


1 前言

随着工业化和城市化的发展,水环境污染、水资源紧缺日益严重,水污染控制、水环境保护已刻不容缓。我国现在新建城市或城区采用雨污分流制,但老城市或老城区大多仍然是雨污合流的排水体制。许多合流污水是直接排放到水体。而将旧合流制改为分流制,受现状条件限制大许多。老城区建成年代较长,地下管线基本成型,地面建筑拥挤,路面狭窄,旧合流制改分流制难度较大。合流污水的一大特点是旱季和雨季的水质、水量变化大,雨季污水BOD 浓度低,不利于生化处理。国家提出2010 的我国城市污水处理率要求达到40%, 因此研究有效的合流污水处理方法对加快城市污水处理步伐具有重要的意义。本文针对合流污水处理的有关情况,谈一些个人看法。

2 污水处理工艺要求


1. 具备接纳旧城区合流污水的能力,具有较强的适应冲击负荷的能力。污水处理厂污水来源包括两部分,一是新城区分流污水,二是老城区合流污水。与合流污水相比,分流污水水质、水量变化幅度小得多,对污水处理厂调节缓冲的要求小得多。对于合流污

水,降雨前期因雨水冲刷街区,合流污水较脏,但水量相对较小,降雨后期水量较大,但污水中有机物浓度相对较小。因此,降雨前期合流污水,可考虑与分流污水一起经预处理后进入污水处理构筑物。降雨后期合流污水,除一部分与分流污水一起经污水预处理构筑物进入污水处理构筑物外,另一部分可考虑通过雨污溢流构筑物进入雨污溢流沉定池后排入附近水体。为了对进入污水处理构筑物的合流污水高峰流量、水质波动进行缓冲调节,污水处理构筑物前端可设缓冲调节池 以均衡水质、储存水量。

2. 具有可靠的BOD、COD、SS 去除功能及氮磷去除功能,保证最终出水水质稳定。通常情况下,城市污水中难降解有机物较少,BOD、COD 去除比较容易实现,而氮磷去除则较复杂。我国现行的污水排放标准对污水处理厂出水氮磷指标有严格的要求,故城市污水处理都必须达到氮磷的有效去除。在现行城市污水脱氮除磷工艺中,A2/0 采用较为广泛。针对A2/0 工艺存在的问题 目前出现了许多改进工艺,每种工艺又都存在各自的特点和局限。由于合流污水引起的水质、水量波动较大,对污水厂各处理单元产生冲击,为了适应受纳水体的要求,为使BOD、COD 等指标进一步降低,进一步去除污水中的细菌及氮、磷等植物性营养物质,在污水厂与受纳水体之间可设氧化塘。

3. 具有灵活多变的运行方式,可根据收集的污水量、进水水质以及季节变化调整运行方式。常规A2/0 工艺,很难做到灵活方便地调整运行方式。但A2/0工艺从构成原理上讲,是在曝气段前

加厌氧段和缺氧段。这一原理用于氧化沟技术,便可形成各种适应不同水质、水量、季节变化的运行方式。污水厂可根据实际情况设两个以上的氧化沟,每个沟设一定数量的水力推进器,池底均匀分布微孔爆气器。通过调整氧化沟污水进水管阀门、曝气器的开及关的区域、内回流比大小、污泥回流比大小及水力推进器运行个数,便可形成串联、并联等若干种运行方式。每种运行方式具有各自区域大小不同的厌氧段、缺氮段、曝气段。当旱季污水量小 则采用串联运行方式,雨季污水量大,则采用并联运行方式。夏季温度高,硝化反应速度快,则采用具有较小曝气区域、较小硝化段的运行方式,相应反硝化区域增加、功能加强,冬季情况则正好相反。如进水碳源浓度较低,则采取串联的、使后续反硝化段的碳源能得到补充的运行方式。

3 工艺流程选择和特点说明

根据污水合流制与分流制并存的特点及处理后污水排放水体的要求: 来自新城区的分流污水,经格栅处理后进入后续污水处理构筑物; 来自老城区的合流污水平时直接进入污水处理系统。降雨时,前期的较脏、水量较小的合流污水,与分流污水一起经格栅后进入后续污水处理构筑物。降雨后期的合流污水水量较大主要含泥砂,一部分经雨污溢流构筑物,在沉淀池作短暂停留,去除部分泥砂后直接排放水体,另一部分则与分流污水一起经格栅后进入后续处理构筑物。格栅用以去除污水中的大块悬浮物、漂浮物等污物,以消除大块污物对后续处理系统的不良影响。曝气沉砂池用以去除较

大砂粒及其他无机污染物颗粒,以提高污泥活性有机组分含量、减轻对管道设备的磨损、减轻后续沉淀池负荷、改善系统运行条件。初沉池主要用以去除SS,在初沉池中,根据进水水质情况,可适时外加碳源和氨氮,以保证有足够量和适当比例的C、N、P 来源,为后续生化反应正常运行创造条件。缓冲池主要作用是在合流污水高峰流量时均衡水质、储存水量。氧化沟是一种简易、高效、经济的城市污水处理工艺 近几十年发展迅速。在流态上,它既是完全混合式,又具有推流式特征。由于沟渠溶解氧浓度的递减变化规律,通过适当安排进水口、出水口、回流污泥入口位置,氧化沟可形成一个倒置A2/0 工艺。根据硝化、反硝化、生物除磷及好氧活性污泥微生物的代谢特在缺氧段,主要功能是脱氮,回流污泥中反硝化菌以原水中有机物为碳源,以来自好氧段的硝化液中的硝酸盐为电子受体,将硝态氮NO-3-N 还原为气态氮N2。在厌氧段,主要功能是释磷,回流污泥中聚磷菌分解释放体内聚磷酸盐,同时摄入污水中的有机物,以PHB 及糖原等形式储存于细胞内。对于缺氧段与厌氧段的过渡过区域,既非严格的厌氧状态,而溶解氧浓度又低于缺氧段,脱氮与释磷过程都将存在,但都不易取得竞争优势。在好氧段,功能有三: 1、好氧活性污泥中微生物,使污水中有机物得到降解、去除,好氧微生物本身得以增殖,活性污泥得以增长;2、在亚硝化菌和硝化菌作用下,将污水中氨氮NH+4-N 氧化成硝态氮,主要为NO-3-N; 3、聚磷菌体内PHB 氧化产生大量能量一部分用于从污水中过量吸收磷酸盐,并以聚磷的

形式贮存于体内,一部分供给细菌合成和维持生命。与A2/0工艺相比,前置缺氧段不仅可优先从污水中获得碳源,强化反硝化过程。同时,因先经历反硝化过程,消除了硝酸盐的大量存在对聚磷菌厌氧释磷过程的不利影响。通过对曝气器的控制,沟渠内可形成区域大小适宜的缺氧段、厌氧段、曝气段,在去除BOD 的同时进行生物脱氮除磷,能取得较好的氮磷去除效果。特别是能够通过对曝气区域大小和进出水管阀门的控制,形成灵活多变的运行方式,适应污水水量、水质、季节性的变化,具有广阔的发展应用前景。当水质波动幅度不大时,通过前述的预处理、生物处理后的污水,一般能排放水体,但由于各种不确定偶发因素的影响,这样考虑处理水排放存在不小风险。当水质、水量大幅波动时 这种情况更为突出。由于水污染、生态破坏的严峻形势,城市污水处理厂必须从技术上严格把关,从工艺上确保处理水安全排放水体。若在生物处理工艺之后设置熟化塘,不仅可在污水处理厂和受纳水体之间起缓冲作用,还能通过藻类-动物性浮游生物-鱼类等食物链和生态系统,使BOD、COD指标、细菌及氮磷等植物性营养物浓度进一步降低,具有良好稳定的处理效果。特别是在熟化塘系统中,通过塘内生态系中多条食物链的物质迁移、转化和能量逐级传递、转化,在去除污染的同时,以水产资源形式达到物质、能量的回收,将污水处理与利用相结合,实现污水资源化。

4 结语

1. 合流制污水水质、水量波动幅度大, 技术工艺必须满足缓和冲


2. 通过多个氧化沟构成若干个串、并联运行方式,在适应进水水质、水量、季节性变化方面能够发挥重要作用。

3. 通过安排适当的进出水口位置、回流污泥入口位置,氧化沟可形式一个倒置A2/0 工艺,在去除BOD 的同时,能取得较好的氮磷去除效果

4. 熟化塘的应用,为处理水安全排放水体,能够提供可靠的技术保证。熟化塘投资省、运行费用低、管理维护方面、污水处理与利用相结合,在防治水污染、保护水环境及生态环境综合治理方面具有明显优势。如果美化熟化塘表观,设置喷泉等设施,形成供人们休闲、游乐的人工景点,协调城市建设中土地资源的合理配置,那么熟化塘占地面积较大这一不足就不会成为突出的问题。

Combined sewage treatment related discussion

1 Preface

With the industrialization and urbanization development, water pollution, worsening water shortage, water pollution control, environmental protection has urgent need of water. China is now adopting a new city or urban stormwater sewage diversion system, but the old city or the old city is still mostly combined sewage stormwater drainage system, a number of combined sewage is directly discharged into the

water body. The confluence of the old system to a triage system, the status quo conditions, and many of the old city built during the long, underground pipeline basic shape, the ground construction crowded, narrow roads, the old Combined triage system more difficult to change. Combined sewage is a major feature of the water quality of the dry and wet seasons, water changes, low BOD effluent concentration during the rainy season is not conducive to biochemical treatment. Countries, 2010 China's urban sewage treatment rate of 40 percent required, and therefore the study of the convergence of effective methods of sewage treatment, sewage treatment to accelerate the pace of the city is of great significance. In this paper, the convergence of the sewage treatment situation, some personal views.

2 Requirements of the sewage treatment process

Many cities in China, the new city with the coexistence of the old city, Combined with the streaming system co-exist. Therefore, new or expanded sewage treatment plant to meet the overall urban planning and drainage planning requirements should be able to meet the following requirements:

(1) Have to accept merging the old city sewage capabilities, a strong ability to adapt to the impact load. Source of the sewage treatment plant effluent is composed of two parts: First, the new urban sewage diversion; Second, merging the old city sewage. Compared with the combined

sewage, sewage diversion of water quality, water, a much smaller range of sewage treatment plants require much less adjustment buffer. The confluence of sewage and rain red rain due to pre-rinse blocks, merging more dirty water, but water is relatively small; rain water, the larger the latter, but the concentration of organic compounds in water is relatively small. Therefore, pre-confluence rain water,could be considered together with the diversion of sewage by pre-treated sewage into the structure. Combined sewage late rainfall, with the exception of part of the sewage, together with the diversion of sewage by pre-treatment structures into the sewage treatment structures, and the other part to consider the adoption of stormwater pollution entering the storm sewage overflow structures Shen overflow pool set into the nearby water body after. In order to enter the structure of the combined sewage effluent peak flow, water quality buffer fluctuations conditioning, sewage treatment structures regulating the front-end buffer pool can be installed in order to balance water quality, storage of water.

(2) Reliable BOD, COD, SS removal of nitrogen and phosphorus removal function and features to ensure the stability of the final effluent quality. Under normal circumstances, urban sewage in less refractory organic matter, BOD, COD removal is easier to achieve, rather than the complexity of nitrogen and phosphorus removal. The current effluent standards for sewage treatment plant effluent nitrogen and phosphorus

indicators have strict requirements, it must be of urban sewage treatment to achieve the effective removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. Under the existing urban sewage nitrogen and phosphorus removal process, A2 / 0 used more widely. For the A2 / 0 process problems, the present situation of a number of improvements in technology, technology also exists for each of the characteristics and limitations of each. As a result of merging the water quality caused by sewage, water, volatile, wastewater treatment plant on the impact of the processing units, in order to adapt to the receiving water requirements, in order to BOD, COD and other indicators of a further drop low, further removal of sewage bacteria and nitrogen, phosphorus and other plant nutrients in the wastewater treatment plant and receiving water can be established between the oxidation pond.

(3) With flexible operation mode, according to the quantity of sewage collection, water quality and seasonal variation of the adjustment operation. Conventional A2 / 0 process, it is difficult to do adjust the flexible operation mode. However, A2 / 0 process from the principle constitutes a sense, before the paragraph in the aeration and anoxic plus anaerobic paragraph. This principle for the oxidation ditch technology can be adapted to the formation of a variety of different water quality, quantity, seasonal changes in the operating mode. Wastewater treatment plant can be established according to the actual situation of the oxidation ditch more than two, each for a certain amount of ditch water propeller,

bottom uniform microporous gas explosion device.

3 Selection and characteristics of that process

Oxidation ditch is a simple, efficient and economical municipal wastewater treatment technology, has developed rapidly in recent decades. In the flow pattern, it is completely mixed, but also has push-flow characteristics. As a result of the decreasing concentration of dissolved oxygen ditches changes and appropriate arrangements through the inlet, outlet, back to the entrance of the location of the sludge, oxidation ditch can be inverted to form a A2 / 0 process:

Combined sewage system in accordance with the characteristics of both a triage system, and treated water discharge requirements.

Grille to remove the effluent suspended solids in the large, floating debris such as dirt, to remove large pieces of dirt on the follow-up to the adverse effects of treatment systems. Aerated grit chamber to remove large sand particles and other inorganic pollutants in order to improve Active organic component content in the sludge, reducing wear and tear on the plumbing, the follow-up sedimentation tanks to reduce load and improve the system operating conditions. Primary sedimentation tank for removal of the main SS, Shen pool in the beginning, according to the influent water quality can be a timely addition to carbon and nitrogen in order to ensure adequate and proper proportion of C, N, P sources, in order to follow-up biological and chemical response to create the

conditions for normal operation. The main role of a buffer pool of sewage in the combined balance of the water quality peak flow, storage of water.

And A2 / 0 process, the pre-hypoxic paragraph priority not only to obtain carbon from the wastewater, and strengthen the process of denitrification. At the same time, by first going through the process of denitrification, nitrate eliminated the existence of a large number of PAOs anaerobic phosphorus release the adverse effects of the process.

City of diversion from new sewage treatment by the grating into the sewage treatment follow-up structures; from the merging of the old city sewage, usually directly into the sewage treatment system. Rainfall, the pre-than dirt, water, the merging of smaller sewage, together with the diversion of sewage into the follow-up by the grating structures sewage treatment; the merging of the late rains the sewage water, largely with silt, some through stormwater pollution overflow structures, in the sedimentation tank for a short stay, after the removal of some sediment, direct discharge of water bodies, the other part, together with the diversion of sewage into the follow-up by the grating structures to deal with.

In accordance with nitrification, denitrification, biological phosphorus removal activated sludge and aerobic metabolism of microorganisms in the anoxic paragraph, the main function is to denitrification, sludge return to denitrifying bacteria as a carbon source of

organic matter in raw water, from the aerobic paragraph nitrification of nitrate solution for the electron acceptor, the nitrate (NO-3-N) back into gaseous nitrogen (N2). Anaerobic paragraph, the main function is to address the phosphorus, the return sludge in the decomposition of phosphate accumulating bacteria in vivo release of polyphosphate, while intake of organic matter in wastewater to the form of PHB and glycogen stored in the cells. Hypoxic anaerobic paragraph for paragraph and the transition over the region, neither strictly anaerobic state,

And the concentration of dissolved oxygen above and below the anoxic, denitrification and phosphorus release process will exist, but are not easy to gain a competitive edge. In aerobic, functions There are three: first, Aerobic activated sludge micro-organisms, so that has been the degradation of organic matter in wastewater, removed themselves to the proliferation of aerobic micro-organisms, activated sludge to growth; Second, Nitrosation nitrification bacteria and fungi Under the effect of ammonia nitrogen in the wastewater (NH +4- N) oxidized to nitrate (mainly NO-3-N); III PAOs PHB in vivo oxidation of a large amount of energy, part of the sewage from excessive absorption of phosphorus salts, and the form of poly-P stored in the body, part of the supply and maintenance of bacterial synthesis

4 Conclusion

By Aerator control ditches can be suitable for the formation of the

size of the hypoxic region paragraph, paragraph anaerobic, aeration paragraph, at the same time in the BOD removal of biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal to obtain a better removal of nitrogen and phosphorus effect. In particular to Aeration through the pipes into and out of the region and the size of the control valve to form a flexible operation mode, to adapt to water, sewage, water quality, seasonal changes, there are broad prospects for development of applications.


常 用 英 文 缩 写 对 照 表 序号缩写词原词词意备注1A anchor锚、锚定 2ABS absolute绝对地 3AISI American Iron and Steel Institue美国钢铁学会 4AMB ambient周围环境 5ANSI American National Standards Institue美国国家标准学会 6&And和 7API American Petroleum Institute美国石油组织 8APPROX approximate大约,近似的 9ASB Asbestos石棉 10ASME American Socirty of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会 11ASSY Assembly装配、组装 12ASTM American Socirty of Testing Material美国材料试验协会 13ATM Atmosphere大气压 14AUTO Automatic自动的 15AUX Auxiliary辅助的 16AVG Average平均的 17B Inch(Denoting pipe size with numeral)英寸(用数字表示管子尺寸) 18BB Bolted Bonnet螺栓连接的阀盖 19BB By Buyer买方供货 20B.B Beveled End Beveled End两端为坡口端 21B.C Bolt Circle螺栓圆周 22BC Bolted Cover(Cap)螺栓连接的阀盖(帽) 23BE Beveled End(for welding)坡口端(焊接用)、斜口端 24BE Bell End承口端 25BEP Both Ends Plain两端平 26BET Both Ends Threaded两端带螺纹 27BF Blind Flange法兰盖,盖板,盲法兰


常见职位、职务英文译名 Accounting Assistant 会计助理 Accounting Clerk 记帐员 Accounting Manager 会计部经理 Accounting Stall 会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor 会计主管 Administration Manager 行政经理 Administration Staff 行政人员 Administrative Assistant 行政助理 Administrative Clerk 行政办事员 Advertising Staff 广告工作人员 Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座员 Airlines Staff 航空公司职员 Application Engineer 应用工程师 Assistant Manager 副经理 Bond Analyst 证券分析员 Bond Trader 证券交易员 Business Controller 业务主任 Business Manager 业务经理 Buyer 采购员 Cashier 出纳员 Chemical Engineer 化学工程师 Civil Engineer 土木工程师 Clerk/Receptionist 职员/接待员 Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼秘书 Computer Data Input Operator 计算机资料输入员 Computer Engineer 计算机工程师 Computer Processing Operator 计算机处理操作员 Computer System Manager 计算机系统部经理 Copywriter 广告文字撰稿人 Deputy General Manager 副总经理 Economic Research Assistant 经济研究助理 Electrical Engineer 电气工程师 Engineering Technician 工程技术员 English Instructor/Teacher 英语教师

管理信息系统MIS(Management Information System)

MIS(Management Information System) the term in the interest of the administration. In the wake of the development of MIS, much business sit up the decentralized message concentration to establish the information system ministry of directly under director, and the chief of information system ministry is ordinarily in the interest of assistant manager’s grade. After the authority of business is centralized up high-quality administration personnel staff’s hand, as if causing much sections office work decrease, hence someone prophesy, middle layer management shall vanish. In reality, the reappearance phase employed layer management among the information system queen not merely not to decrease, on the contrary there being the increase a bit. This is for, although the middle layer management personnel staff getting off exonerate out through loaded down with trivial details daily routine, yet needs them to analyses researching work in the way of even more energy, lift further admonishing the decision of strategic importance level. In the wake of the development of MIS, the business continuously adds to the demand of high technique a talented person, but the scarce thing of capability shall be washed out gradually. This compels people by means of study and cultivating, and continuously lifts individual’s quality. In The wake of the news dispatch and electric network and file transmission system development, business staff member is on duty in many being living incomparably either the home. Having caused that corporation save the expenses enormously, the work efficiency obviously moves upward American Rank Zeros corporation the office system on the net, in the interest of the creativity of raise office personnel staff was produced the advantageous term. At the moment many countries are fermenting one kind of more well-developed manufacturing industry strategy, and become quickly manufacturing the business. It completely on the basis of the user requirement organization design together with manufacture, may carry on the large-scale cooperation in the interest of identical produce by means of the business that the flow was shifted the distinct districts, and by means of the once more programming to the machinery with to the resources and the reorganization of personnel staff , constituted a fresh affrication system, and causes that manufacturing cost together with lot nearly have nothing to do with. Quickly manufacturing the business establishes a whole completely new strategy dependence relation against consumer, and is able to arouse the structure of production once more revolution. The management information system is towards the self-adoption and Self-learning orientation development, the decision procedure of imitation man who is be able to be better. Some entrepreneurs of the west vainly hope that consummate MIS is encircles the magic drug to govern the business all kinds of diseases; Yet also someone says, and what it is too many is dependent on the defeat that MIS be able to cause on the administration. It is adaptable each other to comprehend the effect to the business of MIS, and is favor of us to be living in development and the research work, and causes the business organization and administer the better development against MIS of system and administration means , and establish more valid MIS. 英文翻译文章的出处:Russ Basiura, Mike Batongbacal 管理信息系统: 管理信息系统就是我们常说的MIS(Management Information System), 在强调管理,


常见职务职位英文翻译 希望对你有帮助哦!总公司Head Office分公司Branch Office营业部Business Office人事部Personnel Department(人力资源部)Human Resources Department总务部General Affairs Department财务部General Accounting Department销售部Sales Department促销部Sales Promotion Department国际部International Department出口部Export Department进口部Import Department公共关系Public Relations Department广告部Advertising Department企划部Planning Department产品开发部Product Development Department研发部Research and Development Department(R&D)秘书室Secretarial PoolAccounting Assistant 会计助理Accounting Clerk 记帐员Accounting Manager 会计部经理Accounting Stall 会计部职员Accounting Supervisor 会计主管Administration Manager 行政经理Administration Staff 行政人员Administrative Assistant 行政助理Administrative Clerk 行政办事员Advertising Staff 广告工作人员Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座员Airlines Staff 航空公司职员Application Engineer 应用工程师Assistant Manager 副经理Bond Analyst 证券分析员Bond Trader 证券交易员Business Controller 业务主任Business Manager 业务经理Buyer 采购员Cashier 出纳员Chemical Engineer 化学工程师


Managemengt Information Systems By a management information system,we propose the follow alternate definition: an integrated uer/machine system (usually computerized) for providing information to support decision making in an enterprise. The key elements of this definition are —An integrated uer/machine system —For proving information —To support decision making —In an enterprise A management information system utilizes —Computer hardware and software —Manual procedures —Models for analysis —A database Just as there is a logical flow of materials in the creation of a product, there is logical flow of information in a management information system.In manufacturing,raw materials move through a process that transforms the raw materials into usable products. In a similar fashion, in an information system,data are supplied to a system(input), the data are manipulated(processed),and they are transformed into information(output).In its simplest form ,a management information systemed may be depicted by an input-process-output(IPO) model




中华人民共和国个人所得税完税证明 Certificate of Individual Income Tax Payment People’s Republic of China (2009)京地税个征05688310 No. (2009)BLTI-05688310 填发日期: 译法说明: 一、关于“完税”:译为tax payment或tax clearance均可。 二、关于完税证明编号的翻译:此处“(2009)京地税个征05688310”译为“No. (2009)BLTI-05688310”,其中BLT表示“北京地方税务”、I表示“个人所得税”,仅供参考。怎么译都可以,只要像那么回事。 三、关于“税款所属时期”:这里按其涵义译为“charging period of tax”。此外,译者还见过描述性译法,如“which period of time the taxation belongs to”,也是可以的,只不过生硬了一些,belong to不如charge专业和贴切一些。 四、关于“工资薪金所得”:不建议单独用salary或wage。在英语里,salary指公职人员或公司白领工人按星期、月度等固定时段所领的固定报酬;wage指工厂蓝领工人的计件、计时工资。除此之外,加班工资、补贴、津贴等也属于劳动报酬性收入。这些都统称labor compensation。国外很多大公司的工资单、工资条,上面用的就是compensation。 五、关于“实缴税金”:译为paid-in tax / cleared tax等均可。此处译为amount of tax payment。


常见职位职务英文翻译 Accounting Assistant会计助理 Accounting Clerk记帐员 Accounting Manager会计部经理 Accounting Stall会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor会计主管 Administration Manager行政经理 Administration Staff行政人员 Administrative Assistant行政助理 Administrative Clerk行政办事员 Advertising Staff广告工作人员 Airlines Sales Representative航空公司定座员 Airlines Staff航空公司职员 Application Engineer应用工程师 Assistant Manager副经理 Bond Analyst证券分析员 Bond Trader证券交易员 Business Controller业务主任 Business Manager业务经理 Buyer采购员 Cashier出纳员 Chemical Engineer化学工程师 Civil Engineer土木工程师 Clerk/Receptionist职员/接待员 Clerk Typist&Secretary文书打字兼秘书 Computer Data Input Operator计算机资料输入员Computer Engineer计算机工程师 Computer Processing Operator计算机处理操作员Computer System Manager计算机系统部经理 Copywriter广告文字撰稿人 Deputy General Manager副总经理 Economic Research Assistant经济研究助理 Electrical Engineer电气工程师 Engineering Technician工程技术员 English Instructor/Teacher英语教师 Export Sales Manager外销部经理 Export Sales Staff外销部职员 Financial Controller财务主任 Financial Reporter财务报告人 F.X.(Foreign Exchange)Clerk外汇部职员 F.X.Settlement Clerk外汇部核算员 Fund Manager财务经理 General Auditor审计长 General Manager/President总经理

房地产信息管理系统的设计与实现 外文翻译

本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 译文: ASP ASP介绍 你是否对静态HTML网页感到厌倦呢?你是否想要创建动态网页呢?你是否想 要你的网页能够数据库存储呢?如果你回答:“是”,ASP可能会帮你解决。在2002年5月,微软预计世界上的ASP开发者将超过80万。你可能会有一个疑问什么是ASP。不用着急,等你读完这些,你讲会知道ASP是什么,ASP如何工作以及它能为我们做 什么。你准备好了吗?让我们一起去了解ASP。 什么是ASP? ASP为动态服务器网页。微软在1996年12月推出动态服务器网页,版本是3.0。微软公司的正式定义为:“动态服务器网页是一个开放的、编辑自由的应用环境,你可以将HTML、脚本、可重用的元件来创建动态的以及强大的网络基础业务方案。动态服务器网页服务器端脚本,IIS能够以支持Jscript和VBScript。”(2)。换句话说,ASP是微软技术开发的,能使您可以通过脚本如VBScript Jscript的帮助创建动态网站。微软的网站服务器都支持ASP技术并且是免费的。如果你有Window NT4.0服务器安装,你可以下载IIS(互联网信息服务器)3.0或4.0。如果你正在使用的Windows2000,IIS 5.0是它的一个免费的组件。如果你是Windows95/98,你可以下载(个人网络服务器(PWS),这是比IIS小的一个版本,可以从Windows95/98CD中安装,你也可以从微软的网站上免费下载这些产品。 好了,您已经学会了什么是ASP技术,接下来,您将学习ASP文件。它和HTML文 件相同吗?让我们开始研究它吧。 什么是ASP文件? 一个ASP文件和一个HTML文件非常相似,它包含文本,HTML标签以及脚本,这些都在服务器中,广泛用在ASP网页上的脚本语言有2种,分别是VBScript和Jscript,VBScript与Visual Basic非常相似,而Jscript是微软JavaScript的版本。尽管如此,VBScript是ASP默认的脚本语言。另外,这两种脚本语言,只要你安装了ActiveX脚本引擎,你可以使用任意一个,例如PerlScript。 HTML文件和ASP文件的不同点是ASP文件有“.Asp”扩展名。此外,HTML标签和ASP代码的脚本分隔符也不同。一个脚本分隔符,标志着一个单位的开始和结束。HTML标签以小于号(<)开始(>)结束,而ASP以<%开始,%>结束,两者之间是服务端脚本。


工廠常用英語翻譯(機械、模具) 总经理办公室General manager’s office 模具部Tooling department 项目部Project department品质部Quality department计划 部 Plan department 制造部Manufacture department产品部Keypad departmentIMD 产品部 IMD department五金部 Metal stamping department设计科 Design section冲压车间 Stamping workshop电镀车间 Plating workshop物控科 Production material control section 计划 科 Plan section 仓务科 Warehouse section商务科 Business section品质规划科 quality plan section IQC科 IQC sectionIPQC科 IPQC sectionOQC科 OQC section检测中心 measurement center 项目规划科 Project plan section项目XX科 Project section XX试模科 Mold test section成本科 Cost section 设备科 Facility section采购科 Purchase section综合办 General affairs office 编程科 Programming section 模具工程科 Tooling engineering section模具装配车间Mold assembly workshop文控中心 Document control center (DCC)注塑车间Injection workshop喷涂车间 Spray painting workshop装配车间Assembly workshop 总经理General manager (GM)经理managerXX部门经理Manager of XX department 原料库 Raw material warehouse半成品库 Semi-finished product warehouse成品库 Finished product warehouse科长 section chief 主任 chief 部门主管 department head主管, 线长supervisor组长Foreman, forelady秘书secretary 文员clerk操作员operator助理assistant职员staff 陶瓷ceramics合成纤维synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion车架automotive chassis 悬架suspension 转向器redirector 变速器speed changer 板料冲压sheet metal parts 孔加工spot facing machining车间workshop工程技术人员engineer气动夹紧pneuma lock 数学模型mathematical model画法几何descriptive geometry机械制图Mechanical drawing 投影projection视图view 剖视图profile chart 标准件standard component零件图part drawing 装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technical requirements 刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement 截面section 疲劳极限fatigue limit 断裂fracture 塑性变形plastic distortion 脆性材料brittleness material刚度准则rigidity criterion 垫圈washer 垫片spacer直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear 运动简图kinematic sketch齿轮齿条pinion and rack 蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear 虚约束passive constraint曲柄crank摇杆racker凸轮cams 共轭曲线conjugate curve 范成法generation method 定义域definitional domain 值域range 导数\\微分differential coefficient求导derivation 定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral 曲率curvature偏微分partial differential 毛坯rough游标卡尺slide caliper千分尺micrometer calipers 攻丝tap 二阶行列式second order determinant逆矩阵inverse matrix线性方程组linear equations 概率probability 随机变量random variable排列组合permutation and combination 气体状态方程equation of state of gas 动能kinetic energy 势能potential energy 机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy 动量momentum 桁架truss轴线axes余子式cofactor


中华人民共和国税收通用完税证 Universal Certificate for Tax Paying of the People’s Republic of China (20071) 深地完电: 00496405 (20071) SDWD: 00762405 注册类型: Registration type (港澳台商)独资经营企业 Solely invested corporation (by Hong 填发日期: Issuing date: 征收机关: Tax collecting authority: 专用发票的基本联次统一规定为四联, 各联次必须按以下规定用途使用: Special invoices are basically in quaduplicate, as stipulated on a unified basis, and each copy shall be used in accordance with the following provisions

(一) 第一联为存根联, 由销货方留存备查。 (1) The first copy is the "stub copy", which is kept by the seller for reference; (二) 第二联为发票联, 购货方作付款的记帐凭证。 (2) The second copy is the "invoice copy", which is used by the purchaser as payment record for bookkeeping; (三) 第三联为税款抵扣联, 购货方作扣税凭证。 (3) The third copy is the "credit copy", which is used by the purchaser as a certificate for claiming input tax credit; and (四) 第四联为记帐联, 销货方作销售的记帐凭证。 (4) The fourth copy is the "bookkeeping copy ", which is used by the seller as sales record for bookkeeping. 国家税务总局 State Administration of Taxation 票证监制章Seal for supervising manufacture of the certificates


英文译文 学生信息管理系统的设计与发展 随着信息技术的日新月异,各种管理系统的相继出现,让日常生活变的更加具有条理化, 尽可能的合理的运用网络资源可以大大的减少人工管理上带来的不 便及时间的浪费. 二十一世纪现代化程度的不断加速,科学文化水平的不断提高,学生数量的急剧增长,势必增加了管理学生信息带来的压力,人工检索的低效完全不符合整个社会的需要.学生信息管理系统是信息管理系统中的一种,目前信息技术不断的发展,网络技术已经广泛的应用于我们身边的各行各业,有了网络技术的发展,各高校都利用计算机来管理办学,以前学校靠手工操作的一切繁琐事情都得到了快速且高效率的解决,特别是学生成绩管理系统在学校中起到了很大的作用,对于学生和教师来说都能够更方便、快捷、准确地了解和管理各方面信息。 采用人工管理庞大的数据库是一项繁重枯燥的工作,无论是数据录入,查询还是修改都存在着工作量大,效率低下,周期长的缺点。而计算机管理系统的引进将给人工管理数据库的工作带来一次彻底的变革。学校由于学生众多,学生数据信息库庞大,使信息的管理成为了一个复杂繁琐的工作。本系统针对学校,经过实际的需求分析,采用功能强大的VB6.0作为开发工具来开发学生信息管理系统。整个系统从符合操作简便,界面美观、灵活、实用的要求出发,完成学生信息管理的全过程,包括系统管理、基本信息管理、学习管理、奖惩管理和打印报表等功能。经过使用证明,本文所设计的学生信息管理系统可以满足学校对学生信息管理方面的需要。论文主要介绍了本课题的开发背景,所要完成的功能和开发的过程。重点的说明了系统设计的重点、开发设计思想、难点技术和解决方案。学生管理系统的产生大大减少了人力上的不便,让整个学生数据管理更加科学合理。本系统最有特色的地方就是后台数据库对学生信息的统一管理。该系统主要分为系统管理,学生专业管理,学生档案管理,学费管理,课程管理,成绩管理和打印报表。系统的界面是运用vb软件制作的,以上几个模块都是运用vb 控件绑定的方法来实现对后台数据库的连接,后台数据库大概分为以下几个表:专业信息表,收费类别表,学生职务表,学生信息表,学生政治面貌表,用户登入表。采用Client/Server结构进行设计,本系统是在由一台数据服务器和若干台

2019-国税完税证明-范文word版 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! == 国税完税证明 国税完税证明 个人独资企业注销后想更名为注册公司,手续怎么办啊 首先,你向国、地两个主管税务机关(如果你公司涉及的所有税在一个局的话,另论)申请开具一个完税证明。先咨询一下税务机关需要哪些税、哪几个纳税年度的完税证明。然后找你的专管员商量一下,以税务机关的名义写一个完税证明。现实中本人遇过这种情况,本来是税务机关写的,他们太懒,叫我自己写得了。写好后,找你的专管员审查一下,看措词行不行,之后再找你专管员把你完税证明上所属纳税年度缴纳税款的台账打印出来。 接着,嘴甜一点,麻烦你专管员带着你去加盖一个税务局的公章(我这里说的是局里的章,不是什么所、什么征收分局之类的章,因为局章才有说服力),可以的话,把你完税的台账按年装订,也盖上税务局的公章。如果税务局另有要求的话,你还有需要把各年度的缴款书逐一复印下来,以作你公司的原始完税证明。 这样子就可以对外发生证明效力了。 为了优化纳税服务,增强社会公众纳税意识,进一步提升个人所得税征收管理质量,根据纳税人的普遍要求,经研究,决定从201X年1月1日起,试行由税务机关按年向扣缴义务人实行了明细申报后的个人所得税纳税人开具《中华人民共和国个人所得税完税证明》(以下简称完税证明)。现将有关事项通知如下: 一、统一思想,充分认识加强开具完税证明工作的意义

由税务机关统一向个人所得税纳税人开具完税证明,是“聚财为国,执法 为民”宗旨的具体体现,符合国际惯例和我国个人所得税完税凭证管理工作的 发展方向。它不仅是税法的要求,也是衡量税务部门税收管理水平的标志,更 是保障纳税人合法权利的需要,其意义重大:一是可以将“聚财为国,执法为民”的宗旨落实到具体工作中,优化纳税服务、树立税务机关良好形象;二是可以贴近纳税人,满足纳税人实际需求,促进税法知识的普及,同时可以增强公 众纳税意识,培养公民依法纳税的责任感和自豪感;三是可以推动全员全额管理工作,加强对扣缴义务人扣缴情况和纳税人纳税情况的交叉稽核和监管,从而 提升个人所得税征收管理水平;四是可以为下一步深化税制改革,向综合与分类相结合的税制过渡奠定基础;五是可以为建立和完善全国征信体系打下基矗因此,各级税务机关务必对此项工作高度重视,加强领导,明确责任,积极创造条件,确保税务机关试行为纳税人开具个人所得税完税证明工作的顺利进行。 二、关于试行开具完税证明的范围 鉴于目前给所有个人所得税纳税人开具完税证明的条件尚不成熟,从 201X年1月1日起,税务机关应区别以下情况,给纳税人分别开具完税证明: (一)对实行了扣缴义务人明细申报、信息化程度较好的地区,以及纳入重 点管理的纳税人,无论扣缴义务人是否给纳税人开具代扣代收税款凭证,以及 纳税人是否提出要求,税务机关均应根据系统内掌握的扣缴义务人明细申报信 息和其他涉税信息,汇总纳税人全年个人所得税纳税情况,经核实后,于年度 终了3个月内,为每一个纳税人按其上年实际缴纳的个人所得税额开具一张完 税证明。? 纳税人在年度中间因出国、向境外转移财产、对外投资等原因需要完税证 明并向税务机关提出要求的,经税务机关核实后,开具其相应期间实际缴纳个 人所得税款的完税证明。? (二)虽实行了扣缴义务人明细申报,但信息化条件暂不具备的地区,纳税 人向税务机关提出开具完税证明要求的,须提供合法身份证明和有关已扣(缴) 税款凭证,经税务机关核实后,开具其相应期间实际缴纳个人所得税款的完税 证明。 三、关于完税证明的式样


各种职位的英文翻译 qa 是英文 quality assurance 的简称,中文含义是质量保证; qc 是英文 quality control 的简称,中文含义是质量控 制。 IPQC 是过程检验工程师 JQE 是品质工程师 DQA 是设计品保工程师 SQE 共货商管理工程师 Administration( 行政部分) 行政主管 File Clerk 档案管理员 行政助理 Office Manager 办公室经理 行政秘书 Receptionist 接待员 办公室文员 Secretary 秘书 Inventory Control Analyst 存货控制分析 Staff Assistant 助理 Mail Room Supervisor 信件中心管理员 Stenographer 速记员 Order Entry Clerk 订单输入文员 Telephone Operator 电话操作 员 Shipping/Receiving Expediter 收发督导员 Ticket Agent 票务代理 Vice-President of Administration 行政副总裁 Typist 打字员 Executive and Managerial( 管理部分 ) Retail Store Manager 零售店经理 Food Service Manager 食品服务经理 Executive Marketing Director 市场行政总监 HMO Administrator 医疗保险管理 Assistant Store Manager 商店经理助理 Operations Manager 操作经理 Assistant Vice-President 副总裁助理 Production Manager 生产经理 Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行官 Property Manager 房地产经理 Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官 Branch Manager 部门经理 Controller(International) 国际监管 Claims Examiner 主考官 Director of Operations 运营总监 Controller(General) 管理员 Field Assurance Coordinator 土地担保协调员 General Manager 总经理 Management Consultant 管理顾问 District Manager 市区经理 Hospital Administrator 医院管理 President 总统 Import/Export Manager 进出口经理 Product Manager 产品经理 Insurance Claims Controller 保险认领管理员 Program Manager 程序管理经理 Insurance Coordinator 保险协调员 Project Manager 项目经理 Inventory Control Manager 库存管理经理 Regional Manager 区域经理 Manager(Non-Profit and Charities) 非盈利性慈善机构管理 Service Manager 服务经理 Manufacturing Manager 制造业经理 Vending Manager 售买经理 Telecommunications Manager 电信业经理 Vice-President 副总裁 Transportation Manager 运输经理 Warehouse Manager 仓库经理 Education and Library Science( 教育部分 ) Daycare Worker 保育员 ESL Teacher 第二外语教师 Developmental Educator 发展教育家 Head Teacher 高级教师 Foreign Language Teacher 外语教师 Librarian 图书管理员 Guidance Counselor 指导顾问 Music Teacher 音乐教师 Library Technician 图书管理员 Nanny 保姆 Physical Education Teacher 物理教师 Principal 校长 School Psychologist 心理咨询教师 Teacher 教师 Special Needs Educator 特种教育家 Teacher Aide 助理教师 Art Instructor 艺术教师 Computer Teacher 计算机教师 College Professor 大学教授 Coach 教练员 Assistant Dean of Students 助理训导长 Archivist 案卷保管员 Vocational Counselor 职业顾问 Tutor 家教、辅导教师 Auditor 审计师 Accountant 会计员,会计师 Administration Assistant 行政助理 Administrator 行政主管 Assistant Manager 副经理 Assistant Production Manager 副厂长 Business Manager 业务经理 Cashier 出纳员 Chief Accountant 总会计主任 Chief Engineer 总工程师 Civil Engineer 土木工程师 Clerk 文员(文书) Director 董事 Electrical Engineer 电气工程师 Executive Director 行政董事 Executive Secretary 行政秘书 Financial Controller 财务总监 Foreman 领班,组长 General manager 总经理 Junior clerk 低级文员(低级职员) Manager 经理 Marketing Executive 市场部主任 Marketing Manager 市场部经理 Marketing Officer 市场部办公室主任 Mechanical Engineer 机械工程师 Merchandiser 买手(商人) Messenger 信差(邮递员) Office Assistant 写字楼助理(办事员) Administrative Director Executive Assistant Executive Secretary General Office Clerk
