

1. Purpose目的

This document is to achieve the promises of environmental objectives and targets, implement environmental management system effectively,putenvironmental programme (s) and management into effect.为达成对环境目标和指标的承诺,有效推动环境管理体系,落实环境方案与管理。

2. ScopeX围

This procedure applies to ensure the establishment of significant environmental aspects.本程序使用于确保重要环境因素管理方案的制定。


Environmental management programme (s) 环境管理方案: shall include designation of responsibility for achieving

objectives and targets at relevant functions and levels of the organization, and the means and time-frame by which

they are to be achieved.规定相关职能和层次实现环境目标和指标的职责及实现目标和指标的方法和时间表.

4. Reference参考文件

4.1Environmental Objectives and Targets Control Procedure环境目标与指标控制程序

4.2Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure纠正和预防措施控制程序

4.3Non-conforming Control Procedure不符合控制程序

5. Responsibility职责

5.1Management representative is responsible for preparing environmental management programme(s), andreporting the

environmental programme(s) implementation performance to General Manager.环境管理者代表负


5.2Management representative or authorized personis responsible for track- checkingon execution of environmental

programme(s) .环境管理者代表或授权人负责环境管理方案执行的追踪。

5.3General Manager is responsible for approving the environmental programme(s), and providing necessary resource for the

environmental programme(s) implementation.总经理负责环境管理方案的核准,并为管理方案实施配置必要的资源。

5.4All relevant department heads are responsible for supervising the implementation of environmental programme(s).部门主管负


6. Process Description过程描述

6.1Environmental management representative or authorized personshall organize all relevant department heads to establish

environmental programme(s).环境管理者代表或授权人组织责任部门进行环境管理方案的制订。

6.2 The establishment of environmental management programme(s) requires环境管理方案制订要求:

6.2.1 The details of all stages to achieve environmental objectives and targets.实现环境目标和指标各阶段的具体内容;

6.2.2 The time-frame to achieve environmental objectives and targets.完成环境目标和指标各阶段的时间表;

6.2.3 The locations to achieve environmental improvements 实现环境改进的具体地点;

6.2.4 Necessary resources ( manpower, materials, financial and so on) to implement environmental improvements实施环境


6.2.5 Concrete improvement measures, actions means and so on 具体的改进方法、措施、手段等;

6.2.6 Project director and the responsibility of all relevant stages 项目总责任人员及各阶段责任人的具体职责;

6.2.7 Relevant department’s responsibilities in implementation of environmental improvement activities相关部门在环境改


6.3Management representative collect environmental objectives and targets in Environmental Objectives and Targets Implement

Programme(s) List, and send it to General Manager to approve.环境管理方案汇总于《环境目标指标实施管理方案表》,由管理者代表提交总经理核准。

6.4The approved e Environmental Objectives and Targets Implement Programme(s) List shall be distributed to all relevant


6.5Implementation of environmental management programme(s) 环境管理方案的落实:

6.5.1The relevant environmental programme(s) of responsible departments shallbe propagandized and instructedby


6.5.2 Management representative or authorized person track-check the implementation status according to the schedule of

environmental objectives and targetsper quarter. If behind of schedule, dispose it according to Corrective and

Preventive Action Procedure and Non-conforming Control Procedure 环境管理者代表或授权人每季度会根据管


6.5.3 Management representative or authorized personreview the environmental programme(s) implementation schedule

with relevant departmentsperiodicallyand have necessary revise (especially when all relevant activities, products and

service changed). 环境管理者代表或授权人定期组织相关部门会议,对环境管理方案执行效果进行检讨,并


6.5.4The revised environmental programme(s)shall be put into effectafter General Manager approved. 修订后的环境管理


6.6The implement effect of environmental programme(s)shall be submitted to management review meeting环境管理方案实施成效


7. Process Flow Diagram(过程流程图)



8.1 Environmental Objectives and Targets Implement Programme(s) List环境目标指标实施管理方案表
