






1.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.Ask the conductor.

B. Get off immediately.

C. Check the map.

2. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Brother and sister.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Classmates.

3. How old is the man?

A. 19

B. 22.

C. 30.

4. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a restaurant.

B. In a shop .

C. In a police station.

5. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A. The clothes.

B. The weather.

C. The visit.

第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. How many foreign languages has the man ever learnt?

A. Two.


C. Four

7. What do we know about the man?

A. He knows German a lot

B. He thinks Japanese grammar is difficult.

C. He is interested in Chinese characters.


8. Why does the man come to Beijing?

A. To see a computer exhibition.

B. To meet Stephen.

C. To spend a holiday.

9. What do we know about the man?

A. He likes staying in a room with someone.

B. He won’t work in the present company.

C. He wants a large and bright single room.


10. Where did the woman go on Saturday?

A. To a farm.

B. To a garden.

C. To a park.

11. What was the problem with the tree?

A. It is too small to live on.

B. It is too expensive to get .

C. It is too long to put in the car.

12. What was the weather like that day?

A. It was warm.

B. It was hot.

C. It was cold.


13. What is wrong with the man?

A. He needs to see a doctor.

B. He often feels tired.

C. He didn’t sleep well last night.

14. What did the man’s doctor say?

A. There was nothing serious.

B. He needed further check.

C. He should rest and eat well.

15. What season is it?

A. Spring

B. Summer.

C. Winter.

16. What will the woman do next?

A. Go running.

B. Have a rest.

C. Winter.


17. Who are the listeners?

A. Parents.

B. Students.

C. Teachers.

18. What is the purpose of the museum?

A. To show more computers.

B. To help school children.

C. To develop the industry.

19. Why does the company invite the listeners?

A. To get some advice.

B. To sell them computers.

C. To introduce the history of the company.

20. When will the speaker come back?

A. In half an hour.

B. In an hour.

C. In more than an hour.

二、阅读理解(每小题2.5分, 满分50分)




The teachers are preparing their classrooms for the start of classes. As their principal, I was energized by their enthusiasm. Everywhere I went, I asked the same question, “How are you doing?” And everywhere I went, I received the same answer, “just fine.”

There was only one person whom I didn’t quite bel ieve. It was her first year of teaching. Her classroom was inviting. She seemed well-prepared. On the outside everything seemed just fine, but there was something in her eyes that mad me ask that question again and again.

Then came Wednesday. “How are you doing?” I asked. “Mr. Boyce, I think I’m going to make it,” she said. The office was full of teachers and noise, but the voices became quiet as the young teacher continued.

“Monday night, after our open house (开放参观日),I just didn’t think I could do it. There were so many parents and children, and I felt under great pressure.

When I told my family I didn’t think I could do it , they said I had to try. “The next morning school started. I thought I was ready, but there were so many of them and their need s were so different. I just didn’t know how I could manage.

“I said to my parents if I had fewer kids I could handle it. So they asked me which children I would get rid of. But I couldn’t decide. I’d only had them for one day, but I couldn’t think of a single child I could do without. They’re mine. I can’t do without any of them. I don’t know how, but I’m just going to do the best I can and I really think I’m going to make it. “

There wasn’t a dry eye in the office when I replied, “I think you are, too.”

21. Why did the principal ask the new teacher the same question repeatedly?

A. She used to lie to others.

B. He just wanted to show his authority.

C. she was not as enthusiastic as other teachers.

D. He could tell from her eyes that she wasn’t well-prepared.

22. What was her family’s advice for the new teacher?

A. To give up

B. To have her own kids.

C. To make an attempt

D. To kick out the naughty kids.

23. It can be inferred that the new teacher____.

A. was not good at teaching.

B. liked her job to be a challenge

C. loved each of her students

D. didn’t have much confidence in herself.

24. What was other teachers’ response to the new teacher’s words?

A. Doubtful

B. Absent-minded.

C. Tired and sleepy

D. Deeply affected.


The 15th Antarctica Marathon&Half Marathon is scheduled for March 9, 2015. While exploring this most unspoiled corner of the planet, you will come face-to –face with Antarctic beauties such as icebergs, penguins, seals and whales. Departure from the U.S. is scheduled for late February with overnight flights to Buenos Aires for a three-night stay in Argentina’s capital from March 2 to 5. The Plaza Hotel Buenos Aires will host our guests and the welcome reception. Race check-in and an introduction of the regulations on this event take place on the same evening.

Due to the incredible popularity of this event, we are already sold out for 2015 and 2016. we are still accepting deposits for the waiting list for 2015 and 2016 and confirming space for 2017 . A completed booking form and a deposit of $300 per person must be mailed to request bookings.

Marathon Tours & Travel, the event organizer, together with One Ocean Expeditions, will provide the guidelines for runners and accompanying friends for this journey to the end of the Earth.

The course on King George Island, located off the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, has marked gravel roads that connect the scientific research bases of Uruguay, Chile, China and Russia. To leave behind zero impact on the environment in this sensitive ecosystem, we will have at most 100 passengers on land for the event at any one time. We guarantee that you will have a most challenging running experience as well as an experience of a lifetime .

25. Race check-in will take place on the evening of ____.

A. March 2.

B. March 3

C. March 4

D. March 5

26. If you want to book space for the 2017 event, you have to _____.

A. just complete a form

B. pay a deposit

C. send an email to make a booking

D. be on the waiting list for 2015 and 2016.

27. The number of passengers on land is limited to _____.

A. protect the ecosystem

B. ensure the safety of passengers.

C. let passengers have a special experience

D. meet the demands of the scientific research bases.


As the weather cools across the United States, a growing number of Americans visit farms. They harvest apples, enjoy hay wagon rides and walk in the fields. These people are called agri-tourists. They improve the economy of rural areas and help local farmers increase their profits. It is reported that Americnas spent more than $700 million on the agri-tourism activity in the United States last year.

On Mike Dunn’s farm, school children are laughing and playing. They come to have a hands-on experience o f what it’s like to be on a farm. In a corn field maze, the corn is cut into tricky passageways that make it hard to find a way out. Their teacher says they come around once a year.

When Mike Dunn opened the family farm to agri-touists, he had only a corn maze, a pumpkin field and hay wagon rides. The number of visitors to his farm doubles every year and there are 250 people at weekends on average. He says so many people visited that he soon increased the number of activities in which people can take part. The agri-tourism earnings might be 30 percent of the entire farm income. He hopes he will make a larger profit form visitors than from farming someday.

In Loudoun County, Virginia, there are farms where grapes are grown for use in making wine. Many of the farms let people visit and drink the wine that is make there . Malcolm Baldwin owns a vineyard in Loudoun County. Last year, he began letting people get married on his farm. The wedding business attracts an increasing number of people. It’s the best ch oice for the young couple to spend the big day. They can also stay overnight. Mr Baldwin says the money he makes from these activities lets him keep his small farm operating.

28. What can we learn about the agri-tourism activity in America?

A. It is available throughout the year.

B. It is for Americans to help farmers grow crops.

C. It brings a lot of trouble to the local environment.

D. It has a good effect on the development of rural areas.

29. Why did Mike Dunn add more activities for agri-tourism?

A. because he earned little money from farming.

B. Because people were losing interest in previous activities.

C. Because more and more tourists visited his farm.

D. Because agri-tourism was the only source of his income.

30. What’s the most attractive activity in Mr. Baldwin’s vineyard?

A. Making wine.

B. Tasting wine.

C. Sleeping for the night.

D. Holding wedding ceremonies.

31. What’s the best title for the text?

A. The new way for Americans to travel

B. How to make money from agri-tourism

C. Agri-tourism is popular with Americans.

D. Go to the family farms to enjoy yourself.


The health problems about cloned animals , particularly those who appear healthy but have hidden illnesses or problems that appear unexpectedly later in life, have the potential to cause real risks to the safety of the food products from those animals. Ian Wilmut, a lead scientist involved in the creation of Dolly, the first cloned animal, has warned that even small imbalances in a cl one’s hormone, protein, or fat levels could bring its milk or meat into danger.

As part of its risk assessment on animal cloning, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concluded that milk and meat from cloned animals and their offspring (后代)are as safe to eat as products from conventional animals. The FDA further announced that it would not require food products from cloned animals or their offspring to be labeled as such.

Consumer watchdog groups pointed out that the FDA’s analysis was based on limited data supplied mainly from the cloning companies themselves. In addition, while food safety is an obvious concern of consumers, it is not the only issue that makes people uncomfortable with animal cloning. For example, surveys indicate that 63 percent of consumers would not buy food from cloned animals even if it were labeled as “safe”. Concerns about the morality of cloning, as well as concerns for animal welfare, lead a big majority of people to oppose cloning animals for food. However, these issues were not considered by the FDA. Without labels to identify cloned foods, consumers who oppose animal cloning would be forced to make purchases against their principles without knowing. Consumers have a right to know how their food is produced so they can make informed decisions about what they buy and what they feed their families.

32. What is Ian Wilmut’s attitude towards food products from cloned animals?

A. Approving.

B. Cautious.

C. Uncertain.

D. Indifferent.

33. What does the underlined word “such” in Paragraph 2 refer to ?

A. Safe.

B. Expensive

C. Unsafe

D. Conventional.

34. We can learn from the last paragraph that _____.

A. consumers didn’t believe what the FDA said

B. the FDA took consumers’ concerns seriously

C. consumers were well-informed about the safety of food

D. the FDA forced consumers to buy things they didn’t want

35. What is the main idea of the text?

A. Concerns for animal welfare.

B. The problems with animal cloning.

C. Why people are uncomfortable with animal cloning.

D. Concerns about the food products from cloned animals.


When trying to learn some skills of doing homework, you need help from parents or other grown-ups. 36 Someday, you’ll be older and you’ll need to do

things without their help.

As you grow up, you will be responsible for more and more of the work yourself. If you pay attention to how your parents or teachers help with your homework, you’ll be able to do it by yourself when the time comes. And that time is soon. Good grades aren’t the only benefit.37.

Sometimes students take too long to get started, put off the homework, or have trouble focusing. 38 Sometimes they don’t think they can do it well. You ne ed help from teachers and parents for this. It’s normal to be worried about what will happen if you fail, but try to trust yourself and give it your best.

39 Tell parents or teachers what the problem is. Some kids have problems with attention, which can make it tougher to organize, focus and get it done. But they, too, can and should use this 1-2-3 method to get better at completing tasks.

Help from grown-ups can be a little boost (提升)that helps you get ready to do it on your own. Who knows? 40 Many grown-ups struggle with doing complicated tasks like how to plan a whole week’s dinners. If your parent is faced with such tough tasks, you know what advice to give:1. Get organized. 2. Stay focused. 3. Get it done.

A.You might even be able to help your parents.

B.In fact, their help will do you harm instead of good.

C.Perhaps they wait for adults to tell them what to do.

D.If you’re struggling, don’t be afraid to keep asking for help.

E.But remember that it’s not good for them to do the work for you.

F.That is because they don’t understand what they’re supposed to be


G.The more tasks you can do well on your own, the better you’ll feel about





Did you ever have a day like this? A man , who was cleaning his cement truck, got 41 in the mixer(搅拌机). Suddenly, he found himself going round and round in the mixer with no way to 42. All he could do was shout for help. 43, another worker came over and shut it off. After a while, the man, who was covered in bruises(挫伤), came out from the 44. It 45 me of some bad days I’ve had. You know what I mean.

If you feel like you are being knocked down by life, think about the 46 bird called the Water Quzel. Strangely enough, the little 47 is often found living next to 48 waterfalls and fast-rushing rivers. However threatening the weather and however 49 the water, the tough and cheerful Water Quzel can be heard 50 happily. What’s more, while the voices of most birds , however melodious(悦耳的)in 51 weather, fall silent over long winter months, the lovely Water Quzel sings on through all 52 and every kind of storm. I have to 53 :does this little creature know something that we don’t kn ow?

It seems that the bird knows that every violent storm will 54 give way to sunshine; every dark night will finally fade into dawn. And isn’t it true? Even our bleakest (暗淡的) and stormiest times do not 55 forever. like the 56 man who was buffeted(折磨)about in the cement mixer, there is always an end to the 57.

As the famous novelist Harriet Beecher Stowe said, “ When you get in a tight place and everything goes 58 you , until it seems as if you could not hold on a minute longer, never 59, for that is just the place and time when the tide will turn.” I have had that experience more times than I can 60.

Maybe there is one day when you feel as if you are in the cement mixer. If so, would you hold on a little longer?

41. A. delivered B. beaten C. caught D. discovered

42. A. cry B. watch C. hide D. escape

43. A. Fortunately B. Strangely C. Exactly D. Obviously

44. A. office. B. mixer C. room D. hospital

45. A. accuses B. informs C. warns D. reminds

46. A. confusing B. blind C. amazing D. stupid

47. A. creature B. plant C. gift D. fish

48. A. small B. beautiful C. violent D. calm

49. A. dirty B. cold C. hot D. clear

50. A. whispering B. screaming C. dancing D. singing

51. A. warm B. windy C. wet D. rainy

52. A. weeks B. centuries C. seasons D. decades

53. A. believe B. wonder C. request D. conclude

54. A. regularly B. occasionally C. constantly D. eventually

55. A. last B. move C. wave D. cheat

56. A. wise B. kind C. poor D. great

57. A. adventure B. suffering C. journey D. opportunity

58. A. by B. for C. with D. against

59. A. give up B. break in C. look back D. help out

60.A. regret B. forget C. remember D. complete



We all hope to live in a clean and beautiful world. Unfortunately ,we produce waste every day, 61 does harm to our environment. Still, we can all do something to help. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real 62 (differ) to the environment. Here are some ideas for you.

Don’t waste things. This saves money and reduces waste 63 (go) into the environment. Before we buy something new, think 64 it is really necessary---or maybe the old one will be just as good!

Use things 65 as long as possible. When we buy things, make sure that they last a long time. We should repair them if things no longer function well instead of throwing them away and buying new 66. Don’t use a paper cup or a paper bag.

67 is better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them again. We’d better buy products 68(make ) from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save trees.

It is high time we 69 (take)action now ! If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, there will be 70 (little) pollution and the world will become cleaner and more beautiful.







Do you hate your job? As far as I know, many young people liked complaining about their jobs. When my uncle started working about five years ago, he couldn’t stop complain about his work every time he got back from work. He considered his work simple and bored as he just needed to type works by famous writers. Therefore, as time went by, he found his work real helpful. When he was typing the works, he also read it. He learned lot from the works by famous writers and about two years later, his writing was greatly improved. He had his first books published last year and now he’s working for his second book.



名称:端午节(Dragon Boat Festival).






3.参考词汇:农历—traditional Chinese calendar; 糯米—glutinous rice; 竹叶或芦

苇叶—bamboo or reed leaf; 自尽—commit suicide



21-24: DCCD 25-27: ABA 28-31: DCDC 32-35: BAAD 36-40:EGFDA

完型填空:41-45: CDABD 46-50: CACBD 51-55: ACBDA 56-60: CBDAC

语法填空:61.which 62. difference 63. going 64. whether 65. for 66. ones 67. It 68. made 69. took 70. less




3. bored-boring

4. Therefore-However

5. real-really

6. it-them

7. learned后加a

8. 去掉was

9. books-book 10. for- on


The Dragon Boat festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar.

On that day people usually eat rice dumplings, which are made of rice, meat and so on, wrapped in bamboo leaves. You can eat different kinds of delicious rice dumplings. People also watch dragon-boat races to celebrate it. The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races, especially in the southern places where there are many rivers and lakes. The festival is very popular there. People celebrate the Dragon-boat Festival in honor of Qu Yuan, who was an honest minister and great poet in ancient times. It is said he committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.

高一英语10月月考试题目标版 新版

2019高一年级第一次月考 英语试卷 时间120分钟,满分150分。考生应首先阅读答题卡上的文字信息,然后在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上作答无效。交卷时只交答题卡。 第一卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转涂到答题卡上。 一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分) 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。每段对话读两遍。 ( )1.Where is the man from? A. America. B. China. C. England. ( )2.How is the weather today? A. Snowy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. ( )3.What is Rose going to do this afternoon? A. Make a school paper. B. Go fishing. C. Write an article. ( )4.How long has the movie been on? A. For 15 minutes. B. For 30 minutes. C. For 45 minutes. ( )5.When will there be a school concert? A. On Thursday evening. B. On Friday evening. C. On Saturday evening. 第二节听下面几段对话或独自。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案. 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。每段对话或独自读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。 ( )6.Why does Ann look tired? A. She stayed up late last night. B. She has just finished an exam. C. She is busy preparing for the exam. ( )7.What did Jim do last night? A. He went to see a film. B. He reviewed his lessons. C. He went to a big dinner party. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。


东海高级中学—第一学期 高二月考考试物理试题(选修) 注意事项: 1、本试卷共四大题,17小题,满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 2、答题前请先将密封线内的有关项目填写清楚。 一、单项选择题(本题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分.每小题只有—个选项符合题意。不选、多选、错选均不得分。将答案涂写在答题卡上). 1. 只要知道下列哪一组物理量,就可以估算出气体中分子间的平均距离( ) A .阿伏加德罗常数,气体摩尔质量和质量 B .阿伏加德罗常数,气体摩尔质量和密度 C .阿伏加德罗常数,气体质量和体积 D .该气体的密度、体积和摩尔质量 2.下列说法不正确的是( ) A .话筒是一种常用的声传感器,其作用是将电信号转换为声信号 B .电熨斗能够自动控制温度的原因是它装有双金属片温度传感器,这种传感器作用是控制电路的通断 C .电子秤所使用的测力装置是力传感器 D .半导体热敏电阻常用作温度传感器,温度越高,它的电阻值越小 3.如图1所示,R 1、R 2、R 3是固定电阻,R 4是光敏电阻,当开关S 闭合后在没有光照射时,a 、b 两点等电势,当用光照射R 4时(电池内阻不计)( ) A .R 4的阻值变小,a 点电势高于b 点电势 B .R 4的阻值变小,a 点电势低于b 点电势 C .R 4的阻值变大,a 点电势高于b 点电势 D .R 4的阻值变大,a 点电势低于b 点电势 4.图2中是电流互感器使用原理,以下说法正确的是( ) A .图中电流表的示数比直接接在ab 间时示数小 B .图中电流表的示数就是ab 间的电流大小 C .原理图有错误,原线圈匝数应比副线圈匝数少 D .因变压器将电压升高了,所以电流表示数比把电流表直接接到ab 间时示数大 5.如图所示,在磁感应强度B=0.5T 的匀强磁场中,让导体PQ 在U 形导轨上以v =10m/s 向右匀速滑动,两导轨间距离L=0.8m ,则产生的感应电动势的大小和PQ 中的电流方向分别是( ) A .4V , 由P 向Q B .0.4V ,由Q 向P C .4V ,由Q 向P D .0.4V ,由P 向Q 二、多项选择题(本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.每小题有多个选项符合题意。全部选对的得5分,选对但不全的得2分,错选或不选、多选得0分。将答案涂写在答题卡上) 6. 关于分子间的作用力,下列说法正确的有(r 0为分子的平衡位置) ( ) A .两个分子间距离小于r o 时,分子间只有斥力 B .两个分子间距离大于r o 时,分子力表现为引力 C . 两个分子间距离由较远逐渐减小到r =r 0的过程中,分子力先增大,后减小,为引力 D .两个分子间距离由极小逐渐增大到r =r 0的过程中,引力和斥力都同时减小,分子力表现为斥力 7.一闭合矩形线圈abcd 绕垂直于磁感线的固定轴OO /匀速转动,线圈平面位于如图(甲)所示的匀强磁场中。通过线圈内的磁通量Φ随时间的变化规律如图(乙) 所示。下列说法正确的是( ) A .t 1、t 3时刻通过线圈的磁通量变化率最大 B .t 2、t 4时刻线圈中感应电流方向改变 C .t 1、t 3时刻线圈中感应电流方向改变 D .t 2、t 4时刻线圈中感应电动势最大 8.如图所示,圆形线圈垂直放在匀强磁场里,第1秒内磁场方向指向纸里,如图(b ).若磁感应强度大小随时间变化的关系如图(a ),那么,下面关于线圈中感应电流的说法正确的是( ) A .在第1秒内感应电流增大,电流方向为逆时针 B .在第2秒内感应电流大小不变,电流方向为顺时针 C .在第3秒内感应电流大小不变,电流方向为顺时针 D .在第4秒内感应电流大小不变,电流方向为顺时针 9.竖直放置的平行光滑导轨,其电阻不计,磁场方向如图所示,B =0.5T ,导体捧ab 与cd 长均为0.2m ,电阻均 为0.lΩ,重均为0.1N 。现用力向上拉导体棒ab ,使之匀速向上(与导轨接触良好,导轨足够长),此时,导体棒cd 恰好静止,那么导体棒ab 上升时,下列说法中正确的是( ) A .导体棒ab 受到的拉力大小为0.2N B .导体棒ab 向上的速度为0.2m/s C .在2s 内,拉力做功转化为电能的值是0.4J D .在2s 内,拉力做功为0.6J · · S a b R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4

2019年高二6月月考英语试题 含答案

高二6月月考英语试题 I.听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the man usually have for breakfast? A. Fried cakes. B. Fried rice-noodles. C. Noodles. 2. What will the woman do first? A. Withdraw some money. B. See the dentist. C. Go to the history class. 3. What is the time by Sandra’s watch? A. 2:55. B. 3:00. C. 3:05. 4. What does the woman mean? A. Filling out the forms is no easy thing to do. B. She forgot to fill out the forms. C. She’ll remind the man about the forms 5. What is the conversation mainly about? A. Differences between meat and fruit. B. Different ideas about meat and vegetables. C. Different kinds of meat. 第二节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面2段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第六段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What are the speakers talking about? A. School reunions. B. Birthday parties. C. Their old friends. 7. Why did the woman remend the Omni Hotel? A. She likes the party rooms there. B. Her brother is a staff member there. C. The price is quite reasonable. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. What do we know about the accident the woman experienced? A. Her jeep went off the road. B. It was raining that night. C. She forgot to wear her seat belt. 9. What caused the man’s brother’s death? A. Speeding. B. Drunk driving. C. Not wearing the seat belt. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. Who are the speakers?


广东省汕头市金山中学2019-2020学年高二地理下学期6月月考试题 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题(每题3分,共22题,满分66分) 安徽怀远县是中国石榴之乡,“怀远石榴”为国家地理标志保护产品。近几年来,地处乌蒙山深处的贵州省黔西县中坪镇通过引种,使石榴产业得到快速发展。据此回答1-3题。 1. 与安徽怀远相比,贵州黔西县种植石榴的优势是() A.交通便利 B.热量条件充足 C.发展历史悠久 D.经验丰富 2. 与黔西县石榴产业快速发展密切相关的是() A.物流业发展 B.资金雄厚 C.加工业发达 D.劳动力成本低 3. 进一步促进黔西县石榴产业可持续发展的措施是() A.推广各种植户个体发展 B.开发高端产品,延长产业链 C.调整农业生产结构 D.引进其他农产品,实现多种经营 下图为某年6月1日我国某地理兴趣小组在黄土高原某地实地考察后绘制的等高线和黄土底面(基岩表面)等高线图。据此完成4-5题。 4.甲、乙、丙、丁四地中,黄土厚度由厚到薄的排列是() A.甲、乙、丁、丙 B.甲、乙、丙、丁 C.乙、丙、甲、丁 D.乙、甲、丁、丙 5.一年后重新测量发现甲地海拔升高了,最可能是由于() A.黄土高原地壳抬升 B.丙、丁两地植被破坏 C.乙地生态退耕工程 D.测量技术发生改变 我国某地以降雪期长、降雪量大、积雪深厚而闻名,被誉为“中国雪乡”。由于冷暖气流常在此地相遇,每年10月至次年5月地面均有积雪,形成著名的“雪盆”。下图示意“该地所在区域地形状况”。据此完成6-8题。

6.“中国雪乡”最可能位于图中() A.甲地B.乙地 C.丙地 D.丁地 7.“中国雪乡”积雪最厚的月份是() A.1月 B.3月 C.5月 D.12月 8.与同纬度的东北平原相比,该地降雪较多的主要原因是( ) A.离冬季风源地较近,冷空气到达时间早 B.位于冬季风的迎风坡,更容易形成降雪 C.受地形影响,空气湿度较大 D.海拔较高,有利于水汽凝结 夏威夷群岛位于北太平洋中部,火山众多,战略位置重要。第二次世界大战时,日本偷袭珍珠港前,日方飞行员们被告知,你好岛是个无人岛,空袭中如果不能返回航母,飞机可以备降你好岛。读图,完成9-11题。 9.你好岛成为飞机备降地的最主要原因是( ) A.森林茂密,便于隐藏 B.地形较为平坦,且无人居住 C.面积大,处在返程路线上 D.距珍珠港最远,未设空防 10.考爱岛东北部年均降雨量超过10 000 mm,平均 每年超过335天在下雨,而邻近的你好岛却几乎天天 晴天,其最主要的原因是你好岛( ) A.全年受副热带高压控制 B.深受北太平洋暖流影响 C.地势低缓,植被覆盖少 D.位于考爱岛的背风地带 11.夏威夷各岛自然景观的共同之处是( ) A.温带森林广布 B.河网密布 C.多熔岩荒漠 D.以红壤为主 水闸是用来控制河流流量和调节水位的,不同水闸承担的功能不同,通过对闸门的开关可发挥拦洪、泄洪、排涝、供水等不同作用。下面两图中:左图为“我国某区域的河流水系分布图”,右图为“区域内不同功能的水闸示意图”。读图回答12-14题。


高一10月月考 英语试题 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 21. It is bad for a man to smoke in public places where smoking is not allowed. A. method B. impression C. behavior D. attitude 22.—_______you ________to the new house? —Not yet. The rooms are being painted(油漆). A. Did; moved B. Have; moved C. Will; moved D. Are; moved 23. After his long journey from abroad, Mr. Wu returned home, ________. A. exhausting B. having exhausted C. being exhausted D. exhausted 24. David rode so fast that he couldn’t hitting a passer-by and he fell off the bike. A. avoid B. enjoy C. stand D. stop 25. We all regard _____ our duty to help those who are poor to go to school. A. this B. that C. us D. it 26. The two pens are the same, but the red one cost ______ that one. A. as much twice as B. twice as much as C. much as twice as D. as twice much as 27. All the leading newspapers _______ the trade talks between China and the United States. A. printed B. announced C. published D. covered 28. The government has rebuilt the old temple _______ a long time ago. A. abandoned B. abandoning C. was abandoned D. being abandoned 29. — I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of this weather. —. I can’t stand all this rain. A. So do I . B. I don’t care. C. It’s hard to say. D. So am I. 30. The little boy isn’t getting on well in maths and worse still, he is even unwilling to go to school. With her son_______, she feels very________. A. disappointing, worried B. disappointing, worrying C. disappointed, worried D. disappointed, worrying 31. ---- Would you mind if I use your computer for a little while? ----_______ A. No, please don’t. B. I’m afraid not. C. I’d rather you didn’t. D. I’m afraid so. 32. The cost of renting a house in Beijing is higher than ______ in any other city of China. A. one B. it C. this D. that 33. I would appreciate _______ back this afternoon so that we can make an early decision. A. you to call B. you call C. your calling D. you’re calling 34. Her attitude ______ learning math has changed a lot since her teacher had a talk with her. A. of B. at C. with D. to


山西省2020年高二物理6月月考试卷(I)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题(每小题只有一个选项正确,选对得3分,本大题共30分) (共10题;共30分) 1. (3分)下列技术中哪些不是随信息化时代应运而生的() A . 传感技术 B . 无线电技术 C . 通信技术 D . 计算机技术 2. (3分)物体以速度v匀速通过直线上的A、B两点,所用时间为t现在物体从A点由静止出发,先做匀加速直线运动(加速度为a1)到某一最大速度vm ,然后立即做匀减速直线运动(加速度大小为a2)至B点速度恰好减为0,所用时间仍为t .则物体的() A . vm可为许多值,与al、a2的大小有关 B . vm可为许多值,与a1、a2的大小无关 C . a1、a2必须满足 D . a1、a2必须是一定的 3. (3分)(2017高二下·宁夏期末) 一静止的铀核放出一个α粒子衰变成钍核,衰变方程为 ,下列说法正确的是() A . 衰变后钍核的动能等于α粒子的动能 B . 铀核的半衰期等于其放出一个α粒子所经历的时间 C . 衰变后钍核的动量大小等于α粒子的动量大小 D . 衰变后α粒子与钍核的质量之和等于衰变前铀核的质量

4. (3分) (2016高一上·怀仁期中) 在做“实验:探究小车速度随时间变化的规律”中,算出各计数点小车的瞬时速度如下表: 计数点序号123456 计数点对应的时刻t/s0. 小车的瞬时速度v/(cm?s﹣1) 为了算出小车的加速度,最好的方法是() A . 根据任意两个计数点的速度,用公式算出加速度 B . 依次算出连续两个计数点间的加速度,算出平均值作为小车的加速度 C . 根据实验数据画出v﹣t图象,量出其倾角α,由公式a=tanα算出加速度 D . 根据实验数据画出v﹣t图象,由图象上任意两点所对应的速度,用公式算出加速度 5. (3分) (2019高三上·平遥月考) 某压榨机的结构示意图如图所示,其中B为固定铰链,若在A铰链处作用一垂直于墙壁的力F ,则由于力F的作用,使滑块C压紧物体D ,设C与D光滑接触,杆的重力及滑块C 的重力不计,图中a=0.5 m,b=0.05 m,则物体D所受压力的大小与力F的比值为() A . 4 B . 5 C . 10 D . 1 6. (3分) (2015高二下·西安期中) 如图所示,用完全相同的轻弹簧A、B、C将两个相同的小球连接并悬


大石桥二高中2017-2018学年度下学期6月月考 高二英语科试卷 时间:100分钟满分:120分 第I卷 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Destination Travels 78 Soho St, New York, NY Dear Ms Pierce, Thank you for trusting Destination Travels for your honeymoon plans. This letter includes all the information regarding the flights and ac####modation arrangements we have already agreed on. On arriving at Puerto Rico Int, Airport, a representative of The Caribbean Hotels &Resorts will be waiting for you in order to transfer you to the hotel. The transfer to and from the airport is offered by the hotel as part of your honeymoon package. The reservation has been made for a nine-night stay under your future husband’s last name. The price of the newlyweds’ suite includes breakfast and one more mea l at the hotel restaurant. You can also use all of the hotel facilities—pool, gym, sauna, etc. for free as part of your honeymoon package. In addition, you can take scuba diving or snorkeling classes with the hotels trained staff at a reduced price—40% off. Thank you for choosing Destination Travels. We guarantee your honeymoon with us will be an unforgettable experience. To aid us in improving our service, please visit our website at #####. destinationtravels.#### and ####plete the questionnaire. Destination Travels wish you all the best. Sincerely. Rebecca Simms Customer Service Manager Destination Travels 1.After arriving at Puerto Rico Int, Airport, the couple can get directions from ________.


杭西高2020年6月高二地理试卷 命题人韩玉清 一、选择题Ⅰ(本大题共40小题,每小题2分,共80分。每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分) 读图并回答第1~2题。 1.图示地震的发生与两大板块的相互挤压有关。 由图可知,这两大板块是指() A.亚欧板块和印度洋板块 B.亚欧板块和非洲板块 C.印度洋板块和太平洋板块 D.亚欧板块和太平洋板块 2.此次地震引发了罕见的海啸,表明地质灾害具有() A.群发性 B.随机性 C.突发性 D.联系性 读世界最大的再保险公司——慕尼黑再保险公司做出的全球20世纪后50年的重大自然灾害统计表,回答第3~4题。 3.下列有关20世纪后50年自然灾害发展趋势的叙述,正确的是() A.由于战事不断和自然环境恶化,自然灾害造成的经济损失越来越大 B.自然灾害造成的经济损失越大,死亡的人数也越多 C.自然灾害出现的频率和造成的经济损失都在增大 D.发展中国家因自然灾害造成的经济损失在增大,发达国家则减小 4.下列有关20世纪后50年内人类活动与自然灾害关系的叙述,正确的有() ①人类对自然资源和自然环境的过度开发,减小了自然灾害发生机率②沿海人口稠密地区经济发展快,气象灾害在这类地区造成的危害程度也因此增大③人类向环境中排放的废弃物增多,诱发自然灾害的发生④人类大规模的工程活动,有时会诱发地质灾害 A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④

“全球变暖”已是不争的事实。同时越来越多的证据表明,与之相伴随的还有“全球变暗”,即地球大气中的悬浮颗粒物增加、云层变厚,导致能够直接到达地球表面的阳光逐渐减少,地球因此而变得越来越“暗”。据此回答第5~8题。 5.引起“全球变暖”和“全球变暗”的主要原因是() A.太阳辐射能力在减弱 B.使用化石燃料,排放出大量微粒物 C.火山喷发产生的火山灰 D.沙尘暴肆虐全球 6.“全球变暖”将导致多方面的变化,下列变化不可能发生的是() A.海平面上升 B.暴雨、洪涝、干旱等灾害增加 C.冰川覆盖面积扩大 D.威胁人类的健康 7.我国沿海海平面上升速度加快所引发的自然灾害有() ①加剧了风暴潮灾害②加大了洪涝威胁③沿海湿地受损和动物迁徙④引起海水入侵⑤引起土壤盐碱化⑥海岸侵蚀加剧 A.①②③④⑥ B.①②③④⑤⑥ C.②③④⑥ D.①④⑥ 8.下列有关全球变暖的叙述,正确的是() ①近百年来全球平均气温上升0.6℃,海平面上升了10~20厘米,表明全球变暖已是不争的事实②全球变暖使现在农业发达地区退化成草原,而高纬度地区变得适宜温带作物生长,所以结果是利弊相当,不必忧虑③目前全球气候变暖的趋势,完全由人类自己一手造成,没有自然原因④减缓全球变暖的趋势,主要是减少CO2的排放量,应采取提高能源利用技术和利用效率、采用新能源、加强国际合作等综合措施 A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.①④ 读世界洪涝灾害多发地分布图,回答第9~10题。 9.世界洪涝灾害主要分布在()


安徽省滁州市定远县民族中学2017-2018学年高二下学期6月月考物理试题 一、单选题 1. 如图所示为氢原子的能级图.现有大量处于n=3激发态的氢原子向低能级跃迁.下列说法正确的是() A.这些氢原子总共可辐射出6种不同频率的光 B.氢原子由n=3跃迁到n=1产生的光照射逸出功为6.34 eV的金属铂能发生光电效应 C.氢原子由n=3跃迁到n=2产生的光波长最短 D.这些氢原子跃迁时辐射出光子能量的最大值为10.2 eV 2. 下列说法不正确的是() A.对于任何一种金属都存在一个“最大波长”,入射光的波长必须小于这个波长,才能产生光电效应 B.铀235的半衰期为7亿年,随地球环境的变化,半衰期可能变短 C.在α、β、γ这三种射线中,γ射线的穿透能力最强,α射线的电离能力最强 D.氢原子的核外电子由较高能级跃迁到较低能级时,要释放一定频率的光子,同时电子的动能增加,电势能减小

3. 原来静止的物体受合力作用时间为2t0,作用力随时间的变化情况如图所示,则( ) A.0~t0时间内物体的动量变化与t0~2t0时间内动量变化相同 B.0~t0时间内物体的平均速率与t0~2t0时间内平均速率不等 C.t=2t0时物体的速度为零,外力在2t0时间内对物体的冲量为零 D.0~t0时间内物体的动量变化率与t0~2t0时间内动量变化率相同 4. 如图所示,竖直平面内有一半圆槽,A、C等高,B为圆槽最低点,小球从A点正上方O点静止释放,从A点切入圆槽,刚好能运动至C点.设球在AB段和BC段运动过程中,运动时间分别为t1、t2,合外力的冲量大小为I1、I2,则() A.t1>t2B.t1=t2C.I1>I2D.I1=I2 5. 如图所示,在光滑的水平面上,静置一个质量为M小车,在车上固定的轻杆顶端系一长为l细绳,绳的末端拴一质量为m的小球,将小球拉至水平右端后放手,则( ) A.系统的动量守恒B.水平方向任意时刻m与M的动量等大反向 C.m不能向左摆到原高度D.小球和车可以同时向同一方向运动 6. 质量相等的三个物体在一光滑水平面上排成一直线,且彼此隔开一定距离,如图所示,具有初动能E0的第一号物块向右运动,依次与其余两个静止物块发生碰撞,最后这三个物块粘成一个整体,这个整体的动能等于()


高一上学期英语10月月考试卷 一、语法填空 1. Everyone has his own attitude to helping others and I would be ________ if you could give me a hand. 2. He was tired ________the city life and hoped to move to the country. 3. To be honest, I was ________ frightened by the thunder just now. 4. When he travels with his friends, his mother is always ________ about his safety. 5. I have to believe that encouragement is so ________ that it can change a person. 6. It was the second time that he ________ the Great Wall. 7. It’s no pleasur e ________ the football match at home alone, so I went to the bar. 8. There was a time ________women were not allowed to publish their works using their own names in England. 9. I like to take part in ________ activities while she prefers to enjoy TV programs indoors. 10. It seems that she has a ________ with her daughter. 11. “The sun is bigger than the moon.” The teacher said to us. The teacher told us ________the sun ________bigger than the moon. 12. “Can you tell me how to get to the nearest restaurant?” the woman


2018-2019学年第二学期高二年级月考试卷 物理试卷 (考试时间:100分钟,满分:100分) 注意事项: 1.本卷满分100分,时间100分钟。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号、班级填写在答题卡相应的位置。 2.作答时,将答案都写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 卷I(选择题) 一、选择题(本题共计 12小题,第1~8题单选题,第9~12题多选题,多选题少选得2分,多选、错选都不得分。每题 4 分,共计48分,) 1.首先发现电流的磁效应和电磁感应现象的物理学家分别是( ) A.安培和法拉第 B.法拉第和楞次 C.奥斯特和安培 D.奥斯特和法拉第 2. 关于电磁感应现象,下列说法中正确的是() A.只要有磁通量穿过电路,电路中就有感应电流 B.只要闭合电路在做切割磁感线运动,电路中就有感应电流 C.只要穿过闭合电路的磁通量足够大,电路中就有可能产生感应电流 D.只要穿过闭合电路的磁通量发生变化,电路中就一定有感应电流 3. 一接有电压表的矩形线圈在匀强磁场中向右作匀速运动,如图所示,下列说法正确的是 A.线圈中有感应电流,有感应电动势 B.线圈中无感应电流,也无感应电动势 C.线圈中无感应电流,有感应电动势 D.线圈中无感应电流,但电压表有示数 4.如图所示,理想变压器原、副线圈匝数比n1∶n2=2∶1,和均为理想电表,灯泡电阻R L=6 Ω,AB端电压u1=122sin 100πt(V).下列说法正确的是( ) A.电流频率为100 Hz B.的读数为24 V C.的读数为0.5 A D.变压器输入功率为6 W 5.理想变压器原、副线圈匝数比为10∶1,以下说法中正确的是( ) A.穿过原、副线圈每一匝磁通量之比是10∶1 B.穿过原、副线圈每一匝磁通量的变化率相等 C.原、副线圈每一匝产生的电动势瞬时值之比为10∶1 D.正常工作时原、副线圈的输入、输出功率之比为1∶10 6. 如图表示一交流电的电流随时间而变化的图象.此交流电的有效值是( ) A.52A B.5A C.7 2 2A D. 7 2 A 7.如图所示的金属圆环放在匀强磁场中,将它从磁场中匀速拉出来,下列哪个说法是正确的() A.向左拉出和向右拉出,其感应电流方向相反 B.不管从什么方向拉出,环中的感应电流方向总是顺时针的 C.不管从什么方向拉出,环中的感应电流方向总是逆时针的 D.在此过程中感应电流大小不变 8.如图所示,A、B、C是相同的白炽灯,L是自感系数很大、直流电阻为零的自感线圈.现 将S闭合,下面说法正确的是() A. B、C灯同时亮,A灯后亮 B. A、B、C灯同时亮,然后A灯逐渐变暗,最后熄灭 C. A灯一直不亮,只有B灯和C灯亮 D. A、B、C灯同时亮,并且亮暗没有变化 9.(多选)如图所示,在磁感应强度大小为B、方向竖直向上的匀强磁场中,有一质量为m、阻值为R的闭合 矩形金属线框abcd,用绝缘轻质细杆悬挂在O点,并可绕O点左右摆动。金属线框从右侧某一位置静止开始释 放,在摆动到左侧最高点的过程中,细杆和金属线框平面始终处于同一平面,且垂直纸面。下列说法中正确的 是() A.线框中感应电流的方向先是d→c→b→a→d,后是a→b→c→d→a B.线框中感应电流的方向是d→c→b→a→d C.穿过线框中的磁通量先变大后变小 D.穿过线框中的磁通量先变小后变大 10.(多选)一只闭合的矩形线圈在匀强磁场中绕垂直于磁感线的轴匀速转动,穿过线圈的磁通量随时间的变化 图象如图所示,则下列说法正确的是( ) A.t=0时刻线圈平面与中性面重合 B.t=0.1 s时刻,穿过线圈平面的磁通量的变化率最大 C.t=0.2 s时刻,线圈中有最大感应电动势 D.若转动周期减小一半,则电动势也减一半 11.(多选)如图所示,A、B两闭合线圈为同样导线绕成,A有10匝,B有20匝,两圆线圈半径之比 为2:1.均匀磁场只分布在B线圈内.当磁场随时间均匀减弱时() A.A中无感应电流 B.A、B中均有恒定的感应电流 C.A、B中感应电动势之比为2:1 D.A、B中感应电流之比为1:2 12.(多选)电能输送过程中,若输送的功率一定,在输电线电阻不变的情况下,输电线上损失的电功率() A.与输送电压的平方成正比 B.与输送电压的平方成反比 C.与输电线上电压损失的平方成正比 D.与输电线中电流的平方成正比

辽宁省实验中学分校2013-2014学年高二6月月考 英语试题 Word版含答案

第一部分:听力(1-20题略) 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature. However, whether you are on the mountains, in the waves, or on the grassland, you should be aware that your sport of choice might have great influence on the environment. Some sports are resource-hungry. Golf, as you may know, eats up not only large areas of countryside, but also tons of water. Besides, all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses (球场) in good condition. This causes major environmental effects. For example, in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain, golf is often held responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas. There are many environment-friendly sports. Power walking is one of them that you could take up today. You don’t need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes; and you don’t have to worry about resources and your purse. Simple and free, power walking can also keep you fit. If you walk regularly, it will be good for your heart and bones. Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you feel less anxious, sleep well and have better weight control. Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment and b uying products made from recycled materials. But the final goal should be “green gyms”. They are better replacements for traditional health clubs and modern sports centers. Members of green gyms play sports outdoors, in the countryside or other open spaces. There is no special requirement for you to start your membership. And best of all, it’s free. 21. Which of the following is the author most probably in favor of? A. Motor racing in the desert. B. Cycling around a lake. C. Playing basketball in a gym. D. Swimming in a sports center. 22. What do we know about golf from the passage? A. It is popular in Portugal and Spain. B. It causes water shortages around the world. C. It needs water and electricity to keep its courses green. D. It pollutes the earth with chemicals and wastes. 23. The author uses power walking as an example mainly because _________. A. It uses fewer resources. B. It improves our health. C. It is an outdoor sport. D. It is suggested by experts. 24. The author writes the passage to _________. A. show us the function of major sports B. introduce different types of environment-friendly sports C. discuss the major influence of popular sports D. encourage us to go in for green sports B
