新策略 大学英语听力3的答案

新策略 大学英语听力3的答案
新策略 大学英语听力3的答案

Unit 1 Man and AnimalsPart I In-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1—5 DCDCA 6—10 BBDBA II. Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1. he was born in the year of the pig 2. ox, dragon, rooster 3. in the order of their arrival 4. the traits 5. ideal, monkeys, snakes III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1—4 BBCD Listening Task 2 1. endangered2. preserving 3. promoting 4. requires 5. assessed 6. bans 7. reserves 8. The law also bans mining and resource exploration 9. that are potentially harmful to the ecology 10. and many other rare animals under state protection Part II After-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1—5 CDADB 6—10 DACDD II. Understanding a Conversation 1—3 BCA III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1. industry 2. strength 3. dishonesty 4. dog 5. snake 6. dove 7. two political parties in the U.S.A. Listening Task 2 1—5 FTTFFUnit 2 GeographyPart I In-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1—5 FFTTT II. Understanding a Conversation 1—4 BABA III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1—5 FFTFT Listening Task 2 1. oceanic 2. presence 3. worst 4. plain 5. resulted 6. completely 7. measurement 8. intensity 9. Every household should keep asurvival kit 10. Familiarize yourself with the designated evacuation area in your neighborhood. Part II After-class ListeningI. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task1—5 TFFTF II. Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1—5 CAACC III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1. The Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the Pearl River, the Heilong River, the Haihe River andthe Huaihe River. 2. 6,300 kilometers. 3. It marks the original home of the Chinese nation and the cradle of Chinese civilization. 4. It is the largest salt lake in China. 5. They provide water, convenient transportation and irrigation, fish and richaquatic products. Listening Task 2 1—5 FTFTTUnit 3 OceanPart I In-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1 1. 对不起,我没听懂。请再说一遍。对不起,请原谅! 2. 这是我的。(表示肯定)这是我的吗?(表示疑问)3. 你来吗?(表示询问)你来吗?(表示不高兴)4. 你说你叫什么名字?(请对方重复)5. 多精美的一件艺术品呀! 6. 我不能等那么久。(表示不耐烦)7. 现在不要回去。(表示委婉的请求)8. 我不说了。(含有既然你不听我的话)9. 感谢你来送我。(含感激)你不满意吗?(含你该满足了)ListeningTask 2 1—5 ABCAC 6—10 ABCDB II. Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1—5 BCBBC III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1—5 AAABD Listening Task 2 1. Hemisphere 2. circular 3. 14 million 4. Russia 5. Eurasia 6. Greenland 7. lowest 8. evaporation 9. outflow 10. 25% 11. undiscovered 12. abundance 13. ecosystem 14. slow 15. damage Part II After-class Listening I. Understanding B ...asic Skills Listening Task 1. 我以为一切都会很顺利。(没有直截了当表达自己的情绪) 2. 你怎么能说这样的话?(表示责怪) 3. 早点来看我噢。(表示劝说)4. 恐怕他对你不会有什么帮助。(也许别人会对你有帮助)5. 诚实是最好的美德。(表示肯定)6. 说得好不如干得好。7. 你认识他吗?(降调表示说话人对陈述部分有充分的把握)8. A:我们得走了。B:很遗憾你不能多呆一会儿。(表示遗憾)II. Understanding a Conversation ListeningTask 1—4 CABC III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1—5 FFTTT 6—8 FFTListening Task 2 1. About 7/8ths. 2. It consists of snow which is not very compact. 3. Between -15℃and -20℃. 4. Size, shape and location. 5. Radar. 6. No.

7. Yes.Unit 4 Environmental ProtectionPart I In-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1—5 BAACC 6—10 CDACC II. Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1. tropical rain forests 2. the heaven for plants 3. average rainfall, average temperature 4. disappear soon 5. related to climate, decrease in trees III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 11—4 CDAA Listening Task 2 1. actress 2. Programme 3. mission 4. awareness 5. inspire 6. focus7. threats 8. opportunity 9. I try to share this passion with my fans and the wider public 10. UNEP commends her personal commitment to a greener lifestyle and her passion to influence the public Part II After-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1—5 DBBAA 6—10 CDCAB II. Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1—4 BCBD III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1. energy 2. authorities 3. charging 4. automobile 5. Development 6. support 7. Shanghai will be able to produce 100,000 new energy vehicles every year 8. for additional subsidies for private buyers of new energy cars Listening Task 2 1—4 FFTTTest OneI. Understanding Basic Skills 1. similar 2. lives on 3. beyond the sight of 4. ride on buses 5. farming in America was often a lonely way of living 6. They learned to try new methods, and to trust their own ideas instead of following older ways II. Understanding Conversations 1—5 DACBC 6—10 DAABD III. Understanding Passages Passage 1 1. T-shirts used to be simple, short-sleeved undershirts for men and boys. 2. T-shirts are smart, comfortable and convenient to wear 3. New designs are being adopted. Passage 2 1—3 DAAUnit 5 AgriculturePart I In-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1—5 BCBC A 6—10 ABBAC II. Understanding News Listening Task 1—6 TFTFFT III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1. specialized 2. defeat 3. established 4. review 5. approve 6. governing body 7. that heads the agency 8. where all nations meet as equals to negotiate agreements and debate policy 9. in transition modernize and improve agriculture 10. ensuring good nutrition and food security for all Listening Task 2 1...—3 CDA Part II After-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1—5 BACCD 6—10 CDADD II. Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1—6 TFFTFT III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1. Aquaculture is the production of food through the controlled growth and harvesting of plants and animals that live in water. 2. One popular environment for aquaculture is small lakes or ponds surrounded by land, away from the ocean. 3. We do so in order to keep the level of oxygen high enough for the fish. 4. The best time is in cool weather. 5. Because there is no needfor costly equipment. Also, one can know ahead of time how many fish will be harvested. And bad weather does not usually affect the harvest. Listening Task 21. the global food crisis 2. The United States, Brazil, Argentina 3. integrating, conventional crop technology, crop biotechnology applications 4. increased yield, drought-tolerance, salt-tolerance, enhanced nutrition or other beneficial traits 5. widespread concerns on its health, environmental and socio-economic impactUnit 6 IT IndustryPart I In-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1. Internet usersare increasingly concerned about how much of their personal information they’re giving up in exchange 2. surfing the Internet for fun during office hours increases productivity II. Understanding a ConversationListening Task 1. there is not enough of a customer base yet 2. a little

research and relatively small investment 3. that is in demand or would be popular 4. registering a domain name, creating a website, an email address, and a hosting service III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1—4 FFFT Listening Task 2 1. The intelligent transportation system would enable traffic lights to change automatically according to traffic flows and also help drivers avoid traffic congestions by sending messages about road conditions and suggesting driving routes. 2. About 2,153. 3. The Internet of Things, or the sensor web, is a network of real-world objects linked by the Internet and interacting through web services. 4. The Internet of Things will enable new forms of communication between people and things, and between things themselves. Part II After-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1—5 BADDA 6—10 DBBCD II. Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1—4 FTTF III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1. No. 1 Amazon No. 2 Apple No.

3 Facebook No.

4 Google No. 48 Microsoft 2. social networking sites, 400 million, continually adding new features to provide users with a better user experience Listening Task 2 1. He wants to show that the Internet is now more accessible than everbefore. 2. The online retailers. 3. Because the economic crisis reminds people that newer technology, lower operating costs, and higher efficiency are crucial for a business, and Internet based businesses, which have such advantages, are likely to flourish.Unit 7 AutomobilePart ...I In-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1 1. the first 2. environmental policies 3.

5 4. also, what’s more, besides, also Listening Task 2 1—4 BDBD II. Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1—4 TTFT III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1. destructive and can be lethal 2. pleasure, convenience and freedom 3. theway they lust for women 4. even the professional mechanic 5. monitor and control engine 6. computers thatmanage every system 7. but can be replaced with new or rebuilt modules 8. only if you can afford it Listening Task 2 1—4 CBDC Part II After-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1. find the idea, appealing and attractive 2. to be learned, to be understood, to be developed, to be truly a pleasure 3. wherehousing is less expensive, in which their children can play 4. is often a major expense in the family budget 5. dominatesthe life-styles of those who live there II. Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1. 27,000 miles 2. sales tax 3. fool around 4. we give an unconditional warranty for six months 5. He’s a good mechanic, and used car dealers are not known for their honesty. III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1—3 DBD Listening Task 2 1—4 FFTTUnit 8 Space TechnologyPart I In-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1—5 ABACA 6—10 ADACA II. Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1. The flight has been delayed due to technical problems. 2. Because she has an important business meeting with the CEO of Grandey Oil! 3. Open-ended answer. III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1—4 DDAB Listening Task 2 1—5 BDABD Part II After-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1—5 BCDCB 6—8 ABC II. Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1—5 FFTFT III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1. blasted 2. approved 3. blooming 4. designated 5. institutions 6. certificate 7. promote tourism here while drawing children’s interest in science 8. The seeds will be lifted off into space around

October Listening Task 2 1—4 ABCA Test Two I. Understanding Basic Skills 1—5 BABACII. Understanding Conversations Conversation 1 1—5 BAABD Conversation 2 1—5 FFTTT III. Understanding Passages Passage 1 1. It is largely thanks to the variable climate 2. with an endless cycle of “home improvements 3. can ever be considered fully improved 4. they busy themselves installing 5. built-in furniture 6. which he buys from the DIY shop 7. all this self-servicing, self-decorating and improving 8. out of a job or two 9. But this is not the case 10. to make good for the damage caused by the amateur Passage 2 1—4 CDBB ..


Unit 14 Task 1 A reporter is interviewing some people about unusual sports. Interviewer: Hello, Andrea. I’ve just been watching you skiing. You’re really very good, aren’t you? Very fast indeed. Andrea: Thank you. I do teach skiing, you know, so I have to be good. But now I also have to be very fast, because I’ve been selected for the Olympic team and I’m traini ng for the Olympic Games next year. Interviewer: Photos, water sports are your work — water skiing, parasailing. Do you still enjoy them? Photos: Oh yes, I love water skiing particularly, but some days, when it’s raining, there’s nothing to do. So I’m learning to play chess in my spare time. It’s a nice game, you know. Interviewer: And Yannis, how old are you? Yannis: I’m fifteen. I’m on holiday at the moment and I’m helping my brother. I’m learning to drive the boat. But I live in Athens with my family. I’m a student there. Interviewer: Claude, you look very fit. How old are you? Claude: I’m fifty now. I own this windsurfing club, but I’m also the club manager. I windsurf a lot and I meet a lot of British and Canadians, so I’m studying English twice a week — in the evenings. Interviewer: Stewart, you are from Scotland, aren’t you? Stewart: Yes, I’m a bank m anager in Aberdeen. But as you know, I go underwater caving. I want to go to Borneo next summer. But it’s a very dangerous sport so I’m practicing diving every weekend, at the moment. Task 2 【答案】 1) b, 2) Lift the club backwards away from the ball; keeping left arm straight till you get to the top of the wing; keep your head down; keep looking at the ball; swing down; hit the ball; throw that club towards the hole. 3) c, 4) Bend your knees; thrust your hands back; go into the water; make your heads follow, go straight in and your legs follow; put your hands back, behind your back. 5) c, 6) Take your left hand; get some hair on its neck; get a good firm hold; lift your left leg; put it in the stirrup; hang on tight with your left hand onto the hair; your toes are facing towards its back; put your other hand on the back of the saddle; swing your leg over the back. 【原文】 Extract 1:


Unit 1 Task 1 【答案】 A. unusual, whatever, escape, traditions, present, grey, moulded, shape, here B. 1) Students were forbidden to play games, to sing (except sacred music), to hunt or fish or even to dance. 2) When people went anywhere on a visit, the pretty English girls all kissed them. 3) Erasmus, Bacon, Milton, Cromwell, and Newton (or Wordsworth, Byron, Tennyson, etc.) 【原文】 My coming to Cambridge has been an unusual experience. From whatever country one comes as a student one cannot escape the influence of the Cambridge traditions---and they go back so far! Here, perhaps, more than anywhere else, I have felt at one and the same time the past, the present and even the future. It’s easy to see in the old grey stone buildings how the past moulded the present and how the present is giving shape to the future. So let me tell you a little of what this university town looks like and how it came to be here at all. The story of the University began, so far as I know, in 1209 when several hundred students and scholars arrived in the little town of Cambridge after having walked 60 miles from Oxford. Of course there were no colleges in those early days and student life was very different from what it is now. Students were of all ages and came from anywhere and everywhere. They were armed; some even banded together to rob the people of the countryside. Gradually the idea of the college developed, and in 1284, Peterhouse, the oldest college in Cambridge, was founded. Life in college was strict; students were forbidden to play games, to sing (except sacred music), to hunt or fish or even to dance. Books were very scarce and all the lessons were in the Latin language which students were supposed to speak even among themselves. In 1440 King Henry VI founded King’s College, and the other colleges followed. Erasmus, the great Dutch scholar, was at one of these, Queens’ College, from 1511 to 1513, and though he wrote that the college beer was “weak and badly made”, he also mentioned a pleasant custom that unfor tunately seems to have ceased. “The English girls are extremely pretty,” Erasmus said, “soft, pleasant, gentle, and charming. When you go anywhere on a visit the girls all kiss you. They kiss you when you arrive. They kiss you when you go away and again when you return.” Many other great men studied at Cambridge, among them Bacon, Milton, Cromwell, Newton, Wordsworth, Byron and Tennyson. Task 2 【答案】 A. 1) a) 2) b) 3) a) 4) c) B. 1) They usually wear black gowns—long gowns that hang down to the feet are for graduates, and shorter ones for undergraduates. 2) Women students do not play a very active part in university life at Cambridge, but they work harder than men. C. 1) meadows, green, peaceful, bending into, intervals, deep coloured, reflection, contrasts, lawns 2) peace, scholarship, peace, suggest, stretches, charmingly cool, graceful 【原文】 Now let me give you some idea of what you would see if you were to talk around Cambridge. Let us imagine that I am seeing the sights for the first time. It is a quite market town and the shopping centre extends for quite a large area, but I notice more bookshops than one normally sees in country towns, and more tailors’ shops showing in their windows the black gowns that students must wear—long gowns that hang down to the feet for graduates and shorter


新策略大学英语听力教程3听力答案(unit 1-test 3) Unit 1 Man and Animals Part I In-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1—5 DCDCA 6—10 BBDBA II. Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1. he was born in the year of the pig 2. ox, dragon, rooster 3. in the order of their arrival 4. the traits 5. ideal, monkeys, snakes III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1—4 BBCD Listening Task 2 1. endangered 2. preserving 3. promoting 4. requires 5. assessed 6. bans 7. reserves 8. The law also bans mining and resource exploration 9. that are potentially harmful to the ecology 10. and many other rare animals under state protection Part II After-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1—5 CDADB 6—10 DACDD II. Understanding a Conversation 1—3 BCA III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1. industry 2. strength 3. dishonesty 4. dog 5. snake 6. dove 7. two political parties in the U.S.A. Listening Task 2 1—5 FTTFF Unit 2 Geography Part I In-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1—5 FFTTT II. Understanding a Conversation 1—4 BABA III. Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1—5 FFTFT Listening Task 2 1. oceanic 2. presence 3. worst 4. plain 5. resulted 6. completely 7. measurement 8. intensity 9. Every household should keep a survival kit 10. Familiarize yourself with the designated evacuation area in your neighborhood. Part II After-class Listening I. Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1—5 TFFTF II. Understanding a Conversation


Unit1 Task1 【答案】 A. 1)SusanHudsonandinterculturalCommunication 2)TheclasswillmeetintheroomtheRareinnowandOnTuesdaRandThursdaRfrom3:15to4:50. 3)TheRcanpurchasetheteRtbookatthebookstorethedaRaftertomorrow. 4)Theofficehoursarefrom1:00to2:00onWednesdaRs. B. 1)thefirsthalf,theresearchlab,ThursdaR,405,thelasttwomonths 2)outline,performance,quizzes,project,participation 【原文】 OkaR,okaR,let’s begin.Hello,everRone.MR name’s SusanHudsonand I’ll beRourteacherforthiscl ass,InterculturalCommunication. Uh,tobeginwith,pleasetakealookatthesRllabus(教学大纲)infrontofRou.AsRouallshouldknowbRnow,thisclassmeetsonTuesdaRsfrom3:15to4:50.Wewillbeme etinginthisroomforthefirsthalfofthecourse,butwewillbeusingtheresearchlabeverRotherweekonThur sdaRinRoom405duringthelasttwomonthsoftheclass. Uh,thisistheteRtfortheclass,BeRondLanguage.UnfortunatelR,thebooks haven’t comeinRet,butI wastoldthatRoushouldbeabletopurchase(购买)thematthebookstorethedaRaftertomorrow.Again,asRouseeonRourcourseoutline,gradingisdetermin edbRRourperformanceonamidtermandfinaltest,periodic(周期的、定期的)quizzes(问答比赛),uh,aresearchproject,andclassroomparticipation(参加、参与). MRofficehoursarefrom1:00to2:00onWednesdaRs,andRoucansetupanappointmenttomeetwith meatothertimesaswell. Task2 【答案】 A. 1)AccordingtothesRllabus,thebookheislookingforisinthelibrarR,buthe couldn’t findit. 2)Thatmeansthestudentcannotfindthebookontheshelvesinitsusualplace.She/Heneedstogotoaspecialr oomcalledthereserveroom. 3)TheprofessorwantseverRoneintheclasstoreadthechapter.Ifonestudentremovesthebookfromthelibr arR,itislikelRthatnoneoftheotherstudentswillhavetheopportunitRtoreadit.So,Rourprofessorhasinsur edthatallstudentshavetheopportunitRtoreaditbRplacingitonreserve. B. 1)F,2)T,3)F 【原文】 Librarian:CanIhelpRou? Student:Res.Iamabitconfused.MRsociologRclassissupposedtoreadachapter(章、回)inabookcalled SociologRandtheModernAge.AccordingtothesRllabus,thebookisinthelibra rR,butI haven’t beenabletofindit. Librarian:DoRouhaveRoursRllabuswithRou?MaRIseeit? Student:Res,uh...IputitinthefrontofmRsociologRnotebook.Res,hereitis. Librarian:Letmesee.OhRes.Rourprofessorhasplacedthisbookonreserve.ThatmeansRoucannotfindit ontheshelvesinitsusualplace.Rouneedtogotoaspecialroomcalledthereserveroom.It’s dow nthehallandtotheright. Student:I’m sorrR—Istill don’t understandwhatRoumeanbRonreserve. Librarian:Rousee,RourprofessorwantseverRoneintheclasstoreadthechapter.Ifonestudentremovesthe bookfromthelibrarR,itislikelRthatnoneoftheotherstudentswillhavetheopportunitRtoreadi t.So,RourprofessorhasinsuredthatallstudentshavetheopportunitRtoreaditbRplacingitonre serve. Student:So,willIbeabletofindthisbook? Librarian:Res,whenabookisonreserve,astudentcangotothereserveroomandaskthereservelibrarianfor thebook.Thestudentcanhavethebookforafewhours,andheorsheMUSTreaditinthelibrarRd uringthattime.ThatwaR,thebookstaRsinthelibrarR,andallstudentshaveachancetoreadit. Student:OK.ThankRou.Iunderstandnow.


Unit 9 Task 1 【原文】 pere: And now for our first question. It es from Mrs. June Moore. Mrs. Moore? Mrs. Moore: Does the panel think that puters will change our lives? pere: Mrs. Moore wants to know if puters will change our lives. Philip Barnes? Philip Barnes: puters have already changed our lives. Business is more efficient. Planes and trains provide a better service... Miss Anderson: Just a moment, Mr. Barnes. You may be right about business, but how many people have lost their jobs because of puters? puters have changed our lives, but I don't want my life changed. Arthur Haines: Excuse me, Miss Anderson. We're talking about our lives, not your life. The puter will affect everyone in the world. Records can be kept of everything we do. Records will be kept of all our private lives. In my opinion, the puter is the greatest disaster of the 20th century. Phyllis Archer: Could I interrupt? Arthur Haines says the puter is a disaster, but the puter is a machine. It was invented by people; it is used by people. If the puter is a disaster, then people are a disaster. pere: Thank you, Phyllis Archer. Thank you, panel. And thank you, Mrs. Moore. Task 2 【答案】 A.


第一部分 1.Woman: This is my family. I'm married. My husband's name is Bill. We have two children — a boy and a girl. Our little girl is six years old, and our little boy is four. Jennie goes to kindergarten, and Aaron goes to nursery school. My father lives with us. Grandpa's great with the kids. He loves playing with them and taking them to the park or the zoo. 2.Man: This is a picture of me and my three sons. We're at a soccer game. Orlando is twelve, Louis is ten, and Carlos is nine. All three of them really like sports. Orlando and Louis play baseball. Carlos is into skating. 3.Man: This is my wife June, and these are my three children. Terri on the right is the oldest. She's in high school. She's very involved in music. She's in the orchestra. Rachel — she's the one in the middle — is twelve now. And this is my son Peter. He's one year older than Rachel. Rachel and Peter are both in junior high school. Time really flies. June and I have been married for twenty years now. 4.Woman: This is a picture of me with my three kids. The girls, Jill and Anne, are both in high school. This is Jill on the right. She'll graduate next year. Anne is two years younger. My son Dan is in college. It seems like the kids are never home. I see them for dinner and sometimes on Saturday mornings, but that's about it. They're really busy and have a lot of friends. 第二部分 John: It's super, Mary. It's just what I wanted. Mary: Well, I know you said your old calculator was no good any more. John: Well, it wasn't that it was no good. It just wouldn't do all the things I need to do at work. And it certainly wouldn't remember telephone numbers for me like this one. Mary: I suppose you're going to start putting in numbers straightaway. John: I've put in one while we've been chatting. I've put in our solicitor's number. You know how often I need to call him on company contracts. Mary: So what others are you going to put in?


Unit 1 Part I A 1. Oxford / commitment / academic record 2. oldest/ largest / reputation / research / science 3. first / Australia / 150 years / excels 4. excellence / / location 5. largest / 1883 / situated / 26,000 6. 1636 / enrollment / 18,500/ schools 7. awards / degrees / 20,000 8. located / 135 / third B 1.2,700 languages / 7,000 dialects / regional / pronunciation 2.official / language 3.One billion / 20 percent 4.Four hundred million / first / 600 million / second / foreign 5.500,000 words / Eighty percent / other 6.Eighty percent / computers

7.African country / same 8.1,000 / Africa 9.spaceship / 1977 / 55 / message / the United States C 1 – (a) 2 – ( c) 3 – ( d) 4 – (b ) All right, class. Today we’re going to be looking at different language learning styles. You may be surprised to find that there are different ways of going about learning languages, none of which is necessarily better than the others. Researchers have identified four basic learner “types”–the communicative learner, the analytical learner, the authority-oriented learner and the concrete learner. Communicative learners like to learn by watching and listening to native speakers. At home, they like to learn by watching TV and videos. They like to learn new words by hearing them. In class, they like to learn by having conversations. Now, concrete learners like to lean by playing games, by looking at pictures and videos in class, talking in pairs, and by listening to cassettes at home and school. Now, authority-oriented learners, on the other hand, like the teacher to explain everything. They like to write everything down in their


Unit 1 Warming up 1. F 2.NG 3.T Listening Short conversations 1. C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B Long conversation 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.D Passage 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C Radio program 1. a journalism degree 2. pretty good 3. about what she has 4. you just want more 5. protective of his family Homework Task 1 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B Task 2 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.D Task 3 1.slice 2.misunderstandings 3.beautiful 4.benefits 5.wellness 6.range 7.explicit 8.has been tracking more than a million sujects since 1979 9.have fewer heart attacks and lower cancer rates 10.a strong sense of connection to others and in satisfying relationship Unit 2 Warming up 1. Running, swimming, and lifting weights 2. Exercise makes him happy, keeps his stress level down, and gives him all sorts of energy for his work and family. 3. Well, there is no swimming pool near my home and i can't swim every day. But anyway, I


Part III Practice One Ex.1. 1. ice-skating 2. chemistry 3. outgoing, bright, funny 4. moody, self-centered 5. wavy blond 6. runner-up Ex.2. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T Practice Two Ex.1. 1. Four 2. Colleagues 3. Teacher 4. Susan 5. Barbara Ex.2. 1) Paul D E J 2) Susan B F 3) Maria C H 4) Peter A G I Practice Three Ex.1 1. energetic 2. patient 3. honest 4. stubborn 5. creative Ex.2 1. favorite way to relax 2. how to divide 3. bad unripe 4. stiff sore 5. fastening a basketball hoop Practice Four Ex.1 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 1. It was easy to tell the English from the British. 2. Speaking the same language helped one Australian visitor a lot. 3. By “much nicer”, one of the visitors meant th at the British people were more friendly than people of other countries. 4. The majority of continentals thought hightly of English manners. 5. To the young student from South Africa, Britain seemed to have a lot of foreign visitors. Ex.2. 1) flattering 2) critical 3) popular 4) reserved 5) English Ex.3. 1) understand the Scots’ English 2) the friendliest people 3) most hospitable 4) much nicer than 5) English courtesy 6) no views on the matter/no comments. Unit 3 Part III Practice One Ex.1. 1. natural riches 2. desert 3. extinction 4. species 5. oxyen 6. economic development 7. conservation 8. valuable income 9. awareness 10. slow down


新发展大学英语听力教程(4)参考答案 Unit 1 Urban Life or Rural Life Pre-listening Activities apartment;contract Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10. B Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A Task Three Understanding Passages Passage One 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C Passage Two 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B Passage Three 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C Task Four Compound Dictation 1. drawbacks 2. education 3. facilities 4.studying 5. widespread 6. develop 7. attend 8. serious 9. There are no companies or factories that would offer people employment 10. who have to work very hard in the fields to earn their living

11. Another bad side of country life is the lack of entertainment Listening and Speaking Task 1 1. Most of Canada’s happiest cities are on the East Coast. 2.She can withstand brutal winters by focusing on“the warmth and the friendliness of people”. 3. Knowing your neighbors and trusting those around you is a key reason.Task 2 (略) Listening Skills for Long Conversations 19. A20. D21. D Learn English Through Songs someone;alone;hide;storm;cares;heaven;getting;promise Unit 2 Different Kinds of Love Pre-listening Activities different kinds of love Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1.C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.C 10. B Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. B Task Three Understanding Passages
