Calculation of Relative Permeability from

Calculation of Relative Permeability from
Calculation of Relative Permeability from

Mass Balance Calculation

Mass Balance Calculation 1. Measured Items: ●Crude Ore ●Waste ?Wet End Waste ?Dry End Waste ?Unpacked Filler ?Leaking ●Products ?Filter Aid ?Filler ?Naturals 2. Methods: ●Crude Ore Ask load truck operators to count the number of loads during his shift. Multiply this number and the average dry weight of each load that we measured in the past. Comments: there are a lot of uncertainties going on. Operators could forget putting down the number or to make the number of loads higher, namely better, he could lift less material in each load. The measured average dry weight of each load varies from shift to shift and depends on what combination of crude ores is being used to make product. Improvement: we need to make the operators accountable for these numbers. Award and punishment system can be implemented. (Short-term). There is no metrics of mass flow in the system. To eliminate human errors and have a better monitoring system, a weight belt is necessary and doable at this point. The data can be retrieved and treated due to the presence of PLC that is used on the spot. Similarly, we are tracking diesel usage every day by looking at the data history. (Long-term) ●Waste ?Wet end waste, dry end waste, unpacked filler These components are tracked every day on production report. Basically, they use the number of loads or bags multiplied by the average dry weight per unit. Similar problems could occur at any time. But because the variance is a small amount, we just need to make the production leader accountable for these numbers. ?Leaking It is happening all the time. Pretty hard to measure and quantify, we may be able to calculate it if we have good measurement on crude ore.

UFI统计标准和定义 ufi_calculation_standards_definitions

UFI CALCULATION STANDARDS and DEFINITIONS The figures requested for an UFI approved event, as mentioned in article 3 of the UFI Internal Rules, will be counted and audited according to the following definitions and rules. A. Calculation Standard for the Surface Area of an Exhibition For an Organizer, the figure to be certified and provided is the "total net exhibition space", defined as follows: total floor space - indoors and outdoors - occupied by exhibitors. This is also called “contracted space”, and may include both paid and unpaid space. It also includes space allocated to special shows having a direct relation to the theme of the exhibition. For an Exhibition Centre operator, the figure to be provided is the "total gross exhibition space". This is the total space provided by the venue operator for use by the organizers or, the total space used by the fair, including circulation. Catering areas, offices, storage, etc. are excluded. When exhibition space figures are communicated, they must always be specified as “total net” or “total gross”. B. Calculation Standard for the Number of Exhibitors B.1. Exhibitors (“direct” exhibitors) Only the exhibitors (“direct” exhibitors) will be counted. Considered as such are both the main exhibitors and the co-exhibitors. The main exhibitors are those bodies contracting directly with the organizer. The co-exhibitors are those organizations/companies present on a main exhibitor's stand, with their own staff and their own products and/or services. They must be clearly identified via several means, e.g. mentioned on the application form of the main exhibitor or declared by an official co-ordinating body, or in the exhibition catalogue forms. In the case of a collective participation, the space must be rented and paid for by the exhibitor organising the collective participation. The area is shared by several participants who are considered to be co-exhibitors if they occupy their own area, appear under their own name and present their own products/services by their own staff. If each of these conditions is not fulfilled, they are considered as “represented companies” (“indirect” exhibitors), and may not be counted in the exhibitor tally. In any communication with reference to the UFI standard, or to the UFI approval of an event, only the figures related to direct exhibitors may be used. B.2. Represented companies (“indirect” exhibitors) Represented companies are those organizations/companies not present with their own staff, and whose products or services are present on a main exhibitor's or co-exhibitor's stand. These represented companies are excluded from the calculation of the total number of exhibitors. B.3 To avoid any confusion, it must be clearly mentioned which category of exhibitors were counted.

Seal or Reseal Design Calculation Sheet

RTA Form 395K September 2006 Roads and Traffic Authority, NSW SEAL OR RESEAL DESIGN CALCULATION SHEET (FOR CONVENTIONAL, EMULSION, POLYMER BINDER and GEOTEXTILE TREATMENTS) T y p e o f T r e a t m e n t Seal (S) or Reseal (RS) Single / Single (S/S) Single / Double (S/D) Double / Double (D/D) Geotextile Reinforced Seal (GRS)High Strength Seal (HSS) Strain Alleviating Membrane (SAM) or Strain Alleviating Membrane Interlayer (SAMI)Primersealed (PS), Sealed (S) Existing Aggregate Size (nominal) Primed (P) Asphalt (AC), Slurry Surfacing (SS) Cement Concrete (CC)Timber Bridge Deck (TD) Unit Shoulder Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Surface Texture mm Ball Penetration Depth of Prime or Primerseal (required for seals only)mm E x i s t i n g S u r f a c e C o n d i t i o n s Age of Surface Years Aggregate Design Unit 1st layer 2nd layer Nominal Size -mm Crushed (C), Partly Crushed (PC) or Rounded (R)--Compatible with existing seal (size checked)-yes/no Average Least Dimension ALD ALD mm ALD 1 = ALD 2 = Basic Aggregate Spread Rate (Table 1A/1B)F m 2/m 3 Factors for Spread Rate (Table 2)I -Design Aggregate Spread Rate = F x I H m 2/m 3 Geotextile Type - eg Polyester or Polypropylene M a t e r i a l s f o r S e a l o r R e s e a l Binder Type/Class Road Number/Name:Location: J o b D e t a i l s Length Width Area Number of Lanes Roadloc: to Date: Job/Order Number: Office: Segment Number: km to km from towards m m m 2 mm File

Different Methods of Depreciation Calculation

Different Methods of Depreciation Calculation Depreciation Calculation Methods Various depreciation calculation methods are mentioned below: i. Base Method ii. Declining Balance Method iii. Maximum Amount Method iv. Multi Level Method v. Period Control Method i. Base Method Base Method- SPRO> IMG> Financial Accounting (New)> Asset Accounting>Depreciation> Valuation Methods> Depreciation Key> Calculation Methods>Define Base Methods Base method primarily specifies: ?The Type of depreciation (Ordinary/ Special Depreciation) ?Depreciation Method used (Straight Line/ Written Down value Method) ?Treatment of the depreciation at the end of Planned useful life of asset or when the Net Book value of asset is zero (Explained in detail later in other related transactions ). Straight Line Method (SLM) ?This is the simple method of depreciation. ?It charges equal amount of depreciation each year over useful life of asset. ?It first add up all the costs incurred to bring the asset in use and then it divides that by the useful life of asset in years to calculate the depreciation expense. ? E.g.: Say a Computer costs Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 11,000 (as additional set-up/installation/maintenance expenses) = Rs 41,000 and it is anticipated that its scrap value will be Rs. 1,000 at the end of its useful life, of say, 5 yrs. Total Cost = Cost of Computer + Installation Exp. + Other Direct Costs Depreciable Amount over No. of years = Total Cost - Salvage Value (At end of useful life) 30,000 +11,000 =41,000 (Total cost) 41,000 – 1,000 = 40,000 as the Depreciable Amount Depreciable Amount = Rs. 40,000, Spread out over 5 years = Rs. 40,000/5(Yrs) = Rs. 8000/- depreciation per annum. Written Down Value Method (WDV) ?This method involves applying the depreciation rate on the Net Book Value (NBV) of asset. In this method, depreciation of the asset is done at a constant rate. ?In this method depreciation charges reduces each successive period.


关于Maxwell参数化扫描时添加calculations报错的说明当需要考查某一物理量改变时,对其他量的影响,这时需要用到参数化扫描的功能。以同步发电机为例,常常需要考察不同励磁电流下,空载电压的大小,以便绘制空载特性曲线。这时,可以将励磁电流作为变量,然后扫描之,具体操作为:右键Optimetrics,选择add parametric,通过add定义励磁电流变化范围。在calculations里面,点击左下角setup calculations,report type选择transient,parameter选择moving1,category选择winding,quantity 选择A相induced voltage,function选择none。这时,点击add calculation,done,就会发现出现红叉叉,系统提示“calculation must be a dimension reducing ranged function,when using solution'setup1:transient'”。之所以出现这个错误,原因就在于定义的A相induced voltage是一个函数,是随时间变化的量,而软件要求A相induced voltage也就是calculation expression 必须是“single, real number”,因此在上述操作的基础上,还需点击右上角的Range function,category选择math,function选择rms,点击ok。这时,再add calculation,done,就正确了。以上操作的目的是,通过扫描励磁电流和A相电压有效值的关系,实现了绘制同步发电机空载特性曲线的功能。 现在,该知道错在哪里,以及如何避免出错了吧? 其实,setup calculations功能完全多此一举,即使这个地方不设置,求解完成后,后处理一样可以得到表达式与扫描量的关系,不会的同学可自己试着发掘一下 Maxwellhelp文件为Maxwell2D/3D的瞬态求解设置铁芯损耗一、铁损定义(coreloss definition)铁损的计算属性定义(CalculatingPropertiesforCoreLoss(BPCurve)要提取损耗特征的外特性(BP曲线),先在View/EditMaterial对话框中设置损耗类型(CoreLoss Type)是硅钢片(ElectricalSteel)还是铁氧体(PowerFerrite)。以设置硅钢片为例。1、点击Tools>EditConfiguredLibraries>Materials. 或者,在左侧project的窗口中,往下拉会有一个文件夹名为definitions,点开加号,有个materials文件夹,右击,选择EditAllLibraries.,“EditLibraries”对话框就会出现。2、点击AddMaterial,“View/EditMaterial”对话框会出现。3、在“CoreLossType”行,有个“Value”的框,单击,会弹出下拉菜单,可以拉下选择是硅钢片(ElectricalSteel)还是铁氧体(PowerFerrite)。其他的参数出现在“CoreLossType”行的下面,例如硅钢片的Kh,Kc,Ke,andKdc,功率铁氧体的Cm,X,Y,andKdc。如果是硅钢片,对话框底部的“CalculatePropertiesfor”下拉菜单也是可以使用的,通过它可以从外部引入制造厂商提供的铁损曲线等数据(Kh,Kc,Ke,andKdc)确定损耗系数(CoreLossCoefficient)。4、如果你选择的是硅钢片,按如下操作:①从对话框底部的“CalculatePropertiesfor”下拉菜单中选择损耗系数的确定方法(永磁铁permanentmagnet、单一频率的铁损corelossatonefrequency、多频率的铁损corelossversusfrequency),然后会蹦出BP曲线对话框。单一频率的损耗:点击图表上面的“Importfromfile.”可以直接导入BP曲线数据文件,但要“*。Tab”格式文件。如果纵横轴错了,可以点击“SwapX-YData”按钮,调换B轴和P轴的数据,但是B轴和P轴的方向不变。或者直接在左侧的表格中填入对应的B值和P值,行不够了可以点击“AddRowAbove”按钮,和“addrowbelow”分别从上面和下面添加行,“appendrows”是一口气加好几行,或者删除行“deleterows”。表下面的“frequency”表示当前的BP曲线是在什么频率下的性能。“Thickness”表示硅钢片的厚度,“conductivity”是电导率。点击“OK”确定。多频率的损耗:打开对话框后左下方有个“Edit”窗口,是添加要设定BP曲线的频率的。分别加上几个频率,如1Hz和2Hz。每填写一个赫兹点一下“Add”按钮,就会把频率添加到上面的


应用指南 版本号:发布日期:作者:00 2007-10-31 Markus Hermwille 关键词:IGBT驱动器,计算,栅极电荷,功率,栅极电流IGBT 驱动器的计算 引言 (1) 栅极电荷曲线 (1) 测量栅极电荷 (3) 确定栅极电荷 (3) 驱动器输出功率 (5) 栅极电流 (5) 栅极峰值电流 (6) 选择合适的IGBT驱动器 (6) DriverSel – 简便的IGBT驱动器计算方法 (6) 符号和术语 (7) 参考文献 (8) 本应用指南提供了关于确定用于开关IGBT的驱动器输出 性能的信息。所提供的信息仅包括提示并不包含完整的设 计规则。信息并不全面,设计是否合适取决于用户自己。 引言 除功率模块自身外,电力电子系统的一个关键器件是IGBT驱动器,它在功率晶体管和控制器之间形成了一个极为重要的接口。基于这个原因,驱动器的选择和驱动器输出功率的正确计算与转换器方案的可靠性紧密相连。驱动力的不足或驱动器选择错误可能会导致模块和驱动器故障。 栅极电荷曲线 IGBT模块的开关行为(导通和关断)取决于它的结构、内部电容(电荷)以及内部和外部阻抗。当需要计算IGBT驱动器电路的输出功率时,关键的参数是栅极电荷。栅极电荷由等效输入电容C GC和C GE决定。 IGBT 电容

应用指南 寄生寄生电容电容电容和和 低信号电容 C ies , C oes , C res = f(V CE ) 电容 意义 C GE 栅极-发射极电容 C CE 集电极-发射极电容 C GC 栅极-集电极电容 (密勒电容) 低信号电容 意义 C ies = C GE + C GC 输入电容 C res = C GC 反向传输电容 C oes = C GC + C CE 输出电容 V GE = 0V f = 1MHz 下表给出了IGBT 导通期间简化的栅极电荷波形 V GE = f(t) 、 I G =f(t)、V CE =f(t)和 I C =f(t) 。导通过程可分为三个阶段,分别为栅极-发射极电容充电阶段、栅极-集电极电容充电阶段和栅极-发射极电容充电直到IGBT 完全饱和阶段。 对于开关特性和驱动器的计算,输入电容可能只具有一定程度的影响。确定驱动器输出功率更实际的方法是采用IGBT 数据表中给出的栅极电荷特性。该特性给出了栅极-发射级电压V GE 和栅极电荷Q G 之间的关系。在IGBT 模块的额定电流下,栅极电荷线性增长。栅极电荷也依赖于直流环节电压,尽管程度较轻。在更高的运行电压下,由于密勒电容的巨大影响,栅极电荷增大。在大多数应用中,该影响可忽略不计。 简化的栅极电荷波形 栅极电荷特征

fault calculation

FAULT CALCULATION Sompol C Power System Fault Analysis All protection Engineers should have and understanding to :- Calculate power system currents and voltages during fault condition Check the breaking capacity of switchgear is not exceeded Determine the quantities which can be used by relays to distinguish between healthy (i.e. loaded ) and fault conditions Appreciate the effect of the method of earthing on the detection of earth faults Selected the best relay characteristics for fault detection Ensure that load and short circuit ratings of plant are not exceeded Select relay settings for fault detection and discrimination Understand principles of relay operation Conduct post fault analysis


Introduction of Thermodynamic Calculation Software 1. Thermo-Calc 1.1 Introduction Thermo-Calc has over the past 30 years gained a world-wide reputation as the best and most powerful software package for thermodynamic calculations. Thermo-Calc series of software have been developed originally at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), Stockholm, Sweden, and since 1997 further by the company Thermo-Calc Software (TCS). They are the results of more than 35 years and 150 man-years R&D and many national/international collaborations through various R&D projects. The main products include: Thermo-Calc(including classic version TCC and windows version TCW), focusing on thermodynamics based upon a powerful Gibbs Energy Minimizer DICTRA (for Diffusion-Controlled phase TRAnsformation), focusing on kinetics TC-PRISMA, focusing on nucleation, growth/dissolution and coarsening MICRESS(the MICRostructure Evolution Simulation Software), focusing on the calculation of microstructure formation based on the multiphase-field concept Software Development Kits(including TQ-Interface, TC-API and TC-Toolbox for MA TLAB), focusing on secondary development by different users 1.2 Database ?Steels and Fe-alloys ?Nickel-based superalloys ?Magnesium-based alloys ?Solder alloys ?Noble metal alloys ?Slag, molten salts, oxides and ionic solutions ?Aqueous solutions ?Nuclear materials ?Minerals ?Databases from Thermotech Ltd 1.3 Capability Thermo-Calc is widely used for a variety of calculations including calculating: ?Stable and meta-stable heterogeneous phase equilibria ?Amounts of phases and their compositions ?Thermochemical data such as enthalpies, heat capacity and activities ?Transformation temperatures, such as liquidus and solidus ?Driving force for phase transformations ?Phase diagrams (binary, ternary and multi-component) ?Solidification applying the Scheil-Gulliver model ?Thermodynamic properties of chemical reactions

Empirical calculation of roll damping for ships and barges

Ocean Engineering28(2001)915–932 Technical note Empirical calculation of roll damping for ships and barges Subrata Chakrabarti* Offshore Structure Analysis,Inc.,13613Capista Drive,Plain?eld,IL60544,USA Received28January2000;accepted15March2000 Abstract For a large?oating structure in waves,the damping is computed by the linear diffraction/radiation theory.For most degrees of freedom,this radiation damping is adequate for an accurate prediction of the rigid body motions of the structure at the wave frequencies. This is not particularly true for the roll motion of a long?oating structure.For ships,barges and similar long offshore structures,the roll damping is highly nonlinear.In these cases the radiation damping is generally quite small compared to the total damping in the system.More-over,the dynamic ampli?cation in roll may be large for such structures since the roll natural period generally falls within the frequency range of a typical wave energy spectrum experi-enced by them.Therefore,it is of utmost importance that a good estimate of the roll damping is made for such structures.The actual prediction of roll damping is a dif?cult analytical task. The nonlinear components of roll damping are determined from model and full scale experi-ments.This paper examines the roll damping components and their empirical contributions. These empirical expressions should help the designer of such?oating structures.The numerical values of roll damping components of typical ships and barges in waves and current(or for-ward speed)are presented.?2001Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved. Keywords:Damping;Roll;Ships;Formulas;Barges;Experiments 1.Introduction The purpose of this paper is to examine the damping characteristics of a variety of ship shapes and offshore structures undergoing roll motion in the presence of waves.Unlike other degrees of freedom motion,roll damping is *Tel.:+1-815-436-4863;fax:+1-815-436-4921. E-mail address:chakrab@,(S.Chakrabarti). 0029-8018/01/$-see front matter?2001Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved. PII:S0029-8018(00)00036-6
