
第43卷第16期电力系统保护与控制 Vol.43 No.16 2015年8月16日 Power System Protection and Control Aug. 16, 2015 基于蝙蝠算法的配电网故障区间定位


(黑龙江科技大学研究生学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150022)



Fault sections location of distribution network based on bat algorithm

FU Jiacai, LU Qingsong

(School of Graduate Studies, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150022, China)

Abstract: Inspired by the behavior of microbats’ echolocation in nature, bat algorithm is a novel optimization algorithm.

Based on the analysis of bionic principles of the algorithm and the structure of the distribution networks, it is proposed that the algorithm is applied to solve the fault location problem. In order to improve the global searching ability of the algorithm, the cellular automata theory is used. A fault section location model of distribution network is built to simulate distribution networks with single fault or multiple faults. Then the feasibility of the algorithm is verified with and without distortion of the uploaded fault information respectively. Finally compared the bat algorithm with other algorithms, it indicates that the bat algorithm has better convergence.

Key words: distribution network; fault location; bat algorithm; cellular automation; feeder terminal unit

中图分类号:TM76 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-3415(2015)16-0100-06

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蝙蝠算法(Bat algorithm, BA)[19]是Yang在2010年提出的一种元启发式优化算法,国内外很多学者对该算法进行了研究,其结果表明:相对于遗传算
