

5.1 总平面图 SITE PLAN


5.3 技术总图 MASTER PLAN






5.10 分期规划 PHASING PLAN






【实用技巧】怎么在Word中实现中英文完美混排 在一篇文档中为中文和英文进行混排,可能会由于字体特征的不一样,而很难为其进行统一的设置;也许是因为文档对文章格式有自己的特殊要求,在这些情况下,中英文的混排如何能够完美实现呢? 操作步骤 抽取所有英文在一些中英文逐句对照的文章中,如何把英文单独取出来? 在“开始”选项卡中点击“编辑→查找”或者用键盘快捷键 “Ctrl+H”,在“查找”选项卡中点击“更多”,在“特殊格式”中选 择“任意字母”。接着选择“阅读突出显示”列表,选择“全部突 出显示”即可,英文就全被选中了。中英文格式分开 把Word2007文件里的英文全部改为小四号的TimesNewRoman字体,中文为五号的宋体不变,如何实现?选定文本区域,单击右键,选取“ 字体”,在“中文字体”和“西文字体”分别设置格式即可。 取消中英文间距 在Word2007中编辑文档时,中文与英文间存在一小段空格大小的间隔,如何去掉?选中文字,右击选择“段落→中文版式”,把“自动调整中文与西文的间距”选项的对钩去掉就OK 了。中英对比分栏

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联合国国际货物销售合同公约(逐句中英文对照) ??联合国国际货物销售合同公约(United Nations Convention on Contracts ??for the International Sale of Goods (1980) ) ??Preamble ??The States Parties to this Convention Bearing in Mind the broad objectives in the resolutions adopted by the sixth special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the establishment of a New International Economic Order. Considering that the development of international trade on the basis of equality and mutual benefit is an important element in promoting friendly relations among States, Being of the Opinion that the adoption of uniform rules which govern contracts for the international sale of goods and take into account the different social, economic and legal systems would contribute to the removal of legal barriers in international trade and promote the development of international trade, have decreed as follows: ??本公约个缔约国: 铭记联合国大会第六界特别会议通过的关于建立新的国际经济次序的各项决议的广泛目标, 考虑到在平等互利基础上发展国际贸易, 是促进各国间友好关系的一个重要因素, 认为采用照顾到不同的社会, 经济和法律制度的国际货物销售合同统一规则,将有助于减少国际贸易的法律障碍, 促进国际贸易的发展. 兹协议如下. ??PART I ??Sphere of Application and General Provisions ??Chapter I ??Sphere of Application ??Article 1 ??(1) This Convention applies to contracts of sale of goods between parties whose places of business are in different States: ( 本公约适用于营业地在不同国家的当事人之间所订立的货物销售合同,) ??(a) when the States are Contracting States; or ( 如果这些国家是缔约国, 或) ??(b) when the rules of private international law lead to the application of the law of a Contracting State. ( 如果国际私法规则导致适用某一缔约国的法律,) ??(2) The fact that the parties have their places of business in different States is to be disregarded whenever this fact does not appear either from the contract or from any dealings between, or from information disclosed by, the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract. ( 当事人营业地在不同国家的事实,如果从合同或从订立合同前任何时候或订立合同时, 当事人之间的任何交易或当事人透露的情报均看不出, 应不予考虑) ??(3) Neither the nationality of the parties nor the civil or commercial character of the parties or of the contract is to be taken into consideration in determining the application of this Convention. ( 在确定本公约的适用时, 当事人的国籍和当事人或合同的民事或商业性质,应不予考虑) ??Article 2 ??This Convention does not apply to sales: ( 本公约不适用以下的销售) ??(a) of goods bought for personal, family or household use, unless the seller, at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract, neither knew nor ought to have known that the goods were bought for any such use; ( 购供私人, 家人或家庭使用的货物销售, 除非卖方再订立合同前任何时候或订立合同时不知道而且没有理由知道这些货物是购供任何这种使用) ??(b) by auction; ( 经由拍卖销售的) ??(c) on execution or otherwise by authority of law; ( 根据法律执行令状或其他领状的销售)


弟子规(英文文字版) 第一章:开宗明义章 Chapter Principle And Explaining the Meaning 弟子规,圣人训。首孝悌,次谨信。 泛爱众,而亲仁。有余力,则学文。 弟子规,圣人训。 这套为人子弟的规矩,是根据古代圣人的遗言编成的。 The rules for being a student are instructions given by sages. 首孝悌,次谨信。 首先要孝顺父母,尊敬兄长,其次要言行谨慎而有信用。 Of all rules, the first is respect, for your parents and all of your elders, learn to be careful and trustworthy. 泛爱众,而亲仁。 要博爱众生,并且亲近仁者。 Be friendly and kind to all, draw near to people who are good. 有余力,则学文。 假如以上都能努力去实行,还有更多的能力,就应该研究学问。 Whatever time you have left should be devoted to learning. 第二章:孝 Chapter Two: Filial Piety 父母呼,应勿缓,父母命,行勿懒。 父母教,须敬听,父母责,须顺承。 冬则温,夏则凊,晨则省,昏则定。 出必告,反必面,居有常,业无变。 事虽小,勿擅为,苟擅为,子道亏。 物虽小,勿私藏,苟私藏,亲心伤。 亲所好,力为具,亲所恶,谨为去。 身有伤,贻亲忧,德有伤,贻亲羞。 亲爱我,孝何难,亲憎我,孝方贤。 亲有过,谏使更,怡吾色,柔吾声。 谏不入,悦复谏,号泣随,挞无怨。 亲有疾,药先尝,昼夜侍,不离床。 丧三年,常悲咽,居处变,酒肉绝。 丧尽礼,祭尽诚,事死者,如事生。


《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(1980) Preamble The States Parties to this Convention Bearing in Mind the broad objectives in the resolutions adopted by the sixth special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the establishment of a New International Economic Order.Considering that the development of international trade on the basis of equality and mutual benefit is an important element in promoting friendly relations among States,Being of the Opinion that the adoption of uniform rules which govern contracts for the international sale of goods and take into account the different social,economic and legal systems would contribute to the removal of legal barriers in international trade and promote the development of international trade,have decreed as follows: 本公约个缔约国:铭记联合国大会第六界特别会议通过的关于建立新的国际经济次序的各项决议的广泛目标,考虑到在平等互利基础上发展国际贸易,是促进各国间友好关系的一个重要因素,认为采用照顾到不同的社会,经济和法律制度的国际货物销售合同统一规则,将有助于减少国际贸易的法律障碍,促进国际贸易的发展,兹协议如下: PART I Sphere of Application and General Provisions Chapter I Sphere of Application Article1 (1)This Convention applies to contracts of sale of goods between parties whose places of business are in different States:(本公约适用于营业地在不同国家的当事人之间所订立的货物销售合同,) (a)when the States are Contracting States;or(如果这些国家是缔约国,或) (b)when the rules of private international law lead to the application of the law of a Contracting State. (如果国际私法规则导致适用某一缔约国的法律,) (2)The fact that the parties have their places of business in different States is to be disregarded whenever this fact does not appear either from the contract or from any dealings between,or from information disclosed by,the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract.(当事人营业地在不同国家的事实,如果从合同或从订立合同前任何时候或订立合同时,当事人之间的任何交易或当事人透露的情报均看不出,应不予考虑) (3)Neither the nationality of the parties nor the civil or commercial character of the parties or of the contract is to be taken into consideration in determining the application of this Convention.(在确定本公约的适用时,当事人的国籍和当事人或合同的民事或商业性质,应不予考虑) Article2 This Convention does not apply to sales:(本公约不适用以下的销售) (a)of goods bought for personal,family or household use,unless the seller,at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract,neither knew nor ought to have known that the goods were bought for any such use;(购供私人,家人或家庭使用的货物销售,除非卖方再订立合同前任何时候或订立合同时不知道而


加强企业社会责任推动和谐社会建设 ——在“中国-瑞典企业社会责任高层论坛”上的演讲 Strengthening CSR for a Harmonious Society ---Speech at the Sino-Swedish CSR High-level Forum 商务部副部长于广洲 (2008年4月14日) By Yu Guangzhou, Vice Minister of Commerce April 14, 2008 尊敬的赖因费尔特首相, 各位来宾,女士们、先生们: Your Excellency Prime Minister Reinfeldt, Delegates, Ladies and gentlemen, 下午好!Good afternoon. 四月的北京,春意盎然,鲜花盛开。值此美好时刻,我们迎来了“中国—瑞典企业社会责任高层论坛”的召开。去年6月胡锦涛主席访问瑞典期间,商务部与瑞典外交部代表两国政府签署了《关于企业社会责任合作的谅解备忘录》,标志着两国在这一领域的合作正式启动,对促进两国经济的持续稳定健康发展具有十分重要的意义。今天,两国朋友们齐聚一堂,就企业社会责任开展深入交流,必将对两国企业社会责任建设产生积极的影响。 Here in Beijing in April, spring is high in the air and flowers are in full blossom. On this delightful day, we celebrate the convening of the

Sino-Swedish CSR High-level Forum. Last June during the visit of President Hu Jintao to Sweden, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs signed an MOU on Cooperation in CSR on behalf of their respective governments, which officially kicked off our bilateral CSR cooperation and was vitally important for the sustained, steady and sound development of our economies. Today, we have Chinese and Swedish friends gathered here to discuss in greater depth on the topic of CSR, which I believe will positively shape our future CSR collaboration. 企业社会责任运动自上世纪80年代兴起后,已经成为世界潮流。强调企业社会责任,就是要求企业对投资者负责的同时,对员工负责,对消费者负责,对商业伙伴负责,对环境和社会负责。国内外企业的成功经验表明,社会责任也是企业的品牌,是企业核心竞争力的组成部分,是企业长盛不衰的重要法宝。企业要生存和发展,就必须增强社会责任意识,积极履行社会义务。我们有理由相信,未来的企业竞争,将不再仅仅是产品的竞争、技术的竞争和人才的竞争,更是履行社会责任的竞争。“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”。企业在履行社会责任、促进社会和谐的同时,自身也会得到更大的发展。 Since the 1980s, CSR has gone from being a new term to a global trend. Putting emphasis on CSR means companies not only have to be responsible to their investors, but also to their employees, customers,


弟子规英文版 Standards for Being a Good Student and Child 总叙 Outline 弟子规。圣人训。 Standards for Being a Good Student and Child was taught by Chinese saints and sages of the ancient past. 首孝悌。次谨信 First it teaches you how to be dutiful to your parents, and to be respectful and loving to your siblings. then it teaches you how to be cautious with all people, matters, and things in your daily life, and to be a trustworthy person; to believe in the teachings of the ancient saints and sages. 泛爱众。而亲仁。 Furthermore, it teaches you to love all equally, be close to and learn from people of virtue and compassion. 有余力。则学文。 When you have accomplished all the above duties you can further study and learn literature and art to improve the quality of your cultural and spiritual lives. 第一章入则孝 Chapter 1 At Home, Be Dutiful to Your Parents 父母呼。应勿缓。 When your parents call you, answer them right away. 父母命。行勿懒。 When they command you to do something, do it quickly. 父母教。须敬听。 When your parents instruct you, Listen respectfully.


《马达加斯加3》电影中英文字幕,看字幕学英语 Lion Alex: OK. Wind her up, boys! It's Monte Carlo or bust. Penguin 1:Struts. Penguin 2:Check. Penguin 1:Flaps. Penguin 2:Check. Penguin 1: Diamonds and gold. Penguin 2: Check. Penguin 1:We'll be back from our gambling spree in a couple weeks. Lion zebra giraffe hippo: Bye! Penguin 1- Or whenever the gold runs out. Lion zebra giraffe hippo - Buh-bye! - Good-bye. Lion Alex: All right! We'll be waiting for you! Penguin 1:Just kidding! We're never coming back! Lion Alex: Sorry! What was that? Penguin : Initiate warp drive. Lion Alex: Did they just say they were never coming back? Guys?Marty? Zebra Marty: Oh, goody, you're here ! Why don't you just chew on this? I'm hungry. Giraffe Melman :I'm just messing with you. I lost all feeling in this thing years ago. Lion Alex: Melman? Why do you look like that? Hippo Gloria: Look who's talking. Lion Alex: Gloria? Why are you guys so... elderly? Hippo Gloria: Now, when was the last time you looked in the mirror? Lion Alex: What? No! Zebra Marty: Wake up! Wake up, Ally-Al!Wake up! Lion Alex: Marty! Marty, it was horrible. Zebra Marty: That same nightmare again, huh? Lion Alex: We were stuck here in Africa, and we were all super-old and wrinkly... Well, I aged well, but the rest of you looked terrible! Zebra Marty: Relax, Alex. 'Cause I got a surprise for you! Lion Alex: Is it the penguins? Have they come to take us home? Zebra Marty: Nope. But it's the next best thing. Lion Alex: Another day bites the dust. Zebra Marty: Come on, now! Watch it. Watch yourself. Small divots! Sorry, little incline there. Back up this hill. A low-hanging branch, then just over this bluff and voil? Happy birthday, pal! Lion Alex: Whoa. Wow! New York City. Hippo Gloria: Surprise! Lion Alex: Gloria! You're the Statue of Liberty! Hippo Gloria: Bring me your huddled masses, baby!


《弟子规》Standards for Students 《总叙》Preface 弟子规圣人训首孝悌次谨信 These are the rules for being a student handed down to us by ancient sages first of all, be filial to your own parents and respectful to all of your elders; be trustworthy and cautious 泛爱众而亲仁有余力则学文 Be kind and draw near to those who are good. Whatever time you have left should be devoted to learning. 《入则孝》On BeingFilial At Home 父母呼应勿缓父母命行勿懒 父母教须敬听父母责须顺承 When your mother or father is calling, don't be slow to respond. When your parents need to instruct you, you should listen with patient respect. Whatever your parents must scold you, accept it with faithful compliance. 冬则温夏则凊晨则省昏则定 In the winter, make sure they are warm; in the summer, make sure they are cool. In the morning, cheerfully greet them; in the evening, tell them "Good night." 出必告反必面居有常业无变 Tell your parents if you plan to go out; report to them when you get back. settle down in one certain place; don't switch from one job to another


出师表 作者:诸葛亮,字孔明,三国时著名的政治家和军事家。本文选自《汉魏六朝百三名家集·诸葛丞相集》。表,古代向帝王陈情言事的一种文体。 原文与译文对照 (第一自然段) 先帝创业未半而中道崩殂(cú); 先帝创建大业还没有完成一半就中途去世了。 (先帝:指刘备。崩殂(cú):死。古时指皇帝死亡。殂,死亡。) 今天下三分,益州疲(pí)敝,此诚危急 现在天下分成三国,蜀国贫困衰弱,这确实是情况危急、 存亡之秋也。(判断句)然侍卫之臣 决定存亡的时刻。但是,侍奉守卫的大臣 (注释:益州:这里指蜀汉。秋:时。) 不懈于内,(不懈)(倒装句)忠志之士 在宫内毫不懈怠,忠诚有志的将士 忘身于外者,(忘身)(倒装句)盖追先帝之殊遇, 在外奋不顾身的原因,原来都是追念先帝的优待, 欲报之于陛下也。(判断句)诚宜开张圣听, 想报答它给陛下。(陛下)确实应该广泛听取别人的意见, 以光先帝遗德,恢弘志士之气; 来发扬光大先帝遗留下来的美德,振奋鼓舞志士们的勇气, 不宜妄自菲薄,引喻失义,以塞(sè)忠谏之路也。 不应该随便看轻自己,说话不恰当,以致堵塞了忠诚进谏的道路。 段义: 1、提出第一条建议:“开张圣听”(广开言路) 2、分析了当前的不利形势和有利形势。(用原文回答) (第二自然段) 宫中府中,俱为一体;陟(zhì)罚臧(zāng)否(pǐ) 皇宫中和朝廷中,都是一个整体,奖惩功过、好坏, 不宜异同。若有作奸犯科 不应该(在宫中、府中有所)不同。如果有作坏事、触犯科条法令,

及为忠善者,宜付有司论其刑赏, 和忠心做好事的人,应该交给主管的官来判定他们受罚或受赏, 以昭陛下平明之理;不宜偏私, 来显示陛下公平严明的治理;不应该偏袒有私心, 使内外异法也 让宫廷中和朝廷上有不同的法规。 本段段义:提出第二条建议:“陟罚臧否,不宜异同。”(严明赏罚) (第三自然段) 侍中、侍郎郭攸之、费祎、董允此皆良实, 侍中、侍郎、郭攸之、费祎、董允等这些都是善良诚实的人, 志虑忠纯,是以先帝简拔(之)以遗(wèi)陛下。 他们的志向和心思忠诚无二,因此先帝选拔(他们)来给予(留给)陛下。(注释:侍中、侍郎,都是官名。郭攸(yōu)之、费祎(yī)。简:通“拣”,挑选) 愚以为宫中之事,事无大小,悉以咨(zī) 之, 我认为宫内的事情,事情无论大小,都拿来询问他们, 然后施行,必能裨补阙漏,有所广益。然后再去施行,(这样)一定能够弥补缺点和疏漏之处,收到集思广益的好处。(注释:裨(bì)补阙漏,阙通“缺”,缺点,疏漏) 本段段义:推荐文臣。人物:特点:作用:(用原文回答) (第四自然段) 将军向宠,性行淑均,晓畅 将军向宠,性情和品德善良平正,通晓军事,在(以前)试用过他, 先帝称之曰能,是以众议举宠为督。 先帝称赞他能干,因此众人商议推举向宠做(担任)中部督。 愚以为营中之事,悉以咨之,必能使 我认为军营里的事情,都拿来询问他,一定能够让 行(háng)阵和睦,优劣得所。 军队团结和睦,好的差的人各得其所。 本段段义:推荐武将。人物:特点:作用:(用原文回答)(第五自然段)


《英文弟子规(三词韵译)》(节选) 覃 军 译 (湖北民族学院 外国语学院) 【导言】 《弟子规》原名《训蒙文》,为清朝康熙年间秀才李毓秀所作,其内容采用《论语》“学而篇”第六条“弟子,入则孝,出则悌,谨而信,泛爱众,而亲仁,行有余力,则以学文”的文义,列述弟子在家、外出、接物、待人与学习上应该恪守的守则规范。其中“弟子”的理解可以与时俱进。在家指孩子;在学校指学生;在公司指员工;在单位指下级;在社会,指公民。《弟子规》是集中国传统家训、家规、家教之大成,被誉为人生第一规,是做人之根本。 As one of the most popular primers in China, Guidelines for Children (Dizi Gui ) was written by Li Yuxiu in the Qing Dynasty during the reign of the Kangxi Emperor (1661-1722). It is based on the ancient teaching of the Chinese philosopher Confucius that emphasizes the basic requisites for being a good person and guidelines for living in harmony with people. The Chinese version was written in three-character verses for the sake of smooth reading. To keep the original style, the English translation is also written in three-word verses without the loss of content, in order to help the English readers not only understand the text but also capture the essence of Chinese civilization that belongs both to China and to the whole world. 【节选】 弟d ì子z ǐ规gu ī 圣sh èng 人r én 训x ùn


张衡传 范晔 张衡字平子,南阳西鄂人也(张衡,字平子,是南阳郡西鄂县人)。衡少(年轻)善(擅长)属(写)文,游于三辅,因(趁机)入京师,观(同“游”)太学,遂通五经,贯六艺(张衡年轻时就擅长写文章,曾到“三辅”一带游学,趁机进了洛阳,在太学学习,于是通晓五经,贯通六艺)。虽才高于世,而无骄尚(骄傲自大)之情(虽然才华比一般的人高,但没有骄傲自大。)。常(平常)从容淡静,不好交接俗人(平时举止从容,态度平静,不喜欢与世俗之人交往)。永元中,举孝廉不行(去),连(屡次)辟(召)公府不就(任职)(永元年间,他被推举为孝廉,却不应荐,屡次被公府征召,都没有就任)。时天下承平日久,自王侯以下莫不逾侈(过度奢侈)(此时社会长期太平无事,从王公贵族到一般官吏,没有不过度奢侈的)。衡乃(于是)拟(模仿)班固《两都》作《二京赋》,因(用)以(来)讽谏(讽喻规劝)(张衡于是摹仿班固的《两都赋》写了《二京赋》,用它来(向朝廷)讽喻规劝。)。精思傅会(文章的组织结构布局),十年乃成(精心构思润色,用了十年才完成)。大将军邓骘奇(以…为奇)其才,累(屡次)召(征召)不应。(大将军邓骘认为他的才能出众,屡次征召他,他也不去应召)。 衡善机巧,尤致思(用心思)于天文阴阳历算(张衡善于器械制造方面的巧思,尤其在天文、气象和历法的推算等方面很用心)。

安帝雅闻衡善术学(术数方面的),公车特征拜郎中,再(两次)迁为太史令(汉安帝常听说他擅长术数方面的学问,命公车特地征召他,任命他为郎中,两次迁升为太史令)。遂乃研核(研究考验)阴阳,妙(精妙)尽(指算透)璇玑之正(道理),作浑天仪,著《灵宪》、《算罔论》,言甚详明。(于是,张衡就精心研究、考核阴阳之学(包括天文、气象、历法诸种学问),精妙地研究出测天文仪器的正确道理,制作浑天仪,著成《灵宪》《算罔论》等书籍,论述极其详尽。)顺帝初,再转复为太史令。衡不慕(不趋附)当世(当时的权贵),所居之官辄(就)积年(多年)不徙(升迁)。自去史职,五载复还。((汉)顺帝初年,(张衡)又两次转任,又做了太史令之职。张衡不趋附当时的那些达官显贵,他所担任的官职,总是多年得不到提升。自他从太史令上离任后,过了五年,又回到这里。) 阳嘉元年,复造候风地动仪(顺帝阳嘉元年,张衡又制造了候风地动仪)。以精铜铸成,员径八尺,合盖隆起,形似酒尊(用纯铜铸造的,直径有8尺,上下两部分相合盖住,中央凸起,样子像个大酒樽),饰以篆文山龟鸟兽之形(外面用篆体文字和山、龟、鸟、兽的图案装饰)。中有都柱,傍行八道,施关(枢纽)发(拨动)机(内部中央有根粗大的铜柱,铜柱的周围伸出八条滑道,还装置着枢纽,用来拨动机件)。外有八龙,首衔铜丸,下有蟾蜍,张口承(接住)之((外面有八条龙,龙口各含一枚铜丸,龙头下面各有一个蛤蟆,张着嘴巴,准备接住龙口吐出的铜丸))。其牙机巧制,皆隐在尊中,覆盖周密无际(缝隙)(仪器的枢纽和机件制造得很精巧,都隐藏在


总叙 弟子规圣人训首孝弟次谨信泛爱众而亲仁有余力则学文 入则孝 父母呼应勿缓父母命行勿懒父母教须敬听父母责须顺承冬则温夏则凊晨则省昏则定出必告反必面居有常业无变事虽小勿擅为苟擅为子道亏物虽小勿私藏苟私藏亲心伤亲所好力为具亲所恶谨为去身有伤贻亲忧德有伤贻亲羞亲爱我孝何难亲憎我孝方贤亲有过谏使更怡吾色柔吾声谏不入悦复谏号泣随挞无怨亲有疾药先尝昼夜侍不离床丧三年常悲咽居处变酒肉绝丧尽礼祭尽诚事死者如事生 出则悌 兄道友弟道恭兄弟睦孝在中财物轻怨何生言语忍忿自泯或饮食或坐走长者先幼者后长呼人即代叫人不在己即到称尊长勿呼名对尊长勿见能路遇长疾趋揖长无言退恭立骑下马乘下车过犹待百步余长者立幼勿坐长者坐命乃坐尊长前声要低低不闻却非宜近必趋退必迟问起对视勿移事诸父如事父事诸兄如事兄 谨 朝起早夜眠迟老易至惜此时晨必盥兼漱口便溺回辄净手冠必正纽必结袜与履俱紧切置冠服有定位勿乱顿致污秽衣贵洁不贵华上循分下称家对饮食勿拣择食适可勿过则年方少勿饮酒饮酒醉最为丑步从容立端正揖深圆拜恭敬勿践阈勿跛倚勿箕踞勿摇髀缓揭帘勿有声宽转弯勿触棱执虚器如执盈入虚室如有人事勿忙

忙多错勿畏难勿轻略斗闹场绝勿近邪僻事绝勿问将入门问孰存将上堂声必扬人问谁对以名吾与我不分明用人物须明求倘不问即为偷借人物及时还后有急借不难 信 凡出言信为先诈与妄奚可焉话说多不如少惟其是勿佞巧奸巧语秽污词市井气切戒之见未真勿轻言知未的勿轻传事非宜勿轻诺苟轻诺进退错凡道字重且舒勿急疾勿模糊彼说长此说短不关己莫闲管见人善即思齐纵去远以渐跻见人恶即内省有则改无加警唯德学唯才艺不如人当自砺若衣服若饮食不如人勿生戚闻过怒闻誉乐损友来益友却闻誉恐闻过欣直谅士渐相亲无心非名为错有心非名为恶过能改归于无倘掩饰增一辜 泛爱众 凡是人皆须爱天同覆地同载行高者名自高人所重非貌高才大者望自大人所服非言大己有能勿自私人所能勿轻訾勿谄富勿骄贫勿厌故勿喜新人不闲勿事搅人不安勿话扰人有短切莫揭人有私切莫说道人善即是善人知之愈思勉扬人恶既是恶疾之甚祸且作善相劝德皆建过不规道两亏凡取与贵分晓与宜多取宜少将加人先问己己不欲即速已恩欲报怨欲忘报怨短报恩长待婢仆身贵端虽贵端慈而宽势服人心不然理服人方无言 亲仁 同是人类不齐流俗众仁者希果仁者人多畏言不讳色不媚能亲仁无限好德日进过日少不亲仁无限害小人进百事坏

A Red Light for Scofflaws的原文以及翻译文本

英译汉篇章练习(六) A Red Light for Scofflaws 玩忽法令之风不可长! [1]Law-and-Order is the longest-running and probably the best-loved political issue in U.S. history. Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society. Indeed, there are moments today---amid outlaw litter, tax cheating, illicit noise and motorized anarchy-when it seems as though the scofflaw represents the wave of the future. Harvard Sociologist David Riesman suspects that a majority of Americans have blithely taken to committing supposedly minor derelictions as a matter of course. Already, Riesman says, the ethic of U.S. society is in danger of becoming this: “You’re a fool if you obey the rules.” 法律和治安 [2]Nothing could be more obvious than the evidence supporting Riesman. Scofflaws abound in amazing variety. The graffiti-prone turn public surfaces into visual rubbish. Bicyclists often ride as though two-wheeled vehicles are exempt from all traffic laws. Litterbugs convert their communities into trash dumps. Widespread flurries of ordinances have failed to clear public places of high-decibel portable radios, just as earlier laws failed to wipe out the beer-soaked hooliganism that plagues many parks. Tobacco addicts remain hopelessly blind to signs that say NO SMOKING. Respectably dressed pot smokers no longer bother to duck out of public sight to pass around a joint. The flagrant use of cocaine is a festering scandal in middle and upper-class life. And then there are (hello, everybody!) the jaywalkers. [3]The dangers of scofflawry vary widely. The person who illegally spits on the sidewalk remains disgusting, but dearly poses less risk to others than the company that illegally buries hazardous chemical waste in an unauthorized location. The fare beater on the subway presents less threat to life than the landlord who ignores fire safety statutes. The most immediately and measurably dangerous scofflawry, however, also happens to be the most visible. The culprit is the American driver, whose lawless activities today add up to a colossal public nuisance. The hazards range from routine double parking that jams city streets to the drunk driving that kills some 25,000 people and injures at least 650,000 others yearly! Illegal speeding on open highways? New surveys show that on some interstate highways 83%of all drivers are currently ignoring the federal 55m.p.h. speed limit. [4]The most flagrant scofflaw of them all is the red-light runner. The flouting of stop signals has got so bad in Boston that residents tell an anecdote about a fabbvwl1 insists that red lights are “just for decoration”. The power of the stoplight to control traffic seems to be waning everywhere. In Los Angeles, red-light running has become perhaps the city's most common traffic violation. In New York City, going through an inter-section is like Russian roulette. Admits Police Commissioner Robert J. Mc Guire: “Today it’s a 50-50 tossup as to whether people will stop for a red light.” Meanwhile, his own police largely ignore the lawbreaking. [5]Red-light running has always been ranked as a minor wrong, and so it may be in individual instances. When the violation becomes habitual, widespread and incessant, however, a great deal more than a traffic management problem is involved. The flouting of basic rules of the road leaves deep dents in the social mood. Innocent drivers and pedestrians pay a repetitious price in frustration, inconvenience and outrage, not to mention a justified sense of mortal peril. The significance of red-light running is magnified by its high visibility. If hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, then furtiveness is the true outlaw's salute to the force of law-and-order. The red-light runner, however, shows no respect whatever for the social rules, and society cannot help being harmed by any repetitious and brazen display of contempt for the fundamentals of order. 注:教学材料 1
