


The Journal of Encapsulation and Adsorption Sciences(封装与吸附JEAS)is an international open access(开放读取)journal dedicated to reporting on the latest advances in describing scientific and technological advances that cover the basic sciences, engineering aspects and applied technology of molecules (proteins, enzymes酶, food, fragrance香料, gas...) as well as other diverse materials encapsulation and adsorption with preparative manipulation and related materials properties. Due to the open access publishing model, papers published in JEAS gain a better visibility

You are invited to submit papers in the following areas:

Biomedical and pharmaceutical(制药applications with drug delivery systems药物释放(transdermal经皮给药, oral口服), biomarkers生物标记, nanomedicine, nano-taggants纳米标签with fluorescent dyes encapsulated,荧光染色分装

theranostics, biomimetics...

Food technology

Cosmetics 化妆,美容

Textiles 纺织

Biochemistry 生化技术

Optics 光学

Photonics 光子学

Environment,环境energy storage,贮能thermal insulation隔热and reinforcement 增强materials

Hydrogels水凝胶, polymers聚合物,高分子材料, (sol-gel) glasses, ceramics, inor ganic-organic hybrid materials无机有机杂化材料, porous materials多孔材料and

metal-organic framework as bulk or films金属有机主体基材或薄膜材料, multi-fun

ctional particles多功能材料nanocapsules,纳米胶囊and any other host matrices

and materials supports of interest.

Coating process of encapsulated materials



Controlled Release 可控释放

Molecular interactions studies, surface properties

Technical processes and analytical methods

Editor in Chief主编

Editorial Board编委会

Authors' Guidelines

General Information

Journal of Encapsulation and Adsorption Sciences (JEAS)is an international peer-re open access journal publishing in English original research studies, reviews in all as encapsulation and adsorption sciences. Symposia or workshop(专题讨论)papers published as supplements.(增刊)

The submitted manuscript should not have been previously published in any form and must not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Manuscript Preparation

To expedite the review process, please format the manuscript in ways as follows:

1.Prepare your manuscript as a single PDF or editable Word document. The file

should include the complete text, references, tables and figures. Any revised manuscripts should be sent as a single editable Word document.(修改稿必须用可编辑word文本给出)

2. Manuscripts should be written in English and include a 100-300 word abstract.

3. Make sure all the characters in the text, tables, figure legends, footnotes and

references are in a single typeface and point size(字体与大小)– such as 12 pt Times New Roman(新罗马字体). Once a manuscript is accepted, a copy editor will decide the typeface and size of the different elements of the article. 4. Submit all figures or photographs as jpg or tif files with distinct characters and

symbols at 500 dpi(dots per inch). Tables and equations should be in an editable rather than image version(图表与公式必须用可编辑格式不能用图形格式).

Tables must be edited with Word. Equations must be edited with Equation Editor.(公式编辑器)

5.Type your manuscript single spaced(单倍行距). This will save pages, makes it

easier for reviewers to handle and helps slow down global warming减少全球变暖by using less paper.(

6. All references should be numbered in square brackets in the text and listed in

the REFERENCES section in the order they appear in the text, as shown below (所有参考文献必须用方括号在文章中标记并且以出现顺序在参考文献一览中列出)

Journal Articles:

[1] A. W. Bosman, H. M. Janssen and E. W. Meijer, “About Dendrimers:

Structure, Physical Properties, and Applications,” Chemical Reviews, Vol. 99, 1999, pp. 1665-1688.

[2] H. F. Chow, T. K. K. Mong, M. F. Nongrum and C. W. Wan, “The Synthesis

and Properties of Novel Functional Dendritic Molecules,” Tetrahedron, Vol. 54, 1998, pp. 8543-8660.

[3] S. M. Grayson and J. M. J. Fréchet, “Convergent Dendrons and

Dendrimers: From Synthesis to Ap plications,” Chemical Reviews, Vol. 101, 2001, pp. 3819-3868.

E-Journal Articles:

[4] E. M. M. de Brabander-van der Berg and E. W. Meijer, “Poly (propylene

imine) Dendrimers: Large-Scale Synthesis by Hetereogeneously Catalyzed Hydrogenations,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Vol. 32, No. 9, 1993, pp. 1308-1311.


[5] S. Verdu, “Multi-user detection,” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,


Edited Book:

[6] A. S. Prasad, “Clinical and Biochemical Spectrum of Zinc Deficiency in

Human Su bjects,” In: A. S. Prasad, Ed., Clinical, Biochemical and Nutritional Aspects of Trace Elements, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 1982, pp. 5-15.

Conference Proceedings:

[7]L. Clare, G. Pottie and J. Agre, “Self-organizing distributed sensor

networks,” Proceedings SPIE Conference Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications, vol. 3713, Orlando, April 1999, pp. 229–237.


[8] W. Heinzelman, “Application-specific protocol architectures for wireless

networks,” Ph.D. dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 2000.


[9] L. Honeycutt, “Communication and Design Course,” 1998.


Online Submission

Manuscripts should be submitted online via the Journal of Encapsulation and Adsorption Sciences (JEAS) online manuscript submission and review system at: https://www.360docs.net/doc/4d1696385.html,/admin/initLoginAction.action?journalID=76 Authors are invited to provide the names of three well qualified reviewers. Current e-mail addresses must be provided for all suggested reviewers.

A copyright transfer agreement should be signed after the acceptance for publication.

Review Process

Manuscripts not adhering to journal guidelines will be returned to authors without scientific evaluation. Submitted manuscripts adhering to journal guidelines are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or an Editor, who will assign it them to reviewers. The Editorial Board prepares a decision letter according to the comments of the reviewers, which is sent to the corresponding author. All non reviewed manuscripts are sent back within 10 days and decisions letters of manuscripts are sent within 4 weeks.


《中华护理杂志》 编辑部投稿须知指南 期刊简介:《中华护理杂志》为中华护理学会主办、国内外公开发行的综合性护理学学术期刊,主要报道护理学领域领先的科研成果和临床经验,以及对护理临床有指导作用的护理理论研究。本刊的办刊宗旨是:贯彻党和国家的卫生工作方针政策,贯彻理论与实践普及与提高相结合的方针,反映我国护理临床科研工作的重大进展,促进国内外护理学术交流。 刊名:《中华护理杂志》,英文:《Chinese Journal of Nursing》。主办单位:中华护理学会。编辑单位:《中华护理杂志》编辑委员会;《中华护理杂志》编辑部。地址:北京市朝阳区十里堡甘露西园1号楼314室。邮政编码:100025。电子邮件:zhhlzz@https://www.360docs.net/doc/4d1696385.html, 。国际刊号:0254-1769。国内刊号:11-2234/R。期刊种类:月刊。 栏目设置:本刊辟有论著、临床护理研究、护理管理、护理教育、专业化教育与培训、综述、中医护理、基础护理、医院感染控制、手术室护理、探索与争鸣、研究生园地,社区护理、论坛、国外护理评介、经验与革新、编读往来、中外护理动态、护理史话、人文织锦等栏目。 《中华护理杂志》是中国科技论文统计源期刊、中国生物医学核心期刊中国临床医学类核心期刊。至2007年底已连续六届荣获“百种中国杰出学术期刊”称号。《中华护理杂志》系中华临床医学会主办的临床护理专业期刊,中文版每

月30日出版一期。热忱欢迎广大读者踊跃投稿和订阅。 一、投稿要求和注意事项 1、文字要求。来稿应具先进性、科学性和逻辑性,要求资料真实、数据可靠、论点明确、结构严谨、文字通顺。论著、综述类一般不超过5000字,经验交流不超过3000字,简报、病例报告不超过2000字。邮寄稿件请作者以A4纸张打印并核对清楚,尤其标点符号,标点符号占一格,英文应隔行打印。为提高审稿效率,条件允许的作者请优先选择电子邮件的方式投稿。不准一稿多投,文责自负,自留底稿,一律不退。 2、稿件处理。编辑部对来稿及时进行处理,一般在接稿后一周内将“稿件受理通知”通过电子邮件发送给第一作者或通讯作者。若作者投稿15日后仍未接到“稿件受理通知”请即来E-mail咨询。编辑部对来稿有删修权,不同意删修者必须来E-mail声明。实验研究、新技术研究类优越稿件酌致稿酬。本刊大16开,月刊,稿件容量大,发表周期短,一般不超过30个工作日。凡在接到本刊受理回执后1个月内未接到稿件终审通知者,系文章仍在排队审理中。凡投寄本刊的稿件,2个月内(以稿件受理回执日期计算)给予回复审稿意见。未经录用稿件,允许作者提出不同意见。本刊不退原稿,请作者自留底稿。作者如欲投他刊,请先与本刊联系,切勿一稿两投,耗费专家评审精力。 3、投稿方式。电子邮件投稿(即网络投稿)请用Word格式的附件来邮;邮寄来稿请尽量用小四号字打印在A4纸上,凡字迹潦草、涂改不清的稿件,恕



LOGGING ON AND OFF THE AUTHOR CENTER LOGGING ON Each journal’s ScholarOne Manuscripts site has a unique Web address (URL). Typically, you are given the address in an email sent by the journal. If the address is hyperlinked, select the link within the email, or copy and paste into the browser. The journal’s Log In page is displayed. Access to the journal site may be provided in two ways: 1.The journal may create your account and email to you instructions on how to log in and set your User ID and password. 2.Some journals allow their users to create their own accounts. If yours does, there will be a Create Account link in the top right corner of the page, or you can use the New User? Register here just to the right of the Log In. Follow the 3-step process for creating your account. ?Journal-required fields are denoted by the required symbol


《中国公共卫生》杂志作者投稿格式要求 一、文题 1.文题用2号黑体字居中通栏排版。 2.如是基金项目文章,文题末右上角加“﹡”号。 二、作者姓名 1.作者姓名用5号楷体居中排列在文题下方。 2.作者中单姓单名者姓与名之间不留空格,各姓名之间用“,”隔开。作者单位不同时,在作者姓名后的右上角以阿拉伯数字进行标注。 3. 作者姓名与中文文题的行间距空5号字1行 三、摘要与关键词 1.中英文摘要和关键词通栏排,两边各缩进2字格。英文摘要排在中文摘要下方,中英文关键词分别排在中英文摘要下方。 2.“摘要(Abstract)”和“关键词(Key Words)”字样后加冒号(:)左顶格排(小5号黑体),转行文字顶格排。四要素名称“目的(Objective)”“方法(Methods)”“结果(Results)”“结论(Conclusion)”文字均为小5号黑体,后空1字格排;其余文字为小5号宋体。多个关键词之间隔以“;”。 3.中文摘要与作者姓名行间距空5号字1行。 四、中图分类号、文献标志码、文章编号 中图分类号、文献标志码、文章编号排在中文关键词下方、英文文题上方,无须标注英文分类号。“中图分类号”、“文献标志码”、“文章编号”后加冒号“:”,用小5号黑体排,其余文字均为小5号宋体。 五、英文文题、作者姓名及单位 1.英文文题用4号黑正体左顶格排,文题首字母大写,其余字母均小写。 2.英文摘要中作者姓名在英文文题下另起一行左顶格排,用小5号白正体居中排。作者姓名后在圆括号内用小5号白斜体接排作者单位。英文摘要内容与作者名间无行空。 3.英文文题与中图分类号、文献标志码、文章编号的行间距空5号字1行 六、基金项目 1. 文章首页地脚半栏排“基金项目:”用6号字黑体顶左排,其余文字为6号宋体。用横细线与正文分开。“基金项目:”左上角加“﹡”号。 2.在圆括号内注明其项目编号。多项基金应依次列出,其间以“;”隔开,连排,


《中医杂志》稿约 《中医杂志》是由国家中医药管理局主管,中华中医药学会、中国中医科学院主办的国家级综合性中医药学术期刊。办刊宗旨是发扬中医特色,以中医学术为本,促进中医现代化和中西医结合事业的发展,提高为主,兼顾普及,面向临床,兼重基础理论,努力促进中医药和中西医结合学术的交流与发展。2011年起改为半月刊,每期96页,国内外公开发行。 1 主要栏目 2011年《中医杂志》对栏目进行了部分调整,将涉及临床的研究报告归属“临床论著”,而采用动物实验的研究报告归属“实验研究”,使栏目设置更趋合理、清晰。调整后的主要栏目有:专家论坛、学术探讨、当代名医、思路与方法、中医药发展园地、方法学与临床评价、临床论著、实验研究、文献研究、临床报道、临证心得、专题笔谈、综述、百家园、标准与规范、学术争鸣、病例讨论、中医教育、海外中医、临床解惑、名医医案、学术动态等,其中专题笔谈、病例讨论、中医教育、海外中医、临床解惑等栏目只在上半月刊出。 2 稿件要求 稿件内容应具有科学性、创新性和实用性,资料应真实可靠,数据准确,论点明确,文字精炼,层次清楚。理论论述、临床及实验研究报告、综述等稿件一般不超过6000字,临床报道及其他类稿件一般不超过3000字。除专题笔谈及临床解惑栏目外,其余稿件均要求根据稿件内容标注参考文献,每篇稿件参考文献数量应不少于5条。 2.1文题 文题应简明扼要,重点突出。一般以20个汉字以内为宜,尽量不用缩略语。 2.2 基金项目 论文涉及基金项目者应注明项目名称及编号。基金项目名称应按国家有关部门规定的正式名称书写,并须附基金项目证明复印件。 2.3 著者 著者姓名在文题下按序排列,排序应在投稿时确定,稿件修改及编排过程中一般不宜再做更改。确需变更时必须出具由全体著者签名的书面证明并加盖有关单位公章。来稿时应注明著者职称、主要研究方向、所属单位全称、所在科室及详细地址、邮政编码、联系电话;1个以上著者时请注明通讯作者姓名及联系方式(电子信箱、电话号码)。 2.4 摘要及关键词 论著类稿件须附中文摘要,其中临床研究、实验研究论著应按照目的、方法、结果、结论的结构编写摘要,字数以200字左右为宜。其他论著应附指示性摘要。正文前需标出3~8个关键词。 2.5 数字与计量单位 数字用法执行《关于出版物上数字用法的规定》(GB/T 15835-1995)。物理量量值必须用阿拉伯数字,并正确使用法定计量单位。如:150km、600mg、39℃等。计量单位实行中华人民共和国国家标准《国际单位制及其应用》(GB3100-1993)。 2.6 统计学符号 按《统计学名词及符号》(GB3358-82)的有关规定书写,常用符号举例如下:样本的算术平均数用英文小写m(中位数用M);标准差用英文小写s;标准误用英文小写s;t检验用英文小写t;F检验用英文大写F;卡方检验用希文小写χ2;相关系数用英文小写r;自由度用希文小写ν;概率用英文大写P(P值前应给出具体检验值,如t值、χ2值、q值等)。以上符号均用斜体。 2.7 图表


《汽车工程》作者投稿须知 《汽车工程》是由中国科学技术协会主管、中国汽车工程学会主办的综合反映中国汽车行业学术研究水平的学术期刊。主要刊登汽车理论的探讨、试验研究成果以及汽车设计、制造、新材料使用、技术管理等方面的学术论文,同时也适量刊登有关汽车产业和汽车技术发展战略研究与企业经营管理研究的学术论文,全面反映各种高新技术(如:信息、计算机及网络、自动化、微电子、通信、新能源、新材料、新工艺、环保等技术)在汽车及交通业中的应用。《汽车工程》是中国科技类期刊的核心期刊和科技论文统计源期刊,被《中国学术期刊文摘》、美国工程索引(Ei Compendex)数据库收录。 本刊编辑部简要的工作流程为 提高稿件的质量。 1 稿件的组成及要求 稿件须是未以任何形式发表过的原创论文,篇幅控制在6000~8000字(包

括图表),稿件的结构组成按次序排列为:中文题目、作者署名、作者单位信息(包括:单位名称、所在城市、邮政编码)、中文摘要、中文关键词、英文文题、作者英文署名、作者单位信息英文翻译、英文摘要、英文关键词、前言、正文、参考文献。 《汽车工程》论文投稿模板可从《汽车工程》网站()下载。 题目 题目应概括论文的主要内容,具体、简单明了。 中文题目 2号宋体通栏。以不超过20个汉字为宜。 英文题目应符合英文表达方法,不要轻易使用未得到业界公认的缩略词语。 论文如有基金项目资助,在题目末尾用上标“*”注出,并把注释语列于首页地脚处。 作者及单位 作者数以不超过6人为宜,作者单位不超过3个为宜。 作者署名按照先后次序从左至右列于题目下方。所有作者单位按照作者顺序在署名下方用一个括号注出,每个单位信息应包括序号(多于1个单位时标注)、单位全称(写至二级单位,如院、所或系)、所在城市名称、邮编。国外单位应标明所在国家。每个作者名字后用上标标出所对应的单位序号,多于一个单位时,序号间用逗号隔开。 摘要 小5号宋体通栏,200字左右。要求:论文的基本信息和要点都应该出现在摘要里;使用标准精确的词汇和语言,清晰紧凑地概述客观事实;摘要的整体结构严谨、思路清楚,基本素材组织合理。


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Examination Paper on Data Structure Ⅰ Fill Vacant Position () 1.In a ________ data structure, all insertions and deletions of entries are made at one end. It is particularly useful in application involving________. 2.In processing a sequential list with n entries: insert and remove require time approximately to ________. 3.One of method of searching is ________ that requires ordered list. 4.The time complexity of the quicksort is ________. 5.Only ________ ________ graph has topological order. 6.According the definition of Binary Tree, there will be ________ different Binary Trees with 5 nodes. ⅡSingle choice () 1.The Linked List is designed for conveniently ________data item. a. getting b. inserting c. finding d. locating 2.Assume a sequence list as 1,2,3,4,5,6 passes a stack, an impossible output sequence list Is ________ . a. 2,4,3,5,1,6 b.3,2,5,6,4,1 c.1,5,4,6,2,3 d.4,5,3,6,2,1 3. A queue is a structure not implementing ________. a. first-in/first-out b. first-in/last-out c. last-in/last-out d. first-come/first-serve 4.Removing the data item at index i from a sequential list with n items, ________ items need to be shifted left one position. a. n-i b. n-i+1 c. i d. n-i-1 5.The addresses which store Linked List ________ . a. must be sequential b. must be partly sequential c. must be no sequential d. can be sequential or discontiguous 6.The time requirement of retrieving a given target in hash table with n entries is _______ a. O(n) b. O(log2n) c. O(1) d. O(nlog2n) 7.If the Binary Tree T2 is transformed from the Tree T1, then the postorder of T1 is the ________ of T2. a. preorder b. inorder c. postorder d. level order 8.In the following sorting algorithm, ________ is an unstable algorithm. a. the insertion sort b. the bubble sort c. quicksort d. mergesort 9.Assume there is a ordered list consisting of 100 data items, using binary search to find a special item, the maximum comparisons is ________ . a. 25 b.1 c. 10 d.7 10.The result from scanning a Binary Search Tree in inorder traversal is in ________ order. a. descending or ascending b. descending c. ascending d. out of order 11.The ________ case is worst for quicksort. a. the data which will be sorted is too larger.


Final Examination Paper on Data Structures(A) I、Fill Vacant Position (1′×10=10′) 1、____________is the name for the case when a function invokes itself or invokes a sequence of other functions,one of which eventually invokes the __________again. 2、In a __________ data structure, all insertions and deletions of entries are made at one end. It is particularly useful in applications involving __________. 3、In c++ , we use ____________operator to implement the circular queues. 4、In processing a contiguous list with n entries: insert and remove require time approximately to _________. And clear, empty, full, size operate in ________ time. 5、One of method of searching is ____________________that requires ordered list. 6、The time complexity of the quicksort is______________. 7、Only __________ ____________graph has topological order. II、Multiple choice (2′×10=20′) 1、In a tree, ______are vertices with the same parent. ( ) A. children B. sibling C. adjacent D. leaf 2、A queue is a version of ( ) A. linked list B. LIFO list C. sequential list D. FIFO list 3、How many shapes of binary trees with four nodes are there ( ) A. 12 B.15 C. 14 D. 13 4、Among sorting algorithms, which kind of algorithm is divide-and-conquer sorting ( ) A. shell sort B. heap sort C. merge sort D. inserting sort 5、For the following graph, one of results of depth_first traversal is ( ) A. abcdefghi B. abcdeighf C. acbdieghf D.abdeighfc 6、In a binary tree, if the result of traversing under preorder is the same as that under inorder, then ( ) A. It is only a binary tree with one node B. It is either empty, or the left subtree of any node of the tree is empty C. It is only an empty binary tree D. It is either empty, or the right subtree of an node of the tree is empty 7、There are _______solutions to the problem of placing four queens on a 4×4 board. ( ) A. 2 B. 3 C. 6 D. 4 8、Which function is smallest order of magnitude? ( ) A. 2 n B. n + lgn C.n 0.1 D.10000


2003 Data Structure Test (120 minutes) Class: Student Number: Name: 1.Single-Choice(20 points) (1) The Linked List is designed for conveniently b data item. a. getting b. inserting c. finding d.locating (2) Assume a sequence list as 1,2,3,4,5,6 passes a stack, an impossible output sequence list Is c . a. 2,4,3,5,1,6 b.3,2,5,6,4,1 c.1,5,4,6,2,3 d.4,5,3,6,2,1 (3) A queue is a structure not implementing b . a. first-in/first-out b. first-in/last-out c. last-in/last-out d. first-come/first-serve (4) Removing the data item at index i from a sequential list with n items, d items need to be shifted left one position. a. n-i b. n-i+1 c. i d. n-i-1 (5) There is an algorithm with inserting an item to a ordered SeqList and still keeping the SeqList ordered. The computational efficiency of this inserting algorithm is c . a. O(log2n) b. O(1) c. O(n) d.(n2) (6) The addresses which store Linked List d . a. must be sequential b. must be partly sequential c. must be no sequential d. can be sequential or discontiguous (7) According the definition of Binary Tree, there will be b different Binary Trees with 5 nodes. a. 6 b. 5 c. 4 d. 3 (8) In the following 4 Binary Trees, c is not the complete Binary Tree. a b c d (9) A Binary Tree will have a nodes on its level i at most.



外文翻译原文 Computer programming data structure is an important theoretical basis for the design, it is not only the core curriculum of computer disciplines, and has become a popular elective course other Polytechnic professional, so studied this course well and studied computer are closely related. 一、the concept of data structure Computer data structure is the foundation of science and technology professional classes, is the essential core curriculum. All computer system software and application software to use various types of data structures. Therefore, if we want to make better use of computers to solve practical problems, only to several computer programming languages are difficult to cope with the many complex issues. To the effective use of computers, give full play to computer performance, but also must learn and master relevant knowledge of data structure. A solid foundation of "data structure"for learning other computer professional courses, such as operating systems, translation theory, database management systems, software engineering, artificial intelligence, etc. are very useful. 二、why should learn from data structure? In the early development of computers, the use of computer designed primarily to deal with terms. When we use the computer to solve a specific problem, the following general needs through several steps : the first is a specific problem of appropriate abstract mathematical models, and then design or choose a mathematical model of the algorithm,the final procedures for debugging, testing, until they have the ultimate answer. Since then the object is INTEGER, REAL, BOOLEAN, the procedures of the main designers of energy is focused on programming skills, without attention to the data structure. With the expansion of computer applications and development of software and hardware, the issue of non-terms increasing importance. According to statistics, Now dealing with the issue of non-occupancy of more than 90% of the machine time. Such issues involve more complex data structure, the relationships


WOED格式 数据结构基本英语词汇 数据抽象dataabstraction 数据元素dataelement 数据对象dataobject 数据项dataitem 数据类型datatype 抽象数据类型abstractdatatype 逻辑结构logicalstructure 物理结构phyicalstructure 线性结构linearstructure 非线性结构nonlinearstructure 基本数据类型atomicdatatype 固定聚合数据类型fixed-aggregatedatatype 可变聚合数据类型variable-aggregatedatatype 线性表linearlist 栈stack 队列queue 串string 数组array 树tree 图grabh 查找,线索searching 更新updating 排序(分类)sorting 插入insertion 删除deletion 前趋predecessor 后继successor 直接前趋immediatepredecessor

WOED格式 直接后继immediatesuccessor 双端列表deque(double-endedqueue) 循环队列cirularqueue 指针pointer 先进先出表(队列)first-infirst-outlist 后进先出表(队列)last-infirst-outlist 栈底bottom 栈定top 压入push 弹出pop 队头front 队尾rear 上溢overflow 下溢underflow 数组array 矩阵matrix 多维数组multi-dimentionalarray 以行为主的顺序分配rowmajororder 以列为主的顺序分配columnmajororder 三角矩阵truangularmatrix 对称矩阵symmetricmatrix 稀疏矩阵sparsematrix 转置矩阵transposedmatrix 链表linkedlist 线性链表linearlinkedlist 单链表singlelinkedlist 多重链表multilinkedlist 循环链表circularlinkedlist 双向链表doublylinkedlist


Programming Principles 1 THE GAME OF LIFE Exercises Determine by hand calculation what will happen to each of the configurations shown in Figure over the course of five generations. [Suggestion: Set up the Life configuration on a checkerboard. Use one color of checkers for living cells in the current generation and a second color to mark those that will be born or die in the next generation.] Answer (a) Figure remains stable. (b) (c) (d) Figure is stable. 1 2 Chapter 1 _ Programming Principles (e) (f) Figure repeats itself. (g) (h) (i) Figure repeats itself. (j) (k) (l) Figure repeats itself. Section _ Programming Style 3 PROGRAMMING STYLE Exercises E1. What classes would you define in implementing the following projects What methods would your classes possess (a) A program to store telephone numbers.


一.考试常用的 Algorithm 算法。Primitive 基本的consume 消费stack 栈principle 原则 Recursive 递归linear 线性的dynamic 动态的binary二进制的thread 线索 Traversal 遍历node 结点inorder 中序posorder 后序preorder 前序 Graph 图undirected 无向图element 数字remove 删除middle 中间 Adjacent 邻接maintain 维持pointer 指针circular 循环implement 实现 Bubble 冒泡insertion 插入address 地址 二、考试内容 1、What is an algorithm?什么是算法? an algorithm is a well-defined list of steps for solving a particular problem. 2、What is data structure? 什么是数据结构? What does the primitive data structure include? 基础的数据结构包括什么? What does the non primitive data structure include?非基础的数据结构包括什么? (1)The data structrue is the logical or mathematical model of a particular organization of date (data may be organized in many ways) (2)Primitive data:int, float, char; (3) non primitive data: linear (arrays , list) nonlinear( graphs , tree) 3、What is a stack?什么是栈?What principle does it work on?它的工作原理是什么? (1)A stack is linear data structure in which items may be added or removed only at one end, called the TOP of the stack. (2)last in first out. 4、What is a queue? 什么是队列?What principle does it work on?它的工作原理是什么? (1)a queue is a linear list of elements in which deletions can take place only at one end,called the front,and insertions can take place only at the other end,called the rear. (2)first in first out. 5、What is recursion? 什么是递归?Does a recursive program is one which defines in terms of itself?在程序中是否调用自身? (1)Recursion is a programming tool that is one of the most powerful for beginning students of programming; (2)yes. 6、What is a tree?什么是树?What is a binary tree? 什么是二叉树?What is tree traversal? 什么是树的遍历?How to create and traverse the tree in inorder, preorder and postorder?先序,中序,后序是如何让遍历的? (1)Tree is a connected Graph without any cycle;it is non-linear data structure . (2)Binary Tree: A binary tree T is defined as a finite set of elements, called nodes, such that: either (3)According to the path of every node visit tree, and just visit once a)T is empty (null tree) or b)T contains a special node called the root of T and the remaining nodes of T form an ordered pair of disjoint binary trees T1 (left subtree) and T2 (right subtree) preorder:1、process the root R.2、traverse the left subtree of R in preorder.3、traverse the right subtree of R in preorder. inorder:1、traverse the left subtree of R in inorder.2、process the root R.3、traverse the right subtree of R in inorder. postorder:1、traverse the left subtree of R in postorder.2、traverse the right subtree of R in
