

Example Questio nn aire

Following these simple rules can help you make a questionnaire that is easier for people to complete.

1. Try to keep the questionnaire on one sheet: this will help you, and the pers

on giving the an swers.

2. Phrase the questions as you would say them if talking naturally to some one.

3. Keep a count of peoples answers alongside the question using tally marks:

count up after exercise.

A quick example of using tally marks to count answers:

10. Do you think other people would use the service

Yes f轴丨


Here is an example of a full questionnaire using our simple rules:

Questi onn aire -

Curre nt Facilities & Prefere nces

1. Do you use fast-food services in the area



2. Which fast-food services do you use (if any)

a) Kebab

b) San dwiches

c) Hotdog

d) Pizza

e) Hamburger

f) Fish & Chips

g) Other (Ch in ese , In dia n, Italia n …)

h) No ne

3. What type of fast food do you prefer

a) Hamburger

b) Pizza

c) Hotdog

d) Fish & Chips

e) Kebab

f) San dwiches

g) Other (Ch in ese, In dia n, Italia n …)

h) No ne

4. What type of fast-food services are in the area

a) Hotdog

b) Hamburger

c) Pizza

d) Fish & Chips

e) Kebab

f) San dwiches

g) Other (Ch in ese, In dia n, Italia n …)

h) No ne

Customer Trends

5. What else do you buy whe n purchas ing fast food

a) carb on ated (fizzy) drinks

b) coffee, tea

c) Other

6. What time of day do you eat fast-food

a) Before 11am

b) Betwee n 11am and 2pm

c) Betwee n 2pm and 6pm

d) Betwee n 6pm and 10pm

e) After 10pm

7. How ofte n do you use fast-food services

a) Once a week

b) Twice a week

c) Once a mon th

d) Once a year

e) Other

Need for & Access to Product/Service

8. How much are you prepared to pay for fast-food

a) Less tha n £ 1

b) Betwee n £ 1 - £ 3

c) Over £ 3

9. Would you buy from my new stall



10. Do you think other people would use the service



11. How far do you live from the stall

a) Less tha n half-a-mile

b) Half-a-mile to two-miles

c) Over two-miles

12. How ofte n do you pass the stall( 货摊)

a) Every day

b) Twice a week

c) Once a week

d) Once every two-weeks

e) Once a month

f) Less freque nt

g) Usually, n ever

13. Your age group (Enter ‘ M for male, and ‘ F' for fe


a) Up to 18

b) Betwee n 18 and 30

c) Between 30 and 50

d) Over 50


Nowadays, there’re more and more students become “employee class” . In order to understand this phenomenon deeply, we make a thorough investigation about it. 1.Your gender:* A Male B Female 2. What year are you in? * A Freshman year B Sophomore year C Junior year D Senior year 3 Your living expenses in each month (yuan)* A <500 B 500-1000 C1000-1500 D >1500 4 Main source of income A. Family B The aid of society or student loan. C Part-work and part-study system D Scholarship 5. Do you have any experience of doing part time jobs? A Yes B No 6. When do you usually do the part time job?* A Vacation B Weekend C Spare time D I don’t have any part time jobs 7. What kind of problems did you have before? (multiple-choice)* A Lack of information about the job B High intermediary cost中介收费太贵 C Be cheated D Enterprise’s discriminations against students E Others 8. What type of part time jobs do you usually do? A Deliver leaflets B Tutor C Working in an enterprise which is related to your specialist D Agent in the school E Others 9. How do you get information about the part time job? (multiple-choice)* A From internet and posters B Be introduced by parents and teachers C From a professional intermediary institution. D Be arranged by school 10. How do you consider of your part time jobs if you really want to have one? A Close you your specialist B Challenging and interesting C Earn a lot D Whatever 11. What’s your purpose of doing a part time job? A Earn money to relieve my financial burden B Enrich my experience, be ready to work in the future C Many people do it, so should I. D Curious E Other reasons 12. Do you think doing a part time job can benefit us for our study and work in the future? A. Yes. It benefits a lot. B. It just benefits a little. C. No benefit. D. It’s bad for us actually. 14. when you have a part time job, what could you learn from it? (multiple-choice)* A We should be more financially independent. B We should accumulate more working experience to get ready for the future. C We must be a stronger or we’ll be eliminate by the competition in the society. D We could make lots of friends who have different characters. E Nothing. 15. How would you like to deal with your salary? (multiple-choice)* A. Buy what I want. B. Save it. C. Let my parents take care of it. D Be my living expenses


The survey of how to improve the cooperativeness and practicalness of group activities at BE classes. 1. What is the frequency of group activities at BE classes? a. sometimes b. frequently c. never 2. What’s the main form of group activities at BE classes? a. four students seated b. free choice c. arrangement by teachers 3. Is it necessary of conducting group activities at BE classes? a. quite helpful b. not essential c. no need 4. During participating in the team working, which role do you prefer at group activities? a. a reporter b. a person of giving suggestions c. a listener 5. Have you given your opinions during group activities? a. usually b. sometimes c. never 6. When your opinions are different from other members and you still hold on yours, what will you do? a. state it by myself b. discuss and try to persuade others c. solve the problem privately d. regardless 7. What are the two problems do you think for group activities? a. the balance of participation b. member are not interested in c. someone always are playing jokes when discussing d. activities are useless e. other 8. What do you think is the biggest benefit of learning BE? a. professional knowledge b. spoken English c. different cultures d. knowledge of economy and business e. other


How much do you know about your own country? Open-ended questions(中英文作答均可) 1.When was the People’s Republic of China founded? 2.What’s the meaning of our national flag? 3.Who was the first President of the People’s Republic of China? 4.What is the regime(政体) of China? 5.How long is a presidential term? 6.How many autonomous regions(自治区) in China? 7.What are the basic political systems in China? Closed-questions(以下问题,5代表“非常同意”,4代表“比较同意”,3代表“保持中立”,2代表“比较反对”,1代表“非常反对”) 1.You are very concerned about the development trend of China. 2.You often pay attention to the Chinese people's Congress and Political Consultative Conference(两会). 3.You actively exercise political rights. 4.You have a general idea of the national development plan. 5.You love your country.


Wash hair products market survey questionnaire How do you do! Thank you for your precious time with the participating in our survey. In order to understand the shampoo of the market of the products, need you sincere and real help answer, your every patient for me is the greatest support! (this questionnaire need not fill in your name, and ensure that your answer secret). 1. Your gender is ( ) A, male B, female 2. Now if you work ( ) A, is B, not 3. Where do you usually buy shampoo ( ) A, supermarket B, large department store C, shampoo thing franchises D, individual businesses 4. Do you know how many brand of shampoo ( ) A, well B, general C, don't know 5. Can you tell me what you use to wash hair products that you love the most popular brand of ( ) (choose more) A, float soft B, Lux C, Head and Shoulders D, pan ting E, Slek F, Clairol G, ShaXuan H, Dove I, ba wang J, other ( ) 6. You know what is through the way to use the shampoo you after washing effect ( ) (choose more) A, magazine B, advertising C, introduction of the sales staff D, network E, friends and relatives introduced 7. Excuse me wash hair products of which to attract you to buy ( ) A, after washing effect B, price C, packaging D, capacity E, fragrance 8. Would you buy will consider the following shampoo in what factors ( ) (can be pr ocessed in multiple A, import/jointventure brand B, price C, goes to the dandruff D, relieving itching E, product smell good F, rich foam G clean the hair


英语问卷调查表 年级:姓名: 亲爱的同学:你好! 本问卷是为改进教学而设计的,你的回答不会对你的学习和生活造成任何影响,你可以轻松作答。同时,你能否真实回答将直接影响到调查结果的真实性和准确性,因此,请你务必根据你的真实情况和真实想法如实填写。 谢谢你的真诚合作! 1.从何时开始学英语() A.正式上学前B.幼儿园C.小学D.初中 2.在你刚开始学英语时,家里或周围(除老师外)有没有人经常给予你帮助()A.有B.没有 3.你学英语的目的是什么?() A.为将来更好的学习打基础B.为了应付考试,因为它是主要考试科目C.为了老师和父母D.为了拿毕业证 其他: 4.你对英语感兴趣吗?() A.特别感兴趣B.比较感兴趣C.不太感兴趣 D.一点也不感兴趣E.讨厌英语 其他: 5.影响你学英语的原因是什么?() A.本来的基础好或差B.老师的教学方法C.老师的教学水平 D.你和老师的关系E.教材内容的有趣性和相关性 其他: 6.你对学英语感到() A.轻松B.不困难C.很难D.只是记忆困难 其他: 7.在英语课堂上,你经常回答问题吗?() A.经常B.有时C.很少D.从不回答 8.你英语学不好或学不会的原因是什么?() A.不够努力B.单词太多、课文太长C.没有太大的用处 D.不感兴趣E.没有语言天分F.老师教得不好 其他: 9.你希望老师怎么要求你() A.严格要求B.一般C.没有要求 其他: 10.在学习中遇到困难,你会怎么样?() A.主动请教老师B.请教同学C.自己查有关资料,参考书目 D.不请教任何人,不会就不会 其他: 11.在英语学习中,你遇到的主要困难是什么?() A.听力B.口语C.写作D.阅读E.语法 其他: 12.你最想提高哪方面的英语能力?()


英语学习调查问卷 班级:_______ 姓名:________ 1. 你喜欢学英语吗? A.喜欢 B. 一般 C.不喜欢 2. 你觉得英语学习有趣吗? A. 有趣 B.一般 C.没趣 3. 你认为学习英语是为了: A. 升学考试 B.在以后的生活中能应用 C.为父母或老师而学 4. 对学好英语,你的信心是: A.很有信心 B.一般 C.没有信心 5. 你对老师布置的英语作业: A. 认真完成,力争不出错误 B. 希望用最少的时间完成作业。 C. 时有抄袭作业的现象. D. 不能完成作业 6. 当你在英语学习中遇到困难或由于成绩落后时,你会选择 A.克服困难,迎头而上 B.最初的劲头很足,慢慢地懈怠了 C.无所谓,得过且过 7. 在英语学习中你感到困难的是 A. 不会读也不会写 B. 会读,但难以记住单词 C. 语法不懂 D. 阅读理解能力较差 8. 在英语学习中要克服害羞和焦虑的心理,你——

A.绝对能做到 B.有时能做到 C.做不到 9. 在英语学习中你遇到困难向同学请教时,同学会—— A.热心帮助 B.不太情愿,但仍然会给予帮助 C.不理睬 10. 你认为老师对你的态度如何? A.很好 B.不太喜欢 C.不喜欢 11. 你喜欢老师跟你谈心吗? A.喜欢 B. 不太喜欢 C.不喜欢 12. 父母得知你的成绩不理想时,采取的方法是—— A. 耐心教导,分析原因并给予鼓励 B. 责怪或大骂 C. 无所谓,不理会 13. 父母责备你以后,你采取的态度是 A.听从教导 B. 辩驳 C. 置之不理 14. 你对今后的英语课和英语老师有什么想说的? ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________


Dear students, in order to understand the smartphone usage of college students, we have prepared this questionnaire. This questionnaire is only for data analysis, and will not disclose your personal information, please rest assured. Thanks for cooperation. Sex: □ male □female Q1: What’s the brand of your smart phone A.Apple B. Sumsung C. MX D. Vivo E. Huawei F. Mini G. HTC H. Lenovo I. others Q2: What’s the price of your smart phone A.Less than ¥1000 B.¥1000 ~ ¥2000 C.¥2000 ~ ¥3000 D. more than ¥3000 Q3: How did you buy your smart phone A.advertise promotion B. friends’recommendation C. cell phone exclusive shop D. big mall E. online shopping F. others Q4:What attracts you most when choosing a smartphone brand A.fashionable appearance B. good quality C. multi-function D. low price E. high cost performance F. others Q5: What kind of smart phones do you prefer A.Japan and South Korea style B. business multi-functional style C. economical style D. game style Q6: Which brand do you prefer A.Apple B. Sumsung C. Vivo D. Huawei E. Lenovo F. MX G. Miui H.


关于大学生英语口语调查问卷报告2016开始高考取消英语这课目考试?作为现在学英语专业的我,一直在思考一个问题:为什么要取消高考英语?难道所有的高考考生就那么怕英语嘛?所有的考生都是因为英语分数低而没有考上自己理想的大学嘛?那么我如今学的这个英语专业在我毕业之后还有用嘛?还能找到一份工作嘛?对于高考也就算了,那为什么现在的大学生学英语口语也那么难呢?平时在学校学的东西为什么不能用只能在课堂上和老师交流,顺治有些同学在课堂是也不敢说声hi呢?对于此事不是我一个人有种想法,因此我在网上和同学做了一个简单的英语口语调查问卷,希望能通过这些数据能找到基本的原因! 在这次的简单的大学生英语口语调查中我们选择了网络调查以便更快的统计和信息化的交流,本次的调查选了17道小题,每个小题有4个答案分别是A,B,C,D,E,有110为来自整个大学的学生,这样就可以以便我们分析数据和统计。每位被调查的目标对象现在是大学生。,每位参加的大学生做完题后点提交我们的计算机会自动根际所以参加的人员做出数据分析和统计。题目的类型也是根据你的成长年龄和经历的事情已经你个人的看法和态度来设置的。 第一题很简单:你的年级是?答案有四个。A 大学一年级B大学二年级C大学三年级D大学四年级。为什么要出这么简单的题目呢?因为刚才说了我们调查的是大学生因为这些人群中的成长经历比较丰富一些对看待的事和物比较全面,些,这样也为我们后来的题目和统计有更好的帮助以

便更好的得出总结,在道题中选择A选项的人在参加总人数的25%,选择B选项的占总人数的32%,选择C选项的占总人数的34%,选择D的占总人数的19%,从这个数据来看我们得知参加这个调查的大学生大三的同学占多数,当然这个反映的只是在这110位大学生中的占有比例,但是也从看出成才比我的多的想的事情稍微的稳一点。 第二题的题目是:你的专业是什么?A英语B非英语。这道题是来测试这一百多位的调查中的人数中有多少人是学英语的专业的这样就可以来确定以下的问题的准确性,但是从数据上来看选择A 选项的占22·73%,而选择B选项的占77·27%,从这个数据中我们可以看出参加调查的人数不是学这个专业的,这也刚好,能从侧面的看出不学这个专业的是不是平时就不说英语呢?我们学这个专业的还经常性的接触这个东西,那不学这个专业的同学看看他平时都是怎么对待这个专业的呢? 第三道题目是:你所在的英语课堂是否在乎重视英语口语的练习?A很重视B比较重视C基本不重视,每一道题都有他的用意,这个问题很现实也很在直接的是我们课堂上的问题。不管我们大学还是高中,初中,在课堂上的英语口语都没有经常得到锻炼,当然这只是我个人的想法,来看看这110位的选择。选择A选项的占总人数的12.73%,选择B选项的占总人数的38.18%,选择C选项的占总人数的49.09%,从这个的数据上来看不是很理想的占总人数最多的是C选项基本不重视的的人还是比较多的,从数据上看,参加大四的同学占多数,但是不重视的人也占多数,他们马上面临的就要毕业就不重视,这反映的是什么性质的问题?选择A


Symphony小队关于宜家的调查问卷 1.您的年龄层段 □20-30 □30-40 □40-50 2.您光顾宜家大概多少次了? □第1次□1-3次□3次以上 3.您喜欢宜家哪方面或对宜家在哪方面有期待?(可多选) □装修风格□商品精致□价格亲民□食物可口□服务周到 PS_______ 4.您最喜欢宜家的哪个细节? □商品的摆放方式□游览路线□灯光气氛□有吃的! 5.您对宜家的满意度是多少? □很满意很喜欢□挺好的□还过得去□不怎么喜欢 6.您对宜家有什么小建议吗? □没建议,继续保持□有,是____________________ 感谢您的配合,祝您购物愉快,新年快乐!Questionnaire of IKEA Hello, dear friends! My group from Tianhe Foreign Language School is participating in a competition called CHINA THINKS BIG organized by Harvard University .We're doing research that WHY IKEA IS BEEN SO POPULAR which belongs to the category of behavioral economics. In order to have a good command of the reasons ,your thoughts as customers are important to us . Would you please be so kind to spare a few minutes to answer the following q uestions carefully and authentically!


英语学习调查问卷 亲爱的同学: 你学英语有困惑吗?你想快乐地学好英语吗?让我们一起找出好办法吧!请根据自己的真实情况,认真完成这个小问卷。本问卷不记名,感谢理解与配合! 一、自身因素 单选: 1、你喜欢英语吗?() A.很喜欢 B.喜欢 C.一般 D.不喜欢 2、你能在课前/课后主动预习/复习英语吗?() A.能 B.偶尔 C.完全不能 3、你觉得英语学习不够好的最主要原因是() A.学习态度欠佳 B.没有家长辅助 C.不能适应教师的教学方式 D.没有好的学习方法 4、你参与课堂活动的情况是() A.积极发言 B.发言不多 C.基本不发言 5、你在课堂中不想发言的原因是() A.怕教师批评 B.话题不感兴趣 C.怕被同学嘲笑 6、你在课后学习英语的方法有() A.听录音,跟读 B.做练习 C.背诵词句 D.什么都不做 7、你喜欢的英语学习方式是()(可多选) A.在游戏中学习 B.跟读课文学习 C.小组合作学习

二、教师、学校因素 单选: 8、你和英语教师关系如何?() A.很好,像朋友一样 B.还不错 C.一般 D.不好 9、英语课的课堂氛围是() A.轻松、愉快 B.宽松、散漫 C.压抑、难受 10、你有进步时,教师会怎么做?() A.及时表扬与鼓励 B.偶尔会鼓励 C.没做什么 11、当你回答错误时,你希望教师() A.立即打断进行纠正 B.发言完毕后纠正 C.课后私下纠正 D.集中讲评时一齐指出 12、英语课后你会与教师交流沟通吗?() A.无话不谈 B.经常谈心 C.很少沟通 D.几乎没有 13、你最喜欢用下列哪种方式和你的英语教师交流() A.面对面谈话 B.写邮件、便条或作业本 C.几乎没有 14、英语课堂上教师只会提问优等生,对成绩差的不理不睬吗?() A.经常 B.偶尔 C.从不 15、你认为在英语课上能从同伴间得到帮助吗?() A.经常 B.偶尔会 C.从不 16、教师是用英语进行教学吗?() A.经常 B.偶尔会 C.从不


Survey Questionnaire Hello!I ’m a college student in Hangzhou. I’m going to open a online store which is aimed at foreign customer. I’ll appreciate it if you can help me complete the survey questionnaire. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Age: Gender: Nationality: Job: Email Address(optional): Please underline the suitable choices that coincide with your situation. Q1.Have you ever heard Aliexpress or Alibaba? 1.Yes, I have 2.NO, I haven’t Q2.How often do you shop online? 1.Frequently 2.Often 3.Occasionally 4.Never Q3.What ’s the purpose of your coming to China? 1.Traveling 2.Working 3.Visiting relatives/friends 4.Other________ Q4.Which Chinese products/services do you find most appealing and satisfactory?(multiple-choice) Shoes Luggage&Bags Shirts Outwears&Sweater Underwear Socks Cellphones Laptop Other electronic product Skin&Hair care product Traditional Drinks&Food Others____________ Q5.What would be your most important factors in choosing a product?(multiple-choice) 1.Style 2.Brand 3.Price 4.Quality 5.Delivery 6.Discount 7.Repair/Warranty Service 8.Other_______


英语调查问卷分析报告 一、调查目的: 长期以来,我校作为一所农村小学,学校英语教学缺乏对学生的英语学习兴趣进行系统指导。个别教师虽然比较注重这方面,但是没有合作伙伴,力量有限,仅仅凭个人喜好关注某一方面。因此,大量的学生处在放任自流的状态,学生学习英语的良好习惯差,不能有效地进行。在平时的学习中表现出语言表达能力差,不能顺利地表达自己的意见,词汇量少,语言呆板;怕学英语,常常愁眉不展;自主学习难以落实;学习方法单调。《英语课程标准》特别强调学生要能用所学的英语做事情,在做事情的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力以及交流与合作的能力。语言学习要从语法讲解中和单词的死记硬背中解脱出来,要通过创设良好的语言环境和提供大量的语言实践的机会,使学生通过自己的体验、感知、实践、参与和交流,形成语感;在教师的引导下,通过观察、发现和归纳等方式,掌握语言的规律,形成有效的学习策略,通过交流与合作发展交流与合作的能力。 由此可见,要改变我校学生的英语学习习惯,加强对全体学生学习兴趣的探索是一条必经之路。为了更好提高学生学习英语的兴趣,培养其良好的学习习惯。我们对本校120名不同阶段的学生进行了一次问卷调查。我们认真的设计问卷调查内容,及时对小学生进行问卷调查,试图通过这次问卷调查,了解学生的学习习惯,摸清学生的学习现状,发现他们的优势和存在的问题,以及学生的需求和希望,

竭力帮助他们。 二、现状 三个年级121个学生具体情况如下. 1、42学生比较喜欢英语,63学生很喜欢英语,6个学生不喜欢英语. 由此可见,大多数学生喜欢英语. 2、认为学习英语最困难的是听录音的学生有29个人;认为学习英语最困难的是背单词的学生有34个人;认为学习英语最困难的是学对话的学生有58个人。 由此可见,学生对话学习困难大. 3、认为学习英语最容易的是听录音的学生有42个人;认为学习英语最容易的是背单词的学生有42个人;认为学习英语最容易的是学对话的学生有37个人。 由此可见,学生觉得听录音,背单词比较容易. 4、喜欢教师比较安静的听教师讲解上英语课的学生有25个;喜欢教师轻松、活跃上英语课的学生有72个;喜欢教师有竞争和纪律的上课的学生有22个。 由此可见,学生喜欢轻松、活跃上英语课. 5、课堂上经常发言的学生有29个;课堂上不发言的学生有8个;课堂上偶尔发言的学生有84个。 由此可见,学生大多数都偶尔发言. 6、你每天英语课外花30分时间做英语作业的学生有96个;你

英文版 调查问卷

College stud ents’ extra-curricular activities satisfaction questionnaire My dear classmate: Hello! Thank you for the support and cooperation of this survey. This survey, is to understand the yuexiu institute of foreign students in spare time, weekends, and holidays participated in various entertainment project and your idea of a university for entertainment, build more for college students' favorite entertainment project constructive reference. We will accept modestly your valuable opinions and Suggestions, thank you for your cooperation! Your basic information: gender _____ age _____ grade _____ (example: freshman grade) 1. You usually amateur entertainment? What are those? (a multiple choice) A shopping B play computer C reading novels D societies activities E KTV sings F Mountain climbing G other _______ 2. You think the usual spare time? A many B ok C almost no small D rarely 3. How many hours a day for leisure activities outside except studying? A 1-2 hours B 2-4 hours C 5-7 hours D more 4. You peacetime all together for entertainment and who? (a multiple choice) A roommate B classmate C male (female) friend D through channels friends 5. Why do you for recreation? Study pressure relief B make life enrichment, increase C for dating. D other 6. If school held once every month of large activities, you will actively participate in? A will B may C must not go 7. You hope school held the type of activity? (a multiple choice) A Educational classes B Public class C interaction of public friend D pure entertainment 8. You hope school peripheral what entertainment equipment increased? (a multiple choice) A. rink B bars and leisure places such as C gym club (club) D park E chess F travel agency G other _____ Thank you again for your cooperation and hope that you study progress, smile every day!


英文问卷调查报告模板 关于《英文问卷调查报告模板》,是我们特意为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。 之后又进行了1天的审查、汇总和分析。本次调查的调查对象是恭城县比较典型的橙类种植大户、销售大户和部分在销售过程中非常有代表性的橙类果农,这些调查点分布在全县40个行政村,这些种植大户、销售大户和橙农对了解全县的橙类水果种植和销售具有充分的代表性。现将调查情况报告如下: 一、恭城橙类生产及销售的基本情况和存在的问题 橙类是我县较早引进的水果品种之一,经历了多年的积累,特别是上世纪80年代以来,橙类的价格一直较高,所以橙类的种植面积扩展的很快。恭城现有橙类种植面积约6、29万亩,主要品种有新会橙、红江橙。由于恭城特殊的地理和气候环境,恭城橙类在糖度,色泽,口感和外形方面,都比其他产区的橙类要好。但是由于各方面原因,去年橙子却普遍存在以下问题:一是个头、色泽、外形等方面都不够好;二是其他各种类型的水果同时上市,因此失去抢占市场的先机,受其他产区脐橙和夏橙的冲击很大,在销售量和价格方面都没有优势;三是恭城橙类种植的品种过于老化。 二、根据调查,恭城橙类生产和销售显现以下特点: 第一、生产不规范,农药残留量大,销售量太少。 目前橙类生产大多是以户为单位的分散栽培方式,真正集中成片实行统一管理的大型现代化果园极少。由于这种分散的经营模式,导致大部分农民只追求产量,不在乎质量。果农大量使用高浓度的农药和化肥,使得橙类农药残留严重超标,农药残留高低是衡量橙类品质好坏的重要因素,也是限制橙类销售的最主要障碍;同时,由于这种粗放的经营模式,使得果农在化肥使用、病虫害防治、优种优育方面的知识严重匮乏,从而导致产出的橙子大小不一、色泽不均、果型丑,这些也严重地制约了橙子的出口以及外运销售。到目前为止,去年全县才销售各类橙子14000余吨,只占恭城橙子产量的23、3%。 第二、缺乏自己的品牌。 俗话说“好酒还要会吆喝”,即使是优质的品种,如果没有叫得响的品牌,在鱼龙混杂的橙子大杂院里,一样可能被淹没。没有形成自己独有的品牌,放在同一个摊档上,一般消费者都只会感性地从价格、形状上去决定是否购买,很少有消费者能够分清品质的优劣。由于恭城特殊的地理和气候环境,恭城橙子在糖度,口感方面,都比其他产区的橙子要好,在市场上受到消费者的欢迎。目前市场上恭城橙子都是以“恭城橙子”牌子来销售,这个牌子不仅大而统,而且被盗用和假冒的情况十分严重,导致市场上恭城橙类品质参差不齐,鱼龙混杂,大大地降低了恭城橙子的声誉。 第三、需求弹性太小,而产量过大,市场难以承受供给大幅度的增长。 和其他农产品一样,橙子同样面临需求弹性太小的问题。由于需求对价格极度不敏感,因此,一旦产量有所增长,橙子即要以价格更大幅度的下跌来刺激市场扩大需求。所以农产品经常是丰产不丰收。今年的橙子价格低迷很大程度上也是由于这一因素造成的。今年恭城县橙子产量为6、72万吨,创历史最高水平。不仅如此,全国其他产区的橙子和水果产量以大幅增长。供给的大幅增长,导致了恭城橙子价格在全国范围内的更大幅度的下跌。恭城主要生产的2个橙子品种新会橙、红江橙今年的价格都很低。 第四、橙类商品化处理不够,而且加工技术不过关,缺乏大型的龙头企业。 For a more realistic understanding of Gongcheng orange life, production, agricultural income,


Marketing strategy questionnaire Prepared by: Da te: Purpose Use this template to capture the key information that you need to develop a thorough marketing strategy. Then use the information that you collect, along with other development tools, to build your key marketing strategy. This template is divided into the following question sections: 1. .............................................................................................................. Background 2 2. ......................................................................................................................... M arket 3 3. ...................................................................................................... Target Audience 5 4. .............................................................................................................. Competition 7 5. ...................................................................................................................... Offering 9 6. ................................................................................................................... M essages 11 7. .................................................................................... S ales and Buying Process 13 8. ........................................................................................................................ Pricing 15
