






His future subjects have not always treated the Prince of Wales with the respect one might expect.


选词填空的第一句话通常不设空,主要交代全文的大意。在本句话中,future subjects是指“未来的人民/臣民”;Prince of Wales是指“威尔士王子,即查尔斯王子”。(PS:可以看出这篇文章的主题是英国的查尔斯王子以及他的故事。)参考译文:



They laughed aloud in 1986 when the heir to the British __1__ told a TV reporter that he talked to his plants at his country house, Highgrove, to stimulate their growth.


本句话中出现了the heir:(继承人),从句意可以推断the heir to the British __1__应该是指“英国王室的继承人”,也就是查尔斯王子的身份。在备选单词中,throne 的意思是“王位、王权”,是正确答案,意思与kingdom相近。


1986年,这位英国王室的继承人告诉一个电视台记者说,他在自己的乡村别墅(Highgrove)中,曾经对着植物说话,刺激他们的生长,结果遭到了人们的哈哈大笑(PS:注意不是嘲笑laugh at; 而是laugh aloud:大声笑)


The Prince was being humorous—“My sense of humor will get me into trouble one day,” he said to his aides (随从)—but listening to Charles Windsor can indeed prove stimulating. The royal __2__ has been promoting radical ideas for most of his adult life.


第二空之前有很长的一句话,是对查尔斯王子的描述,大家只需要看懂关键词humorous(幽默的)就可以了,这位王子原来生活中很风趣。来看第二空,the royal______, 空格前面是一个形容词royal (皇家的、王室的),看来空格处应该填入一个名词。在备选单词中,只有environmentalist(环保主义者)最符合语义,而且前文有暗示查尔斯王子很喜欢园艺。




Some of his __3__, which once sounded a bit weird, were simply ahead of their time. Now, finally, the world seems to be catching up with him.


此处空格处很明显也是一个名词,而且是一个复数名词。根据后面的定语从句(听着有些奇怪),我们可以推测出空格处的名词应该表示“观点、想法”,与前一句中的ideas 是同义词,在备选单词中,notions是最佳答案,意思是“观点、想法、理念”。




Take his views on farming. Prince Charles’ Duchy Home Farm went __4__ back in 1986, when most shoppers cared only about the low price tag on suspiciously blemish-free (无瑕疵的) vegetables and __5__ large chickens piled high in supermarkets.


这两空出现在一句话中,我们可以综合考虑。这句话的主题是谈论查尔斯王子的农场(还记得他曾经对着植物讲话吗?)第四空went ____back in 1986的意思是“追溯到1986年”,中间空格处只能填入一个副词,意思是“这一想法最初可以追溯到1986年。”在备选单词中,副词originally (最初的)意思最为符合原文,同义词是initially (最初的);后一句话中,__5__ large chickens的空格处应该是一个形容词,形容形体很大的鸡肉,与前文的无瑕疵的蔬菜构成并列短语,这句话的意思是“当年人们还热衷于在超市购买无瑕疵的蔬菜和体型大到不自然的鸡肉,(查尔斯王子就开始种植有机蔬菜了)。”在备选单词中,形容词unnaturally (非自然的、非同寻常的)意思最符合原文,是正确答案。




His warnings on climate change proved farsighted, too. Charles began __6__ action on global warming in 1990 and says he has been worried about the __7__ of man on the environment since he was a teenager.


这段文字的第一句话给我们很多的提示:查尔斯王子还关注气候变化。第6空处应该填入一个动词,构成began to do sth. 或者began doing sth. 在备选单词中,urging (敦促)的意思最为符合原文,即beg an urging actions on…(开始敦促采取…措施);后一句话似乎就简单很多,定冠词the后面一定是名词,the ____ on … 大意应该是“人类对环境产生的影响”,在备选单词中,impact (影响)绝对是独一无二的选择。




Although he has gradually gained international __8__ as one of the world’s leading conservationists, many British people still think of him as an __9__ person who talks to plants.


前一句话中,我们根据第八空所处的位置可以判断:这里是一个名词,gain international______,大意是“获得国际关注/名气”,在备选单词中,recognition (认可、关注)是正确答案,意思近似于单词popularity , fame.这句话与后一句话是转折关系,即便查尔斯王子的国际知名度很高,可是很多英国人仍然觉得他_____,因为他喜欢跟植物讲话。空格处应该填入一个形容词eccentric (怪异的、古怪的),相当于odd (古怪的)(PS:话说英国行为古怪的人还真是不少呢!)




This year, as it happens, South Korean scientists proved that plants really do __10__ to sound. So Charles was ahead of the game there, too.

最后一句话的意思直接明了,我们通过大意来推测:今年,韩国科学家证明植物对声音真的会产生______,查尔斯王子又一次走在了时代的前沿,(甩了老百姓几条街!)正确答案应该是respond (反应),你选对了吗?





六级选词填空练习题书 Questionstoare based on the following passage. I’ve twice been to college admissions wars, and as I survey the battle field, something different is happening. It’s one upmanship among parents. We see our kids collegeas trophies attesting to how well we’ve raised them. But we can’t acknowledge that our obsession is more about us than them. So we’ve contrived variousthat turn out to be haft truths, prejudices or myths. We have a full blown prestige panic; we worry that there won’t be enough trophies to go around. Fearful parents urge their children to apply to more schools than ever. Underlying the hysteria is the belief that scarcedegrees must be highly valuable. Their graduates must enjoy more success because they get a better education and develop better contacts. All that’s9and mostly wrong. Selective schools don’t systematically 0 better instructional approaches than less-selective schools. Some do; some don’t. On two measures--professors feedback and the number of essay

2017年6月英语六级阅读真题及答案 第1套 选词填空

2017年6月英语六级阅读真题及答案第1套选词填空 After becoming president of Purdue University in2013, Mitch Daniels asked the faculty to prove that their students have actually achieved one of higher education’s most important goals: critical thinking skills. Two years before, a nationwide study of college graduates had shown that more than a third had made no 26 gains in such mental abilities during their school years. Mr. Daniels needed to__27__ the high cost of attending Purdue to its students and their families. After all, the percentage of Americans who say a college degree is "very important" has fallen 28 in the last 5-6 years. Purdue now has a pilot test to assess students' critical thinking skills. Yet like many college " such as a graduate's ability to investigate and reason. However, the professors need not worry so much. The results of a recent experiment showed that professors can use __31__ metrics to measure how well students do in three key areas: critical thinking, written communication, and quantitative literacy. Despite the success of the experiment, the actual results are worrisome, and mostly __32__ earlier studies. The organizers of the experiment concluded that far fewer students were achieving high levels on critical thinking than they were doing for written communication or quantitative literacy. And that conclusion is based only on students nearing graduation. American universities, despite their global 33__ for excellence in teaching, have only begun to demonstrate what they can produce in real-world learning. Knowledge-based degrees are still important, but employers are still important, but employers are __34__ advanced thinking skills from college graduates. If the intellectual worth of a college degree can be __35__ measured, more people will seek higher education—and come out better thinkers. A. accurately B. confirm C. demanding D. doubtful E. drastically F. justify G. monopolized H. outcome I. predominance J. presuming K. reputation L. significant M. signify N. simultaneously O. standardized 答案:(26)L. significant (27)F. justify (28)E. drastically (29)D. doubtful (30)H. outcome (31)O. standardized (32)B. confirm (33)K. reputation (34)C. demanding (35)A. accurately 2017年6月英语六级阅读真题及答案第1套仔细阅读2篇 Open data sharers are still in the minority in many fields. Although many researchers broadly agree that public access to raw data would accelerate science, most are reluctant to post the results of their own labors online. Some communities have agreed to share online—geneticists, for example, post DNA sequence sat the GenBank repository (库) , and astronomers are accustomed to accessing images of galaxies and stars from, say, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, a telescope that has observed some500 million objects—but these remain the excepti on, not the rule. Historically, scientists have objected to sharing for many reasons: it is a lot of work; until recently, good databases did not


大学英语六级选词填空练习(3) 导读:本文大学英语六级选词填空练习(3),仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage. Culture is the sum total of all the traditions, customs, beliefs, and ways of life of a given group of human beings. In this (36), every group has a culture, however savage, undeveloped, or uncivilized it may seem to us. To the professional anthropologist (人类学家), there is no intrinsic (37)of one culture over another, just as to the professional linguist there is no intrinsic hierarchy(等级制度) among languages. People once thought of the languages of backward groups as (38)and undeveloped forms of speech,consisting largely of grunts and groans. While it is possible that language in general began as a series of grunts and groans, it is a fact established by the study of "backward" languages that no spoken tongue answers that description today. Most


大学英语四级阅读:选词填空技巧汇总 选词填空的考察形式 一篇280词左右的文章,文章中挖出10个空,并统一给出A-O 15个备选答案。选词填空区别于完形填空,有更大的解题难度,原因在于: 1. 完形填空每题都是四选一,选词填空第一题要十五选一,就算用到排除法,最后一题也要六选一,而且在十五个选项中还有五个根本不会用到,难度加大; 2. 完形填空每题的四个选项都是统一的词性,只需要辨析词义、搭配就基本可以作答,而选词填空的十五个选项有多个词性,解题时需要同时判断词性和词义,难度加大; 3. 完形填空每题的四个选项往往都是统一时态,统一形式,而在选词填空中会涉及选项的动词时态、第三人称单数形式、被动主动语态,名词的单复数等的辨析,难度加大。 针对选词填空的解题方法分为三步 1. 预览选项,了解词义并把选项分为四大类词性:名词n,动词v,形容词a,副词ad,在每个选项后作词性的简要标记; 2. 精读全文开头,把握文章主题,并以三个空或一个段落为一个单位,利用前后文判 断每空的词性; 3. 把对应词性的选项逐一带回原文,含义通顺,时态、主谓搭配一致的为正确选项。 四级考试的常用后缀在判断选项词性时可以有一定帮助作用。在根据前后文判断每空的词性时,一些经常考察的形式如下: 名词:通常来说,冠词(如a,an,the)、形容词、介词后面搭配名词,即"a/an/the/adj./prep. + n。", 举例说明:Education soon became a _____. 冠词a后面加可数名词的单数形式,正确答案是nightmare,这句话的意思是"教育很快成了一种噩梦。" As the trade winds lessen in _____, the ocean temperatures rise causing the Peru current flowing in from the east to warm up by as much as 5 degrees. (06-6) 介词in后面加名词,正确答案是strength,这句话的意思是"当信风强度减弱的时候,海洋温度上升,导致从东部流入的秘鲁洋流上升了5摄氏度之多。"较难的一个例子:Husbands and children now do some of these jobs, a ____ that has changed the target market for many products. (06-12) 这里可以用两种判断方法来判断横线处所填词的词性。第一种方法,用句子结构来判断,前面一句话,husbands and children now do some of these jobs,这是一个完整的句子,主语husbands and children,谓语动词do,宾语some of these jobs;后面的that 引导的是一个同位语从句,它所修饰的中心词就是a后面需要填的词,而定语从句的中心词是名词,所以横线处应填一个名词。第二种方法,根据刚才所说的"a + 名词"的语法规则来判断,横线处应该填一个名词,而且是一个可数名词的单数形式。正确答案是situation。这句话的意思是"丈夫和孩子现在也做一些这样的工作了,这种情况就改变了许多产品的目标市场。" 动词:动词的考点很多,我们来看其中三种: 1. 主语后缺谓语动词。举例说明:He ____ from his teachers, came home in tears and thought about dropping out. 在这句话里,主语是he,本来后面应该有一个动词作谓语,但是这里没有动词,而是在横线后面出现了一个介词短语from his teachers,这样这句话就缺少谓语动词,所以横线上应该填一个动词。正确答案是hid,这句话的意思是"他不愿见老师,


2016年12月大学英语六级选词填空试题 及答案 The typical pre-industrial family not only had a good many children, but numerous other dependents as well---grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousions. Such "extended" families were suited for survival in slow paced __1__ societies. But such families are hard to __2__. They are immobile.Industrialism demanded masses of workers ready and able to move off the land in pursuit of jobs, and to move again whenever necessary. Thus the extended family __3__ shed its excess weight and the so-called "nuclear" family emerged---a stripped-down, portable family unit __4__ only of parents and a small set of children. This new style family, far more __5__ than the traditional extended family, became the standard model in all the industrial counties. Super-industrialism, however, the next stage of eco-technological development, __6__ even higher mobility.


大学英语六级选词填空 完全攻略 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

大学英语六级选词填空应试技巧 ——胡一、了解题型 选词填空又称15选10,在仔细阅读部分,是新增题型。试题文章长约200到250个单词,10个空格,备选词汇共15个,每个空格只准选用一个单词,每个词不能重复使用。备选词汇是名词,动词,形容词和副词,虚词不在考核范围内。 二、应试方法及步骤 1、按照词缀准确判断15个单词的词性,将同一词性的备选单词归为一组,如果遇到动词还可以按照时态进行第二次分类,尽量将15个单词的类别分得越细越好。 2、只读试题所在的原句,通过前后词判断空内应填入词性和语法属性,通过上下句判断时态,回到相对应的词性组选择单词,如果遇到动词则需注意时态。 3、本试题并不侧重考察同义词辨析和固定搭配,否则就是完型填空,因此,只要能判断试题所在的句子所需要的词性和语法属性就不难找到正确答案。 4、未必要按顺序作题,因为本来就无须了解文章的意思,只读句子,遇到哪个简单就先做哪个,难的放到后面做,因为备选范围在不断缩小。 5、正确答案应满足语法和词性要求,句意通顺。 设题原则: 设题原则是首句不设空,而且通常情况下此句是总体句,弄清此句有利于理解全 文。一句话中不设两空,设空比较均匀,基本覆盖全文。 选项特点: 10个空格考察的全部是实词, 词性分配的基本比例: 3个名词正确答案+1个名词干扰答案 3个动词正确答案+1个动词干扰答案 3个形容词正确答案+2个形容词干扰答案 1个副词正确答案+1个副词干扰答案。


2016年12月大学英语六级选词填空试题及答案 The typical pre-industrial family not only had a good many children, but numerous other dependents as well---grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousions. Such "extended" families were suited for survival in slow paced __1__ societies. But such families are hard to __2__. They are immobile.Industrialism demanded masses of workers ready and able to move off the land in pursuit of jobs, and to move again whenever necessary. Thus the extended family __3__ shed its excess weight and the so-called "nuclear" family emerged---a stripped-down, portable family unit __4__ only of parents and a small set of children. This new style family, far more __5__ than the traditional extended family, became the standard model in all the industrial counties. Super-industrialism, however, the next stage of eco-technological development, __6__ even higher mobility. Thus we may expect many among the people of the future to carry the streamlinling process, a stePfurther by remaining children, cutting the family down to its more __7__ components, aman and a woman. Two people, perhaps with matched careers, will prove more efficient at navigating through


2019英语六级选词填空练习题(1) Questions 36 to 45 are based an the following passage. It's an annual occurrence in the dry season: a smoky, hazardous haze blankets southern Malaysia and Singapore. This year it was so bad that in some affected areas there was a 100 percent rise in the number of asthma cases. Hundreds of schools were closed, and the government of Malaysia (36)______gas masks. The source of the pollution lies across the Malacca Strait in Indonesia where (37) ______burning of forests to clear space for palm oil plantations continues unabated Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono offered a public (38)______for what has happened and asked for the understanding of Singapore and Malaysia. The Indonesian president promised to prosecute anyone (39)______in illegal slash-and-bum activities.Eight Southeast Asian companies are reportedly under (40)______ But the ongoing deforestation seems to contradict past promises. In 2009, President Yudhoyono pledged to reduce by 26 percent greenhouse gas (41)______, caused mostly by deforestation. And in 2011he instituted a moratorium protecting designated forest areas. In exchange, (42)______ conscious Norway pledged $1 billion to support these efforts. Ariana Alisjahbana at the World Resources Institute says local officials are not supporting the national


2019年英语六级选词填空习题及答案(9) Sport is not only physically challenging, but it can also be mentally challenging. Criticismfrom coaches, parents, and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create an excessiveamount of __1__ or stress for young athletes. Stress can be physical, emotional, or psychologicaland research has indicated that it can lead to burnout. Burnout has been described as __2__ orquitting of an activity that was at one time enjoyable.The early years of development are __3__ years for learning about oneself. The sport settingis one where valuable experiences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how to__4__ with others, make friends, and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives.Coaches and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback to youngsters can __5__affect their children. Youngsters may take their parents’ and coaches’ criticisms to heart and find aflaw(缺陷)in themselves.Coaches and parents should also be __6__ that youth sport participation does not become workfor children. That outcome of the game should not be more important than the __7__ of learning thesport and other life lessons. In today’s youth sport setting, young athletes may be worrying moreabout who will win instead of __8__ themselves and the sport. Following a game many parents andcoaches __9__ on the outcome and find fault with youngsters’ performances. Positive reinforcementshould be provided regardless of the outcome. Research indicates that positive reinforcement motivatesand has a greater effect on learning that criticism. Again,


英语六级新题型选词填空练习题及答案 A novel way of making computer memories,using bacteria FOR half a century,the(1)__________of progress in the computer industry has been to do more with less.Moore's law famously observes that the number of transistors which can be crammed into a given space(2)__________ every 18 months. The amount of data that can be stored has grown at a similar rate. Yet as(3)__________ get smaller,making them gets harder and more expensive. On May 10th Paul Otellini,the boss of Intel,a big American chipmaker,put the price of a new chip factory at around $10 billion. Happily for those that lack Intel's resources,there may be a cheaper option—namely to mimic Mother Nature, who has been building tiny(4)__________,in the form of living cells and their components,for billions of years,and has thus got rather good at it. A paper published in Small,a nanotechnology journal,sets out the latest example of the(5)__________. In it,a group of researchers led by Sarah Staniland at the University of Leeds,in Britain,describe using naturally occurring proteins to make arrays of tiny magnets,similar to those employed to store information in disk drives.The researchers took their(6)__________ from Magnetospirillum magneticum,a bacterium that is sensitive to the Earth's magnetic field thanks to the presence within its cells of flecks of magnetite,a form of iron oxide. Previous work has isolated the protein that makes these miniature compasses. Using genetic engineering,the team managed to persuade a different bacterium—Escherichia coli,a ubiquitous critter that is a workhorse of biotechnology—to(7)__________ this protein in bulk. Next,they imprinted a block of gold with a microscopic chessboard pattern of chemicals. Half the squares contained anchoring points for the protein. The other half were left untreated as controls. They then dipped the gold into a solution containing the protein,allowing it to bind to the treated squares,and dunked the whole lot into a heated(8)__________ of iron salts. After that,they examined the results with an electron microscope. Sure enough,groups of magnetite grains had materialised on the treated squares,shepherded into place by the bacterial protein. In principle,each of these magnetic domains could store the one or the zero of a bit of information,according to how it was polarised.


2019 年 6 月英语六级选词填空答案【已公布】第一套: 选词填空 26. D) enabling 解析:因为该空之后是名词human可能会被误认为需要填形容词,但是之前的and提醒我们要注意整个并列结构。根据之前的is bringing ,能够推出该空需要填动词,再加上之后的to live on 以及文意,能够推出应该使用enabling 。 27. H) generously 解析:该空之前和之后都是动词,所以只有可能填副词,又因为之前的句子中有一个this entrepreneur has 做定语从句在修饰fortune, 基本能够确定副词在修饰comes而不是has,再根据文意,该公司的财富绝大部分来自的是实际的成就,故选择generously 。 28. N) terrified 解析:该空之前是are,之后是一个介词about,能够推出该空需要填形容词,再看到后半句的fear ,能够推出整句话都是负面的感情,故选择terrified 。

L) smart 解析:该空处于一个搭配so+adj. 或adv.+that (如此... 以至于)之中,能够推出需要填的是形容词或者副词,再加上文意推出,人类害怕机器人太聪明而谋杀人类,选择smart 。 I) misleading 解析:该空之前出现一个副词,且之前还有动词are ,能够推理出来应 该填入形容词。而之后说人类有水平去处理机器人的问题,说明之前的担心是错误的,故选用misleading 。 31. E) eventually 解析:该空处于两个动词之间,且有双逗号隔开,能够推出使用副词。而整个答案之中只有两个副词,eventually 和generously (之前已选),故选择eventually 。而从文意中也能够理解:最终,拥有机器人就像是拥有一个兼具保姆和护士功能的机器。 A)amassed 解析:该空处于名词之前,能够推出使用形容词。根据文意,机器人 有护士和保姆的功能所需要的智能可能会超过Musk设想的机器,故选 择amassed (慢慢聚集的)。


解题思路 选词填空答题步骤: 第一步,标注词性,预先分组; 第二步,浏览全文,判断词性; 第三步,同性比 较,精确定位; 第四步,带入选项,通读检查。 对原文空缺处的单词进行词性预判,对15 个选项进行词性归类后,可以将选择范围逐渐缩小为4选1,3选1,甚至是2选1,这是选词填空解题的关键步骤,所以我们将介绍几种选词填空答题中常用的判断词性的方法。 附:词性分类表 1、V.动词: 以en, fy, ize, ate 结尾的词一般都是动词 如shorten, terrify, realize, maturate maturate 2、副词: 以ly 结尾的词大多是副词 (除friendly, costly, deadly, monthly, weekly, yearly, daily 这些词都是形容词) 3、a dj 形容词: 以able, ous, tic, ful, al, ible, tiVe, less, like, logical, most, proof, some 结尾形容词后缀: ?able和?ible表示可以,能够,eg : eatable , edible ?less 表示否定,eg : homeless ?like 表示像,eg :humanlike ?logical 表示学科的, 4、n,名词: 以ty, cy , age, ance, ence, ( ian, ist, er, ee, ess, ) ry, or, dom, ese, t ion, sion, hood, ( ics, logy) ing, ism, ling, ment, ness, ship, ture 结尾eg: society ,policy ,storage ,entrance ,confidence ,librarian ,employee ,scie ntist ,history, wisdom ,actress ,economics ,building ,adVenture, marxism ?ian,~ist 表示专业人士


最新六级英语选词填空练习题带答案解析 六级英语选词填空练习题原文 Judging from recent surveys, most experts in sleep behavior agree that there is virtually anepidemic of sleepiness in the nation. "I can’t think of a single study that hasn’t foundAmericans getting less sleep than they ought to." says Dr. David. The beginning of our sleep deficit crisis can be _1_ to the invention of the light bulb a centuryago. From diary entries and other personal _2_ from the 18th and 19th centuries, sleepscientists have reached the conclusion that the average person used to sleep about 9.5 hoursa night. By the 1950s and 1960s, that sleep schedule had been reduced _3_ to between 7.5and 8 hours, and most people had to wake to an alarm clock. "People cheat on their sleep, andthey don’t even _4_ they’re doing it," says Dr. David. "They think they’re okay because they canget by on 6.5 hours, when they really need 7.5,8 or even more to feel ideally _5_."


六级选词填空题怎么做 英语四六级改革后出现的新题目之一就是选词填空,这种题主要是来源于以往的完型填空题,但是又不同于完形填空,作为一个新题型,以往的真题不多,大家练习的机会也比较少,关于这类题,大家已有的做完形填空题的一些技巧还是可以拿来用的,但是它也有一些自己的技巧 本文将谈一下如何在5分钟的时间内快速搞定大学英语六级选词填空。 一、认真阅读文章首段首句 文章首段首句往往会告知文章的背景或是主题,掌握首段首句可以帮助我们确定文章接下来要谈论的内容,做到心中有数,不至于理解错误。女口开篇Millio ns of America ns are en ter ing their 60s and are more concerned tha n ever about retireme nt. 这句话就告知我们这篇文章是谈论美国老龄人的退休问题。如果大家通过首段首句不能确定文章主题,可以看一下首段全部内容或是各个自然段的首尾句。 二、阅读选项,词性分类 我们先来看一下选项特点: 1、10个空格考察的全部是实词 2. 、词性分配的基本比例:3-4个名词正确答案+1-2个名词干扰答

案;3-4个动词正确答案+1-2个动词干扰答案;2-3个形容词正确答案+ 1个形容词干扰答案;2-3个副词正确答案+1个副词干扰答案。 根据选线特点我们把选项中的单词分为四类:动词、名词、形容词、副词。 在这套题中的单词四类为: 动词:assume, disagree, illustrating, observe, spoiling, un derestimate 形容词:con fide ntial, forthco ming, optimistic 畐U词:mysteriously, radically, separately 名词:formula, package, reality 三、结合空格前后内容,寻找线索 注意空格前后的结构和搭配,在选词时,要保证所选的词的词性、单复数、时态和意义均符合文章上下文要求,从而保证文章前后通顺、流畅。同时在做题过程中可以先确定自己比较有把握的单词,这样通过排除法逐渐减少备选词汇。 四、重读全文,查漏补缺,核实答案 选择完成后,考生如果有时间可以核查全文,重点看不确定的单词是否选择合理。如果没有时间,大家就只需看自己做题时把握不大的单词,并根据文章进行推敲核实。 以上是关于英语六级考试中选词填空这一题型同学们需要掌握的解题步骤。大家在平时练习时,要注意运用这些技巧进行解题,这样你会
