


■ 冯 · 格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所 ■ gmp




Shanghai Oriental Sports Center, China

上海东方体育中心(SOSC)是为举办第十四届上海国际泳联世界锦标赛而兴建。冯 · 格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所于2008年赢得了项目设计竞赛,建筑综合体从设计到落成历时将近两年半的时间。综合体包括一座可举办多种体育赛事以及文化活动的多功能体育馆、一座游泳馆、一座室外跳水馆和一个媒体中心。基于可持续的城市发展方针政策,体育中心取代了黄浦江沿岸的工业区旧址,为这一地区重新注入活力。中心内的每座体育场馆在设计理念上均考虑到了赛后的多样化利用问题。



在第十四届上海国际泳联世界锦标赛期间,体育馆承办花样游泳锦标赛,赛后这里还可为拳击、篮球、羽毛球、冰球等运动项目提供场地或用来举办音乐会等文化活动。馆内设有14 000多个观众坐席,也可通过增加临时座位扩展至18 000个坐席。

封闭的体育馆体采用圆形平面,主体为钢筋混凝土结构,屋面钢结构跨度170m,其上覆盖铝合金表皮。平行的钢梁依次排列形成一座35m 高的拱廊,将环绕赛场布置的开放式前厅的玻璃幕墙围合于其内。游泳馆

游泳馆内设有4个一字排开的两个标准尺寸泳池、一个跳水池和一个娱乐池。馆内设有3 500个固定坐席,为满足世界锦标赛的赛事要求,可扩展至5 000座。



室外跳水馆综合体坐落于人工岛之上,可提供2 000个固定坐席。在世锦赛或其他高规格赛事举行期间可扩容至5 000席。跳水馆的配置为一个标准室外跳水赛池、跳塔以及一个标准游泳赛池。


80m 高的媒体中心位于基地北侧,共有15层。内有健身中心、会议室、医疗服务中心、贵宾休息区和办公区。规则的8.4m 结构网格保证内部空间可进行灵活的分隔利用。外立面表皮采用白色微孔铝合金镶板,表达了湖面水波荡漾的美好意象。■


项目名称:上海东方体育中心建设地点:中国上海业 主:上海市体育局



建设周期:2009年~2011年用地面积:34.75hm 2建筑面积:157 755m 2

综合体育馆座席数:18 000座游泳馆座席数:5 000座室外跳水馆座席数:5 000座

主 设 计:曼哈德·冯·格康,尼古劳斯·格茨,



设计人员:Jan Blasko,吕茶,吕淼,J rn Ortmann,

孙杲阳, 严律己,金湛,方华,Martin Friedrich,付晨,Ilse Gull,孔锐,林易,Katrin L ser,任允平,Alexander Schober,Nina Svensson,田景海,张砚,周云开,朱弘昊

结构设计:Schlaich Bergermann und Partner 技术设备:ARUP

景观设计:WES & Partner

图纸版权:冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所摄 影:Marcus Bredt

The Shanghai Oriental Sports Center (SOSC) will be opening for the 14th FINA World Swimming C h a m p i o n s h i p s f r o m 16t h t o 31s t J u l y 2011. The sports comple x was desig ne d and built by architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp), who wo n the competitive bid di ng i n 2008, and co nstructed it in under two and a half years. It consists of a hall stadium for several sports and cultural events, a natatorium (swimming hall), an outdoor swimmi ng pool and a media ce ntre. I n keepi ng with a sustai nable urb an d ev elopme nt policy, the SOSC was built on former industrial brow nfield land alo ng the Huangpu River. The individual venues are designed so that after the Swimming Championships, they can be used for a variety of other purposes.

Water is the overarchi ng theme of both the park and the architecture of the stadiums and the media centre. It is the connecting element between the buildi ngs, which stand o n raise d platforms i n spe ci ally co nstructe d lakes. Thus the ro u nd stadiums have a curved lakeside shore round them, while the rectangular Natatorium has a straight lake si d e sho re. D e sig n affi nitie s a nd a share d formal idiom and use of materials give the three stadiums structural unity. The steel structures of broad arches with large-format triangular elements mad e of co ate d alumi nium sheet form do uble -sided curved surfaces along the frame of the sub-structures, thus evoking sails in the wind.

Hall Stadium

D u r i n g t h e F I N A W o r l d S w i m m i n g Champio nships, pool ev e nts and sy nc hro ni z e d swimming champio nships will take place in the Hall Stadium, which later can be used for boxing mat c he s, b asket b all, b admi nto n o r i c e -ho c key m a t c h e s a n d c o n c e r t s. T h e h a l l h a s a c r o w d -c apac ity of 14,000, whi c h c a n b e i ncre ase d to 18,000 by the use of mo bile se ati ng. The mai n s t r u c t ur e o f t h e c lo s e d b u i l d i n g w i t h a ro u n d ground plan consists of reinforced concrete, while the roof is a steel structure with a 170m span with aluminium cladding. The parallel steel girders create 35m-high arcades and include the glass fa?ades of the encircling open foyer.Natatorium

The Natatorium contains four pools arrayed in a row: two standard-sized, one for diving and a leisure pool. It has over 3,500 fixed seats, which will be expanded to 5,000 for the world

championships, to meet FINA requirements. The swimmi ng hall is a close d buildi ng with a r e c t a n g u l a r g r o u n d p l a n , a m a i n s t r u c t u r e o f r e i n f o r c e d c o n c r e t e a n d a r o o f s t r u c t u r e o f sectio nal steel girders. The roof structure with tri angular glass surfaces is aro und 210m lo ng, 120m wide and 22m high. Direct, intrusive sunlight is forestalled by means of narrow toplights along

the beams, without preventing natural daylighting. Outdoor Pool

This swimming complex is located in the open on an artificial island and offers 2,000 fixed stadium seats. For the World Swimming Champio nships a n d o t h e r o u t s t a n d i n g e v e n t s , c a p a c i t y w i l l beincreased to 5,000 seats. The competition-size diving pool and diving towers are complemented by a competition pool. As in the other stadiums, the roof structure with its external diameter of c. 130m reflects the round ground-plan of the shell of the building. The inner diameter is around 90m. The roof trusses are carried by the building structure. A lightwe ight membra ne b etwe e n the mo d ule s provides protection against sun and rain. Media Centre

T he 80m hi g h hi g h -ri s e b uil d i ng i s o n the northern side of the sports complex. Its 15 floors include a fitness ce ntre, co nfere nce rooms and medical care ce ntre, plus VIP and office areas. Because of the even 8.4m grid, the building can be used flexibly. With its external shell of white, perforated aluminium panels, the building interprets the undulating shape of the adjacent lake.


2 综合体育馆

3 游泳馆

4 综合体育馆夜景

6 室外跳水馆张拉膜结构5 总平面


7 游泳馆标准泳池

12 综合体育馆剖面2

10 综合体育馆三层平面

9 综合体育馆二层平面8 综合体育馆一层平面11 综合体育馆剖面1

13 游泳馆跳水池

17 室外跳水馆一层平面

18 室外跳水馆剖面

14 游泳馆平面

16 游泳馆剖面215 游泳馆剖面1


19 室外跳水赛场

20 室外跳水馆地下一层平面

22 室外跳水馆三层平面

21 室外跳水馆二层平面
