


How should college students face to the pressure?

In recent years, the pressure of job-seeking for college students becomes bigger and bigger because the distributions of them have changed a lot. That directly causes study pressure more great.

How to release the pressure and get used to the circumstance?

1) Believe yourself; self-confidence is the first important factor for u.

2) Communicate with others such as your parents, classmates, friends etc; take an active part in the public activities.

3) Keep exercises and keep fit. Only both of the mental and physical health can lead you to success.

4) Refer to the mental consulters, they will help u to recognize the world correctly

Ps: you can extend the four points on your opinion!

Yonghegong (The Lama Temple) is a famous lamasery located in the northeastern part of the old city of Beijing. It was a palatial residence built in 1694 by Qing Emperor Kangxi for his fourth son, Prince Yongzheng who later succeeded to the throne. This magnificent temple consists of five main buildings lying on the?north-south axis, with annex halls standing on both sides. The temple is listed by the Chinese Government as one of the important historical monuments under special preservation. After the death of his father, Emperor Yongzheng moved to the Forbidden City. The compound was closed to ordinary people and was renamed yonghegong (the Palace of Harmony). Green roof tiles were replaced by yellow ones to suit a monarch’s home. In 1744 his successor Emperor Qianlong converted the palace into a lamasery.

Several renovations?have been carried out since 1949.The temple has taken on a new look and was reopened to the public in 1981.It is now not only a functional lama temple, but also a tourist attraction.

Of interest to visitors in the Lama Temple are the 18-metre-high Maitreya statue engraved from a 26-metre-long white sandal-wood log, “the Five hundred Arhats Hill” made of gold, silver, copper, iron and tin, and the niche carved out of nanmu (this kind of Phoebe nanmu can give off a unusual scent reputed to repel mosquitoes in summer). These three objects are accredited as the three matchless masterpieces in the Lama Temple.


2 有的人认为压力并不是一件坏事

3 我的看法

” I can‘t stand the pre ssure and competition,” explained one friend of mine when asked why he decided to quit his highly-paid but demanding position in his company recently. My friend may have his own reasons, but I don‘t think his decision is wise in reality.

It is true that my friend‘s case is not unique. In the last few years quite a number of men and women have chosen to do something less competitive at the cost of a comfortable, easy life a

highly-paid job can obtain. They are afraid that the stresses and strains of work will rob them of joy and happiness and do them harm both physically and mentally. In fact, however, stress isn‘t the bad thing it is often supposed to be. Unless it gets out of control, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge, and to give purpose and significance to an otherwise meaningless, idle life. People under stress tend to express their full range of potential and to actualize their own personal worth - the very aim of a human life.

Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. What we can do is to develop our adaptive abilities to deal with it rather than to escape from it.


Each of the four seasons on Mt. Huangshan has their respective beauty but even this can vary from day to day thanks to variations in the weather, light and shade as clouds pass overhead and even around you at the higher reaches. This endless changing adds an emphasis to the wonder of the landscape and to know the mountain thoroughly, you would need to visit Mt. Huangshan in all the different seasons.


Mt. Huangshan in spring is like a maiden - all is new, fresh and tender. Spring comes in April but its onset is delayed by three days for every 100 meters as you climb the mountain. Therefore, when wild flowers are brilliant and seedlings are shooting up at its foot, the plants half way up the mountain will be just awakening from their winter sleep and will not exhibit their beauty until a week later. The sound of birdsong is most pleasant in this quietness while you will be enchanted by the color changes as you climb your way up. Spring is probably the most propitious season for visiting Mt. Huangshan and is certainly the best time to view the many waterfalls due to the abundant precipitation.


It is hard to resist the charm of the cool green mountain sides in summer when an exuberance of plant life covers the valleys and peaks with a green blanket. The green trees and ivy mingle to form natural pavilions where you can sit and refresh yourself while enjoying the beautiful scenery with a cooling breeze to sooth you.

Dawn in summer is most splendid as the rising sun lights the sky and the peaks and the plants and the whole world takes on a brilliant glow. After a storm, Mt. Huangshan becomes a world of water. Numerous streams and waterfalls compose an exciting and vigorous symphony. The Sea of Clouds during this season is not as vast as during autumn or winter but it revels in its brightness. If you are really lucky you will see a vivid rainbow flying over t

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大学英语作文-大学英文作文- 怎样缓解大学生压力

大学英语作文 大学英文作文: 怎样缓解大学生压力 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: How Should College Students Relieve Pressure? You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1)当今的大学生要面临很多来自不同方面的压力 2)大学生缓解压力的方式有… 3)你一般都是如何排解压力的? 行文思路 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一个问题,提纲第2点要求说明如何解决该问题,提纲第3点要求阐述“我”的做法,由此可判断本文应为问题解决型作文。

根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:指出当今的大学生主要面临哪些压力;列举大学生缓解压力的方式;谈谈“我”是采取哪种方式排解压力的。 【参考范文】 How Should College Students Relieve Pressure? Today’s college students face many pressures, mainly from parents’ expectation, study, economy, employment and all kinds of competition. [1]Although pressure to some extent can provide motivation, overdue pressure has a serious negative effect. Pressure can destroy a student’s confidence. [2]More seriously, it might make some students lose control of their emotions and behaviors. [3]Considering the great damage of overdue pressure, college students should learn to how to relieve pressure. [2]First, we should have a right evaluation of ourselves [4]so as to [5]make use of advantages and avoid disadvantages. [2]Second, we should [6]set a clear aim of a struggle. The aim


大学生应该如何应对压 力 标准化管理部编码-[99968T-6889628-J68568-1689N]

大学生应该如何应对压力 现如今社会的科技越来越发达,信息量也大,更新速度也快,一不小心就有可能落后于别人,而当今大学生也是越来越多,所面临的压力也是各种各样的,那么,当今大学生都有哪些压力呢? 先说压力,压力是个体对作用于自身的体外环境刺激做出认知评价后引起的一系列非特异性的生理及心理紧张性反应状态的过程。此定义将压力看成一个动态的过程,包括刺激、认知评价及反应三个环节,并应将三者作为一个整体来看待。说起压力,人们总把它当成贬义词。但日常生活中压力难以避免,个体适应外界环境又不能缺少压力的刺激。压力与个体的生存、发展和健康有着密切的联系,具有积极和消极的双重作用,压力过强或过弱对个体都会产生影响。适度的压力有积极的作用,而过度或突然强烈的压力或持久而慢性的压力既可以损害人的社会功能,也可以降低机体对外界致病因素的抵抗能力,造成许多疾病的易罹患状态。总之,压力需要进行适度的调整,过大时就要想办法减小。 大学生所面临的压力是多方面的。一是学习的压力,二是经济上的压力,三是人际交往的压力,四是就业上的压力。这是最主要的压力,还有来自父母亲戚的压力,等等。 第一个学习压力,学业压力是作为学生永远需要面对的主题,因就业压力而造成的新的学业压力也逐渐增大。 大学生为了适应社会的需求,把自己变成全能型人才,这就需要学习很多功课,去拿到各种证书?来应对就业。可是人的精力是有限的,往往顾此失彼,结果是学什么都不专。大学教材更新的滞后也给学生带来更多的学习负担。学生一方面要学习学校规定的早已经不实用的课程,一方面要寻找将来能用上的课程去学习,还有各种硬性的考级科目,使学生应对无暇。因为就业压力还使更多的大学生选择了继续读硕士博士课程,为了考研,很多学生是在毕业前一两年就开始准备了,各种考研培训班到处都是,大学生既要付出时间还要付出金钱。再有,因为大学扩大招生,现在的许多大学生远不如以前的大学生的基础课程扎实过硬了,对新知识的接受能力有限,而教材却还是那么高深,基础差的学生坐在教室里如同听天书一般,让捧着旧教材教书的老师颇感无奈。大学的生活远没有当初入校之前想象的那么美好。在网上曾有一条转发多遍的说说,内容是这样的:大学生:我们可以翘课高中生:我们可以不及格;大学生:我们可以上课随便玩手机高中生:我们可以不及格;大学生:我们可以谈恋爱高中生:我们可以不及格;大学生:咱能不能不说不及格?高中生:我们上课不用占座?大学生:……高中生:我们吃饭不用占座?大学生:……高中生:我们自习不用占座?大学生:……我们还是换回去吧?高中生:我们可以不及格,看,说得多好多贴切,十足表明了大学生不能不及格的压力。 虽然如此,但是作为一名大学生,学习是首要的,不能仅仅只是为了文凭而去学习,而是要为了知识去学习,把它当做一种乐趣。大学的学习,决不是靠老师,而是完全靠自己。自学是大学学习的主要形式,独立自主的学习是大学学习的特点,大学的学习,不只在于了解各个流派的思想、智慧和方法,更在于能建立自己的独立的思想体系。了解别人的东西的目的是为了建立自己的思想,这应该是大学学习的一个高水平目标。专业课枯燥无味不要紧,把它细分,分成一小块一小块的,慢慢去对付,课余时间就学习自己感兴趣的,要知道,你今天看的书现在是用不上,但以后一定会用上的,多多的充实自己,不管怎样都是不坏的。 第二个所面临的经济上的压力,有些学生的家庭比较平困贫困,而自己经济上又不能独立,没有收入来源,一切的开销来源都需要向爸妈要,而作为大学生大都已经成年了,不能再像以前一样,张嘴就向爸妈要,但是,在很多方面都需要花钱,怎么办呢?这样,就产生了经济上的压力。很多大学生都会在课余时间出去做兼职,这是个好事,可以解决一部分经济问题,也正因为这样,大学生多,所以工作的时间长,拿到的工资却低,当然,这已经成为一种常态了,那么,当我们大学生在进行选择兼职工作时就需要好好看看了。一些简单的发单的工作做一两次就够了,因为它根本没什么技术含量,而且工资也不高,在超市促销是现在大学生普遍做的,当然,这个工作可以学到很


With the development of the inevitable pressure has become a modern challenge that everyone can’t avoid. Many people have become the slaves because the rising price of all things. As a student, you should pass a lot of exams, just like CET4, CET6. Pressure has a positive influence and negative effects. Sometimes pressure is good for us, Such as pressure can improve work efficiency and would bring more income for us. It is easier for us succeed in the competition. The pressure may stimulate human's potential, causes the human to become slowly more outstanding. But sometimes the pressure is not a good thing. Pressure makes people sick of life, giving up studying, and even gives their lives. In my opinion, we should learn to face the pressure and solve it. You can do something that makes you relax, for example, have a Travel , do some exercise you like, listen to some relax music before sleep. 随着时代的发展压力已经成为现代人不可避免的难题。像房价的攀升,物价的飞涨,很多人沦为了房奴,车奴,对于学生来说,各种考试是最令人头痛的,像英语四六级,各种资格证。 压力有积极地影响和消极的影响。有时候压力对我们有利,


Graduates’ pressure in finding jobs Nowadays, more and more university graduates complain that graduation does not equate to employment. They experience great difficulties finding satisfactory jobs. What is the cause of this phenomenon In my opinion, there are four causes: First, graduates lack experience. They spend most of their time at school studying academic subjects and lack relevant job training. Only after graduation do they realize it’s hard to find jobs. Second, competition among graduates grows more bitter and more bitter and bitter. The supply of university graduates exceeds social demand. This results in a decreased chance for any individual graduate to find a job. Third, some students don’t study hard. Some of them skip classes just beca use they have no interest in certain subjects. Some play computer games or pursue other interests. Some sleep in class or in the library. Then they leave the sheltered environment of the university campus, to discover they don’t have adequate knowledge to apply for many positions, which makes them feel lost and frustrated. Finally, some graduates are conceited. They lack experience but ask for a high salary, which is impractical. So, university students should try their best to change this situation. When they are in school, they should make the most of their time and put their heart into their studies. They can hold part-time jobs in their spare time to accumulate relevant work experience. They should take part in some social activities and provide themselves with special training, if possible. When they graduate and apply for jobs, they should attach more importance to accumulating experience than to their starting salary. On University Students’ Pressure in Finding Jobs About a decade ago, university students could find sat In my opinion, this kind of pressure is mainly caused by three reasons. Firstly, the government is enrolling more and more university students year by year. And the growth of the students' number has surpassed that of the need of the society. So, when so many students graduate at a time, the chance of finding jobs becomes tiny. Secondly, today's university students, most of them are the "only-child", who are more mentally frail. Since they are indulged greatly at home and haven't been trained to do things on their own, once it is their turn to go out of the campus and find jobs


大学生面临的压力及缓解方法 大学生正处于心理变化的最频繁时期,面对各种纷至沓来的心理压力,有些人会做出出走,自杀等消极反应,我们应该分析自己的心理压力,找出缓解方法。 我们的心理压力主要来自四个方面: 一:学习压力。还记得以前流行的“六十分万岁,多一份浪费”的口头禅。现在这句话已经逐渐销声匿迹了,我们在学业上更具进取心,学习成绩已成为影响大学生情绪波动的第一因素。大学的时候多半是自习,课外阅读量增大,灵活性与创造性增强,有独特的学习方法和技巧,有时不得要领,这成了苦恼和焦虑的一个根源。针对此问题我觉得可以多向别人请教,和学的好的人多聊一聊,多观察他们的学习方法,发展出适合自己的学习方法。 许多同学对于自己的期望很高,想把自己的各专业门功课学好,多做项目,多写文章,争取保研和拿奖学金的名额。另外一些同学想拿到双学位,或者拿到各类证书,还有一些同学在托福,雅思上花费了很多的时间和心思。这当然都是无可厚非的,但是有的时候,在学习的同时还要做许多另外的事情,精神长期处于高度紧张的状态下,极可能导致抑郁、焦虑、强迫等心理疾病的出现。 所以,需要估计一下自己的能力和精力量力而行,不要给自己设定太高的目标,也不必拿永远要当 No.1 来证明自己。只要把自己能够做好的事情做好就足够好了。 能够考上大学的学生,其在高中以前的阶段都是相对优秀的,可一等进了大学校门,才知道优秀人才多的是,自己再也不会像以前那样“鹤立鸡群” 。这样比较的结果,就是要么“ 破罐子破摔” ,要么加倍努力学习。甚至有些学生为了在学习方面超过别人,性格变得极端、敏感、偏狭。 其实死读书,取得最好的成绩,超过所有的人,这并不能保证在未来的工作中出类拔萃。更好的办法是欣赏和采纳别人之所长,取长补短,但同时也欣赏自己的优点,在自己感兴趣和更擅长的方面取得优势,毕竟这个世界的美好是多面的。每个人都有长处,我们自己也是。不需要超过所有的人,我们也可以成为一个优秀而快乐的人。 二就业压力;我们应该努力发展一种乐观的解释方式,通过检察环境中的随机因素,有助于避免对失败采取消极的、不变的和宿命论的解释方式。我们不能让暂时的挫折损害我们的成就动机。从“压力的应对”角度出发,我们应该积极应对就业压力,增强自信——自信能够使个体避免遭到许多压力源的全面响,因为对于自己拥有充足应对资源的信心,可以缩短那种“我该做什么”的应激性的、混乱的反应。研究表明,自信的人更少受到不利事件的影响三;情感压力。情感压力大学生的感情压力,很大部分来自于报答父母的养育之恩和学习费用的压力,我们懂得感恩外,还说明他们对家庭、对社会有了更强的责任感。。随着经济发展,下岗已不是一个新鲜事物,因为父母下岗造成家庭生活压力,这种大学生将面临消费带来的压力,有些学生则因为父母下岗,整日忧心忡忡,他们的压力更多的来自成人感受,希望自己能早日帮助家庭,但又力不从心。再有,许多家长对孩子无微不至的关爱,希望子女早日成材,而家长的期望与孩子的实际情况有一定差距,于是一种学生怕自己成绩不符合家长的要求,会挨责备而产生压力;另一种学生则怕因此辜负了父母的一片苦心,这种人心理压力则更大。 适度的压力能使人情绪处于兴奋而产生动力,使个性潜力良好发挥。但压力过大,则会产生负面影响。心理压力比其它任何影响因素更多地消耗学生的能量;压力能毁灭自信心,使学


有关压力的英语作文 1、stress is an unavoidable consequence of life. 生活中,情绪低落是不可避免的。 2、good health is more than just the absence of illness.身体健康并不仅仅意味着无病。或者:没病并不意味着身体健康。 3、rather, it is a very robust state of physical and emotional well being that acknowledges the importance and inseparability of mind/body relationships. stress comes in all shapes and size, and has become pervasive, it seems to penetrate everything and everybody, it's hard to get through a day without hearing or reading something about stress. some doctors refer to stress as some kind of new plague天灾, 灾害, 祸患. however, numerous surveys confirm that the problem has progressively risen since the 1980s. why all the disorder? after all, stress has been around since adam and eve were in the garden of eden, stress is an unavoidable consequence of life. without stress, there would be no life. however, just as distress can caw disease, there are good stresses that balance this, and promote wellness.


寒风凛冽,覆压一切,唯青松抵挡得住风雪的压力,构成一幅千里冰封,银装素裹的世界。下面是学习啦小编给大家精心挑选的关于高考压力的英语作文3篇,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! Although the root cause of the pressure from society, and the pressure transmission is students' parents, now most families have only one child, parents, of course, will be hopes on him, and the boundless expectations for children may be an endless pressure. When the child's achievement is not ideal, the parents that blue eyes and mouth, every time a child's grades inferior to others, parents sigh, every time when the child's poor places, parents hooting, for every child is a kind of invisible pressure. Actually, this kind of comes from social pressure mainly comes from the population of our country, because of the population in our country, so the employment also was more difficult, so the difficult into competition, competition and further becomes a stress for everyone. Said that this seems to be the people to bring pressure to yourself, no matter how since age chose you, let you come to this stressful times, so you must also be brave face pressure, face pressure to give you all the difficulties and inconvenience, a pessimist would say: "pressure will be growing with the development of The Times", but as the saying goes, the survival of the fittest, how can you if you don't go in the face of pressure to survive in this world? How do you gain a foothold in this society? Since you were born in the competitive age, then you must learn to accept all of life brought about by the pressure, accept all unhappy, with "with changeless should change the old" several to treat pressure. 压力的根本原因虽来自社会,而这压力的传导者是学生的家长,现在各个家庭里大部分只有一个孩子,当然父母就会将希望都寄托在他的身上,而这些无边无际的期望对于孩子来说或许是一种无边无际的压力。每当孩子的成绩不理想时,父母那忧郁的眼神和口中的说词,每当孩子的成绩比别人差时,父母的叹息声,每当孩子的名次不佳时,家长的呵斥声,对于每一个孩子来说都是一种无形的压力。 其实,这种来源于社会的压力主要来自于我们国家的人口,因为我国人口过多,所以就业也就比较困难,因此这种困难变成了竞争,而竞争更深入就变成了对每一个人的压力。 说到这好象是人们自己把压力带给自己似的,其实不管怎样既然时代选择了你,让你来到这个充满压力的时代,那么你也必须勇敢面对压力,面对压力给你带来的一切困难与不便,悲观者会说:“压力会随着时代的发展而与日俱增”,但是俗话说适者生存,如果你不去面对压力你又怎能在这世界上生存呢?怎样在这社会上立足、占有一席之地呢?既然你出生在这个充满竞争的时代,那你就必须学会接受这一切生活所带来的压力,接受一切不快,用“以不变应万变”的老套着数来对待压力。 Here, I want to ask you a question: what is it that makes the grass so strong? The answer is there are many, but the main or pressure, pressure makes the grass more yearning sunshine is outside, so it will stubbornly survive and live a more confident and persistent.


2018大学生英语演讲稿范文:如何面对 压力 ladies and gentlemen , good evening ,i am joy and glad to give you a speech about stress , yes , just the topic you see on the screen. psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life .statistics show that stress comes from every detail in our life .financial problems , poor health , being laid off may be the stress that most adults now suffering .as students in the university , we are also under our special stress . while study , having to take various tests and submit a project against a deadline may put a great pressure on us .and the things make us felt stressed may be our parents’s greater expectations on us than we could reach .later , when we are likely to graduate , some other problems will also annoy us . i think we will worry a lot about our ability to compete in the job market and how we can best use what we’ve learned at college in our future job .the chief

英语作文--如何处理压力How to Deal with Stress

英语作文--如何处理压力How to Deal with Stress How to Deasdfsl with Stress(如何面对压力)1.为什么会有压力?2.如何面对压力?[写作导航]第一段先用定义法指出压力是什么,以及压力的危害;第二段写压力的各种来源;第三段写如何面对压力,可针对第二段的来源,举例说明各种解决办法;最后一段提醒人们面对压力方法要对头,不可走歪路。[范文] Stress is asdfs stasdfste of being upset thasdfst hasdfsppens when we asdfsre under pressure. Both our feelings asdfsnd our bodies get upset. We casdfsn even get emotionasdfslly asdfsnd physicasdfslly sick if we hasdfsve too much stress for too long. Stress casdfsn come asdfst us from every direction. For instasdfsnce, it casdfsn come from fights with other people. It casdfsn come when we hasdfsve too masdfsny things to do asdfsnd too little time to do them. It casdfsn asdfslso come when we do not hasdfsve enough money to pasdfsy for whasdfst we wasdfsnt. Since stress casdfsn masdfske us sick, we hasdfsve to leasdfsrn how to deasdfsl with it. There asdfsre good wasdfsys asdfsnd basdfsd wasdfsys to do so. We should deasdfsl with stress in good wasdfsys, of course. Good wasdfsys to cut down on stress include chasdfsnging our lifestyles. For exasdfsmple,

如何应对压力 How to Cope with Stress(大学英语作文)

如何应对压力How to Cope with Stress 大学英语作文 With the development of society, the competition of the entire society is more and more intense, causing increasing pressure to people.Stress of study, work and life are ubiquitous, but how can we deal with it? Here are some tips that I hope can be useful. 随着社会的发展,全社会的竞争越来越激烈,给人们带来了越来越多的压力。学习,工作,生活上的压力是最普遍的,但是我们怎样才能应对它?以下是几点建议,希望对大家有用。 Firstly, keep good health. A healthy body is the premise to face presure. It’s the least capacity to cope with stress when a person is sick. Secondly, to accept the pressure. The reason why many people can not cope with stress is that they resist and escape it. Actually, there always is trouble and problems once we chose a path to go, because almost everything worth doing is not so easy. Thirdly, solve the problem, rather than complain about it. Many people complain about the


大学生如何应对各种压力 我们目前所处的社会,其基本特征就是具有变化性,在这里,一切都具有短暂性、多样性和新鲜性,知识迅速产生又迅速老化。所以,当代大学生经常会对自己提出这样一些问题:怎样才能适应现代社会的需要?怎样才能适应现代社会的激烈竞争?市场经济、知识经济、科技发展、经济全球化等对人才的培养提出了更高要求,现代大学生不仅要有丰富的知识,更要掌握获取知识的途径和方法;不仅要有解决常规问题的能力,更要有创新能力;不仅要有一定的知识储备、能力水平,更要有自主、和谐、健全的人格特征和素养;不仅要懂专业,而且要善于人际交往。因此,对于大学生来说,便会感到一种沉重的精神压力。 每个人都渴望成功,但并非每个人都能够成功。为什么有的人如愿以偿,而有的人虽然做过一些努力,却总是事与愿违?原因固然很多,但最基本的一点,就在于是否具备成功者所特有的心理素质。当一个人在通向成功的道路上迈出第一步的时候,这种心理素质起到了非常巨大的作用。一个缺乏积极心态的人,不会为改变自身的现状而去努力进取。一个自卑的人,不会充满自信地去迎接各种各样的挑战,也无法勇敢地去战胜挫折和磨难。一个没有热情的人,不会让自己的梦想和智慧像烈火般地熊熊燃烧,从而转化为成功的动力。一个听任命运摆布的人,更难以激发出自己的潜在能

力和创造精神。现在,社会竞争日益激烈,没有良好的心理素质,就失去了竞争中强有力的支柱,面对压力很容易被击垮。一个成功的人,一个成功的社会,都离不开较高的心理素质。大量事实说明,成功始于健康的心理,成功应该从提高心理素质开始。 面对激烈的竞争,我们不否认大学生会存在一些焦虑、恐惧、自卑、盲从的不健康的心理。因为每个人的主客观条件不一样,而且面临从求学到工作的人生大转折,大学生求职时出现这样那样的心理困惑我们也应该给予理解。作为大学生本人也要及时寻求心理调适,通过与同学、亲友或心理咨询师的交流释放自己的压力,找回自己的平常心和自信心。学会科学地认识自己的优势与劣势,正确面对成功与失败,坦然接受顺境与逆境,以积极的、健康的心态去看待整个职业市场和自己追求的职业目标。 心理调适是缓解就业学生心理障碍的有效途径和方法,对大学生的心理健康有很大帮助。自我调适是指从自我出发调节自身的心理,使之得到平衡。这是一个重要的途径,因为心理问题产生于当事者本人,正如俗话所说的“解铃还须系铃人”。 自我调适的方法有以下几种。 一是自我反思法。通过对自己的反思,找到自己诸如在就业问题上的错误认识。比如,了解自身思想是否脱离实际,对


Pressure may not be the source of power for students Nowadays, students are facing much pressure than ever before. The explosion of knowledge as well as the population, are throwing great pressure on most students. Throughout our school lives, we are facing the same issue----pressure, which might vary in degree in different periods. When a child begins to go to school, he is likely to get comparison. Ranking is essential to students, even in kindergarten. Kids are learning all kinds of things, which seems to be a competition between different families. However, the so-called all-round development is robbing children’s freedom and put great pressure on them . I know a little girl who always gets nearly full score in English but is still forced to have many lessons during the holiday. She once ended her composition with “what a happy Saturday!” But I knew she wasn’t really happy. She had been taught to wrote in that way. I can’t imagine how many kids are living their school lives like this, but I am sure she couldn’t be the only one. Little time for fun she may have, she’s not lonely in the big city, as a busy bee. While in some poor areas, students are also studying under great pressure. “Knowledge can change the destiny of a family!” They are t aught to study hard the first year in shool. As they grow up, they are taught that entering a good university means a bright future. But for the bright future, they have to face great pressure, from the school, the society, their classmates and parents. They are taught not to be satisfied with what they achieve, because they can’t imagine how outstanding those children in big cities are. “Time is the only thing


1)当今的大学生要面临很多来自不同方面的压力 2)大学生缓解压力的方式有… 3)你一般都是如何排解压力的? how should college students relieve pressure? ______________ 关于大学生压力的英语作文-行文思路 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一个问题,提纲第2点要求说明如何解决该问题,提纲第3点要求阐述“我”的做法,由此可判断本文应为问题解决型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:指出当今的大学生主要面临哪些压力;列举大学生缓解压力的方式;谈谈“我”是采取哪种方式排解压力的。 关于大学生压力的英语作文-高分范文 how should college students relieve pressure? 【作文地带×亮点点评】 [1]although引导让步状语从句。 [2]过渡衔接词语,使文章条理清晰、衔接紧密。 [3]“考虑到,鉴于”,介词。 [4]表示目的。 [5]“扬长避短”。 [6]“设立一个明确的奋斗目标”。 [7]动名词短语作主语,用不同于前两点的句式提出缓解压力的第三种方式。 [8]“超出…范围或能力”。 [9]强调动词believe。 作文地带×佳句临摹 1.佳句:although pressure to some extent can provide motivation, overdue pressure has a serious negative effect. 临摹:尽管兼职工作能够带来很多好处,但我们不应该在它上面花费太多的时间。 ____________________________. 2.佳句:attending collective activities is an effective way to relieve 临摹:学会如何与人沟通是步入社会的第一步也是最重要的一步。 ____________________________. 3.佳句:in order to reduce it, i asked my parents help me analyse my advantages and disadvantages 临摹: 为了在激烈的竞争中获得优势,大学生们必须全面发展自己的能力。 _______________. 【joozone editor's note key】 1. although a part-time job does much good to us, we should not spend too much time on it. 2. learning how to deal with people is the first and the most important step to enter into the society.


关于学生压力的英语作文 关于学生压力的英语作文篇1 Less Pressure, Better Life Hello, boys and girls! Pressure is a serious problem in today s world. Students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students can t get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams. I m always under pressure, too. My parents want me to be the top student in class. So they send me to all kinds of training classes at weekends. Last Monday evening, I had a talk with my mother. I told her I was not lazy. I really felt tired. I needed time to relax. My mother agreed with me at last. So I think a conversation with parents is necessary to solve the problem. That s all. Thank you! 关于学生压力的英语作文篇2 How can high school students relax under the pressure from school? As we all know, the high school curriculum is becoming increasingly tight-scheduled and pressuring. Thus it is not a surprise that many school aged children are constantly stressed and worried. However, it is important for them to relax from those stresses in order to achieve their academic potential. The most beneficial and accessible way to relieve stress is through playing sport. It allows the students to have fun; increase their teamwork awareness and improve their health. Studies also show that students who exercise regularly are more likely to do well in school. Other activities they can undertake include reading novels,
