

新世纪综合单元测试——Book 1 Unit 8

Listening Comprehension


True Or False

Directions: In this section, you will hear ten statements. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true or false.(10 points)



Script : According to a professor of education, it is less important for a student to know how to take advantage of his or her innate abilities.




Script : Top students attain academic excellence by mastering a few basic principles that other students can easily learn.




Script : One of straight-A students' secrets in achieving academic excellence is to learn to be organized.




Script : Top students believe that a secret of their success is the taking down of all notes during lessons.




Script : It is important for straight-A students to know how to schedule their time properly.




Script : The student who turns in neat work is sure to score an A.




Script : The colleges are to blame for the pressures college students are suffering.




Script : According to the author, there are four kinds of pressure working on students: economic pressure, parental pressure, peer pressure, and self-induced pressure.




Script : Economic pressure is less closely related to parental pressure, and peer pressure with self-induced pressure.




Script : The students who just fulfill what they are asked to do are put at a disadvantaged position. 正确答案:T


Spot Dictation

Directions:You will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 11-20 with the exact words you have just heard. When the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. (10 points)

May first is an important date in the college 11 in the United States . This is the last day for high school 12 to accept or reject 13 in the fall. Offers are sent by April fifteenth. 14 at the top colleges were lower than ever this year. No surprise, just more 15 from stories of top students getting 16 even from less competitive schools. Numbers tell the story. The Education Department 17 that the number of high school graduates in the United States will 18 the highest level ever this year. Three million three hundred and thirty thousand students are 19 to graduate. But not only are there more college applicants these days, they are also 20 more colleges.

11.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:admissions process


13.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:offers of admission

14.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:Acceptance rates


16.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:rejection letters




20.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:applying to

Reading Comprehension


Directions:There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices. Click on the best choice. (20 points) Passage One

Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate, and each course which he attends gives him a credit (学分) which he may count towards a degree. In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses each lasting for one semester (学期). A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks; while attending a university a student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester. Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year. It is possible to spread the period of work for the degree over a longer period. It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course, though this is not in fact done as a regular practice.

For every course that he follows a student is given a grade, which is recorded, and the record is available for the student to show to prospective employers. All this imposes a constant pressure and

strain of work, but in spite of this some students still find time for great activity in student affairs. Elections to positions in student organization arouse much enthusiasm. The effective work of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities. Any student who is thought to have broken the rules, for example, by cheating has to appear before a student court. With the enormous numbers of students, the operation of the system does involve a certain amount of activity. A student who has held one of these positions of authority is much respected and it will be of benefit to him later in his career.

21. Normally a student would at least attend ________ classes each week.

A. 36

B. 12

C. 20

D. 15


22. According to the first paragraph an American student is allowed ________.

A. to live in a different university

B. to take a particular course in a different university

C. to live at home and drive to classes

D. to get two degrees from two different universities


23. American university students are usually under pressure of work because ________.

A. their academic performance will affect their future careers

B. they are heavily involved in student affairs

C. they have to observe university discipline

D. they want to run for positions of authority


24. Some students are enthusiastic for positions in student organisations probably because ________.

A. they hate the constant pressure and strain of their study

B. they will then be able to stay longer in the university

C. such positions help them get better jobs

D. such positions are usually well paid


25. The student organisations seem to be effective in ________.

A. dealing with the academic affairs of the university

B. ensuring that the students observe university regulations

C. evaluating students' performance by bringing them before a court

D. keeping up the students' enthusiasm for social activities



Passage Two

The . Department of Labor statistics indicate that there is an oversupply of college trained workers and that this oversupply is increasing. Already there is an overabundance of teachers, engineers, physicists, aerospace (航空宇航) experts, and other specialists. Yet colleges and graduate schools continue every year to turn out highly trained people to compete for jobs that aren't there. The result is that graduates cannot enter the professions for which they were trained and must take temporary jobs which do not require a college degree.

On the other hand, there is a tremendous need for skilled workers of all sorts: carpenters, electricians, mechanics, plumbers, TV repairmen.

These people have more work than they can handle, and their annual incomes are often higher than those of college graduates. The old distinction that white-collar workers make a better living than

blue-collar workers no longer holds true. The law of supply and demand now favors the skilled workmen. The reason for this situation is the traditional myth that college degree is a passport to a prosperous future. A large segment of American society equates success in life with a college degree. Parents begin indoctrinating (灌输) their children with this myth before they are out of grade school. High school teachers play their part by acting as if high school education were a preparation for college rather than for life. Under this pressure the kids fall in line. Whether they want to go to college or not doesn't matter. Everybody should go to college, so of course they must go. And every year college enrollments go up and up, and more and more graduates are overeducated for the kinds of jobs available to them.

One result of this emphasis on a college education is that many people go to college who do not belong there. Of the sixty percent of high school graduates who enter college, half of them do not graduate with their class. Many of them drop out within the first year. Some struggle on for two or three years and then give up.

26. What is implied in the passage is that in the past _______.

A. blue-collar workers made a better living than white-collar workers

B. white-collar workers made a better living than blue-collar workers

C. blue-collar workers were looked down upon

D. white-collar workers were looked up to


27. Which of the following is NOT a reason why college enrollments go up every year

A. Many people believe that the only way to success is a college education.

B. Many parents want their children to go to college.

C. High school teachers urge their students to go to college.

D. Every young man and woman wants to go to college.


28. The word "myth"(Sentence 1, Para. 4) in the passage means _________.

A. truth

B. false belief

C. strong argument

D. mystic legend


29. By saying that "many people go to college who do not belong there", the author means that __________.

A. many people who are not fit for college education go to college

B. many people who do not have adequate financial support go to college

C. many people who go to college drop out within the first year

D. many people who go to college have their hopes shattered


30. We can infer from the passage that the author believes that ___________________.

A. every young man and woman should go to college

B. college education is a bad thing

C. people with a college education should receive higher pay

D. fewer people should go to college while more should be trained for skilled jobs


Vocabulary and Structure


Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.(60 points)

31. We are ______ a survey to find out what our customers think of the local bus service.

A. performing

B. undergoing

C. conducting

D. administerings


32. In human friendship an important _____ is "forgive and forget".

A. principal

B. primary

C. principle

D. regulation


33. The problems requiring immediate solution will be given ____ at the meeting.

A. priority

B. urgency

C. superiority

D. emergency


34. In a typhoon, winds _______ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.

A. assume

B. attain

C. accomplish

D. assemble


35. The factory strike was settled when the union and management reached a ______ on the question of wages.

A. bargain

B. harmony

C. compromise

D. comprehension


36. With the development of industry, this region will surely _______.

A. develop

B. profit

C. succeed

D. thrive


37. They had a fierce _____ as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago.

A. debate

B. clash

C. disagreement

D. contest


38. Thank you for applying for a position with our firm. We do not have any openings at this time, but we shall keep your application on ____ for two months.

A. pile

B. segment

C. sequence

D. file


39. We _____ complete equality between men and women.

A. omit

B. suggest

C. advocate

D. agree


40. Now that they have done something ______ about the situation, it comes to return to normal.

A. unique

B. effective

C. absolute

D. sequential


41. Summer rains came almost on _______ as the crops needed them.

A. list

B. plan

C. schedule

D. arrangement



42. Try to _____ your mind into the future and imagine what life will be like then.

A. subject

B. object

C. project

D. reject


43. To have his story published, the young man certainly _____ it for at least three times.

A. performs

B. polishes

C. discloses

D. advocates


44. The sun was shining brightly, _________ everything there _________ more beautiful.

A. making; look

B. to make; looked

C. and made; looking

D. and making; be looked


第15课 重点内容:1.授受動詞 2.授受補助動詞 3.副助詞だけ 4.ほうがいい 5.~かもしれません 6.~にちがいない 一.授受动词 1.くれる、くださる 表示其他人将物给说话人。其中对象的“私に”可以省略 给(给我) 昨日王さんは日本語の本をくれました。 昨日先生は日本語の本をくださいました。 2.やる、あげる、さしあげる 其中やる现在已停用,表示给动物何物。现在甚至有连给动物何物都用あげる。因为很多家庭把宠物当家庭成员看待。 あげる、さしあげる表示说话人给某人何物,其中动作的主体可以省略。 李さんにネクタイをあげました。 先生に宿題のノ—トをさしあげました。 庭鳥に食物をやる 3.もらう、いただく 表示从。。。那儿得到何物。。。用に或から表示动作的主体(に表示人,而から表示单位) お父さんに雑誌をもらいました。 さっき李さんに電話をもらいました。 先生に日本語の辞書をいただきました。 二.授受关系的补助动词 てあげる、てくれる、てもらう 这是由授受动词做补助动词的类型。其授受方向与普通授受物质一样。它 们成为补助动词后,表示相互地位对方做什么事情而不是相互给与物质。 ……てあげる我为别人做某一件事情,我做主语; ……てくれる别人为我做某一件事情,别人做主语; ……てもらう我接受别人为我做的某一件事情,我做主语。 这里还要注意: 当てあげる的对方比自己地位高时,有可能使用てさしあげる;对方比自己地位低,有可能使用てやる。

当てくれる的对方比自己地位高时,有可能使用てくださる。 当てもらう的对方比自己地位高时,有可能使用ていただく。 おばあさんが横おう断だん歩ほ道どう で困っていたので手を引いてあげた。 我看到一位老奶奶过马路很困难,就上去牵着她的手带她过了马路。 せっかくみんなの写真を撮ってあげようと思ったのにカメラを忘れてきてしまった 本来想得好好的,要给大家照张相,但却忘了带照相机了。 另外如果动作行为涉及到别人的身体的一部分或属于他所有的东西,或者是直接涉及到他本人时,不能使用?…てあげる?这一句型。 (误)おばあさんに手を引いてあげた (正)おばあさんの手を引いてあげた牵了老奶奶的手 (误)友達に荷物を持ってあげた (正)友達の荷物を持ってあげた替朋友拿了行李 鈴木さんが自転車を修理してくれた 誰もそのことを教えてくれなかった 私はタイ人の友達にタイ料理を教えてもらった 山本さんに香港映画のビデオを貸してもらった 向山本借了香港电影的录像带。 三.副助词だけ だけ【丈】 [副助]名詞、活用語の連体形、一部の助詞に付く。 1 分量?程度?限度を表す。…ほど。…くらい。…かぎり。「走れる―走ってみよう」「どれ―の人が苦しんでいるか」 2 範囲を限定する意を表す。…ばかり。…のみ。「学校―でなく家庭での指導も大切だ」 3 慣用的に用いられ、種々の意を表す。 「…ば…だけ」「…たら…ただけ」の形で、一方の程度が高まるのに比例して、他方の事柄?状態の程度も高まる意を表す。…につれていっそう。「注意すればする―反抗する」「読書したら読書した―人生の深みが増す」 多く「…だけあって」「…だけのことはある」「…だけに」の形で、素質?能力?価値が相応に発揮される意を表す。「横綱―あって強い」「苦労した―のことはある」→だけに 「…だけでは」「…だけでも」の形で、限定された条件を表す。「口先―では実現できない」「名前―でも参加してほしい」→だけに 接在体言及用言、助动词等的连体形后面,表示限定,相当于汉语的“仅,制”等(用肯定的形式表示肯定的限定)。 試験の時にはペンだけを持ってきてください。 考试时只带笔来。 ほしいものだけを取ってください。 仅拿自己想要的东西。

新世纪综合单元测试——Book 1 Unit 7 答案

新世纪综合单元测试——Book 1 Unit 7 Listening Comprehension 请根据需要填入Script: True Or False Directions: In this section, you will hear ten statements. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true or false. (10 points) 1.True False 请根据需要填入Script: Script : Experts tend to resort to the term "generation gap" to explain the conflicts between parents and children. 正确答案:T 2.True False 请根据需要填入Script: Script : Investigations show that technological inventions can't help facilitate the communication between human beings. 正确答案:F 3.True False 请根据需要填入Script: Script : When people are listening, they have quicker heartbeats and slower blood circulation. 正确答案:F 4.True False 请根据需要填入Script: Script : The mental distractions inside our minds are much harder to conquer. 正确答案:T 5.True False 请根据需要填入Script: Script : Sometimes, the listener tends to skip part of what is being said consciously. 正确答案:F 6.True False 请根据需要填入Script: Script : To ensure that good communication takes place, talking and hearing are just one part of it. 正确答案:T 7.True False 请根据需要填入Script: Script : After the unforgettable experience of not remembering the cleaning lady, the author finally knew the cleaning lady's real name. 正确答案:T 8.True False 请根据需要填入Script: Script : In 1960s of America, the incidents of helping the people who are in urgent need were common.


Unit One People Around Us Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action ▆ Working with Words and Expressions 1.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ▆ Answers: 1) crease 2) hint 3) assured 4) awaiting 5) hovering 6) scrawled 7) glistening 8) frail 9) sole 10) visible 11) engaged 12) biased 13) dreading 14) grinning 2.In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. ▆ Answers: 1) for fear of 2) pulled up 3) except for 4) get by 5) make a living 6) every so often 7) in the background 8) Shut off 9) each and every 10) as it is 11) wraps … around her little finger 12) caught us …unawares ▆Increasing Y our Word Power 1.Choose the definition from Column B that best matches each phrasal verb in Column A, paying attention to the V+ Prep./Ad. collocation.

新世纪综合单元测试——Unit 4 Book 4 Test A

新世纪综合单元测试——Unit 4 Book 4 Test A Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (60 points) 31. His life as a river-boat pilot came to a sudden end. He was ______ to leave Mississippi at the outbreak of the war. A. committed B. compelled C. ordered D. attributed 正确答案:B 32. As a president, she has an annual _______ of 20,000 dollars gross. A. wage B. wages C. salary D. salaries 正确答案:C 33. Natural resources can be ______ as renewable and nonrenewable ones. A. categorized B. sorted C. classified D. organized 正确答案:C 34. He ______ his energies between running the company and playing tennis. A. separates B. shares C. parts D. divides


U5 1.培养正确的感情是极其必要的,因为它可以为一个人将来学习和工作的成功奠定基础。 Cultivating the right emotions is indispensable in that it lays the foundations for the success of one’s future work and studies. 2.中国西部发展急需人才,政府为此制定了优惠政策,号召更多大学毕业生去西部工作。West China is crying out for talented people for its development .To this end,the government has laid down favorable policies,calling for more college graduates to go and work there. 3.你怎么可以在我这样艰难的时候对我置之不理呢?我们患难与共差不多半个世纪了。How can you turn your back on me when I am in such difficulty? We have gone through trials and tribulations for practically half a century. 4.网虫们很多时间都泡在网上,以至于他们无法分辨虚拟世界与现实世界。 Web addicts spend so much time on the Internet that they are unable to draw a distinction between the virtual world and the real world. 5.生活在城市的人常常会有这样的幻想:乡村生活是闲适安逸的。其实不一定是这回事儿。Urban residents often have the illusion that rural life is always leisurely and comfortable. In fact, that may not be the case. 6.远程学习是个全球化的趋势。随着它的迅速发展,人们无论身处何地都能有同样方便的途径享受教育资源。 Distance learning is a global trend. With its quick growth,people are given an equally convenient access to educational resources,no matter where they are. U6 1.我们中国人会再三地请客人多吃饭桌上的菜,以表明我们好客。 As a proof of our hospitality,we Chinese will repeatedly ask our guests to help themselves to


动词连用形+て土曜日に映画をみて、日曜日にテレビを見ます。 动词连用形+ています 田中さんは今、本を読んでいます。 ~てください電気をつけてください。 ~てからテレビを見てから、音楽を聞きます。 ~についてこの問題について検討しましょう。 けっして~ない決してそうではありません。 ~かどこかおいしい中華料理のお店へ行きたいですね。 だれか知っている人がいれば、教えてください。 朝、早く起きることはいいことです。 日曜日にテニスをするがく学生は8時に集合してください。 これは決していいことではないと思います。 ~つもり+だ(です)わたしは日本へ行くつもりです。 ~にとって ~言うまでもない英語は言うまでもなく、日本語もできます。 留学が簡単なのはいいことです。 冬は雪が降ることが多いです。わたしは田中さんがそこ で雑誌を読んでいるのを 見ました。 ~ないわたしはそのこ とを何も知らない。忙 しくて日記を書かないこ ともある。 ~ことができますわた したちはインターネット で世界の情報を得ること ができます。杉本 さんは中国語を話すこと ができます。 ~(が)できる図書館 でも勉強できるので、学 生たちはよく利用してい ます。 ~たり(だり)~たり(だ り)日曜日はいつもプー ルで泳いだり、友達と遊 んだりして過しています。 ~ても(でも)インター ネットを使えば、図書館 に行かなくても、自宅で 資料を調べることができ ます。安くても買い ません。 ~ため(に)皆さんは自 分の将来のために勉強つ ています。雨のために行 きませんでした。 ~でもそれは子供でも できる問題です。明日 の運動会は、雨天でも決 行します。 スープーマーケットでは 何でも売っています。 常に漢字を書けば、上手 になります。6時に起 きれば、間に合います。 明日雨が降れば、遠足を やめましょう。 ~たがる王さんはアメ リカへ留学に行きたがっ ています。 ~ほしがります ~(る)ことがあります わたしは東京へ出張に行 くことがあります。 ~(た)ことがあります ~から用事があるから、 明日の会議には出席でき ません。 ~けれども少し寒いで すけれども、気持ちがい いです。 ~という ~あげる(やる、くれる、 もらう)どんな記念品を あげればいいですか。 毎日、猫にえさをやりま す。子供の誕生日には何 をやりますか。母はお小 遣いをくれました。お祖 父さんは毎年お年玉をく れます。給料をもらいま したか。 ~てやる、てあげる、て くれる、てもらう弟の 勉強を手伝ってやりまし た。何もしてあげませ んでした。この本を貸 してあげましょう。駅 まで送ってくれました。 いろいろとてつだってく れました。職員の皆さ んには、先に帰ってもら いました。中村さんに 絵を書いてもらいました。 ~だけこのプーレは夏 の間だけ開きます。で きるだけやってみます。


新世纪(第二版)综合B4U2-E (试卷总分:100分) Part I Listening Comprehension ( 7 minutes ) Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. ? 1. A) There's not enough time to finish.该选项共0人选择 B) The clock isn't working.该选项共1人选择 C) The assignment will be ready on time.该选项共0人选择 D) He can begin the work at six.该选项共0人选择 ? ? ?Script: W: Do you think we can wrap up this report by five? M: Have you looked at the clock recently? Q: What does the man imply? ?该题共1人答题,答对0人,答错1人,正确率为0%,错误率为100% ?正确答案(2.00分):A ? 2. A) He might not catch his train.该选项共1人选择 B) She should watch him as he leaves.该选项共0人选择 C) He wants to know if she will miss him.该选项共0人选择 D) He will stay with her.该选项共0人选择 ? ? ?Script: W: It's already a quarter to eleven. M: Uh oh. Watch me miss my train. Q: What does the man mean? ?该题共1人答题,答对1人,答错0人,正确率为100%,错误率为0% ?正确答案(2.00分):A ? 3. A) An agent.该选项共0人选择 B) A ship.该选项共0人选择 C) A jet plane.该选项共1人选择


1)What I didn’t count on was that over time I would sincerely take pride in being a social worker.(我不曾想到,随着时间的流逝,我果真以身为社工而感到自豪) 2)Shooting a quick look at the clock on the wall, Grandma let out a cry, “Oh, My dear /My goodness/My gracious, we’re going to miss the train!”(奶奶迅速瞥了一眼墙上的时钟,发出一声惊呼;天哪,我们要赶不上火车了!) 3)At the kindergarten entrance, I always see some kids/children holding firmly on to their parents. Should young parents be sterner towards their kids/children and leave immediately under these circumstances?(我总在幼儿园门口看到一些孩子抓住父母不让走。请问;在这种情况下,年轻的父母是得对孩子严厉些,赶紧离开?) 4)In the dim street light stood a weeping little girl/ a girl weeping. (昏暗的路灯下站着一个哭泣 的小女孩。) 5)When making donations, rich people should be as considerate as possible in order not to put the recipient in an embarrassing situation. 6)Since last month, my work has been revolving around the routine office duties, so now I am counting the days until the National Day comes, when my friends and I are going hiking in the countryside. 1)In either friendship or love / In both friendship and love, you should never expect to take / receive the maximum while you give the minimum. (无论是友情还是爱情,你都不可能期待自己付出最少而得到最多。) 2)I built all my hopes on his promise(s), only to find that he was not a man of sincerity at all. (我 把全部希望寄托在他的承诺上,结果却发现他根本不是个真诚的人) 3)We took Mother to all the best hospitals we could find, but all our efforts were in vain; she failed to survive the disease. (我们带父母亲去了所有我们能找到的最好的医院,但是一切都是徒劳的,母亲还是没能熬过那次疾病) 4)Valentine’s Day is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14, a perfect dayto express love to the object of your / one’s affection. 5)In the information era, communications with far-away friends via e-mail can be almost / virtually simultaneous. 6)Love needs to be nurtured, and the “eternal / everlasting love”that we all dream to have is not forged until we learn to appreciate and tolerate the other. 1)The gasoline price is now at an all-time high, which has brought about wide public concern. (当下汽油价格达到历史新高,这引发了公众的广泛关注) 2)He found that fish and rice feature the Japanese diet, and he then proceeded to write a report on Japanese cooking culture. (他发现鱼和米方是日本人的饮食特色,随即开始就日本饮食文化撰写一份报道) 3)The spectators expected me to come in first but they were in for a shock. With a tumble, my chances for a gold medal in figure skating evaporated. (观众们以为我会轻而昐举名列第一名,哪知我使他们大吃一惊。因为跌倒,我获得花样滑冰金牌的希望就化为了泡影) 4)He was a beggar but he didn’t look the part at all, because he was clean-shaven, wearing glasses and a brand-new suit.


第14课 重点内容:1.動詞仮定形 2.願望助動詞たがる 3.ほしがる 4.(る)ことがあります 5.(た)ことがあります 6.接続助詞から 7.接続助詞けれども 8.副助詞も(数量多い) 9.~という 一.用言假定形 (1)五段动词假定形 将词尾由う段变为え段,后续ば。 時間があれば旅行に行きたい。 如果有时间的话,就去旅行。 航空便で出せば早く着きます。(仮定条件→~になる/可能になる) 如果用航空寄出的话,可以早些时候到达。 20になれば選挙ができます。(仮定条件→になる/可能だ) (2)一段动词假定形 将最后一个假名る去掉,变为れ后续ば 図書館へ行って調べればすぐ分る。 到图书馆去一查就明白了。 早く起きれば間に合うと思う。 我想如果早起的话就来得及。 (3)サ变动词假定形 将する变为すれ后续ば 練習すれば上手になる。 如果练习的话,就会进步。 (4)カ变动词假定形 将来る变为くれ后续ば 冬が来れば北京では氷が張る。 一到冬天,北京就要结冰。 (5)形容词假定形 将い变为けれ后续ば 寒ければ帰りましょう (6)形容动词假定形 将だ(です)变为なら,后续ば(也可以省略ば) 静なら(ば)いいね 要是安静就好了。

二.たがる表示第三人称表露出来在外表或行为上的想法。例 田中さんはラジカセを買いたがっています。 李さんはこの仕事を引き受けたがっています。 「~たい」からの転成動詞「~たがる」の場合 さらに、日本語教育において、「~たい」からの転成動詞「~たがる」についての指導も重要となってきます。 陳さんはお酒を飲みたがっています。 ×陳さんはお酒が飲みたいです。→ 学習者がよくやる間違い。この第3人称の場合、「~たがる」を用いなければならない。 ?陳さんはお酒を飲みたがっています。→「飲みたがる」の対象語には「を」を用いる。「陳さんはお酒が飲みたがっています」とやる学習者がよくいます。 三.ほし‐が?る【欲しがる】 他五 ほしいとおもう。得たいと願う。また、ほしそうな様子をする。 “ほしい”和“ほしがる”时表示愿望的词(想要某种东西的欲望)。ほしい是形容词。一般表示说话人(第一人称)的欲望。第二人称使用时需要使用问句。想要的东西在句子中构成对象语,用“が”表示。ほしがる为他动词,当表示第三人称欲望时使用。想要的东西在句子中构成宾语,用“を”表示。其中“”表示现在的欲望。例 わたしは日本語の慣用語の辞書がほしいです。 友達は英語の辞書をほしがっていますがわたしはほしくありません。 誕生日に何がほしいですか 一週間ぐらいの休みがほしいですね。 山田さんは大きい家をほしがっています。 四.~ことがあります 「~ことがあります」接在动词现在时连体形后面,表示有时会有某种行为或情况,相当于汉语的「有时会。。。」。其否定式是「~ないことがあります」 この時計は進むことがあります 友達の家で食事をすることがあります あの子は朝顔を洗わないことがあります 五.~(た)ことがあります 接在动词过去式(た)后面,常用“~たことがある”的形式使用。表示经验。相当于汉语的“曾经。。。。过”。 この新聞を読んだ为ことがありますか。 看过这张报纸吗? 名前は聞いたことがありますが会ったことがない。 名字听说过可是没有见过。 使用该惯用型时要注意。如: 夏休みは上海へ行ったことがあります。 去年大連へ行ったことがあります。 两句都具有“曾经去过”的含义。但当句中出现“限制特定时间”的语言,如:さっき、今朝、昨日、

新世纪综合单元测试及答案——Book 3 Unit 2

新世纪综合单元测试及答案——Book 3 Unit 2 Listening ComprehensionTrue or False Directions: There are ten statements in this section. Statements 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Listen carefully and decide whether each of the following is true or false. (10 points) 1. True False 2. True False 3. True False 4. True False 5. True False 6. True False 7. True False 8. True False

9. True False 10. True False F T T F F F F F T T Compound Dictation The definition of love is like a secluded island, deep in the heart of the sea. Anyone trying to reach can only come close but cannot touch land. 11 you can only "try" to define love; your definition may be correct to an extent but it can never hit the bull's eye. The reason is not your 12 ; it is just that the definition is in the 13 of the person trying to define it and these 14 . So, instead of trying to do the impossible, let's just 15 on the flavor of love and forget the recipe behind it! Love is a word that 16 the essence of both the 17 and the profane. Love songs and ballads seem melodious to the person who has not been in a man-woman relationship also. In fact, limiting the facets of love in the confines of the words "I Love You" is shutting out its aura to a great extent. You cannot determine which form of love is purer: child-mother, man-woman, brother-sister, God-devotee. You know you are in love 18 . You start thinking in terms of the person you are in love with. You want to make yourself worthy of that person, placing that


新世纪大学英语综合教程3课后答案 Unit Five Health Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action ▆ Working with Words and Expressions 1. In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ▆Answers: 1) familiarize 2) prejudice

3) appealing 4) aelerated 5) threats 6) monitor 7) isolate 8) guarantee 9) infected 10) ignorance 11) was …equipped 12) processed 13) sponsor

15) issued 16) contracted 2. In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. ▆Answers: 1) take advantage of 2) by contrast 3) make room for 4) bring …to an end


5-9课翻译题目一.请将下列句子译成日语。(45分) ⑴那个是钢笔,还是铅笔? ⑵这个是谁的钱包?那个是小李的。 ⑶花瓶在电视机的上面。 ⑷汽车的前面有弟弟和妹妹。 ⑸桌子上有四张纸。 ⑹昨天的电影非常有趣。 ⑺这个相机如果小些的话就好了。 ⑻小王不像小李那么忙。 ⑼昨天很冷,但是今天暖和。 ⑽我们学校的图书馆又大又漂亮。 ⑾小王日语好,英语也好。 ⑿每个月给父母大约打三次电话。 ⒀你经常在哪里做预习和复习的? ⒁你每天大约学习多长时间? ⒂星期天,我教高中生学习数学。

日语9~10课练习 一、写出下列单词的假名或当用汉字。 戻る____ 洗濯____ 注文____ 卒業____喫茶店____  おしえる____ ほうかご____よしゅう____ ごろ____  かたりあう____たのしい____ 二、助词填空(每空限填一假名)。 1、この汽車は上海__ __来ました。 2、郵便局__スポーツ__新聞__買い__行きます。 3、友達__一緒に公園__散歩します。 4、週__インターネット__三回__ __ __ます。 5、弟はよく部屋__音楽を聴きます。 6、日曜日、三人の高校生__英語__教えます。 7、このビールはおいしい__ __、たくさん買いました。 8、その子供はいつも鉛筆__黒板__字を書きます。 三、完形填空。 1、今日は____(暑い)、天気がいいです。 2、あなたはお茶が____(飲む)たいですか。 3、明日、____(遊ぶ)に____(くる)ます。 4、あなたはよくどこで____(勉強)ますか。 5、趙さんは何時に____(起きる)ましたか。 四、阅读理解。 始めまして、私は陸華です。中国の洛陽から来ました。先月バスで来ました。山田さんは私の日本人の友達です。彼は私の大学の留学生です。彼は先週飛行機で東京から西安へ来ました。昨日は日曜日で、私は山田さんと一緒に高速バスで兵馬俑博物館に行きました。午前十時にそこに着きました。午後、四時半にタクシーで大学の寮に帰りました。 (注 タクシー:出租车寮:宿舍高速バス:高速汽车着きまし


新世纪综合单元测试——Unit 1 Book 4 Listening Comprehension True or False Directions: There are ten statements in this section. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Listen carefully and decide whether each of the following is true or false. (10 points) 1. True False Script: The author thinks human beings do not realize the influence of nature even though they are closely related to it. 正确答案:F 得分:1分 2. True False Script: Man has succeeded in adapting many species of plants and animals to different climatic conditions. 正确答案:T 得分:1分 3. True False Script: As society develops, man becomes less dependent on nature indirectly. 正确答案:F 得分:1分 4. True False Script: Nowadays the dynamically balanced relationship between man and nature is on the verge of collapse. 正确答案:T 得分:1分 5. True False Script: Industrial waste disposal is not a difficult problem.


Unit Seven Education Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action Working with Words and Expressions 1.In the box below are some of the words you have learnt in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ▆Answers: 1)associate 2)specializes 3)combined 4)emphasis 5)suffices 6)phase 7)presided 8)peculiar 9)rear 10)negotiate 11)indispensable 12)illusion 13)implemented 14)reconcile 2.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. ▆Answers: 1)stay out of 2)try out 3)in store 4)lend themselves to 5)in essence 6)in accordance with 7)crying out for 8)See to it that 9)have no business 10)get out of

新世纪日本语教程初级 第5课 新しい単语

第5課新しい単語 本文(ほんぶん)①n. 正文 はじめまして(初めまして) ④词组初次见面清華大学(せいかだいがく)④n. 清华大学学生(がくせい)〇n. 学生 コンピューター③n. 计算机 学部(がくぶ)〇n. 系 二年生(にねんせい)②n. 2年级学生上海(シャンハイ)①n. 上海 出身(しゅっしん)〇n. 出生在 よろしく〇副. 请多关照願う(ねがう)②他五. 希望 皆さん(みなさん)②n. 大家 こんにちは⑤词组你好 主婦(しゅふ)①n. 家庭妇女以前(いぜん)①n. 以前 看護婦(かんごふ)③n. 护士 名前(なまえ)〇n. 名字 早稲田(わせだ)①n. 早稻田 専攻(せんこう)〇n. 专业 中国語(ちゅうごくご)〇n. 中文 現在(げんざい)①n. 现在 ~中(~ちゅう)/ 接尾. 正在....之中どうぞ①副. 请 中国人(ちゅうごくじん)④n. 中国人 日本人(にほんじん)④n. 日本人 大学院生(だいがくいんせい)⑤n. 研究生 趣味(しゅみ)①n. 爱好 サッカー①n. 足球 すみません④词组对不起 研究室(けんきゅうしつ)③n. 研究室 あそこ〇代. 那里 実験室(じっけんしつ)③n. 实验室 隣(となり)〇n. 旁边 どうも①副. 太,很 ありがとうございます②词组谢谢 いいえ③感. 不是 先生(せんせい)③n. 先生 それ〇代. 那个 何(なん)①n. 什么 デジタル①n. 数字式的カメラ①n. 照相机関連語彙: 学生(がくせい)

学位(がくい) 学者(かくしゃ) 学費(がくひ) 文学(ぶんがく) 以前(いぜん) 以内(いない) 以来(いらい) 以後(いご) 以上(いじょう) 研究室(けんきゅうしつ)寝室(しんしつ) 休憩室(きゅうけいしつ)室内(しつない) 室外(しつがい)
