

口语词汇-13 (2011-07-30 11:03:03)转载
标签: nord 北北 杂谈 分类: 课程笔记
32、news [nju:z, nu:z]
Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 新闻
I like reading foreign news.
n. 消息
I’ll send you further news in a day or two.
n. 新闻报道;新闻节目
We watch the news on television every night.
n. (可做新闻的)人/物
Pop starts are always news.
头版新闻 --- front-page news
头条新闻 --- headline news
国际新闻 --- world news
国内新闻 --- home/ domestic news
政治新闻–-- political news
新闻时事 --- current news
官方消息 --- official news
newspaper (报纸);
newsmagazine (新闻杂志)
news agency (通讯社);
newsboy (送报生);
newsreel/newsfilm (新闻短片);
newsstand (报摊);
news media (新闻媒介);
Mass Media 大众传媒
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
晚报 --- The Evening News
每日新闻 --- The Daily News
轰动一时的新闻 --- sensational news [sen'sei??n?l]
爆炸式新闻 --- breaking news
出乎意料的新闻 --- unexpected news
把不好的消息透漏给某人 --- to break the news to sb
生活用语 Street Talks
There wasn’t much news in the paper today.
Oh! That’s old news. Everybody knows.
I’ve good and bad news, which do you want to hear first?
What’s on following the news and weather? Do you have a TV guide?
A: Have you heard the news about Sally? She’s getting married.
B: That’s news to me!
电影对白 Transcripts
I mean, you can’t even turn on the news nowadays without hearing about how some babe thought some guy’s butt was cute. 《西雅图夜未眠》
Workmate2: Things are a little different now. First you have to be friends. You have to like each other. Then you neck . This could go on for years. Then you have tests. Then you get to do it with a condom . The good news is you split the check. Sam: I don’t think I could let a woman pay for dinner. 《西雅图夜未眠》
谚语 Proverbs
Bad/ ill news travels fast.好事不出门,坏事传千里。
No news is good news.没消息就是好消息。

33、night [nait]
Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 夜;晚
The boys and girls at the dance made a night of it. (一通宵)
in the night (在夜间) ; in the daytime (白昼时光)
during the night (在整个夜间) ; during the day (在整个白天)
by night (在夜晚) ;by day (在白天)
n. 进行某项活动的夜晚
This is the first night of the play.
nightclub (夜总会);
nightlife (夜生活);
nightmare (噩梦);
nighttime (夜间);
nightfall (黄昏);
nightdress (晚礼服)(tux [t?ks] 小燕尾)
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
夜盲 --- night blind
夜校 --- night school
留下过夜 --- to stay the night
昼夜颠倒 --- turn night into day / to stay over
习语与俗语 Idioms & S

night owl [aul] / night person --- 夜猫子
Call it a night. --- 今晚就到这儿吧!
an early/a late night --- 比平时睡得早或晚的夜晚
生活用语 Street Talks
Mother sat up all night long. (整夜没睡)
Victoria stayed up the whole night. (熬夜)
We slept by day and traveled by night.
We worked night and day. (日以继夜)
A: Would you like to stay the night?
B: Sure thing!
A: I really get going.(必须得走了)(I’ve got go)
B: Night’s still young! (时间还早。)

Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 痛苦
I feel a pain in my chest.
n. 苦恼
Peter’s words eased my pain.
n. 辛劳;努力
No pain, no gain.
胸痛 --- chest pain
腹痛 --- abdominal pain [?b'd?min?l]
关节痛 --- joint pains
(分娩)产痛 --- labour pains (创业之初的辛苦)
局部疼痛 --- a local pain
精神上的疼痛 --- mental pain
断断续续的疼痛 --- an off-and-on pain
成长的烦恼 --- growing pains (pains from growing up, physical and psychological )
painful (痛苦的);
painless (无痛的)
pain-killer (镇痛剂);
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
疼痛 --- be in pain
辛苦工作 --- to take pains
减轻痛苦 --- to relieve/ease/reduce pain
解除痛苦 --- to remove pain
忍受痛苦 --- to stand/bear pain
加剧痛苦 --- to aggravate pain
同甘共苦 --- to share pleasures and pains
努力做事情 --- be at pains to do sth/spare no pains doing sth
(spare 空闲;分出;饶恕)
Would you spare me? 你饶了我吧?
习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
pain in the neck --- 讨厌的人或情况
go to great pains to do sth --- 努力,下功夫做某事
be at pain to do
spare no pains doing
take pains to do
no pains, no gains --- 没有付出,就没有收获。/不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。
生活用语 Street Talks
A: Victor spares no pains. (不辞辛劳)
B: Yeah, he’s a good guy.
Alex is just experiencing growing pains. He’ll be alright.
Victoria is addicted to pain-killers.
谚语 Proverbs
Pain past is pleasure.苦尽甘来。
Pain wastes the body; pleasure the understanding. 疼痛糟蹋身体,玩乐糟蹋思想。

口语词汇-14 (2011-07-30 11:13:04)转载
标签: 北北 nord 3096 杂谈 分类: 课程笔记
35、peace [pi:s]
Basic need 音形义
Everyday Expressions
n. 和平
The Chinese love peace.
n. 和睦;和好
Have you made your peace with your wife yet?
n. 宁静
Grandparents love the peace of the countryside.
n. 安心
Little Tom is sleeping in peace.
peaceful (爱好和平的);
peaceless (不宁静的; or no peace);
peacetime (和平时期); wartime 战争时期
peacemaker (调停人); (UN)
peacing-keeping force (联合国维和部队)
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
处于和平局面 --- at peace (The world is at peace.)
心里安宁 --- peace of mind

保持沉默 --- to hold one’s peace
与…和解 --- to make peace (with sb.)
习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
be at peace with sb --- 与某人和睦
keep the peace --- 维持治安
生活用语 Street Talks
War started again after eight years of peace.
All I want is some peace and quiet.
Do let me have a little peace.
Speak now or forever hold your peace. (if you have anything to say, say it now.)
电影对白 Transcripts
Somebody said world peace is in our hands. 《阿甘正传》
Dan: Forrest, I never thanked you for saving my life.
Forrest: He never actually said so, but I think he made his peace with God. 《阿甘正传》
谚语 Proverbs
Peace with sword in hand, it’s safest making. 居安思危,此乃万全之策。
Better keep peace than make peace. 保持和睦胜过讲和。
名言 Quotations
It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war.
John F. Kennedy (1917-63), U.S. Democratic politician, president. Speech, 6 Sept. 1960, while campaigning for presidency, Seattle, Wash.

36、person ['p?:s?n]
Basic need 音形义
Everyday Expressions
n. 人
The concert hall seats 500 persons.
n. 人称
‘I’is the first person singular.
n. 本人;自己
in person 亲自
You had better go in person.
常人 --- the average person
完人 --- a perfect person/ a faultless person
聪明人 --- an intellectual person
热心人 --- a warm-hearted person
文雅的人 --- a gentle person
正直的人 --- a right-minded person
坦率的人 --- a frank person
可靠的人 --- a credible person
随和的人 --- an easy-going person
话多的人 --- a talkative person
讨厌的人 --- an obnoxious person [?b'n?k??s]
自负的人 --- a pretentious person [pri'ten??s, pri:-]
有教养的人 --- a well-bred person
脾气好的人 --- a good-natured person
天资高的人 --- a talented person
天资聪慧的人 --- a highly-gifted person
体格强壮的人 --- a(n) robust/ able-bodied person
可敬的有抱负的人 --- a worthy, ambitious person
孤独的没有朋友的人 --- a forlorn and friendless person [f?'l?:n]
personal (私人的);
personality (个性);
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
每人 --- per person
亲自 --- in person
私人物品 --- personal belongings
私人财产 --- personal property
面对面的 --- person-to-person
习语与俗语Idioms & Slangs
be no respecter of persons --- 不分贫富贵贱,一视同仁
名言 Quotations
In bourgeois society capital is independent and has individuality, while the living person is dependent and has no individuality.
['bu??wɑ:, bu?'?wɑ:]
Karl Marx (1818-83) and Friedrich Engels (1820-95), German social philosophers, revolutionaries. The Communist Manifesto, sct. 2 (1848).

口语词汇-14(补充) (2011-08-06 17:48:18)转载
标签: 北北 nord 3096 杂谈 分类: 课程笔记
37、picture ['pikt??]
Basic need 音形义
Everyday Express

n. 图画
Who painted the picture on the wall
n. 照片
I took a picture of my family.
n. 电影
I’ve seen that picture before.
war picture 战争片
motion picture 动作片
n. 美丽的物;美人
The park is a picture when the roses are in bloom.
picturesque (生动如画的);
motion picture (动作片);
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
明白 --- to get the picture
照相(拍静止照) --- to take a picture
不了解情况 --- be out of the picture
了解情况 --- be in the picture
习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
be the picture of one’s mother/father --- 长的极像他妈妈/爸爸
生活用语 Street Talks
I don’t get a good picture on my TV set. There’s something wrong.
In the picture, you’re standing with a guy with long blond hair.
Jane always wants to be in the picture. (受到注意)
Do you get the picture? (明白了吗?)
电影对白 Transcripts
I was gonna have a few pictures taken, ya know, the kind that make it look bigger than it is. 《情归巴黎》
Could you take a picture of us? 《情归巴黎》
I’ll show you a picture of her. 《西雅图夜未眠》
谚语 Proverbs
A room hung with pictures is a room hung with thoughts. 房间挂的画反映主人的思想。

WWW (World Wide Web) 全球信息网
BBS(Bulletin Board System) 网络留言版系统
Bulletin 公报(Bulletin Board)
Post 张贴文章
ICQ (I seek you)
home page 主页
home page 主页
hook up to the Internet 上网
access internet
modem “猫”, 调制解调器
PC=personal computer 个人电脑
Notebook/laptop 笔记本电脑
desktop 台式电脑
electronic account 电子帐户
software 软件
hardware 硬件(没电脑的时候,指五金)
houseware 家用器皿
glassware 玻璃器皿
on-line talking 在线聊天
on-line shopping 网上购物
chat room 聊天室
E-mail 电子邮件
e-commerce / e-business 电子商务
protocol 协议 ['pr?ut?k?l]
web site 网站
search engine 搜索引擎
link 链接
register 注册
network 网络
Netizen 网民 (字典中可能还没有收录,net-citizen,应时代而生)
The Internet industry 网络产业
Broadband 宽带
Narrowband 窄带
Download 下载
upload 上载
Web-surfing 网上冲浪(很形象)、
internet café (internet bar 是中式的,不地道) 网吧
Cybercafe 网吧 (cyber 数字虚拟的)
Cyber age 网络时代
Cyber love 网恋
Hacker 黑客

口语词汇-15 (2011-08-06 17:53:45)转载
标签: 北北 nord 3096 杂谈 分类: 课程笔记
38、Pleasur ['ple??, 'plei-]
Basic need 音形义
Everyday Expressions
n. 乐趣,快乐(不可数)
Reading gives me great pleasure.
n. 乐事,快事(可数)
She has few pleasures left in life.
n. 娱乐
“Are you here on business?”
“No, for pleasure—this is my holiday.”

rable (令人快乐的);['ple??r?bl, 'plei-]
pleasant (使人愉快的,合意的);
pleasure-seeking (寻欢作乐的)(seek pleasure)
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
随意/听便 --- be at one’s pleasure
愉快地接受,同意 --- with pleasure
享受的乐趣 --- to enjoy the pleasure of...
以为乐 --- to take great pleasure in
寻欢作乐 --- to seek/look for pleasure
习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
pleasure seeker --- 寻找快乐的人(someone who always looks for fun)
For business or for pleasure? --- 是来办公还是来旅游?
生活用语 Street Talks
A: Bill, have you met Joan before?
B: No. Don’t think I’ve had the pleasure. (不曾有此幸运)
A: Thank you for your help.
B: My pleasure. (不客气)
A: Hi, Bill, nice to see you again.
B: My pleasure. (我也很高兴见到你)
A: Bill, would you please pass me the tomato sauce?
B: With pleasure. (可以)
How do you do, Mr. Smith? It’s a pleasure to meet you.
谚语 Proverbs
Pleasure has a sting in its tail.乐极生悲。
Pleasure is a source of pain; pain is the source of pleasure.苦中有乐,乐中有苦。
名言 Quotations
Do not bite at the bait of pleasure, till you know there is no hook beneath it.
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 12 Oct. 1786.

One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.
维多利亚时期,著名小说家。《Pride and Prejudice》,《Emma》。
Jane Austen (1775-1817), English novelist. Emma, in Emma, ch. 9 (1816).

39、price [prais]
Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 价格
Prices are rising.
n. 代价
Loneliness was the price of Victoria’s success.
零售价 --- retail price
批发价 --- wholesale price
全/半价 --- full/ half price
最高价 --- ceiling price
最低价 --- floor price (rock bottom price)
最优价格 --- best price
低于成本的价格 --- below-cost price
拍卖价格 --- auction price
黑市价格 --- black-market price
priceless (无价的);
pricey (昂贵的)
pricetag (价码牌);
price-list (价目表)
quotation 报价单
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
价格战 --- price war
明码售货 --- sell at marked prices
报价 --- quote price
为所得付出代价 --- pay the price for
习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
be at any price --- 不惜任何代价
cheap at the price --- 物有所值
beyond/above price --- 极其珍贵的,无价的
生活用语 Street Talks
How much is this rug? Do you know the price?
A: You pay a heavy price if you drink too much.
B: Why is that?
A: You may lose your wallet or something.
A: Name your price! (你说个价吧!)
B: Ok, I’ll give you my best price. Let’s see, 600 dollars.
A: No. I can’t accept it. The market price is 620 dollars. Let’s make it 580.
B: Oh no! Sir! The price varies according to the quality. Look at my stuff!

I don’t understand how come you can’t accept such a popular price?! (价格随质量而异)
A: 580 dollars! That’s it. (就是它了,最终的价格)
B: No. 590 dollars! The floor price. I can assure you that you’regetting a good bargain. Ok? Low prices and fine wares! (物美价廉)
A: Ok.
谚语 Proverbs
Virtue is beyond price.美德乃无价之宝。
Everyone has his price.人皆有价值(都能以某种方式加以购买)。

Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 问题
We must discuss the problem of how to protect the environment.
n. 难题
What they did produced new problems with us.
n. 习题
It took me an hour and a half to work out this problem in mathematics.
problematic (有问题的)
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
社会问题 --- social problems
日常问题 --- day-by-day problems
问题儿童 --- a problem child (a child who causes trouble)
澄清问题 --- to clear up problems
提出问题 --- to present a problem
惹麻烦 --- to cause problems
解决问题 --- to solve the problem
生活用语 Street Talks
According to Mr. Green, this is a complicated problem.
What’s the problem? Do you know?
Johnny is a real problem child.
A: What should I do?
B: You figure it out yourself. It’s not my problem.
电影对白 Transcripts
What’s your problem? 《阿甘正传》
No problem. 《阿甘正传》
If there is any problem, here’s the number of the pediatrician. 《西雅图夜未眠》
Dr.Marsha: You don’t like the one he has now?
Jonah: He doesn’t have one now. That’s the problem. 《西雅图夜未眠》

口语词汇-16 (2011-08-06 17:58:37)转载
标签: 北北 nord 3096 杂谈 分类: 课程笔记
41、road [r?ud]
Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. [C] 道路
Where does this road lead?
n. [C] 手段;方法
There is no royal road to learning.
n. [C] 途中
Andy is on the road to Shanghai.
ring road 环路
second ring road 二环路
road --- 车辆通过的大马路
highway --- 高速公路
street --- 两侧有建筑物、商店的市内道路
sidewalk --- 和车辆相对的人行道
path --- 仅供人走的小路 (公园)
way --- 抽象意义的路
railroad (铁路);
road-block (路障);
road tax (公路税)
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
交通路标 --- a road sign
死胡同 --- a dead-end road
阳关大道 --- a straight and easy road
乡间道路 --- a country road
平坦的道路 --- a level road
崎岖的道路 --- a rough road
迂回的路 --- a round-about road
交通规则 --- rule of the road
习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
hit the road ---上路 (get going)
on the road --- 在路上奔波(由于职业的原因,如演员、运动员、销售员等。)
生活用语 Street Talks
The thing I don’t like about driving is all the traffic on the road.
There are dangerous drivers like that one on the road.

Smoking too much is a dead end road. (bad result)
A: Hi Victor, you’ll fly to New York next Tuesday?
B: Yeah, but I really hate this life of being on the road all he time.
A: Well, it’s time to go.
B: OK. But let’s have one for the first. (以此杯送行)
A: It’s getting late.
B: Yeah I suppose it’s time to hit the road.
谚语 Proverbs
All roads lead to Rome. 条条大道通罗马。
There is a road from heart to heart. 心心相印。
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. 只有良好的动机而不付诸实践,徒遭埋怨或惩罚。

42、shoe [?u:]
Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 鞋
I put on / took off my shoes.
n. 马蹄铁
The horse has cast a shoe.
n. 所处的地位(复)
in one’s shoe
皮鞋 --- leather shoes
正式皮鞋 --- dress shoes
雨鞋 --- rain shoes
帆布鞋 --- canvas shoes
高跟鞋 --- high-heeled shoes
厚底鞋 --- platform shoes
轻便鞋 --- walking shoes
运动鞋 --- gym shoes (sneaker)
shoemaker (鞋匠);
shoestring/shoelace (鞋带);
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
穿鞋 ---to put on/wear one’s shoes
脱鞋 --- to take off one’s shoes
补鞋 --- to repair shoes
刷鞋 --- to brush up one’s shoes
擦鞋 --- to polish shoes (or shoe shine)
习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
put oneself in somebody’s shoes --- 站在别人的角度/立场上
have a shoe in sth --- 先占上一席之地(在某行业中)
fill sb’s shoes --- 出色地接替某人的工作、职务
step into sb’s shoes --- 接替某人(take over)
生活用语 Street Talks
If you could just put yourself in my shoes for a minute, you’d understand. (站在我的角度)
A: Olive, there’s a shoe store over there. Let’s get in and take a look.
B: I’d rather not. You know I got ripped off last time I shopped there.
(被宰了: to rip somebody off)
A: Sam, keep your shoes on. I can’t stand the odor. ['?ud?]
B: But you’re the one asking me to take them off.
谚语 Proverbs
Every shoe fits not every foot.一鞋难合百人足。(众口难调)
The fairest looking shoe may pinch the foot.样子好看的鞋有可能会夹脚,外表好看的东西未必
No one knows better where the shoe pinches than he who wears it.各人甘苦各自知。

43、story ['st?:ri]
Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 故事
I really cannot swallow such a curious story.
n. 经历
Would you write the story of your life?(生活经历)
n. 假话(口语)
Don’t tell stories, Tom!
n. 新闻报道,文章
That’ll make a good story. (新闻报道的好题材)
story-book (故事书);
story-teller (讲故事的人/说谎的人)
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
冒险故事 --- an adventure story
可靠的说法 --- an authentic story
黄色故事 --- a blue story
迷人的故事 --- a charming story
连载小说 --- a day-to-day story
故事情节 --- story line

人 --- story writer
习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
The story does not lose in the telling. --- 这故事讲起来照样有趣。
the story goes that --- 据说
make/cut long story short --- 长话短说
never-ending story --- 麻烦的事情
the same old story --- 老生常谈的事
a tall story --- 难以置信的
生活用语 Street Talks
Don’t tell the same old story.(不要老生常谈。)
They say the new film is an adventure story.
Every night he tells a story to his children.
A: How did you get to know her?
B: It’s a long story.(说来话长)
A: I love long story. /I have time./Try me.
I could tell in his face that he was just telling a story. (tell a lie)
He beats her all the time. It’s a never-ending story.
电影对白 Transcripts
Well, I thought it was a very lovely story and you tell it so well, with such enthusiasm. 《阿甘正传》
Why retell the story? 《阿甘正传》
It’s a long story. 《情归巴黎》
I thought I would look into doing a story on those radio shows. 《西雅图夜未眠》

44、success [s?k'ses]
Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 成功
The race ended in success for the Chinese athlete.
n. 成就
Steven tried several lines of business with no great success.
successful (成功的);
successfully (成功地);
successor (继任者) [s?k'ses?]
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
接近胜利 --- to approach success
获得成功 --- to get/obtain success
赢得成功 --- to win success
成功 --- to meet with success
习语俗语 Idioms & slangs
a roaring success --- 巨大的成功
生活用语 Street Talks
The conference was a success.
Failure is the mother of success.
If you want to be a success, you have to work hard.
The new movie is a success.
电影对白 Transcripts
Del: You know, the finest line a man will walk is between success at work and success at home. I got a motto. Like your work. Love your wife.
Neil: Well, I’ll remember that. What’s the flight situation? 《旅行冒险记》
谚语 Proverbs
Nothing succeeds like success.一顺百顺。
Success is the child of audacity.成功是冒险的产物。
To know how to wait is the great secret of success. 懂得怎样等待是成功的最大秘诀。
名言 Quotations
God doesn’t require us to succeed; he only requires that you try.
Mother Teresa (1910-97), Roman Catholic missionary in India. Quoted by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in: Rolling Stone (New York, Dec. 1992).
