins and Eliza.Pygmalion made Galatea his ideal

woman.And Professor Higgins changes Eliza into 4.________perfect upper-class woman.He teaches her

5.________to talk and behave in front of people.This process of making Eliza an upper-class woman is criticized as

6.________(play) with a living doll,as though she doesn't have her own soul.Higgins treats her as an object.

Also,the mon expectation of audiences 7.________women's fate is determined by men is criticized.It is

because of Eliza's reaction after the success of pretending to be a duchess.She thinks the two options 8.________(suggest) by Higgins would be selling herself.

When she was selling flowers,at least she didn't have to sell herself.She doesn't want to rely

9.________a rich

Freddy.She says she can make something of him.She values love more than

,and decides to marry a poor man,man

anything 10.________.

答案: 1.who/that 2.to love 3.are pared 4.a 5.how




1.The chair is so hard that it feels________(fort)to sit on.

2.The mistakes in your homework shouldn't________(overlook),or you'll keep them forever.
