

Ballad(民谣)In more exact literary terminology, a ballad is a narrative poem consisting of quatrains of iambic tetrameter alternating with iambic trimester. Common traits of the ballad are that(a) the beginning is often abrupt ,(b) the story is told through dialogue and action (c) the language is simple or “folksy,”(d) the theme is often tragic---though comic ballads do exist, (e) the ballad contains a refrain repeated several times. The ballad became popular in England in the late 14th century and was adopted by many writers. One of the most important anthologies of ballads is F. J. Child’s The English and Scottish Popular Ballads. 在更为精确的文学术语中,民谣指的是抑扬格四音步与抑扬格三音步诗行交替出现的四行叙事诗。民谣的共同特色包括:(a)诗歌的起首通常十分出其不意。(b)故事通过对话和行为讲述。(c)语言简单,民风十足。(d)尽管存在喜剧民谣,但大多数民谣的主题具有悲剧意味。(e)民谣通常包含重复多遍的叠句。民谣这种诗歌形式在14世纪晚期的英格兰十分盛行,从此以后许多作家对其进行模仿创作。历史上最为知名的民谣集之一为恰尔德收集出版的《英格兰和苏格兰流行歌谣》

Epic(史诗)An epic is a long oral narrative poem that operates on a grand scale and deals with legendary or historical events of national or universal significance .Most epics deal with the exploits of a single individual and also interlace the main narrative with myths, legends, folk tales and past events; there is a composite effect, the entire culture of a country cohering in the overall experience of the poem . Epic poems are not merely entertaining stories of legendary or historical heroes; they summarize and express the nature or ideals of an entire nation at a significant or crucial period of its history. 史诗是长篇口头叙事诗,内容广泛,通常以重要传说或者重大历史事件为题材。大部分的史诗歌颂个人的英雄事迹,同时也在叙述中插入神话、传说、民间故事以及历史事件;一个民族的整体文化与全诗所讲的经历紧密联系,造成一种复合的效果。史诗不仅仅是愉悦人的传奇故事或者历史英雄事迹,它们总结以及表达了一个民族在其历史上一个重要或者关键时期的本质或者理想。

Humanism(人文主义)Broadly, this term suggests any attitude which tends to exalt the human element or stress the importance of human interests, as opposed to the supernatural , divine elements ---or as opposed to the grosser, animal elements. In a more specific sense, humanism suggests a devotion to those studies supposed to promote human culture most effectively----in particular, those dealing with the life, thought, language, and literature of ancient Greece and Rome. It proclaimed that man is the most important noble creature in the world; the goal of life is to enjoy oneself in this present world instead of afterlife. According to the humanists both man and world are hindered by external checks from infinite improvement. Man could mould the world according to his desires, and attain happiness by removing all external checks by the exercise of reason. In literary history the most important use of the term is to designate the revival of classical culture which accompanied the Renaissance. 这个术语广义上是指一切提升人类因素或重视人类利益,反对超自然的、超人的因素或反对粗野的、动物的因素的态度。更确切地来讲,人文主义意味着投身到最有效地促进人类文化的研究当中——特别涉及到古希腊和罗马的生活、思想,语言和文学的研究。人文主义宣称人是世界上最高贵的动物;生活的目标就是要享受现世的生活而不是期望来世。人文主义学者认为,只有外部阻碍才能阻止人类和世界的无限进步,人类可以根据自己的欲望来改造世界,并且可以通过理智的锻炼驱除外部障碍来获得幸福。文学史中,用到这个术语的最重要时刻是指文艺复兴时期对古典文化的复兴。。

Renaissance(文艺复兴)The word “renaissance”means rebirth or revival. It is commonly applied to the movement or period in western civilization , which marks the transition from the wk_ad_begin({pid : 21});wk_ad_after(21, function(){$('.ad-hidden').hide();}, function(){$('.ad-hidden').show();}); 2 medieval to the modern world . It sprang up first in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe, the date differing for different countries. The Renaissance indicates a revival of classical (Greek and Roman) arts and sciences after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism. The study and propagation of classical learning and art was carried on by the progressive thinkers of the humanists. They held their chief interest not in ecclesiastical knowledge, but in man, his environment and doings and his brave fight for the emancipation of man from the tyranny of the church and religious dogmas. Because in the ancient Greek and Roman mythology were found the ideas of universal love, respect to human beings and approval of man’s power, ability and knowledge. And at the same time worldly enjoyment on the earth was affirmed. In short, man became the center of the world instead of God as upheld in the Middle Ages. The Renaissance Movement is a great revolution carried out in the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century Europe. It broke the chain and bondage of feudal and theological ties and brought human wisdom and capacity into full play. Renaissance这个词意思是“复活”或“复兴”。文艺复兴通常指的是西方文明中的一场运动或一个时期,标志着中世纪向现代社会的过渡。这场运动14世纪始发于意大利,后逐渐传遍欧洲各国,其具体时间因国而异。文艺复兴是指从中世纪蒙昧主义的黑暗中解脱出来后对古典(希腊和罗马)艺术和科学的复兴。对古典学问和艺术的研究和普及工作是由人文主义者中的进步思想家进行的。他们把主要的兴趣不是放在教会知识上,而是放在人类、人的生存环境与活动以及人类为了从教堂和宗教教条的桎梏中解放出来的斗争上。他们在古希腊和罗马神话中找到了博爱的思想、对人类的尊重以及对人类的力量、能力和知识的承认,同时,也肯定了现世的享乐。简言之,世界的中心是人类自身,再也不是中世纪时期的上帝。文艺复兴运动是欧洲从十四世纪到十七世纪中期期间的一场伟大的运动。这场运动打破了封建枷锁和神学束缚,充分发挥了人类的智慧和能力。

Ode(颂歌) 指篇幅较长,结构较为复杂的抒情诗。诗行长度不一,通常以虔诚的语调讲述一个严肃崇高的主题。或咏物志事,或怀时抒情,或向某人致意。大多数的颂歌为方便起见描述的都是一个特定的主题。例如《西风颂》讲述的是给英格兰带来季节变化的西风。《夜莺颂》描写的是带领诗人暂时脱离苦海的夜莺。英国最早的抒情诗出现于16世纪,作品为著名诗人斯宾赛所著的《婚后曲》《婚前曲》或婚礼赞美歌。

Romanticism(浪漫主义) 指18世纪末,19世纪初发生的文学和艺术运动。该运动是对早期启蒙主义哲学的反叛,后者强调在面对残忍、愚蠢、迷信以及野蛮时,逻辑和理性是人类应该做出的最佳反应。与此相对,浪漫主义强调应该依靠情绪以及自然抒发的激情作为生活和伦理问题的有效指导。浪漫主义运动特别强调个体的独一无二,想像、幻想的优先地位,自发性优于“技巧”和“惯例”所具有的价值,人类对于情感表达的自然需求,对于文明相伴的堕落腐化的抵制,以及远离摧毁人类灵魂的城市生活,重返原始自然的渴望。浪漫主义者的作品通常以乡村、田园以及哥特式城堡为背景,对于“天真单纯”的个体,诸如儿童、年轻的恋人以及动物特别关心。浪漫主义的代表诗人包括威廉·布莱克、威廉·华兹华斯、乔治·戈登·拜伦、波西·比希·雪莱以及约翰·济慈。

Aestheticism( 美学主义) 美学运动的基本原则“为艺术而艺术”最初由法国诗人西奥费尔·高缔尔提出。英国运用该美学理论的第一人是19世纪末最重要的文论作家沃尔特·佩特。奥斯卡·王尔德则因创作《道林·格雷的画像》而成为英国该运动的重要代表人物。美学主义崇高艺术高于生活,认为生活应模仿艺术,而不是艺术模仿生活。在美学主义者看来,所有


Stream of Consciousness(意识流) (由威廉·詹姆士创立的心理学)个人的内心体验以不平衡的方式不断流动着。创作中,内心独白技巧利用这种意识的流动揭示人物心理,点评生活。

Critical Realism (批判现实主义) 批判现实主义是盛行于19世纪的文学流派之一,揭示了金钱控制一切对人性的恶劣影响,这正是19世纪批判现实主义民主和人文特点的根源。19世纪的英国批判现实主义者不但讽刺性地描述了资产阶级和其他统治阶级,而且表现了对普通大众的深切同情。在他们最好的作品中,他们利用幽默和讽刺的手法对比了上层阶级的贪婪和虚伪以及下层阶级普通大众的诚实和善良。幽默的场景伴随着正面人物的行动,但是这种幽默略带了柔情的意味,强调了这些人物好的一面。同时,也用辛辣的讽刺和怪诞的风格来揭露资产阶级社会丑恶的一面。但是,批判现实主义者们并没有找到办法消除他们所熟知的社会罪恶,他们没有意识到通过人们有意识的努力来改变资本主义社会的必要性。他们作品中的主要倾向不是革命,而是改革;在他们的作品中,他们通常是在开始时强有力地揭示了资本主义世界的丑恶,最后只是提供一个巧合的喜剧结尾或者以无力的妥协来结束。在这里我们同时看到了批判现实主义的优点和弱点。

Gothic(哥特式) 又称哥特风格,一方面通常指“十二至十六世纪西欧的建筑风格,以尖顶、高柱、彩色玻璃高窗为特色”,另一方面,它又指“十八世纪末一种带有恐怖怪异色彩的文学”。现在通常用于指文学中怪异、神秘和超自然的东西,旨在使读者产生悬念和恐怖。哥特文学总是使用鬼怪的形象以及诸如城堡、地牢和墓地等能够带来一种惊险和恐怖氛围的背景。“哥特式”这个术语来源于故事经常发生的背景,如中世纪时期荒废的、长满苔藓的城堡,但是现在它也可以指任何一部说,小说在一种恐怖和神秘的环境中,其主题是围绕一个美丽的少女初一个孤注一掷的、野性的坏蛋所迫害来展开。哥特小说为后来的小说揭示了人类本性中隐密、没有理性的一面:野蛮的利己主义,不正当的冲动和受约束的、有序的意识表面之下噩梦似的恐惧感。哥特小说对于后代的文学以及欧洲文学都产生了很大的影响。哥特小说也对后来的美国文学尤其是霍桑和爱伦·坡产生了影响。另外,哥特小说还影响了20世纪的超现实主义文学运动。


Allegory is a tale in verse or prose in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities. Thus, an allegory is a story with two meaning, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning. Bildungsroman: a novel that traces the initiation, development, and education of a young person. Examples are Dickens’s David Copperfield and James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Byronic hero is a character-type found in Byron’s narrative Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage. He is a boldly defiant but bitterly self-tormenting outcast, proudly contemptuous of social norms but suffering for some unnamed sin. Emily Bronte’s Heath cliff is a later example. Conceit: a kind of metaphor that makes a comparison between two startlingly different things. A conceit usually provides the framework for an entire poem. An especially unusual and intellectual kind of conceit is the metaphysical conceit, used by certain 17th-century poets, such as John Donne.. Comedy of manners is a kind of comedy representing the complex and sophisticated code of behavior current in fashionable circles of society, where appearances count for more than true moral character. Its humor relies chiefly on elegant verbal wit and repartee. In England, the comedy of manners flourished as the dominant form of Restoration comedy in the works of Etheredge, Wycherley and Congreve. It was revived in a more subdued form in the 1770s by Goldsmith and Sheridan, and later by Oscar Wilde. An epic is a long narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating and celebrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the past history of a nation. Epiphany(顿悟): a sudden revelation of truth about life inspired by a seemingly trivial incident Heroic couplet is the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter. Intrusive narrator: an omniscient narrator who, in addition to reporting the events of a novel’s story, offers further comments on characters and events, and who sometimes reflects more generally upon the significance of the story. Iambic pentameter: a poetic line consisting of five verse feet, with each foot an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Iambic pentameter is the most common verse line in English poetry. Metaphysical poetry: the poetry of John Donne and other 17th-century poets who wrote in a similar style. It is characterized by verbal wit and excess, ingenious structure, irregular meter, colloquial language, elaborate imagery, and a drawing together of dissimilar ideas . Metaphysical Poetry Metaphysical Poetry is commonly used to name the work of the 17th century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne. With a rebellious spirit, the metaphysical poets try to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry. They are characterized by mysticism in content and fantasticality in form. John Donne is the lead ing figure of the “metaphysical school.” Naturalism: a post--Darwinian movement of the late 19th century that tried to apply the laws of scientific determinism to fiction. The naturalists went beyond the realists’ insistence on the objective presentation of the details of everyday life to insist that the materials of literature


①Beowulf: The national heroic epic of the English people. It has over 3,000 lines. It describes the battles between the two monsters and Beowulf, who won the battle finally and dead for the fatal wound. The poem ends with the funeral of the hero. The most striking feature in its poetical form is the use if alliteration. Other features of it are the use of metaphors(暗喻) and of understatements(含蓄). ②Alliteration: In alliterative verse, certain accented(重音) words in a line begin with the same consonant sound(辅音). There are generally 4accents in a line, 3 of which show alliteration, as can be seen from the above quotation. ③Romance: The most prevailing(流行的) kind of literature in feudal England was the Romance. It was a long composition, sometimes in verse(诗篇), sometimes in prose(散文), describing the life and adventures of a noble hero, usually a knight, as riding forth to seek adventures, taking part in tournament(竞赛), or fighting for his lord in battle and the swearing of oaths. ④Epic: An epic is a lengthy narrative poem, ordinarily concerning a serious subject containing details of heroic deeds and events significantly to a culture or nation. The first epics are known as primacy, or original epics. ⑤Ballad: The most important department of English folk literature is the ballad which is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas(诗节), with the second and fourth lines rhymed. The subjects of ballads are various in kind, as the struggle of young lovers against their feudal-minded families, the conflict between love and wealth, the cruelty of jealousy, the criticism of the civil war, and the matters and class struggle. The paramount(卓越的) important ballad is Robin Hood(《绿林好汉》). ⑥Geoffrey Chaucer杰弗里.乔叟: He was an English author, poet, philosopher and diplomat. He is the founder of English poetry. He obtained a good knowledge of Latin, French and Italian. His best remembered narrative is the Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》), which the Prologue(序言) supplies a miniature(缩影) of the English society of Chaucer’s time. That is why Chaucer has been called “the founder of English realism”. Chaucer affirms men and women’s right to pursue their happiness on earth and opposes(反对) the dogma of asceticism(禁欲主义) preached(鼓吹) by the church. As a forerunner of humanism, he praises man’s energy, intellect, quick wit and love of life. Chaucer’s contribution to English poetry lies chiefly in the fact that he introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, especially the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic(抑扬格) meter(the “heroic couplet”) to English poetry, instead of the old Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse. ⑦【William Langland威廉.朗兰: Piers the Plowman《农夫皮尔斯》】


名词解释 Renaissance:The Renaissance indicates a revival of classical (Greek and Roman) arts and sciences in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world. Sonnet: A fourteen-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter and most often in one of the two rhyme schemes: the Italian(or Petrarchan) or Shakes pearean ( or English ). A sonnet is a 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme and meter .It has two main forms :the shakespearean sonnet and the Italian sonnet. Shakespeare Sonnet: a lyric with three quatrains and one couplet, rhyming ababcdcdefefgg, consisting of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter restricted to a definition rhyme scheme. A Shakespearean sonnet consists of fourteen lines written in iambic pentameter, in which a pattern of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable is repeated five times. The rhyme scheme in a Shakespearean sonnet is a-b-a-b, c-d-c-d, e-f-e-f, g-g; the last two lines are a rhyming couplet. Enlightenment: the movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centries, a progressive intellectual movement, reason (rationality), equality & science (the 18th century) The Age of Enlightenment (also called the Age of Reason) refers to the 18th_ century England.The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement.It celebrated reason (rationality), equality, science and human beings’ ability to perfect themselves and their society and it aimed to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern ,philosophical and artistic ideas. Romanticism: it flourished in literature, philosophy, music, and art in Western culture during most if the nineteenth century, beginning as a revolt against classicism. In it, emotion over reason, spontaneous emotion, a change from the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit, poetry should be free from all rules, imagination, nature, commonplace. Dramatic monologue: A kind of narrative poem in which one character speaks to one or more listeners whose replies are not given in poem. The occasion is a crucial one in the speaker’s life, and the dramatic monologue reveals the speaker’s personality as


课件上找的 1)classicism 2)realism 3)sentimentalism 1.Epic: 史诗 A long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. Many epics were drawn from an oral form and were transmitted by song and recitation before they were written down. 2.Alliteration: 头韵 A rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵). 3.Kenning:比喻的复合辞(=metaphor) A figurative, usually compound expression used in place of a name or noun, especially in Old English and Old Norse poetry; for example, storm of swords is a kenning for battle. 4.Understatement: expressing something in a controlled way. 5.Romance:传奇 A long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero. 6.Renaissance文艺复兴(欧洲14至16世纪) Renaissance in European history, refers to the period between 14th century to 17th century. “Renaissance” means “revival”, the revival of interest in and getting rid of conservatism in feudalist Europe and introducing new ideas that express the interests of the rising bourgeoisie. The Renaissance, which means “rebirth” or “revival”, is actually an intellectual


Byronic hero A proud, mysterious, rebellious, gloomy figure of noble origin, with fiery passions and unbending will, expresses Byron’s own ideal of freedom. He rises against tyranny and injustice, but he’s merely a lone fighter striving for personal freedom. Sonnet A sonnet is a 14-line lyric poem with a single theme. Sonnets vary but are usually written in iambic pentameter, following one of two traditional patterns: the Petrarchan or Italian sonnet and the Shakespearean or English sonnet. A sonnet generally expresses a single theme or idea. Sonnet是一种欧洲传统的非常有影响力的诗歌形式。从形式上来说它有14行诗构成,通常是五步抑扬格,有着严格的特定的押韵方式。莎士比亚的十四行诗非常出名。 Lake Poets The Lake Poets all lived in the Lake District of England at the turn of the nineteenth century. As a group, they followed no single "school" of thought or literary practice then known, although their works were uniformly disparaged by the Edinburgh Review. They are considered part of the Romantic Movement 早期浪漫主义诗人Wordsworth,Coleridge和Southey,也被称为湖畔派诗人。他们都住在英国西北部的湖区,并且在文学和社会见解上有着一致性。湖畔派诗人主要回忆快乐的旧英格兰时代,把自然看作是精神上的避难所,因为他们惧怕即将到来的工业化和城市化。 Metaphysical poetry(玄学派诗歌) Metaphysical poetry is commonly used to name the work of the17t


名词解释 1.Romance: a long composition, in verse or in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero, especially for the knight. The most popular theme employed was the legend of King Arthur and the round table knight. 2.Ballad: a story told in song, usually in four-line stanzas, with the second and fourth lines rhymed. 3.Heroic Couplet: a couplet consisting of two rhymed lines of iambic pentameter, and written in an elevated style. 4.Renaissance: a revival or rebirth of the artistic and scientific revival which originated in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe. It has two features: a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature and keen interest in activities of humanity. 5.Sonnet: 14-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter. 6.Blank verse: poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. 7.Enlightenment: a revival of interest in the old classical works, logic, order, restrained emotion and accuracy. 8.Neoclassicism: the Enlightenment brought about a revival of interest in Greek and Roman works. This tendency is known as Neoclassicism. 9.Sentimentalism:it was one of the important trends in English literature of the later decades of the 18th century. It concentrated on the free expression of thoughts and emotions, and presented a new view of human nature which prized feeling over thinking, passion over reason. 10.Romanticism: imagination, emotion and freedom are certainly the focal points of romanticism. The particular characteristics of the literature of romanticism include: subjectivity and an emphasis on individualism; freedom from rules; solitary life rather then life in society; the beliefs that imagination is superior to reason; and love of and worship of nature. 11.Lake Poets: the English poets who lived in and drew inspiration from the Lake District at the beginning of the 19th century. 12.Byronic Heroes: a variant of the Romantic heroes as a type of character( enthusiasm, persistence, pursuing freedom), named after the English Romantic Poet Gordon Byron. 13.Realism: seeks to portray familiar characters, situations, and settings in a realistic manner. This is done primarily by using an objective narrative point of view and through the buildup of accurate detail. 14.Aestheticism: an art movement supporting the emphasis of aesthetic values more than socio-political themes for literature, fine art, music and other arts. 15.Stream-of-Consciousness: it is a literary technique that presents the thoughts and feelings of a character as they occur without any clarification by the author. It is a narrative mode. 16.Dramatic Monologue: a kind of narrative poem in which one character speaks to one or more listeners whose replies are not given in the poem. 17.Iambic Pentameter: a poetic line consisting of five verse feet, with each foot an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, that is, with each foot an iamb. 18.Epic: a long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. 19.Elegy: a poem of mourning, usually over the death of an individual; may also be a lament over the passing of life and beauty or a meditation of the nature of death; a type of lyric poem. 20.Canto: a section of a long poem. The cantos can be a great poem


《英国文学史及选读》第一册复习要点 1. : ; ; , (此处可能会有填空,选择等小题) 2. (名词解释) 3. “ ”: a ’s 4. (名词解释) 5. 6. : ; ( ; 124 , 24 ; ; ; : ) 7. (名词解释)8. (名词解释)9 —— 10. (名词解释)11. (名词解释)12. “ ” 13. “” . “ ”(推荐阅读,学习写正式语体的英文文章的好参照,本文用词正式优雅,多排比句和长句,语言造诣非常高,里面很多话都可以引用做格言警句,非常值得一读) 14. 四大悲剧比较重要,此外就是罗密欧与朱立叶了,这些剧的主题,背景,情节,人物形象都要熟悉,当然他最重要的是这是肯定的。他的也很重要,最重要属18。(其戏剧中著名对白和几首有名的十四行诗可能会出选读) 15. 三大史诗非常重要,特别是和。对于需要知道它是写成的,故事情节来自,另外要知道此书和的形象。 16. ——’s 17. —— ; : , . 18. (名词解释) 19. (名词解释) 20. ——“ ”

21. ——“ ”这个比上面那个要重要,注意这个报纸和我们今天的报纸不一样,它虚构了一系列的人物,以这些人物的口气来写报纸上刊登的散文,这一部分要仔细读。 22. ’s ’s 23. : “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ”; () 24. : “’s ”此书非常重要,要知道具体内容,就是游历过的四个地方的英文名称,和每个部分具体的讽刺对象; (我们主要讲了三个地方)“A ”比较重要,要注意作者用的也就是反讽手法。 25. 18 . 26. : “ ”, “ ”, 当然是比较重要,剧情要清楚,的形象和故事中蕴涵的早期黑奴的原形,以及殖民主义的萌芽。另外注意的和,另外是。 27. ——“” ( ), “ ”, “ ” 28. : “ ”, “ ”, “ ”第一个和第三个比较重要,需要仔细看。他是一个比较重要的作家,另外也被称为 . 29. ——“ ”项狄传 30. ——“ ” 31. ——“ ”(), “ ” () ( ), “ ” (), “ ” (), “ ” (), “ ” ( ) 32. (名词解释) 33. ——“ a ”(英国诗歌里非常著名的一首,曾经被誉为“有史以来英国诗歌里最好的一首”)(a 墓园派诗人) * / ”: A , a , , . , ’s


1. Ballad(民谣) A ballad originally is a song intended as an accompaniment to a dance or a popular song. In the relatively recent sense, now most widely used, a ballad is a single, spirited poem in short stanzas, in which some popular story is graphically narrated. The ingredients of ballads usually include a refrain, stock descriptive phrases, and simple, terse dialogue. 2. Alliteration(头韵) It refers to a repeated initial consonant to successive words and it is the most striking feature in its poetic form. In alliterative verse, certain accented words in a line begin with the same consonant sound. There are generally 4 accents in a line, three of which show alliteration, and it is the initial sound of the third accented syllable that normally determiners the alliteration. In old English verse, alliteration is not an unusual or expressive phenomenon but a regular recurring structural feature of the verse. 3. Sonnet (十四行诗) It is a poem of 14 lines (of 11 syllables in Italian and 10 in English), typically in rhymed iambic pentameter. Sonnets characteristically express a single theme or idea. The sonnet was introduced to England by Sir T. Wyatt and developed Henry Howard (Earl of Surrey) and was thereafter widely used notably in the sonnet sequences of Shakespeare, Sidney, and Spenser. 4. Tragedy(悲剧) The word is applied broadly to dramatic works in which events move to a fatal or disastrous conclusion. It is concerned with the harshness and apparent injustice of life. Often the hero falls from power and his eventual death leads to the downfall of others. The tragic action arouses feelings of awe in the audience. 5. Lyric(抒情诗) As a genre, it was the tradition of popular song flourishing in all the medieval literatures of Western Europe. In England lyric poems flourished in the Middle English period, and in the 16th century, heyday of humanism. This tradition was enriched by the direct imitation of ancient models. During the next 200 years the links between poetry and music was gradually broken, and the term “lyric” came to be applied to short poems expressive of a poet’s thoughts or feelings. 6. Epic(史诗) It is a poem that celebrates in the form of a continuous narrative the achievements of one or more heroic personages of history or tradition. Among the great epics of the world may be mentioned the Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, and Paradise Lost. 7. Renaissance(文艺复兴) The word “renaissance” means rebirth or revival. It is commonly applied to the movement or period of great flowering of art, architecture, politics, and the study of literature, usually seen as the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern worn world. It came about under the influence of Greek and Roman models. It began in Italy in the late 14th century, reached the highest development in the early 16th century, and spread to the rest of Europe in the 15th century and afterwards. Its emphasis was humanist: that is , on regarding the human figure and reason without a necessary relating of it to the superhuman.


Part One: Early and Medieval English Literature 1. Beowulf: national epic of the English people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements 3. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: a famous roman about King Arthur’s story 4. Ballad(名词解释) 5. Character of Robin Hood 6. Geoffrey Chaucer: founder of English poetry; The Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished; written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet) 7. Heroic couplet (名词解释) Part Two: The English Renaissance 8. The Authorized Version of English Bible and its significance9. Renaissance(名词解释) 10.Thomas More??Utopia 11. Sonnet(名词解释) 12. Blank verse(名词解释) 13. Edmund Spenser “The Faerie Queene”; Amoretti (collection of his sonnets) Spenserian Stanza(名词解释) 15. Christopher Marlowe (“Doctor Faustus” and his achievements) Beowulf is an Old English heroic epic poem of unknown authorship, dating as recorded in the Nowell Codex manuscript from between the 8th[1] to the early 11th century,[2] and relates events described as having occurred in what is now Denmark and Sweden. Commonly cited as one of the most important works of Anglo-Saxon literature, Beowulf has been the subject of much scholarly study, theory, speculation, discourse, and, at 3182 lines, has been noted for its length. 3 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a late 14th-century Middle English alliterative romance outlining an adventure of Sir Gawain, a knight of King Arthur's Round Table. In the tale, Sir Gawain accepts a challenge from a mysterious warrior who is completely green, from his clothes and hair to his beard and skin. The "Green Knight" offers to allow anyone to strike him with his axe if the challenger will take a return blow in a year and a day. Gawain accepts, and beheads him in one blow, only to have the Green Knight stand up, pick up his head, and remind Gawain to meet him at the appointed time 4 A ballad is a poem usually set to music; thus, it often is a story told in a song[1]. Any myth form may be told as a ballad, such as historical accounts or fairy tales in verse form. It usually has foreshortened, alternating four-stress lines ("ballad meter") and simple repeating rhymes, often with a refrain 5
