
1. - Look, she need time to decompress from her breakup anyway.
- Covering for me works for her, too.
- Let’s go to my place before somebody spots us.

decompress: chill out, wind down.放松,减压,释放。这句话的意思就是“Serena需要时间从分手里缓过劲来”。另外举个例子:After a hard day in the office I like to decompress with a large cup of coffee.
cover: to help someone out by
1) filling in(代替). e.g. I got a hot date, can you cover my shift (替我上班) on Friday night?
2) backup their excuse
3) going along with their lie, cosign for them, corroborate their story (替人圆谎) e.g. He told his mom that he'd been at my house all night. I covered for him.
4) provide supporting firepower for them in a shootout(枪战片里的“掩护我”) e.g. Cover my back, I'm goin' in!!!
在这里cover应该是第3个意思,S和N互相圆谎,各取所需。N可以背地里与有夫之妇继续affair(婚外情), S则可以假装已经忘记与Dan分手的伤痛。注意N在用了works for her这个短语,work意思是“有作用,有效果,有好处”。任何有效的东西,都可以说It works.
place: 住的地方就是place. 很少说go to my house, 更不说go to my home.
spot: to detect or discern, especially visually. “别人发现我们了,认出我们”,不说find, 也不说recognize,而是应该用这个spot. 另外,辨认出罪犯的模样,也用spot the culprit.

2.Also spotted-Serena Van der Woodsen on Copper’s beach…Alone again. We’ve heard talk that things are heating up with Nate Archibald. And where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire. But if that’s the case, why has Nate fallen off our radar and Serena, as always, sighted solo?

heat up: When two people are together and things start "heating up," whether it be holding hands, making out, fooling around or having sex. A synonym for "hook up".
if that’s the case: 如果事情真的如此
off the radar: radar就是雷达,意思说总是消失在我们视线里,连雷达都探测不到。off the radar还可以表示illegal, illegitimate: I took his money and did the job "off the radar," avoiding the IRS, the FBI, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

3. I had my eye on her.

4. - Speaking of, where is that story of yours? You know, the one your internship requires you turn in?
- Yes, it’s, uh, it’s imminent.
- So is death. Be more specific.
speaking of: 说到这个,说起来……这是我们经常会用到的一个短语。
imminent: ready to take place; hanging threateningly over ones head,马上就要发生的。特别强调 “命悬一线”的情况,比如danger, illness, death. 所以教授催Dan教功课,Dan回答imminent(快了,马上就好了), 教授就tease他说”so is deat

5.- Eleanor returns next week, and we are still behind. Now since I have to go to that party this weekend, I won’t be around, and therefore, neither will you.
- You can’t be finished.

behind: 指的是behind the schedule, 落后,晚了。口语里可以简单的就说behind.
I won’t be around.: 我一直都不在。注意around比here要地道。
You can’t be finished.: 你完成不了的。 用的是被动语态。

6.The only thing lamer than dating Dan Humphrey is mourning Dan Humphrey. And the only reason you’re still sitting shivah is because you haven’t gotten back out there and had your summer fling.

lame: 这个单词太常用了。在这里表示“傻,愚蠢”,它还可以表示“无趣”,比如冷笑话就是lame joke. 你说一个人He’s lame,就是说He is no fun.
mourn和shivah都是哀悼的意思,shivah源自shiva, 犹太教里它指七日服丧期。

fling: deliberately short-term sexual relationship between two people. Longer than a one-night stand, not as serious-sounding as "affair". No deep personal involvement required, just the sex and a bit of attention.
7. -At least I could have gotten a more interesting stand-in than James. Do you know how hard it is to find a good fake boyfriend on short notice?
-Well, he was smart and fun at tea yesterday, and he’s really cute, too.
-You don’t have to lie anymore, Serena, he served his purpose. Now that Chuck on his way back to the city, I can dump James just in time to go to the white party stag.

stand-in: 替身
on short notice: 在仓促的情况下
serve one’s purpose: 符合需求,解决问题。这里表示“他可以功成身退了”。
stag: to go alone
-Things are going south with Lord Marcus.
-Who’s Lord Marcus?
-James. It turns out that he was only pretending to be a commoner. It’s like Roman Holiday, only I’m Gregory Peck, and he’s Audrey Hepburn.
- Oh, suddenly it’s all so clear.

go south means things are turning bad. 这个说法来源于地图"上北下南"的规定,所以go south可以用来代表任何下降、变坏的趋势。可以用来形容和某人的关系,经济走势,或者物品的变坏。
commoner: 普通人,凡人。另外,这里B用了罗马假日来做比喻,把自己比作记者,Marcus则是那位公主,非常可爱的比喻。
suddenly it’s all so clear: 一下子就明朗了,清楚了。clear是个常用词,一种表示“无障碍,畅通的”,比如警察冲进房间,发现里面没有危险,他就会喊clear。第二种用法是用来询问对方是否明白你的意思,通常有种很权威,很高高在上的语气,比如Do I make myself clear? / Is it clear?

- He’s a lord, and I love him.
- Okay, I’m gonna take your word for it, but, Blair, love?
- And not just because Tom Hanks gave him a Kleenex at Lady Di’s funeral.


your word for it: 我相信你说的话
Kleenex: 其实就是“舒洁”,世界上第一张面巾纸,已经被字典收入,用来表示“纸巾”。类似的还有Xerox, 施乐,这个单词可以用来指复印机。
Lady Di: Lady Diana, 黛安娜王妃。西方人一般都用昵称Di来称呼她。

Blair Waldor, a fling? You’re not exactly low maintenance.

fling: 在第1集里已经介绍过,指那种短暂的,不用负责任的邂逅
low maintenance: 相对于high maintenance而言,就是《蛋白质女孩》里提到的“高维修女子”,那种需要花很多心思,要求特别高的女孩子就叫做high maintenance,B就是其中的典型. 而low maintenance,指的就是那种要求很低,很容易打发的人。


-Charles, sidebar.
-Actually, we weren’t finished.
-Notice how my voice didn’t go up at the end?


-The federal prosecutor(起诉人,控方) has taken your father’s leaving town as an admission of guilt(认罪). They want to forfeit(没收) our assets for restitution(归还,赔偿).
-What, they wanna take our money?
-Well, not yet, but they have frozen(冻结) our accounts.
-And now they are making an inventory(盘点) of everything that we own.

主要是一些法律词汇,“认罪”除了admission of guilt(这里指默认自己有罪), 还有一种叫做plead guilty, 后者多用于法庭,法官问,被告是否认罪,回答就是plead guilty(PG), 或者plead not guilty(PNG).
inventory: 存货,make an inventory of就是盘点存货的意思。后文Chuck还提到自己在liquidate my shares in Victorla, 这里的liquidate是清算财产的意思, share就是股份。

Something tells me you’re off your game. Anything I can help with?

off: to be weird, off center, not normal. 在这里指“心不在焉。”
-I’ve dated a lot of top flight girls, and she always sends them running. It’s like…and she gets inside their head, figures out their worst fears and just ruthlessly exploits that fear.
-That’s rough.
-Not to mention, she’s completely got my father’s ear. Of course, Blair is desperate to meet her. And when Blair sets her mind on something…

top flight: top notch, very good. Moslty used to describe ones wife.
send them running: 使她们落荒而逃
get my father’s ear: 我父亲对她言听计从
sets her mind on something: 下定决心做某事
-Marcus dated the descendant of Princess Grace. His consort needs to be able to host royal dinners and hobnob with oli

garchs and dictators.
- Well, if you can’t find common ground with a dictator, I don’t know who can.

hobnob with: 亲切交谈
oligarchs: 寡头政治执政者
find common ground with: 找到共通点。这里S在嘲讽B,暗指B也是一个独裁者。

You know, they’re obviously just trying to scare us to get us to rat out my dad.

scare: 吓到某人。最常用的短语就是You scare me! 你吓倒我了。形容词是scary, 比如scary movie(恐怖电影)。
rat out: 告密。A rat is a tattletale or a snitch. To rat out someone is to snitch on others or tell on others.

-He’s outside of my regular circle.
-Oh, so you just asked someone you barely know for money?

第一句用来表示“他不是我社交圈子里的人”,第二句里的barely know指“不太熟的人”。注意这两种句型,有时候在中翻英的时候,我们不一定能想到如此地道的表达方法。

-I wasn’t expecting anyone so young or so beautiful.
-Just because I didn’t give birth to Marcus doesn’t mean I’m any less interested in his well-being. I don’t usually take meetings with children, Charles, so what do you have to say for yourself?
-Lordy, lordy, look who’s 40-or ate least a well-preserved 38.

expect: 料想到,预料到。特地highlight出来,是因为很多人在写“想到”的时候,都习惯用think,其实很多时候expect会更贴切。
give birth to: Marcus不是我生的。怀孕叫做carry a baby, 流产就是miscarry. 预产期叫做due date, 生孩子就是give birth to a child.
well-being: 幸福
what do you have to say for yourself: 你有什么要说的?
well-preserved: 保养的很好

-Chuck’s here, and Blair didn’t invite him.
-Maybe he’s her plus-one.

plus-one: your guest when you are invited to an event. 这个在第1集里面也出现过,Jenny就是Eric的plus-one, 然后才得以进入white party.

-But I assure you, there’s an explanation for all of it.
-Save your breath(省省吧), Blair. Chuck didn’t tell me a thing.
-Wait, he didn’t?
-I told him not to bother(不用麻烦了). None of it makes any difference to me(对我来说毫无意义), because nothing will change the fact the despite your best efforts which are completely transparent(显而易见), by the way, Marcus is never going to end up with a lowly(地位低下的) Waldorf.

make difference: It means to make an important effect on something, especially a good effect. 意思是对某事产生巨大的影响或者作用,或者也可以表示为意义重大,与众不同。比如夸一个新产品如何的标新立异,就可以说it makes huge difference. 用在否定句里,it doesn’t make any difference, 表示这样做没有必要,没有什么差别。
end up: 相当于wind up, 注意这里的wind发I的音,和“风”那个wind发音不同,这个词组表示最后结局如何,沦落到什么地步,你可以说He ends up alone

.(他最后孤独终老), 以可以说Jack ends up in the jail.(Jack最终沦落到蹲监狱的地步). end up也可以表示arrive at, 比如说After 30 minutes’ driving, we finally ended up at the shopping center.

-This party is a complete bust. My whole life is a bust.
-Well, it serves you right. You were scheming to convince Marcus you’re someone you’re not.
-But my intentions were good. I really do like him. I just…as soon as I knew he like me, I would have relaxed and dropped the manipulative plotting and devoted myself to being the best girlfriend ever.

bust: A total failure, a complete waste of time. 另外,在枪战片里,我们也经常能听到got busted,这个时候bust指的是police action, or got caught, e.g. Joey got busted for selling drugs to an undercover police.
it serves you right: 给某人应得的结果,可以指生活带你不薄,也可以指给你应得的报应。贬义褒义都可以用。
scheme, manipulative, plot: 这三个单词都可以指诡计多端的,善用心计的
But my intentions were good: 但我的出发点是好的。这也是我们口语里经常说的一句话。
drop: give up
It's not often you find a man who's intelligent, sophisticated, has an appreciation for golden-age Hollywood and is a gentleman to boot.

to boot: moreover; in addition to. Kristen's an amazing girl, and sexy to boot!
sophisticated: having a refined knowledge of the ways of the world cultivated especially through wide experience,也就是说见过世面的,有阅历的。这是一个很容易被误译的单词,字典里给出的解释是“诡辩的, 久经世故的”,但其实这个单词可以是褒义词(如同在这句话的解释),也可以是贬义词,解释为deprived of native or original simplicity,即“老于世故”的,但后者出现的情况不是很多。

- Clearly there's some sort of... blockage.
- Perhaps...
- No, Chuck.
- One more go-around, just to clear the pipes.
- You are not using Blair as sexual Drano.

Serena 去找Chuck, 正好碰见那个日本空姐,于是就聊起Chuck糜烂的sex life,只见Chuck一脸郁闷状,Serena恍然大悟,原来Chuck最近在sex方面是“屡败屡战,屡战屡败”。Chuck解释说是因为有些 blockage,他想到了找Blair来clear the pipes.

关键的地方来了。blockage本意是阻塞,你家的水管堵住了,就用blockage.而clear the pipe就是疏通管道。上文和下文是对应的,但这里用的是字面意思背后的metaphor. pipe, 可以用来指dick(omg, 希望没有人再用Dick这个英文名字了),而clear the pipe就是指you receive an orgasm from a girl; usually its when you haven't received sex in a while. 另外说一下,pipe这个单词除了指dick, 还可以用来指blow job, 来源据说是法语里一摸一样拼写的pipe, 读做"peep". (恩…这些单词都是当年看sex and the ci


至于后面Serena叫Chuck不要把Blair当作是sexual Drano, 这里的Drano是一个排水管清洁剂的品牌,人家的作用就是用来clear the pipes的。

-You like him. He likes you. So just call him.
-He stood me up, remember?
He stood me up: 放我鸽子,让我空等一场。后面Vanessa看见Catherine和Nate在一起,就质问Is that the reason you keep canceling on me? 这句话也可以表示放鸽子的意思。

另外stand up for sb.可以解释为support. 后面有一个场景,Dan在公园里遇到三个小妹妹,很老成的在评论Dan与Serena复合的事情,其中有个小姑娘说Your whole breakup? We're on your side. 这句We’re on your side意思是“我们站在你这一边”,和stand up for是一个意思。

I got us a room at the Mercer. We can order in.

order in在这里是指点酒店的room service, 在房间里吃饭。日常生活中这个单词表示“叫外卖”。take out则是表示外带的意思,在快餐店里点餐,服务员会问你for here or to go, 或者for here or take-out? for here就是堂吃,to go或者take-out就是外带。而打包叫做wrap up,至于问服务员要打包的盒子,那就叫做doggy bag了。至于为什么要叫狗食袋,一种说法是最早美国人在餐厅吃剩下的东西,不好意思打包,怕别人觉得自己小气,于是就会问服务员要一个袋子,说是带回去给自己家的狗吃。久而久之,doggy bag就变成打包袋/盒的代名词了。

-You know, and if we just start telling people...
- What? What could anybody possibly say that would change this?
- You're right. I'm in.

不要小看I'm in这个短语,虽然简单,用处却很多。在这里表示“你是对的,就听你的吧”,在其他地方还可以表示“加入一个团队,加入一个活动”。比如你朋说周末组织一场篮球赛,你打算参加,你就可以说I'm in. 又比如你们谋划什么大行动,你大义凛然的说“算上我”,那也叫做I'm in.
Oh, this is awesome! You guys totally belong together.

这句话出现在Marcus撞见Blair与Chuck接吻的场景里,原意是“你们两个真是绝配啊”,根据说话语气不同,表达的含义也不一样。这里肯定是贬义 “你们两个极品,真是太配了”,在其他场合也可以是出于真心的赞美“你们真是天造地设的一对”,相当于说You guys are a perfect match.

-So when am I gonna get to see you again?
-Depends. Can I count on you not to cancel at the last second?

depends: 看情况吧
count on: 依靠,指望,也可以说rely on或者depend on. 它的否定句Don’t count on it也很常用,相当于“你别想了,别指望了,没戏了”。

Duchess, it's me. He's bringing her. And for the record, whatever you're planning with Nate, my bedroom floor is off-limits.

for the r

ecord: 一种用法是“必须指出,让我提醒你”,就是这句话里的含义。另外一个用法就是按照它的字面解释“正式记录在案,有记录可查的”。还有一个词组也很常用,就是off the record, 解释为“秘密的,不被记录的”,比如警察要盘问线人套资料,他跟线人说“你说的话不会纪录在案,不会被追究责任”,那么就可以说It’s off the record.

-Making sure you're okay. I tried calling, but-
-Oh, yeah. My phone died. Sorry.

手机没电:My phone died. 没电也可以说dead battery.

- Uh, you still positive you don't want me tagging along?
- Yeah. No offense, Dad, but I think you, me and Serena--Things are awkward enough.
- Well, tt's not like I'd have to be a third wheel. I can bring a date.

positive相当于sure, tag along尾随,跟随
No offense: 无意冒犯。当你要说一些比较直接但又是事实的话(比如说对方很boring,或者很胖之类的),就会先说no offense——我无意冒犯,不过我们就事论事的说……
third wheel: 就是第三者啦

-But someone could walk in. Dorota or...
-So? Didn't you see "Atonement"? That scene in the library when they're discovered?
-Mm. No. No, Blair. That's not you.
-It's not?
-You're a delicate little flower, Nothing like that tart, Keira Knightley.

这个出现在比较开头的部分,Marucs帮忙Blair准备party,Blair在客厅里挑逗他。其中提到的Atonement(赎罪),是Keira Knightley和James McAvoy一起主演的电影,其中有个场景就是他们两人在家里的图书馆里发生sex,并且被女主人公的妹妹撞见,由此引发了后面的悲剧……anyway,个人认为Keira Knightley在这一段里穿绿色长裙的形象是非常stunning的。这部电影及它的原著,都很值得一看。

Ralph Lauren adores you.
发生在Cathrine带Nate去买衣服的那个场景。Ralph Lauren是衣服品牌,最著名的就是它的POLO衫了。Friends里的Rachel就在这个公司工作,其中有一集Ralph还亲自客串,和Rachel同搭一部电梯。

Relax. Nothing happened with Madame Butterfly.
Chuck找了一个日本空姐,当时管家还很嘲的说"Sir, the flight from tokyo has landed." Madame Butterfly就是蝴蝶夫人,这位蝴蝶夫人在歌剧里就是一个日本人。

No, Nate. There are no "but"s. You lied to me, And you're sleeping with some Mrs. Robinson.

- Say "Mom", and I will kill you in your sleep.
- Decaf, Serena. I was going to say "Mrs. Bass".

decaf: 这里指那些uncool, lame, stupid的事情。本意是不含咖啡因的


No, wait. Just hold on for a second. You crash the party and you tell me to break it off with Catherine and then
you pull an 180 and you tell me to stay with her and then you just bolt. I... I mean, did I do something...

crash the party: To enter a party uninvited
break it off with: 和某人断绝往来,注意它和break up的差别,后者是分手的意思。
pull an 180: 当然就是态度180度大转弯啦,change your mind的另外一种说法。
bolt: run away, 逃跑,闪了

It’s having to see them date someone else that's hard. Why do you think I rub it in Chuck's face every chance I get?
- A twisted version of foreplay?
- Ignoring you.

rub it in one’s face: 故意触人痛处。后来Serena, Dan, 还有Dan在学校认识的那个女孩子一起约会,期间S认识了一个曲棍球(lacrosse)队队长,并且把他带到Dan的面前示威,Dan就对S说”You invite me out so you can rub lacrosse guy in my face?”
twisted: 变态。另外一个表示变态的单词是pervert,不过它特指那些很“色狼”的行为,例如偷窥,或者有一些特殊癖好。
ignoring you: 不理你了

- Cashing out so soon, Humphrey?
- You really should wear a bell.
- Kinky. I'll think about it. I hope you're not leaving.

cash out: to bounce or to go to bed. e.g. The movie is lame, I’m gonna cash out to somewhere else.另外注意take off这个单词,也可以表示离开的意思,而且要用进行时: I’m taking off. cash out来自形容词cashed, 表示灭了(is gone, run out), 耗尽了(reach the end of its useful life)或者形容傻的(boring, stupid).
kinky: 这里相当于weird或者bizarre. 不过kinky还可以指sexually deviant(在sex方面有特殊癖好的),而且这个意思很常用。老外特别总结了kinky sex种类,包括: Foot-sucking, rubber wearing, pee on me, fruit-fxxkin', candlewax drippin', long fingernail scrapin', tossed salad eatin',multiple partner havin', she-male, oil-drenched, chocolate sauce, whipped cream covered,vibrator usin',dress-up,banned in 30 states type of sex

Amanda, we have a few ground rules here. Now that we're all friends, you should know that dating someone's ex is frowned upon.

ground rules: 基本规则
frown upon: frown就是皱眉头的动作,这里就是说你约会朋友的前任男友,肯定会被大家否定,会被鄙视的。英语中有很多用动作表示态度的词组,比如shrug off(耸肩),意思就是耸肩表示蔑视;比如thumb up(伸出大拇指),那么就是表示顶呱呱的意思;同样的,thumb down,就是表示很烂的了。所以遇到这些身体部位的词组,可以想象一下自己做这个动作时候要表示什么意思,那么多半就能猜出词组的含义了。


d I can't confront Catherine because the butler(管家) will remember me and she'll drop the dime on the captain.

confront: 正面对质。强调与某人正面对话,而且很有自信。
drop the dime on: 告密,the act of snitching, ratting, or otherwise disclosing information meant to hurt or discredit someone else. This a play on tips and selling someone out.

How can I use this to get Nate off the hook?

off the hook: 从某个困境中解放出来,这个说法来自于形容鱼脱离鱼钩,引申的含义就表示逃离困境、责难等不好的情况。另外,the phone is off the hook,表示电话没有挂好。

Hooking up with your dad's second wife? I thought my family was twisted, but you people take the cake.

hook up with:
这里指have sex,不过当它表示这个意思的时候,你hook up的对象,通常不是你的恋人或者爱人,就比如Catherine和Marcus这种的。hook up还可以指make out(亲热)或者hang out(外出约会)。总之两个人搞在一起了,就可以用hook up.
take the cake: to be the winner. 以前美国南部的奴隶主会举行一种叫做cakewalking的比赛,参加比赛的都是黑奴,步态优美者就能获得一块蛋糕作为奖励。

- It's only happened a few times, and I put a stop to it when I met you.
- I really opened myself up to you.
- Can't... can't we still...
- Oh, please. I just want to get through this without throwing up in my mouth.

open myself up to you: 我向你敞开了心扉
throw up: “吐”在口语中最常用的就是throw up和puke了,至于vomit,是医学上的讲法。

Catherine, whatever it is, just spare me. What do you mean? Vanessa talked to the duke? No, I told her to stay out of this.

spare me: give me a break, 放过我,饶了我,别来烦我了
stay out of this: 不要插手这件事情。
This art director just ran off with the husband of this photo editor. So I sat all of "Vanity Fair" between them. I figured we'd want to avoid a catfight in front of the catwalk.

run off: 逃跑,这里有“私奔”的含义在里面。“私奔”也可以说elope.
Vanity Fair: 《名利场》杂志(https://www.360docs.net/doc/4711693346.html,/),讲很多名流的八卦。这里喻指把这两个冤家位置分开,让那些名流们坐在他们中间。
catfight: two women fighting
catwalk: T台

It seems that Dartmouth's whole English department was poached by Yale.
poach: 这里是to steal. 作为名词,还可以解释为“水煮荷包蛋”。
scrambled egg 炒蛋(和中餐的炒蛋不一样,里面通常会放cheese一起炒,盐和胡椒也需要自己另外加)
omelet 煎蛋卷(就是把煎蛋卷起来,里面包火腿、洋葱、青椒、香

fired egg, sunny side up荷包蛋(只煎一面)
fried egg, over easy荷包蛋(两面都煎)

She shouldered most of the workload at the atelier this week.
shoulder: 我们中国人说的“肩负重任”,英文就是shoulder the workload

Blair would be furious. Things are already tense between us.
最近我们关系紧张,可以用Things are already tense between us这个短语。

You know that jenny's working with your mom tonight. I also know that you don't have my daughter's best interests at heart.
你并不是真的关心我女儿的事情。注意红色部分的表述,作为一个non native speaker, 我们比较少会想到用这样的表述。
Oh, how generous, serena. I should feel so blessed that you would include me in your little group.
bless: lucky 这个单词出现了两次,另外一次是Eleanor谈到她的publicist,说It's a blessing she was hauled off to(离开) rehab for stealing her son's Ritalin.

That guy just said I'm a hooker.
Did you just call my girlfriend a prostitute?
It was an honest mistake. It's not my fault your girlfriend dresses like a high-class call girl.
hooker, prostitute, call girl都是“妓女”的意思,另外我记得还有一个单词叫做escort,也可以表示妓女或者男妓。
honest mistake: 无心之错

When the phone rang in the dead of the night, I expected
a booty call from Lucy the stewardess, not a call from lockup(拘留所).
booty call: 跟靴子无关,其实就是call for sex,通常是不用负责任的那种,no strings attached.
I told laurel my daughter could make a better seating chart than that drug-addled publicist.
drug-addled: drug毒品,addled腐坏的,混乱的,drug-addled指一个人吃的毒品种类太多了,都混在一起,无法辨别出他到底吃的是哪种。

大麻:pot (smoke pot,“抽大麻”最常用的讲法), weed, joint, substance, marijuana (marijuana有点像是专有名词,口语中很少用)
迷幻剂:LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide)
- Wow. wow, that's cool. You just signal the bartender, and she sends over a line of shots? Do you…do you have another signal if you want a martini?...All right, pass me the shots.
The liquor's just a chaser.
liquor是酒的意思,chaser本意是“追逐的人,跟在后面的人”,用在喝酒上面就是特指“在烈酒之后喝的清淡饮料”,通常是啤酒或者水。在这个场景里,Chuck给Dan一粒药丸(应该是摇头丸之类的),同时点了tequila, 意思是这个很烈的tequila跟药丸比起来,就如同清水而已了,只是给你送药用的。
liquor: 酒 hard liquor 就是烈酒 一般用high ball(大玻璃杯)来装,想象一下whiskey的杯子就明白了。
martini: 马天尼,有专门

的martini glass,就是锥形的高脚杯。Sex And The City里的Carrie就专门点Cosmopolitan martini.
shot: 纯的不含饮料和冰块的酒,用小酒杯装,一杯就叫做一个shot, Chuck点的就是这个
cocktail: 鸡尾酒是由多种酒混合而成的,成分包括:liquor(烈酒)和liqueur(甜酒)及mix(调酒用饮料,包括各种 juice,soda,coke或milk)。由于加了mix,所以口感很好,不会喝酒的同学一定要小心,千万不要因为没有酒味而猛喝一气,非常容易醉的。cocktail的名称都很有趣,比如螺丝钻,新加坡司令,血腥玛丽,我喜欢的是B52轰炸机和长岛冰茶。
另外要注意,点酒的时候,如果要加冰,那叫做on the rocks, 不加冰就是straight up. 还有我们通常说的drink,就是指酒,比如你请别人喝酒,就是let me buy you a drink. 而饮料则是beverage或者soft drink.

Blair: Well, I'm a straight-"a" student, I am.
straight A: 全A生,全优生。这里Blair又强调了一下a的发音。
Serena: Since the Dean handpicks the guests right after their interviews, I'm a shoo-in.
shoo in: a certain winner(稳操胜券)。shoo就是发出的“嘘”声,通常用来引起人或动物的注意力,并且把它们指向某个方向。所以shoo-in就有能控制住的意思,引申含义就是稳操胜券. e.g. Australia are shoo-in's for the cricket world cup.
Serena: Yale is foroverachieving bookworms and preppies-- the Blairs of the world.
bookworm: 书呆子. nerd/geek/dork,这些字都代表一个人因为太专注某件事而看起来不太正常,如书呆子,而并非不聪明的呆。其中geek特指计算机方面特别有研究,特别专注的人。preppy: 学院派风格,可以表示大学预科生,也可以指学院派的打扮,GG里的那些服装(尤其是Blair和Nate),就属于preppy风格。
Lily: This one's a little edgier than I thought, but I like it.
edgy: Applied to books, music, or even haircuts which tend to challenge societal norms and reveal the dark side. Cutting edge.
Eleanor送来了两套衣服,其中一条黑色的裙子(就是最后Lily在家里穿,正好被Rufus看到的那套),Lily用edgy来形容这条很sexy的裙子。edgy可以表示“前卫的,尖端的”,相当于cutting edgy, 就是“走在前沿的意思”。
e.g. California is on the cutting edge of trends that spread nationwide. 加利福尼亚正位于席卷全国的时尚的最前沿
Gossip girl: Gossip girl's hardly a war buff, but I did cram for a quiz or two on the American Revolution. The last time New Haven was invaded was in 1779.
buff: One that is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about a subject 狂热爱好者,……迷
cram for: 临时抱佛脚
New Haven: Yale的所在地就是Connecticut 州New Haven县(本集的片名就叫做New Haven Can Wait,取自1978 的电影Heaven Can Wait)

。这里的invasion指的就是1779年7月4日在New Haven发生的一场入侵战争(不要把它和独立日混淆了,《独立宣言》是1776年7月4日在费城正式通过的)
Serena: The Dean made me realize that by being so set on Brown, I closed myself off to all other options.
Blair: Well, that's a lovely epiphany.
set: sure
I closed myself off to all other options: 我把自己的后路都堵死了,定型了
epiphany: (神的)显现; (对事物真意的)领悟;用在这里,就是“你终于顿悟到了”。
Gossip girl: Spotted--little Jenny Humphrey off her high horse and in high demand.
high horse: 骑在高马上,引申含义就是目空一切,趾高气扬、自以为很了不起。get off your high horse就是不要摆架子的意思。
in demand: 有需要,销路好。整句话的意思是Jenny不但没有架子,而且很受欢迎。
Blair: Do you know how rare a pair is from that era? I had someone at Christie's put them on hold just in case.
put them on hold:保留,留货。Blair注意到院长的秘书很喜欢收集瓷猫,就让克里斯蒂拍卖行的人留了一套很罕见18世纪的瓷猫。
just in case:以防万一,万一有需要的话
Nate: Where have you been?
Chuck: I got tied up.
Nate: Hey, look. You wouldn't want to leave tonight, would you? I mean, I think I am completely done with this place.
Chuck: Did you strike out?
Nate: More like abruptly thrown out. People here know who I am. They know all the stuff about my Dad.
I got tied up: 我有事情脱不开身。
be done with: 我受够了
strike out: 棒球赛里就有strike out这个说法。如果一个击球手三次击球不中,他就strike out,也就是“三振出局”。所以,strike out的意思是,一件事做了几次也不成功。有个跟它意思相反的词组叫做pull it off, 意思是出人意料地做成了一件很困难的事情。
Blair: You know on paper you're not Yale material. Could it be your face on "page six," your name everywhere? Face it, Serena. Yale needs to up their Q Rating, just like all the other schools, and they're gonna use girls like you to do it.
You’re not Yale material: 你不是读Yale的料
Q rating: 又叫做Q Score,用来衡量品牌、公司、名人或者电视剧的受欢迎程度的一种指标。不同于Nielsen(尼尔森)等指标,Q Score不但表示有多少人正在收看或者使用被调查的对象,还能反应人们对它的感受。
Nate: Missed you last night(昨天你没来,没等到你).
Chuck: Did you?
Nate: Or was it your plan all along just to get me out of the way(把我支开)?
Chuck: You should be glad. Those guys were coming for you(冲着你来的). I saved your ass.
Nate: You didn't have to send them after Dan.
Chuck: Two birds, one stone(一石二鸟). Seemed good to me.

Blair: The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.


”(My Fair Lady)". 奥黛丽赫本在剧中扮演Eliza Doolittle是一个卖花姑娘,出生贫寒,后来遇到了语言学家Professor Higgins,他从最简单的发音开始,教她温文尔雅的用语。这段The Rain in Spain" 是电影中的一段歌曲,因为Eliza总是把其中的”a”发成”eye”而不是长音”a”,所以教授就一直纠正她这句歌词。具体可参见:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4711693346.html,/wiki/The_Rain_in_Spain

另外在Gossip Girl season 1里有一集模仿了奥黛丽赫本另外一部电影Breakfast at Tiffany,而s02e01里Blair, Marcus(那个英国贵族), Chuck和Serena的外婆一起喝下午茶,谈到Blair最喜欢的电影是Breakfast at Tiffany's, Roman Holiday和Funny Face.

Chuck: Yale has the Skull and Bones. My goal is to get inside their inner sanctum(圣地,密室).
Skull and Bones是由Yale里的精英学生组成的兄弟会,非常秘密,以至于没人知道这个组织究竟从事什么活动,而这个组织的成员,也从不透露这个组织的活动。George W. Bush和他老爸都曾经是这个组织的成员,小布在自己的自传里提到过”[In my] senior year I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society; so secret, I can't say anything more.”
此外,在2004年的美国总统大选中,民主党和共和党的候选人,都曾加入过这个兄弟会。所以说Skull and Bones是the secret elite society in US controls the world。而这也从另外一方面说明Yale是政治家的诞生地,所以在后面Chuck拍下那些学生寻欢作乐的照片,并要挟他们”You may be the future leaders of America. You're now under the control of Chuck Bass. I own you.”
Rufus: And if everything works out, maybe you'll apply to the professional children's school for next semester.
Jenny: Like Vera Wang.
Professional Children's School(PCS)是纽约的一所私立高中,专门培养有艺术才华的少年。除了后面提到的Vera Wang, Sex and the City的女主角Sarah Jessica Parker也是从这个学校毕业的。另外我google这个单词的时候,发现释小龙也在那里读了四年高中。

PCS is a coeducational independent day school enrolling 200 students in grades 6-12. Founded over 90 years ago, PCS offers an academic, college preparatory education to students who are preparing for, or already pursuing, careers in the performing arts, entertainment or competitive sports, or who are drawn to a creative environment supportive of the arts.
Vera Wang: 著名的服装设计师,不管是在红毯上,还是明星婚礼上,都能看到她的衣服。连明星都以能穿上她的手工缝制婚纱而感到自豪(自然也是天价,上海香格里拉大酒店的The Perfect Wedding里可以定到)。Wang不能按中文发音读“王”,而是应该根据英语发音规则,念成bad里那个”a”的发音。顺便提另外一个品牌Anna Sui,虽然中文名是安娜苏,但是Sui应该念"swi:",就是s

Blair: Trying to come up with an answer for the Dean's parlor game(室内游戏)?
Serena: You manipulated (耍计谋)your way in here?
Blair: I get what I want, Serena, just like I'm gonna win tonight. What's your answer? Oh, no, let me guess. Lauren Conrad.
Serena: Try George Sand.
Lauren Conrad是因出演电视剧The Hills而出名,日常生活中穿衣品味也不错,是很多八卦杂志拍摄的对象。这里Blair讽刺Serena知道的“名人”要么就是来自时尚圈,也没就是来自娱乐圈,不可能知道什么文化名人。
George Sand是19世纪的女作家,George Sand是她的笔名,那个时代女性的地位是十分卑微的,更别提女人写书这样的事情了。所以她就用男人的名字出书,并且大获成功。她不但起了个男人名字,还常常穿男装,风流韵事也很多(在那个不知道“离婚”是什么的年代里,她的红杏出墙还是很惊世骇俗的),总之,她就是一个很标新立异的新女性。不过我知道这个名字,不是因为她的书,而是因为她曾经和Chopin(肖邦)有过长达10年的同居生活,肖邦和她在一起的那段时光里,创作了很多著名的曲子。
另外在这段对话之后,也就是24:00-24:20之间,背景音乐是Time is running out, 这首曲子本来是Muse组合的一首摇滚歌曲,在这里被改编成小提琴演奏,我当时听到的时候着实激动了一下,因为这是我非常喜欢的一首歌,也曾经出现在电视剧Engourage里。
Blair: Although I love Henry Ⅷ, I prefer Sir Thomas More. I think it's great that Pope Benedict canonized(封为圣徒) him when he did.
Serena: Oh, thank you. Don't you mean Pope Pius Ⅺ?
Prof: That's quite right, Miss, uh...
Serena: Van Der Woodsen.
Prof: Van der woodsen, is it?
Serena: Hi.
Prof: Most people don't know their popes in succession.
Serena: Oh.
Prof: Excuse me. Can I borrow you for a minute?
Blair: How do you even know that? You slept through history class last year.
Serena:I love "The Tudors". Henry Cavill is a total babe.
The Tudors是showtime出品的连续剧(中文名:都铎王朝),讲的就是亨利八世那个王朝的故事。整部片子,除了华丽,还是华丽,无论是演员还是服饰,也难怪Serena会喜欢看这样的历史剧了。
红线部分的人名都是那个时代的人物,也出现在The Tudors里面。Sir Thomas More是哲学家,还有后面那几个Pope,与亨利八世都有千丝万缕的关系。至于Serena喜欢的Henry Cavill, 他在里面扮演Charles Brandon(真的是很帅,难怪S说他是a total babe),与亨利的妹妹结婚。
前段时间好莱坞出了个片子,叫做The Other Boleyn Girl, 由Natalie Portman和Scarlett Johansson主演,讲述了亨利八世和他的女人们之间的故事,包括Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn及她的妹妹Mary Boleyn.如果对这段历史感兴趣的,

Not a word in a week, though I can't seem to escape her. Ever since my mother's show, Manhattan has turned into Serenaville.
这里的Serenaville应该是借用了另外一部美剧的名字”Smallville”,就是大名鼎鼎的超人Clark Kent成长的地方,这个美剧讲的就是他高中时代的故事。
Serena: Bart, you're back early.
Bart: My last round of meetings wrapped up sonner than expected, rushing home to the family.
Chuck: How long's this layover?
Bart: Didn't Lily tell you? I'm here for the long haul. And just in time for our housewarming party tomorrow night.
wrap up: to finish
layover: 临时滞留,中途下车
long haul: 很长一段时间
housewarming party: 乔迁新居的聚会。顺便介绍几个常见的party: bachelor party 告别单身聚会,男女都有,在结婚前一天举行,通常就是请一个stripper,或者直接去stripper club看表演,算是单身结束前的最后疯狂。baby shower 送礼会,给怀孕的妈妈举办的,她的好朋友们会送很多礼物给她或者是她将来的孩子。surprise party 通常都是跟生日聚会在一起搞的,就是瞒着寿星,一大群人躲在暗处,然后寿星一开门,一大群人蹦出来"surprise!!!" crash a party 不请自入,没有请柬而擅自闯入一个聚会
Bart: A weekend curfew of 1:00 a.m.
Chuck: Is that Eastern or Pacific?
curfew: 晚上到家的时间,宵禁,来源于中世纪规定人们熄灯安睡的晚钟声
关于美国时间: 美国从东向西分别为东部时间(EST, Eastern Standard Time)、中部时间(CST)、山地时间(MST)、太平洋时间 (PST)、阿拉斯加时间(AKST))和夏威夷时间(HST),按照“东早西晚”的规律,各递减一小时,那么Eastern Time的凌晨1点,就是Pacific Time的凌晨4点,所以Chuck才会问了这么一句,而纽约其实是东部时间。
看到很多官网上的预告时间会写 Monday 10/9c, 这里的10就是东部时间10点,9就是中部时间9点,c代表central. 而美国东部时间是GMT -5, 背景时间是GMT +8,所以北京时间跟美国东部时间差了13个小时。
Dan: Medicine cabinet, bedside table, underwear drawer? It's borderline solicitation, V. And…and, uh, creepy.
Vanessa: It wouldn't be creepy if you'd actually read the flyer.
Dan: You're on a mission to save Dutch Schultz's favorite speakeasy.
borderline 边界线,solicitation引发,诱惑。这里说到V把传单塞满Dan家里的各个角落,甚至是Dan的内衣抽屉里,Dan于是就说,你这样的行为,是会引发关于边境线的争端的。
creepy: 心里毛毛的,恐怖的,其他两个“恐怖”的讲法:scary是出于内心的恐惧,比creepy更吓人一点。恐怖片是scary movie, 在路上被人从背后突然拍了下,你说“吓到我了,吓死我了”,就是You scare me! spooky可以指那些毛骨

悚然的事情,通常跟鬼怪幽灵联系在一起。比如说起你去鬼屋的经历,就可以说It's a spooky experience to visit the haunted house(注意鬼屋不是ghost house, 而是haunted house)."
Dutch Schultz: 纽约著名的黑帮首领,他的故事被改变成很多小说和电影
speakeasy: 地下酒吧
Blair: That little troll Vanessa is working my last nerve.
Chuck: Not what I expected.
Blair: And then I realized this could benefit both of us.
troll: One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument 专指在论坛上发一些惹众怒的帖子的人,这里是说Vanessa惹事生非,讨人厌
working my last nerve:让我忍无可忍了,超出我的忍耐极限。get on my nerve相当于irritate, 激怒。后来C跟B又谈到了Vanessa, C说That girl has gotten under your skin. under your skin的意思就是引起某人的注意或者兴趣,让某人刻骨铭心。
Blair: Dan stole your best friend. Now you can steal his. Seduce and destroy.
Chuck: What's in it for me?
Blair: The thrill of the impossible. The only person Vanessa loathes more than me is you. It would be one for the ages. Maybe you're not up for it. If memory serves, you've had some mechanical problems.
Chuck: I'll just imagine she's you.
Gossip Girl: This just in...Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass placing a wager on the takedown of lonely boy's B.F.F.
What's in it for me: 我有什么好处?
thrill: excitement, pleasure; something shocking or unexpected, usually something good.
loath: 憎恨,厌恶
If memory serves: 如果我没记错的话……,至于后面B说的mechanical problem,应该是暗指前段时间Chuck在sex方面有障碍的那件事情(就是之前有一集,Chuck找了个日本空姐,但是却没有办法成功sex,因为他脑子里都想着B)
wager on: bet,打赌。筹码叫做stake, 加大筹码就是raise the stakes.
BFF: Best Friend Forever, 为了不与BF(boyfriend)混淆,所以就有了BFF这个说法。
Blair: About last night's curfew flaunting?
Serena: I kind of snuck out before she could corner me. Let them discipline the sibling that actually deserves it.
Blair: You mean Chuck?
flaunt: show off. 这里指S故意穿的很sexy去pub,还在Bart面前炫耀的事情。curfew flaunting, 故意挑战宵禁政策的那件事情。
snuck out: sneak out的过去式,偷偷溜出来
corner: 本意是把某人逼到角落里,为难某人,使某人走投无路。这里是堵截的意思。
discipline the sibling: 给我的兄弟做规矩,这里的兄弟就是指Chuck啦。

- Great turnout, V. I got a good feeling.
Vanessa: Let's hope so, Horace. Here come the sharks.
turnout: 聚集的人群,出席的人数;另外还可以指营业额,相当于business volume.
shark: 厉害的人,loan shark, 放高利贷的人
Chuck: We're willing to work with you.

: Thanks, but we're already petitioning for landmark status
Chuck: Why don't you have a bake sale while you're at it? In the real world, we are your only hope.
petition for:请愿,后面一段里,酒吧的店主对Chuck说:After you left, your lawyer came back and showed us your proposal which did indeed include keeping everything as it is and lobbying for landmark status. lobby for, 游说,跟petition for意思很接近。
bake sale: A bake sale is a fundraising activity where baked goods such as doughnuts(甜甜圈,上海有个专门买甜甜圈的店就叫“美仕唐纳滋”,英文名Mister Donut), cupcakes(纸杯蛋糕) and cookies, sometimes along with ethnic foods, are sold.
Lily: If you have a problem with our rules, then just say so, but to simply defy us...
S: Not you, him.
defy: 藐视,挑衅,违抗。我认识这个单词是因为Ugly Betty里曾经有一集,Betty去看音乐剧Wicked, 其中有一首很好听的歌就叫Defying Gravity(抵抗地心引力).
Chuck: Deal's off.
Blair: What? what are you talking about?
Chuck: I'm out. I don't know what I was thinking about, pretending to buy some broken-down bar.
Blair: But you promised to seduce Vanessa.She needs to be destroyed.
deal's off和I'm out都表示我不干了,我退出了。
-Rumor has it he kept this place in booze during prohibition. So you like old Joe?
Chuck: Rumrunner, womanize, millionaire. He was my kind of guy.
- They all used to come here back in the day-- Gangsters, fighters, musicians, dangerous folks, no doubt. But they had style. Something tells me you'd fit right in.
Rumor has it…: 江湖传闻……
booze: 豪饮,也可以表示喝醉的意思。另外醉了还可以说I’m drunk./. 如果你坚持自己是清醒的话, 就是I am sober.还有一个跟酒醉有关的字叫 hangover, 中文翻成宿醉, 也就是指喝醉酒后隔天早上醒来头痛等等的症状。DWI (driving while intoxicated) 或者DUI (Driving under influence), 就是醉酒驾车的意思。
rumrunner酒类走私犯, womanizer玩女人
He was my kind of guy: 他跟我是一类人,臭味相投
fit in: 适应一个地方,融入一个团队
Chuck: Did you read the proposal?
Bart: Why would I do that?
Chuck: Because... the tax break will be huge. Saving a landmark buys us amazing PR, engenders goodwill in the community, paving the way for future investment. Plus, it's a great place. Look, father, let me take you there and show you around. I'll make you a believer, I promise.
tax break: 减免税收(为了鼓励富人多参与慈善活动,政府通常会在税收上给予一定的优惠。比如你捐款10万元,那么你就可以少交10万的税)
PR: Public Relation, 公共关系,有时候也说publicity(公众形象),后面Serena跟Dan谈起她妈妈的party说到”My mom hosted this big party. It as supposed to be about our new family,but it turns out, of course, it was for publicity.”

goodwill: 树立善良亲民的形象
paving the way for: 为……铺路
I'll make you a believer: 我会让你相信这一切都是真的

Blair: Bet's off.
Chuck: But the game's not over.
Blair: I'm calling it on account of boredom. You were right. Vanessa's not worth playing with.
Chuck: Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Why the sudden change of heart?
Blair: Like I said, the whole thing is dull. Pursuing Vanessa is beneath us both.
Chuck: You think I'm going in for the kill. You're worried you're gonna have to go through with what you promised.
on account of: 因为
Why the sudden change of heart?: 这里Blair看到Chuck和Vanessa好像有点来真的了,就跑去跟C说“不赌了,不玩了”,C就问她“你为什么突然改主意了?”
beneath us both: 有失我们的身份,降低我们的水准
kill: (1)这里表示做个了断,跟后面那个go through with是一个意思,都表示结束,完成,把……进心到底。(2) to finish, to turn off,比如关灯,关电脑,关引擎等,都可以用kill. 后面Lily与Serena和好如初那段,Lily问Bart“你没让记者发表那篇文章吧”,说这句话的时候,Lily用的就是You killed the story, don’t you? (3) kill还可以表示很厉害,很在行的意思,比如一个人穿了一件很迷人的衣服,就叫做dress to kill,某个人在某方面很在行,那么他就是这方面的killer, 所以很讨女人喜欢的男人,就是lady killer.
Lily: Eric, my darling, you are always honest with me. It isn't true, is it?
Eric: I know Serena's timing sucked, but she did pretty much raise me all those years. Oh... you just weren't here, you know?
Lily: I wasn't that bad.
Eric: Our ringtone for you was "since you been gone", used to sign our permission slips from school.
Lily: Well, there was a lot going on in my life.
I know Serena's timing sucked: 我知道Serena选的时机不对
since you been gone: Kelly Clarkson的成名曲,她曾经参加American Idol并因此而走红。
There was a lot going on in my life: 我生活中发生了很多事情,我也有很多烦恼。
Dan: Well, like I said, I tried to help him, and then he bailed.
bail: to exit, leave , bounce, take off. 这里Dan想要帮助Nate,让N住到他们家,但是却被N拒绝了。
Coming to rub my nose in it? Falling for your line of bull...
rub my nose in it: Chuck去酒吧找店主,店主说“干嘛,你故意过来示威/看我的落魄样子?”这里的rub my nose in it指戳某人的痛楚,揭某人的伤疤。s02e04的笔记里曾经用到Blair对Serena说过的一句话"Why do you think I rub it in Chuck's face every chance I get?",这句话里的rub it in one's face也有同样的意思。外中文说的“在我眼皮底下”,英文叫做do something right under my nose
fall for: 轻信,fall for somebody表示爱上某人
B: Blair C: Chuck D: Dan S

: Serena N: Nate
D: Seriously, she's making me feel like a slacker.
slacker: 懒鬼
Agnes: That guy is totally into you.
Jenny: Uh, no, he's not. He thinks of me like a little sister.
Agnes: Yeah, a little sister he'd like to do.
He's into you: 他对你有意思
do: f**k的另外一种说法
D: How's A.P. Economics treating you?
S: Um, well, today there was a rousing debate about inflation versus liquidity, which Isabelle settled by calling Warren Buffett. Apparently, he's her godfather.
D: Hey,um, so the other night, seeing you was really nice. I know the first leg of the Dan/Serena "let's be friends" tour was a disaster, but,uh.
S: well, we were young and stupid then. Now we're older and wiser.
How's… treating you?: 这里是问课上的怎么样,某件事情进展如何。比如你问候一个很久不见的朋友,就可以说How's life been treating you lately?
settle: 处理,尤其指解决一个争端。解决投诉也用settle the complain.
Warrant Buffett: 全名Warren Edward Buffett,就是大名鼎鼎的股神巴菲特。
leg: 旅程中的一段,这里和后面的tour对应在一起,表示刚开始的时候。
older and wiser: 这是口语中的一个固定搭配,很多人在过生日的时候,就会祝福自己older and wiser(年纪大了,要懂事了,或者表示越老越聪明的)
B: You have to help me destroy Chuck Bass.
D: All right, I'll take that as my cue to leave.
B: Oh, you're very perceptive.
S: Dan, wait. If you're having a problem with chuck, then a man's perspective could be helpful.
cue: 暗示
perceptive: 你还算识相
perspective: 观点(不要和perceptive搞混)
D: Chuck may be a deviant, but he's still a man. So just, you know, drive him crazy, wear him down.
B: Look who finally got a little interesting.
D: I'm sure it's a fluke.
deviant: 不正常的人或物
wear him down: 让他筋疲力尽,无力反抗
fluke: A coincidence, luck
- He is stressing. If his right eye starts to twitch, that's when you have to break out the valium.
- Too late. He's been winking nonstop since lunch. The caterer thought he was hitting on him.
stressing: 压力很大
twitch: 抽搐,还有个单词seizure也可以表示突然的发作、痉挛或惊厥。后面S突然想起自己是认识Aaron的,一时激动,说话都不利索了,就说了那句Uh,did you just... are you having a seizure, 'cause you're speaking in tongues.
break out: 把……备好待用
valium: 安定
wink: 眨眼
hit on him: 调情, flirt
B: I just wanted to thank you for encouraging me to throw myself at Chuck. I can skip dinner now that I'm so full on humiliation.
throw myself at: 对某人投怀送抱
skip: 不吃了,跳过了。比如不吃甜点,就是skip dessert
B: I didn't even get the chance to show him my necklace tangled up in my hair. The nape of the neck is Chuck's kryptonite.
nape: 脖子后面那部分,颈背
kryptonite: 氪,看过

Agnes: By the way, I love your dress. I mean, I've been coveting it all day.
coveting: 垂涎
B: Serena knew how upset I was. She didn't want me to be alone, so she invited me to sleep over.
sleep over: 过夜
C: You almost had me, Blair. 你差点就被你骗到了。
Agnes: You can sleep when you're dead, baby.
Jenny: Which is gonna be tomorrow when Eleanor kills me. I'm sorry. I-I am gonna have to pull an all-nighter as it is.
pull an all-nighter: 整个晚上都在熬夜, 也可以说stay up late(熬到很晚)
I don't understand how it got to this place. 我不知道事情怎么会演变成这样。
Vanessa: Why don't we just tell Serena you're not interested in being friends with Blair?
Dan: Oh, we just started hanging out again. I don't want to rock the boat.
hang out: 一起出来玩
rock the boat: Do things differently to the point of causing an uproar in society
Dan: I didn't invite her, but Serena and Blair tend to be a package deal.
package deal: 成套的,搭配在一起的(要么两者都要,要么两者都不要)。一个package,就是一整套东西,所以那种酒店、机票都包含在一起的旅游也可以叫做package deal.
Dan: I can't believe that I allowed myself to be sucked in by Blair Waldorf.
suck in: 卷入,involved
N: That guy Max that was here earlier? Is he a friend of yours?
Aaron: Yeah,yeah, I know him from school.
Nate: Yeah? What's his deal?
What's the deal? 他是怎么样的一个人?
Agnes: Sweetie, I told you he liked you. I totally called that one. 我完全说中了
Dan: Serena, hey. Look, I'm...I'm...I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry I was out of line.
out of line: 过火了,越界了
B: Are you here to gloat?
C: Over what?
B: Well, you won. Pop the champagne.
gloat over: 心满意足,这下你满意了吧,你是来兴灾乐祸的吗?
Pop the champagne. 开香槟的开用pop,pop就是刚打开时候的那一声响声。
Spotted at minh--Jenny Humphrey buying 16 yards of tulle. But since when does Eleanor Waldorf pay for her purchases with a penny jar? They say a stitch in time saves nine. Will it save little J.?
tulle: 薄纱
penny jar: 装便士的瓶子,储蓄罐
a stitch in time saves nine:A little timely effort will prevent more work later. 直译的话就是,东西破了,缝的及时的话一针可能就足够了。也可以翻作“小洞不补,大洞吃苦”
Agnes: We are going to blow them away.
Jenny: We better, otherwise I am so dead.
blow away: 倾倒某人
Agnes: So what? After tonight you'll be so famous, you'll have ten Nate Archibalds.
Jenny: Yeah, except I only want the one.
Agnes: Okay, fine, then you have to make the move. That's the only way it's gonna work.
make the move: 那你
