


景德镇陶瓷学院 毕业设计(论文)有关外文翻 译 院系:机械电子工程学院 专业:自动化 姓名:肖骞 学号: 201010320116 指导教师:万军 完成时间: 2014.5.8 说明

1、将与课题有关的专业外文翻译成中文是毕业设计(论文)中的一个不可缺少的环节。此环节是培养学生阅读专业外文和检验学生专业外文阅读能力的一个重要环节。通过此环节进一步提高学生阅读专业外文的能力以及使用外文资料为毕业设计服务,并为今后科研工作打下扎实的基础。 2、要求学生查阅与课题相关的外文文献3篇以上作为课题参考文献,并将其中1篇(不少于3000字)的外文翻译成中文。中文的排版按后面格式进行填写。外文内容是否与课题有关由指导教师把关,外文原文附在后面。 3、指导教师应将此外文翻译格式文件电子版拷给所指导的学生,统一按照此排版格式进行填写,完成后打印出来。 4、请将封面、译文与外文原文装订成册。 5、此环节在开题后毕业设计完成前完成。 6、指导教师应从查阅的外文文献与课题紧密相关性、翻译的准确性、是否通顺以及格式是否规范等方面去进行评价。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年月日

TMS320LF2407, TMS320LF2406, TMS320LF2402 TMS320LC2406, TMS320LC2404, MS320LC2402 DSP CONTROLLERS The TMS320LF240x and TMS320LC240x devices, new members of the ‘24x family of digital signal processor (DSP) controllers, are part of the C2000 platform of fixed-point DSPs. The ‘240x devices offer the enhanced TMS320 architectural design of the ‘C2xx core CPU for low-cost, low-power, high-performance processing capabilities. Several advanced peripherals, optimized for digital motor and motion control applications, have been integrated to provide a true single chip DSP controller. While code-compatible with the existing ‘24x DSP controller devices, the ‘240x offers increased processing performance (30 MIPS) and a higher level of peripheral integration. See the TMS320x240x device summary section for device-specific features. The ‘240x family offers an array of memory sizes and different peripherals tailored to meet the specific price/performance points required by various applications. Flash-based devices of up to 32K words offer a reprogrammable solution useful for: ◆Applications requiring field programmability upgrades. ◆Development and initial prototyping of applications that migrate to ROM-based devices. Flash devices and corresponding ROM devices are fully pin-to-pin compatible. Note that flash-based devices contain a 256-word boot ROM to facilitate in-circuit programming. All ‘240x devices offer at least one event manager module which has been optimized for digital motor control and power conversion applications. Capabilities of this module include centered- and/or edge-aligned PWM generation, programmable deadband to prevent shoot-through faults, and synchronized analog-to-digital conversion. Devices with dual event managers enable multiple motor and/or converter

P2P 金融下的中小企业融资互联网金融外文文献翻译最新译文

文献出处: Waitz M. The small and medium-sized enterprise financing under P2P finance [J]. Journal of Business Research, 2016, 8(6): 81-91. 原文 The small and medium-sized enterprise financing under P2P finance Waitz M Abstract Small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult is worldwide difficult problem. Article introduces the concept of the Internet financial, mainly summarized the P2P financial in the development of financial innovation and integration of science and technology, a combination of academic research on P2P financial now of the five directions of various views and opinions. Points out the current P2P financial problems in the development of risk control, and analyses the trend of the Internet financial. Keywords: P2P financial; Financial innovation; Risk control 1 Introduction Look from the history of enterprise development, a large enterprise originate from small and medium-sized enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) is the most dynamic part of the national economy, often walk in the forefront of technology development, in the high-tech industry, clean energy, green economy, etc, have good performance, play an important role in the economic transformation. Small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult is worldwide difficult problem. These small and medium-sized enterprise financing environment and narrow channels, more than 60% are unable to get a bank loan. At present, science and technology enterprises and the characteristics of light assets, financing difficulties, become a huge bottleneck of sustainable development. 2 The concept of the Internet financial In the past two years, the Internet financial show explosive growth, since 2014, the Internet financial sector performance strength. Current economic field exists the phenomenon of two special contradiction, one is the small and medium-sized


自动化制造系统与PLC关系 控制工程随着时间的演变。过去的人们主要致力于控制方面研究。最近电力已被应用于控制,早期电气控制是基于继电器的。这些继电器使其可以在没有机械开关的情况下被开动和关闭。这是通常使用继电器进行简单的逻辑控制的方法。低成本计算机的发展带来了新的革命,可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)出现于70年代,它已成为制造控制的最常见选择。PLC的功能受到越来越多的工厂欢迎并可能作为主要控制手段再今后的一段时间内。而这其中绝大部分原因是因为PLC 它的优点很多。 1.1梯形逻辑 梯形逻辑编程法是主要的PLC编程方法。正如之前所说,梯形逻辑已发展到模仿继电器逻辑。通过选择简单的梯形逻辑编程法,培训工程师和商人所需要的金钱极大的减少。现代控制系统仍然包括继电器,但这些都是很少的逻辑使用。字母a继电器是一个简单的装置,它使用一个磁场来控制开关,如图图1.1。当电压作用于输入线圈产生的磁场,产生电流领域。拉起磁场的金属开关,再实现它的接触和联系,关闭开关。 图1.1 简单的布局和继电器电路图 继电器的工作方式,让一个电源开关关闭另一(通常是高电流)电源,同时保持他们孤立。一个简单的例子,控制继电器应用,见图 1.2。在这方面,左边第一个接力是通常使得系统关闭,并允许电流流动,直到电压加到输入端甲,第二个中继器通常是开放的,不会允许目前的速度,目前的输入二是流经前两个继电器

然后电流流通过在第三继电器线圈,并关闭输出 C.此电路的开关会通常应用在制定阶梯逻辑形式。这可以被解释为将C逻辑作用,如果A关闭B合上的话。 图1.2一个简单的继电器控制器 图1.2中的例子没有显示整个控制系统,只有逻辑。当我们考虑一个PLC 有输入,输出,和逻辑。图1.3显示的更全面。这里有两个按钮的输入。我们可以想像激活24V直流在PLC继电器线圈的输入。反过来驱动器是一个输出继电器,开关115伏交流电,结果打开了一盏灯。请注意,在实际情况下PLC的输入继电器,常常又是输出继电器。PLC梯形图逻辑其实一种计算机程序,用户可以输入和更改它。注意,两个输入的推按钮常开,但里面的PLC梯形图逻辑有一个常开触点,和一个常闭触点。在PLC梯形逻辑图不需要匹配输入或输出。许多初学者会被抓住这点试图使阶梯逻辑匹配它的输入类型。 图1.3继电器PLC的简图 许多继电器也有多个输出(抛出),这允许输出继电器可以同时输入。图1.4所示的电路是一个例子,它是在电路里称为印章。此电路的电流流过两个电路的分支,通过接触标签A或B的输入端,B只相对乙输出。如果B是关闭的,而A 是通电,那么B将打开。如果B打开,然后输入,B将打开。打开后,乙在输出,乙将不会关闭。 图1.4电路 1.2编程


译文 银行业是必要的而银行不是,互联网时代的金融中介机构的未来 摘要 本文探讨了互联网时代下金融机构和银行作为特殊的金融机构的未来可能是怎样的问题。由于互联网而导致的交易费用的减少会降低进入金融产品市场的壁垒,因为有可能不再需要运行成本密集型的分支的大型系统。但是,对金融机构的职能研究表明,不是每个人都可以销售和经销金融产品。这是真的,因为金融业务中的信息不对称问题需要一个拥有良好信誉的中介,也因为需要限制大型资本基金转换资产的风险。这两个要求变现了进入金融中介市场的重要壁垒。并不是每一个金融产品会因为互联网的崛起而将面临更多的竞争,只有那些标准化和低风险的产品。此外,那些拥有可观资本和良好声誉的大公司可能被视为银行的新竞争者。 关键字:银行业,银行,金融机构,互联网 1、引言 “银行业是19世纪的钢铁行业。”当谈到关于新的信息技术对银行的影响的谈论时,这句话经常被提起。更一般来说,可能有人会问,新信息技术是如何成功的,特别是互联网的,可能会改变商业和金融机构的市场情况。在互联网的帮助下,人们可以执行所有银行的业务,而不需要银行。这意味着传统银行分支机构的中介。此外,互联网已经使客户直接从网上购买股票而不需要访问当地的分支银行。从更广泛的意义上来说,在互联网的帮助下,金融市场的供给和需求可能通过互联网满足,而不需要金融中介机构。互联网的崛起是否真的是金融中介机构的威胁?在急剧减少的交易成本情况下,商业和竞争将如何变化?本文考察了互联网的成功对金融机构和银行的影响。 2、金融机构的发展 几个世纪以来,许多金融交易需要个人的存在。随着现代信息技术的发展,这些都被改变了。如今,客户可以在不进入当地分支银行的情况下进行任何金融交易。转移支付和支付账单可以通过网络进行,个人金融交易以及关于金融问题的信息咨询业可以通过网络进行。此外,互联网创新类似智能卡或者其他电子支付系统消除了为了得到一些现金而访问分支银行的需要。 但是互联网也会改变咨询活动:在许多情况下,它甚至可能减少个人存在的


普通钻床改造为多轴钻床 目前,我国中、小型企业的产品质量和生产效率都需要有一个新的提高, 但是加工手段却远远不能满足需要, 许多中小型企业都结合自己的实际对设备的技术状态进行改进,通过强化自身, 以求自我发展普通钻床为单轴机床,但安装上多轴箱就会成为多轴的钻床,改造成多轴钻床后,能大大地缩短加工时间,提高生产效率。 多轴加工应用:据统计,一般在车间中普通机床的平均切削时间很少超过全部工作时间的15%。其余时间是看图、装卸工件、调换刀具、操作机床、测量以及清除铁屑等等。使用 数控机床虽然能提高85%,但购置费用大。某些情况下,即使生产率高,但加工相同的零件,其成本不一定比普通机床低。故必须更多地缩短加工时间。不同的加工方法有不同的特点,就钻削加工而言,多轴加工是一种通过少量投资来提高生产率的有效措施。 多轴加工优势:虽然不可调式多轴头在自动线中早有应用,但只局限于大批量生产。即使采用可调式多轴头扩大了使用范围,仍然远不能满足批量小、孔型复杂的要求。尤其随着工业的发展,大型复杂的多轴加工更是引人注目。例如原子能发电站中大型冷凝器水冷壁管板有15000个“ 20孔,若以摇臂钻床加工,单单钻孔与锪沉头孔就要842.5小时,另外还要 划线工时151.1 小时。但若以数控八轴落地钻床加工,钻锪孔只要171.6 小时,划线也简单,只要1.9 小时。因此,利用数控控制的二个坐标轴,使刀具正确地对准加工位置,结合多轴加工不但可以扩大加工范围,而且在提高精度的基础上还能大大地提高工效,迅速地制造出原来不易加工的零件。有人分析大型高速柴油机30 种箱形与杆形零件的2000 多个钻孔操作中,有40%可以在自动更换主轴箱机床中用二轴、三轴或四轴多轴头加工,平均可减少20%的加工时间。1975年法国巴黎机床展览会也反映了多轴加工的使用愈来愈多这一趋势。 多轴加工的设备:多轴加工是在一次进给中同时加工许多孔或同时在许多相同或不同工件上各加工一个


文献出处:Bedard J C, Hoitash R, et al. The development of the enterprise risk management theory [J]. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2014, 30(4): 64-95. (声明:本译文归百度文库所有,完整译文请到百度文库。) 原文 The development of the enterprise risk management theory Bedard J C, Hoitash R Abstract Enterprise risk management as an important field of risk management disciplines, in more than 50 years of development process of the implementation of dispersing from multiple areas of research to the integration of comprehensive risk management framework evolution, the theory of risk management and internal audit and control theory are two major theoretical sources of risk management theory has experienced from the traditional risk management, financial volatility to the development of the enterprise risk management, risk management and internal audit and control theory went through the internal accounting control and internal control integrated framework to the evolution of enterprise risk management, the development of the theory of the above two points to the direction of the enterprise risk management, finally realizes the integration development, enterprise risk management theory to become an important part of enterprise management is indispensable. Keywords: enterprise risk management, internal audit the internal control 1 The first theory source, evolution of the theory of risk management "Risk management" as a kind of operation and management idea, has a long history: thousands of years ago in the west have "don't put all eggs in one basket" the proverb, the ancient Chinese famous "product valley hunger" allusions and "yicang ("


1、 外文原文 A: Fundamentals of Single-chip Microcomputer Th e si ng le -ch i p mi cr oc om pu ter is t he c ul mi nat i on o f bo th t h e d ev el op me nt o f th e d ig it al com p ut er an d t he int e gr at ed ci rc ui t a r gu ab ly th e t ow m os t s i gn if ic ant i nv en ti on s o f t h e 20t h c en tury [1]. Th es e to w typ e s of a rc hi te ctu r e ar e fo un d i n s in gl e -ch ip m i cr oc om pu te r. So m e em pl oy t he sp l it p ro gr am /d ata me mo ry o f th e H a rv ar d ar ch it ect u re , sh ow n in Fi g.3-5A-1, o th ers fo ll ow t he p h il os op hy , wi del y a da pt ed f or ge n er al -p ur po se co m pu te rs a nd m i cr op ro ce ss o r s, of ma ki ng no lo gi c al di st in ct io n be tw ee n p ro gram a n d da ta m em or y a s i n th e Pr in cet o n ar ch it ec tu re, sh ow n in F i g.3-5A -2. In g en er al te r ms a s in gl e -chi p m ic ro co mp ut er i s c h ar ac te ri ze d b y th e i nc or po ra tio n o f al l t he uni t s o f a co mp ut er i n to a s in gl e d ev i ce , as s ho wn in Fi g3-5A -3. Fig.3-5A-1 A Harvard type Fig.3-5A-2. A conventional Princeton computer Program memory Data memory CPU Input& Output unit memory CPU Input& Output unit


本份文档包含:关于该选题的外文文献、文献综述 一、外文文献 标题: Online brokers lead the way for French internet finance 作者: Caffard, Christophe 期刊名称: International Financial Law Review 卷: 20;期: 3;页: 20-24 Online brokers lead the way for French internet finance 1 Regulated brokers Regulated brokers are legal entities which have an investment services licence and are subject to the prudential regulations of the Comite de Reglementation Bancaire et Financiere (CRBF) and the Conseil des Marches Financiers (CMF). * Choice of legal form: regulated brokers are not required to be incorporated in a specific legal form; however, under article 13 of the MAF Law, the CECEI checks whether the legal form of the brokerage company is appropriate for providing investment services. In practice, any type of commercial company is admitted: societes de capitaux (limited companies) or societes de personnes (partnerships). The formalities of share transfer, tax and the scope of liability of a company's management will be relevant factors to the choice of legal form. * Application for an investment services licence from the CECEI: the most important part of the application is the description of the investment services, and a business plan including prospective financial statements for the following three years. The CMF will check whether the business plan is consistent with the investment services licence requested by the broker. The CECEI will ensure that the applicant's own initial funds are consistent with the business plan. The scope of the investment services licence is variable and covers one or more ofthe following investment services: Reception and transmission of orders to another investment services provider on behalf of investors, for execution. This is the core investment service provided by the


附录1 中文名称:机械加工中心英文名称:machining center 其他名称:自动换刀数控机床 定义:能自动更换工具,对一次装夹的工件进行多工序加工的数控机床。机械加工中心,简称cnc,是由机械设备与数控系统组成的使用于加工复杂形状工件的高效率自动化机床。加工中心又叫电脑锣。加工中心备有刀库,具有自动换刀功能,是对工件一次装夹后进行多工序加工的数控机床。加工中心是高度机电一体化的产品,工件装夹后,数控系统能控制机床按不同工序自动选择、更换刀具、自动对刀、自动改变主轴转速、进给量等,可连续完成钻、镗、铣、铰、攻丝等多种工序,因而大大减少了工件装夹时间、测量和机床调整等辅助工序时间,对加工形状比较复杂,精度要求较高,品种更换频繁的零件具有良好的经济效果。按控制轴数可分为:(1)三轴加工中心 (2)四轴加工中心 (3)五轴加工中心。 项目二机械加工中心设备技术分类加工中心的品种、规格较多,这里仅从结构上对其作一分类。 一、立式加工中心指主轴轴线为垂直状态设置的加工中心。其结构形式多为固定立柱式,工作台为长方形,无分度回转功能,适合加工盘、套、板类零件。一般具有三个直线运动坐标,并可在工作台上安装一个水平轴的数控回转台,用以加工螺旋线零件。立式加工中心装夹工件方便,便于操作,易于观察加工情况,但加工时切屑不易排除,且受立柱高度和换刀装置的限制,不能加工太高的零件。立式加工中心的结构简单,占地面积小,价格相对较低,应用广泛。 二、卧式加工中心指主轴轴线为水平状态设置的加工中心。通常都带有可进行分度回转运动的工作台。卧式加工中心一般都具有三个至五个运动坐标,常见的是三个直线运动坐标加一个回转运动坐标,它能够使工件在一次装夹后完成除安装面和顶面以外的其余四个面的加工,最适合加工箱体类零件。卧式加工中心调试程序及试切时不便观察,加工时不便监视,零件装夹和测量不方便,但加工时排屑容易,对加工有利。与立式加工中心相比,卧式加工中心的结构复杂,占地面积大,价格也较高。


五分钟搞定5000字-外文文献翻译 工具大全 建议收藏 在科研过程中阅读翻译外文文献是一个非常重要的环节,许多领域高水平的文献都是外文文献,借鉴一些外文文献翻译的经验是非常必要的。由于特殊原因我翻译外文文献的机会比较多,慢慢地就发现了外文文献翻译过程中的三大利器:G oogle“翻译”频道、金山词霸(完整版本)和CNKI“翻译助手"。 具体操作过程如下: 1.先打开金山词霸自动取词功能,然后阅读文献; 2.遇到无法理解的长句时,可以交给Google处理,处理后的结果猛一看,不堪入目,可是经过大脑的再处理后句子的意思基本就明了了; 3.如果通过Google仍然无法理解,感觉就是不同,那肯定是对其中某个“常用单词”理解有误,因为某些单词看似很简单,但是在文献中有特殊的意思,这时就可以通过CNKI的“翻译助手”来查询相关单词的意思,由于CNKI的单词意思都是来源与大量的文献,所以它的吻合率很高。 另外,在翻译过程中最好以“段落”或者“长句”作为翻译的基本单位,这样才不会造成“只见树木,不见森林”的误导。 注: 1、Google翻译: google,众所周知,谷歌里面的英文文献和资料还算是比较详实的。我利用它是这样的。一方面可以用它查询英文论文,当然这方面的帖子很多,大家可以搜索,在此不赘述。回到我自己说的翻译上来。下面给大家举个例子来说明如何用

吧 比如说“电磁感应透明效应”这个词汇你不知道他怎么翻译, 首先你可以在CNKI里查中文的,根据它们的关键词中英文对照来做,一般比较准确。 在此主要是说在google里怎么知道这个翻译意思。大家应该都有词典吧,按中国人的办法,把一个一个词分着查出来,敲到google里,你的这种翻译一般不太准,当然你需要验证是否准确了,这下看着吧,把你的那支离破碎的翻译在g oogle里搜索,你能看到许多相关的文献或资料,大家都不是笨蛋,看看,也就能找到最精确的翻译了,纯西式的!我就是这么用的。 2、CNKI翻译: CNKI翻译助手,这个网站不需要介绍太多,可能有些人也知道的。主要说说它的有点,你进去看看就能发现:搜索的肯定是专业词汇,而且它翻译结果下面有文章与之对应(因为它是CNKI检索提供的,它的翻译是从文献里抽出来的),很实用的一个网站。估计别的写文章的人不是傻子吧,它们的东西我们可以直接拿来用,当然省事了。网址告诉大家,有兴趣的进去看看,你们就会发现其乐无穷!还是很值得用的。 3、网路版金山词霸(不到1M): 翻译时的速度: 这里我谈的是电子版和打印版的翻译速度,按个人翻译速度看,打印版的快些,因为看电子版本一是费眼睛,二是如果我们用电脑,可能还经常时不时玩点游戏,或者整点别的,导致最终SPPEED变慢,再之电脑上一些词典(金山词霸等)在专业翻译方面也不是特别好,所以翻译效果不佳。在此本人建议大家购买清华


电气工程与自动化学院 本科毕业设计专业翻译资料(中文读书报告) 学生姓名:王超杰 专业班级:自动化12-06班 学号:311208002219 2016 年 6 月11 日

原文: Design of Combustible Gas Detection system using Wireless Transmission Technology Shijiazhuang Universities of Economics, Hebei, China zkzhlp@https://www.360docs.net/doc/4d15317081.html, Keywords:TGS813, AT89S52, DS18B20, nRF905, TC35i Abstract.The detection device of combustible gas are designed in the presented work,using wireless transceiver and GSM network.The system realize the wireless transmission of the gas concentration,and also can send alarm information to user’s mobile when an exception occurs. The system consists of two parts: a master and slave. The function of the slave is to collect data, process data and transffer the data to the master.The taskof the master is to receive data and display it by LED. The signal acquisition is completed by sensor TGS813 and A/D converter TLC2543. The wireless transmission is achieved through wireless transceiver nRF905. Since the accuracy of the sensor is affected by the environment,using DS18B20 to achieve temperature compensation. And with wireless communication module TC35i and GSM network platform, we can send the alarm information to user’s mobile promptly. Introduction Gas detection is widely used in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, family, shopping malls, gas stations and other places. Currently, how to monitor the hazardous gas fast and accurately are the important issues. Although the gas detection technology is relatively mature, but most products has many shortcomings, such as single function, operating complex, bulky, expensive and low sensitivity. Wireless communication technology applied to the gas monitoring field, can resolve the problem of remote monitoring in special environment, such as high temperature, low temperature, toxic gas.and unable to wiring . In the presented work, the combustible gas detectoris fully functional (with wireless transceiver), simple, small size, low cost, and has high sensitivity. The equipment can greatly improve the system's detection capability and accuracy with temperature compensation algorithm, and also can send alarm information to the user's mobile phone promptly through the GSM network. System design The system consists of two parts as shown in Figure 1. Fig. 1 Overall system block diagram


互联网金融对传统金融业的影响外文文献翻译(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 译文: 互联网金融对传统金融业的影响 摘要 网络的发展,深刻地改变甚至颠覆了许多传统行业,金融业也不例外。近年来,金融业成为继商业分销、传媒之后受互联网影响最为深远的领域,许多基于互联网的金融服务模式应运而生,并对传统金融业产生了深刻的影响和巨大的冲击。“互联网金融”成为社会各界关注的焦点。 互联网金融低成本、高效率、关注用户体验,这些特点使其能够充分满足传统金融“长尾市场”的特殊需求,灵活提供更为便捷、高

效的金融服务和多样化的金融产品,大大拓展了金融服务的广度和深度,缩短了人们在时空上的距离,建立了一种全新的金融生态环境;可以有效整合、利用零散的时间、信息、资金等碎片资源,积少成多,形成规模效益,成为各类金融服务机构新的利润增长点。此外,随着互联网金融的不断渗透和融合,将给传统金融行业带来新的挑战和机遇。互联网金融可以促进传统银行业的转型,弥补传统银行在资金处理效率、信息整合等方面的不足;为证券、保险、基金、理财产品的销售与推广提供新渠道。对于很多中小企业来说,互联网金融拓展了它们的融资渠道,大大降低了融资门槛,提高了资金的使用效率。但是,互联网金融的跨行业性决定了它的风险因素更为复杂、敏感、多变,因此要处理好创新发展与市场监管、行业自律的关系。 关键词:互联网金融;商业银行;影响;监管 1 引言 互联网技术的不断发展,云计算、大数据、社交网络等越来越多的互联网应用为传统行业的业务发展提供了有力支持,互联网对传统行业的渗透程度不断加深。20世纪末,微软总裁比尔盖茨就曾断言,“传统商业银行会成为新世纪的恐龙”。如今,随着互联网电子信息技术的发展,我们真切地感受到了这种趋势,移动支付、电子银行早已在我们的日常生活中占据了重要地位。 由于互联网金融的概念几乎完全来自于商业实践,因此目前的研究多集中在探讨互联网金融的具体模式上,而对传统金融行业的影响力分析和应对措施则缺乏系统性研究。互联网与金融行业一向是风险


中国地质大学长城学院 本科毕业论文外文资料翻译 系别:工程技术系 专业:机械设计制造及其自动化 姓名:郝晓蒂 学号: 05211429 2015年 4 月 3 日

History Of The Snowblower So who did invent the snowblower or snowthrower? We need to begin by qualifying that question since there are a number of answers depending on your interest. Some notable firsts would be: ●The first machine to clear snow by throwing or blowing it ●The first fully mobile snow clearing machine? ●The first domestic walk-behind snow blower The latter is the one people generally think of and have the most interest in. It is also the one that has the most elusive answer. Chapter 1 So where did it all begin? Looking back in time we need to consider where would there be a need to remove snow while having a source of power available? The need and the enabling power were found on the railways of the U.S. snowbelt and in Canada. The earliest documented art belongs to a Toronto dentist known as J/W Elliot. His 1869 patent #390 design was never built. The story next takes us to Orangeville Ontario, Canada where we find Orange Jull, a gristmill operator and inventor. In 1884 he applied for a patent and was subsequently granted patent #18506. Jull did not have the means to build and commercialize his invention so he contracted the local Leslie brothers to build the machines. The Jull/Leslie machines were self powered but not self propelled. A locomotive was used to move the machine. The Jull design consisted of 2 large inline fans rotating in opposite directions. The lead fan chewed into and pulverized the snow while blowing it back into the discharge fan, which propelled it into the sky. Due to clogging problems it was simplified to a single fan. Further changes to effectively control the discharge were made including a movable deflector and pitching impeller blades. Production was moved to the Cook locomotive works in several locations. Additional machines were built under license. Finally 5 machines were "home built" by end users with the last one finished in 1971. In all 146 were built. Later work consisted of fortifying the design to deal with the hazards of the unknown. Tracks were often blocked with fallen trees and other debris that were concealed in the snow. Legend has it that in one case a herd of cattle were trapped and buried under the snow on the rail bed. As the rotary snowplow progressed forward beefsteaks were flying. They remained in production into the 1950s and a few are still in service today. Many survive as museum pieces with an occasional demonstration. Following his collaboration with the Leslie Brothers Orange Jull went on to create a next generation machine. This design utilized a screw auger to collect the snow. It was not as effective,
