

topics2008/04/30 06:41 [演讲题库]

1. Now in the age of the Internet, reading books does not seem as important as it once was. Do you think people can learn as much on the Internet as they can by reading books? Which method do you prefer?

2. It's been said that technology creates more problems than it solves and may threaten or damage the quality of life. Is this statement reasonable? What problems does technology bring us? Use specific examples in your answer, please.

3. Literature is a significant part of human culture and some say it can help form aesthetic taste. However, is it necessary for everyone to read poetry, novels, and other types of imaginative literature?

4. Many people know how to attain success, but few know how to make the best use of it when it comes. So how do you define success and how would you make the best use of it?

5. Do you agree that the people who make important contributions to society are generally not those who develop their own new ideas, but those who are most gifted at perceiving and coordinating the talents and skills of others And please give examples to illustrate your views.

6. Most people agree that buildings represent a valuable record of the past for any society, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground which modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, should modern development be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served?

7. It is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. However, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free. Do you think university education should be more open-minded and free? And what aspect of your university life should be improved?

8. In today's technological society, we're becoming busier and busier. But the primary goal of technological advancement is to increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time. How do you evaluate this situation? How can we improve it?

9. Strict laws are important for the security of our society, but there are many cases of injustice based on rigid laws. Should laws be fixed or flexible? Please explain your vies with examples.

10. One typical feature of the young generation is overconfidence. As a result, they lack the patience to do a basic job, dreaming that they can accomplish great things is misleading and/or potentially harmful?

11. which qualities do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?

12. What would be your major consideration in choosing a job and why?

13. what is more important in your career, to make money or to be satisfied with your work?

14. Which is more important for you: knowledge from books or personal experience:

15. If you could live in a different time and place, what time and place would you choose?

16. What is your view on public displays of affection such as kissing on campus?

17. If we don't want to give money to individual beggars, what charities would you recommend that we support in China:

18. Do you think married couples have a better life without children?

19. why do you think Valentine's Day has become so popular in China?

20. Could you please tell us, in your opinion, what makes life worthwhile?

21. Are we allowing the Internet to intrude too far into our private lives?

22. Do we need so many television channels?

23. Is it time to scrap the May and October golden week holidays?

24. Is marking western holidays a sign of a modern China or of traditions sacrificed to commercial interests?

25. Should linguistic diversity be preserved, even at the expense of effective communication?

26. Are we becoming too susceptible to advertising?

27. Do you think people today are any closer to achieving a peaceful and harmonious future or harmonious world than Confucius, who lived 2000 years ago?

28. Should bargaining be outlawed and traders be required to advertise a fixed price for what they sell?

29. Should it be left to university students to balance their private lives and their studies?

30. Can the sacrifice of modesty in the interests of achieving success be justified

31. What do you think is more important for a child, a happy childhood or top marks at school?

32. Who should be the focus of investment in sport, the general population or potential Olympic champions?

33. Are boarding schools a good idea or are students better off at home?

34. Should Peking Opera remain true to its roots or change with the times?

35. Does modern society place too much emphasis on physical beauty?

36. Should Beijing's historic main avenue be open to all, big cars and small cars?

37. Is it right for major cities to lift the ban on firecrackers?

38. Is a dependent husband a role model or a cause of embarrassment?

39. Should Beijing introduce a congestion charge to encourage drivers to use public transport and leave their cars at home?

40. Who should take responsibility for the poor diet of children, fastfood restaurants or parents?

41. Is the Olympic ideal still relevant today?

42. Should China introduce a complete ban on smoking in restaurants and bars?

43. Is Beijing a better or a worse city, as a result of the disappearance of the hutongs?

44. Are retirement homes the answer in caring for China's aging population?

45. If you could invite one historical figure to dinner, who would that be? What would you want to discuss with him or her?

46. If you could choose one thing that China could share with the rest of the world, what would that be?

47. Should postgraduate study be a means of improving job prospects, rather than pursuing academic interests?

48. Is it right that success in the sporting arena should open doors to a career in entertainment?

49. Do you think big cities need more public transport instead of more private cars?

50. Do you think that pretty female students have an advantage in job interviews?

51. Do the benefits of the Internet for students outweigh the potential harm?

52. Should the Y uan Ming Yuan, also known as the Old Summer Palace, be restored?

53. Do you think schools, including primary schools, should permit students to carry mobile phones?

54. Do you think a policy of not allowing visitors on campus will harm a university's image?

55. Is the risk of exploitation too high a price for children to pay for fame?

56. What's more important, job satisfaction or money?

57. Which attribute is more important for an Olympic champion, technique or mental strength?

58. Which is better for the arts, private investment or government funding?

59. With about 4200 languages spoken worldwide, would it be more convenient if a universal language were adopted?

60. Do famous people deserve constant public scrutiny, or should they have more protection from intrusive reporting?

61. Are universities justified in celebrating their achievements on a lavish scale?

62. Should people who return property expect a reward?

63. Can privately-run universities in China justifiably claim to be superior to traditional universities?

64. Do beauty contests have a positive or negative social influence?

65. Is there a need for a national film classification system in China?

66. Does the NBA need China more than China needs the NBA?

67. Should there be any restrictions on stars being spokespeople for products?

68. Is it practical to give rural workers the freedom to seek work in big cities, wherever it is available?

69. Should universities provide different levels of service and accommodation for their students?

70. Can a price be set on clean air?

71. Do you think young people should begin their career while still at university? Why?

72. Do you think you can buy good health?

73. Should women do the same things as men to be their equals?

74. Should university graduates go to work in a rural area? Is this a waste of talent?

75. How has TV changed your way of life?

76. Do you read classical Chinese literary works such as "A Dream of Fed Mansions"? Why?

77. What is the meaning of Great Wall for you?

78. Has the Internet narrowed or increased the distance between people?

79. If you were one of the musicians in the movie "Titanic", would you stay? Why?

80. China has a good food tradition. Why has foreign fast food become so popular here?

81. Should traditional buildings be pulled down to build modern structures?

82. Is an Oscar the ultimate recognition for a Chinese film?

83. As a university student, do you think it is worth spending a lot of time dating?

II. Topics.

1. There should be a ban on television advertisements aimed at children.

2. It is morally acceptable to experiment on non-human animals to develop products and medicines that benefit human beings.

3. Lottery should be banned by law.

4. Beauty contest does more harm than good.

5. Boxing and other bloody sports should be banned.

6. The values of Chinese tradition can not meet the challenges of the modern age.

7. Tourism to endangered world heritages should be limited.

8. Publicity is better salesperson than quality.

9. Sportsmanship and commercialism are incompatible.

10. The carrot is more effective than the stick.

11. Society's obligation to the poor should be valued above individual economic freedom.

12. It's better to be dissatisfied Socrates than a satisfied pig.

13. All-round people are more adaptive to the modern competitive society than specialized people.

14. The equality of men and women is a dream that cannot be realized.

15. The use of mobile phones with camera should be made illegal.

16. The consumer plays a more important role than the government in fighting plagiarism.

17. Collaboration rather than competition promotes the process of civilization.

18. Celebrities should be prohibited from appearing in medical advertisements.

19. Museum entry should be free.

20. Secondary schools should require their students to wear a school uniform.

21. Genetically modified food should be banned.

22. Cultural treasures should be returned to their country of origin.

23. Boarding schools are beneficial to children.

24. The benefits of tourism outweigh the costs.

25. Unregulated distribution of copyrighted works over the Internet should be banned.

26. The present international ban on trading elephant ivory should be lifted.

27. The state retirement age should be raised.

28. The Internet makes people more distant from each other than closer.

29. In modern society, capabilities are more important than college diplomas.

30. Mankind should invest in the exploration of space.

31. Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.-----Oscar Wilde

32. I have not failed. I've just found 10000 ways that won't work. -----Edison

33. Courage is the thing. All goes if courage goes.

34. The proper function of man is to live, but not to exist.

35. There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it.

36. People have one thing in common: They are different.

37. Technology is a queer thing; it brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.

38. Money is a good servant but a bad master.

39. One man's meat is another man's poison.

40. Beauty and folly are often companies.

41. Cruelty is fed, not weakened, by tears.

42. Man proposes, god disposes.

43. A fall into a pit, in gain in your wit.

44. Whatever is, is right.

45. Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.

46. Most people say that as you get old, you have to give up things. I think you get old because you give up things.

47. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.

48. Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refugee in adversity and a provision in old age.

49. We only live once, but if we work it right, once is enough.

50. True science teaches, above all, to doubt and to be ignorant.

51. True friendship foresees the needs of others rather than proclaims its own.

52. Everybody's youth is a dream, a form of chemical madness.

53. Animals are such agreeable friends----they ask no questions, they pass no criticism.

54. Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear----not absence of fear.

55. What does being poor mean to you?

56. Would you ever consider becoming a vegetarian? Why or why not?

57. What are the penalties of increased consumption that has become the dominant way of life in many countries?

58. What factors help explain why the ethic of "throwaway" consumption has become the dominant value in many cultures?

59. What pressures have college students been confronted with currently?

60. Which counts more, tourism or environment?

61. Should using the human body as an art from be acceptable?

62. Should scientists be celebrities?

63. An official is convicted of taking bribes for the needy. Does virtue justify corruption?

64. Do security cameras really have the public interests at heart?

65. Is English education a waste of resources?

66. What kind of influence do cultural values play in determining how women see themselves?

67. If you were the president of your university, what kind of changes would you like to make?

68. Aging has become a serious problem in China. What impacts does it have on the society?

1、The Future Is Now

2、Man and the Internet

3、The Greatest Invention in My Eyes

4、Unity and Diversity

5、The Significance of Morning Reading

6、1+1=2?(Does one plus one equal two?)

7、Love and Take Care of Nature

8、Let’s Stand up From Where We Fall Down

9、Opportunity Around Us

10、Computer Games, Bless or Curse?

11、How do You Get a Good Relationship?

12 、My Future Occupation

16、The East and the West, Let’s Enjoy the Combination of the two Cultures

17、Building Trust Between People

18、On Challenge

19、Harmonious Campus in My Eyes

20、Competition and Co-operation

22、My Dreams

23、To go for great goals, you have to start from minor ones.

24、Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.

25、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

26、The Importance of Reading intensively

27、United we stand, divided we fall


即兴演讲题目大全 1、曾经有这样一首小诗,饶有趣味: 你不可以左右天气,但你可以改变心情; 你不可以事事顺利,但你可以事事尽力; 你不可以改变不公,但你可以展现笑容; 你不可以预知明天,但你可以把握今天。 细心品味这首诗,然后针对此诗,自定主题,即兴演讲。 2、请根据“没有比人更高的山”这句话,自定主题, 即兴演讲。 3. 你心中对“朋友”的定义是什么?请围绕朋友这一主 题即兴演讲。 4、有人认为:青春像一座山背负一路感伤;郭敬明也曾说:青春是道明媚的忧伤。请围绕“青春”这一主题,即 兴演讲。 5、清晨-微风-草坪(展校园一景:柳条依依,绿草青青)注:(1)以上给出的词为即兴演讲的主题关键词;(2)括号内给出的是参考演讲方向,便于各位选手更好理解主题关键词,并非要求。 6、责任-义务-自豪感(使命感,主人翁精神) 7、请您以“人生处处是考场”为话题进行演讲。 8、寻找幸福的人,有两类。 一类像在登山,他们以为人生最大的幸福在山顶,于是 气喘吁吁、穷尽一生去攀登。另一类也像在登山,但他们并不刻意登到哪里。一路上走走停停,看看山岚、赏赏虹霓、吹吹清风,心灵在放松中得到某种满足。尽管不得大愉悦,然而,这些琐碎而细微的小自在,萦绕于心扉,一样芬芳身 心、恬静自我。 请以“站在烦恼里仰望幸福”为话题演讲。 8、有位哲人说:“真正让我疲惫的,不是遥远的路途;而是鞋子里的一颗沙。”体会其中的深意,并以此为话题演 讲。 9、张爱玲女士曾经说过这样一句话:“对于三十岁以后的人来说,十年八年不过是指缝间的事;而对于年轻人而言,三年五年就可以是一生一世。”(选自《十八春》)请以此为话题进行演讲。 9、人生的道路上,处处可能遇上不可磨灭的创伤。有句话却说:“每一种创伤,都是一种成熟。”您同意这种说法 么?说说你的看法。 10、“不凡是瞬间的风景,平凡是永恒的罗兰。”谈谈你对这句话的理解,若要你选择,你会选择瞬间的风景还是永 恒的罗兰? 11、曾经有这样一首小诗,饶有趣味: 你不可以左右天气,但你可以改变心情; 你不可以事事顺利,但你可以事事尽力; 你不可以改变不公,但你可以展现笑容; 你不可以与之明天,但你可以把握今天。 细心品味这首诗,然后针对此诗谈谈你的看法。


英语即兴演讲万能素材 【篇一:英语演讲比赛即兴演讲最佳模版】 英语演讲比赛即兴演讲最佳模版 education should be equally devoted to eiching the personal lives of students and to training students to be productive workers. 教育应该平衡的一方面丰富学生的个人生活,一方面把学生培养成训练有素的工作者。 in my view, preparing students for the mundane aspects of work should be secondary to providing a broader education that equips students with historical and cultural perspective, as well as thoughtful and principled personal value systems and priorities. 1.one reason why educators should emphasize personal eichment over job preparation is that rote technical knowledge and skill do not help a student determine which goals in life are worthwhile and whether the means of attaining those goals are ethically or morally acceptable. 2.another reason why educators should emphasize personal eichment over job preparation is that specific knowledge and skills needed for jobs are changing more and more quickly. 3.a third reason why educators should emphasize personally eiching course work—particularly anthropology, sociology, history, and political philosophy—is that these courses help students understand, appreciate and respect other people and their viewpoints.


1、曾经有这样一首小诗,饶有趣味: 你不可以左右天气,但你可以改变心情; 你不可以事事顺利,但你可以事事尽力; 你不可以改变不公,但你可以展现笑容; 你不可以预知明天,但你可以把握今天。 细心品味这首诗,然后针对此诗,自定主题,即兴演讲。 2、请根据“没有比人更高的山”这句话,自定主题,即兴演讲。 3. 你心中对“朋友”的定义是什么?请围绕朋友这一主题即兴演讲。 4、有人认为:青春像一座山背负一路感伤;郭敬明也曾说:青春是道明媚的忧伤。请围绕“青春”这一主题,即兴演讲。 5、清晨-微风-草坪(展校园一景:柳条依依,绿草青青)注:(1)以上给出的词为即兴演讲的主题关键词;(2)括号内给出的是参考演讲方向,便于各位选手更好理解主题关键词,并非要求。 6、责任-义务-自豪感(使命感,主人翁精神) 7、请您以“人生处处是考场”为话题进行演讲。 、寻找幸福的人,有两类。 一类像在登山,他们以为人生最大的幸福在山顶,于是 气喘吁吁、穷尽一生去攀登。另一类也像在登山,但他们并不刻意登到哪里。一路上走走停停,看看山岚、赏赏虹霓、吹吹清风,心灵在放松中得到某种满足。尽管不得大愉悦,然而,这些琐碎而细微的小自在,萦绕于心扉,一样芬芳身心、恬静自我。 、有位哲人说:“真正让我疲惫的,不是遥远的路途;而是鞋子里的一颗沙。”体会其中的深意,并以此为话题演 讲。 9、张爱玲女士曾经说过这样一句话:“对于三十岁以后的人来说,十年八年不过是指缝间的事;而对于年轻人而言,三年五年就可以是一生一世。”(选自《十八春》)请以此为话题进行演讲。

1 、“不凡是瞬间的风景,平凡是永恒的罗兰。”谈谈你对这句话的理解,若要你选择,你会选择瞬间的风景还是永 恒的罗兰? 11、曾经有这样一首小诗,饶有趣味: 你不可以左右天气,但你可以改变心情; 你不可以事事顺利,但你可以事事尽力; 你不可以改变不公,但你可以展现笑容; 你不可以与之明天,但你可以把握今天。 细心品味这首诗,然后针对此诗谈谈你的看法。 12、现在我们所看的每场晚会都经历过了精心的彩排。然而人生却没有彩排,每天都是现场直播。请说说你对这句 话的理解。 13、请谈一谈对“没有比人更高的山”这句话的理解。 14、常有人说:单独思考往往会创造奇迹。请针对“智 慧总是在孤独中生根”这句话,谈谈你的见解。 15、“幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。”请以此为话题演讲。 16、人生中处处可以遇到值得我们感恩的人。里根在婚礼上的发言说了这样一句话:“上帝把南希赐予我,就足以让我毕生感激。”请以“感恩”为话题,以一个或多个具体的例子,阐述你对感恩的看法。 17、请以“生命中的空白”为话题演讲。 1 、生活里人们往往力求改变,以让人生向自己的目标更加靠近。“大多数人想要改变这个世界,但罕见有人想改造自己。”请以此为话题演讲。 19、但丁说:走自己的路,让别人说去吧。但现实中也存在着很多需要察纳雅言,虚心接受别人意见的时候。请说说你的看法。 2 、有人认为:青春像一座山背负一路感伤;郭敬明也曾说:青春是道明媚的忧伤。你


英语演讲比赛中即兴演讲题目 1.how do you think ant tribe (蚁族)should go to smaller cities? 3.should university student start their own business as soon as they graduate from universities? 4.do you agree or disagree with the following statement? married couples have a better life without children? 5. what do you think is more important for a child, a happy childhood or top marks at school? 6. do you think big cities need more public transport instead of more private cars? 7.do you agree or disagree with the following statement? parents are the best teachers. i couldn’t agree more with the statement. parents are the best teachers. take my parents for example, they are not only my parents, but also my friends and teachers. i spent most of the time with my parents before i go to college, and i surely learn a lot from my parents in everyday’s life. when i was a child, they teach me like how to walk, how to dress up, how to be a honest people and how to tell right from wrong. as i grow older, they teach me how to manage my money, how to make friends, how to study, how to make decisions, and so on. i like to take my parents’ advice into consideration. and it always works. overall, in my eyes, parents are the most intimate people to us. they will teach us all they know when we need it. they will not hide anything from us. what’s more, parents are the people who know us the most, therefore, advice and suggestions from our parents are the most pertinent and valuable. 8.some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. which point of view do you agree with? 9.is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? apart from the negative effects above, what about the positive side of saving money for future use? first, saving money for future use can help us earn more money by investing money into like stock market and fixed estate. secondly, saving money for future use can ensure we have good lives after retirement. finally, saving money can probably help those in bad need for money. 10.the expression never, never give up means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals. do you agree or disagree with this statement? nothing is difficult if you put your heart on it. nothing is easy if you don’t try your best. when someone say never, never give up, he means that he will keep trying and never stop working for his goal no matter how many times he fails. if we give up too early, we will rarely achieve anything. it is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and should try again. besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills. another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort. if we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted. now i want to quote hillary clintons words to end my speech. she says, always aim high , work hard ,and care deeply about what you believe in, and when you stumble ,keep faith, when


第12届“外研社杯”全国大学生英语演讲大赛江西赛区即兴演讲话题 1.it is great to be great, but it is greater to be human. ----------rogers 2.failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience. ----------elbert green hubbard 3.no man is enough rich to buy back his past. ----------wilde 4.behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his image. ----------goethe 5.character is what you are in the dark.. ----------moody 6.if you would be loved; love and be loved. ----------franklin ----------bacon 8. laughter is the shortest distance between two people. ----------borge 9. it is no use doing what you like, you have got to like what you do. ----------churchill 10. to go for great goals, you have to start from minor ones. ----------sukhomlinsky 11. the shortest way to do many things is to do one thing at a time. ----------smiles 12. education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. ----------yeats 13. the world is a ladder for some to go up and others to go down. ----------anonymous 14. all the advantages isn’t in running fast, but rather in getting an early start. ----------rabelais 15. happiness, l have discovered, is nearly always a rebound from hard work. ----------grayson 16. the farther a man knows himself to be from perfection, the nearer he is to it. -----------groote 17. a mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary. ----------fisher 18. the more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he is. 19. we must be prepared to displease the dearest ones for the sake of principle.. ----------gandhi


教师即兴演讲题目 通过即兴演讲,既能锻练知识运用能力、随机应变能力和语言组织能力,也能发现在学习、生活、工作过程中的许多不足,从而为更好、更从容的走向讲台,提高自身的竞争能力打下良好的基础。 【题目1】我的水果人生 【核心提示】不经意间,读到这样一段文字:如果用一种水果比喻我的话,我选择香蕉。它的体形像我175cm的个头,它的金黄色外衣好比我要追求的高贵气质。香蕉富含维生素ABCE和葡萄糖就像我多重的性格。它易腐如同我必须经常更换我的短期目标或者说是我的敏感,它易腻如同我很难把自己变成深邃的海洋而只是一眼见底的溪流。请以“我的水果人生”为题作即兴演讲。(准备时间:3分钟) 【题目2】也谈内心和谐 【核心提示】都说犹太人是世界上是最聪明的人,他们说:卖豆子的人最快乐,因为他们永远不担心豆子卖不出去。豆子卖不出去磨成豆浆可能卖,豆浆卖不了就制成豆腐,豆腐卖不了就制成豆腐干,再卖不了就腌豆腐乳;或者用豆子发豆芽,豆芽长大成豆苗……看卖豆子人豁达、乐观,遇事总是以积极的心态对待,这样才能达到真正的内心和谐!请以“也谈内心和谐”为题作即兴演讲。(准备时间:3分钟) 【题目3】没有比人更高的山 【核心提示】山高人为峰。当我们经过奋勇攀登,站在高山之巅时,一座新的山峰拔地而起,一个新的高度应运而生。这个高度等于山峰原本的海拔,加上人类的身高,这座新的山峰注定要比曾经的山峰更加巍峨!山峰化作人脚下的根基。人的高度决定了山峰新的高度,这一刻,人比山更高!山峰是基石,是成功必需的客观条件,个人的努力才是决定结果的根本因素。没有辛苦付出,人类永远不可能战胜艰难险阻;只要勤奋努力,我们一定能征服任何一座高山,战胜任何一次挑战。大步向前,万里关山只等闲。请以“没有比人更高的山”为题作即兴演讲。(准备时间:3分钟)


1. Should parents set limits in internet access for their teenage children? Why? Internet is dangerous if a child has unlimited freedom to use it. Because teenagers are too weak to resist the great tempt. Various online games will cost their almost all-day time. And many kinds of online movies may teach them unhealthy content such as violence. Also, long-time exposure to computer will do great harm to teenager’s eyesight. A child addicted to Internet will neglect his study completely. However, the word limit does not mean forbidding. It can’t be denied that internet is a very useful tool for learning. In this information age, computer and internet is essential. Adequate access to internet will contribute to teenagers keeping pace with this world. Also, internet is a fine entertainment for students who have study longtime and get tired. So, I think parents should set limits on but not forbid access for their teenager children. 2. Should smoking be prohibited completely in all countries? Why? Well, it’s a quite complex question. Overall, in my opinion, I think smoking should n’t be completely prohibited in all countries. Let me explain my views. We all know clearly that smoking is very harmful to the smoker’s health. Longtime smoking can lead to lung cancer and other serious health problem. Also, smoking in public situation is awful. People around the smoker, especially the children, also suffer from the damage to their health. In spite of all these bad effects mentioned above, however, I still think smoking is indeed needed in our society. For example, when people get tired or anxious, a cigarette can help to release their body as well as spirit. Also, in some social intercourse, cigarette is a essential. In my eyes, I can’t imagine what people’s life will become if smoking is completely prohibited. There may be many benefits for individuals, but the social will suffer a lot. So, I think smoking should not be prohibited. It is individual’s effort to make smoking a useful thing. 3. Agree or disagree: There is nothing that young people could teach old people. In ancient times, young people should never teach old people. Old people know much more than young because they have undergone many things in their life. They lead us to the right way. Sometimes, it’s regarded impolite for young to teach old. But that does not mean young people really have nothing to teach old people, especially in this high-developed times. Young people usually learn things fast and learn more. They always have a smart head for new things. Therefore, young people can teach the olds how to use computer and cellphone, how to dance and so on. Also, I think old people can learn younger’s passion and energetic for life. That will be a good thing. 4. Should pets be allowed in university dormitories? In my opinion, by no means should pets be allowed in dormitories. To be honest, I’ve been thinking in my mind to have a pet in my dorm. Lovely pets will bring much joy to our daily life. But I eventually did n’t do that. Why? Because it is something selfish and irresponsible. Dormitory is a place where several people live together. To a certain degree, it is a public place. We can’t just comply with our own desire while ignore other roommates’ feeling. Having a pet in dorm can be troublesome or even annoying. It may make the room dirty and even in a mess. What’s worse, some people are allergic to certain animals. Also, people’s rest can’t be guaranteed. Some people may say that we could choose a mild and little pet such as fishes. In this case, if your roommates do n’t reject, I think it is acceptable.


精品文档 1.now in the age of the internet, reading books does not seem as important as it once was. do you think people can learn as much on the internet as they can by reading books? which method do you prefer? 2.its been said that technology creates more problems than it solves and may threaten or damage the quality of life. is this statement reasonable? what problems does technology bring us? use specific examples in your answer, please. 3. literature is a significant part of human culture and some say it can help form aesthetic taste. however, is it necessary for everyone to read poetry, novels, and other types of imaginative literature? 5. do you agree that the people who make important contributions to society are generally not those who develop their own new ideas, but those who are most gifted at perceiving and coordinating the talents and skills of others and please give examples to illustrate your views. 6. most people agree that buildings represent a valuable record of the past for any society, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground which modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. in such situations, should modern development be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served? 7.it is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit.however, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free. do you think university education should be more open-minded and free? and what aspect of your university life should be improved? 9.strict laws are important for the security of our society, but there are many cases of injustice based on rigid laws. should laws be fixed or flexible? please explain your vies with examples. 11.which qualities do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend? 12.what would be your major consideration in choosing a job and why? 13. what is more important in your career, to make money or to be satisfied with your work? 14. which is more important for you: knowledge from books or personal experience: 15.if you could live in a different time and place, what time and place would you choose? 16. what is your view on public displays of affection such as kissing on campus? 18. do you think married couples have a better life without children? 20.could you please tell us, in your opinion, what makes life worthwhile? 21.are we allowing the internet to intrude too far into our private lives? 22.do we need so many television channels? 23.is it time to scrap the may and october golden week holidays? 27.do you think people today are any closer to achieving a peaceful and harmonious future or harmonious world than confucius, who lived 2000 years ago? 28.should bargaining be outlawed and traders be required to advertise a fixed price for what they sell? 29. should it be left to university students to balance their private lives and their studies? 30.can the sacrifice of modesty in the interests of achieving success be justified


编号:YB-JH-0264 ( 演讲稿) 部门:_____________________ 姓名:_____________________ 日期:_____________________ WORD文档/ A4打印/ 可编辑 2021版即兴演讲题目【50】 The speech drafts have the functions of propaganda, agitation, education and appreciation, making them convinced and empathizing in their thoughts and feelings.

2021版即兴演讲题目【50】 本演讲稿作用为:可以用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经 验等等;演讲稿具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,它可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众 以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本内容可以放心修改调整或直接使用。 即兴演讲题目【1-20】 1、曾经有这样一首小诗,饶有趣味: 你不可以左右天气,但你可以改变心情; 你不可以事事顺利,但你可以事事尽力; 你不可以改变不公,但你可以展现笑容; 你不可以预知明天,但你可以把握今天。 细心品味这首诗,然后针对此诗,自定主题,即兴演讲。 2、请根据“没有比人更高的山”这句话,自定主题,即兴演讲。 3.你心中对“朋友”的定义是什么?请围绕朋友这一主题即兴演讲。 4、有人认为:青春像一座山背负一路感伤;郭敬明也曾说:青春是道明媚的忧伤。请围绕“青春”这一主题,即兴演讲。 5、清晨—微风—草坪(展校园一景:柳条依依,绿草青青)


1、2012年底,“梦”字当选为这一年的年度汉字,结合实际对于“中国梦”你要说些什么? 每一个人都有属于自己的梦,每一个群体都有属于他们的梦。什么是我的中国梦呢?“不要浪费”这句话,我相信是每一个父母都从小就教育我们的。可又有多少人听进去了呢?如果真的人人都能做到不浪费,那为何还会有360多万元一顿的天价晚宴?中午,来到学校食堂,你就会发现餐桌上有许多菜都没有动过。它们的结局只有一个,就是全部被到进泔水桶。每天全国有将近50%的饭菜会被浪费掉。但当你在浪费的时候,又有多少的山区人民是在挨饿啊!现在的人真是无所不能,山可以炸平,湖可以填平,可以征服大自然,可以飞到地球外边去。可是,有没有人想过,这一切都是会付出代价的。山峰没有从前那么壮丽了,湖水没有从前那么碧绿了,大海没有从前那么湛蓝了。只是,生病的人口变多了,沙漠比以前更广阔了,水源比以前更枯竭了,天上的那个洞变得更大了。这一切都不是我们所希望的,但也都是确确实实地存在的。所以,我们只能从现在起,抓紧时间,尽自己的一份力量,努力把属于我们的中国变得更加美好。在我的中国梦里,有一个敢于说“不”的政府。它能够在奥运会上,在运动员遭遇不公的时候,勇敢地站出来说“不”,而不是沉默着冷眼旁观;它能够在中国南海领土主权遭到质疑与挑衅的时候,勇敢站出来说“不”,而不是一次又一次发表毫无意义的强烈谴责;它能够在保钓人员登上钓鱼岛却被拘押后,勇敢站出来说“不”,而不是采用不温不火的态度企图将乱摊子留给下任领导人。在我的中国梦里,还有这样一群人。他们敢于抵制日货,他们敢于救起倒在血泊中的孩子,他们敢于扶起摔倒的老人,他们敢于质询、敢于揭露,他们能够在了解这个国家的阴暗面后,依然爱他如生命,会为了这些中国梦而奋斗。爱国,节俭,团结,这就是我的中国梦。 2、谈谈“创新人才机制,培养创新人才”的想法。 谈到人才,大家似乎都不陌生,俗话说“中国最不缺的就是人,那么人才呢?”没有优秀的人才,社会就很难发展。比如在学术上,现在中国在国际获得的相关表彰少之又少,但是我们的论文数量并不少,评职称,要毕业,都需要论文,论文数量是多了,可是含金量呢?其次是科技创新能力,在我国GDP总量是上去了,但人均收入呢?神究其原因,不外乎我国科技自主创新能力不够。凡此种种,都迫切需要培养创新人才。但是如何培养呢?我认为首先应该从教育出发,学校是人才培养的源泉,所以,学校首先要注重创新人才的培养。其次是企业,一个学生毕业后最终走向的地方都是工作,积极创造有利条件,形成创新人才有效激励的新机制;重视新进企业的大学毕业生的初期锻炼,对培养创新人才尤为重要。第三点,国家应该鼓励各方面的创新人才,对浮躁的学术之风予以打击。 3、故事:大鲸鱼在最初开始训练时,我们会先把绳子放在水面之下,使鲸鱼不得不从绳子上方通过,每通过一次,鲸鱼就能得到奖励。我们会把绳子提高,只不过每次提高的幅度都很小,大约只有两厘米,这样鲸鱼不需花费多大的力气就有可能跃过去,并获得奖励。于是,这条常常受到奖励的鲸鱼,便很乐意地接受下一次训练。随着时间的推移,鲸鱼跃过的高度逐渐上升,最后竟然达到了6.6米。谈谈你的想法 当我看到这个故事的时候,我很感动,其实我们很多人都会抱怨自己为什么没有成功,很多人终身一事无成,往往不是因为没有能力,而是缺乏耐心,看不上每天的小进步,而是急于求成,老想一口吃成个胖子,结果放弃了每天的一点点进步,从而也就放弃了希望,放弃了成功。我又想到了减肥的例子,在大学很多女孩子都萌生了减肥的念头,于是节食、运动、甚至减肥药,但绝大部分都失败了,为什么?因为都想一口气减成个瘦子,事实上减肥一个星期都不要超过三斤,不然是不健康的,另外所有的减肥方法都是要持之以恒,即使你每天都坚持跑步,一个星期只能瘦下一斤,一年下来有多少?也有50斤了,可是遗憾的是很少有人能为这每天一点点的成功而坚持下去。当然我是提倡健康减肥的啊,吃减肥药,做手术什么的,何必呢,其实健康的女孩才是最美的! 4、张爱玲曾对青春有这样一句概述:“青春就是这样脆弱到无法挽留的东西。”题:我们每个人都有自己的青春经历,那么对自己的青春用一句话来概述,并就这句话你要说些什么打动别人? 青春,明媚,因为它敢想敢做,它是勇敢的,微笑的;青春,悲伤,因为敢想敢做之后,看见什么叫后知后觉,勇敢之后,看见什么叫冲动的代价,微笑过后,看见什么叫时光不可逆的悲伤!青春是一道明媚的忧伤。是隐隐的痛楚,提醒你心还是活着,还未被这个时代的空虚湮没。 5、“梦想这东西和经典一样,永远不会因为时间而褪色,反而更显珍贵。”最近在网络倍受热捧短片《老
