






1. 医疗系统、教育系统的建筑提高设防类别~并新增为防灾应急场所建筑设防类别~有3条。


3. 县和县级市的防灾应急指挥中心、市政基础设施、交通运输和电信建

、9度设防区扩大到7度区或6、7度区~有8条, 筑中的乙类建筑~从8

4. 新增明确本标准是最低要求的强制性条文和信息中心类建筑的设防类别规定各1条,

5. 对抗震设防类别的内涵和一些条款的文字表达作了改进~有10条。


1.0.2 本标准适用于抗震设防烈度为6~9度地区的所有房屋建筑工程和市政基础设施工程的应确定其抗震设防分类。





3.0.1 建筑抗震设防类别划分,应根据下列因素的综合分析确定:

1 建筑破坏造成的人员伤亡、直接和间接经济损失及社会影响的大小。

2 城镇的大小和地位、行业的特点、工矿企业的规模。

3 建筑使用功能失效后,对全局的影响范围大小、抗震救灾影响及恢复production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for

technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost

index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential

air pollution: the introduction of fresh


4 建筑各区段的重要性有显著不同时,可按区段划分抗震设防类别。

5 不同行业的相同建筑,当所处地位及地震破坏所产生的后果和影响不同时,






3.0.2 建筑工程应根据其使用功能的重要性和地震灾害后果的严重性分为以下



2 地震时使用功能不能中断或需尽快恢复的建筑,以及人员密集且可能产生严重灾害后果的建筑,为乙类。

3 除甲、乙、丁类以外的建筑,为丙类。

4 人员稀少且震损不致产生次生灾害的建筑,为丁类。






3.0.3 各抗震设防类别建筑的抗震设防标准,应符合下列要求:

1 甲类建筑,当抗震设防烈度为6:8度时,应按本地区抗震设防烈度提高一度采取抗震措施,当为9度时,应按比9度抗震设防更高的要求采取抗震措施。同时,应按批准的地震安全性评价的结果且高于本地区抗震设防烈度的要求确定其地震作用。

2 乙类建筑,当抗震设防烈度为6:8度时,应按本地区抗震设防烈度提高一度采取抗震措施,当为9度时,应按比9度抗震设防更高的要求采取抗震措施,地基基础的抗震措施,应符合有关规定。同时,应按不低于本地区抗震设防烈度确定其地震作用。

3 丙类建筑,应按本地区抗震设防烈度确定其抗震措施和地震作用。

4 丁类建筑,允许比本地区抗震设防烈度的要求适当降低其抗震措施,但抗震设防烈度为6度时不应降低。一般情况下,仍应按本地区抗震设防烈度确定其地震作用。




end, closed henhouse four-end and open-nstruction of closedthe coonstruction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of ral requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Cn Generiate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment,

building the second design 1. chicken coop constructioe ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropon th and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situationken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care production areas and water sources are on a chic-production areas and non-production and nonduction of freshintro e, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: theand building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainagindex tages are subject to external

influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational al resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvaneasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of naturweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -2 针对我国地震区划图所规定的烈度有很大不确定性的事实~在建设部领导下~89规范在世界上第一次明确规定了“小震不坏、中震可修、大震不倒”的抗震性能设计目标。这样~所有的建筑~只要严格按规范设计和施工~可以在遇到高于区划图一度的地震下不倒塌——实现生命安全的目标。因此~将使用上需要提高防震减灾能力的建筑控制在很小的范围。其中~乙类建筑需采用提高一度的抗震措施——增加关键部位的投资即可达到提高安全性的目标,甲类建筑在提高一度采取抗震措施的基础上~还需要进行“场地地震安全性评价”等专门研究。





4.0.3 医疗建筑的抗震设防类别,应符合下列规定:




工矿企业的医疗建筑,可比照城市的医疗建筑确定其抗震设防类别。 3







4.0.5 大中城市和抗震设防烈度为8、9度的县及县级市抗震防灾应急指挥中


end and open-ction of closed, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construuctionequirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction.

Constronmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment,

building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General renvir und, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriateare homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the grois located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult cproduction areas and water sources are on a

chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-production and nonn of freshand

other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introductio ghtinguilding cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, liubject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and bare source and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural res week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop,-end, closed henhouse four-3




本条将、度的县级防灾指挥中心~扩大到、度~即所有烈度。 8967

4.0.7 作为应急避难场所的建筑,其抗震设防类别不应低于乙类。 [修订说明]




5.1.3 给水建筑工程中,20万人口以上城镇和抗震设防烈度为8、97度及以上


5.1.4 排水建筑工程中,20万人口以上城镇和抗震设防烈度为8、97度及以上




5.1.5 燃气建筑中,20万人口以上城市和抗震设防烈度为8、97度及以上的县




条~将、度地区的县及县级市给排水和燃气建筑中的乙类 5.1.3~5.1.589


5.3.3 铁路建筑中,?、?级干线和位于抗震设防烈度为8、97度及以上地区的



工矿企业铁路专用线枢纽,可比照铁路干线枢纽确定抗震等级。 5.3.4 公路



5.3.5 水运建筑中,50万人口以上城市和位于抗震设防烈度为8、97度及以上地区的水运通信和导航等重要设施的建筑、国家重要客运站、海难救助打捞等部门的重要建筑,抗震设防类别应划为乙类。


条~将、度地区的铁路、公路、水运建筑中的乙类建筑扩 5.3.3~5.3.589

easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of naturweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -end, closed henhouse four-end and open-nstruction of closedthe coonstruction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of ral requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Cn Generiate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop constructioe ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropon th and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situationken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care production areas and water sources are on a chic-production areas and non-production and nonduction of freshintro e, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed

to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: theand building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainagindex tages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational al resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvan4

大到度地区。此外~铁路的乙类客运候车楼~由特大型扩大到接近特大型~7 指全年上车旅客最多月份中~一昼夜在候车室内瞬时出现的最大候(8~10min)车,含送客,人数的平均值~即最高聚集人数大于人的车站特大型为大6000(于人~大型为人~取中间值人~接近于的100002000~100006000IBC20035000人。) 空运建筑中,国际或国内主要干线机场中的航空站楼、大型机库,以5.3.6 及通信、供电、供热、供水、供气的建筑抗震设防类别应划为乙类。航管楼的设防标准应高于乙类。



5.4.3 邮电通信建筑的抗震设防类别,应符合下列规定:




将、度地区县及县级市的乙类建筑~扩大到度区。 897

6.0.3 体育建筑中,使用要求为特级、甲级且规模分级为特大型、大型、接近大型的体育场和体育馆,抗震设防类别应划为乙类。




取平均值为30000人或按每个结构单元大于5000人考虑,大型体育馆(含游泳馆)指观众席容量大于6000人~中型指3000~6000人~接近大型取平均值约为4500人) 商业建筑中,大型的人流密集的大规模多层商场抗震设防类别应划为6.0.5 乙类。当商业建筑与其他建筑合建时应分别判断,并按区段确定其抗震设防类别。


《商店建筑设计规范》正在修订大型商场的界限~参照~可将IBC2003一个区段顾客容量多于人的商场的设防类别列为乙类~比年版条文50002004说明中的人~适当扩大需要保护的人员密集场所的范围。人相当于75005000222营业面积取平均每位顾客计算或建筑面积。7000 m(1.35m)17000 m

教育建筑中,幼儿园、小学、中学的教学用房以及学生宿舍和食堂的6.0.8 抗震设防类别不应低于乙类。


ource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural res week window, using

artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop,-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-ction of closed, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construuctionequirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Constronmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General renvir und, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriateare homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the grois located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult cproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-production and nonn of freshand other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introductio ghtinguilding cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, liubject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and bare s5 对于中、小学生和幼儿等未成年人在突发地震时的保护措施~国际上随着经济、技术发展的情况呈日益增加的趋势。



要求~并在2000年列为强制性条文,使得汶川地震中~严格按GBJ 11-89或GB 50011-2001抗震规范设计和施工的这类砌体房屋~虽遭遇到高于当地设防烈度一度时仍没有倒塌~有效地保护了许多学生的生命。2004年版的分类标准中~明确规定了地震时自救能力较弱人群所在的人数较多的幼儿园、小学教学用房提高抗震设防类别的要求。



6.0.9 科学实验建筑中,研究、中试生产和存放高放射性物品、剧毒的生物制品和化学制品、天然和人工细菌、病毒(如鼠疫、霍乱、伤寒和新发高危险传染病等)的建筑,抗震设防类别应划为甲类。



6.0.10 省部级的计算中心、信息中心的建筑,抗震设防类别应划为乙类,国家级计算中心、信息中心建筑的设防标准应高于乙类。



6.0.11 高层建筑中,当结构单元内经常使用人数超过100008000人时,抗震




6.0.12 住宅、宿舍和公寓的抗震设防类别不应低于丙类。 [修订说明]


7.1.3 采煤生产建筑中,产量3Mt,a及以上矿区和产量1.2Mt,a及以上矿井的提升、通风、供电、供水、通信和瓦斯排放系统,抗震设防类别应划为-end and open-nstruction of closedthe coonstruction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of ral requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Cn Generiate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop constructioe ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropon th and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situationken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care production areas and water sources are on a chic-production areas and non-production and nonduction of freshintro e, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed

to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: theand

building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainagindex tages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational al resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvaneasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of naturweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -end, closed henhouse four6





7.2.6 冶金、化工、石油化工、建材、轻工业原料等原材料生产建筑中,使用或产生具有剧毒、易燃、易爆物质的厂房以及存放这些物品的仓库,当具有泄漏或火灾危险性时,其抗震设防类别应划为乙类,存放有放射性物品的仓库,其抗震设防类别应划为乙类。


本条的文字表达作了修改。剧毒、易燃、易爆物质可参照《建筑设计防火规范》GB 50016确定。在生产过程中~若使用或产生的易燃、易爆物质的量较少~


根据《建筑设计防火规范》GB500 16-2006的有关说明~爆炸和火灾危险的判



7.3.5 电子信息工业生产建筑中,下列建筑的抗震设防类别应划为乙类:

1 国家级、省部级计算中心、信息中心的建筑。

1 大型彩管、玻壳生产厂房及其动力系统。

2 大型的集成电路、平板显示器和其它电子类生产厂房。

3 重要的科研中心、测试中心、试验中心的主要建筑。 [修订说明]


8.0.3 仓库类建筑的抗震设防类别,应符合下列规定:

1 储存高、中放射性物质或剧毒物品的仓库不应低于乙类建筑,储存易燃、易爆物质等具有火灾危险性的危险品仓库应划为乙类建筑。

2 一般的储存物品的价值低、人员活动稀少、无次生灾害的单层仓库等可划为丁类建筑。



除上述乙类建筑外, 仓库并不能都划为丁类建筑~需按其储存物品的性质和影响程度来确定~由各行业在行业标准中予以规定。例如~《冷库设计3规范》GBJ 72-1984规定的公称容积大于15000m的冷库~《汽车库建筑设计规范》JGJ 100-1998规定的停车数大于500辆的特大型汽车库~均不属于“储存物品价值低”的仓库。

end, closed henhouse four-end and open-ction of closed, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construuctionequirements (1) to meet

the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Constronmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General renvir und, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriateare homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the grois located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult cproduction areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-production and nonn of freshand other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introductio ghtinguilding cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, liubject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and bare source and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural res week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop,-7
