





Jodie’s Daddy is a Garbageman (垃圾清理工)

Mr. Swales wanted to find out what his students’ parents did. He had just called Jodie when some girls burst out laughing. Shirley shouted, “Jodie’s Daddy is a Garbageman!”

Everybody in the class laughed out loud, except Jodie. She felt her face turn red.

“Silence!” Mr Swales said, “Being a garbagemen is a difficult and useful job. We should all be thankful to Jodie’s father.”

Jodi e’s father came to walk her home from school as usual, but she didn’t run up to him the way she always did. When they got back home, Jodie went to her room and cried for a long time.

Her father came into her room, “What happened, Jodie? Why are you so sad?”

Jodie told her father what had happened and looked at him. He didn’t seem angry or hurt. “Well,” he said, “they are right. Being a garbageman is a dirty job. Tomorrow’s Saturday. Come to work with me, Jodie.”

The place really smell too good. Jodie wrinkled her nose. “Don’t worry, kid. In five minutes you won’t smell a thing.” said her father.

Everybody there was working hard, and they seemed to have a good time. Jodie’s father handed her a pair of gloves and told her to get the little plastic bags and throw them into the truck.

It was fun, but also hard work. Jodie’s arms soom got tired. At last, no more garbage was left and Jodie felt very happy.

“Garbage is disgusting, but when we clear it away, everything’s nice and c lean. You can make yourself happy only by making other happy. That’s why I like being a garbageman so much.”

Jodie give her dirty, smeely garbageman daddy a big kiss(吻). She said, “When I grow up, I will be a garbagegirl!”

Now whenever someone asks Jodie what her daddy does, she says, “He’s a garbageman! Everybody makes garbage, but my daddy takes it away!”

(1)What happened in My Swale’s class?

A. He wanted to show what job was the most useful.

B. He asked an improper question.

C. Jodie gave an honest answer.

D. Jodie was laughed at.

(2)Why did Jodie’s fathe r take her to his workplace?

A. To make Jodie calm down

B. To prove how dirty his job was.C To help Jodie learn about his job.

C. To help Jodie learn about his job.

D. To keep Jodie away from her classmates.

(3)Jodie gave her father a big kiss mainly because ______.

A. he was kind

B. he was unselfish(无私的)

C. he was cheerful

D. he is hard-working (4)How does Jodie feel about her father now?

A. Sad

B. Curious

C. Guilty(有罪的)

D. Proud






(1)细节理解题。根据短文第一段第二、三句He had just called Jodie when some girls burst out laughing. Shirley shouted, “Jodie’s daddy is a garbageman!可知,当同学们知道Jodie的爸爸是一名垃圾清理工时都在笑话她;故选D。

(2)细节理解题。根据短文第十段爸爸的话语“Garbage is disgusting, but when we clear it away, everything’s nice and clean. You can make yourself happy only by making other happy.可知,爸爸要女儿来到他工作的场所是让她体验到自己工作的光荣;故选C。






When you're not at home, many worries may start to crowd your mind. Did I turn the coffee maker off? Did I lock the door? Are the kids doing their homework or watching television? With a smart home, you can quiet all of these worries.

A smart home is a home with a communication network. This network connects devices (装置),such as lights and TV sets, and allows them to be controlled from far away through electrical wiring, mobile phone communication or WiFi over the internet.

More and more people may start to consider owning a smart home, because it makes life much more convenient. It can help keep your room at a certain temperature. It can record what

happens inside the home and send the video to your phone. When you are on vacation abroad, you can use a smart home controller to switch on or off the electricity when necessary. Some smart homes can receive a visitor, allowing him to come in and offering him a drink. They can even feed the cat and water the plants.

Besides, smart homes are easy to fix. Most smart home technology and devices are wireless and can be set up with a minimum of tools, using only the guiding information. When a problem appears, you can deal with it yourself without paying a professional.

However, for home-users, the smart home technology is far from perfect. It can be rather expensive to own the technology and the devices. Also, because the smart home system(系统)allow its owner to get home information from anywhere, it leaves the home easy to be attacked by hackers(黑客),who may secretly use or change the information in the system.

Now, many scientists are excited at the future of smart home technology. Imagine being able to get fashion advice from your mirror, or receive food shopping suggestions from your refrigerator. While there are others who worry that those smart devices will make people lazier and lonelier. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure---smart home technology will change the way we live and work.

(1)According to the passage, nowadays a smart home can lock the door through .

A. electric lights

B. mirror technologies

C. mobile phones

D. shopping programs (2)The third paragraph of the passage is mainly about .

A. the steps to use smart systems

B. the prices of smart programs

C. the advantages of a smart home

D. the tools for setting up smart devices

(3)Which of the following is TRUE about a smart home according to the passage?

A. Smart homes can't help feed pets nowadays.

B. Smart homes costs a lot of money at present.

C. You can't control your smart home in other countries.

D. It's hard for hackers to get information from smart homes.

(4)What's the writer's opinion according to the passage?

A. People will become less happy in the future.

B. People's life style will be different in the future.

C. Mobile phones are the most important in smart homes.

D. Smart homes are much better than other smart systems.







(1)推理判断。根据第二段allows them to be controlled from far away through electrical wiring, mobile phone communication or WiFi over the internet.可知智能仪器可以通过电线,手机,无线网络等控制。electric lights电子光线;mirror technologies镜像技术;mobile phones移动电话;shopping programs购物程序。故选C。

(2)段落大意。根据第三段第一句More and more people may start to consider owning a smart home, because it makes life much more convenient. 可知越来越多的人开始考虑拥有一个智能家庭,因为它给生活带来极大的方便,结合下文可知都是在谈论智能家庭的优点。故选C。

(3)细节理解。根据They can even feed the cat and water the plants可知A错误;根据第四段 It can be rather expensive to own the technology and the devices. 可知B正确;根据第三段When you are on vacation abroad, you can use a smart home controller to switch on or off the electricity when necessary.可知C错误;根据第四段 it leaves the home easy to be attacked by hackers(黑客),可知D错误。故选B。

(4)观点态度。根据最后一句话Whatever it is, one thing is for sure---smart home technology will change the way we live and work. 可知智能家庭技术会改变我们生活和工作的方式。故选B。



“Who needs a shopping mall(购物中心)if you have Taobao?" says Wang Lin, 28, a writer in Beijing.

Taobao, China's largest online shopping site(网上购物网站), has become an important part of Wang Lin's life. She spends lots of money on Taobao.

A growing number of Chinese Internet users like Wang have found the joys of online shopping. Most online shoppers are students or young workers. More women shop online than men; Clothing and home-use products are the most popular on line.

It was reported that more than 250 billion (十亿) yuan was spent on online shopping last year, 80% through Taobao.

Taobao means "looking for treasure" in Chinese. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao, from clothes to books, from candies to DVD players.

You may question the security of online shopping, Wang Lin said, "It's very safe and convenient. Unless you receive the products from the sellers and are satisfied with them, the shop owner will not get the money. You can also get your money back if you want to return the products.”

(1)What is Taobao?

(2)Who are the most online shoppers?

(3)Do more men shop on line than women?

(4)What can you do if you want to return the products?

(5)How much did people spend on line shopping through Taobao last year?

【答案】(1)It's China largest online shopping site.

(2)They are students or young workers.

(3)No, they don't.

(4)I/We can get my/our money back.

(5)More than 200 million yuan.


(1)细节理解。根据第二段 Taobao, China's largest online shopping site(网上购物网站),has become an important part of Wang Lin's life. 可知答案是:It's China largest online shopping site.

(2)细节理解。根据第三段Most online shoppers are students or young workers.可知答案是:They are students or young workers.

(3)细节理解。根据第三段More women shop online than men;可知答案是:No, they don't.(4)细节理解。根据最后一句You can also get your money back if you want to return the products.可知答案是:I can get mymoney back.或者We can get our money back。

(5)细节理解。根据第四段It was reported that more than 250 billion (十亿)yuan was spent on online shopping last year, 80% through Taobao可知答案是:More than 200 million yuan.



Edinburgh is the world's "festival city". The city holds 12 festivals throughout the year, half of which are celebrated during the months of July and August. Hundreds of thousands of people visit the Scottish capital during the summer. Here are some of the events they can enjoy. The Edinburgh International Festival

This is the original (最初的) Edinburgh festival, which began in 1947.

Actors, musicians, dancers and opera singers from all over the world

perform for large audiences. You need tickets for most of the festival's

events, which take place in theaters around the city.

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe This is the largest art festival in the world, with thousands of

performances. Anyone can perform at the festival. Over 20,000 artists can

take part. Go to the Royal Mile, one of Edinburgh's main streets, to watch

performers such as magicians, acrobats (杂技演员) and comedians.

However, it can get very busy, as thousands of tourists and local (当地的)

people fill the city streets to enjoy the shows.

The Edinburgh International Book Festival The largest book festival in the world began in 1983 and takes place

every year in Charlotte Square Gardens in the center of Edinburgh. There are

over 700 events for children and adults. You can meet many authors, talk to

them, ask them to sign a book or listen to them talk about their stories.

The Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival Music lovers come to this festival to enjoy musical performances all over

the city. Artists perform street theater, dance and circus (马戏) shows in amazing costumes (戏装). Everyone can enjoy the music and dance


A. Edinburgh is famous for its festivals.

B. Edinburgh is the capital of Wales.

C. Six of Edinburgh's festivals are held in July.

D. Summer is not the best time to visit Edinburgh.

(2)Which of the following is the largest art festival in the world?

A. The Edinburgh International Festival.

B. The Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

C. The Edinburgh International Book Festival.

D. The Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival.

(3)Where is the Edinburgh International Book Festival held?

A. At theaters around the city.

B. In the Royal Mile.

C. In Charlotte Square Gardens.

D. On Edinburgh's main streets.

(4)What is the purpose of the story?

A. To describe the city of Edinburgh.

B. To describe some festivals in Edinburgh.

C. To prove that Edinburgh is the world's art center.

D. To encourage more artists to perform in Edinburgh.






(1)细节题。根据Edinburgh is the world's "festival city".可知Edinburgh是世界的节日城市,即以它的节日闻名,故选A。

(2)细节题。根据第二个表格This is the largest art festival in the world可知the Edinburgh Festival Fringe是世界上最大的艺术节,故选B。

(3)细节题。根据第三个表格The largest book festival in the world began in 1983 and takes place every year in Charlotte Square Gardens in the center of Edinburgh.可知在Charlotte Square Gardens举行,故选C。




Some parents are always comparing their children with themselves when they were young, or with other people when they were children.

"When I was your age," a father said to his sixteen-year-old son one day, "I was at the top of my class every year. And I knew what I wanted to do when I left school. I had goals. You are always at the bottom of your class, and you have no goals."

The man's son said nothing. He had heard this from his father many times.

"And when your mother was your age," the boy's father went on, "she had a good job and she was earning money. You don't even have a part-time job. You earn nothing."

The man's son still said nothing. He had heard this before, too.

"And when your older brother was your age," the boy's father went on, "he studied hard. You just waste your time."

And the man's son still said nothing.

Finally, the boy's father said, "And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, he worked all day and studied at night."

This time the son could not stay silent.

"And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, Father," he said, "he was the President of the United States. What are you?"

His father had no answer to this.

(1)The father compared his son with the following people EXCEPT ________.

A. himself

B. the boy's brother

C. Abraham Lincoln

D. the boy's classmates (2)How did the boy probably feel?

A. Happy.

B. Afraid.

C. Angry.

D. Surprised.

(3)What can we infer from the passage?

A. Some parents like comparing their children with other children.

B. The boy's father studied very well when he was young.

C. The boy was the youngest child in his family.

D. The father wanted his son to become President of the USA

(4)What is the passage mainly about?

A. A happy family on vacation.

B. A father complaining about his son.

C. A son lying to his father.

D. Abraham Lincoln as a child.






(1)细节题。根据"When I was your age," a father said to his sixteen-year-old son one day, "I was at the top of my class every year.可知爸爸把儿子和自己比较;根据"And when your older brother was your age," the boy's father went on, "he studied hard. You just waste your time."可知爸爸把儿子和男孩的哥哥比较;根据Finally, the boy's father said, "And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, he worked all day and studied at night."可知爸爸把儿子和Abraham Lincoln比较,没有把儿子和同学比较,故选D。


(3)细节题。根据"When I was your age," a father said to his sixteen-year-old son one day, "I was at the top of my class every year.可知爸爸小时候在班级里是好学生,即学习好,故选B。




What problems do the teenagers probably have?Here is a survey showing their main problems:

Problems Causes Advice

Feeling stressed Too much homework. Don't

have enough time for their


Make a plan for study and hobbies. Find time

to relax as possible as you can.

Getting shortsighted Too much homework. Bad

reading and writing habits.

Do homework and read in a correct way.

Fights Don't know how to get on well Make more friends and understand each

with classmates. other. Share your problems with them. Feeling tired of study


games' bad influence. Don't be crazy about computer games. Play them just for a short time when you want to relax. Getting fat Have a lot of pocket money to buy snacks. Dislike doing exercise.

Use your pocket money to do something

meaningful. Spend some time doing exercise

every day. (1)What problems are caused by too much homework?

A. Feeling stressed and fights.

B. Feeling tired of study and getting fat.

C. Feeling stressed and getting short-sighted.

D. Getting short-sighted and feeling tired of study.

(2)If Simon is feeling stressed, he should .

A. do much more homework

B. make a plan to spend time on study and hobbies

C. donate his pocket money to Project Hope

D. buy some snacks

(3)Peter is tired of study, maybe because he .

A. has no close friends

B. has no pocket money

C. plays too many computer games

D. gets fatter and fatter

(4) is a good way for teenagers to stop fights.

A. Doing less homework

B. Playing computer games

C. Learning how to make friends

D. Paying no attention to each other

【答案】 (1)C





(1)细节题。根据Feeling stressed Too much homework.Don't have enough time for their hobbies.Getting shortsighted Too much homework. Bad reading and writing habits.可知太多的作业会导致感觉有压力和变近视,故选C 。

(2)细节题。根据第一行Advice Make a plan for study and hobbies.可知制定学习和爱好计划,故选B 。

(3)细节题。根据Feeling tired of study Computer games' bad influence.可知厌恶学习的原因是电脑的坏的影响,故选C 。

(4)细节题。根据Fights Make more friends and understand each other.可知交更多的朋友和相互理解可以阻止打架,故选C 。



When he was small, Hill was a famous bad boy.

At the age of 9, his father married his stepmother. At that time they lived poorly in the countryside while his stepmother was from a wealthy family.

His father introduced Hill to his stepmother as he said, "Dear, I hope you notice in the entire shire this is the worst boy, who has made me have no other way. Maybe before tomorrow morning he will throw a stone at you, or do a bad thing you will never imagine."

To Hill's surprise, his stepmother went up to him with a smile, held up his head and looked at him carefully. She then turned around to tell her husband, "You're wrong. He is not the worst boy in the entire shire, but the cleverest and most creative boy. Only he doesn't find a place to show himself."

His stepmother's words warmed his heart, his eyes full of tears. With this, he started building friendship with his stepmother. And this became the drive of his life, making him create 28 successful golden rules, which helped tens of thousands of ordinary people walk on the road to success.

Before his stepmother came, no one praised him smart, and his father and neighbours considered him as a bad boy. However, his stepmother's words changed his life.

When Hill was 14 years old, his stepmother bought him a used typewriter and said to him, "I believe you will become a writer." Hill accepted his stepmother's gift and expectation, and started writing things to a local newspaper. He understood his stepmother's strong feeling of interest in his family while he saw with his own eyes she had changed his family. Therefore, he would do as well as she expected him to.

The strength from his stepmother made him a rich man and famous writer in the United States and one of the most important persons in the 20th century.

Praise will never be unnecessary, especially for children. A sincere(真诚的)praise may be better than 10, 000 bad words.

(1)What did people think of Hill before the age of nine?

A. Clever.

B. Creative.

C. Unfriendly.

D. Foolish.

(2)Hill started making friends with his stepmother after she .

A. smiled at him

B. looked at him carefully

C. said good words about him

D. said bad words about him

(3)Which of the following is WRONG about Hill?

A. He accepted his stepmother's typewriter.

B. He failed to do as he was expected.

C. He started writing to a local newspaper.

D. He understood his stepmother.

(4)The passage was written mainly to tell us that .

A. children should be praised

B. Hill's father married again

C. Hill's stepmother was kind to him

D. Hill's father was cruel to him







(1)细节理解题,根据When he was small, Hill was a famous bad boy.可知,希尔九岁前是个出了名的坏孩子,故答案是C。

(2)细节理解题,根据His stepmother's words warmed his heart, his eyes full of tears. With this, he started building friendship with his stepmother.可知,在继母说了他的好话后,他开始跟继母交朋友,故答案是C。

(3)正误判断题,根据Therefore, he would do as well as she expected him to.可知他跟继母期盼的做的一样好,因此B的陈述是错误的,故答案是B。




Esperanza lives in a poor Latino(拉丁美洲的)neighbourhood in Chicago, America. She dreams of having her own house one day. Her parents told her that when they moved from their last house, they would have a new and shiny(亮闪闪的) house. But the house is small and old. Many people live in Mango Street, in a big old house, Esperanza lives behind it with her family.

A lot of the people who have come from Mexico don't speak English. Many miss their home country. Esperanza understands their sadness, but she also feels at home in America. She is an American, but her roots(根) will always be Latino.

Esperanza is young. Like her friends, she has to grow up fast. She is stuck between being a girl and being a woman. In the poor and dangerous area where she lives, this is difficult for her. Mexican people usually live in a close neighbourhood. This means that people live packed(挤塞的) in together. Everyone knows everyone else. So Esperanza knows other older girls that do things she is not comfortable doing. It is just a fact of her life.

But Esperanza has good friends too. She becomes friends with two sisters named Lucy and Rachel. They ride bikes and have adventures(冒险) together. Esperanza is also friends with a girl named Alicia. Alicia is afraid of the rats in her apartment. She shares her poems with Esperanza.

(1)What is RIGHT about Esperanza?

A. She doesn't like what some of the older girls are doing.

B. She isn't quite used to her life in America.

C. She is an American and has a comfortable life.

D. She often lives with her friends enjoying doing things together.

(2)Where does Esperanza live?

A. In a big old house in Mango Street.

B. In a small and old house in Mango Street.

C. In a new and shiny house.

D. In a small and dangerous house.

(3)We can infer from the text that ______________.

A. many people who live in Mango Street are dangerous

B. Mango Street is an area where Esperanza's childhood is unforgettable

C. in Mango Street, people don't speak English

D. in Mango Street, everybody understands Esperanza s sadness

(4)What does the word "stuck" in the third paragraph mean?

A. hard to agree

B. hard to believe

C. hard to move

D. hard to have a correct idea (5)The passage is mainly a simple introduction to ______________.

A. a person's experience

B. a person's friends

C. a place named Mango Street

D. love and sadness from Mango Street







(1)细节题。根据So Esperanza knows other older girls that do things she is not comfortable doing.可知Esperanza不喜欢其他女孩做的不舒服的事情,故选A。

(2)细节题。根据But the house is small and old. Many people live in Mango Street, in a big old house, Esperanza lives behind it with her family.可知Esperanza的房子是小的旧的,住在Mango Street的后面,故选B。

(3)细节题。根据In the poor and dangerous area where she lives, this is difficult for her可知住在Mango Street是危险和困难的,故选A。

(4)细节题。根据前句Like her friends, she has to grow up fast.像她的朋友一样,她不得不快速成长,所以卡在了女孩和妇女间,即很难移动,即hardto move,故选C。




I was travelling alone through the UK. To reach places that were off the public transportation map, I bought an old car, which cost most of my money. I couldn't afford to stay in a hotel, so I had to camp in my car for the rest of the trip.

One morning I woke up in my old car on a country road in Ireland and saw a single house, The water in my thermos(保温瓶) had gone cold, so I knocked on the door of the house. A woman

opened it. I asked her for some hot water. But she wouldn't let me get away with just that! I was invited indoors. She asked me to sit at the table and have breakfast with her family. They filled my thermos before I left.

I was greatly moved. And I decided to pass the kindness on. The other day I met a young man who had been driving around to look for a parking lot. He looked increasingly upset. I was glad that I was able to point one out to him. His thankful smile was the hugest reward(奖赏) for me.

(1)The writer bought the car in order to ______________.

A. serve the public

B. travel more easily

C. take the trip alone

D. save more money (2)Why did the writer camp in his car?

A. He was short of money.

B. It was his habit.

C. He could have a better rest.

D. It would be warmer.

(3)The writer asked the woman for ______________.

A. a map

B. a thermos

C. some hot water

D. a light breakfast

(4)How did the young man feel at last?

A. Funny.

B. Upset.

C. Disappointed.

D. Thankful.

(5)What's the main idea of the text?

A. Travelling alone is interesting.

B. Sharing food is a pleasure.

C. Kindness is the sunshine in life.

D. Smile is important to everyone.







(1)细节题。根据To reach places that were off the public transportation map, I bought an old car, which cost most of my money.为了到达公共交通地图上找不到的地方,我买了一辆旧车,花了我大部分的钱,故选B。

(2)细节题。根据I couldn't afford to stay in a hotel, so I had to camp in my car for the rest of the trip.可知作者负担不起待在旅馆里,所以不得不待在车里,即缺钱,故选A。

(3)细节题。根据I asked her for some hot water.可知作者和她要热水,故选C。

(4)推断题。根据I was greatly moved. And I decided to pass the kindness on.我很感动。我决定把仁慈传给他,即感谢的,故选D。





The word, "photography", was first used in 1839. It comes from the Greek words that mean "to write with light". But photography could only give people static pictures. So scientists were trying hard to find ways to make pictures that can move. They made lots of experiments, but failed again and again. It was Eadweard Muybridge who finally succeeded. He was the first photographer to try this successfully. But how did he make it? It was an interesting story.

Back in 1872, people didn't know exactly(确切地)whether all four of a horse's hooves (蹄)left the ground at the same time when it was running. A gentleman called Leland Stanford made a bet with his friend about it. Most people believed that a horse always had one hoof on the ground, or it would fall over. But Stanford didn't think so.

At that time, it was hard to know who could win the bet, because a horse's legs move so fast that it is impossible to tell just by looking. So they needed a way to record the movement of a running horse. Then Stanford offered $ 25,000 to the famous photographer, Muybridge, to help find the answer. In the beginning, Muybridge failed to get clear images, but he didn't give up. He continued to improve his cameras. In 1878, after many experiments, he managed to get a sequence(连续) of 12 photos. One of them clearly showed that all four of the horse's hooves were off the ground at the same time. And when the photos moved fast, people could see a horse running.

Though Edison is usually considered as the person who created the first movie in 1889, it was the work of Eadweard Muybridge and the bet that led to Edison's invention.

(1)The underlined word "static" in Paragraph 1 most probably means .

A. pretty

B. dark

C. moving

D. still

(2)What did Leland Stanford make a bet with his friend about?

A. Whose horse ran faster.

B. Whether a horse would fall over while running.

C. Whether it was possible for scientists to make moving pictures.

D. Whether a horse's hooves all left the ground at the same time while running.

(3)Muybridge finally found the exact answer to the bet in .

A. 1839

B. 1872

C. 1878

D. 1889

(4)The passage mainly tells us .

A. that Thomas Edison created the first movie

B. that Eadweard Muybridge created the first static pictures

C. how photography helped people know more about animals

D. how Eadweard Muybridge got pictures of motion(移动) successfully





【解析】【分析】大意:文章主要介绍了 Eadweard Muybridge拍到移动的照片的故事。

(1)词义猜测题。根据下文 So scientists were trying hard to find ways to make pictures that can move. 所以科学家很努力地尝试找到让照片动起来的方法,可知以前的照片是静止的,static意为still“静止的”。故选D。

(2)细节理解题。根据第二段 Back in 1872, people didn't know exactly(确切地) whether all four of a horse's hooves(蹄) left the ground at the same time when it was running. 可知,Leland Stanford和朋友打赌马在奔跑的时候是不是四只马蹄都离地。故选D。

(3)细节理解题。根据第三段In 1878, after many experiments, he managed to get a sequence(连续)of 12 photos. 可知,直到1878年,Muybridge ,才设法拍到连续的12张照片。故选C。

(4)主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了Eadweard Muybridge拍到移动的照片的故事。故选D。



Mip Mip, a playful robot, was developed by a Canadian toy maker named Wowwee. It stands 19 cm tall. You can control it simply with your gestures or a smartphone. Mip can run, balance and dance on two wheels. It can also bring a bottle of water.

Android Wear Google is developing a smart watch called Android Wear. The watch uses a touch screen and voice control. Simply say "OK, Google" to ask whatever you want to know. For example, say "OK, Google. Where's the nearest toy store?" Your watch will tell you the answer on Google Maps.

Le Pen Do you like listening to music while doing homework? If you do, you will like Le Pen. With a music player planted inside, Le Pen plays music when you write on paper. The music stops when you stop writing. So if you want to enjoy more of your favorite songs, keep on writing.

One Wheel In the near future you may find a new way to escape traffic: a self- balancing skateboard called One Wheel. It can go as fast as 19 km an hour. On a single charge, it can take you as far as 7~10 km.

A. B.

C. D.

(2)According to the passage, Android Wear can_________.

A. go as fast as 19 km an hour

B. run, balance, dance and even serve you

C. tell you how to get to some places

D. play music while you are writing on paper

(3)What's the best title for the passage?

A. Four new cool inventions

B. How to use Le Pen

C. Four useful robots

D. The smart watches





(1)推理题。根据Le Pen plays music when you write on paper. The music stops when you stop writing当你在纸上写字时,勒庞会演奏音乐。当你停止写作时,音乐就停止了可知,如果你想边写作边欣赏音乐,你可以选择,故选D。

(2)细节题。根据Where's the nearest toy store?" Your watch will tell you the answer on Google Maps. 最近的玩具店在哪里?你的手表会在谷歌地图上告诉你答案可知,Android Wear可以告诉你怎么去一些地方,故选C。

(3)主旨题。根据本文介绍了四项新的发明都很酷可知,标题应是Four new cool inventions,四项都很酷的新的发明,故选A。



Interesting festivals in the world

Throwing tomatoes-Spain(西班牙)

Spain takes "tomato fights" to a whole new level. But the tomatoes are

being thrown, not eaten. The festival takes place on the last

Wednesday in August, Trucks(卡车) carry tomatoes into the square.

People rush to the tomatoes and throw them into the crowd.

Rolling cheese -England

This festival is celebrated in May. It takes place on Copper's Hill. A large

wheel of cheese(奶酪)is rolled down Copper's Hill, The festival is

actually a race where people run down the hill after the rolling cheese.

The first person to cross the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins

the cheese.

Burning man -The United States

The Burning Man Festival is held annually, spanning from the last

Sunday in August to the first Monday in September(Labor Day). The

festival takes place in Black Rock Desert. The best part of the festival is

the burning of a large sculpture of a man.

Pouring water-Thailand

The Songkran Festival is the celebration of the New Year in Thailand.

Rather than a single day, Thailand celebrates the New Year from April

13th to April 15th. Thai people run after each other, pouring water.

Songkran is one of the most important reasons why foreigners travel to

the beautiful land.

A. Spain.

B. England.

C. The United States.

D. Thailand.

(2)Which activity is held in Black Rock Desert?

A. Throwing tomatoes.

B. Rolling cheese.

C. Burning man.

D. Pouring water.(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The tomatoes are thrown into the crowd to eat.

B. Not all the festivals above fall on a single day.

C. Burning a large real man is the best part of the Burning Man Festival.

D. Songkran is the only reason for attracting lots of tourists.





(1)细节理解题,根据Rolling cheese -England This festival is celebrated in May. 可知五月份可以去英国,故答案是B。

(2)细节理解题,根据 Burning man -The United States The festival takes place in Black Rock Desert. 可知火烧人狂欢节放生在黑岩沙漠,故答案是C。




I opened the door. "Where are you going, Mom?" my elder son asked me. And his little brother asked, "Can we come, too?" "I'm going for a coffee," I answered. "And no, you can't come." Then I ran away before they could say something. But the guilt(内疚的) feelings slowly went away. Being a mom is hard work. There's always something new to do to make my kids happy. Sometimes, I need to do something just for me. It teaches my kids an important lesson: I matter, too.

I know parenting articles often tell us it's OK to take time for ourselves. But it's so much harder to walk the talk. Of course, we should put ourselves first sometimes. And not just when we are sick. I'm talking about putting ourselves first in other ways. For example, tell the baby that after thirty minutes of reading to them, you are going to read your own book or eat at your favorite restaurant. These selfish moments are good ways to teach our children that we are important too. When you ask my kids "What does mom like?" They can answer with some of my interests and favorite things: reading books, watching movies, taking care of animals and them. They often see me do the things I enjoy, so they understand me and would stay with Dad. This understanding is good for our children. "She's a mom" shouldn't be the only way your child describes you. If it is, it's time to be a little selfish, Moms.

(1)Why did the woman leave her children quickly?

A. She had little time left that day.

B. She tried not to change her mind.

C. She didn't want to explain herself.

D. She had many things to do that day.

(2)What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. It's easier said than done.

B. It's harder to make a start.

C. It's harder to keep our word.

D. It's not easy to take a walk.

(3)Why do the women's kids know her favorites?

A. They have the same interests.

B. They often do things together.

C. They often see what she's doing.

D. Their dad tells them about her interests.

(4)What's the purpose of the passage? To tell Moms______________.

A. How to be a good mother at home.

B. to enjoy staying with their kids.

C. How to become a cool mom to your kids.

D. to stop always putting their kids first.






(1)推断题。根据 Then I ran away before they could say something. But the guilt(内疚的)feelings slowly went away.可知妈妈怕自己感到不带孩子感到内疚,会改变主意,所以很快离开,故选B。

(2)词句猜测题。根据 I know parenting articles often tell us it's OK to take time for ourselves.可知父母为自己花费些时间是可以的,下文but但是表示转折,可猜出it's so much harder to walk the talk.这句意思应该是说起来容易做起来难,故选A。

(3)细节题。根据 They often see me do the things I enjoy可知孩子知道她最喜欢的事,因为孩子经常看见她做她自己喜欢的事情,故选C。



Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy trying to make money for my schooling.

One day, my mother was sewing a quilt(缝被子).I silently sat beside her.

"Mom, is there love between you and Dad? "I asked in a very low voice.

With surprise in her eyes, she stopped her work for a while. Then she said, "Susan, look at this thread(线).It can hardly be seen, but it's really there. It makes the quilt strong. If life is a quilt, love should be a thread. Love is inside."

I couldn't understand her until the next spring. At that time, my father suddenly got sick seriously. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month.

After they were back, my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road every day. They were so kind to each other and it seemed they were the happiest couple.

After two months my father still couldn't walk by himself.

"Dad, how are you feeling now? "I asked him one day.

"Susan, don't worry about me, "he said. "I just like walking with your mom. I like this kind of life." Reading his eyes, I knew he loves my mother deeply.

Now I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life. Love is inside, making life strong and warm.

(1)Susan's father stayed in hospital for _________.

A. one day

B. one month

C. two months

D. three months

(2)Susan came to understand her mother _________.

A. while her mother was sewing a quilt

B. before her father was in hospital

C. when she was sitting beside her mother

D. after her father was seriously sick

(3)What can we know from the passage?

A. Susan's father is very lazy.

B. Susan's mother is a nurse.

C. Susan's parents love each other.

D. Susan doesn't like her father.

(4)Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?

A. How to make a quilt strong

B. Love is just a thread

C. Walking on the country road

D. A seriously sick father






(1)细节理解题,根据My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month.可知爸爸在医院待了一个月,故答案是B。

(2)细节理解题,根据I couldn't understand her until the next spring. At that time, my father suddenly got sick seriously.My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month.可知,当爸爸生了重病时,作者才理解了她的妈妈,故答案是C。

(3)逻辑推理题,根据I just like walking with your mom. I like this kind of life.可知作者的父母是彼此相爱的,故答案是C。

(4)标题判断题,根据Now I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life.可知文章的标题是:爱就是一条线,故答案是B。



The other day, I got into a car accident, which was clearly not my fault. The other driver was so busy on his phone that he went right through a red light and hit my car.

A traffic policeman arrived and started taking statements. I explained that my speed was about

55 km/h. "So you were going about 50 km/h, my lady?" he asked. "No, I said I was going about 55 km,/h," I said. "Right, so you were driving at a speed of about 50 km/h?" he asked again.

I was a little annoyed because I felt he wasn't listening to me carefully. So I shouted, "No! I was going about 55 km/h."

"OK, if that's the way you want it," the officer simply replied. Because the city speed limit is 50 km/h, I only got paid from my insurance (保险) company for the damage to my car, but the other driver's insurance company couldn't pay me due to my speed. I didn't realize it at the time, but it turned out I was getting him wrong.

He didn't mention the 5 km/h, but he certainly knew something about the rules of the insurance. Suddenly, I realized that the traffic policeman had been trying to help me out.

(1)The best expression to explain the main idea of the passage is.

A. the more slowly, the better

B. a careless woman driver

C. a traffic policeman tried to offer help


(2020最新模拟江苏省宿迁市 A) 根据句意及所给中文提 示或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词。每小题1分) 46. My neighbours are very ▲ (友好的) to us. 47. Do you ▲ (同意) with what I say? 48. We had a very cold ▲ (冬季) last year. 49. Are you ▲ (有空的) this evening? 50. I can’t ▲ (买得起) to go to the 2020最新 模拟 World Cup. 51. The tourists had no c ▲ but to wait for the next bus. 52. Tom is a ▲ (a good sense of humour) boy, so everyone likes him. 【答案】46.friendly 47.agree 48.winter 49.free 50.afford 51.choice 52.humo(u)rous (2020最新模拟.江苏省无锡市.B根据句意和汉语注释,在 答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式,每小题1 分) 6.Sometimes ______________(深厚的) feelings are hard to put into words. 7.Mr Wang was busy,but he_____________ (坚持) on seeing me off at the airport. 8.Will you join us in the _____________(讨论)about the teenage problems.

【英语】 中考英语阅读理解测试题及答案经典

【英语】中考英语阅读理解测试题及答案经典 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 Radio and television are very popular in the world today. Millions of people watch TV. Perhaps more people listen to the radio. The TV, of course, is more useful than the radio. On TV you can see and hear what is happening in the world. Now the radio is not disappearing. It's still with us. And the number of listeners is becoming larger. One reason for this is the invention of the transistor(晶体管)radio. The transistor radio is sometimes very small. It is very easy to carry. You can put one in your pocket and listen to it on the bus when you go to work. It is better for blind people. Many old people don't have good sight (视力)to watch TV. When people are working,they can't watch TV but they can listen to music or news over the radio. What's more,the radio is much cheaper than the TV. (1)After the television was invented,people ____. A. think it is unnecessary to use the radio B. don't want to use the radio any more C. are still using the radio D. find the radio is disappearing (2)One of the reasons for the larger number of listeners of the radio is that ____. A. the TV was invented B. the transistor radio was invented C. people don't like watching TV D. millions of people watch TV (3)____ listen to the radio more because their sight isn't good enough. A. Children B. Young people C. Old people D. Adults (4)Usually ____ can be used easily while people are moving or working. A. the radio B. the TV C. both the TV and the radio D. neither the radio nor the TV 【答案】(1)C (2)B (3)C (4)A 【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述收音机和电视机在世界上的很受欢迎,电视与收音机比,电视更有用,然而收音机由于体积小便宜,便于携带,听众也越来越多,深受老年人喜爱。 (1)细节题。根据Perhaps more people listen to the radio.可知,电视发明后,人们依然使用收音机,故选C。 (2)细节题。根据One reason for this is the invention of the transistor(晶体管)radio. 可知,收音机听众的数量更多其中一个原因是晶体管收音机被发明,故选B。 (3)推断题。根据 Many old people don't have good sight(视力)to watch TV.可知,老年人由于视力不好听广播的人更多,故选C。 (4)细节题。根据When people are working,they can't watch TV but they can listen to music or news over the radio.可知,通常人们移动或者工作时可以听收音机,故选A。 【点评】考查阅读理解。细节题和推断题是阅读理解题中常考题型。细节题需要从文中寻


1. (重庆A卷)I had egg and some milk for breakfast this morning. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. (重庆B卷)I believe that apple a day keeps the doctor away. A. a B. an C. the D. / 3. (四川成都)—Who is boy playing soccer over there? —He is my classmate, Li Ping. A. a B. 不填 C. the 4. (天津)There is old piano in corner of the living room. A. an; the B. an; 不填 C. a; the D. a; a 5. (上海)Hurry up! The concert will begin in minute. A. a B. an C. the D. / 6. (山东临沂)The bed piano allows a music lover to play piano while he is lying in bed. A. a B. an C. / D. the 7. (山东青岛)We should have breakfast every day to keep healthy. A. a B. an C. / D. the 8. (江苏连云港)Zanco, American tech company, made tiniest phone in the world —the Tiny 11. A. the; a B. an; / C. /; a D. an; the 9. (宜宾)Every morning he spends hour doing exercise, then he goes to work. A. an; / B. a; a C. a; / 10. (随州)May is fifth month of the year. It’s very pleasant month. A. the; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the; / 11.(浙江温州)—Will you go to school-leavers’ party tomorrow? —Certainly. I’m going with my parents. A. a B. an C. the D. / 12. (甘肃白银)The man is driving at 40 kilometers hour. A. a B. an C. the D. / 13. (湖南郴州)—My daughter seldom has breakfast. —It’s unhealthy habit. Breakfast is very important to health. A. a B. an C. the 14. (山东东营)According to rule made in 2017, some kinds of dogs mustn’t be kept since May 1st, 2018 in Dongying. A. a B. an C. the D. / 15. (江苏宿迁)There will be talk on good manners at the school hall this afternoon. A. the B. an C. a D. / 16. (四川内江)—What time is it now, Mike? —It’s quarter past five. Let’s go to play basketball. A. 不填;不填 B. a; a C. the; a D. a; 不填 17. (哈尔滨)—What are you going to do next month? —I am going to travel to Germany, which is European country. A. a B. an C. the 18. (黑龙江绥化)I spend hour playing drums every day. A. a; the B. an; / C. an; the 19. (海南)Ann is my best friend. She can play piano very well.


名词 ( C )1. (2017江西) —Do you have any for tonight yet? —Not yet. What about having a picnic on the beach? A. problems B. news C. plans D. rules ( A )2. (2017福建) —Nowadays more and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera. —That’s true. It’s an important part of Chinese . A. culture B. invention C. custom D. tradition ( A )3. (2017海南) It is very hot in Hainan this summer. On June 3rd, the in Lingao reached 41.9℃. A. temperature B. information C. development D. progress ( C )4. (2017上海) Did the policeman give much on how to protect personal information? A. note B. tip C. advice D. book ( C )5. (2017天津) Don’t stand too close to North Americans. You’d better give them more personal . A. time B. system c. space D. pity ( C )6. (2017重庆) —Judy, I will have a meeting in Canada next week. —Well, you’d better take a with you, or you may easily get lost. A. photo B. stamp C. map D. postcard ( A )7. (2017安徽) The New Silk Road will offer a good for more nations to communicate. A. chance B. habit C. question D. price ( B )8. (2017山西) You should look into his eyes when you talk to somebody. It shows your . A. shyness B. politeness C. quietness D. rudeness ( C )9. (2017南京) —I go swimming every day. —Wow! That’s a good . It keeps you healthy. A. match B. task C. habit D. dream ( C )10. (2017武汉) —I wonder if you’ve made a decision on the project, Eric. —Not yet. I can’t make it until I have first-hand on prices. A. news B. knowledge C. information D. education ( B )11. (2017哈尔滨) During the Spring Festival, people in Northern China usually eat as a traditional Chinese food. A. pizza B. dumplings C. hamburgers D. bread ( C )12. (2017苏州)—Shall we go on Friday or Saturday? —Either day is OK. It makes no to me. A. choice B. change C. difference D. decision ( B )(2017孝感)13. Computers are very useful. They can help us get much on the Internet. A. games B. information C. courage D. messages ( C )(2017青岛) 14. Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one .


(一) Dragons are not real animals, but look like a combination (结合体) of many animals such as snakes, fish and have two horns (角) and a long moustache (胡子).With fantastic power, they fly in the sky or swim in the can make rain, Chinese dragon is a symbol of strength and good emperors of ancient China loved clothes were covered with pictures of dragons. We are proud to call ourselves the “descendants (传人) of the dragon”.In Chinese, “excellent” people are often called “dragons”.A number of Chinese sayi ngs and idioms talk about dragons, for example, “Hoping_one's_child_will_become_a_dragon.” which means hoping he or she will be successful. It is said that people born in the Year of the Dragon have certain are creative, confident, brave and quick? are s ome famous “dra?gons” who have done excellent things, for example, the great man Deng Xiaoping, the famous businessman Li Jiacheng and the movie star Zhao are all very successful. There are also some traditional festivals about dra?gons in China, such as Dragon Head?Raising Day and Dragon Boat have different kinds of activities to celebrate two festivals come every year, but the Year of the Dragon comes every twelve years.

中考英语真题分类汇编 翻译句子

【中考湖南邵阳】B)翻译阅读短文,将文中划线部分翻译成汉语。(共5小题,每小题2分) Rising in the east of the world has been the greatest China dream of Chinese people since modern times. 71 . The Chinese people support the China dream from their hearts. “72. Everybody has his own dream.”Chairman Xi's words have brought “China Dream”into the life of every Chinese. However, 73. there is still a long way to go before the dream comes true. All people in China share the common future which needs long-term efforts. 74. If everyone is hard-working in his life, the China Dream will be realized and 75. our own dreams will come true. Only when the whole nation achieves development, can its people develop themselves in a correct way with freedom and equal chance of success. 【主旨大意】习主席多次提到“中国梦”,并谈到“人生出彩”,谁的人生? 显然,不是少数人的人生,也不是多数人的人生,而是生活在中华人民共和国疆域内每一个国民、每一个个人的人生。本文就是从这个角度阐述如何实现“中国梦”。【答案】71. 中国人民由衷地支持这个中国梦。 72. 每个人都有自己的梦想。 73.还有很长的路要走。 74.如果每个人在生活中努力工作 75.我们个人的梦想将会实现。 【中考四川内江】II.汉译英。将下列汉语翻译成英语(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)。 91. Smith医生叫John戒酒。 92. 我们城市有越来越多的游客。 93. 他告诉我说他见过李华很多次了。 94. 科学家发现在太空旅游是有可能的。 95. 当我小的时候,我父母经常带我去我家附近的公园。 【答案】 91. Dr. Smith told/asked John to give up/stop drinking wine. 92. There are more and more visitors in our city/cities. 93. He told me that he had seen/met Li Hua many times. 94. Scientists (have found) find out that travel in space is possible/it's possible to travel in space. 95. When I was young, my parents often took me to the park near my house. 【中考福建福州】I. 将下列句子译成英语。必须用上所给的提示词。(每小题2分,共8分) 111.你的电脑出了什么问题?(matter)

最新-2018中考英语真题分类汇编 精品

2018中考英语真题分类汇编:单选非谓语动词 (2018山东省潍坊市19. 1)At least 300 million people are using QQ________by Ma Huateng to chat on line. A.create B.creates C.creating D.created 【答案】D (2018四川省成都市42. 1)-Where's your brother now,Bob? --I saw him _______in the street a moment ago and I told him_________. A.playing;don't do so B.playing;not to so C.play;to do so 【答案】B (2018·吉林省通化市,46,1)The woman made his son_____finally after she told him some jokes. https://www.360docs.net/doc/4411529596.html,ughed B.to laugh https://www.360docs.net/doc/4411529596.html,ugh https://www.360docs.net/doc/4411529596.html,ughing 【答案】C (2018·河南省,24,1)( ) Father often tells me--too much time on computer games. A don't spend B not spend C not to spend D not spending 【答案】C (2018·湖北省黄冈市,43,1)-How would your family like to travel? --It's a problem in my family.Mother prefers to take a bus to travel,while father always sticks ______to travel. A.to drive B.to driving C.driving D.drive 【答案】B (2018·山东省聊城市,34,1)The teachers often tell their pubils ________aeross the road when the traffic light is red. A.not go B.not to go C.don't go D.didn't go 【答案】B (2018·陕西省,25,1)Don't forget _________an umbrella _______you.It's going to rain.


中考英语阅读理解试题分类汇编经典 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.根据短文内容出选择正确答案。 B Do you want to live a happier, less stressful life? Try laughing for no reason at all. That's how thousands of people start their day at Laughter (笑声)Clubs around the world and many doctors now think that having a good laugh might be one of the best ways to stay healthy. The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai, India, in 1995 by Dr. Madan Kataria. "Young children laugh about 300 times a day. Adults laugh between 7 and 15 times a day," says Dr. Kataria. "Everyone is naturally good at laughing-it's the universal language. We want people to feel happy with their lives." There are now more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over l,300 in the world. Many doctors are also interested in the effects (效果) of laughter on our health. According to a 5-year study at the UCLA School of Medicine in California, with laughing there is less stress in the body. Laughter improves our health against illness by about 40%. So what happens at a Laughter Club? I went along to my nearest club in South London to find out. I was quite nervous at the beginning of the class, to be honest, I wasn't interested in laughing with a group of strangers, and I was worried about looking stupid. Our laughter teacher told us to clap our hands and say “ho ho ho, ha ha ha.” while looking at each other. However, our bodies can't tell the difference between real laughter and unreal laughter, so they still produce the same healthy effects. Surprisingly, it worked! After ten minutes everybody in the room was laughing for real and some people just couldn't stop! At the end of the class I was surprised by how relaxed-and comfortable I felt. So if you're under stress, then start laughing. You might be very pleased with the results! (1)The first Laughter Club was started in __________. A. India B. America C. Britain D. China (2)How many Laughter Clubs are there in the world today? A. Over 300. B. Over 500. C. Over 800. D. Over l,300. (3)How did the writer feel at the beginning of the class? A. Surprised. B. Pleased C. Nervous. D. Tired. (4)When did the people in the club begin to laugh for real? A. After ten minutes. B. After ten hours. C. After ten seconds. D. After ten days.(5)The article mainly tells us __________.


1000道中考英语试题分类汇编 (单项选择) 考点一、名词 (江苏省宿迁市)Sandy didn’t tell her parents that she was going home because she wanted to give them a _______. A. gift B. call C. surprise D. note (湖南省娄底市)—It’s said that you have moved into a new house. —Yeah,and we need to buy some in the mall nearby. A. food B.furniture C. hamburger 【答案】B (四川省内江市)—Well,you look so happy --Because I got a good ________. A.work B.news C.job 【答案】C 【答案】C (2018年上海市33. 1)You can get much_____about the World Expo on the Internet. A.map B.picture C.ticket https://www.360docs.net/doc/4411529596.html,rmation 【答案】D (2018年上海市51. 1)The customers are pleased with

the________of the restaurant. A.balance B.experience C.surface D.service 【答案】D (2018·福建省晋江市,32,1)–Lily has a silk __________.Listen,she is singing in the next room! -- How nice!. A. look B. noise C. voice 【答案】C (2018·江苏省扬州市,12,1)—Wow,so many beautiful cars!I don’t know which one to buy. --Anyway ,you have to make a________. A.conclusion B.connection C.decision D.presentation 【答案】C (2018·吉林省通化市,38,1)We need to come up with a/an________and make a decision at once. https://www.360docs.net/doc/4411529596.html,rmation B.advice C.idea D.news 【答案】C (2018·浙江省湖州市,17,1)—Would you like some _______? --No,thank you.I’m not hungry at all. A.water B.books C.clothes D.bread 【答案】D (2018·山西省,17,1)I Iike______ a Iot, and my mother


(英语)中考英语试题真题分类汇编介词及解析 一、初中英语介词 1.I've ordered some flowers for grandma and they will arrive _____ two hours. A. in B. after C. over D. for 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:我已经给奶奶订了一些花儿,它们两个小时后就会到达。in+时间段,表示将来,意思是“……以后”;after+时间段,表示过去;over+时间段,表示“经过……时间”,通常用现在完成时;for+时间段,表示动作或状态的延续。根据句中的will arrive 可知此处表示一般将来时,故答案为A。 【点评】考查介词辨析。注意in、after和for后跟时间段时各自的常用时态。 2.I'll be at home __________ Sunday morning. You can phone me then. A. on B. in C. at D. to 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:在周日早上我将在家,那时你可以给我打电话。on+具体时间;in+the+morning/afternoon/evening,在早上/下午/晚上;at+时间点。Sunday morning指的是周日早上,指的是具体日期,所以用on,故选A。 【点评】考查介词辨析,注意平时识记on、in、at的区别。 3.I will go around the city of Dalian by light-rail vehicle(轻轨) subway because I haven't taken it before. A. instead of B. in the face of C. along with D. across from 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我打算不坐地铁,坐轻轨车参观大连,因为我以前从没有坐过。 A.而不是; B.面对; C.和……一起; D.在……对面。因为原来没有坐过轻轨,所以这里是坐轻轨而不是坐地铁,故答案是A。 【点评】考查短语辨析,注意识记短语instead of的意思。 4.My mother often says, "Stand tall like the sunflower and be proud who you are." A. of B. with C. at D. in 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我妈妈经常说,像向日葵一样挺起胸膛,为自己感到骄傲。be proud of,固定搭配,为……骄傲,故选A。 【点评】考查固定搭配,注意be proud of的用法。 5.The high-speed train Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only about three hours. A. from B. among C. in D. between 【答案】 D


中考英语英语阅读理解试题(及答案) 一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷 1.阅读短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A man sees a butterfly. The butterfly tries to get out of its chrysalis (蛹). Feeling sorry for it, the man decides to help. He cuts the chrysalis and the butterfly comes out easily. Surprisingly enough, the butterfly is unable to fly. If the butterfly doesn't struggle (奋斗) to leave the chrysalis, it can't fly! The struggle develops the energy in the butterfly which makes it fly. Similarly, the challenges of life bring out the best in young people and make them fly. When people are young, meeting and overcoming challenges will make them strong and ready to face life. When we 1oюk at successful people, we see that the most successful of them are people who have had to struggle. One famous businessman, who now owns many big supermarkets, used to carry clothes on his back and sell them from door to door when he was young. Another successful man is Dennis. His father died when he was only twenty. His father's death forced him to mature fast. He had to bring up a family of nine people. He took up the challenges and overcame them. Today his brothers and sisters are leading successful lives. Sometimes challenges do not appear to us because we keep away from them. So some parents and teachers actively encourage young people to face challenges. They might organize some activities for young people which provide them with challenges, like rock-climbing, camping, volunteer work and so on. However, just passing exams will not prepare a person for life. We must meet and overcome challenges. The young people of today will become the leaders of tomorrow. For countries to continue to become successful, it is important that the young people learn to meet challenges and overcome them. (1)From the story we know that the butterfly can't fly because ________. A. it gets out by itself B. the man feels sorry for it C. it doesn't want to challenge itself D. the man helps it come out (2)Dennis' example shows that success people should ________. A. overcome the difficulties B. take up business early C. become the leaders of tomorrow D. sell clothes from door to door (3)Which statement is TRUE? A. Young people should face challenges because they are strong. B. Losing his father made Dennis mature in a slow way. C. Rock-climbing and camping can shape the strong will. D. The most successful people don't need to struggle. (4)What is the best title for this passage? A. God Helps Those Who Help Themselves B. Young People Must Deal With Difficulties Alone


精品文档 2012年全国各地中考英语真题分类汇编——连词 【2012山东济南】29·—Did you have a good time at the party? —Yes. We sang ______danced until late at night. A. but B. if C. and D. so 29. C【解析】考查连词辨析。but“但是,”是并列连词,表转折; if“假如,如果”,引导条件状语从句; and“和,而且”,表示顺承或并列; so“所以”,表结果。句意“—你们在聚会中过得好吗?—是的,我们又唱又跳直到深夜。”故选C。 【2012山东济南】39. Lin Shuhao is ______famous ______ all the basketball fans in China know him. A. too, to B. enough, to C. so, that D. as, as 39.C【解析】考查连词用法。too…to“太……而不能”;enough…to…“足够……以……”;so…that…“如此……以至于”;as…as“与……一样……”。句意“林书豪如此出名以至于在中国所有的篮球迷都知道他。”故选C。【2012山东济宁】25.I won't take part in Julie's birthday party ________I am invited. A.unless B.after C.because D.if A【解析】考查连词辨析。unless “除非;如果不”。句意为“我不会参加茱莉亚的生日晚会除非我被邀请。” 【2012北京】30. There are no buses, ____ you'll have to walk. A. so B. or C. but D. for 【答案】A 【2012甘肃鸡西市】24. We must get up at 7:00 tomorrow morning, _____we will be late for the meeting. A. and B. or C. but 【答案】B 【2012广东】33. Ben was busy taking a training class, _____we had to wait for him for half an hour. A. so B. if C. or D. But 【答案】A 【2012广西玉林】29. ___________he exercises every day, ____________ he is very healthy. A. Because; so B. Because; through C. Because; / D. Though; / 【答案】C 【2012贵州安顺】21.Hurry up, ____ finish your homework! A.or B.but C.and D.while 【答案】C 【2012贵州铜仁】35.The bus driver always says to us ,“Don't get off________ the bus stops.” A. when B. while C .until D. if 【答案】C 【解析】本题考查连词。not…until 表示“知道……才……。故选C.
