




On the night of the elixir of love, in celebrate this holiday season, we came the 58th birthday of the motherland. At the same time, our students also welcomed a national holiday.

The first day of the holiday, I finish the teacher assigned the homework first, and ready to go to sleep, thinking: this National Day seems so meaningless. How to have a meaningful National Day? Go to karaoke? To the playground play a variety of choice, I am not satisfied. By the way, I went to the yearning for a long time of fort worth. To mother took me to, is a great surprise, mother agreed without hesitation. I am very happy, hurried in shoes, ready to go to fort worth!

My mother and I get a ride to fort worth, so many people inside, and toys, Im so happy, am unable to use language to

describe. Mother gave me some a spring chicken, and a cup of milk tea, and I ate and drank, and almost died for joy. Eat, drink enough, should be good to have some fun! I came to the childrens playground in the fort worth, in both the slide, and ride the toy car, its fun. In eleven long holiday, every day is filled with laughter, live very substantial.

In this National Day long vacation, I have already tasted the delicious food, play fun toys, both learning, finished holiday teacher assigned homework, do the best of both worlds, is a joy!


The year is the annual National Day on October 1, the birthday of our great motherland. Along with ups and downs, its been 55 years of our mothers, this day, this nation will celebrate the festival at the venue. Early in the morning, we go to school, at school, some students out of bulletin boards and painting; Some do greeting cards, open class meetings with a special theme; Others through diaries, poems and other forms expressed her love for the motherland. National Day holiday, the students have to stay at home with Mom and Dad together, the cruise sites, the great cultural experience. Shop at the door with balloons and colorful flags, red, yellow and green : : permeated with an atmosphere of

jubilation. Everybody inside, in the original discount, launched a series of promotional activities. Street sea, but also rank long car buying service, the fight must wait long periods. Scenic visitors like long, countless men, women and children in which to do that people have been taking advantage of the festive play out. Almost no empty parking places, restaurants, hotels, the revenue will be substantial.

Distant uncle, made a phone call to tell us that the Beijing National hot topic. I would like to go to Beijing to see Tiananmen Square, we see the face of great capital, and uncle, I have arranged to get together with the Beijing next summer.

National Day is a happy holiday, really raising peoples living standards rapidly. In her mothers embrace of the motherland, happiness to grow and wish the motherland mother always beautiful, always prosperous and wish the motherland has become more prosperous and developed.


Today marks the 61st birthday of my motherland. Its a great honor. Today is my 10th birthday. In order to celebrate the motherland and my birthday, dad specially took me to baiyun mountain to sing spring valley, passed a happy National Day.

Along the way, the sun was shining, the sky was bright, the flags were flying everywhere, and the four bold words of "happiness National Day" were everywhere and filled with a happy festive atmosphere.

When we got to baiyun mountain, we took the electric car and went to the valley. Listen to my father say, the parrot in the spring valley is very wonderful, there is a parrot dance to make a decent. "Really?" I didnt believe it, and then went into the field to see the "wonderful" performance.

The first show was the "parrot dance" I didnt quite believe in, and I really wanted to see how the parrot danced. For a while, I saw a South American big parrot jumped out, fell on the "stage", the parrot is very big, the body about 30 cm long, the whole body with a white feather, a big mouth, like a hook, a small nose, appearance is very funny, it moved wings, dance, one open one of wings, can be beautiful! Dont know how long, the little disgusted with this action, change to a different action, shook his head, swinging head, its little head east to shake, shake, the shaking his head movement is lovely, make people laugh, especially me, broken belly almost be a smile, I finally believe that "good" father said. The second and third shows used to be wonderful, but my most memorable program was "take


高中庆国庆作文800字三篇 【篇一】高中庆国庆作文800字 金风送爽,天高云淡,在这个花果飘香的季节里,我们迎来了祖国xx岁的生日,能与大家同祝国庆,我感到非常快乐。在这里,我要自豪地对祖国母亲说:我爱你,中国! 啊!黄河长江,奔腾万里,你们哺育了一个多么辉煌的民族!五千年的辉煌历史,饮誉四海的华夏文明,足以让人叹为观止。哦,祖国,涓涓流贯的河川是你飘逸的长发,绵亘悠久长的山岳是你硬朗的脊梁。你有满山遍野的宝藏,你有秀丽多姿的山水,你有金碧辉煌的故宫,你有蜿蜓伸展的万里长城,纵有千古,横有八荒。你还有很多很多……在你辽阔的土地上,一代又一代的炎黄子孙用自己的双手创造了灿烂的东方文明。 但是,我们不会忘记,中华民族也曾几经沧桑、几经痛苦,我们的祖国母亲也曾倍受欺凌与污辱。我们忘不了园明园的火光,忘不了扣在每个中国人头上的“东亚病夫”的帽子,忘不了公园门口“华人与狗不得入内”的牌子,忘不了南京三十万同胞的鲜血染红了长江。大地在*,黄河在哭泣,然而中国人民永远也不会被压垮。 虎门销烟揭开了中华儿女反侵略的序幕。太平天国的旗帜、戊戌变法的惊雷,义和团战士的大刀、辛亥革命的枪声,无一不向全世界表明:中华民族不可辱,中国人民不可欺。五四运动的呐喊,中国共产党的成立,更似惊雷划破夜空。从南昌到井冈山、从延安到西柏坡,“星星之火,可以燎原”。

中国人民硬是用小米加步枪打出了一个灿烂的新中国,我们这个东方巨人终于又站起来了! 走过xx年的风风雨雨,经过xx年的励精图治,我们的祖国巍然屹立于世界的东方。中国人民正享受着从未有过的太平盛世。中国特色社会主义的航船正劈波斩浪,昂首前行! 同学们,我们中国已经很强大,但是不能忘记,我们的统一大业还没有完成,国际反华势力亡我之心不死,日本对我国的*垂涎三尺,更不能忘记,1999年我国使馆的被炸,同胞的鲜血告诉我们:我们还不够强大。 前进中的艰难险阻,激发着我们的豪情斗志新的千年,新的世纪,新的起点,十七大给我们吹响了进军的新号角,亿万中国人民正向着新的目标奋进。 同学们,我们是祖国和民族的未来,我们生在一个伟大的时代。同学们,努力吧,中华民族的伟大复兴将在我们手中实现。祖国啊,母亲!请相信,我们一定不会辜负历史的重托,新的《中华交响曲》将在我们手中演奏出更精彩更辉煌的乐章!就象李大钊期望的那样:“让中华民族五千年的正气在青春的火焰中再现!让华夏神州五千年的雄健国魂在青春的火焰中再生!” 【篇二】高中庆国庆作文800字 光阴似箭、日月如梭。转眼间,今年的国庆节已经过去了,可是那难忘的时光总是浮现在我的眼前,宛如昨天刚刚发生一般。 国庆节是祖国的生日,碰巧那天也是我妈妈的生日。但


高中英语作文范文10篇:旅游 范文(三) 黄山是一处游览胜地,每日有大量游客。几年前不注意保护环境,现在大有改观。请根据下列内容写一篇英语报道。 几年前少数游客的行为现在游客的表现乱扔废纸、塑料袋、罐头盒带走垃圾杀害动物,捕捉飞鸟不再打猎破坏花草、树木爱护植物在林中生火烧饭自带午餐,以防森林火灾 The Huang Mountain is a place of interest. here are lots of tourists seeing sights every day. Years ago, some of them paid no attention to environment protection. They threw about waste paper, plastic bags and tins. Besides, they killed animals, caught birds, destroyed trees and flowers. Worse still, they often made a fire to cook in the forest. That was dangerous. Changes have taken place now. When tourists leave, they take away rubbish with them. They no longer hunt animals. Plants are also protected. All the tourists carry their lunch in order not to start forest fire. We must sing high praise of the good deeds.


【高考英语作文120字】高考英语作文字数要求 英语作文写作是英语学习的重要内容,也是英语学习的最终目标。下面,是小编为你整理的高考英语作文120字,希望能对你有帮助! 高考英语作文120字篇1 When we talk about being independent, we often think about leaving our parents and living alone. The mental independence is always ignored by people, mental independence means the person can measure the things and make the right decision. As for the children, even they move out and stay far away from their parents, but sometimes they just can’t control themselves, they will get the bad behavior, like smoking and drinking, their life is losing control. The young people need to cultivate their independent spirit, they should think by themselves, learn to take care of the other people, thus they can be the real independent. When a person grows up, they can be strong enough to support their lives and at the same time, they can be mature enough to make their own decision. They can tell what is wrong and what is right. 当我们谈到成为独立,总是想要离开父母,独自居住。精神上的独立总是被人们忽略,精神上的独立意味着一个人能衡量事情,做出正确的决定。对于孩子来说,虽然他们搬出去,远离父母,但是有时候他们无法自控,养成不好的习惯。比如抽烟和喝酒,他们的生活会失控。年轻人需要养成独立精神,他们应该自己思考,学着去照顾别人,这样才能真正的独立。当一个人成长了,他们才能够足够的强大去养活自己,同时,也能够足够成熟去做决定。他们能区分什么是好,什么是坏。 高考英语作文120字篇2 In our parents’ generation, there are less people have the eyesight problem, because the digital products were not so developed at that time, but nowadays, with the development of these products, more and more people have the problem of short eyesight. When I look around my classmates, I find only have few student don’t wear glass. People’s bad reading behavior makes their eyesight weaker, they can do the right things to correct it. First, we should not read in the dark situation. Many students like to read in the dark before they go to bed, it hurts the eye so much. Second, we should not stare at the book or the TV and computer in a long time, we need to take a rest every 40minutes, looking at the distance or the green color will ease our eyes. Eyes are window of our soul, we need to protect them.


英语作文的连接词和过渡词 一) 作文连接词 (1)表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…。 (2)表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to等。 (3)表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhyle, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first(second…)time, the minute等。 (4)表转折关系的连接词:yet, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等。 (5)表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for instance, and so on, etc. and the like等。 (6)表递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also), what,s more, what's worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all等。 (7)表示总结的连接词:in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all等。 二)作文过渡词 1、表示时间的 af first 起初 next 接下来 then 然后 after that 那以后 later 后来 soon 不久 soon/shortly after ……之后不久 finally 最后 in the end 最后 eventually 最终 at last 终于 lately 近来 recently 最近 since then 自从那时起 after that 那以后 in no time 不一会儿 after a while 一会儿 afterward 后来 to begin/start with=in the first place 首先、第一点 immediately 立即、马上 meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same time 在此期间、同时 earlier, until now 直到现在

高中英语作文范文10篇 [高中英语作文写信范文]

高中英语作文范文10篇[高中英语作文写信范文] 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 高中英语写作教学是提高学生英语表达能力的重要环节。下面,是小编为你整理的高中英语作文写信范文,希望对你有帮助!高中英语作文写信范文篇1 Dear Sandy, 亲爱的桑迪, I offer my warmest congratulations to you for receiving the first prize of The Olympic English competition for the middle school students. I know that you are always good at English. You often win the praise of our English teacher and always in the first place of our class. So I’m surprise at all that you become

champion for this competition. However, in my mind, this match is very difficult. So I becomemore and more admire you. Sincere congratulation to you again. 我表示热烈的祝贺你接收的获得了中学生奥林匹克英语竞赛一等奖。我知道你的英语一直都很好。你经常赢得我们的英语老师的表扬而且在班里总是第一。所以我一点都不惊讶在这个竞赛中你会成为冠军。然而,在我看来,这竞赛是很困难的。所以我越来越佩服你了。真诚的祝贺你。 Best wishes, Mandy 曼迪高中英语作文写信范文篇2 Dear Jack: Hello! Are you busy recently? I have a good piece of news to tell you. Next Sunday, I will travel around the countryside with my parents. We will live with my grandfather for a few weeks. I am


作文一 For a better understanding between parents and children (Generation Gap) 范文一 Nowadays,there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents are out of date,while parents can't approve of what their children say and do. Thus,a big generation gap is formed. The gap remains wide for many reasons. Children want to be free to choose their own friends, select their own classes in school,plan their own future ,earn and spend their own money ,and generally run their own life in a more independent way than many parents allow. Also,young children wish to be understood by their parents,but most parents don't quite understand their children. They regard it as their responsibility to teach their offspring traditional beliefs. They want them to be obedient and do well in school . Therefore,misunderstanding often arise from parents' tendency to interfere in children's daily activities. In my opinion,most problems between parents and children could be solved by joint efforts of both sides to enhance mutual understanding. 范文二 Nowadays there is often a lack of understanding between parent and child. Parents often complain about their children's "unreasonable" behavior, while children usually think their parents too "old-fashioned." Then, when a child has a problem, he usually goes to his intimate friends for sympathy and advice, leaving his parents totally in the dark. There are some possible reasons for the present situation. First, the two generations, having grown up at different times, have different likes and dislikes for the things around them and thus have little in common to talk about. Second, parents and children, due to the misunderstanding between them, may even feel it uncomfortable to sit face to face with each other talking. Finally, with the pace of modern life becoming faster and faster, both parent and child are too busy to spare enough time to exchange ideas, even if they find it necessary to communicate. As a result, the gap between them is growing wider and wider. To bridge this so-called generation gap, in my opinion, both parent and child should make an effort. The children should respect their seniors. The older generation, on the other hand, should show solicitude for the young. As for their differences, both generations should make allowance for each other. If they will take the first step by actually talking to one another, it won't be long before the arrival of a better understanding between parent and child. 作文二 Energy problem 范文一 how to solve the energy problem 1.有人认为解决能源危机的方法是厉行节约。 2.有人则认为开发新能源是最好的办法。 3.我的方法。 Nowadays, the world is facing the big problem of energy shortages. The energy that we can use is running out day by day. Maybe one day we will all end up drinking dirty water if we don't do something about it. Here are some things that everyone can do to help save energy. First, we must try to use our air conditioner less during the summer months, as this consumes a great deal of electricity. Second, we should try to remember to use less water while washing our hair. Third, we must not let leaky taps run all day. We should fix them as soon as possible. We should, also, try to close the fridge as quickly as possible. This will save a lot of electricity and is good for the fridge as well. Another thing we can do is to ride our bicycles instead of driving cars or riding buses. They "drink" lots of petrol,


1.常用于文章开始的过渡词语和句子 (1)To begin with首先 例:To begin with, smoking should be banned in public areas.”首先,公共场所禁止吸烟。” (2)Generally speaking一般地说,总体上说 例:Generally speaking, it is the best policy to spend more money on libraries.”总的说来,加大图书馆的投资是良策。” (3)First of all第一,首先 例:First of all, many people in remote areas still live in poverty.”第一,居住在边远地区的许多人仍生活在贫困之中。” (4)With (the development/progress/growth) of(economy/society)…随着(经济、社会)的(发展、进步、增长)… 例:With the development of society, women’s role has become more imp ortant than ever before in daily life.”随着社会的发展,妇女在社会生活中比以往发挥着更加重要的作用。” (5)Recently近来 例:Recently,the problem (conflict, production) of grain shortage has become the world focus.”近来粮食短缺问题已成为全球关注的焦点。” 2.常用于文章结尾的过渡词和句子 (1)In conclusion最后,在结束时 例:In conclusion, the international agreement should be made to prevent the world from war.”最后,应达成国际协定使世界避免战争。”

英语作文 英语作文-精品

英语作文 a. 按重要性顺序排列(arrangement in order of importance)if you work as a soda jerker, you will, of course, not need much skill in expressing yourself to be effective. if you work on a machine, your ability to express yourself will be of little importance. but as soon as you move one step up from the bottom, your effectiveness depends on your ability to reach others through the spoken or the written word. and the further away your job is from manual work, the larger the organization of which you are an employee, the more important it will be that you know how to convey your thoughts in writing or speaking. in the very large business organization, whether it is the government, the large corporation, or the army, this ability to express oneself is perhaps the most important of all the skills a man can possess. 这一段谈的是表达能力,它的重要性与职业,身份有关,从“not need much skill” 或“of little importance”到“more important”,最后是“most important”。b.由一般到特殊排列(general-to-specific arrangement)if a reader is lost, it is generally because the writer has not been careful enough to keep him on the path. this carelessness can take any number of forms. perhaps a sentence is so excessively cluttered that the reader, hacking his way through the verbiage, simply doesn\'t know what it means. perhaps a sentence has been so shoddily constructed that the reader could read it in any of several ways. perhaps the writer has switched tenses, or has switched pronouns in mid-sentence, so the reader loses track of when the action took place or who is talking. perhaps sentence b is not logical sequel to sentence a the writer, in whose head the connection is clear, has not bothered to provide the missing link. perhaps the writer has used an important word incorrectly by not taking the trouble to look it up. he may think that sanguine and sanguinary mean the same thing, but the difference is a bloody big one. the reader can only infer what the writer is trying to imply. 这一段谈的是a writer\'s carelessness,先给出一个general statement作为主题句,然后通过5个 perhaps加以例证。 c. 由特殊 到一般排列(specific-to-general arrangement)i do not understand why people confuse my siamese cat, prissy, with the one i had several years ago, henry. the two cats are only alike in breed. prissy, a quiet, feminine feline, loves me dearly but not possessively. she likes to keep her distance from people, exert her independence and is never so rude as to beg, lick, or sniff unceremoniously. her usual posture is sitting upright, eyes closed, perfectly still. prissy is a very proper cat. henry, on the other hand, loved me dearly but possessively. he was my shadow from morning till


英语作文高大上的过渡词和特殊句型 很多同学在写作文时基本上是简单句的堆砌,偶尔有复杂句,动不动就是单调的so,and,then,but 等关系词,没有特点不说,反而使句子结构显得松散、呆板。 以下这些常用的过渡词和特殊句型,用上就可以提升你作文的档次,考试前不妨多背几遍。 1 过渡词 1.表文章结构顺序: First of all/First/Second…next …And then, Finally/In the end/ At last,last but not least(更强调重要性)最后也是最重要的 2.表并列补充关系的(递进关系): What's more(甚至)/ What's worse(更糟糕的是), even(甚至),Especially(特别是),Besides(除此之外), Moreover(甚至), Furthermore, In addition(除此之外还有),not only …but also 不但…而且, at the same time 同时 3.表转折对比关系的: However, On the contrary, but, Although+clause(从句),(不与but连用) Despite/In spite of+n/doing 尽管…但是… 4.用来陈述正反方的不同观点(一般用于议论文章中):

On one hand… On the other hand…一方面,又一方面; Some…, while others…一些人认为…而另一些人认为… Everything has two sides…(事物都具有两面性) , some people hold the view that …while the others prefer the view that …(一些人坚持这种观点,而另一些人更喜欢另一种观点) 5.表因果关系的: Because(不与so连用), As(由于,因为),So, Therefore(因此), As a result (结果) ,thanks to(多亏), because of/as a result of (由于), without, with the help of...(在…的帮助下) 6.表进行举例说明: For example+句子(意思是:例如)可以用于句中,句首,句尾; such as…and so on 7.表陈述事实: In fact 事实上, as a matter of fact 事实上,Actually实际上,in other words,换句话说,that is to say,就是说 8.表达自己观点: As far as I know / as far as I am concerned ; In my opinion ,to tell the truth 说实话;to be honest 诚实地说,generally speaking 通常来说(这些短语一般都用于最后一段的开头,用来陈述自己的观点。) 9.表总结:


优秀作文国庆节800字高中 优秀作文国庆节800字高中1 国庆节给人们带来了快乐和喜庆,好友相聚谈笑风生;举家旅行领略祖国大好风光。而今年的国庆节带给我的快乐是与众不同的,留给我的美好记忆也是难以忘怀的! “当——”墙上的时钟敲响了,已经七点整了,一早就出门办事的爸爸妈妈还没有回来,我的肚子不耐烦地打起了小鼓。我决定自己做饭。我又开始发愁:吃什么呢?突然,我看见碗柜的小篮里是满满的鸡蛋,我眼前一亮。“对了,可以煎荷包蛋啊!”我兴奋地叫起来。 煎荷包蛋,我可从来没有做过呢!平时学习紧张,我哪有时间学习做这些“麻烦”的家务活啊。哎,妈妈往常是怎么做的?我在脑海里,极力搜寻着妈妈做饭的画面! 我走进厨房,打开煤气灶,“啪”的一声,火苗顿时窜出来。“呼呼呼”地一个劲儿往上冒,像一头凶猛的狮子,那气势怪吓人的。我故作镇定地放上平底锅,赶紧倒上一勺油,锅里的油开始响了,“噼噼啪啪”好像放小爆竹一样,又过了一会儿,油烧开了,可烟越升越高,立刻把我包围了。我一边咳嗽,一边慌忙拿起鸡蛋对准锅的边沿敲了一下,“咔嚓”一声,鸡蛋裂开了一条小小的

缝隙,圆润的鸡蛋黄和透明的蛋清从鸡蛋壳探头探脑的跑了出来,像个顽皮的孩子从滑滑梯上溜到了锅里。哪知锅里有水,油在锅里炸开了,飞溅出来,我手忙脚乱地抓起抹布把锅端下来,锅里的鸡蛋也成了不规则的“四不像”。 我的脸被熏得通红,眼睛火辣辣的,真想甩手不干了。可肚子又开始打鼓了,再想想平时爸爸妈妈忙了一天回家还要做家务多辛苦啊!想到这儿,我又把锅重新洗净擦干。放上适量的金黄色的色拉油,小火等油烧开后,不慌不忙地把鸡蛋打在锅里,静静地等着,那蛋清慢慢地吐着小泡泡,逐渐变成了奶白色,蛋黄也慢慢地凝固了。有了之前的经验,这次终于成功了,在那黄澄澄的蛋黄点缀下,那白嫩的蛋清和我通红的小脸,就像一朵黄蕊雪莲花,真美! 吃着自己第一次煎好的荷包蛋,心里还真是美滋滋的。 这个难忘的国庆节让我明白了一个道理:世上无难事,只怕有心人。 优秀作文国庆节800字高中2 今天是10月3日,是国庆节的第三天,本来打算出远门玩的。由于在新闻上了解到出去游玩的人很多,各大景点人满为患,计划不如变化,爸爸决定带我去他宜兴的朋友家小聚。


【高一优秀英语作文】高中英语作文 范文10篇 英语是高中最基础的课程之一,是为以 后更高层次的英语学习以及工作生活打基 础阶段,因为当今英语在工作、生活中的重 要性越来越突出。下面,是X为你整理的高一优秀英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 高一优秀英语作文篇1 Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Trees on the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative

effects and even poses a great threat to man's existence. We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. For instance, new laws must be passed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the pub!ic must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and so on. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment. 高一优秀英语作文篇2 I have a happy family. Though there is only a little furniture in my home and everything in the rooms seems rather disorderly, I love my home very much. My father is an engineer, nearly fifty years old. As a Party member, quite often he works late into the night. He even forgets himself when he is reading. Once when having supper, I found that the


高一英语期末书面表达复习 如何让自己的文章有条理性和流畅性? 1、整体谋篇,合理布局。充分理解和把握题目要求以及情景需要后,确定好文体后(记叙文、议论文等),按照以下结构书写作文。1、开头部分(opening) 说出文章要叙说的中心问题; 2、正文部分(body) 围绕主题展开叙述或讨论; 3、结尾部分(conclusion) 对全文进行总结和概括。 2、确定主题句。它通常出现在文章的开头,然后对主题句的内容展开解释、扩展。 3、扩展主题句,注意连贯和流畅,巧加正确的过渡词和过渡的句子。 (1).表示添加信息的过渡词语,常见的有:also, besides, moreover, furthermore, in addition, what is more, what’s more, what’s worse, worse still, similarly. (2).表示转折关系的常用过渡词有:but, yet, however, in spite of, although, though, while, Still, otherwise, on the contrary, on the other hand. (3).表示因果关系的常用过渡词:so, for, therefore, as a result, because, owing to, due to, thanks to, on account of, now that, since, consequently, as a consequence, thus. (4). 表示解释、说明关系的过渡词:as a matter of fact, in fact, surprisingly, such as, for example/instance, that is t say, in other words, to tell you the truth, according to. (5). 表示条件关系的过渡词:as (so) long as, on condition that, if, unless, suppose, supposing. (6). 表示强调的过渡词:above all, first of all, indeed, surely, certainly, no doubt, without any doubts, especially, in particular, most importantly, to be sure.


过十一国庆节作文800字 在这花好月圆的夜晚,在这普天同庆的佳节,我们祖国的71岁生日到来了,同时我们学生也迎来了一个国庆“十一”长假,愉快的旅途从此开始了。接下来为大家整理了过十一国庆节作文800字,欢迎大家阅读! 过十一国庆节作文800字篇一 又一个国庆节到了,大家学校也放了假,我的爸爸妈妈也可以休息七天。这七天的假期小朋友们打算怎么过呢?是去外地旅游,还是在家里看电视、玩电脑?是整天陶醉在书林之中,还是在家帮父母干活?我想,每位小朋友大概都要去逛逛街,买点东西吧。可是你们注意到了吗,在这个举国欢庆的节日里,有那么多的人还在各自的工作岗位上辛勤地工作着。 大街上每一家商店里的营业员和老板都在辛勤地工作,我的舅舅们都热情地对待顾客,从不对顾客们翻白眼、说脏话。不管是什么节假日,这些商店里的营业员和老板从不休息。我的舅舅们不仅仅是为了赚钱,还为了使大家得到更好的服务。 不仅各个商店、超市里的营业员在国庆节辛勤地工作,在大街上还有一群不知劳累的工作者——环卫工人。环卫工人每天都起早贪黑地劳动,就算在国庆节也从不休息。环卫工人每天都在

为大家的城市做出贡献。大家试想一下,如果没有环卫工人,大家的生活会怎么样:到处是垃圾,臭气难闻……大家一天也离不开我的舅舅们,而我的舅舅们每天都在工作,都在环保,都在劳累。我的舅舅们为了什么?还不是为了让大家有一个清洁的生活环境,让大家能过一个舒适的国庆。 医院里的医生、护士在国庆节里也何时休息过?我的舅舅们也在坚守工作岗位。我的舅舅们对待病人都非常热情,就像对待自己的亲人一样好。我的舅舅们不会因为自己的亲人或朋友邀约自己去玩而不到医院给病人治病。我的舅舅们为了什么?还不是为了让大家能得到及时的医疗保障,过一个健康的国庆。 在国庆节里,旅游行业的人们更是在辛勤地劳动,祖国大江南北各个景点的工作人员都在忙碌着。10月1—7日之所以被称为“十一黄金周”,就是因为许多行业10月1—7日放假,大家都想借此机会去各地旅游,旅游人数大幅攀升。但是不论旅游人数再怎么多,各个旅游景点的工作人员都是一刻不停地工作着,让大家能度过一个开心的、高兴的、快乐的国庆节。 除了这些,还有许许多多的行业的工作者在祖国诞生的日子——国庆节得不到休息,如航空、铁路、公路运输和电视参的工作人员等等,目的就是为了让大家能够度过一个快乐的国庆节,一个开心的“十一黄金周”。 过十一国庆节作文800字篇二
