




口语考试的试卷分为三个部分:即Directions, Topic和Questions for reference。Directions是对口语考试这一部分总体要求,每次考试Directions都是一样的,所以大家要先熟悉一下Directions的内容,这样在拿到口语考卷时,就可以将时间和精力都投入到准备Topic presentation中去。

Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 3 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiner during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with“My name is …””My registration number is …”.


1)养成Reading aloud的习惯;



4)养成多读报刊杂志的习惯,扩大自己的知识面,不仅要know how to speak,而且要know what to speak;



Topic: Online-game Industry and Virtual Property Rights

Questions for reference:

1.Do you or your friends play online games? What are the advantages and /or

disadvantages of playing online games?

2.In computing language, virtual reality refers to computer-generated simulation of

an image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way. Would you enjoy living in this way? Why or why not?

3.Should virtual property bought online be treated as material goods? If such

“property” is stolen, should it be protected by law? Who should be responsible for its protection?

4.Is virtual goods legal or just play-play? Give your reasons and cite examples to

illustrate you point.

Topic: People under Competition Pressure

Questions for reference:

1.Because of the work-related stress, Chinese professionals often have a shorter life

expectancy than the national average. Specify these professionals and cite

examples to illustrate your point.

2.Students are also under pressure. List examples of study-related stress.

3.Where and how do you think stress of this type comes from?

4.What can we do to cope with such work-related or study-related stress?

News Report:

Yan Caihong, a university teacher in Shanghai, died of lung cancer in March at the age of 57. Yan was quite popular with students for his high-quality teaching. One of his courses got surprising marks from students in an on-line evaluation system. Many regard him as the best teacher they had ever had. Three days after his death, the bulletin board system of the university posted more than 1000 memorial articles written by students. Yan was strict with writing academic papers. As a result, without publishing any academic papers, Yan was only a lecturer when he died. Recently, Yan’s story has triggered a debate over the way China evaluates its teachers.

Topic: How Shall We Define a Qualified Teacher?

Questions for reference:

1.What is your comment about the duty and performance of the university lecturers?

2.What are your criteria of a qualified university teacher? Which is more important:

the competence of teaching or the competence of academic research? Give your reasons.

3.How do you think about today’s academic rank assessment system in universities

in China? And why?

News report:

Interrupting teachers and drinking water in class, going to the bathroom during class and choosing which classmate to sit next to are all generally against class rules in China. But at one primary school in Shanghai, this behavior is now accepted as one of the class rights.

Topic: Is It Ok to Answer Mobile Phone Calls in Class?

Questions for reference:

1.Nowadays, many students own mobile phones, what should they do if someone

calls during their classes?

2.What are the student’s rights in class? Can they include talking in class, dozing or

falling into a sleep in class or drinking and eating in class? Why or why not?

3.Give a list of necessary conditions for the best classroom-teaching environment. Topic: Life-long Education and the Learning Society

Questions for reference:

1.Which is more important to your career, school education or social education?

Give reasons for your points.

2.What are the best means of life-long education? List ways of pursuing one’s

further and continuing education and compare their advantages and /or disadvantages.

3.What is the primary purpose in one’s life-long education?

4.What subjects are essential in one’s further and continuing education? Give your


Topic: Should Young Students Sacrifice Their Lives to Deal With an Emergency or Crisis?

Questions for reference:

1.People, including young primary or secondary school students, have been

encouraged to fight back against crime or natural disaster in a selfless manner.

Can you cite any such heroes or heroines in China? What should we learn from them?

2.Now in Beijing and some other cities, the education departments have deleted the

rules that encourage young students to sacrifice their lives to deal with an emergency and crisis, it is remarked that this measure is to strengthen the self-protection awareness of students under 18. What do you think of this change?

3.What would you do if you were under 18 and were faced with an emergency or a

fierce criminal?

Topic: Pros and Cons: Bilingual Education in China

Questions for reference:

1.How is the term “bilingual education”defined in China? What is your

understanding of bilingual education?

2.What are the advantages and /or disadvantages of providing bilingual education in

big cities or more developed areas in China?

3.Why do we learn foreign languages? What benefits or privileges can we enjoy

from “bilingual education” in our school?

Topic: What Would You Like to Be: an Employee of a Privately Owned Company or a State-owned Enterprise

Questions for reference:

1.What are the differences between being an employee of a privately owned

company and of a state-owned enterprise? What are the major differences between the two types of enterprises?

2.What are the advantages and /or disadvantages of being employed by a privately

owned enterprise?

3.Can the two types of enterprises learn from each other? What can be learned?

Topic: Is Learning English a Ticket to Success and Wealth?

Questions for reference:

1.Can English skills play a decisive role in the income levels of professionals? What

is the significance of English proficiency in China’s urban employment market? 2.What English levels are required for Chinese people in their different careers and


3.Is it necessary to test the candidates’ English ability in academic or administrative

promotions? Give reasons for your answer.

Topic: University Students Volunteering to Work in China’s Western Regions Questions for reference:

1.Could you say something about the living and working conditions in West China?

2.What can we university graduates do to promote the development of those

relatively under-developed areas?

3.Do you know of any friends and / or schoolmates who are working or have

worked there? Tell something about them.

Other topics include: Shadow of Water Shortage, Build a More Harmonious Society, etc.









Part I. E-C Interpretation

1) A seminar speech about financial investment and money management:

accumulation and management of wealth, manager their riches, buying government bonds as a kind of investment, invest in bonds, at maturity, interest rates;

2)The development of information technology: seize competitive advantage,

networking technology, the internet population; I have a firm conviction that…, transformational technologies;

3)Sleep study: alternate between two kinds of sleep, active sleep and passive sleep,

dream cycles;

4)Can money buy happiness? Financial fitness and feeling fantastic, being

relatively well-off, afford life’s necessities;

5)Advertisement: particularly vulnerable, the prime targets of many advertisements,

pervasive and persuasive, ironically, femininity or masculinity;

6) A ceremonial speech:celebrate the achievements of our colleagues, excel in

educating students, faculty members, heart and soul;

7) A ceremonial speech: a visit to China

8)American’s attitude towards time

9)Examination-oriented education

10)A speech delivered by an American visiting Shanghai

11)Study at Stanford University:Western Philosophy, intellectual process, the

richness of its gifts and the wealth of its possibilities;

12)A person’s understanding of happiness.

Part II. C-E Interpretation
















突然想到9月中我也该考中口了...再不开始准备就太对不起这个暑假了~ 麦刀终于开始学术了~ 考试分两个阶段:笔试、口试 笔试共分四部分。总考试时间为150分钟,满分为250分。(150分合格) 1: 听力40分钟/90分; 2:阅读50分钟/60分; 3:英译汉30分钟/50分; 4:汉译英30分钟/50分。 凡第一阶段合格的考生方可参加第二阶段口试 5. 第二阶段口试共分两部分:口语与口译。考试时间为25分钟左右 6. 每年的3月、9月进行笔试,笔试后1个月左右进行口试。 考试时间安排 笔试:全程考试时间为150分钟,中间不收试卷,其中听力部分考试时间为45分钟(Section 1),阅读部分时间为45分钟(Section 2),翻译部分时间为60分钟(Section 3&Section 4)。 以下为笔试详细流程: 时间考试流程 13:30 考生可以入场 13:40 考考官宣读考生须知,并发布考试试卷及答题纸;考生调试收音机频道,确认收听频率 14:00 考试正式开始,电台开始播放录音 14:00—14:45 考生做Section1 听力部分听力部分时间为45分钟 14:45—15:30 考生做Section2 阅读部分阅读部分时间为45分钟

15:30—16:30 考生做Section3和Section4 翻译部分 翻译部分时间为60分钟 16:30 全部考试结束,考官收回全部试卷和答题纸 这张表格很重要! 科目 时间长度 题目 类型 建议 听力(2: 00开 始,共约45分 钟) 约5分 钟 Part A: Q1-Q20 Spot Dictation 预读:大意、接近的空格、长词、题号顺序 检查:名词、动词单复数、词性、拼写 约25分 钟 Part B: Q1-Q10 Statements 预读选项:话题-高频词、词组; 考点-句子成分差异处 Part B: Q11-Q30 Talks And Conversations 预读选项(同上); 听题:程度副词、转折词、观点 约15分 钟 Part C: Listening And Translation Sentence Translation (5句) 笔记:数字+并 列信息 笔头:常识补充, 务必成句 Passage Translation (2段) 笔记:框架+数字+并列信息 笔头:常识补充,务必成段 阅读(2: 45-3:30) 约45分 钟 Section 2:Q1-30 选择题 先做翻译、后做阅读、先看问题、判断话题、预测结构、估估难易、先易后难 翻译(3: 30-4:30) 30分钟 Section 3 第一篇 英译汉 认真阅读;先视译再下笔;语句流畅;断句为先;遇难词看上下文;


2019年英语中级口译考试汉译英必备篇(5) 香港中文大学,简称“中大”,成立于1963年。中大是一所研究型综合大学,以“结合传统与现代,融汇中国与西方”为创校使命。//40多年来,中大一直致力于弘扬中华传统文化,坚持双语教育,并推行独特的书院制度,在香港教育界卓不过立。中大校园占地 134 公顷,是世界上最美丽的校园之一。//中大的师生来自世界各地。有教职员工 5200多人,近万名本科生、约2000多名研究生,其中约2500多人来自45个不同的国家和地区。//中大实行灵活的学分制,不但有助于培养有专有博的人才,而且还赋予学生更大的学习自主权。中大的多元教育有助于充分发挥每一个学生的潜能。// The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK for short, was founded in 1963. It is a research-oriented comprehensive university with a mission to combine tradition with modernity and bring together China and the West.//For more than 40 years, we have been distinguished from other local universities by virtue of our rich Chinese cultural heritage, bilingual education, and our unique college system. s 134-hectare campus is one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.//CUHK’ s fa culty and students come from all corners of the world. It has more than 5200 staff members,approximately 10,000 undergraduates, and 2000 postgraduate students. Of these students, some 2,500 are from 45 countries and regions outside Hong Kong.//The flexible credit unit system allows a balance between depth with breadth, and a high degree of free choice of students in designing their own learning. The multi-faceted education at CUHK helps to bring out the best in every student.//



整体思路 一句话概括口译听力训练“听得懂、记得住、写得快” 听得懂 复习思路:听力有效词汇量,熟悉背景知识及常考套路,适应各类发音现象 练习内容:VOA,BBC标准语速及类似难度的听抄与跟读练习,昂立教师博客听抄练习,高级口译笔试听力Q6-10新闻题听抄练习 记得住 复习思路:个人笔记习惯训练,属于自己的笔记符号,以复述强化短期记忆 练习内容: *0709-030910套真题中的SpotDictation+Sentence/PassageTranslation(中级包括statements,高级包括Note-TakingandGap-Filling) *听力教程(Statements+非对话类的篇章+Sentence/PassageTranslation)(中级包括statements) *昂立版预测试卷(8套) 写得快 复习思路:强化“在规定时间内写下想表达的大意”,熟练,果断 专项练习 SpotDictation 复习思路:记录单词快速、准确、精炼,熟悉自己的书写习惯,快速誊写

练习内容:真题(10),昂立版预测试卷(8),听力教程(12/16) 评分标准:20题,每题分,共计30分。只对名、动、形、副词直接扣分,其余错误作标记,统一酌情扣1-3分 17%oftheemployees分) 请对以下答案模拟打分: 卷面回答一:70%oftheemployees 卷面回答二:17%ofemployee 卷面回答三:17%oftheemployers 保底分数:70%,21分 潜力指数:★★★★ 重要性指数:★★★★ 对三类单词的不同处理 本身难度较大的词 syntheticfertilizers,lucrative,discernable,obsolete,dismantling不妨放弃 发音带来难度的词processedfood,frostresistant,safeforhumanconsumption 通读补全 常考的核心词 communication,unconsciously,cooperation,satisfaction,relationship熟练书写 对考试难度的正确理解:以0703中级真题的部分答案为例 atfault coverup


——参考范本—— 【资格考试】2019最新整理-中级口译听力试题分析 ______年______月______日 ____________________部门

纵观本次3.19中级口译考试听力部分,难度基本与05年9月持平,低于最难的05年3月试题。文章体裁虽呈多元化趋势,但即使略 有难度的金融类(如ATM取款机)、商务类(如工作午餐)、教育类(如继续教育)却都与生活息息相关,广大考生也可得心应手。 Spot-dictation几乎没有超出六级范围的词汇,因此对大多数考 生来说生词不是难点,相反一些其它的因素制约了我们得到满分的几率。比如由于在考场的紧张情绪而没有能够按照预定的计划在听写之 前进行抢读,导致不能进行有效预测,部分空格多填或少填单词而造 成失分。 针对Statement部分,相对以往,原句长度略微有所增加,但并 没有如托福考试那样出现中国考生不熟悉的本土化词组搭配;同时转 折题型多次出现,对于这样的考点,我们在培训过程中已有应对准备,考生通过反复操练已经形成了对“but”的条件反射;另外,因果题、 观点题也有明显引导词,只要听时注意句子的重心所在,题目也就能 迎刃而解。此外,本次考试第三题后半句“There goes my social life”也是此次听力照搬《中级听力教程(第二版)》(P.404,sample test 5, statement第二句)原文的情况了,如此一来,原先,面对与教材多处雷同的听力考试,很多同学会走只不听听力、只看 tape script的捷径,现今,这样的窍门已经不再适用,当下中级口译听力明显关注实际听力能力的考察,因此通过课堂上的大量练习、提 高实力还是重中之重。 对于Talks & Conversations的解题,并不存在有意设置的难点。细节题相当平实,有些与托福相似,可以利用特定场景的特定思路来


9月中级口译真题+参考答案(4) Questions 16-20 We are moving inexorably into the age of automation. Our aim is not to devise a mechanism which can perform a thousand different actions of any individual man but, on the contrary, one which could by a single action replace a thousand men. Industrial automation has moved along three lines. First there is the conveyor belt system of continuous production whereby separate operations are linked into a single sequence. The goods produced by this well-established method are untouched by the worker, and the machine replaces both unskilled and semiskilled. Secondly, there is automation with feedback control of the quality of the product: here mechanisms are built into the system which can compare the output with a norm, that is, the actual product with what it is supposed to be, and then correct any shortcomings. The entire cycle of operations dispenses with human control except in so far as monitors are concerned. One or two examples of this type of automation will illustrate its immense possibilities. There is a factory in the U.S.A. which makes 1,000 million electric light bulbs a year, and the factory employs three hundred people. If the preautomation techniques were to be employed, the labour force required would leap to 25,000. A motor manufacturing company with 45,000 spare parts regulates their entire supply entirely by computer. Computers can be entrusted with most of the supervision of industrial installations, such as chemical plants or oil refineries. Thirdly, there is computer automation, for banks, accounting departments, insurance companies and the like. Here the essential features are the recording, storing, sorting and retrieval of information. The principal merit of modern computing machines is the achievement of their


2001.9 上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 参考答案: SECTION 1:LISTENING TEST Part A: Spot Dictation 1. human relationship 11. cover up 2. sum up 12. intend to do 3. in office 13. their feelings or intentions 4. find out 14. automatically 5. know them better 15. telephone number 6. looking and listening 16. stand or speak 7. behavior and actions 17. more time together 8. ignore 18. share more 9. the way he speaks 19. deeper and stronger 10. afraid to show 20. what we hear Part B: listening Comprehension 1—5 B D C DD 6—10 C B D A D 11—15 D B C CD 16—20 B BA B A 21—25 C CA D B 22—30 C B D DA Part C: Listening and translation Ⅰ. sentence Translation 1. 老年人口的数量在急剧增加,原因是人们比过去更加长寿。这在发达国家更是如此。 2. 在我们造出产品和提供服务,可以改善我们生活条件的同时,我们可能会毁坏自然资源和环境。 3. 根据我们的记者报道,加拿大北部下了大雪。许多道路被封闭,交通严重堵塞。 4. 在苏格兰,又发生了一场火车事故。四人死亡,至少有十人受伤。相当数量的火车误点。 5. 我们的家庭和社会更加强盛。犯罪率是25年以来最低的。而且,700万以上的美国人摆脱了贫困。 Ⅱ. Passage Translation Passage 1 我们与中国同行刚刚签下一份新的合同。我们认为这份新的贸易协议会给欧洲的农民、制造业主和服务行业带来数以百万元计的销售额,尤其是食品和饮料业。然而,来自欧洲产品的强力竞争会导致中国方面的人员失业,特别是在国有企业内。 Passage 2 在英国,教师们担忧在不久的将来,他们可能会无法进行教学,除非采取措施,恢复课堂上的纪律。在许多学校,一小部分青少年学生调皮捣蛋,完全不受管束。结果是,教师无法把课教好。课堂比足球场还要嘈杂,上课已完全失去其教育开导、令人欢愉的体验。 SECTION 2:STUDY SKILLS 1—5 D B C CB 6—10 C B C CD 11—15 C A C B D 16—20 C B D BB


1997.9 上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 参考答案: SECTION1:LISTENING TEST Part A: Spot Diction 1. feel healthy 2. content 3. on average 4. six minutes 5. laugh more 6. 400 times 7. adulthood 8. growing up 9. effects of laughter 10. blood and stomach 11. physical exercises 12. facial and stomach 13. jogging 14. pain relief 15. forty university students 16. funny cassette 17. intended to relax 18. tolerate the discomfort 19. humour 20. immune system Part B: Listening Comprehension 1-5 B D C A D 6-10 D D C B B 11-15 B D A A C 16-20 D A B A D 21-25 B D C A C 26-30 D A C B C Part C: Listening and Translation Ⅰ.Sentence Translation 1.这类独特的酒被认为是世界上最好的一种酒。 2.由于他打算扩店,他开价要买下隔壁的房产。 3.我再也不准备容忍你的无能。你被开除了。 4.会上有人提议在委员会里应该有一位教工代表。 5.“广告”这个词最简单的涵义就是“让某事物引起他人注意”。或者“将某事物告知某人”。 Ⅱ.Passage Translation 1. 请各位注意,图书馆马上就要关门了。请把参考书放回原处,如果要外借备用书籍以 便当夜使用,现在可以办理(手续),多谢各位合作。 2. 30年前,我还是个小孩子的时候,我父亲曾安排我去乡下一个农场过了两个暑假。他 认为那对我有好处,他是对的。那使我懂得了不少有关自立的重要意义。那地方非常偏僻,农场主的地位当时肯定已是二十出头的女儿说她从未离开过家门,也未见过火车。


上海中级口译考试怎样准备? 中口考试分为两阶段。第一阶段笔试,一般在每年3月和9月中旬周日下午,时间150分钟,总分250分。共分四部分: 第一部分听力90分,分为三部分,均为30分。Part A是复合式听写,20个空,跟四六级考试有点类似,但区别在于全文只能听一遍,每个空要填2-4个单词,语速大约130词/分。Part B是听力理解,包括单句理解,长对话和短文。单句理解就是从四个选项中找出和所听到的句子意思最接近的一个,长对话和短文与四六级差不多。Part C是听译,分为单句听译和篇章听译,都是英译汉,即听力放英语句子和文章,然后留出一段时间,考生写出汉语翻译。 第二部分阅读60分,六篇文章,每篇文章后5个选择题。 第三部分英译汉50分,第四部分汉译英50分,要求考生不借助任何词典、参考资料和其它媒介,将一篇长度为180个单词(汉字)左右的英(汉)语文章段落译成汉(英)语。译文需忠实原文的意思,且语言通顺,符合译语规范。 合格为150分。凡第一阶段合格的考生方可参加第二阶段口试。笔试成绩两年内有效,即笔试通过后可以参加四次口试,只要任何一次通过即可拿到口译证书。 第二阶段口试,每年5月和11月,共分两部分:口语与口译。口语部分要求考生就指定话题作三分钟左右的命题发言,话题后面有三个提示问题,但不要求一定要按照问题阐述观点。考生拿到口语试题后有五分钟的准备时间。口译分英译汉和汉译英两部分,每部分均要求口译主题各不相同的两个段落。各两段,每段四断,每断两或三句,每断单独评分。答对11句及以上可以通过。 考生只有在通过笔试和口试两个阶段以后才能获得《上海市英语中级口译岗位资格证书》。考试的指定培训教材:《中级听力教程》(周国强编著),《中级阅读教程》(陈汉生编著),《中级翻译教程》(孙万彪、冯慎宇编著),《中级口语教程》(严诚忠、朱妙南编著),《中级口译教程》(梅德明编著),均由上海外语教育出版社出版。听力和口译教程配有磁带,mp3网上可以下载到。 推荐参考书:《中级口译真题解析》,同济大学出版社,内有八套真题并配有详细解析,必买;新东方口试考试培训班指定辅导用书系列,汪海涛、邱政政主编,世界图书出版公司,一套四本,中口用到《词汇必备》,《口试备考精要》和《中口笔试备考精要》三本;《英语中级口译实用教程》,康志峰主编,华东理工大学出版社;《英语中高级口译笔试冲刺》和《口试导考》,都是谭宝泉编著,前者是上海译文出版社,后者是东华大学出版社;《实战口译》,(英)林超伦编著,外语教学与研究出版社,讲口译速记符号的。 考试准备 1.背单词 单词是肯定要背的。口译的准备一般从寒假开始,这时离你四六级考试或英语期末考试结束已经有一段时间了,背单词可以唤醒你丧失的英语记忆。而且上面也提到口译单词涉及到诸多方面,其中绝大部分都是具有中国特色、与我国现阶段国情紧密相关的,社会实用性很强,这些都是大学英语教学所欠缺的。有些单词你可能以前都没有接触过,通过背单词,可以初步了解口译考试的考点。 我用的是新东方的《中/高级口译考试词汇必备》,这也是迄今为止我所知道的最好的口译单词书。它打破了单词书按字母顺序编写的常规,将口译常用单词和词组分为若干类,既有英译中,也有中译英,充分考虑了口译的双向性。所选内容除了来自教程外,还参考了国内外多种资料和媒体,很多翻译(特别是对外口径)都是“权威”表达。 背单词点到为止,千万不要花太多时间,毕竟考试不是考默写单词。另外这本单词书有不少

2014年9月中级口译真题:听力(Listening and Translation)

2014年9月中级口译真题:听力(Listening and Translation) 第一部分听力(原文和解析) SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (45 minutes) Part C: Listening and Translation I. Sentence Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. 1.People used to believe that to be healthy, they had to eat a lot of meat. Today, we eat more whole grain food, like bread and rice. Fruit and vegetable are also important. 2.The most important purpose of getting an education is to prepare us either for our future work and careers or for living a full life. 3.When you talk to people, don’t just focus on their words. Take note of their body language, voice tones and expressions. These will tell you more about the people you are talking with. 4.In British businesses, it is considered poor practice for employees to exhibit emotion on the job. Indeed, most British people find public displays of emotion, especially anger, offensive. 5.In America, you must be at least 16 years old to have your driver’s license. If you are 15, you may have a learner’s permit, which means you can only drive with an adult driver. II. Passage Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE.After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening. 21.North America is an interesting continent. There are many types of landforms, such as mountains and deserts. There are also great rivers and lakes. There are still many wide-open spaces. But there are crowded cities, too, for example, New York and Toronto. The United States and Mexico are part of North America. Canada is also in North America, and it is the biggest of


9月中级口译考试答案解析(完整版) Spot Dictation In America there are no nobles or men of letters, and the common folk mistrust the wealthy; Consequently lawyers form the highest political class and the most cultivated circle of society. They have therefore nothing to gain by innovation, which adds a conservative interest to their natural taste for public order. If I were asked where I place the American aristocracy, I should reply without hesitation that it is not composed of the rich, who are united together by no common tie, but that it occupies the judicial bench and the bar. When I started researching this topic, I found an interesting website “Legal Reform Now”. As the name suggests, this website is devoted to legal reform and it is definitely concerned about the dominance of lawyers in American government. There I read an article by a political science professor from the university of Wisconsin. One observation the UW article confirms is that the legal profession is the dominant profession of the people re-elect to public office. For example, about half our representatives and two-thirds of our senators are lawyers. No other profession comes close to having the same the number of people in political office. Effectively, lawyers form our nation’s most powerful organized political constituency in America. Lawyers make our laws and lawyers interpret our laws. When judges are appointed, the American bar association is the only professional organization that is consulted to rate the fitness of potential judicial appointees. Our nation has been in existence for over 200 years and lawyers have been this nation’s aristocracy since its formation. Our system works, but do we really want to have a single profession in charge of our nation? Specifically, do we want to have the legal profession in charge? Next time you


历年上海中级口译听力部分录音文稿(97.3 - 08.9) 97.3 SECTION 1:LISTENING TEST Part A: Spot Dictation The development of the Space Shuttle has dramatically reduced the cost of sending loads into space. The Shuttle takes off from Earth like a rocket, and lands again like a huge aircraft. It can transport not only its own crew, but also passengers, and has a huge cargo-hold which is capable of carrying large satellites or a space laboratory. Before the Space Shuttle was created, it was necessary to plan trips into space several years in advance. However, for the rest of the century it should be possible to make space flights every week or so. Any scientist or engineer needing to travel into orbit will simply take the next Shuttle flight, stay as long as necessary, and then return at his or her convenience. It is difficult to imagine the immense opportunities created by the Shuttle. One of the great advantages of having a reusable space vehicle is that it can take one load after another into orbit. Very large space stations could not be launched in their complete form directly from Earth, but they could be built piece by piece in space. The Space Shuttle is likely to be used as a general ―workhorse‖ for the rest of this century, and the building of such stations in orbit should become commonplace. Once these huge orbiting space stations are completed, they are likely to become the platforms from which hundreds of robot space ships could be launched cheaply and easily to explore the solar system and to start mining operations on the Moon. The technology needed for this is already developed and available. And because of commercial and military pressures to develop space technology, it is likely that governments will be increasingly willing to start extensive programs of space engineering, exploration and research. Part B: Listening Comprehension Ⅰ. Statements Question No. 1. Jane remained in London for the summer. Question No. 2. Daniel requested that he be transferred to Tokyo to start a new branch. Question No. 3. According to our correspondent, the rain has flooded several areas of South India. Question No. 4. Jason ran across his former college teacher during a business trip to Chicago. Question No. 5. The plane was due at 9:30, but has been delayed half an hour. Question No. 6. I‘d have bought Smith‘s computer if I had known he was selling it. Question No. 7. Please let me know whether you will come to the meeting or not. Question No. 8. May I suggest Friday for our trip to Hong Kong? Question No. 9. We tried to persuade him not to go to Australia, but in vain. Question No. 10. When they were searching the area, the police all but caught the thieves. Ⅱ. Talks and Conversations Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following announcement. This is the final for Olympic Airways to Athens flight number OA260. Any remaining passengers must go immediately to gate 2 where the flight is now closing. Olympic Airways flight number OA 260 closing now at gate 2. Scandinavian Airlines to Stockholm, flight number Sk528 now boarding at gate 4. Passengers to New York. British Airways regret to advise a delay of 35 minutes on their flight number BA175 to New York. That is a delay of 35 minutes on British Airways flight number BA 175 to New York. Austrian Airlines to Vienna, flight number OS455 now boarding at gate 8. Austrian Airlines flight number OS455 boarding now at gate 8. Question No.11. Where is this announcement most probably made? Question No.12. Which of the following statements is true about a about the Qlympic Airways


上海中级口译考试全攻略(笔试+口试)两周前风尘仆仆地考完中级口译,常有人问我考得怎么样。我的答复总是:美女很多+非常紧张。 在参加考试之前,我常听到两种说法:中级口译太简单了,根本是没用的证,不如去考高口;中级口译太难了,只有高手才能拿到证。这两种说法都没错,对不同英语程度的人来说,中级口译的地位也不尽相同。我当初想到考中级口译并不是为了那一纸证书,因为我对于口译兴趣很小。想到报名完全是为了提高听力。上海交大去年做的一项调查显示,65%的同学认为经过口译训练,听力水平得到了大幅提高。当时我在《外国语》上看到这篇论文,立刻想到通过中级口译提高我可怜的听力。复习之后我还发现,口译对拓宽词汇量尤其是生活词汇作用巨大。 下面我就来谈谈怎么准备中级口译。 首先你需要买中级口译的教材,一共五本《中级听力教程》《中级阅读教程》《中级口语教程》《中级翻译教程》《中级口译教程》,但是,这五本中只需要买三本,那就是《中级翻译教程(第三版)》,《中级听力教程(第3版)》,《中级口译教程(第3版)》,另外两本千万别买,和考试根本没关系,除了这三本,我还推荐买《中级口译真题解析》,《中高级口译口试备考精要(附MP3)--新东方大愚英语学习丛书》,《英语口译资格考试分类词汇精编》。 书买好了,就可以开始准备了。 在准备之前,先确定打算何时考中级口译。中级口译一年两次,一次在3月笔试(同年5月初口试),另一次在9月(同年11月初口试),笔试部分考点较多,可以去上海中级口译官网查找,在哪个城市报名就在哪个城市考笔试,但是你也可以网上报名,网上报名必须在上海考试。注意报名时间:9月的考试在6月报名,3月的考试在12月报名,一定要随时关注官网的通知。 中级口译的笔试满分250分,149.5分以上通过笔试。一旦通过笔试,你就获得了接下来四次参加口试的机会(即两年有效期),我推荐在9月参加笔试,因为暑假时间较多,而寒假有春节的干扰,复习不充分,很多人都会放弃3月的考试。 下面我简要介绍一下中级口译的考试内容及复习方法。 笔试部分共三部分,即听力、阅读和笔译。 听力占90分,包含听写填空,段对话及长对话,听译。 听写填空,英文叫spot dictitation, 给400词左右的文章,抠去20个空,每个空需要填进去

2013年9月中级口译听力真题 Spot Dictation 含解析

2013年9月中级口译听力真题Spot Dictation 含解析 作者:沪江英语来源:沪江英语 2013年秋季上海中高级口译考试于今日9月15日开考,沪江英语在考后第一时间提供真题、解析、答案信息,本文为2013年9月中级口译听力真题Spot Dictation部分,由沪江网校提供。 Spot dictation Next, let's talk about earthquakes on our planet. Some countries have large numbers of earthquakes. Japan is one of them. Others do not have many. For example, there are few earthquakes in Britain. There is often a great noise during an earthquake. The ground vibrates. Houses fall down. Trains run off the lines. Sometimes, there is a heavy loss of human lives. Earthquakes often happen near volcanoes, but this is not always true. The centers of some earthquakes are under the sea. The bottom of the sea suddenly moves. The powerful forces inside the earth break the rocks. The coast is shaken and great waves appear. These waves, also known as seismic waves, or tsunamis can travel long distances and rush over the land when they reach it. They are strong enough to break down houses and other buildings. Very often fires follow the most serious earthquakes. In 1906, the great earthquake at San Francisco broke the gas pipes. The gas escaped, and soon large numbers of fires were burning in the city. The water pipes were also shaken and broken, so it was not possible to put the fires out. There was no water. The Tokyo Earthquake of 1923 happened just before noon. People were cooking meals on their fires at that time. When the ground shook, the fires shook, too. Hot materials were thrown on the different parts of the houses, some of which were made of wood. Soon 134 fires were burning in the city. What kind of building stands up best in an earthquake? A building with concrete walls is perhaps the best. A steel frame will make it even stronger.
