


































(三)通知 1.口头通知 写作指导 ①口头通知一般是由一方向另一方口头传达的 通知,叙述表达尽可能口语化,简洁明了,说清意思就行。 ②口头通知不用写通知时间和发通知的单位。 ③口头通知一开头可有称呼语,具体因通知对象 而异。常用的称呼语有“Comrades and friends”、“Boys and girls”、“Teachers and fellow students”、“Ladies and gentlemen”,也有的不用开头语,直接开始。 ④口头通知的一些常用的开头语和结束语。 开头语 结束语 Any questions? Does everyone understand? That's all. Thank you. 精选范文 ①Please be quiet, everyone. There's something you need to know. As our teacher is ill, we're to have reading class together with the

students of Class Three today. Please take your benches with you to their classroom. The oral class will be put off until tomorrow. That's all. Thank you. ②Attention please, comrades. There is going to be a talk on American Family in the Lecture Hall this afternoon. It'll be given by an American professor _____ Mr. Smith. Those who want to attend please be there at 2∶30 Any question? If no, that's all. Thank you. ③Listen, please, I have something important to tell you. We're going to hold a get-together with some foreign students at 7∶00 p. m. on Friday in the Foreign Student's Dining Hall. Any one who wants to take part in it, please be there on time. Thank you. ④Ladies and gentlemen, Listen, please. This afternoon we're going to visit the Great Wall, the bus will stop at the foot of the Great Wall. Three hours later, we'll get together here and back to the hotel. When you go to visit the Great Wall, please take your valuable things with you. And remember to come back to the bus at five o'clock. Do be there on time. Does everyone understand? Since everyone understands very well. Thank you. 练习 ①假如你是班长,利用课余时间告诉你的同班 同学,本星期六下午4∶00在本班教室召开班会,主题是:如何保持教室干净、整洁。请同学们准备好发言。(字数:60~80左右) 参考词语 将……四处扔to throw…about 对……危害to do harm to 吐痰to spit 保持……干净go keep…clean 准备好to get ready for


作文号:498700 题目:Levying a "pollution tax" is right 作文号:498700 题目:Levying a "pollution tax" is right People' opinions are divided on whether the government should levy a "pollution tax" on automobiles. Some people hold that it's an effective way to control cars and reduce pollution. In contrast,others think that reducing car sales by taxing is unwise because it will reduce the industry's competitiveness and even the nation's economy. From my pespective, I strongly endorse view of the former, which is levying tax on automobiles is essential and effective. The reason why I am in favor of view of the former can be listed as follow. First of all, if the government don't take some measures to human's benefit, we can't pay high and close attention to the pollution around us. Because taxation is directly related to people's interests,we will gradually reduce pollution in order to preserve our own interests. As time goes on, people's awareness of environmental protection will slowly improve. What's more, in the past, we blindly pursued economic growth and thus neglected the environmental protection, even at the expense of the environment. The air surrounding us has become worse and worse so that haze become increasingly seriously. Today more and more people are infected with the disease, such as respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, and so on. Consequently, we should be responsible for the environment to pay tax. Last but not least,there are some successful examples confirming the measure is right. Many developed countries have carried out the method,levying a "pollution tax". For instance,the united states has been the introduction of a sulfur dioxide tax in the 70's. According to the provisions of the "sulfur dioxide tax act", the concentration of sulfur dioxide to reach the standard of the region, a pound of sulfur per cent of 15 cents; two standard areas to be taxed at 10 cents per pound; two or more areas. There is no doubt that the implementation of this measure has brought an obvious improvement to the environment in the United States. Additionally,afterthe first industrial revolution, London is called "the city of fog", which is generally known that this is due to a large number of coal caused by coal. In order to effectively solve the problem, British started to levy automobile carbon emissions tax. Of course,control effect is obvious. In view of the above, it is necessary to levy a "pollution tax" on automobiles. Goverment should scientificly make tax standard according to the actual situation. Firstly, government ought to formulate a program before levying. Based on the program, before the national tax collection, government can select some key cities to carry out pilot at first. After that, government can put forward to environmental tax.


英语演讲比赛获奖感言发言稿 篇一: 作为中澳班一年一度的特色活动,今年的09级英语演讲比赛历时约半个月。在全年级同学的参与下,先后经历了班内初赛、年级半决赛、决赛三轮。 我以前从来没有在众人面前演讲的经历。非常高兴,这次能进入到进入英语演讲比赛的决赛。所以很感谢华东师范大学的相关领导,给我们提供了这次机会。 在这次演讲决赛中,我取得了第二名的成绩。我的成功,除了自己的努力,还要感谢很多人。首先我要感谢我的三个外籍教师,他们给我很多有用的建议,无论是语法还是发音,都给予我很大的帮助。其次要感谢几位辅导员老师,对于我的演讲稿,他们给出了自己的观点和理念,帮助我去逐步完善演讲稿。还要感谢我班上的同学,寝室的哥们,他们给了我很多的帮助和鼓励;包括在演讲决赛上,他们也给了我很大的支持。最后还要感谢我的家人。我这次的演讲题目是《责任》。我的家人在我小时候就告诉我,作为一个人,尤其是男人,要知道什么是责任感,为什么要有责任感。没有我的家人,我想我也不会对责任有着如此深刻的体会。 我觉得这次比赛给了我很多的帮助,也给了我很多的启示。通过比赛,我认识到自己的不足,了解了自己的优势。这对我今后无论在生活中,还是学习中,都会有很大帮助。

在此,感谢那些支持我的人,感谢他们一直帮助我。感谢中澳班,给了我这次难得的锻炼自我、展示自我的机会。 篇二: 亲爱的老师、同学们,大家好! 我叫崔允航,今年10岁,是科技少年宫英语中心张莉老师新概念班级的学生,喜欢唱歌、看书及弹钢琴。 为了培养我对英语的兴趣,2008年2月,我参加了“ACT全国青少年英语口语电视大赛”并获得了小学A组金奖。2008年8月我到包头市科技少年宫学习新概念英语,我把每周上课的两个小时当做了一周里最快乐的时光,使我感受到了英语带给我的无穷乐趣,我的英语也有了很大的提高。 我非常喜欢英语,也渴望能够将自己内心对英语的热爱通过舞台展现给大家,这次演讲比赛给了我锻炼的机会和展示的平台,能够在这次比赛中获得二等奖的成绩,我非常惊喜。我要感谢老师们对我的信任和支持、培养和关爱。 最后再一次感谢在这次比赛中支持我的老师、同学、家长。同时祝愿所有的同学们在各科学习中能青云缓步共升平,无愧于育明人这一光荣的称号。谢谢。 通过学习英语,我明白了英语不仅仅是交流的工具,它也使我的生活更加色彩斑斓。 妈妈常对我说“学好一门外语,你就像长了一对飞向世界的翅膀”。是老师们给了我这对展翅欲飞的翅膀,我希望自己将来能飞得更高更


通知告示类英语作文一. 书面通知 1. A Brief Introduction 1) What is a notice? As an effective means of written communication, a notice gives information published by the appropriate authority. It is intended to publicize social events, to report on matters of general interest to staff, to inform staff of instructions, change of plan, new systems and regulations, and to make the staff conform to certain arrangements, etc. 一般告示类文体都需要写标题,如Notice或者Announcement。告示类文体主要用于说明或者 传达某件事情、某项活动等,重在言简意赅。如果是关于活动的通知,需要说明活动的内容、时间、地点、参加人员范围以及其它必要细节。请注意通知的三大要素:1)时间;2)地点;3)内容。书面通知或告示应在题头中间写“Notice”,最后右下方写出通知的单位或者个人。 2) How to write a notice? The heading of the notice is usually in the middle of the page, in boldfaced words. For example, NOTICE ENGLISH EVENING LECTURE 1) The main information such as time, place, should be made distinct. 2) Give the name of the person who gives the notice. 3) Give the date when the notice is issued if necessary. 3) A notice should be: 1)Attractive (so that people will NOTICE it) 2)Simple and easy-to-read 3)Clear and specific


英语演讲比赛策划方案-活动方案第一篇:英语演讲比赛策划方案 目的:为了营造英语学习气氛,提高我院学生的英语应用水平,促进大学英语教学改革,提高大学英语教学质量,塑造新一代大学生的崭新形象,展现我院学生的靓丽风采,外语系特举办英语演讲比赛。 比赛时间:初赛:待定 决赛:待定 比赛地点:待定 比赛流程: 初赛:1、命题演讲:选手按照规定的主题进行3分钟的命题演讲。(演讲主题的规定到时采用向全系学生征集,尽可能的采用大家最关注的话题,真正的达到从学生中来到学生中去的原

则。 2、回答问题:选手回答两位评委分别就命题演讲的内容提出2个问题,答题时间为2分钟。 决赛:1、即兴演讲:把所有的话题之前告知各选手,让他们有个准备,选手按照比赛当场抽取的题目进行即兴演讲,时限为2分钟。 总分及其分布 1、 总分:100分 2、 命题演讲占70%,回答问题占30%。 评分标准:另附

奖项设置:一等奖1名,二等奖2名,三等奖3名,优秀奖3名。 报名方式:把名字上报到各班学委,再由学委统一报到学习部。 宣传工作: 前期宣传:在人流量较大的食堂、教室、宿舍楼等地点张贴海报,利用广播在赛前进行循环宣传,鼓励更多的同学报名参加,并扩大活动的影响力。把比赛的宣传单发到各班学委手中,及时让同学们了解到相关的情况。 后期宣传:把获奖选手的名单以海报形式贴在宣传栏,以致鼓励。 第二篇:英语演讲比赛策划方案 一、活动目的

为了创造浓厚的校园文化氛围,掀起学英语、说英语的热潮,塑造我校崭新形象,特举办本次英语演讲比赛。 二、可行性分析 1.学校角度 (1)给同学们提供一次展示自我的平台,给同学们创造了一次互相交流的机会,帮助同学们提高自身的英语口语水平及在公众场合下的英语演说能力。 (2)丰富了学校开展的校园文化艺术节活动,锻炼了学生干部的能力,帮助学生会更好更快的成长。 (3)通过该活动来展示本阶段的英语教学水平及成果。 (4)通过这次活动来积累宝贵的经验,便于今后教学和活动的开展。 2.选手角度 (1)有一次展示自己英语口语水平的机会,有一次与他人交流英语学习心得的机会,有一次找到志同道合的伙伴的机会,有一次为英语而疯狂的机会。 (2)锻炼自己的心理素质和口语表达能力,提高团队合作精神。 3.观众角度 (1)为观众带来一场激烈,精彩的英语演讲比赛,带动全体中

英语作文 通知模板

假如你是校学生会主席,请你以校学生会的名义写一份书面通知。 NOTICE Boys and girls, Our school will have a meeting on the playground at 3:00 p. m. on June 18th. The meeting is about being (keeping)away from net bars and refusing unhealthy publications. We'll visit a picture show about healthy knowledge after the meeting. Please get there on time with your chairs. That' s all. Thank you. The Students' Union 英语通知范文一 NOTICE Attention, please. I have an announcement to make. We are going to visit the History Museum this Saturday. We are going to meet at the school gate at eight in the morning. Please bring a notebook with you and make some notes. We will have a discussion about it in the class meeting next Monday. Please come on time. That's all. 范文一点评 这是一份口头通知,介绍了这个星期六有一次参观活动,即参观历史博物馆。集合地点是学校大门口,出发时间是上午8:00。要求随身带上笔记本(notebook)并做笔记,以准备下个星期一班会课讨论(discussion)。请准时参加。 英语通知范文二 NOTICE Our class will go to the Red Star Farm to help the farmers to pick the apples to morrow morning. We' ll meet outside the school gate at 6:30 tomorrow morning and will go to the farm by bus. We' 1! have lunch on the farm. You' d better put on your old clothes. Please get to school on time tomorrow morning. The Headmaster's Office 范文二点评 这是关于明天去农场劳动的书面通知,所以大部分句子用一般将来时。这份通知从行文上看,通知的三大部分一应俱全。如标题部分是NOTICE;正丈部分中的活动内容是“go to the Red Sta,Farm,help the farmers to pick the apples”;参加的方式和要求是“meet outside the school gate at 6:30 tomorrow morning,go to the farm by bus,have lunch on the farm,put on your old clothes”等;参加这项活动的对象是“our class”,该活动的时间是“March 12th”;发通知的单位名称是“the headmaster's office”;通知的时间是“March 11th”。


大南峪九年制学校初中部英语作文竞赛活动方案 一、活动目的: 通过写作能帮助他们提高使用英语的准确性、表达能力和帮助学生提高观察分析能力和逻辑思维能力;促进学生对阅读、听力和口语等有进一步的认识。同时为营造学校的英语学习氛围,给同学们提供一个展示自我的舞台,学校英语组特组织此次比赛,并通过此次活动互相交流,取长补短。 二、活动时间: 比赛时间:2016年4月14日下午4:20--5:00 三、活动地点:八年级隔壁教室 四、活动对象:初中部各班报名参赛学生。 五、活动要求: 1. 七年级,八年级,九年级每班限报15名学生参加 比赛。 2.参赛选手要根据要求进行写作。 3.比赛在规定的时间内完成。 4.学生自备黑色笔,橡皮,可添加创作图案,与比赛无关的物品严禁带入考场。 5.参赛选手必须遵守考场纪律,严禁弄虚作假。 六、评委 评委:万和全张瑛黄培东 七、评分细则: 评委评分方法及细则:(满分为100分) 评委将对学生作品进行打分,评出奖次。评分细则如下: (一)写作评分分等级: 句型{高(10分)、中(6分)、低(4分)} (二)评分的内容,要求及标准: 1.书写整洁与美观占10分; 2.字数占20分,少一个扣1分,扣完为止; 3.句字占20分,一个句子不正确扣1分,扣完为止; 4.单词占20分,一个单词不正确扣0.5分,扣完为止;

5.篇章结构占10分。 6.三位评委老师的评分之和的平均值即为每位参赛 选手的最终得分(保留两位小数),每个年级的 评奖按照从高分到低分的原则评定奖次。 八、奖励项目: 比赛评出七年级组:一等奖 ( 1人)二等奖 (3人) 三等奖 ( 5人) 八年级组:一等奖 ( 1人)二等奖 (1人) 三等奖 ( 2人) 九年级组:一等奖 ( 1人)二等奖 (3人) 三等奖 ( 5人) 大南峪九年制学校初中部英语教研组 2016.4.10


Good afternoon, teachers and students. I'm very honoured to be the host of today's competition and give the opening speech to all of you. Firstly, thank you for coming to the competition. In today's show. there are 28 contestants from different Classes of grade one. I hope we can express ourselves on the stage in English. And I think we can exchange experiences of how to learn English.These experiences will be very useful for the students.So I hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity to improve ourselves. Now let's warmly welcome contestant Number 1.... Thank you for your excellent performance. Time flies. Our English speaking congtest has reached the end. Let's welcome professor Wang to give us some comments .闭幕词 A: now, let’s have a short breath and wait for the final results. For this period, let’s welcome ________to give us a comment on this competition. A: Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome back to the "_____ _______" English speech contest .After our judges’ discus


通知(1) 你校学生会举办义卖活动以资助贫困地区儿童上学。请你写一份通知: ●介绍活动的目的 ●号召大家踊跃捐献不用物品,并参加义卖活动 ●义卖时间、地点:周六上午9点,校阶梯教室 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯。 参考词汇:义卖:Charity Sale;阶梯教室:lecture hall Notice There will be a charity sale in the school lecture hall a 9 o'clock on Saturday morning, the purpose of which is to help the children in poor areas have a chance to go to school. I hope everyone can lend a hand to those children who are eager to get knowledge. There are many items that you can donate, such as some old books that you have already read, some used schoolbags and so on. Your help means a lot for those children. Please come and join us on time. Thank you. Notice In order to raise money for the kids in poor areas to go to school, the Students' Union will hold a charity sale. There are many kids from poor areas who can't afford the fee of school , but they have the same dream with us --- getting knowledge. Now if you take part in the activity, their dream will come true. We expect that everyone can donate something that you don't use and take part in the charity sale. The charity sale will be held in the school lecture hall a 9 o'clock on Saturday morning. Please join in it on time. Thanks. Highlights: 1.I'm sure not only will this activity help the poor kids but also raise our awareness of caring for others. 2.In order to help the children living in poor areas receive education, ... 3. Although the things you donate may be small, they will make a difference to those children. 4. Kindness definitely pays off. 通知(2) 假如你叫李华,是校学生会主席。为了提高同学们的英语水平,加强他们的环保意识,你校将要举办一场主题为“Green campus, low-carbon life”的英语演讲比赛,请你以校学生会的名义写一个通知。内容如下: 比赛时间:7月12日下午2:30 比赛地点:学校大礼堂 演讲内容:陈述低碳生活的重要性;列举校园浪费现象;提出践行节约的建议。要求:1. 每班派一名选手参加比赛; 2. 全体老师和同学按时参加; 3. 结束后,写一篇英语日记,谈谈参加这项活动的感受。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯。 Notice In order to improve our English and raise our awareness of environmental protection, an English speech contest will be held in the school hall at 2:30 on the afternoon of July 12, whose theme is “Green campus, low-carbon life”. The speaker is supposed to make a speech on the importance of living a low-carbon life, list the phenomena of wasting on campus and make suggestions about how to reduce wasting and save energy in our daily life. Our speaker will be chosen from each class to take part in the contest. All the teachers and students are required to be present on time. Students are to write a diary about this activity. I believe you will benefit from this fascinating event. Please be on time. Thanks. The Students’ Union


英语作文中的通知 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

英语作文中的通知范文(官方通知,口头通知,书面通知) 一.用英语书写正式的官方通知 学校办公室通知,为了迎接“教师节”, 学校准备开会庆祝,校长将要在会上讲话,表彰三好学生(the three-good student),先进班级(the advanced class)和优秀教师(the model teacher),各班还准备了精彩节目. 时间:9月9日下午两点(星期三). 地点:学校大礼堂. 希望全体师生准时到会. 注意:1.词数:100左右.2. 参考词汇:表彰to be commended 提供参考的通知作文范文: In order to celebrate the Teachers’ Day, a meeting is to be held at the meeting hall at 2:00pm on Wednesday, . Our headmaster will make a speech at the meeting. The three-good students, advanced classes and model teachers will be commended. Wonderful performances will be put on for celebration. All the teachers and students are required to attend the meeting on time. The School Office Sep. 8, 2005 二.英语书面通知作文示例: 假如你是班长,学校决定对全体学生进行一次体检,请你用英语写一份书面通知。其时间安排和内容如下: 体检地点市第二人民医院 体检时间 2007年10月19日上午 集合地点和时间校门口,上午7:30 交通学校安排汽车接送,本班汽车号码是粤C—36705 注意事项体检前空腹 [作文要求] 只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。 [作文评分标准] 句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性和连贯性。 提供参考的通知作文范文: Notice Our headmaster has decided that all the students in our school will go to have a physical examination at the No. 2 People’s Hospital on the morning of Oct. 19, 2007. The school will arrange several buses to take us there. The bus number of our class is Yue C_36705. Please gather at 7:00 am at the school gate. Remember that we are required by the doctor not to eat anything until the examination is over. 三.英语中口头通知作文实例: 假如你是班级团支部书记,团委将组织团员星期天去火车站义务劳动,请你向全班同学作口头通知,其时间安排和内容如下: 对象全体团员集合时间 7:00


Notice 通知(通告)是要告知某种信息而使用的一种文体。形式有:在通知(通告)上方居中写上Notice字样作为标题;无称呼语,通知中用第三人称;出通知单位或负责人名字应写在正文最后的右下方,或放在标题之上,作为标题的一部分,这样最后不再署名;出通知的日期写在正文右下方,应在单位名的下一行。如: Notice All teachers and students are requested to meet in the auditorium at 2:30 on Wednesday afternoon to hear a report on current international affairs by Mr. Liu from the Institute of Foreign Affairs. Be sure to attend on time. The President Office October 8,2003 [思路分析] 通知一般可分为口头通知和书面通知两种。书面通知又有两种:一种是布告式通知,即以布告的形式把事情通知有关人员;另一种是书信式通知,即以书信的形式把事情传达给有关人员。 [解题过程] 通知的内容一般可分为五个部分: —、标题 通知的正上方通常要有一个标题。口头通知常用Announcement,书面通知多用Notice 或NOTICE。 二、日期 口头通知因是现场发布,不需要日期,但书面通知要写日期。布告式通知的日期一般写在最后一行,即左下角,要低于落款;书信式通知的日期可写在右上角。 三、呼语 口头通知往往要有呼语,如Boys and girls,Ladies and gentlemen,Dear friends,Comrades等。 四、正文 通知正文所使用的语言应尽量简明扼要。 口头通知开始往往要用上“Attention,please,或“May I have your attention,please?”或“Be quiet,please”,其后可以加上I have an announcement to make,结束时可加上“That’s all”,“Thank you!”之类的客套话。对举行活动的书面通知,常用“sth will /is going to be held+地点+时间”或“There will/is going to be+sth+地点+时间”结构。结束语前常用“Please attend it on time”,“Do be present on time”或“Everyone is/All are welcome/expected to attend it”,“Don’t be late”之类的句子。 五、落款 口头通知通常不用落款;书面通知要落款,写出发出通知的人或单位名称。落款一般写在通



英语作文邮件邀请比赛评委 【篇一:评委邀请函】 邀请函 ——首届成都东软学院-川外成都学院书画大赛 尊敬的__________女士/先生: 兹定于二零一四年十一月二十一日下午两点半于成都东软学院a8 二楼学生活动中心举办“首届成都东软学院-川外成都学院书画大赛”现场书法创作决赛,届时邀请您担任此次比赛的评委工作。 协会所有成员对您的关心与支持表示衷心的感谢! 活动时间:2014年11月21日下午2:30 活动地点:成都东软学院a8 二楼 邀请人:成都东软学院书画协会 四川外国语大学成都学院书画协会二零一四年十一月十九日 【篇二:英语应用文写作—邀请信】 邀请信(letters of invitation Ⅰ) 邀请信(letters of invitation Ⅰ)是邀请亲朋好友或知名人士、专家等参加某项活动时所发的邀约性书信。在国际交往以及日常的各种社交活动中,这类书信使用广泛。英文邀请信分为两种。 一、一般邀请信 一般邀请信通常适用于一些平常的事情的邀请,而且邀请人同被邀请人之间很熟悉。一般邀请信具有简短、热情的特点。格式一般分为:

第一,说明与收信人的相关性与写作意图。 第二,具体交代情景:包括受邀请的人、邀请朋友干什么、地点以及具体的时间等内容。 并且强调为什么邀请收信人而不是别的朋友。 第三,表示期待朋友的回复。 sample 1(formal): 二、请柬(invitation card) 这是一种正式的邀请信。 请柬的格式严谨而固定。一般适用于较庄重严肃的场合。格式一般为: 第一,说明邀请对方参加什么活动、邀请的原因是什么。 第二,将活动安排的细节及注意事项告诉对方。诸如时间、地点、参加人员、人数,做些 什么样的准备及所穿的服饰等。 第三,为了方便安排活动,如有必要,可注明请对方予以回复能否应邀及还有哪些要求等。sample 2(informal): ★supplementary knowledge of writing 写请柬时的注意事项: ●邀请人和被邀请人要用第二人称,参加活动的时间地点也要写得清楚明确。 ●希望被邀请人收到请柬后给予答复的,则须在请柬上注明r.s.v.p 或r.s.v.p 字样,意为“请答复”。有时为了方便联系,可留下自己的电话号码或地址。

21世纪杯英语演讲比赛演讲稿《Conflict,Integration and Promotion》

Conflict, Integration, and Promotion Hello,everyone! Can you find someone to call with iPhone or watching Japanese Anime around you?It isunbelievable to do these things when your parents were young, but more and more Chinese young people are attracted to foreign cultures now. So what should we do when we face the cultural diversity? Keep compatible with foreign cultures? Or stay out of cultural integration? Okay, let’s discuss it in detail. If you have aniPhone, you can download many great applications from AppStore so that you can enjoy the artistic creation and advanced technology from excellent American programmers. And if you like watching Japanese Anime, you will find many good stories created from the history of Japan. As for the phenomenon we just mentioned, there is no doubt that it will improve the quality of life for everyone in modern society, and will promote the Culture Exchange from different countries.There is a common question, why do we learn English? You know, many countries take English as their official language. We only are able to communicate with them in English to know the difference from each other, then we just know that who they are and who we are. Above all, we know what we should do to get along with other countries so that our country will have a grand prestigein the world. But many people think that most Chinese people are more and more attracted to foreign cultures so that it may make them forget the Chinese traditional culture and be controlled by foreign cultures. The key isthatthere are many unhealthy foreign cultures will be bad to the growth of Chineseyoungsters, because these cultures generally contain violent and erotic contents. Then, they think if this phenomenon last longer, it will make more and more Chinese youngsters only remember who they are but forget who we are. If all Chinese people are like this, the China will cease to exist. They think it’s very dangerous for each country, so some people who think in this way isalso correct from this perspective. This is the conflict between Chinese traditional culture and foreign cultures. So how can we face the conflict? When foreign cultures come to china, it’s easy to make some people feel frightened and completely boycott foreign culturesno matterthey are good or bad. But when we find the advantages of some foreign cultures, we will accept them gradually and develop some creation based on these foreign cultures. For instance,popular music was bought in China from America at 90’s. At that time, most people thoughtit was a strange musical mode and did not match Chinese tradition so that many people boycotted it, but many people found it was easy to sing and some other advantages gradually. Then popular music spread very fast in China and integrated with traditional music to create some new musical modes like as Jay Zhou’s “China Wind”, which was spoken highly of by most Chinese people.This phenomenon indicates that culture integration makes a promotion for our own cultural development. But we only need to integrate the excellent foreign cultures into our traditionalculture;the junk foreign cultures must be abandoned. I think culture integration is very important for each country like China.Just as the topic of my lecture says, conflict leads to integration and integration leads to promotion. Thank you!
