

( ) 2.A.childs B.children ( ) 3.A.from B.of

( ) 4.A.She B.Her

( ) 5.A.their B.theirs

( ) 6.A.loves B.love

( ) 7.A.also B.too

( ) 8.A.for B.to

( ) 9.A.for B.to

( ) 10.A.play with B.plays with 六、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

Mrs Jones is an American doctor. She is in China now. She works in a children’s hospital in shanghai. She likes the children and she likes to work for children. She works hard in the day time and learns Chinese in the evening school. She also learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends. Now she can speak some Chinese. She can read and write some Chinese, too. She says it’s not easy to learn Chinese well. Mr Jones , her husband is a teacher. He teaches English in the No.5 Middle School. He works from

Monday to Friday. He teaches 3 classes every day.

( ) 1.A. Mrs Jones is _____

A.An English teacher

B. an American


C.A n American doctor

( ) 2. Mr Jones works ______

B.I n a hospital B. in a middle school

C. In London

( ) 3. Mrs Jones learns ____in an evening school.


B. Chinese

C. English ( ) 4. Mr Jones works ____every week.

A.Five days

B. six days

C. three


( ) 5. Mrs Jones can speak ____well.


B. Chinese

C. French


1、ate saw went did had spoke sent took ran 2、1.postcards 2.thousand;kilometers 3.Canada;China 4.in the east;America 5.in the south;America 3、1.visiting 2.Tell 3.are;is 4.have;has 4、1-5 DCBAA 5、1-5 BBBBB 6-10 BCBBC 11-15 ACBCA 16-20 BABCA 六、1-5 BACED 7、略。

一、1.D 2.F 3.A 4.H 5.G 6.B 7.E 8.C 二、1.There are 2.There are;there is 3.There is 4.There are 5.There are;there are 6.There are 7.There is 三、1.What are they doing? 2.I’m sending an email to my mother. 3.There is an apple, a banana and a pear on the table. 4.There are some cities in the west of China. 5.Let’s go to Tianjin now. 6.We cannot go now. It’s ten o’clock 7.You do miss Mom!0 四.1.There is a postcard of Tian’anmen Square. 2.Today people ride bicycles to work in China. 3.There is a famous mountain in Anhui. 4.There are lots of restaurants in American. 5.Do you want to go to Canada? 五、1.restaurants;dancing 2.sending 3.want:want to 4.any;any;some 5.bikes 6.Chinatown 六、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B 七、1.Brazil(巴西) 2.Argentina(阿根延) 3.Korea(韩国) 4.Spain(西班牙)


( ) 2.A.childs B.children ( ) 3.A.from B.of ( ) 4.A.She B.Her ( ) 5.A.their B.theirs ( ) 6.A.loves B.love ( ) 7.A.also B.too ( ) 8.A.for B.to ( ) 9.A.for B.to ( ) 10.A.play with B.plays with 六、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 Mrs Jones is an American doctor. She is in China now. She works in a children’s hospital in shanghai. She likes the children and she likes to work for children. She works hard in the day time and learns Chinese in the evening school. She also learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends. Now she can speak some Chinese. She can read and write some Chinese, too. She says it’s not easy to learn Chinese well. Mr Jones , her husband is a teacher. He teaches English in the No.5 Middle School. He works from


Module 4 Life in the future 精讲点拨 1-5 CDBBA 6-10 ABACD 基础点津 Unit 1 一、1. change 2. future 3. life 4. chalk 5. question 6. able 7. free 8. maybe 9. carry 二、1. in the future 2. in twenty years’ time

3. study at home 4. by e-mail 5. make friends 6. be able to do 7. use chalk 8. not … any more 9. free time 三、1. Will, be different 2. use computers, get information on the Internet 3. ask, questions by Internet 4. Will, a lot of, to do

Unit 2 一、1. machine 2. robot 3. traffic 4. wind 5. cheap 6. heavy 7. easy 8. long 9. space 10. true 11. light 12. short 二、1. be like … 2. come true 3. traffic jam 4. not only … but also … 5. by plane 6. no more 三、 1. What will, be like

2. light rain, cold wind 3. will be, all year 4. be cheap, not only, but also 5. Machines, robots, heavy, difficult jobs 学以致用 一、1. reading 2. make plans 3. go out 4. use 5. up 二、1-5 CCAAD


能力PK大舞台(一)答案 听力部分: 一、听句子,选出你所听到的单词。 A C B A B 二、听句子,给下列图片排序。 3 1 5 2 4 三、听短文,给句子排序。 3 4 1 5 2 四、听短文,根据所听内容在老奶奶能做或拥有的事情前面划“√”,不能做的事情或不能拥有的事情前面的括号中划“X”。 XX√ √ X 五、给你所听到的英语句子选出合适的答语。 A B A B B 六、听短文,将你所听到的单词填在对应的横线上。 1.night 2.ago 3.worked 4.or 5.write 笔试部分 三、找出下列问句的答语并连线。 E A B D C 七、写作练习(仅供参考) Three years ago, I was 8 years old, but now I am 11 years old. Three years ago, I lived in a village, but now I live in a big house in the city. Three years ago, I went to school by bike, now I go to school by car. 能力PK大舞台(二)答案 听力部分: 一、选出句子中听到的单词。 B A C C B 二、听句子,给图片排序。 2 4 1 5 3

三、听短文,给句子排序。 2 5 1 4 3 四、听对话,判断对错。 √ √√×√ 五、听问句,选答语。 A B A A A 六、听音,填单词。 wrote learning ago studied was pupil lots of teacher teaching 笔试部分保留不变 能力PK大舞台(三)答案 听力部分: 一、听句子,选出你听到的单词,将对应单词的序号填入题前括号中。 A A B C A 二、听一听小伙伴们昨天都吃了哪一些食物,根据你所听到的录音顺序给下面的图片排序。 5 4 2 3 1 三、听短文,给下面句子排序。 5 2 4 1 3 四. 听音判断。在玲玲这一天吃过得食物前面的括号中划“√”,没有吃的食物前面括号中划“×”。 ×√ √ ×√ 五、听问句,选答语。 A A B A A 六、听短文填单词。 English breakfast lunch gave had


第四单元 乔山人善琴 字词: ①鹘(gǔ):一种凶猛的鸟.②郢楚:即楚郢,古地名,春秋战国时期楚国的都城.③媪(ǎo):老妇人.④阕:止息,终了.⑤款扉:款,敲;扉,门⑥扣:问,询问⑦鼓:弹琴。 译文 在开国的时候,有个乔山人善于弹琴.他曾经得到过杰出的琴师传授,弹琴的指法很精湛.每当他在山野林间弹琴时,一遍又一遍,连飞鸟和凶猛的鹘都为之悲鸣.一次他游历到楚郢,在旅店弹奏洞庭曲.隔壁的一位老妇人听了琴音,非常感动,不禁感叹惋惜.曲子弹奏完了,乔山人叹息道:“我弹琴大半辈子,终于在这里遇见了知音!”一会有人敲门,老妇人进来说道:“我的老伴活着的时候,是弹棉花的.今天听见你在这里弹琴,太像我老伴弹棉花的声音了!" 答案: 9、(2分)A.觉:睡醒. B.走:逃跑.C.叩:问.D.鼓:弹奏. 10、(2分)D 11、(2分)里面(中间)夹杂着噼里啪啦的房屋倒塌声. 12、(3分)第一个场面:一家四口由睡而醒; 第二个场面:一家四口由醒而睡;

第三个场面:失火、救火. (意对即可) 13、侧面烘托。(2分)例子:凄禽寒鹘,相和悲鸣.好处:有力地烘托了乔山人弹琴技艺的精湛 鼓人 14、恶劣的生存环境。作用:鼓村人在这样的环境下倔强地一代一代地生活着,表现了鼓村人顽强的生命力和不屈不挠的斗志。为下文写他们扬起鼓威走出家张本。 15、反复。强调了鼓村人心中坚守着信念,要靠坚实的行动征服别人;表明鼓村人憋着一股劲,要在改革开放的新时代展示自我的价值。 16、见原文。 17、第9段是从鼓村人经济变化,鼓村人生活水平大大改善与提高来写他们的变化。第10段从鼓村人思想观念的变化来写他们的变化。 18.(1)语句简短有力,富有气势,与文章内容一致,给人视觉上的冲击,读起来酣畅淋漓。(2)多用修辞方法,如排比、反复、夸张、对偶等,把鼓村人写活了。(3)富有乡土气息和时代气息。 19、表面上写小院,实际上写母亲。 20、对母亲的爱和怀念。 21、清洁的特点。勤劳,热爱生活的品质。 22、第3段。母亲的关爱和教育。


《行知》6上 第一组基础原地 考验一:生字大擂台 1、静谧邀俯首瀑布侠客陡峭韵底蕴 2、121211 考验二:词语大闯关 1、D 2、(1)深深轻轻 考验三:句子连连看 1、A C B 2、每于寒尽觉春生。(张维屏) 虫声新透绿窗纱。(刘方平) 何人不起故园情。(李白) 3、比喻拟人对偶反问 考验四:课文梳理园 1、雨前、雨中、雨后、声音和色彩喜爱 2、一只孤零零地在草丛中爬行的小虫、草虫居住的洞穴、草虫走的道路、花色斑斓的小圆虫、草茎、振动翅膀的甲虫 3、老桥、鸟儿、露珠、树、山泉、溪流、瀑布、悬崖、白云、云雀、落花、落叶等;在作者的眼里,这里的一花一树,一鸟一石,一草一木都成了有生命的人,它们能我们说话,能跟我们交流,它们成了我们的朋友。 考验五:理解与感悟 1、蕴藏秘密粗糙长久 2、略

3、嗅看听嗅觉视觉听觉 考验六:思考与表达 1、①孙悟空号称齐天大圣,闹天官,斗如来,降妖伏魔,历尽艰险,保护唐僧西天取经。堪称英雄! ②猪八戒云栈洞大战悟空,对唐僧、悟空的话言听计从,忠心耿耿,为唐僧西天取经立下汗马功劳。何为蠢猪? ③沙和尚武艺高强,不畏强敌,保护唐僧西天取经,一路上任劳任怨,忠心不二。哪是忍者? 语文乐园 关卡一:动物趣事 1、哀鸿遍野管中窥豹噤若寒蝉蝇头小利 泥牛入海爱屋及乌鱼目混珠门可罗雀 黔驴技穷一箭双雕 2、替罪羔羊独眼龙纸老虎寄生虫 3、鸟的住处——巢, 狗的住处——洞、窦,蛇的住处——窿, 羊的住处——牢,兔的住处——窝、窟, 牛的住处——栏,猪的住处——圈, 马的住处——厩,虎的住处——穴, 鸡的住处——埘、笼,蚕的住处——架, 蜜蜂的住处——箱,蜘蛛的住处——网, 人的住处——房、屋。


一、ate saw went did had spoke sent took ran 二、1.postcards 2.thousand;kilometers 3.Canada;China 4.in the east;America 5.in the south;America 三、1.visiting 2.T ell 3.are;is 4.have;has 四、1-5 DCBAA 五、1-5 BBBBB 6-10 BCBBC 11-15 ACBCA 16-20 BABCA 六、1-5 BACED 七、略。

一、1.D 2.F 3.A 4.H 5.G 6.B 7.E 8.C 二、1.There are 2.There are;there is 3.There is 4.There are 5.There are;there are 6.There are 7.There is 三、1.What are they doing? 2.I’m sending an email to my mother. 3.There is an apple, a banana and a pear on the table. 4.There are some cities in the west of China. 5.Let’s go to Tianjin now. 6.We cannot go now. It’s ten o’clock 7.You do miss Mom!0 四.1.There is a postcard of Tian’anmen Square. 2.T oday people ride bicycles to work in China. 3.There is a famous mountain in Anhui. 4.There are lots of restaurants in American. 5.Do you want to go to Canada? 五、1.restaurants;dancing 2.sending 3.want:want to 4.any;any;some 5.bikes 6.Chinatown 六、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B 七、1.Brazil(巴西) 2.Argentina(阿根延) 3.Korea(韩国) 4.Spain(西班牙)


一、单项选择(20分) ( ) 1.The room is big enough for us _____________. A. to live in B. to live C. living in D. live in ( ) 2. Amy ________100 yuan _________ the T-shirt. A. costs; to buy B. pays; buy C. spends; buying D. uses; buying ( ) 3. How ______ TV do you watch every weekend? A. many B. long C. much D. often ( ) 4. There _______ two football matches in our school next Friday。 A. is going to have B. is going to be C. will have D. are going to be ( ) 5. Mr Wang likes sport. Can you find __________ for him in a sports shop? A. good something B. anything good C. something good D. good anything ( ) 6. I hope you _________ to Tianmu Lake with me this weekend. A. go B. to go C. goes D. can go ( ) 7. ----- What is Simon like? -----____________________. A. He likes reading books. B. He likes his father. C. He is honest and helpful. D. He is an engineer. ( ) 8. ----Where does your uncle work? ---- He works in Ottawa, the capital of ______. A. France B. Canada C. Japan D. Russia ( ) 9. Ho w d o you read 5,325,047? A. five million, three hundred and twenty-five thousand and forty seven B. five thousand, three hundred and twenty-five million and forty-seven C. five million, three hundred and twenty-five thousand and forty-seven D. five thousand, three hundred and twenty-five million and forty seven ( ) 10. _______ you afraid of _______ late for school? A. Do; be B. Are; be C. Are; being D. Do; being ( ) 11. Every student shouldn’t ___________ the window in class. A. look out of B. look for C. look up at D. look out at ( ) 12. _________ students will go to Nanshan Park for the picnic. A. Two hundreds B. Two hundreds of C. Two hundred of D. Hundreds of ( ) 13. ----- ____________? ----- This is Millie. A. Who are you? B. What’s your name? C. Are you Millie? D. May I speak to Millie? ( ) 14. This is ________ English lesson of this term, please listen carefully. A. our first B. the our first C. first our D. our the first ( ) 15. My parents _______ teachers at this school.


Module 5 Shopping 精讲点拨 一、1. which 2. How 3. Where 4. Why 5. What 6. Whose 7. When 二、1. How does, go 2. Whose, is 3. When will 4. How much 5. Where do, go 基础点津 Unit 1

一、1. biscuit 2. certainly 3. price 4. supermarket 5. strawberry 6. fresh 7. lemon 8. size 9. take 二、1. buy for 2. Mother’s Day 3. clothes shop 4. try on 5. too much 6. wait a minute 7. half price 8. half a kilo 9. look fresh

三、1. on Mother’s Day 2. to buy a T-shirt for 3. What size, take 4. How much, Half a kilo 5. What else, A kilo of, two lemons Unit 2 一、1. compare 2. product 3. pay 4. several 5. receive 6. almost 7. later 8. post 9. online 二、1. pay for 2. a few days later

3. by post 4. a way of 5. save money 6. go out 7. change our way of life 8. one day 9. at any time 10. online shopping 三、1. do you pay for it 2. buy almost everything 3. Paying over, always safe 4. compare the prices 5. Online shopping, our way of life


P17一废墟杉树爆炸混乱砸伤瓦砾疾步颤动糟糕誊写谨慎慈祥 二 三破烂不堪一如既往聊胜于无轻歌曼舞震耳欲聋喋喋不休欢声笑语失魂落魄忐忑不安 P34一瑰宝估量崎岖眺望仇恨坠落豪迈灰烬 二.不屈不挠的精神不可磨灭的功绩不可逾越的障碍感情脆弱性格软弱身体虚弱 三瑰宝槐树销售俊俏摇动瑶池 四 3 粉身碎骨昂首挺胸

六励精图治临危不惧众志成城同仇敌忾奋发图强舍生取义 奋发图强团结一心勇敢顽强 七耸立 解释:1.高高地直立。(自然风景、山峰等等) 屹立解释: 1.高耸挺立。(多指建筑物等等) 眺望是向远处看 仰望是向高处看 俯视是向低处看 果断:有决断,不犹豫,当机立断 武断:主观轻率地判断,不客观 一个是褒义词,一个是贬义词

这人做事很果断。(赞扬) 这人做事很武断。(批评) 周旋:就是尽量拖延时间,和对方相持下去以等待有利时机。 八2.瑰宝化成了灰烬。 4.一道红霞在天水相接的地方出现了。 九不仅还只要就即使也虽然但是 十分秒必争迫在眉睫自言自语甜言蜜语异口同声短兵相接胡言乱语千言万语 P53一典礼电钮飘拂瞻仰诞生协商岷山骑马 三

四 3 5 1 2 6 4 五 2 1 213 六陆续连续继续 七心理动作语言神态八.1935 五岭乌蒙山金沙江泸定桥岷山 困难:草地沼泽,寸步难行;供给不足;敌人围追堵截,四渡赤水;爬雪山,战士衣物单薄;穿越彝族聚居地时,与当地人沟通困难,发生冲突(后顺利解决);飞夺泸定桥... 这句诗的意思是:英勇阵亡在外,青山连绵,哪里不是掩埋忠勇之士的好地方,何必一定要运回家乡安

葬呢? P66一糟糕谨慎废墟沮丧附近争辩慈祥灵魂 二华侨飘拂励精图治磨练誊写震耳欲聋 三惊心动魄力挽狂澜排山倒海再接再厉夜以继日斩钉截铁不容争辩毫不犹豫玲珑剔透 优秀品质:乐于助人坚强不屈大义凛然舍己为人舍生取义真挚情感:情深似海情同手足真心诚意、肝胆相照患难与共 滴水穿石:铁杵磨针绳锯木断坚持不懈持之以恒积土成山 四、略
