






姓名___________________ 准考证号______________

I. 听力(共三节,20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)




6.Which season does the man like better ?

A. Winter

B. Summer

C. Autumn


7. How far is the post office from here?

A. Ten minutes' walk.

B. Ten minutes' ride.

C. Ten minutes' drive.


8. Who do you think the man is?

A. Kate's father.

B. Kate's teacher.

C. Kate's brother.


9. What's the matter with Mark?

A. He has a toothache.

B. He has a headache.

C. He has a backache.


10. Who will give the concert?

A. Jay Chou.

B. Jackie Lee.

C. John Bruce.

11. When will the concert be given in Xiamen?

A. This Sunday.

B. This Saturday.

C. In November.


12. What does the man want to drink?

A. Water.

B. Beer.

C. Wine.

13. How much does the food and drink cost?

A. 43 yuan.

B. 45 yuan.

C. 53 yuan.


14. What's Peter's hobby?

A. Collecting stamps.

B. Seeing movies.

C. Shopping.

15. Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A. In the supermarket.

B. In the classroom.

C. in the movie theater.


II..选择填空从每小题所给的A,B, C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案


21. Mrs. Smith has __________8-year-old daughter. She is lovely and cute.

A. the

B. a

C. an

22. My pen pal, Sam, is flying ________China for the delicious food on July 6th, 2017

A. to

B. in

C. from

23. -- I will give a speech tomorrow, so I feel very _______ now

-- Relax, Kitty. I am sure you can do it well.

A. bored

B. nervous

C. upset

24. Don't________ any more time, or we will miss the early train.

A. save

B. waste

C. catch

25. -- I want to buy a book called Jane Eyre. Do you know its_________?

-- Not very clearly. About thirty yuan,

A. size

B. color

C. price

26. --Do you row much?

--Yes, quite a lot. I______ go rowing with my friends on Sundays.

A. often

B. never

C. seldom

27. School violence has very bad influence on students, so we_________ fight against it .

A. can

B. may

C. must

28. When my father heard of the good news, he was too excited to say __________ .

A. nothing

B. anything

C. something

29. Your hearing will be badly hurt _________ you always listen to the music too loudly.

A. if

B. until

C. before

30. The woman ________ helped the blind man cross the street is a worker. How kind she is !

A. who

B. which

C. whom

31. – Please______ your coat and put it on that chair, Ted.

-- OK, Mum, It's really very warm here.

A. cut off

B. put off

C. take off

32. Last week all kinds of old books________ in my school to raise money for Project Hope.

A. sold

B. are sold

C. were sold

33. I think teenagers should eat _________ fruit and vegetables. They are good for their health.

A. less

B. more

C. fewer

34. -- Excuse me, may I interview Mr. Brown this afternoon?

-- A moment, please. Let me check _______ at that time.

A. if he will he free

B. that he will be free

C. when he will be free

35. -- Remember to turn off the lights before leaving the classroom, children.

-- _________________

A.OK, we will

B. You're right.

C. It doesn't matter.

Ⅲ.完形填空从每小题所给的A,B, C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案


Without class exams, summer vacation is a good time for Australian kids. To 36 , it means much more than not going to school. It's 37 a golden opportunity to spend time with my family because I have 38 time with them during the school year..

Last summer I traveled with my family to the Hawkesbury River in Western Sydney. It was one of the most unforgettable summer 39 of my life.

Staying by the river helped us escape 40 the hot weather and noise of the city. Every day, my family and I got up early to go 41 in the cool water. In the mornings, we all took part in a big game. 42 played, including my grandparents, patents, brothers and sisters. We enjoyed water-skiing, wakeboarding(水上滑板)and other activities. These activities 43 our family closer together.

In the warm afternoons, we 44 read a favorite book under a tree by the fiver. The days always ended with a campfire. Everyone sat around the fire talking and laughing.

The river is an incredible ( 不可思议) place for you to forget about all stresses of everyday life and simply enjoy the moment. I can't 45 thinking about those days again and again, even so many months later.

36. A. me B. him C. her

37. A. too B. also C. either

38. A. little B. a little C. few

39. A. day's B. nights C. vacations

40. A. for B. in C. from

41. A. camping B. swimming C. shopping

42. A. Nobody B. Everybody C. Somebody

43. A. brought B. took C taught

44. A. easily' B. suddenly C. peacefully

45. A. help B. believe C. find




Paul really felt very happy. When he arrived at his seat in the classroom that morning, he found an invitation on his desk. It was from some of his classmates asking him to join in their camping trip. This was the first time he was asked to take part in an out-of-school activity. Why were they asking him now? Nobody seemed to like him. In fact, he bad been so lonely that he drowned his feeling with food. As a result, he had put on a lot of weight, and this gave the children something more to make fun of him.

Cindy, who was standing near Paul when he mad the invitation, went out quickly to tell the others that the trick had worked. Everyone was pleased that Paul thought that was true. But there was no camping trip. The whole thing was made up.

At first, Cindy thought it was fun. But later, when Paul told her that he was going to buy a sleeping buy with his pocket money, Cindy had a second idea. She knew that Paul's family was poor, and she hated to see him spend his pocket money on something he would never use. Cindy also hated to tell Paul the truth. Her close fiends would be angry with her.

What should she do now? She thought for a while, then a good idea came up with her. She didn't want to cheat Paul. She decided to give him a surprise to make him happy.

46. The invitation was from __________

A. Paul

B. Cindy

C. Cindy's teachers

D. Paul's classmates

47. The sentence "he drowned his feeling with food" in paragraph l means __________

A. Paul brought his food to his classmates

B. Paul ate a lot to make himself less lonely

C, Paul had a lot of food to put on his weight

D. Paul asked for a lot of food from his classmates

48, After receiving the invitation, Paul felt happy because_______ .

A. he knew it was a trick

B. he liked camping trip

C. it seemed that his classmates liked him

D. he had much pocket money

49. From the story, we know ____________.

A. everybody liked Paul in his class

B. Paul joined in many out-of-school activities

C. everybody would go camping except Paul

D. Paul was fat and his classmates often made fun of him

50. What surprise might Cindy give Paul at last?

A. She told Paul the troth.

B. She gave some money to Paul.

C. She bought a sleeping bag for Paul.

D. She decided to go on a camping trip with Paul and her classmates.


Nowadays there seem to be an app for everything. And mobile apps have been a part of our life. The following apps are part of the most popular apps.

Ctrip can be the best helper when you feel it hard to buy the train or airline tickets. You can

buy tickets anywhere at anytime.

Ximalaya Reading has millions of books including poems, short stories, novels and even

fairy tales for children. What's special about it is that you can use it to download book

recording that can be listened to. It has more than 1 million valuable resources.

Baby Bus is a very good friend for children under three years old. Kids can learn to speak,

understand numbers and draw pictures with the help of this app .

Word Hero may help learn more English words while you’re playing games , so if you have

problems remembering the new words when you learn English , use it !

World of Tanks Blitz(坦克世界),a free-to -play online game with over 40 million

downloads , bring quick-fire tank fights .“A lot of tanks ,a lot of people and a lot of fun. ” It

will be the best choice to kill your time.

51. Ctrip is a useful app for _______________ .

A. playing games

B. learning English

C.booking tickets

D. drawing pictures

52. You can NOT know about _________from Ximalaya Reading.

A. poems

B. novels

C. news

D. fairy tales

53. To remember words in a fun way , __________is a good choice .

A. Ctrip

B. Word Hero

C. Baby Bus

D. World of Tanks Blitz

54. World of Tanks Blitz has __________ downloads and it fits in people's free time.

A. more than 40 million

B. less than 1 million

C. more than 1 million

D. less than 40 million

55. According to the material above,__________ .

A. we can buy tickets from Ctrip only in the daytime

B. we have to pay some money for World of Tanks Blitz

C. we can't use Ximalaya Reading to download book recording

D. Peter, a 2-year-old boy, can learn to draw picture with the help of Baby Bus


E- mail is used for everything, and it makes life easier. But do you know where e-mail came from? The man who invented it was Ray Tomlinson, a US engineer. He

died at the age of 74 on March 5, 2016.

Back in 1971, Tomlinson was working on something that could send messages from one computer to another. Tomlinson tried to find a way to separate users' name from the names of their computers . He needed a kind of symbol, However, it couldn't be a popular one, and it couldn't be one that computers might know in a different context. It needed to be on keyboard at the same time.

"The ' @' sign made the most sense," he told Wired in 2012. "It said where the user was….at. " For example, by writing"Alex at 2lst Century Teens" you can send a message to somebody named Alex who works at 21st Century Teens. This was the early from of e-mail

The interesting thing is that Tomlinson didn't remember what the very first test message he sent was.

Tomlinson, the father of e-mail, changed the way the world communicates and more importantly saved the symbol "@ " .

Today, the "@ " symbol is finding new life outside of our inboxes ( 收件箱) . Most famously, social media like Weibo and Wechat use it at the beginning of user names. So even if we don't use e-mail some day, Tomlinson's contribution will certainly live on.

56. Tomlinson invented the e-mail in _________

A. 1971

B. 1974

C. 2012

D. 2016

57. Tomlinson chose the symbol "@ " because ___________ .

A. it was a popular symbol

B. he knew it could separate users' names

C. "@ " is the perfect symbol on the keyboard

D. it's on the keyboard and no one used it before

58. The "@ " sign tells us_________of the user.

A. the job

B. the place

C. the name

D. the number

59. According to the last three paragraphs, which statement is TRUE?

A. Tomlinson changed how we communicate.

B. The symbol "@ " now is only used outside of the inboxes.

C. Tomlinson 's contributions won't live on if we don't use e-mail

D. Tomlinson still remembered clearly what the first message he sent was.

60. What's the passage mainly about?

A. It's about how to send e-mails on the computer.

B. It’s about how To mlinson invited the e-mail and the sign "@ " .

C. It's about Tomlinson's contribution to 21st Century Teens.

D. It's about why the sign "@ " is as important as Weibo and Wechat.


Everyone has his or her own personality (性格) ,But a new study says mast people's personalities can fit into four types, They are optimistic (乐观), trusting, pessimistic (悲观), and envious(好胜的)The study was done by a group of Spanish scientists. They divided 541 volunteers into pairs, and put them in different situations, according to Science Daily. They wanted to see how the volunteers dealt with the difficult situations, For example in one situation, two people could hunt deer together, but could daily hunt rabbits if they decided on hunt alone,

Scientists then used computers to Classfy volunteers according to their behaviors. The result shows that 90 percent of the volunteers belong to the four types;

Among them, the envious is the most common (30%) .These people don't care if they succeed, as long as they are better than the other person. In the hunting game, they will choose to hunt rabbits. That way they can hunt by themselves and try to catch more rabbits than the other person.

The optimistic (20%) believe they and their partners will make the choices that are best for both of them. They will choose to hunt deer because that is the best for both hunters

The pessimistic (20%) don't think may choices are good enough. They usually choose the one that is least harmful. So they will go for rabbits because that way he or she is more likely to catch something.

And the trusting (20%) always work well with others, without worrying too much about whether they win or lose. So in the hunting game, they will choose to hunt deer without a second thought .

61. There we types most people's personalities can fit into.

A. four

B. three

C. two

D. one

62. The Spanish scientists did the study, to know ____________ .

A. how the volunteers could hunt deer

B. how file volunteers could hunt rabbit alone

C. how the volunteers could hunt deer and rabbits together

D. how the volunteers dealt with the difficult situations

63.The underlined word "classify " in Paragraph 3 means_________ .





64. The result of the study shows that ______ is the most common,

A. the envious

B. the trusting

C. the optimistic

D. the pessimistic

65. If the volunteers are pessimistic, they will ______ in the hunting game.

A. hunt deer without a second thought

B. go for rabbits because it's an easier way to catch something

C. hunt deer because it's the best for both hunters

D. hunt rabbits by themselves and try to catch more


Our grandparents seem to have magic powers sometimes. Give them a Chinese lunar calendar,and they will know what the weather will be like days or even months later.

66 They are following the 24 Solar Terms (节气), which are an important part of Chinese culture.

And on Nov. 30, 2016, the United Nations (UN) added it to the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (人类非物质文化遗产) .

The 24 Solar Term came into being during die Qin (221-206 BC) and Hart (206 BC-AD 220) dynasties. 67

So, weather changes were important. But of course, they had no satellite,interact or weather broadcast to help them.

68 They studied the sun's movement with a sundial ( 日冕仪) .They also paid attention to other natural changes such as air temperature, water and crop growth. In the end, they worked out 24 solar terms to mark the changes.

69 For example, the solar term jingzhe (惊蛰) is when insects wake up from a long sleep in the cold winter. Farmers take it as a sign of warm weather and get busy working.

The 24 Solar Terms is honored as China's fifth great invention, after papermaking, printing,the compass and gunpowder. 70 For example, people will say, "Do not show your feet after hanlu (寒露) " . Why? It's because the solar term hanlu marks the coming of cold days!

Ⅴ.情境交际 根据情境提示,完成下列各题。(每小题2分,满分10分)

71.你打电话要找Tom 时,你可以这样说:

____________________________________________ ,please ?






________________________________________________________when you grow up?

75.你想知道Sally 多久去一次图书馆,可以这样问:

_________________________________________________________, Sally ?



A. But people found a way .

B. What ’s the secret ?

C. The terms became their guide to farming work .

D. Now , people still use the solar terms in daily life .

E. At that time , most Chinese people made their living on farms .


Last year, four children waited for their school bus every day for ten minutes, on the same dirty street comer. Old bottles, parts of old bikes, and 81 /'empti/ soda cans could be seen here and them 82 /?'raund/ the bus stop. The trees were brown and had no 83 (leaf),and there weren't any flowers at all.

One Friday, one of the children looked at the comer and 84 (decide) to do something about it. The next Monday, she brought a bag and collected some of the old bottles to recycle. On 85 , she went with her best friend Judy. She spent another ten minutes 86 (pick) up old bottles, while Judy picked up soda cans and put them in different bags for recycling. On Wednesday, all the children joined together. The corner became much 87 (clean) than before !

The corner looked better, but it was still ugly. 88 the next day the girl brought some flower seeds. She planted the seeds and watered 89 , and watered the trees, too. It only took ten minutes a day but that was enough.

A few months later, this corner became a beautiful 90 /'ga: dn/ with many flowers and trees .

It only took ten minutes a day. Do you have ten minutes a day to help your city?






Now bicycle-sharing services like Ofo and Mobike are bringing biking back to people’s lives . Some people think _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________
