

The Ethical Principles of Confucianism

Confucianism had been regarded as an ethic-political system in ancient China. For more than two thousand years it has moulded and shaped the civilization of China and exerted a profound influence upon almost one fourth pf the human race.

Confucianism has left us a rich literary heritage known as the Four Books and Five Classics; Analects (《论语》), Mencius (《孟子》),The Mean (《中庸》),The Great Learning (《大学》) ; and Book of Change(《易经》), Book of History (《尚书》), Book of Rites (《礼记》) ,Book of Odes (《诗经》), and Spring and Autumn Anna ls(《春秋》)。 For six centuries (1313—1905) these four texts became the elementary requirements of Chinese education in the feudal society and served as the basis of the civil service examination (科举考试) by which scholars were selected for official posts at various levels of the government.

The ethical principle of Confucianism is its discovery of the ultimate in the moral character of human relationships in which Confucius offered the solution for the ills and evils of his day. That is the well-known Five Relationships: father-son, husband-wife, elder-and-younger brother, friend-friend and ruler-minister. The responsibilities ensuing from these relationships are mutual and reciprocal. A minister owes loyalty to his ruler, and a child filial respect to his parent. But the ruler must care for his subjects, and the parent for the child. Just as Confucius said of the doctrine of reciprocity and neighborliness: "Within the four seas all men are brothers. " ( 四海之内皆兄弟) " Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you. " (己所不欲,勿施于人)

Confucius' central doctrine is that of the virtue of ren (仁). What is ren? Ren is translated variously as goodness, benevolence, humanity, and human-heartedness. In short, ren means affection and love. "A man of ren loves others" (仁者爱人) .Fan Chi asked about " ren". Confucius said, "Love all men. " (樊迟问任,子曰“爱人”)

The ethical thought of Confucius can be summed up as the following five cardinal virtues;

1. ren (仁), the will to show benevolence to others (the root)

2. yi (义), righteousness by justice (the trunk)

3. li ( 礼), moral ways of conduct (the branches)

4. zhi (智), wisdom (the flower)

5. xin (信), faithfulness (the fruit)

In my opinion Confucianism's greatest contribution to the Chinese nation is its shaping and moulding of the Chinese character and national soul and its founding of the complete system of knowledge. Just as Dr. Sun Yat-sen said; "Therefore the old morals of loyalty (忠) and piety (孝), affection and love (仁爱), faithfulness and righteousness(信义), are superior to those of the foreign countries, let alone that of peace and harmony (和平). These high standards of morals are our national spirit. "(所以中国从前的忠孝、仁爱、信义种种就倒地,固然是驾乎外国人,说到和平的道德,更是驾乎外国人。这种特别好的道德,便是我们的民族精神。《孙中山选集》684页)

The complete system of knowledge is laid down in the book of Great Learning:

The way of the Great Learning lies in illustrating virtue, rejuvenating the people, and reaching perfection. ... The ancients who wished to illustrate virtue throughout the world would first govern well their own state. To govern their state well, they would first regulate their families. To regulate their families, they would first cultivate their own personality. To cultivate their personality they would rectify their minds. To rectify their minds, they would first strive to be sincere in their thoughts. Wishing for sincerity in their thoughts, they would expand their knowledge. The expansion of knowledge lay in the investigation of things. (The Text of Confucius)





1.Globalization is considered as a process of increasing involvment in international business



2.Macroculture:The term macroculture implies losing ethnic differences and forming one

large society.


3.Melting pot means a sociocultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and



4.Microcultures:cultures within cultures


5.Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whose culture

perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.


Chapter 1

6.Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs,values,and norms,which affect

the behavior of a relatively large group of people.


7.Culture identity refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group.


8.Subculture are formed by groups of people possessing characteristic traits that set apart and

distinguish them from others within a larger society or dominant culture.


9.Subgroup are groups with the dominant culture does not agree and with which it has

communication problems.


10.Rules may refers to socially agreed-on behavior or to individual guidelines for behavior.


11.Norms are culturally ingrained principles of correct and incorrect behaviors which, if

broken carry a form of overt or covert penalty.


Chapter 2

12.Enculturation is the socialization process you go through to adapt to your society.


13.Acculturation refers to an individual’s learning and adopting the norms and values of the

new host culture.


14.分隔和隔离separation and segregation refer to maintaining one’s original culture and not

participating in the new culture.


15.融合Integration takes place when individuals become an integral part of the new culture

while maintaining their cultural integrity integration ensures a continuity of culture.


16.同化Assimilation is the degree to which an individual relinquishes an original culture for

another .when individuals are assimilated into a mainstream culture,they lose their previous culture.


17.边缘化Marginalization or deculturation, refers to losing one’s cultural identity and not

having any psychological contact with the larger society.人们不仅失去自己原有的文化身份,而且与广大社会失去了心理联系。

18.文化震荡Culture shock refers to the traumatic experience that an individual may encounter

when entering a different culture.人们在进入一种新文化环境时,遭遇的痛苦和难忘的经历。

Chapter 3

19.信息源source is the person with an idea he orshe desires to communicate.


20.编码encoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol.


21.信息message is the resulting object.






25.反馈feedback 指信息接收者的反应被信息源所了解的那一部分反应。


Chapter 4

27.人际交际interpersonal communication: a small number of individuals who are interacting

exclusively with one another and who therefore have the ability to adapt their messages specifically for those others and to obtain immediate interpretaions from them.指少数人之间的交往他们既能根据对方调整自己的信息,又能立即从对方那里获得解释。

28.内文化交际intracultural communication is defined as communication between and among

members of the same culture .指同一文化内某成员之间的交际,总的来说,同一种族,政治倾向宗教,或者具有同样兴趣的人们之间的交际。

29.国家间交际internation communication指国家和政府而非个人之间的交际,此种交际


30.跨民族交际interthnic communication:refers to communication between people of the

same race ,but different ethnic backgrounds . 指同一种族,不同民族背景的人们之间的交际。

31.跨种族交际interracial communication:occurs when the sender and the receiver

exchanging messages are from different races that pertain to different physical characteristics.


32.跨地区交际interregional communication:refers to the exchange of messages between

members of the dominant culture within a country.指一个国家内主流文化成员之间的信息交换过程。

Chapter 5

33.世界观worldview:is the belief that we hold explaining the cosmos God,the nature of

humanityand nature.指我们持有的对宇宙,神,人本质及自然的最根本的看法。


35.对不确定因素的回避态度:uncertainty avoidance deals with a society’s tolerance for

uncertainty and ambiguity ;it ultimately refers to man’s search for truth.是关于一个社会对不确定性和模棱两可的容忍程度。

36.权利距离power distance:组织或机构里边,没有权力的成员对于权力不均等分配接受


Chapter 6

37.感觉sensation:is the neurological process by which people become aware of their

environmnent .人们意识到周围环境的神经过程。

38.低语境low context:交际过程中所产生的信息量的大部分由显性的语码负载,只有少


39.高语境high versus:在人们交际时,有较多的信息量蕴含在社会文化环境和情景中,


Chapter 7

40.定势stereotypes:refers to negative or positive judgment made about individuals based on

any observable or believed group membership.针对目标群体成员所特有的正面或方面的判断。

41.偏见Prejudice refers to the irrational dislike,suspicion,or hatred of a particular

group,race,religion,or sexual orientation.


42.种族主义是基于种族Racism isany policy,practice,belief,or attitude that attributes

characteristics or status to individuals based on their race.把性格特点或地位归因于个人的任意政策、做法、信仰或态度。

43.言语交际Verbal intercultural communications happens when people from different

cultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language.当来自不同文化背景的人们用语言进行交流时言语交际就发生了。

44.禁忌语:Taboo refers to some words or actions that are avoided by a particular group of

people,or in certain for religious or social reasons.在特定文化中出于宗教或社会原因被一特定群体所避免使用的一些词语或行为。

45.委婉语:Euphemism means the act of substituting a mild,indirect,or vague term for one

considered harsh,blunt,or offensive.指用温和的,间接的方式来代替严厉的,生硬的或冒犯的言语。


Intercultural Communication in Pushing Hands Pushing Hands is a maiden work of Ang Lee, one of the greatest Chinese directors. It is a film about culture shock and adaption. To some extent, the cultural differences between China and America are presented from different angles in the movie. It’s the movie I have watched by chance that impressed me and inspired my interest in intercultural communication. So I will show what I gained from my own perspective. The main plot of the film will be introduced as follow: Mr. Zhu, a retired Chinese Taichi professor went to America to live with his son, a computer doctor. Conflicts between the Chinese father and his American daughter-in-law, Marsha, a novelist, appeared and arose in their daily life. Finally, the two sides gradually understood each other’s culture after a painful process. Many comments and opinions about the film focus on culture shock and adaption that brings about the main contradiction in the movie. Nevertheless, I want to show the contrasts in family values between Chinese and Americans and a new analogy for intercultural communication. If it was a movie that describes a Chinese student studying abroad, the contradiction couldn’t be the same. What matters is just the identity of Mr. Zhu. He is an old man rooted in the Chinese traditional culture and

跨文化交际 期末复习资料

Part 1 Comprehensive Check (15*2)每课的练习A Part 2 Multiple Choice (25*1)每课的练习E复习题的变体;另外请中看第五章 Part 3 E-C Translation(10*1)每课的练习C Part 4 Term-matching(10*1) Part 5 Multiple function(5*5)其中三道是简答题,两道是案例分析。 Terms/questions: 1. Economic globalization: the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology. 2. Barber system –Farming communities traded their surplus produce in exchange for products and services without the medium of money. –Human society has always traded goods across great distances. 3. Global village:real time events 、the time and space compression –All the different parts of the world form one community linked together by electronic communications, especially the Internet. 4. Melting-pot大熔炉: a socio-cultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationalities. 5. Diversity: refers to the mix of people from various backgrounds in the labor force with a full mix of cultures and sub-cultures to which members belong. 6. Intercultural communication: refer to communication between people whose cultural backgrounds are distinct enough to alter their communication event. Perception 7. Culture: can been seen as shared knowledge, what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture. Culture: a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people 8. Enculturation(文化习得): all the activities of learning one’s culture are called enculturation 9. Acculturation(文化适应): the process which adopts the changes brought about by another culture and develops an increased similarity between the two cultures. 10. Ethnocentric(文化中心主义):the belief that your own cultural background is superior. 11. Communication: mean to share with or to make common, as in giving to another a part or share of your thoughts, hopes, and knowledge. 12. Components of Communication: Source交际邀请 The source is the person with an idea he or she desires to communicate. Encoding编码 Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), humans are not able to share thoughts directly. Your communication is in the form of a symbol representing the idea you desire to communicate. Encoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol. Message编码信息 The term message identifies the encoded thought. Encoding is the process, the verb; the message is the resulting object. Channel交际渠道 The term channel is used technically to refer to the means by which the encoded message is transmitted. The channel or medium, then, may be print, electronic, or the light and sound waves of the face-to-face communication.


国际经济学之名词解释 Chapter 3 1.Absolute advantage(绝对优势):A country has an absolute advantage in a production of a good if it has a lower unit labor requirement(aLW 单位产品劳动投入) than the foreign country in this good. https://www.360docs.net/doc/481178698.html,parative Advantage(相对优势): A country has a comparative advantage in producing a good if the opportunity cost of producing that good in terms of other goods is lower in that country than it is in other countries. 3.Opportunity Cost(机会成本):The opportunity cost of roses in terms of computers is the number of computers that could be produced with the same resources as a given number of roses. 4.The unit labor requirement: the number of hours of labor required to produce one unit of output, such as aLW (wine) and aLC (cheese) 5.Production Possibilities frontier(生产可能性边界): The production possibility frontier (PPF) of an economy shows the maximum amount of a good (say wine) that can be produced for any given amount of another (say cheese). Chapter 4 1.Abundant factor: the resource of which a country has a relatively large supply(labor in home,land in foreign) 2.Biased expansion of production possibilities: when the production possibility frontier shifts out much more in one direction than in the other. 3.Equalization of factor prices: when Home and Foreign trade, the relatives prices of goods converge. This convergence, in turn, causes convergence of the relative prices of land and labor. 4.Heckscher-Ohlin theory: It shows that comparative advantage is influenced by Relative factor abundance (refers to countries) and Relative factor intensity (refers to goods)It is also referred to as the factor-proportions theory. 5.Scarce factor: in that country, and the resource of which it has a relatively small supply( land in Home, labor in foreign)


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 《玛丽巴顿》和《南方与北方》中的劳资冲突比较分析 2 理解美式幽默的初步分析 3 从《在路上》解读“垮掉的一代”时代背景与主题 4 [毕业论文](经贸英语系毕业论文)草根营销以及策略 5 论托尼莫里森《宠儿》的哥特式元素 6 试析《弗兰肯斯坦》中的哥特风格 7 英语商业广告以及公益广告的语言特点比较 8 《紫颜色》中爱丽斯沃克妇女主义解读 9 英法词汇的比较研究 10 论《最后的莫西干人》中的印第安情结 11 英汉谚语中“爱”的情感隐喻对比研究 12 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 805 990 74 9 13 The Self-image of Charles Dickens in David Copperfield 14 从女性主义视角解读《飘》中斯嘉丽?奥哈拉的性格特征 15 合作原则视角下的商务谈判委婉语研究 16 反复在格特鲁德斯泰因的作品《三个女人》中的运用 17 中西方社交礼仪差异研究——以商务礼仪为例 18 俄狄浦斯情结在劳伦斯及其作品《儿子与情人》中的体现 19 对外新闻的导语编译研究 20 从言语行为理论看商务沟通中的委婉语 21 《喜福会》中的文化身份分析 22 浅谈英语广告的特点及翻译 23 A Contrastive Study on the Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Wedding Customs 24 从文化差异的角度看习语的翻译 25 《芭芭拉少校》中的现实主义 26 英语词汇教学中联想记忆法之研究 27 论格列佛人物形象在《格列佛游记》中所起的讽刺效果 28 中西广告语言中的文化差异 29 情感因素对外语教学的影响 30 A Comparative Study of Politeness Expressions in English and Chinese 31 从中美文化差异看中国人创新能力的缺失与培养 32 模糊语言在商务英语沟通中的语用功能 33 福克纳的《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂的悲剧成因分析 34 跨文化交际在宝洁公司营销战略中的应用 35 论基督教对信徒的影响分析 36 托马斯哈代与张爱玲作品中女性悲剧命运对比研究——以苔丝和顾曼桢为例 37 The Charm of Female Independence in Jane Eyre 38 英汉恐惧隐喻对比研究 39 心理因素对提高英语口语的影响 40 现代美式英语和英式英语的比较研究 41 梭罗《瓦尔登湖》中的“简单”原则


跨文化交际复习资料 Unit 1&2 Reviewing Papers for Intercultural Communication Unit 1&2 I. Keywords (1) Sender/Source: A sender/source is the person who transmits a message.(信息发出者/信息 源:信息发出者/信息源指传递信息的人。) (2) Message: A message is any signal that triggers the response of a receiver.(信息:信息指引起 信息接受者反应的任何信号。) (3) Encoding: It refers to the activity during which the sender must choose certain words or nonverbal methods to send an intentional message. (编码:编码指信息发出者选择言语或用非 言语的方式发出有目的的信息的行为。) (4) Channel/Medium:It is the method used to deliver a message. (渠道/媒介:渠道/媒介指发 送信息的方法。) (5) Receiver: A receiver is any person who notices and gives some meaning to a message. (信息 接受者:信息接受者指信息接收者是指注意到信息并且赋予信息某些含义的人。) (6) Decoding: It is the activity during which the receiver attaches meaning to the words or symbols he/she has received.(解码:解码指信息接受者赋予其收到的言语或符号信息意义的 行为。) (7) Feedback: The response of a receiver to a sender’s message is called feedback.(反馈:反馈 指信息接收者对信息源信息所做出的反应。) (8) Noise: It is a term used for factors that interfere with the exchange of messages, including


名词解释 2、罗伯津斯基定理:指在商品相对价格不变的前提下,某一要素的增加会导致密集使用该要素部门的生产增加,而另一部门的生产则下降。 3、产品生命周期:是指产品从进入市场开始,直到最终退出市场为止所经历的市场生命循环过程。 4、购买力平价:货币的价值在于其具有的购买力,因此不同货币之间的兑换比率取决于它们各自具有的购买力的对比,也就是汇率与各国的价格水平之间具有直接的联系。 6、贸易条件:指该国出口商品和进口商品价格的比。 7、幼稚产业理论:对于某些产业,当其还处于最适度规模的初创时期时,可能经不起外国的竞争。如果通过对该产业采取适当的保护政策,提高其竞争能力,将来可以具有比较优势,能够出口并对国民经济发展作出贡献的,就应采取过渡性的保护、扶植政策。 9、跨国银行:也称为多国银行。一般是指拥有广泛的国外分行或附属机构,在一些不同的国家和地区经营存放款及其他业务的国际性银行。 10、国际收支:国际收支是一个国家在一定时期全部对外经济往来的系统记录。 11、单一价格定律:完全竞争市场均衡存在价格歧视前提是很少或几乎不存在套利 12、倾销:是指一国出口商以低于该国国内价格或成本向外国销售商品的行为 13、重商主义 :一国药使财富的绝对量增加,必须进行国际贸易,并且在这种对外贸易中保持出口大于进口。 14、进口配额:是指政府在特定时期内对特定商品的进口数量或者金额给予直接限制的政策措施。 15、最惠国待遇:它通常指的是缔约国双方在通商、航海、关税、公民法律地位等方面相互给予的不低于现时或将来给予任何第三国的优惠、特权或豁免待遇。 16、里昂惕夫之迷:根据H-O理论,里昂惕夫用美国1947年200个行业的统计数据对其进出口贸易结构进行验证时,结果却得出了与H-O理论完全相反的结论。 17、关税壁垒:是指用征收高额进口税和各种进口附加税的办法,以限制和阻止外国商品进口的一种手段。 18、非关税壁垒:指一国政府采取除关税以外的各种办法,来对本国的对外贸易活动进行调节、管理和控制的一切政策与手段的总和,其目的就是试图在一定程度上限制进口,以保护国内市场和国内产业的发展。


Racial Discrimination from the Crash 【Abstract】As we all know that there are many differences between two different cultures. Through the film Crash, we can see the conflicts between blacks and whites. This paper will centers on the ethnic conflict in this movie. 【摘要】众所周知,不同的文化之间有许多差异。从电影《撞车》,我们可以看到白人与黑人之间发生的冲突。本文将以电影中的种族冲突为中心点展开论述。 【Key Words】culture; difference; crash; discrimination; race 【关键词】文化;差异;撞车; 歧视; 种族 1.Introduction The movie Crash mainly tells us several stories occurred in Los Angeles among some leading roles participating in a car crash about the topic of racial discrimination. It is a film linked with the backgrounds of the Los Angeles’s culture closely. As we all know, Los Angeles is covered with immigrants from various countries. Different cultures bump into each other and this may make big influence on our daily life. There are many conflicts between the blacks and whites, or even the Asian people. 2.Body The racial discrimination in this film is obvious. Crash is a film linked with the background of the Los Angeles’ culture. As we all know that Los


1、A new broom sweeps clean、新官上任三把火。 2、Many hands make light work、人多好办事。 3、Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today、今日事,今日毕。 4、Kill two birds with one stone、一箭双雕/一石二鸟。 5、Haste makes waste、欲速则不达。 6、Where there’s smoke there’s fire、无风不起浪。 7、The grass is always greener on the other side of the stone、这山望着那山高。 8、Beauty is only skin deep、美貌就是肤浅得。 9、Spare the rod and spoil the child、玉不琢,不成器。 10、Give a person a dose of his own medicine、以其人之道还治其人之身。 11、Frank’s advice is like good herbal medicine: hard to take, but ultimately beneficial、良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。 12、Even the dog swaggers when its master wins favor、一人得道,鸡犬升天。 13、You can’t have your cake and eat it too、鱼与熊掌不可兼得。 14、Speak the devil (and he will appear)、说曹操,曹操到。 15、The same knife cuts bread and fingers、水能载舟,亦能覆舟。 16、Teach fish to swim、班门弄斧。 17、Beat the dog before the lion、杀鸡儆猴。 18、Man proposes, God disposes、谋事在人,成事在天。 19、Everybody’s business is nobody’s business、三个与尚无水喝。 20、Many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake、醉翁之意不在酒。 21、Don’t count the chicken before they are hatched、不要盲目乐观。 22、A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit、吃一堑,长一智。 23、Love me, love my dog、爱屋及乌。 24、Facts speak louder than words、事实胜于雄辩。 25、Misfortunes never come alone、祸不单行。 Case study one If in the dining hall, a fly was seen in a glass of beer, an Englishman would say, “May I have another, please?”; a Frenchman would pour a beer out; a Spanish man would put the money on the table and leave without a word; a Japanese would summon the manager and criticize, “Do you do all your business like this?”; an Arab would give the beer to the waiter and say, “I’ll buy you a drink、”; and the more humorous American would say to the waiter, “Please serve the fly and beer separately、”Question: What do their different reactions toward a fly in a beer reflect? Answer: The case above shows that social interactions may vary greatly owing to different cultural backgrounds、In this case, people’s different reactions toward a fly in a beer reveal not only their individual personality but also the orientation of their nation’s mainstream culture, e、g、the English’s seriousness, the French’s arrogance, the Spanish’s generosity, the Japanese’s critical approach, the Arab’s sarcasm and the American’s humor、 Case study two Bart Rapson had brought his family to the Philippines on a job assignment for a multinational corporation、Since the Philippines is largely Catholic, it was easy for Bart to place his 7-year-old daughter in a Sunday school class that would prepare her


国际经济学名词解释重点(1) 绝对优势:如果一国在某种产品生产上的劳动生产率高于另一国,或在劳动成本上低于另一国,则认为该国在该产品生产上具有绝对优势。绝对优势主张以各国生产成本的绝对差异为基础进行国际专业化分工,并通过国际贸易获得利益的一种国际贸易理论。 比较优势:所谓比较优势是指一国在绝对优势基础上的相对较大的优势,在绝对劣势基础上的相对较少的劣势。比较优势主张以各国生产成本或相对差异为基础进行专业化分工,并通过国家贸易获得利益的一种国际贸易理论。 完全专业化:各国根据比较优势原理进行专业化分工,在机会成本不变的情况下,每一国只生产其具有比较优势的产品,即全世界对某种产品的需求完全由具有比较优势的国家来生产。 贸易三角:贸易三角是衡量贸易利益的重要工具,主要由均衡时的国家贸易条件、一国的出口量和进口量三条线围成,反映一国的出口在均衡的国际贸易条件下,能够换回多少进口。 不完全专业化:各国根据比较优势原理进行专业化分工,在机会成本递增的情况下,各国将只部分生产其具有比较优势的产品并出口,同时也要生产其不具有比较优势的商品,这是因为随着某种产量的增加,机会成本呈现递增态势,因此原来在该产量上具有比较优势的国家会因为专业化生产而导致比较优势的逐渐丧失。 重商主义:重商主义主要兴盛于15世纪到18世纪中叶,认为货币是财富的唯一形式,因此主张采取奖出罚入的政策,主张取消进口

以避免本国贵金属的流失,鼓励出口以增加贵金属的流入。重商主义反映了资本原始积累时期,商业资本家对货币或贵金属的认识。 国际贸易:通常从狭义上讲,国际贸易指商品(或货物)的跨国流动,而在广义上,国际贸易既包括商品贸易也包括要素贸易。 生产可能性边界:它表示在一定的技术条件下,一国的全部资源所能生产的各种物品或者劳务的最大产量。 边际技术替代率:在维持产量水平不变的条件下,增加一单位某种生产要素投入量时所减少的另一种要素的投入量,在只有两种要素劳动L和资本K的情况下,边际技术替代率MRTS可以记做:MRTSLK=-△K/△L 等产量曲线上某一点的边际技术替代率就是等产量曲线在该点斜率的绝对值,此外,边际技术替代率还可以表示为两要素的边际产量之比。对于单一厂商来说,均衡时,即厂商达到利润最大化时,要素的边际替代率等于要素价格之比,MRTS=w/r。 机会成本:机会成本是指在一国资源达到充分利用时,要增加某一产品的生产,必须放弃另一种产品生产的数量。一般情况下,生产中的机会成本包括:机会成本递增,机会成本不变和机会成本递减三种情况。 当生产可能性边界向外凸/凹向原点时,机会成本递增;当生产可能性边界为直线时,机会成本不变,根据前面的假设,机会成本用-△Y/△X来表示。


《跨文化交际》的电影 *《喜宴》本片是李安扬威国际影坛之作,曾获柏林电影节金熊奖及金马奖最佳影片,其特色是以中国人特有的伦理观点来处理同性恋问题,令同志与非同志都能接受编导的说法,将一椿可能的悲剧变成喜剧,世故得来皆大欢喜。故事描述伟同远在美国跟男朋友赛门同居,但却不断受到台湾的父母亲在电话中催促他结婚,更想不到的是父母竟突然亲临美国逼婚,伟同只好跟租住他房子的大陆女画家崴崴协定假结婚。在大伙闹洞房的情况下,伟同跟崴崴发生了关系,而且令她怀了孕。而本来观念传统的父母后来也接受了儿子是同性恋的事实,赛门也同意当崴崴孩子的干爸爸。 本片是李安首次扬威国际影坛之作,曾获柏林电影节金熊奖及金马奖最佳影片。影片的最大特色是以中国人特有的家庭伦理观点和中庸观念来处理同性恋问题,使这个几乎令所有家庭困扰的社会问题在影片中得以用一种喜剧的方式解决。这种处理方式和看待同性恋的理念,是东方式的,甚至可以在中国古典小说中找到类似的观点。但这个故事却又是在最繁华最现代的都市——纽约发生的,古典和现代在这里交汇,新旧观念在这里冲突后又包容。李安在娓娓道来的故事中,把一个传统中国家庭面对现代社会现代观念的困惑、无奈以及宽容传递出来。 当伟同的父母刚刚来到美国见到薇薇时,伟同母给了她以个红包,这是中国文化中的一个礼节。红包里的美金,又包含着冲突的象征。后来,桥边伟同的爸爸告诉赛门他已知道真相的时候,又送给赛门一个红包,里面装着依旧是美金。两个送红包的情景和人物各不相同,而第一次是一种暗含着的冲突,后一个则表示爸爸已经对儿子和赛门的恋情表示了认同。红包里的美金也不再显得突兀,与这个传统中国家庭格格不入。此时中西文化碰撞在这个家庭取得理解,认同,甚至达到一种共融。一切都变得合情合理。 《喜宴》将中西方文化差异融入到“喜宴”办理的前前后后,慢慢给观众呈现出中西方文化相识、冲击、及理解共融的过程。 这部影片反映了中西文化差异的几个突出方面,在此我想谈谈中西文化关于人与人的关系特别是家庭问题。综上所述,在对待中西文化差异上,我们要始终站在多元文化的立场,无论对待中国的儒家传统,还是看待西方的开放个体主义,均要采用一种“双焦透视”的视角,形成一种“文化和合主义”的中西文化观。正如赛珍珠预示,“人类社会发展的前途应是由东西方文化共融而致的‘文化和合’”①。‘和’并不意味着将一种文化强加于另一种文化, 而是在相互尊重的理解基础上的求同 存异,如中国先哲所说:“和实生物,同则不继”,“以同裨同,尽乃弃矣”②。因此求同存异并不意味着用中国文化取代西方文化。 &《推手》《推手》围绕一个移民美国家庭发生的一系列故事,表现了传统的中国文化与美国的风土人情之间的冲突。中西文化的背景是不同的,美国是青年人的天堂,老年人是坟墓,富裕的物质能够保障老年人的生活,然而,儿女的温情却不像中国人,美国人很难接受,上一代人与自己同住。在美国的法律中,儿女是自系亲属,生儿育女


跨文化交际复习资料Unit 1&2 Reviewing Papers for Intercultural Communication Unit 1&2 I. Keywords (1) Sender/Source: A sender/source is the person who transmits a message.(信息发出者/信息源:信息发出者/信息源指传递信息的人。) (2) Message: A message is any signal that triggers the response of a receiver.(信息:信息指引起信息接受者反应的任何信号。) (3) Encoding: It refers to the activity during which the sender must choose certain words or nonverbal methods to send an intentional message. (编码:编码指信息发出者选择言语或用非言语的方式发出有目的的信息的行为。) (4) Channel/Medium:It is the method used to deliver a message. (渠道/媒介:渠道/媒介指发送信息的方法。) (5) Receiver: A receiver is any person who notices and gives some meaning to a message. (信息接受者:信息接受者指信息接收者是指注意到信息并且赋予信息某些含义的人。) (6) Decoding: It is the activity during which the receiver attaches meaning to the words or symbols he/she has received.(解码:解码指信息接受者赋予其收到的言语或符号信息意义的行为。) (7) Feedback: The response of a receiver to a sender’s message is called feedback.(反馈:反馈指信息接收者对信息源信息所做出的反应。) (8) Noise: It is a term used for factors that interfere with the exchange of messages, including external noise physiological noise, psychological noise and semantic noise.(干扰:干扰指妨碍信息交流的各种因素。包括外界干扰,生理干扰,心理干扰和语义干扰。) (9) Context: A context is the setting or situation within which communication takes place , including physical context, social context and interpersonal context.(语境:语境指交际发生的环境,包括自然语境,社会语境和人际语境。) II. Definition of some terms 1. Culture: From intercultural perspective, culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with the world and with one another that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning. 2 Intercultural communication: It refers to the communication between or among people from different cultures. More precisely, it is the communication between people whose cultural perception and symbol system are distinct enough to alter the communication event.( 跨文化交际:跨文化交际指的是那些在文化认知和符号系统上存在差异的人们之间的交际。这些差异足以改变整个交际事件。) 3. International communication: it takes place between nations and governments rather than


第一章国际贸易理论的微观基础 相对价格:Px/Py为X的相对价格,含义是用Y代替货币作为X的计价单位,表示用一个单位的X与Y进行交换,所能得到的Y的数量。相对价格曲线又可以表示国民收入预算线。 贸易条件:(对出口X的国家来说)。贸易后的国际均衡价格与贸易前的均衡价格差距越大,贸易后的社会无差异曲线的位置越高,贸易利益越大。贸易条件的改善(贸易条件变大)意味着一国可以从贸易中获得更多的利益。 交换利益:如果个体之间或国家之间拥有不同的资源禀赋或者不同的偏好,通过相互之间的商品交易,他们均可以改善各自的福利。(图示:生产者来不及调整产量条件下,消费者福利的改善) 专业化利益:个体或国家可以通过专门从事其效率相对较高的生产来获得额外的利益。 第二章古典贸易理论 重商主义:强调国库和王室成员所拥有的贵重金属的多寡是衡量国家是否繁荣昌盛的最重要标志。故主张取消进口、鼓励出口。 比较优势:如果,则称A国在X商品的生产上具有比较优势。 第三章要素禀赋理论 要素禀赋:指一国所拥有的两种生产要素的相对比例。如果一国的要素禀赋(K/L)大于他国,则称该国为资本(相对)丰富或劳动(相对)稀缺的国家;反过来,他国为劳动丰富或资本稀缺的国家 人均资本存量:是要素禀赋实际衡量的估算值。 要素密集度:指生产某种产品所投入的两种生产要素的比例。两种商品的资本劳

动投入比例为:kx=Kx/Lx,ky=Ky/Ly,若kx>ky ,在相同的要素价格下,X是资本密集型产品,Y是劳动密集型产品。 H-O定理:A、B两国在贸易前由于要素禀赋不同,导致供给能力的差异,进而引起商品相对价格的不同。根据比较优势原则,一国出口密集使用其丰富要素的产品,进口密集使用其稀缺要素的产品 斯托珀-萨缪尔森定理():某一商品相对价格的上升,将导致该商品密集使用的生产要素的实际价格或报酬提高,而另一种生产要素的实际价格或报酬则下降。S-S定理的引申(S-S定理在H-O基础上的应用):国际贸易会提高该国丰富要素所有者的实际收入,降低稀缺要素所有者的实际收入。 罗伯津斯基定理():在商品相对价格不变的前提下,某一要素的增加会导致密集使用该要素部门的生产增加,而另一部门的生产则下降 罗伯津斯基线():新旧均衡点的连线,向右下方倾斜 偏向出口的增长:生产可能性边界的外移偏向于出口部门 偏向进口的增长:生产可能性边界的外移偏向于进口替代部门 纯粹的增长利益:在不考虑贸易条件的情况下,经济增长对一国福利的改善 转移支付利益:贸易条件的恶化抵消了部分经济增长利益,这不扽利益一转移支付的形式为他国享有 悲惨增长():如果转移支付的那部分利益超过了经济增长的利益,那么A国的福利水平将低于经济增长前。前提:偏向出口部门增长、大国、进口边际倾向较高、出口产品需求弹性低 第四章特定要素与国际贸易 特定要素(): 指一种要素的用途通常仅限于某一部门,而不适合其他部门的需要
