Comment on Henry历史

Comment on Henry历史
Comment on Henry历史








Comment on Henry Ⅱ

Few kings of England have done such lasting work as Henry Ⅱ. He left the country with a system of government and a habit of obedience that were able to keep the peace long after his death.

But just as an old saying goes: “Every coin has two sides.” So I will give an objective comment on him.

Let’s begin from his good aspects. Under Henry, for the first time, conditions became settled enough for a steady increase in trade and population. What’s more, he is best remembered for his reform of the courts and their law.

First, he firstly destroyed all the fortresses which the barons had illegally built to limit their power. By this, their military strength was worn down. In other words, he destroyed the threat.

What’s more, he sent out his own judges to make regular tours of the country and any freeman could take a case to them. In my opinion, these steps changed the court’s character. And the jury system was real progress because it not only made it easier for the judges to collect evidence but also helped to avoid possible mistakes. Besides, The Common Law was reflects court judgments through ages.

Another side is the negative aspect.

In criminal cases, the methods used by the jury were called “trial by ordeal” which meant corporal punishment. The cruel practice was replaced by court debate at last. I think this changed his image among people.

By the way, his quarrels with his sons and Archbishop Becket spoiled his peace. Especially when he heard the death of Thomas Becket, he regretted for losing his temper. But it was useless.

All in all, I think the advantages carry more weight than the disadvantages. His contributions are worth praising and his faults are also important experience for us.
