




Chuck: Archibald, I haven't seen you around here lately.

Nate: Why do you care?

Chuck: Oh, I don't. If you're not with the Humphreys anymore, obviously things are looking up, which is too bad. I kind of liked watching you slum it. I thought it would teach you who your real friends were.

Things are looking up: 情况在好转,越来越乐观

slum: 名词是贫民窟的意思,这里做动词用,过着贫民的生活


Dan: So what are you doing for your holiday?

Vanessa: I decided to pass on joining my family at the Washoe reservation, where they're helping to stage a protest. And my plan is to hole myself up in my studio, rent "Berlin Alexanderplatz" and eat a frozen Annie's organic turkey dinner.

pass on: 相当于skip, 不做什么事情了,不要什么东西了。比如说“甜点我就不要了”,就可以说I'll pass on dessert.

hole up: 想象一下动物冬眠(hibernate)时候躲在洞里的那个样子,与世隔绝,不接电话,不回短信。这个单词有点“宅在家里”的意思。


Captain: My life in Dominica is...well, it's good. We moved some money offshore before I left, enough to get a house on the ocean. Weather's always perfect. People are nice.

Nate: I'm so happy you're living it up in the Caribbean while we're squatting with no heat in New York.

Nate's Mom: Hear your father out, Nate

live it up: 纵情欢乐,过奢华的生活

squat: 蹲做着,缩成一团

Hear your father out: 仔细挺好了,注意加了介词out语气强了很多。


Lily: I didn't know she was there until today. I called Serena. She didn't even know. Eric must have been sneaking her in at night.

sneak: 偷偷带进来,sneak out是偷偷溜出去的意思,出现频率很高的一个词组


Rufus: If I want to see her, you're not gonna change my mind.

Lily: I'm not trying to. It's just that I haven't seen jenny yet, let me talk to her, see where her head is at.

see where her head is at: 听听她的想法,看看她脑子里都在想些什么


Blair: A woman needs to be with a man who thinks of only her. Anything else is a nonstarter. Tell him how you feel.

nonstarter: An idea, proposal, or candidate with no chance of being accepted or successful.这句话有点像中文说的“只有……才是真的,除此之外,其他都是空的,其他都是废话”


Chuck: My plans for the evening got held up at customs.

Eric: Your dad just insinuated that Jonathan might be dating someone else. How and why would he know that?

hold up: 阻拦,耽搁了,这里是说因为感恩节的传统,我的计划就无法进行了。这个词组比较常用的一个句子是Sorry I was late, I was held up at the meeting.(不好意思,我因为开会被耽搁了,所以迟到了)

insinuated: 含沙射影,暗示。这里Bart超强,连Eric的男朋友Jonathan劈腿的事情都查出来了。


Serena: Chuck, I want you word that you will not mention anything about the girl I used to be. I just got Aaron to myself, and if the one thing I have to do to keep it that way is hide my recent history for a while, then that's what I'm gonna do.

get someone/something to myself: 专属,独享。这里对应的是Aaron对Serena说自己现在是one woman man(我现在就你一个女朋友),另外还可以说date exclusively,这些词组都表示一对一的意思。to myself这个词组在这集里还出现过一次,就是Blair打电话给Serena,"I'm so glad to have the house to myself."(我很高兴家里就我一个人了)。

keep it that way: 保持这样的状态


Serena: Well, you know, he's-- he's probably just jealous.

Aaron: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, he was talking a lot about Thanksgiving last year when you two were together, so...

Serena: Yeah. Well, I guess he's just not as over me as I thought he was.

He's no over me: 他还没有忘记我,注意这种分手后的释怀,忘记,不用forget,用over.


Blair: Don't you dare answer that blackberry, Dorota.

Dorota: But it's your mother, and it's Thanksgiving

Blair: And we have nothing to be thankful for. This is the worst Thanksgiving of all time, and if we have to wander the upper east side like outcasts in a Jane Austen novel, so be it.

Dorota: Maybe we can go feed ducks at boat pond like when you were little.

Blair: Fine. I'm not a monster. I won't deny the ducks their dinner. But if you look like you enjoy even one second of it, we're leaving.

我很喜欢这一段,所以全部摘录下来了。大家注意一下I won't deny the ducks their dinner.里deny的用法,“我不是恶魔,我不会不给他们吃饭的。”注意这段(22:10)里Dorota的给Eleanor 设定的手机铃声是I'm a slave for you, 很搞笑的。我也弄了一段这样的铃声,大家可以去这里下载:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4811944945.html,/upload/200811/20081122113448760_176_9242.mp3


Serena: Oh. Uh, mom, have you shown Aaron your beautiful art collection?

Aaron: Oh, yeah. Um, was that a Jessica Craig-Martin I saw over there?

Lily: Why, yes, it is, Aaron. Good eye.

Good eye: 好眼力


Oh, I missed you, too. I call dibs on mashed potatoes.

dibs: A claim expressing priority over an object. 对……有优先权,类似中文的“你们不要跟我抢,我有优先权”。可以说I got dibs on that last piece of pizza, 也可以用在人的身上,I got dibs on that girl over there.



Serena: Aaron is coming to meet my family before thanksgiving dinner.

Blair: And how do you plan to introduce him? "Mom, you DVR 'Big Love', this is Aaron, and he's just like Bill Paxton, only younger and with scruff." I'm serious. The Serena I know would never want to share a guy she really liked with anyone else.

DVR: Digital Video Recorder

Big Love是HBO的一部电视剧,剧中男主角Bill Paxton是讲述的是摩门教徒(Mormon),他和他年龄不同的三个妻子以及一大帮孩子们生活在一起。这里是讽刺Aaron那种“我虽然跟你谈恋爱,但是我们还是保持各自交往其他人的自由”的思想。



Blair: I'm so glad to have the house to myself. Cyrus took my mother to Jean-Georges for dinner. God knows why. Where's Warren Jeffs?

Serena: He's, um, making dinner for us, which would be completely romantic and amazing.

Jean Georges: 知名厨师,也是餐厅的名字,纽约有,上海的外滩三号也有,超贵超贵的。注意这个单词要用法语来念,所以Jean的发音有点像"让",大家可以留意08:10那段。Warren Jeffs was the leader of a controversial polygamist(一夫多妻制) sect known as the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS Church) from 2002 to 2007.Jeffs' position in this organization was reportedly that of absolute ruler. 跟前面的Bill Paxton一样,这里Blair又嘲讽了一下Aaron的花花思想。

Dorota Lovers Unite


The best maid of all time on the best show of all time.

Her ringtone is I'm a Slave 4 U

She has fashion sense! (coat last episode?) 这里指的是她在这一集里穿的红色斗篷

The sweet faces she makes when everything works out for the family she loves

The one where she was waking up blair.. and blair asked for more minutes.. and the dorota said: remember, God is watching!!

When she met Cyndi Lauper, all i wanted to do was hug her, she was so adorable all bubbly and exited.

When Blair is all :Are you crazy? And she goes: I don't know.(这出现在上一集里,她拿出平时用的餐具准备招待Cyrus,Blair觉得有失身份的那段,这也是我很喜欢的一段)

Gossip Girl第一季读书笔记

美剧口语:《绯闻女孩》第一季地道口语(1) Lily: Serena you’ve been gone, doing who knows what with god knows who. Serena你一直都不在这里,在鬼知道什么是哪儿的地方做鬼知道是什么的事儿. * 很可爱的说法吧。 这里有同学提出疑问,某迷核对过了,是原文,you've been gone里的这个gone个人理解是做形容词(额,就是那个类型的了。不懂语法,差不多就是那个意思吧。。),就像avril有首歌叫when you're gone,同理。恩。 Chuck: Any interest in fresh air? 想出去走走透透气吗? * 好了,邀请别人终于可以不用“do you want to/would you wanna……”了。ps,这里C的意思是出去抽烟。。 Gossip: Game on. 游戏开始了。

* on的用法如果全部都掌握,那么很多句子的表达都会更简洁了。比如“穿鞋”,就不用说“put your shoes on”而可以简单地说,“shoes on” 了。 Eric: No offense. Blair: None taken. ——没有冒犯的意思。 ——我不介意。 * 这是很经典的问答。好好记住了。。 Chuck: Move, plz. 请让一下。 * 如果是某迷,之前只知道,“excuse me”和“outta my way”两个说法。目前觉得这个很可爱。ps说这个可爱的原因是觉得它体现了C的风格,贵族式的傲慢。 Blair: Done and done. 成交! * 成交还有其他的说法,比如单用“Deal”。不过觉得大部份人应该都知道吧,下次可以用这个,比较有新鲜感了。。嗯。。 Blair:Nighty-night. 晚安。 * 可爱的说法吧~女孩子好好记下~。

gossip girl绯闻女孩第一季第二集台词

第二集 ur one and only source into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite. top story on my home page-- serena van der woodsen, everybody's favorite "it" girl, has just returned from a mysterious absence. you'll never believe what's on "gossip girl." someone saw serena getting off a train at grand central. and everyone is talking. blair,it's serena. serena? and b.'s boyfriend nate-- rumor has it-- he's always had a thing for serena. but you're back now. i didn't come back for you. look, blair's my best friend, and you're her boyfriend, and she loves you. why did she leave? why did she return? must be a lot of rumors why you're back. yeah, but none of them mention you. he tries to take his own life, and you're worried it's gonna cost you, mom? you have no idea what it's been like. the best friend and the boyfriend-- that's pretty classy, s. and nate's friend chuck won't let serena forget about her past. i'm trying to change. i liked you better before. and then there's dan, the outsider. looks like his childhood crush has returned. she doesn't know me. nobody knows me. it's cool. no. no, no, no, no, no. uh, serena, um, do you know this young man? oh, from last night. you remember me? you'd really go out with some guy you don't know? well, he can't be worse than the guys i do know. guess whose dad is cool. it's a trick question. yeah, 'cause it can't be ours. "top ten forgotten bands of the '90s." yeah, check out who's number nine. he's very proud. hey! hey, way to be forgotten. why is my daughter going to one of your concerts? well, our kids were bound to meet. it's a small island. are you sure it's not some ploy, your using my daughter to get to me now that your wife left you? serena and her mystery man made a surprise appearance at blair's kiss on the lips party. serena's here? what is she doing here? she wasn't invited. but serena wasn't the only one who made an impression... who's the newbie?

老友记 六人行 第一季第二十三集经典笔记

The One With the Birth Story by: David Crane & Marta Kauffman Teleplay by: Jeff Greenstein & Jeff Strauss Transcribed by: Mindy Mattingly Phillips Minor additions and adjustments by: Dan Silverstein 123 本出世 卡萝即将分娩,六人齐集医院;但卡萝却因为陪苏珊购物而姗姗来迟; 罗斯一见苏珊就剑拔弩张,之后两人又为婴儿的名字争执;双双被卡萝哄出门外; 瑞秋对妇产科医生频送秋波……但该医生患职业病,对女性失去了胃口; 菲比带着吉他到医院唱歌,“粉嘟嘟的小孩子,长大憎你老不死”——烦得罗斯给她钱买她闭嘴; 菲比、罗斯和苏珊被困在储藏室,菲比给两人上了一课; 乔伊热心帮助一名单亲妈妈丽迪亚生产;当孩子的父亲赶到,温柔的乔伊知趣的离开了;莫妮卡迫切想要个孩子;钱德安慰她说,如果我们都四十岁还单身,那我们两可以一起生个孩子,但莫妮卡并不领情,还不服气的反问,我哪点看起来像嫁不出去的人。 婴儿极偶然的得名“班”。 123 第二十三集 Mazel tov 乔伊在医院里陪一个不认识的女土生完了孩子。当他再出现时,钱德勒问他干吗去了 ,乔伊说:“没啥,我刚刚有了一个孩子。”受惊的钱德勒就嘲讽地说:“Mazel tov。” 这是一句希伯莱语,意思是好运气(Good Luck)。 【123】The One With The Birth 3. used to have those bumper stick Bumper sticker (rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ) A bumper sticker is a message attached to the bumper of vehicle to get attention of others. They can be political or humorous, may or promote a or attack a particular stand on any issue. Examples: (USA) Clinton Gore 96 [democratic party bumper sticker] (USA) Clinton Gone 96 [republican party bumper sticker] hoho 第二句是对rach说的,先前rach开ross玩笑被瞪,她抱怨为什么chan开就行,chan就说你得挑时间.


Y ou’re more than a shadow, I’ve just to believe. 我坚信,你不会只是我生命中的一个过客。Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill) 永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。(英国首相丘吉尔) It's not our abilities that show what we truly are,it is our choices.决定我们成为什么样的人,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。 Sometimes you have to smile and act like everything is okay, hold back the tears and walk away.有时候你不得不笑,表现得好像一切OK,然后,忍着眼泪走开。 Chuck:“your world would be much easier if I didn't come back. 如果没有我,你的世界会简单些。。。。Queen B :“but it wouldn't be my world without you in it.”但是失去了你,我的世界将不复存在。《Gossip Girl》 I want someone who's afraid of losing me.我希望找到一个会担心失去我的人。 【Chanel告诉女孩】1.A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位且光芒四射。2. In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different. 想要无可取代,就必须时刻与众不同。3. fashion passes, style remains.时尚会过去,但风格永存。 My favorite part of the day is when I first wake up because for those five seconds, I don’t remember any thing. 一天当中我最爱的时刻就是早晨刚刚醒来的那五秒钟,因为自己什么也不记得,一片空白。 Falling in love with a town,it is probably because someone you love resides in it. 爱上一座城,大抵是因为,这里住着一个你爱的人。 Y ou’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction. 如果晚上带着满意入睡,早上就会更有决心起床! Sometimes you gotta shut up, swallow your pride and accept that you're wrong. It's not giving up. It's called growing up. 有时候,你需要做的就是闭嘴,放下所谓的自尊,承认自己的错误。这不叫放弃,而叫成长。 The key for happiness is not to find a perfect person, but find someone and build a perfect relationship with him.幸福的关键不在于找到一个完美的人,而在于找到一个人,然后和他一起努力建立一个完美的关系 The god creates the fingerprints because he wants us to know that actually everyone has a scar.上帝之所以创造指纹,是因为,他想让人们知道其实每个人都有伤痕。 Y ou are the reason why I became stronger.But you are my weakness.因为你,我懂得了成长,可你,依旧是我的伤。 A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things, but will stick around.如果一个女人真的爱你,她会因为很多事情对你发脾气,却始终坚守在你身边。 Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.情人眼里出西施。 Y ou'll never have to go through anything alone, ever again, because you have me now.你再也不必独自经历风雨,因为,你现在有我了。 Three things in life when gone never come back: time, opportunity, and words.人生有三样东西不可挽回:时间,机遇,以及说出去的话 Y ou cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too. 不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。 To have a moonlight walk with you tonight is my best dream. 今晚和你在月光中散步是我最大


英文名千万不能乱起不然老外会觉得你有特殊癖好! 从开始学英语的时候,老师就会给我们取很多英文名字。英大的年代,女生都叫Lily、Lucy,男生都叫Tom、Bob!走到哪儿都会撞名字!你身边也一定有好几个Mike...(一不小心,英大暴露了年纪)有些高逼格的同学,还会给自己取名为John。女生也会给自己取Cherry、Sunny等比较可爱的名字。这些名字,在老外看来都非!常!奇!葩!1Lily,Tom,就是“建军”、“建国”! 很多人的英文名叫Lily、Lucy、Helen、Bob、Tom...这些名字都来源于我们的初中英语课本。它们是你接触的第一批英文名,在这中间挑一个,肯定不会错!然鹅,这些名字在老外看来都是“老掉牙”了!老外听到这些名字的时候,会有一种你听到别人叫“建国”、“建军”、“兰花”...是不是很心塞?这些英文名是老一辈喜欢用的。一个年纪轻轻的小菇娘/小伙子在向老外介绍自己英文名的时候,就hin尴尬了! 大家可以取一些这样的名字,高贵又不过时: Elizabeth:英女皇的名字,肯定没人敢嘲笑你!William:意思是“强而有力的战士”,男生取这个名字,让人觉得你很strong and brave!Catherine:一个很有文艺气息的名字,让人一听就觉得是个有才有貌的菇娘!2Apple,Sunny,你以为很可爱?

很多小伙伴,尤其是女生,在取名字的时候,喜欢用水果、天气、食品。像Cherry、Sunny、Apple。有的还会取名叫April,因为我是4月生的! 用水果或动物作为自己的英文名,真的不太好...像Apple、Tiger、Kitty这样的,虽然老外也会取,但都很少用,一般都是作为外号使用。 你就想想,当老外和你说他的名字是小喵·布莱克,榴莲·克莱伊的时候,你是什么感觉...Candy是“糖果”的意思,是不是让人听起来很甜美?!对,确实很甜美!所以,国外很多夜间场所的菇娘们,在取“艺名”的时候,经常会用Candy 这个名字....另外,取名Sunny、April、Summer等用天气、月份、季节做英文名的小伙伴,会让老外os:你是播音员,要播报天气预告?!如果你想要大家觉得你很可爱,你可以取这些名字: Tiffany:谁都知道!(Tiffany蓝,每个女孩子都想要!)Crystal:含义是“透明的冰,霜”,会让别人觉得你很纯洁。Amber:橙黄色、琥珀的意思,你看起来很阳光!(可替代Sunny) 3Cherry仅仅是“樱桃”的意思? 以上两类的英文名至少还能听得过去,下面这些英文名在英语中有特殊的含义,大家在用的时候,要慎重。不然很容易引起误会,让老外怀疑你有特殊癖好!Cherry:除了“樱桃”的意思,还有“处女膜”的意思...


Chapter 13 ●You barge in here and you do n’t knock? 你不敲门就闯进来? ●What is your salary? 你领多少工资? ●That is pretty much of it 差不多那样。 ● a little bit of 发音: a li-do bi-of ●That blows. 坏了 ●You know, I don’t see that happening 办不到。 ●Tit for tat 以牙还牙 ●I don’t know, Maybe low self-esteem. 我不知道,或许自信心不足。 ●I don’t mean to be disrespectful [disri,spektful]恕我直言 ●What did you mean by that? ●Parents divorced before you hit puberty 父母在你青春期前离婚 ●How long are you in the city? 打算在城里住几天? ●It’s a wacky world. 真是个古怪的世界。 ●I shouldn’t have come. 我不应该来 ●Out here with me, bunking up 孖铺。 ●Then come clean with ma. 向妈妈坦白一切。 ●Like 5 minutes 约五分钟。 ●Things were fine the way they were! 事情原本好好的。 ●I just want it the way it was. 我只想回到从前。 ●I just did what I thought you’d want. 我自以为做了你想做的事。 ●No contest. 无疑问的,无竞争。 ●Don’t ever do that. 永远不要这么做。 Chapter 14 ●It’s insane. 这太离谱了。 ●Because he was creepy. 因为他惹人厌。 ●Way to go 干得好lick it off 舔干净。Slather 涂 ●If you want to put a label on it. 如果你硬要这么说的话。Vulnerable 脆弱 ●Go up to her and say, I’m returning your egg. ●Could we get an egg, still in the shell. 生的Boiled eggs in the shell 连壳煮鸡蛋●Don’t you bail on me 你不能背叛我 ●what are you doing tomorrow night? Shampoo bath gel ●Come on, These people will scooch down. 这些人会挪过去的。 ●Do it a well-ventilated area. ['ventileit]通风 ●Try to let go of the anger, and learn to love yourself. You push me off, and you pull me back. It is easy for you to say. 你说得容易。 Go for a drink sometime? 有时一起出去喝一杯。


让人振作起来的经典青春励志语录大全_早上青春励 志语录英文的短句 振作青春励志名言警句 1、不要把成功想得太遥远,有时候,它离我们很近,只是由于我们的疏忽而与它失之交臂。 2、任何事情要想取得成功,必须肯下苦功,并有坚持到底的毅力。 3、只要厄运打不垮信念,希望之光就会驱散绝望之云。

4、面对问题,我们不能退缩,因为退缩并不能解决问题。只有努力寻求解决之道,才是上策。 5、尊严来自实力,实力来自拼搏! 6、失败并不可怕,只要我们怀着一颗不服输的心,勇往直前,那么胜利将不会离我们太远。 7、不为失败找借口,只为成功找方法。 8、雄鹰可以飞得晚,但一定要飞得高。 9、疑问是打开知识大门的钥匙。错误是正确的先导。提出了正确的问题,往往等于解决了问题的大半。

10、时间是宝贵的,抓住了时间就抓住了成功。 11、人生需要时时提醒,责任需要时时敲打。 12、有时,成功就在我们眼前,但却被我们所忽略,以致最终地丧失。把握眼前,坚持做好每件事,那么,成功将会离我们越来越近。 13、生活中所遭遇的种种困难挫折,既能成为掩埋我们的“泥沙”,又能成为我们的垫脚石。只要我们善于运用它,就能克服困难,迈向成功。 14、有时不合逻辑的举动却恰恰有助于应付变化多端的事态,而正常的逻辑有时却只能将自己带进一个死胡同。这就需要我们有逆反思维。

15、凭借财大气粗来改变自己在公众中的丑陋形象是不明智的,一切的成功都是靠自己的努力得来的,并不是靠攀高结贵。 16、学习要专心致志,聚精会神。即使拥有高智商和好老师,但是如果学习三心二意,也是一无所获。 17、每朵花都有盛开的理由。 18、自我反省,做自己的老师。 19、每一种创伤,都是一种成熟。 20、金矿的山上还有着其他花朵,除了具备发现的眼睛外,还需要有着肯流汗的心。成功提示:金子常常就埋在身旁的泥土里,勤奋是最好的点金指。


They say the early bird gets the worn. Inspiring motivation...if you're the bird. The worm, however, has no idea when her future will be plucked away by the next airborne attacker.都说早起的鸟儿有虫吃。励志之极...如果你是只鸟的话。但是,虫儿却不知道她的未来何时会被飞翔的猎食者啄食。 Everything I have was from scheming and lying and working the angles. You are Mozart. I'm Salieri. No matter how hard I work, I will never be you. 我所拥有的一切都是靠施诡计耍手段投机取巧得来的。你好比莫扎特,而我却是萨列里。无论我怎么努力,都不会有你的成就。(萨列里是与莫扎特同时代的杰出音乐家。但一个由来已久的传说使得人们认为,他是一个才能不及莫扎特,妒忌心重的作曲家,并且设计害死了音乐天才莫扎特。) It's the people you know best that you can hurt the most. 我们伤害得最深的往往是我们最亲近的人。 Are you sure that I'm the one person you wanna be with? 你确定我就是那个你想要与之共度一生的人吗? The things that have been slowly simmering always taste the most satisfying. Bon appetite. 慢慢煨炖的东西口感才是最好的。祝有个好胃口。(在这句话中bon是法语词汇,译为“好的”。在英语中经常用到,比如,Bon voyage! 祝您一路平安) I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you. 如果你发生了什么事我也不能独活下去。 A man accepts responsibility for his actions. A man takes care of his family. A man doesn't pay a mother to abandon her child and then tell that child his mother is dead. A man doesn't try to have his own son killed! 男人会对自己的行为负责;男人会照顾他的家庭;男人不会雇人遗弃他的孩子,然后告诉这个孩子他的妈妈已经死了;男人不会去谋杀自己的孩子。 Every trembling bone in my tired and scared body wants to marry you. 我疲惫害怕的身体里,每一根颤抖的骨头都想要嫁给你。 - Live with you could never be boring. - Blair Conrnelia Waldorf, will you marry me? - 跟你生活在一起不可能会无聊的。 - 布莱尔·科妮莉娅·霍道夫,你愿意嫁给我吗? Once I got inside, I wasn't leaving, because that's when I saw you. 一旦我进去了,我就不会走,因为在那时我看到了你。 -We're just two crazy kids dying to tie the knot. - If anyone recognizes you, then that knot will become a noose around your neck. - 我们只是两个渴望喜结连理的孩子。 - 如果有人认出你来了,那就不是结连理而是绕脖子了。

老友记第一季 第三集笔记

【103】The One With The Thumb antique’s NO.3 The One With the Thumb 前两回合(101、102)已经基本上把Friends的主要人物和性格特点展现出来了,从103开始,观众的重点可以放在情节的铺开上,这部情景剧每一集都有一个或者多个故事,但又都同前面的故事相衔接,因此既可以独立成章,又保持了连贯性,这也是能够经久不衰的原因之一吧。 这集的主要情节如下:Ross终于发现真相:童年时的爱犬Chichi死掉了、而不是被送往农场养老,当年被父母善意的欺骗了。Chandler戒烟失败,众人皆不满,于是他巧妙的将矛头指向各人的缺点,籍此转移了注意力。Phoebe从银行得到一笔飞来横财,她去投诉,反而阴差阳错获得更多赔偿;她将钱悉数送人,对方报以一罐苏打水——开罐饮用时发现了一根拇指在里头,饮料公司赔偿给她更多美刀。Monica的新男友Alan大受其余五人爱戴,但Monica最终还是决定和他分手,不料Alan如释重负,原来他早就受不了Monica的五个朋友了。 1. Phoebe: Um, not so good. He walked me to the subway and said 'We should do this again!' Phoebe同一个男人出去约会回来告诉大家,那个男人怎么和她说的。“We should do this again”,表面上好像是以后我们还应该再继续约会,其实这是dating language,往往都是反着说的,近年来网路上有很多类似的帖子,大家可以找来看看,很搞笑的。Phoebe说完之后,大家都明白了,只有可爱的Rachel 傻乎乎的不明所以,还在那里夸好,于是大家只好半是卖弄半是教她的举了其他一些例子。比如“I t's not you'”就是“It is you”,“You're such a nice guy”意思是“I'm gonna be dating leather-wearing alcoholics and complaining about them to you”等等。恋爱中的人们想必能够理解这些吧,是不是经常听到女娃娃讲“I hate u”? 2.Joey: Yeah. Cushions the blow. 可怜的Rachel问是不是只有她是颗嫩草,善解人意的Joey来了这么一句,意思是take it easy.想想看吧,cushion是垫子的意思,用垫子承接打击,当然是放轻松点的意思咯。这可以作为固定用法记下来。 3.Monica: I mean, why should I let them meet him? I mean, I bring a guy home, and within five minutes they're all over him. I mean, they're like- coyotes, picking off the weak members of the herd . Paula: Listen. As someone who's seen more than her fair share of bad beef, I'll tell you: that is not such a terrible thing. I mean, they're your friends, they're just looking out after you. Coyote是一种产于北美大草原的小狼,可以和hyena一起记忆。Pick off the weak members of the herd,摘取、挑选弱处下手的意思。在Paula的回答中,她先摆了一下自己的老资格“As someone who’s seen more than her fair share of bad beef”(意即作为一个见了过多臭牛排的厨师来说,别忘了,她和Monica 都是厨师这重身份,这里她用bad beef比喻那些不怎么样的男人),然后告诫Monica这没什么大不了的,不是什么糟糕的事情,毕竟他们是你的朋友,在你身后帮你留神着呢。 4.Paula: Well, you do realize the odds of that happening are a little slimmer if they never get to meet the guy .odds这里的意思是可能的机会、几率,相当于Chance。记住一个词组odds and ends,是零碎的东西的意思,经常能看到报纸或者杂志用这个词组作为一个栏目名称。整句话翻译过来就是:如果他们永远不能见到那个家伙,你会发现(他们完全接受他的)机会几乎没有。Slim的变形slimmer这里表示非常渺茫的意思。 5.Monica: (to Alan) Thanks. I'll call you tomorrow. (Alan exits, to all) Okay. Okay, let's let the Alan-bashing begin. Who's gonna take the first shot, hmm? 这段话很多人讨论过,主要集中在Alan-bashing上,其实之前Monica已经是下了很大的决心要带Alan同大家见面,心里已经做好了被挖苦的准备了(之前的wine guy,还有那个说话漏风的家伙等等一定让她被讽刺的很不爽),不过这次大家总算给足了面子,包括为

很有爱的绯闻女孩Blair and Chuck

很有爱的绯闻女孩Blair and Chuck-经典台词语录大全 绯闻女孩经典台词-第一季03 Blair: Do you like me? B:你喜欢我吗? Chuck: Define “like”. C:定义喜欢。 绯闻女孩经典台词-第一季18集 Chuck: Y ou don’t belong with Nate, never have, never will. Blair: Y ou don’t belong with anyone. C:你并不属于N,从来不会,并且永远不会。 B:你不属于任何人。 绯闻女孩经典台词-第二季01 C:Please don"t leave with him. C: 请不要和他走。 Blair: Why? Give me a reason and "I"m Chuck Bass" doesn"t count. B:为什么?给我个理由而“I am chuck bass”不算。 Chuck: "Cause you don"t want to. C:因为你不想跟他走。 Blair: Not good enough. B:不够好。 Chuck: "Cause I don"t want you to. C:因为我不想你跟他走。 Blair: That"s not enough. B:还不够。 Chuck: What else is there? C:还有什么呢? Blair: The true reason, I should stay right where I am and not get in the car. Three words.Eight letters. Say it...and I"m yours. B:真正的理由啊,我应该不上车的理由!三个字,八个字母,说出来,那我就是你的了。Chuck: I... I ... C:我....我...... Blair: Thank you. That"s all I needed to hear. B:谢谢,我要听的已经够了。 绯闻女孩经典台词-第二季 B:whatever you"re going through,I want to be there for you. B:不管你去哪里,我都会跟随着你的。 C:you are not my girlfriend. C: 你不是我的女朋友。 B:but I am me , you are you.we are chuck and blair,blair and chuck. The worst thing you"ve ever done,the darkest thought you have ever had.I will stand by you through anything. B:但是我是我,而你是你。我们是恰克和布莱尔,布莱尔和恰克。你做过的最坏的事情,

老友记第一季 第二集笔记

【102】The One With The Sonogram At The End antique’s No.2 The One With the Sonogram at the End 上集说道Rach和Ross分别经历了感情镇痛,这一集开始,Ross得知前妻Carol有了身孕,被迫同Carol的同志伴侣Susan一起,陪Carol参加助产训练班。Ross和Monica的父母来吃饭,由于Monica从小就在家里不如Ross优秀,所以再次感到巨大压力,只好抖出Ross 和Carol的事情。Ross和Rachel同病相怜,Rachel把戒指还给Barry, 结果发现,Barry不仅没有寻死觅活,反而过的很开心,原来他已经和Rachel的伴娘Mindy好上了。这一集里面我选了十多个句子简单讲解下。(PS:上次写了一之后,很多坛子上的朋友提出了很多意见,大部分我都虚心接受了,在修订版中,我会都改正过来。我的英语估计也就四级水平,所以所写的只能是抛砖引玉。其实这里很多英语高手,希望大家能一起Continue...如果可能的话,我想联系一下朋友,看看是否可能结集出版。) 1.Rachel: Everything you need to know is in that first kiss. 几个好朋友在一起聊性的话题,Monica说男人不懂接吻的重要性,Joey根本不屑一顾,于是Rachel说了这样一句话,意思是:初吻可以让你明白一切。呵呵,是不是想起自己的初吻了? 2.Chandler: Yeah, I think for us, kissing is pretty much like an opening act, y'know? I mean it's like the stand-up comedian you have to sit through before Pink Floyd comes out. Chandler也发表了自己的观点,他说接吻很大程度上像是序幕(an opening act),像是你听Pink Floyd的音乐会之前不得不忍受的笑星们的表演一样。Pink Floyd是美国一支很著名的乐队。能听出Chandler的潜台词吧? 3.Marsha: Well, she has issues. Issues在这里是烦恼、问题的意思,以后碰到别人好像闷闷不乐的时候,你就可以上前来上一句Do you have any issues? 4.Carol: Marty's still totally paranoid.Carol去Museum里找Ross,Ross非常尴尬,于是没话找话问Carol的家人怎么看待她是Lesbian的事儿,于是Carol告诉他,马堤仍然神经兮兮的。Paranoid这个单词是类似妄想狂的意思,有点histerical的意思。 5.Rachel: Oh, like I wasn't dreading tomorrow enough, having to give it back to him... 'Hi Barry! Remember me? I'm the girl in the veil who stomped on your heart in front of your entire family!' Oh God and now I'm gonna have to return the ring, without the ring, which makes it so much harder...这里“stomp on one’s heart”stom p是用脚踏的意思,可以想象用脚踏在心上是什么意思了吧,对,就是让人心碎的意思。 6.Chandler: Kinda puts that whole pillow thing in perspective, huh, Mon?“kinda”在片中出现的次数非常频繁,也是口语中非常实用的词语,意思是有一点儿,相当于kind of.这句话的意思比较令人费解,结合场景,这里应该是Chandler挖苦Monica不该早些把枕头提前完全搞好。In perspective这里是提前的意思。 7.Monica: I know this is going to sound unbelievably selfish, but, were you planning on bringing up the whole baby/lesbian thing? Because I think it might take some of the heat off me.Ross和Monica的父母来看望他们,由于从小父母就喜欢Ross(因为Ross成绩优异,为人老实,而

Gossip Girl第一季插曲

>>gossip girl 里的所有插曲 . 第一集- The Pilot - September 19,2007 01.Young Folks - Peter Bjorn and John 02.If It's Lovin Thar You Want - Rihanna 03.What Goes Around Comes Around - Justin Timberlake 04.Diamond Hipster Boy - Washingtou Social Club Diamond 05.Back To Black - Amy Winehouse 06.Hang Me Up To Dry - Cold War Kids 07.Photograph - Air 08.Hard To Live In The City - Albert Hammond Jr. 09.The Way I Are - Timbaland 10.Go - Hanson 11.Don't Matter - Akon 12.The Gift - Angels and Airwaves Gossip girl 第一集片头曲——Young Folks 作为开场的Music,《Young Folks》是由同乡乐团The Concretes女主唱Victoria Bergsman跨刀与Peter Bjorn and John合作的. 这首歌主打怀旧风格,很朴实,没有现在pop里面复杂的配器,听得很轻松,悠闲地口哨之声,还有重要成员鼓点的加盟,以及和牛仔裤一样休闲的唱腔. Peter Morén,Bjorn Yttling,和John Erikkson,于1999年成立于瑞典斯德哥尔摩的Lo-Fi 团体,他们擅长把玩各种曲风,并且同样都能表现得很High。 Gossip girl 一集插曲—What Goes Around Comes Around Justin Timberlake 这位歌手就不用再介绍了吧, 基本上应该家喻户晓了。这首歌是06年的专辑 FutureSex/Lovesound里面的。Timbaland制作的没有一首歌是不好的... 特别是最后两分钟, 整首歌的精髓就在那里... 还有舞蹈方面...现代舞和街舞都可以拿这首歌来编排出强大的舞蹈...而且特别是在那最后两分钟里...那种感觉就像身体被音乐贯穿, 每一个歌词每一个旋律都流荡在全身, 支配着身体. 舞动起来所爆炸出的力量, 感觉和激情真的不是用其他一般舞曲所能达到的... Gossip girl 第一集插曲——The Way I Are The Way I Are 歌曲节奏强而有力,韵律感强.讲述的是一个女生与一个男生的相爱,不是因为对方的金钱,物质等等的所有,只因为他的个性,坚持两个人在一起享受的是那种一起的感觉,而不是为了其他。十分真切。歌曲来自Timbaland《Shock Value》的专辑,距离他第一张专辑有8年之久.可想而知这应该是叫做蓄势待发.同时这专辑里的apologize等歌曲也是让人一听上瘾. 第二集- The Wild Brunch - September 26,2007 01.Hit Me Up - Gia Farell
