

第37卷一第6期计算机工程与设计COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND DESIGN June 2016Vol .37一No .6

??????????????????????????????????????????????????基于类内类间距离的模糊C -


(西安邮电大学电子与信息工程学院,陕西西安710061)摘一要:针对模糊C 均值聚类算法存在仅考虑以类内距离作为算法测度的不足,通过融入聚类中心之间的类间距离,提出一种将类内和类间距离相结合的模糊C -均值聚类算法并将其应用于图像分割三在目标函数中将类内距离与类间距离之差作为样本聚类依据,使其考虑到类内紧密度与类间离散度,通过调节有关参数使类内紧密度和类间离散度达到最优值,提高图像分割的准确性和鲁棒性三大量人工合成图像和实际遥感图像分割测试结果表明,改进的类内类间聚类算法是有效的,尤其是对噪声较大的图像进行分割时,其效果明显优于其它模糊聚类算法分割效果三


中图法分类号:TP391.41一文献标识号:A一文章编号:1000-7024(2016)06-1626-06doi :10.16208/j .issn1000-7024.2016.06.038收稿日期:2015-07-26;修订日期:2015-09-28


作者简介:刘璐(1990),女,陕西西安人,硕士研究生,研究方向为图像分割;吴成茂(1968),男,四川仪陇人,高级工程师,研究方向为图像处理三E -mail :1270687996@qq .com Fuzz y C -means clusterin g se g mentation al g orithm based on intra -class and inter -class distance

LIU Lu ,WU Chen g -mao

(School of Electronic and Information En g ineerin g ,Xi an Universit y of Posts and T elecommunications ,Xi an 710061,China )Abstract :Aimin g at the defect that the fuzz y C -means clusterin g al g orithm onl y considered intra -class as the al g orithm measure ,a kind of fuzz y C -means clusterin g al g orithm was p ro p osed and a pp lied to ima g e se g mentation b y combinin g the inter -class dis -tance between clusterin g centers.The difference of intra -class distance and inter -class distance within the ob j ect function was taken as the clusterin g measure ,which not onl y considered intra -class com p actness ,but also took the inter -class se p aration into account.The com p actness of clusters and se p aration within them achieved o p timal values b y ad j ustin g the relevant p arameters ,and the accurac y and robustness of ima g e se g mentation were im p roved.Results of se g mentation tests of a lar g e number of s y n -thetic ima g es and real remote sensin g ima g es show that the p ro p osed al g orithm is effective ,es p eciall y for nois y ima g es ,the effect is better than other fuzz y clusterin g al g orithms.

Ke y words :fuzz y clusterin g ;intra -class distance ;inter -class distance ;ima g e se g mentation ;error rate 0一引一言模糊C -均值聚类算法是最基础的模糊算法[1-8],但是,由于传统模糊C -均值聚类算法(FCM )忽略了其邻域像素

对目标像素的影响,使得图像分割效果不是很满意,为此,学者们提出了融入像素空间邻域信息的改进模糊C -均值聚类分割方法[9-11],但是,该类算法对于背景和目标差异过大的复杂图像并不适用三后来,学者们通过在FCM 聚类算法中引入属性权重区间监督提出了基于属性权重区间监督

的模糊C 均值聚类算法[



糊C -均值聚类算法[14,15],改善了聚类效果并且提高了抗噪性能三为了进一步提高图像分割的鲁棒性,公茂果等[16]提出了核空间模糊局部C -均值聚类分割法,但其模块复杂耗时非常长,不适用于大篇幅图像的分割三


之差代替了模糊C 均值聚类算法中的欧氏距离作为新的聚
