

1、Discussion: What’re the differences between undergraduate life and postgraduate life?

2、Discussion: As a postgraduate , how to use the internet for research effectively and how to evaluate internet research sources?

3、Interview :T alk about one’s favorite sporting stars or sporting events. One acts as the interviewer, the others act as interviewees, and everybody should contribute different ideas to the same topic and exchange ideas.

4、Discussion: different ways of enjoying movies (at cinema, on TV or on the Internet).

5、Role Play:Works in groups of three. Student A is inviting student B, an English person, to dinner. Student C acts as a waiter/waitress in a Chinese restaurant.

6、Discussion: What are pressures for your postgraduate life? How to relieve them?

7、Discussion: Do you think love-based (liberal) marriage is more successful than arranged marriage?

8、Role Play:Works in pairs. One student acts as an interviewee who wants to get a job as a salesperson in a toy company. The other student acts as an interviewer (Manager of Human Resource) of this company.

9、Debate(辩论):“Will the traditional Chinese culture fade away?”

10、Discussion: What do you think of the commercialization(商业化)of festivals ?

11、Discussion: How does coal mining affect the environment? Could you list some solutions to the environmental problems from coal mining?

12、Debate: “Economic development or environmental protection?”

13、Discussion: What is low carbon energy? Why should we favor low carbon energy? As an individual(个人), how to live a low carbon life ?

14、Discussion: Could you make a list of some coal mining safety problems? What are the measures and precautions(防范)we can take to eliminate coal mine accidents based on what you have learned?

15、Conference :(会议)Explore how the internet of things(物联网)will reshape (改造)our interactions(交互)with the real and virtual worlds in the coming years and explore the development of the internet of things and discuss the opportunities and challenges ahead.


2019年公共英语考试一级口语必考话题及参考答案(1) A 节部分即口头提问,是针对所给的Topic(主题)设计出若干问题, 向考生发问。它出现在考试的起始阶段和最后阶段。在这两部分中每 位考生大约分别有一分钟左右的时间回答问题,大概要说十句话左右。所以不能简单地说上一两句就结束了。因为在口头提问部分不给准备 时间,所以考生无论在考试前还是考试过程中都应有充足的准备。 (1)事先学习使用一些表达方式给自己争取一点时间思考。常用 的表达方式有: As everybody knows. Sofar as I am concerned. What I mean is...Well... That is to say...You know, ... (2)重复考官的问题也是一种得体的方式,为的是让自己有一点 时间思考。 (3)考试中选择自己熟悉的东西或事情来谈,否则会因为有些词 不会用英文表述,而给自己造成麻烦。比如就音乐或书籍来讲,考试 时选择一种会表述或表述较为容易的音乐或一本自己熟悉的书,比选 择一种自己真正喜欢的音乐或一本书更现实。 (4)考试中为了使自己回答问题的内容更充实些,能够用列举法 或举例说明法予以适当展开阐述。 (5)考生在回答问题时,如果发现自己要说的话太少,或觉得无 话可说时,不妨把自己想到的问题再详细地说明或细化一下。 A 节部分常考话题汇总及答案 1. And what shall I call you? Most people call me Xiao Huang.

2. Where do you come from? a. I was born in Xi‘an, which is one of the major cities in China. It used to be the capital city at one point in China’s history. b. I come from Shanghai,but I was born in Xi‘an. My parents moved to Shanghai when I was just 4 years old, so I really don’t know much about Xi‘a n, apart from occasional summer visits to see some good friends of the family. In fact, I don’t have any relatives at all living in Xi'an. 3. Where about is your hometown? Xi’an is located in Shanxi Province, which is in central China. 4. Could you tell me something about your hometown? a. Hmm. . well, the population is about 6 million. It's famous for its historic sites, especially for the Terracotta Warriors. Xi'an was named the capital of China several times over many dynasties. Also, Xi'an is the starting point of the famous Silk Road, which was important in ancient times. The weather is extremely hot in summer, about 40 degrees Centigrade, and fairly cold in the winter, about 14 degrees Centigrade below zero. b. Okay. Well, first of all, my hometown is "X". I was born in the city, but moved to the outskirts of the town when I was small. "X" is a fairly large city — a pretty important economic centre actually. It has a population of 3 million. It's pretty flat, and is situated right near a large lake.


The Importance of Self-confidence Confidence, in a broad sense, comprises self-trust, self-esteem and courage .This d efinition is not sufficient. But it is able to describe the real meaning of it. As we known, self-confidence is accompanied by will, and as a twin, offers hope. Those who do not have a strong will often think themselves unable to carry out any dif ficult tasks, In fact, when our heart is void of self-confidence, every hope is gone,. For instance, according to experts, every year in the entrance examinations of all kinds, fu lly-prepared candidates lose nearly 5%to 10%of the full scores, and consequently me et their fail simply because they underestimate their own abilities, and overestimate the difficulties. As a result, their fear to meet new challenge leads to failure in the examin ation. As you know, whatever you do, there are always two possible results: success and failure. When you fail, you should never lose heart. On the contrary, you must build up your confidence and work harder than before. Set your own goal and trace on it, make a small progress one day, a month later it will be a big difference. People fail not because the task is difficult, but for they give up themselves in the half way. Self-confidence can be improved by building faith in yourself .we all know that what ever you do, you will encounter hardships. The success will come to you if you are co urageous enough to strive for it. What is success? When we are talking about success, mostly the first image comes into our mind is the man with high social status, and a lot of property. Most people believe that is succ ess and all that they do is only for this purpose. What is real success? Different people have different opinions on this question. Is i t fortune success? Is it fame success? Is it high social status success? My answer is not. To be clear about what is success must be the first step to achieving success. To be a football player,scoring on the field is success. To be a soldier, killing the enemy is success. for us, during the exam, getting a high score is success. So far, the best definition I have concluded that Success is achieving something int ended. In other words success is accomplish what you planned to do. As you know, whatever you do, there are always two possible results: success and failure. When you fail, you should never lose heart. On the contrary, you must build up your confidence and work harder than before. Set your own goal and trace on it, make a small progress one day, a month later it will be a big difference. People fail not because the task is difficult, but for they give up themselves in the half way. There is a saying goes like "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what kee



考研复试英语口语经典问题汇总(一) 考研英语面试中,在自我介绍完结束后,老师就会开始问你问题。在回答过程中要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己回答的问题和整个的自我介绍融为一个整体。 在每一年的面试中都会有很多相同的问题,这些问题看起来很平常,却有很多陷阱,一不小心就会被考官抓主“小辫子”了。回答这些常见的看起来很平常的问题,是很有艺术的。考研教育网编辑将历年中常见的问题进行搜集、整理,供考生参考! 一、传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions) 1、What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?) In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important,but for me,it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best.


2016年英语四级口语常用话题汇总 一、运动 对话: A: Brain, playing tennis seems interesting. B: Would you like to learn? A: Yes.how do you play? B: Tennis can be played in singles and doubles. The outside line is for doubles and the inside line is for singles. A: How do you decide who starts? B: Well, you can toss a coin to decide. Whoever wins chooses either to start or which side of the court o play on. A: How do you score? B: To begin with, the score is “LOVE all”. A: LOVE means 0? B: You have got it. You then score 15, 30 and 40. If you get to 40 and win again, you win the game. A: The opponent starts serving then? B: Right. See. You know how to play now. A: Let’s try it sometime. B: Sure! 补充句型: 1. I usually go to the gym after work.. 我经常下班以后去健身房。


英语口语考核话题材料 以下对话内容可供参考,请认真准备周一周二进行的口语考查, 由其它班老师来考查我们班级, 请认真对待! 注意:评价标准是,话题的内容是否齐全, 对话要流畅, 要顺利完成任务! 1、话题:看电影 条件:周末你打算邀请你的好朋友去看电影,你想看动作片,由成龙主演的,你们约好在周六下午2点在学校碰面。 -What are you going to do this weekend? -I have no idea. Do you have any good ideas? -What about going to the movies? -That sounds fun. What kind of movies do you like? -I like action movies. -Whose action movies do you like? -I really like Jackie Chan’s movies. I think he is a great actor. -Yes, I like him, too. -Great. Then let’s go to the movies this Saturday, OK? -Pretty good. -When shall we meet? -What about 2 p.m? -Then where shall we meet? -Let’s meet at school. 2、话题:购物

条件:到商店去买一件4号的男式蓝色衬衫,最后以100元的价钱买了下来。-Can I help you, Sir? -Yes, I’d like a shirt. -What color would you like? -I like a blue one. -What size? -Size 4. -Yes, oh, how about this one. It’s size 4 and blue. -Good. How much is it? -120 yuan. -I think it’s a little expensive. How about 100 yuan. -OK. Here you are. -Yes, here is the money. Thank you! 3、话题:参加俱乐部 任务:你想参加音乐俱乐部,你会唱歌和弹吉他,但你不会跳舞。 -Excuse me? Are you the organizer of clubs? -Yes, what club do you want to join? -I want to join the music club. -Why? Do you like music? -Yes, I like music. And I want to learn something more about music. -Good. Can you dance? -No. But I can do other things.


话题一:Please describe the importance of self-confidence and give some examples to support ideas. Share your own experience about it with your partners. Hi,guys,Today our topic is self-confidence,What do you think about self-confidence. Self-Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude. A study shows that the people who are more confident are much happier. They can have more chance to make themselves successful. 自信对于日常生活非常重要,它让你有一个健康的态度,研究表明自信会更快乐,它还能让人更有机会成功。 People say that self-confidence is half of the success. Without self-confidence, You can’t do well in anything. Self-confidence is very importance to a person. 人们说自信是成功的一半。没有自信,一个人就不能做好任何事。自信对一个人很重要也很有价值。 Firstly, Self-confidence, let a person maintain a good mental and physical state.We often say that the body is the capital of the revolution. Only when you are in good health, can you be really successful eventually. Secondly,once we gain self-confidence, we will possess the courage and strength to overcome the setbacks and difficulties. With self-confidence, no one and nothing can stop your way.Thirdly, with self-confidence we may accomplish something which seems to be impossible. No great thing is easy for us, therefore we should hold the idea that anything is possible. We should trust in ourselves. 首先,自信让人保持好的身体和精神状态,我们常说身体是革命的本钱。只有你身体健康,你最后才能真正成功。其次,一旦我们获得了自信,我们就拥有了勇气和力量去克服挫折和困难。有了自信,没有人也没有什么能够阻止你成功。再次,有了自信我们可能实现一些以前看起来不可能的事。没有什么大事对我们是容易的,因此我们应该相信一切皆有可能。我们应该,或者必须相信自己。 When I was a child, I was very unconfident and often doubted everything. It's even like this question “What day is today”,I had to go to the calendar to make sure.This feeling is not good. 我小时候就非常不自信,经常怀疑任何事情,甚至今天星期几这种问题我都


英语口语面试基本话题(小升初入学考试必备) 话题一个人情况(Personalinformation) 能够向他人介绍个人的基本情况(姓名、年龄、出生日期、家庭成员、电话号码、爱好、邮箱地址、外貌、特征和自己的生活情况等),并能够写出自己简单的基本情况。 能够听懂他人的有关个人信息,并且记录简单信息。 话题二家庭(Familyandhome) 能够介绍家庭成员(姓名、年龄、职业、外貌特征、爱好等)的基本信息。 能够利用所学的语言,互相询问有关对方家庭的基本情况。 能够简单地写出家庭成员的基本信息。 能够介绍家庭住房的各种房间的名称,并能简单描述部分室内的物品。 能够简单介绍家庭成员平时经常在这些房间做的事情。 尝试着设计自己梦想中的卧室,调查同学家里房间的拥有情况。 话题三学校(Schoollife) 能够介绍自己的学校生活(学校名称、任课教师、专业教室的名称等)。 能够介绍自己的学习科目,喜欢和不喜欢的科目,并能简单单说明理由。 能够向他人介绍自己的课程表,并设计自己喜欢的课程表。 话题四朋友(Friends) 能够简单介绍自己的朋友(姓名、年龄、外貌特征、爱好等)。 能够简单地写出朋友的主要信息。 话题五天气(Weather) 能够谈论有关天气情况。 能够听懂简单的天气预报,并记录相关的信息。 能够根据天气情况,设计自己的活动计划(合适的着装、活动去向、活动目的等)。 话题六饮食(Foodanddrink) 能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的食物,并简单说明理由。 能够简单介绍自己一日三餐的饮食。 能够根据自己的喜好,为自己或他人点餐。 话题七:动物(Animals) 能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的动物,并说出为什么。 能够描述动物的外貌特征以及它们的习性。 话题八:购物(Shopping) 能够询问物品的价格。 能够描述自己对所需物品的看法(如颜色、尺寸、大小等)。


英语口语话题表达材料 一、学习 1. What subject are you good at? How do you study it? (至少两个方面) I’m good at English. I have three good ways to study it. First, I usually take notes in class and try to write my own sentences . Second, I listen to English tapes every day to improve my listening skills. Third, I practice speaking English with my friends. It also helps a lot. I believe that the harder I learn English, the better I will be. 2. How do you study English? (至少两个方面) I have three ways to study English. First, (同上) 3. What do you think of your English study? How do you study English? (至少两个方面) This term my English has improved a lot. I have three ways to study it. First, (同上) 4. What do you think is the best way to learn English? Why? (至少两点理由) I think the best way to learn English is to watch English movies. Here are the reasons. First watching English movies can help us learn new words. This is more interesting and easier for us to memorize the words. Second, watching English movies can improve our listening skills. Third, it is also a good way to practice our pronunciation. 5. What problems do you have in studying English? How do you solve them? (至少两个方面) I have studied English for more than six years. I find it difficult to get the pronunciation right. So I listen to the tapes every day and read books loudly to solve this problem. They help a lot. And second, I can’t memorize some words, either, so I make word cards, and keep on memorizing them every morning. These ways help me memorize many words. 二、喜好、兴趣 1. Do you like reading? Why? Yes. I like reading very much. There are three reasons. First, reading is helpful to students. We can know a lot by reading books. Reading can also help us improve our writing skills。Second, it can help us open up our eyes to the outside world. We can enjoy the different cultures and have fun by reading books. Third, reading can make us relaxed. So I like reading very much. 2. Do you like sports? Why(why not)? Yes, I like sports very much. There are two reasons. First, playing sports is good for my health.It can make me stronger and healthier. So I often play sports with my friends. Second, playing sports is relaxing and exciting. When I play sports with my friends, I’ll feel happy and relaxed. When I beat others, I’ll be very excited. After playing sports, I often feel energetic. So I like sports. 3. Do you like playing basketball? Why? Yes, I like playing basketball very much. There are three reasons. First, playing basketball is good for my health. It makes me stronger and healthier. Second, playing basketball is relaxing and exciting. When I play basketball with my friends, I’ll feel happy and relaxed. When I beat others, I’ll be very excited. Third, playing basketball helps me make more friends. So I like playing basketball. 4. What’s your favorite sport? Why? My favorite sport is basketball. (同上) 5. Do you like dogs? Why? Yes, I like dogs very much. Here are the reasons. First, dogs are very friendly. We can play with them. They can make us feel less lonely. If we are sad, they will make us feel better. Second, dogs are clever and helpful. They can help us keep the house safe and even can help disabled people do some normal things. In a word, dogs are our good friends, so I like them. 6. Do you like keeping pets in your home? Why/ Why not? I like keeping pets in my home. Here are the reasons. First, pets are good friends for our young people. If we are alone at home, we can play with them. And we’ll not feel lonely. If we are sad, they will make us feel better. Second, most pets are very friendly and popular. We can spend time looking after them, and we won’t feel bored. In a word, pets can make our life interesting. So I like keeping them at home. 7. Do you like rainy days? Why or why not? Yes, I like rainy days. Here are the reasons. First , rainy days make me happy. The air on rainy days is usually very fresh. And fresh air is good for our health. Second, on rainy days, I can stay at home and have a good rest. When it doesn’t rain heavily, I’d like to walk in the rain and enjoy it. It makes me relaxed. So I like rainy days.


话题一: Do you think it’s necessary for a person to have ambition? Why or why not? B: hello , ljt, here i have a question to ask you. Do you agree that it is necessary to have ambition in our life? A:I agree with more than 100 percents. B:Then can you express your reasons? A: Of course. It is not difficult to imagine a world short of ambition. Maybe it would be a kinder one: without demands, without conflictions, without disappointments. but how boring the life would be! As we know ambition is the basis and the source of success, which signs how far a person could go. Secondly, it provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life. Indeed, once we make up our minds to choose to do something, our life will become meaningful and specifically orientated. B:I do not completely agree with you! A: why? B: Obviously, a well-orientated ambition can make his life beautiful, meaningful and rewarding, even make him as a respectable person. But a wrongly directed ambition can be


雅思英语口语考试30个常见话题归纳 1. describe your favorite animal 2. describe relaxation method 3. describe communication method 4. describe al job you are interested in 5. describe sth old in your family(可以谈礼物或jewelry或clothes) 6. describe a book which influenced you in your childhood 7. describe a library 8. describe a physical exercise 9. describe a store 10. describe your favorite magazine or newspaper 11. describe an advertisement you like. 12. describe a school you attended. 13. describe the type of clothing or jewelry you choose in special t ime? 14. describe your favorite room in your home.

15. describe a change in your life. 16. describe the part of day you like most 17.describe the city you enjoyed visiting. 18.describe an old man you are familiar with. 19.describe a river or lake you have seen. 20. describe something which was made by yourself 21.describe the best present you got in your life. 22.describe your favorite way of transport. 23.describe a famous person you admire. 24.describe your favorite movie. 26. describe your best friend. 27. describe an electric equipment you use in your life. 28. describe a subject you studied at school. 29. describe a building. 30. describe a club or team or organization you joined


weiter zu studieren? oder Job bekommen? Ich werde auf jeden Fall noch ein Studium dranh?ngen, da ich denke, damit bessere Chancen im Berufsleben zu haben. Au?erdem hat man ja meistens durch die Ausbildung ja schon gute Grundkenntnisse, die man w?hrend des Studiums nur noch vertiefen muss, ein klarer Vorteil gegenüber denen, die noch keine Ausbildung hinter sich haben. Deshalb kann ich dir nur empfehlen noch ein Studium nach der Ausbildung zu machen. Lernen nach Interessen? oder nach Berufschancen? Mich b esch?ftigt seit l?ngerem die Frage, ob man nach seinen pers?nlichen Neigungen studieren sollte oder doch eher nach den sp?teren Berufschancen? Ursprünglich bin ich der Meinung, dass man nur dann eine Chance hat, gut zu sein, wenn man nach pers?nlichen Neig ungen und Interessen studiert. Ich k?nnte mich nie mit einem Thema über l?ngere Zeit besch?ftigen, wenn es mich im Prinzip gar nicht interessiert. Und sp?ter dann auch noch dementsprechend einen Beruf ausüben, der eigentlich gar nicht zu mir passt. Andererseits habe ich Bekannte, die nach ihren Interessen studiert haben und nun keinen Job oder einen ?u?erst schlecht bezahlten Job bekommen. Da denke ich mir dann auch wieder- Dass du damit keine Chance auf dem Arbeitsmarkt hast, war eigentlich schon vorher klar-. Man kann sich auch die Zukunft ziemlich verbauen, wenn man sich den Luxus g?nnt, einfach nur seinen Interessen nachzugehen. Reisen oder nicht?




英语口语面试必备 一、复试中的口试要求 1、评价标准: (1)语言准确性(语法和用词的准确性、语法结构的复杂性、词汇的丰富程度、发音的准确性) (2)话语的长短和连贯性(内容的连贯性、寻找合适词语而造成的停顿频率及长短、表达思想的语言长短等) (3)语言的灵活性和适合性(语言表达是否灵活、自然,话语是否得体,语言能否与语境、动能和目的相适应) 2、口语测试一般包含如下两部分: 第一部分:考查学生理解并回答有关日常生活、家庭、工作、学习等问题的能力(3--5分钟)第二部分:考查学生连续表达的能力。考生从所给的问题中选择一个话题,就此话题表达自己的看法(7--10分钟)。 3、评价成绩一般为: a优秀--能用外语就指定的话题进行口头交流,基本没有困难 b良好--能用外语就指定的题材进行口头交流,虽有些困难,但不影响交流 c及格--能用外语就指定的话题进行简单的口头交流 d不及格--不具有口头表达能力 二、考研英语复试口语常见问题30例 1. Where do you come from? 2. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? 3. What do you do during the Spring Festival? 4. Tell me something about the customs of your hometown. 5. Could you tell me something about your family? 6. What social responsibilities should a post-graduate take? 7. Which kind of professor do you like best? 8. What does friendship mean to you and what kind of people do you make friend with?
