




How to write an argumentation?







②正文(Main body): 正文是论证的过程,作者必须有足够的论据来论证自己的观点。

③结论(Conclusion): 结论段可以用一两句来结束文章,同时要注意与引言段的呼应,但不能照搬前面的原话。



Different people hold different opinions.

Opinions are divided.

People have taken/adopted different attitudes towards …

People have different opinions on this problem.

People take different views on this question.


…of them hold the opinion that ….

…of them are in favor of the idea that…

People who are for/against the idea think …

Some people believe that…. Others argue that …


However, …of them hold a different view. / …of them hold the opposite opinion.

People who are against it don’t think so.

However, each coin has two sides.

Different from those…., …people think ….

On the other hand, … people object that ….

并列关系:and, as well as, also…

递进关系:besides, in addition, moreover, what’s more…

比较、对比:like, unlike, on the contrary, on the other hand…

表示时间关系:first, second, then, finally/at last/in the end , soon immediately, suddenly, at the same time, meanwhile, recently

表示对称顺序关系:for one thing….. for the other thing, on one hand,…..on the other hand,above all, first of all, firstly, secondly, next, finally,the former….the latter,

表示递进关系:what is more, as well, moreover, besides ,furthermore, in addition,what’s worse

表示换一种方式表达:in other words ,that is to say

表示举例说明:for example, like, such as, for instance

表示陈述事实:in fact ,actually, as a matter of fact, to tell you the truth

表示总结:on the whole, in a word, to sum up, in short, in conclusion, from what I have

said above

表示因果关系:as a result ,thus, therefore, so that, as, because, consequently,

表示转折:but, however, while, instead, although, different from, not only ..but also

表达自己的观点:in my opinion, personally, as far as I know, I believe, I think, as we all

on it vary /differ from person to person. Some st udents believe that……

however ,others hold the view that_____ As far as I’m concerned, I believe___ In conclusion/ in a word

Opinions are divided on the question some of us think that ….The reason is that …..However, others are agains t it. They think….

In my opinion, for one reason, for another reason, in a word. Only through….. Can we have a bright future.






A good major or a good university

Every student will be faced with the choice when he passes the College Entrance Examination. Should he choose a good major or a good university first? Different students will offer different answers.

Some students think the choice should be based on their own interests. Because only in this way can they take their favorite jobs in the future. Or they should select major according to the need of society. Other students believe that a good university provides a wide range of courses which may be of great importance to their development and that if they were not graduating from leading universities, they wouldn’t be likely to find a good job.

Personally, the best choice is a good major at a good university. If we can’t obtain both, the first thing to consider is a good major, because no matter where we study, we can still

achieve a lot in a certain field if we try our best.


对每个人而言,学习是非常重要的。请你以Being a Successful Learner为题,根据下表的提示,写一篇短文。


Being a Successful Learner

Study is very important for every individual because we




1.赶上,追上keep pace with;catch up with

2.有做……的能力have the competence of;have the ability to do

3.依赖,依靠depend on;rely on;count on


Being a Successful Learner

Study is very important for every individual because we have to acquire new and advanced knowledge to keep pace with the rapid development of science and technology as well as the fiercely competitive society and make our country stronger and more powerful.

Successful learners are similar in many ways.They are independent thinkers and have a positive attitude towards their study.Besides,they have the competence of applying what they have learnt to practice.

How can we be successful learners?In my opinion, first of all,we should develop our interest in study,as the saying goes,“Interest is the best teacher.” Second,we should form the

habit of making plans for our study and keeping a good balance between study and https://www.360docs.net/doc/451204625.html,st but not least,remember not to depend on our teachers or textbooks only.


假如昨天你们班级以No smoking in public places? 为题开了一次讨论会。请根据以下情况写一篇100字左右的文章介绍讨论会的情况。

Yesterday we had a discussion about whether or not we should stop smoking in public places.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Yesterday we had a discussion about whether or not we should stop smoking in public places.

Eighty-five percent of us think it is necessary to stop smoking in public places. Most of us think smoking does harm to people’s health and the environment. Besides, people should not spend so much money on the cigarettes.

Meanwhile, about fifteen percent of us didn’t agree.In their opinion, people should have their own right to do the things they like, such as smoking. It is very hard to give up smoking for those people who have smoked for many years. And they think smoking is useful for people to improve their work.


Recently, the students of Senior 3 in our school have had a discussion about whether we should have classes on weekends.









—————————————————————————————————————— [满分范文]

Recently, the students of Senior 3 in our school have had a discussion about whether we should have classes on weekends.

①30% of them think they should have classes on weekends, because the college entrance examination this year will be held in June, and students should make full use of free time to review what they have learned. ②They think that only by studying harder can they be admitted

to a leading university.

③Another 30% are against the idea of having classes on weekends. ④They believe students should have a good rest on weekends so that they can study more effectively during the weekdays.

⑤T he other 40% of the students don’t approve of either of the ideas above. ⑥In their opinion, study and rest are both of great importance for students. ⑦They suggest one day of the weekend should be used to study while during the other day they have a rest.









make full use of,be admitted to, effectively, approve of, of great importance




第④句包含so that引导的状语从句;




They_believe_students_should_have_a_good_rest_on_weekends_(so_as/in_order)_to_stu dy_more_effectively_during_the_weekdays.





高考英语书面表达背诵 范文25篇 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

高考英语书面表达背诵范文25篇 ---多背范文,表达加分!! 书面表达(一) 假定你叫李华,今年六月份将从北京新华中学高三毕业,打算到美国哥伦比亚大学上学。现在请你根据下面表格的个人信息,用英语写一封 注意: 1. 信件必须包括以上内容,不能逐句翻译,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 2. 词数100左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:哥伦比亚大学the University of Columbia 范文 Dear Sir or Madam, I'm writing in the hope that I can obtain a chance to further my study in computer science in your university. First, please allow me to take a brief introduction of myself. I’m Li Hua, a girl born in June, 1993. I’m graduating from Beijing Xinhua High School this coming June with each course excellent. I have a keen interest in computers and the Internet. Besides, I’m good at English. I know th at the University of Columbia ranks among the most famous universities in the USA, and that’s the very reason why I’m now applying to further my university study in your Computer Science Department. I would appreciate it if you could take the trouble to provide me with some information and send me the necessary application materials. By the way, my email address is lihua93@https://www.360docs.net/doc/451204625.html,. I’m looking forward to your reply. 2

2017高考英语全国卷I, II, III书面表达及满分范文

2017年高考全国英语新课标卷I/II/III书面表达及满分范文 2017年高考全国英语新课标卷I 假定你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友Leslie学习汉语。请你写封邮件告知下次上课的计划。内容包括: 1. 时间和地点; 2. 内容:学习唐诗; 3. 课前准备:简要了解唐朝的历史。 注意: 1. 包括以上要点; 2. 不要逐字逐条翻译,可以适当增加细节; 3.字数100左右。 满分范文 Dear Leslie, I am writing to inform you of our next class, which is about poetry of the Tang Dynasty. We will have it this Friday, in Classroom 602, Building6. In order to learn it better, you need to do the following things before the next class. At first, please read some materials about poetry of the Tang Dynasty, which plays an extremely significant role in our literature. You can find some original poems of famous poets, such as Li Bai and Du Fu. Besides, knowing the history of the Tang Dynasty will be of great benefit for you to understand the background of the poems. You are so diligent and I am glad to teach you. I sincerely look forward to our next class and your reply. Yours, Li Hua. 2017年高考全国英语新课标卷II 假定你是李华,想邀请邀请外教Henry一起参观中国剪纸(paper-cutting)艺术展。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:


2017年高考英语作文全国卷6篇精选 高考已经进入了倒计时,你知道今年有哪些高考英语预测作文吗?下面是给大家精心挑选的2017年高考英语作文,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! 为配合我市“礼仪宜宾(Charm Yibin)”活动的开展,某学校开 展以“How to behave well”为主题的英语作文,请你以一名中学 生的身份写一篇60-80词的短文参赛。 内容包括:1。守时,不说脏话;2。礼貌待人,热心助人;3。遵守交通规则,不乱扔垃圾; 注意:1。文中不能出现校名和自己的姓名;2。内容可适当扩充。 [优秀满分范文] How to behave well As a student in Yibin,we should behave well。 First,I think it’s very important to do everything on time and keep promises。Never lie to others or say dirty words。Next we should be polite to others and ready to help people in need。Then we’d better not talk loudly in public。Don’t throw litter or spit about。And remember to obey traffic rules。 Finally,learn to work with others。We need good team

work in our life。 高考英语作文篇2假定你住在一个涉外小区。社区委员会请你帮忙用英文写一封电子邮件,将周末农家采摘活动的安排传达给住户。 时间:下周六上午8:00----11:00 内容:采摘苹果报名:办公室,下周四下午5:00前提示:戴帽子,手套。欢迎踊跃参加。 范文: Hi, everyone , We’ll have an important activity;picking apples. The picking will go on from 8:00 am to 11:00 am next Saturday and welcome all of the people in our community to join in the activity . To join in the activity , you should sign your name in the office before 5:00 pm next Thursday ,which is the deadline ! Don’t miss it ! Attention! It is suggested that all the people who will join in picking apples should wear a hat and a pair of gloves because there will be a lot of leaves or dirty things that will otherwise fall on your head and make your hands dirty . Be active , everyone in our community ! The community board 高考英语作文篇3你(Li Hua)在互联网(Internet)上看到美国高中生Tony希望结识一位中国朋友的信息,请你用英文给他发一封电


全国各地高考英语书面表达汇总9套 新课标I卷 假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教MS Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format)。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。 示例1 Dear Ms Jenkins, I'm Li Hua from your English writing class last term. I'm writing to ask for your help. I'm applying for a part-time job at a foreign company in my city during the summer vacation, and I have just completed my application letter and resume. However, I am not quite sure of the language and the format I've used. I know you have a very busy schedule, but I'd be very grateful if you could take some time to go through them and make necessary changes. Please find my application letter and resume in the attachment. Thank you for your kindness! Yours, Li Hua 示例2 Dear Ms Jenkins, I am Li Hua, I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I also want you to do me a favor. In order to get some practical experience, I am planning to take a part-time job in a foreign


最新2018高考全国卷1英语作文预测答案精选 2017高考英语作文篇1 学生是否应该参加体育锻炼 假如你叫李华,你校高三同学正在开展一场讨论。讨论主题是:高三学生要不要参加体育锻炼? 请你根据下表提供的信息,给某英文报社写一封信,介绍讨论情况。介绍讨论情况。55%的学生认为 1.应该每天进行体育锻炼。 2.可以做早操、大乒乓球、打篮球,但时间不要过长。 3.锻炼能增加体体质,减少疾病 4.运动使大脑休息,使复习效果更好。

45%的学生认为 1.体育浪费时间。 2.锻炼使人疲劳。 3.运动以后很兴奋,较长时间不能复习功课。 4.运动中可能会受伤。 注意: 1.词数100字左右。 经典范文 Whether Students should Take Physical Exercise Dear editor, I’m writing to tell you about the discussion

we’ve had about whether students of Senior 3 should take physical exercise. 55% of the students think they should take exercise every day, such as doing morning exercises, playing ping-pong and basketball, but it shouldn’t take up too much time. Proper exercise can build up one’s body and reduce diseases. What’s more, sports let their brains have a rest so that they can study effectively. On the other hand, 45% believe taking exercise is a waste of time and it is tiring. After having sports, they are much too excited for a long time to pay attention to their lessons. It’s also possible get hurt in sports. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 2017高考英语作文篇2 Olympics and I Dear friend, I have a great news to inform here. Through long efforts,

2020届高考英语书面表达必考话题范文 中国元素

祝贺网友在中国象棋网络赛中获奖 假如你是李华,你的美国网友John参加中国象棋网络挑战赛获得了一等奖。请根据以下提示写一封英文电子邮件向他表示祝贺。 1) 祝贺他获奖; 2) 肯定他付出的努力; 3) 询问何时方便,在网上切磋棋艺。 注意: 1)词数100左右; 2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3)开头和结尾已为你写好。 Dear John, I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations_________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Congratulations again. Yours, Li Hua 【思路点拨】 本文要求写一封信祝贺美国网友John参加中国象棋网络挑战赛获得了一等奖。写作的关键是认真审题和分析所给提纲。要灵活运用英语知识,采用不同的方式将要点完整的表达出来,注意主次分明,详略得当。语言力求准确、简洁。同时应选用合适的连接词和过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。 【必背范文】 Dear John, I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations to you on your winning the first prize in the Chinese


1 2017年高考英语写作预测 1.(祝贺信)假如你是李华,你的美国网友Peter参加中国象棋网络挑战赛获得了一等奖。请根据以下提示写一封英文电子邮件向他表示祝贺。 1)祝贺他获奖;2)肯定他付出的努力;3)询问何时方便,在网上切磋棋艺。 注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头和结尾已为你写好。 Dear Peter, I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations to you on your winning the first prize in the Chinese Chess Network Challenge. As your friend, I just want you to know how glad I am at your success. “Everything comes to him who waits.” For these years, you’ve shown gre at interest in Chinese chess and kept on practicing it every day. Not only have you read many books about Chinese chess strategy, but also you have competed in all kinds of Chinses chess contest. Finally, you succeeded in wining the online competition! So I’m so happy that you become champion of this network challenge. Atlast, I hope to play Chinese chess with you so that we can make progress together. Please tell me when you have time. Congratulations again. Yours, Li Hua 2. (介绍古筝)假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter对中国传统乐器很感兴趣,写信请你向他介绍一款中国传统乐器,请给Peter写一封回信,内容要点如下: 1)古筝是最古老的中国传统乐器之一,有2500多年历史; 2)古筝是拨弦乐器,早期有5根弦,发展至今有21-25根弦; 3)古筝音色圆润清亮,音域宽广,有“东方钢琴”的美称;4.随信附寄一张古筝乐曲光盘。 注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头语和结束语已给出。 参考词汇:the Chinese Zither 古筝;plucked instruments拨弦乐器; string琴弦;sonorous圆润低沉的;the Chinese piano东方钢琴 Dear Peter, I have gladly received your letter telling me that you’re interested in traditional Chinese musical instruments.Now, I’d like to tell you something about the Chinese Zither, one of the most ancient Chinese mu sical instruments with a long history of over 2500 years. The Chinese Zither is a plucked instrument and is played with both hands.In the early times it had 5 strings and has developed into 21 to 25 strings up to now. The Chinese Zither has a wide range and sonorous sound. As its playing appears and sounds like playing the piano, the Chinese Zither is sometimes called “the Chinese piano”.Enclosed with the letter is a CD of masterpieces of the Chinese Zither. I hope you’ll enjoy it. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 3. (成语故事)假如你是李华,你的美国网友Peter对你博客里的一幅漫画很感兴趣,给你留言询问其含义。请你根据以下提示给他回贴。 1)成语“闻鸡起舞”的典故;2)成语寓意。 注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头语已给出。 参考词汇:patriotic爱国的;crow啼叫,报晓 Dear Peter, The picture is about aChinese idiom “wen ji qi wu”. This idiom originated from a we ll-known story happened in Xin Jin Dynasty. In order to serve their country well, two patriotic young men, named Zu Ti and Liu Kun, both


一书面表达(共35分) 某中学生英文报近期开辟专栏,讨论学习习惯问题。请你结合自身学习实际,按以下提示,用英文为该专栏写一篇稿件。 1.说明学习习惯与学习效果之间的关系; 2.介绍一种好的学习习惯并提出养成该习惯的建议; 3.描述自己在学习习惯方面存在的某个问题并给出改进措施。 注意: 1.词数120左右,开头语已为你写好; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称。 It's useful and necessary to discuss learning habits. 【范文赏读】 It's useful and necessary to discuss learning habits. In reality, different students have different learning habits, which I think influence their learning efficiency greatly. Good habits always lead to high efficiency, while bad ones bring the opposite. Some students are good at concentrating on what the teachers teach in class. They think only in this way can they understand and memorize the teaching materials better. If we find those materials interesting, we'll focus our attention on them for long. However, those dull lessons require our determination, self-controlling ability and confidence. My classmates always call me "Mr. forgetful", because I cannot memorize those I have learnt. I know that it is because I don't spend some time in memorizing them after class. My teachers advise me to repeat the materials several times and read them aloud, which they think will help improve my memory. 二书面表达(满分25分) 孩子的成长和教育是社会热议的话题,现今父母包揽一切、孩子过度依赖等现象十分严重。请阅读下面的漫画,按要求用英文写一篇短文。 内容要求: 1.描述漫画内容; 2.分析漫画所揭示的问题; 3.提出你的看法。 注意: 1.短文开头已给出,不计入总词数; 2.考生可适当发挥,使文章内容充实、连贯; 3.词数120左右; 4.文中不能出现考生的具体信息。 参考词汇:铺路pave the way From the picture we can see a family of three walking on a long red carpet. 【范文赏读】 From the picture we can see a family of three walking on a long red carpet. The son, well dressed, waves proudly in the middle while the father behind bends forward to hold the jacket and the mother in front rolls out the carpet, sweating.


2013—2017全国卷高考英语书面表达真题及参考范文汇总 2018年高考在即,笔者收集从2013年至2017年全国卷高考英语书面表达12份,并提供参考范文。从历年高考真题汲取营养是十分重要的,要学着从命题者的角度来揣摩高考英语书面表达是怎么命题,从参考范文来学高分表达。 《2018年高考英语考试说明》对书面表达的要求第五档(很好)(21-25分):完全完成了试题规定的任务:覆盖所有内容要点。应用了较多的语法结构和词汇。语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;具备较强的语言应用能力。有效地使用语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。完全达到了预期的写作目的。 从以上要求可以看出,五档作文有以下特点:(1)内容要点全;(2)使用了较高级的词汇;(3) 使用了较丰富的句式;(4).使用了恰当的连接词;(5)书写工整,卷面干净整洁。 问题来了:怎么利用这些书面表达真题呢?看题目,学着罗列要点,并设计每段的亮点,接着再对照范文来检测自己所列的要点是否全面,再看看范文当中有没有自己可以学习的表达,把这些好的表达吸收起来,这样就会慢慢地进步。 衷心希望同学们能够从真题中悟出一些道道,在高考英语书面表达中取得优异成绩! 1、2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(课标全国卷Ⅰ) 第二节书面表达(满分25分) 假定你是李华。请你给笔友Peter写封信,告诉他你叔叔李明将去他所在城市开会,带去他想要的那幅中国画,同时询问他是否可以接机。信中还需说明: 李明:高个子,戴眼镜 航班号:CA985 到达:8月6日上午11:30 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。 Dear Peter, How are you doing? Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 第二节书面表达 [写作提示]


最新2017年高考新课标一英语作文 2017年高考英语作文篇1 Should We Help Strangers? 是否应该帮助陌生人 It is well known that the topic that whether we should help strangers when they get into trouble has attracted many persons' attention. What's more, the opinion differs from one person to another. 当陌生人陷入困境的时候,我们是否应该帮助他们是个众所周知的话题,也吸引了很多人的注意。不同的人会有不一样的看法。 First of all, some persons hold this view that ready to help others is the traditional virtue of China and we should help strangers when they are in trouble. However, there as well are

some people who think that coming to strangers' aid could cause great harm to ourselves and as a result of this, we shouldn't help strangers. Despite these are facts, in my view, there is no doubt that we should help strangers in good time. All of us need a hand once sometimes, if we don't help others, how can expect others to help us. So there is great need for us to help strangers who are in the soup. 首先,有些人持这乐于助人是中国的传统美德的观点说我们应该帮助陌生人当他们遇到麻烦时。然而,也有一些人认为对陌生人的援助可能会给自己造成巨大的伤害,所以,我们不应该帮助陌生人。虽然这些都是事实,但是我认为我们应该在恰当的时候毫不犹豫地帮助陌生人。我们每个人都需要帮助,如果我们不帮助别人,我们怎么能期待别人帮助我们呢。所以,我们很有必要帮助陌生人当他们需要帮助的时候。 In a word, we should adhere to our moral code firmly. And we should give aid to strangers when they need help. Only in this way can our world become more harmonious. 总之,我们要牢牢坚持我们的道德准则。在陌生人需要帮助的时候,我们应该帮助他们。只有这样,我们的世界才会变得更加和谐。


高考英语书面表达背诵文25篇 ---多背文,表达加分!! 书面表达(一) 假定你叫华,今年六月份将从北京新华中学高三毕业,打算到美国哥伦比亚大学上学。现在请你根据下面表格的个人信息,用英语写一封信,申请 注意: 1. 信件必须包括以上容,不能逐句翻译,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 2. 词数100左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:哥伦比亚大学the University of Columbia 文 Dear Sir or Madam, I'm writing in the hope that I can obtain a chance to further my study in computer science in your university. First, please allow me to take a brief introduction of myself. I’m Li Hua, a girl born in June, 1993. I’m graduating from Beijing Xinhua High School this coming June with each course excellent. I have a keen interest in computers and the Internet. Besides, I’m good at English. I know that the University of Columbia ranks among the most famous universities in the USA, and that’s the very reason why I’m now applying to further my university study in your Computer Science Department. I would appreciate it if you could take the trouble to provide me with some information and send me the necessary application materials. By the way, my email address is lihua93@sina.. I’m looking forward to your reply.


2017高考英语祝贺信Congratulatory Letter书面表达写作 祝贺信 祝贺信是社交中的一种礼仪性信函。通常包括以下几个方面的内容:说明祝贺事由,表达热烈、诚挚的祝贺;围绕祝贺事件表述贺喜内容;表达美好祝福。 写作"三步走": 说明事由并表达自己衷心的祝贺->展开评论事件、赞扬收信人->再次表达良好祝愿 在写作主要内容的时候,可以重点赞扬一下当事人的优秀能力和取得成就的原因、并展望他将来的美好发展前景等。 Tips in English Here are some principles that congratulatory letters follow: 1. The purpose of writing the letter is to make your reader feel certain that he or she deserves the special message of recognition and praise. 2. The note should be brief, dealing with the primary topic only. These messages are most effective when they conduct no business. 3. The whole message should carry a tone of being positive and conversational(会谈的,谈话的). 4. Be sure to send the letter within a few days of the event. Any delay in delivery of the message would make your effort worse than no effort at all. 开头常用句式 It was exciting news for me to learn of … Please accept my sincere/hearty/warm congratul ations on … It was a great pleasure to send you my congratulations on … I was delighted to learn of your success /achievements in … I am really happy to learn that you have been elected… 结尾常用句式 Wish you good luck! We wish to share your honor and joy. I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead. May all go wonderfully in your new post! May every happiness be yours! All my best wishes for an even more prosperous future/successful career! May each succeeding year bring you great happiness and prosperity. Every good wish to you for much health, happiness, and prosperity! 闪光词汇及词组: delighted: adj. 高兴的,欣喜的achievement: n. 成就,功绩 essential: 本质的,基本的,重要的play a ... role: 起......的作用 enhance: v. 提高,增强comprehensive: adj. 全面的 embrace: v. 拥抱pave the way for: 为...铺平道路 brilliant: adj. 灿烂的 书面表达祝贺信写作模版祝贺信


2017高考英语作文万能句子13个 导读:本文2017高考英语作文万能句子13个,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 2017高考英语作文万能句子13个 1、as 句型: (1) as引导方式状语从句句型:“按照……;正如……” 例:We do farm work as the old peasant teaches us. As(it is)in your country, we grow wheat in the north and rice in the south. 正如(像) 你们国家一样,我们北方种植小麦,南方种植水稻。 (2) as+形容词/副词原级+(a /an)+名词+as ; 否定式:not as/so --- as 例:He is as good a player as his sister. 他和他姐姐一样是位优秀的运动员。 (3) such + n. + as to do 如此……以致于…… 例:She is such a fool as to believe what he said. 她是一个如此的一个笨蛋以致相信了他所说的话。 (4) so + adj./adv. + as to do sth 如此……以致于…… 例:He was so strong as to carry the heavy box. 他是如此的强壮以致于能提起那重箱子。 (5) such --- as--- 象……之类的…… (接名词或定语从句)

例:He wished to be such a man as Lei Feng was. 他希望成为一个像雷锋这样的人。 (6) the same +名词+as 和……一样的…… (接名词或定语从句) 例:He is not the same man as he used to be 他不是从前的那样子了。 (7) as 引导非限制性定语从句 例:As is known to us, knowledge is power.众所周知,知识就是力量。 (8)引导时间状语从句。与while意义相近 例:We get wiser as we get older. 随着我们长大,我们也变得越来越聪明。 (9) 引导原因状语从句,与because的用法相近 例:As it was getting very late, we soon turned back. 因为越来越迟了,所以我们不久就回来了。 (10) 引导让步状语从句 例:Child as he is, he knows much about science. 尽管他是一个小孩,但他对科学了解得很多。 2、prefer 句型: (1) prefer to do sth 例:I prefer to stay at home. 我宁愿呆在家里。 (2) prefer doing sth 例:I prefer playing in defence. 我喜欢打防守。


高考英语书面表达试题及范文 假设你是李华,申请到一家外资企业工作。对方要求你用英语写一篇短文,介绍自己的基本情况。 注意:1. 情况介绍必须采用短文形式; 2. 词数100个左右。 One possible version: My name is Li Hua. I was born in Dalian, Liaoning province in February 1977. I started school in 1984 when I was seven. I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990. After that I went to No.62 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this summer. The main subjects I studied at school included Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer. I like English and computer best and I am very good at them. Last year I won first prize in the school computer competition. In my spare time I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps. My favourite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter. 下列图画描述的是你的一段亲身经历,请据此为一家中学生英文报的故事专栏写一篇短文。 注意:1. 短文必须包括图画所表现的主要内容,可以适当增减细节,使其连贯、完整; 2. 叙述必须用第一人称; 3. 词数100左右。生词:违章者--offender n. 十字路口--crossroads n. One possible version: The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle. My brother was riding with me sitting on the seat behind. As we came to the crossroads a young man and a girl came up a nd stopped us. “We've found you at long last,” they said. But we didn't know them. Pointing to a policeman not far away, the young man explained, “He stopped us about half an hour ago and made us catch the next offender. So come on, stand here. Hope you don't have to wait as long as we did. Good luck.”
