

Triage Judging Notes

If you find a paper you are assigned to read is missing, damaged or incorrect, note the paper number and notify your head judge so that COMAP can check for the correct paper.

If you find that a team included any distinguishing information such as school name or student names, read the paper as normal and grade as normal, but add a note to the comment column (e.g. “includes school name on page xxx,” “includes student name on page yyy”).

If you find that a paper has gone over the assigned paged limit, read the paper as normal and grade as normal, but add a note to the comment column (e.g. “paper exceeded the assigned page limit”).

Triage judges are encouraged, but not required, to include comments on their grading sheet. It could be as simple as a few words (e.g. “great assumptions”), or a sentence justifying the papers score (e.g. “fatal logic flaw on page zzz”).

Poor documentation or potential plagiarism issues:

Papers that appear to fail to cite the work of others that they use, that copy and paste images without attribution, or that include blocks of text or equations copied and pasted without attribution should be identified by triage judges for review by the triage Head Judge. Triage judges should read and score papers as if there were no documentation errors.

If evidence of a failure to cite in the paper is substantial and the material copied is supportive of the team’s mathematical modeling effort, an UNSAT score should be assigned to the paper by the triage Head Judge. If evidence of a failure to cite in the paper is minor and the material copied is not supportive of the mathematical modeling effort, a 1-2 point penalty can be applied by the triage Head Judge consistently for incidents of similar occurrence.

Details that specifically describe the documentation issue (place in the paper the suspected work appears, and the source the material appears to come from) must be included as comments along with the numerical score in the event of either a penalty or a recommendation of unsatisfactory.

Scoring Guidelines. Scores are assigned to each


MCM submission by triage judges consistent with

the following scale. Score

0 Paper has explicit evidence that the team violated

MCM rules, or has no obvious mathematical content

related to the problem chosen. (Note: requires MCM

Contest Director review)

1-2 Paper contains significant omissions (e.g. key

modeling steps, documentation, required contents

such as 1 page MCM Summary Sheet, 1-2 page brief

assessment report), errors (e.g. incorrect use or

application of math technique, poor exposition or

report organization), violations of the 20 page

maximum limit, or other faults that will prevent the

paper from being competitive for consideration of

top honors.

3-4 Paper represents a complete modeling effort as

defined by MCM but has errors or is lacking in

sufficient detail that will prevent it from being

competitive for top honors.

5-6 Paper represents a complete modeling effort as

defined by MCM with innovative and correct

application of mathematical techniques. However, it

also appears to contain a small number of noticeable

detractors or errors that could prevent it from

receiving top honors, but will require a closer and

more detailed examination during Final Judging to


7 Paper contains a very high quality and complete

modeling effort, clear exposition, and treatment of

the modeling problem in a manner that clearly

distinguishes it from other team efforts. A paper in

this category is competitive for top honors at Final


Problem Specific Guidance

The problem statement specifically defines four parts to the problem:

1. “Develop a mathematical model for this signal reflection off the ocean.”

2. “Determine the strength of the first reflection off a turbulent ocean and compare it with the strength of a first reflection off a calm ocean.”

3. “How do your findings from Part I compare with HF reflections off mountainous or rugged terrain versus smooth terrain?”

4. “How does your model change to accommodate a shipboard receiver moving on a turbulent ocean? How long can the ship remain in communication using the same multi-hop path?”

5. “Prepare a short (1 to 2 pages) synopsis of your results suitable for publication as a short note in IEEE Communications Magazine.”

All of the parts are directly related to the first part, which is to develop a mathematical model for signal reflection off of the ocean capable of analyzing signal degradation due to turbulence in the surface. How a team models a turbulent ocean surface will be a key element of this problem. The question also includes a specific requirement to determine the maximum number of hops before a signal degrades beyond a usable signal to noise ratio. If a team does not address these questions, then they are missing key components:

? A team that does not present a clear model for signal reflection off of the ocean should not receive a score greater than 2. This determination should be clearly stated, and the teams should clearly state and describe how they arrived at this number.

? A team that does not determine the maximum strength of the first reflection off of a calm ocean should not receive a score greater than 2.

? A team that does not adjust their model to accommodate a turbulent ocean surface and then compare the strength of a first reflection on this surface to a calm ocean surface should not receive a score higher than 2.

? A team that does not determine the maximum number of hops before the signal to noise ratio is too great should not receive a score greater than 3. This determination should be clearly stated, and the teams should clearly state and describe how they arrived at this number.

? A team that does not provide citations as well as references for the resources used to develop their model should not receive a score greater than 4.

The second part requires the team to use their model to compare reflections off of mountainous or rugged terrain compared to smooth terrain. This aspect was introduced into the problem to change the fundamental nature of the reflection medium from

one involving ocean water to one involving terrain and vegetation. In order to receive credit for addressing this part a team should complete the following:

? Clearly describe this aspect of the problem. This includes providing citations and references to relevant resources.

? Explicitly discuss sources that were used to determine how HF signals reflect off various terrain. They should mention the kinds of terrain they examine.

? Explicitly discuss and describe how HF signals reflect off various terrain.

? Explicitly state and compare their previous results to the new results.

Teams that do not address these questions are missing important components:

? A team that does not use their model to determine how signals reflect off of rugged terrain as well as smooth terrain should not receive a score greater than 3.

? A team that oversimplifies the problem by assuming that terrain-based reflections behave the same as ocean water reflections should not receive a score greater than 3.

? A team that does not explicitly discuss their results and compare them in a clear way they should not receive a score greater than 4.

The third part requires the team to use their model to determine how a ship moving on a turbulent ocean will use HF communications. In order to receive credit for addressing this part a team should complete the following:

? Clearly describe this aspect of the problem. This includes providing citations and references to relevant resources.

? Explicitly describe how their model is adapted to this new scenario.

? Explicitly describe how the model was used to answer the questions.

? Explicitly state their basic assumptions.

Teams that do not address this question are missing key components that are needed to assemble a complete modeling effort: ? A team that does not adapt and describe a model to describe the communications for a ship moving in a turbulent sea should not receive a score greater than 4.

? A team that does not explicitly discuss the changes in the model necessary to adapt their original model then the team should not receive a score greater than 4.

? A team that does not explicitly discuss the length of time a ship can remain in communication on the same multi-hop path then the team should not receive a score greater than 4.

The final part requires that the team provide a concise overview of their approach suitable for publication as a short note in IEEE Communications Magazine. This magazine is globally available and has a specific acceptable writing style easily gleaned from a quick review of its content. This last problem requirement is important to the problem as it requires the team to identify the central ideas of their approach and describe them in broad terms.

? A team that overlooks this important aspect should not receive a score higher than a 3.


论文版式、字体、字号、行间距要求 1.封面 ..:根据硕士类型采用封面格式,全日制学术型硕士(含同等学力)学位论文的封面为黄色,全日制专业硕士学位论文的封面为绿色,在职工程硕士学位论文的封面为蓝色。 校徽及校名:校徽居页面左上角,校名在页面顶端居中; “工(理)学硕士学位论文”:40磅华文中宋加粗,单倍行距,居中,字符间距加宽1磅; 中文题目:二号宋体字加粗,单倍行距,居中; 英文题目:三号“Times New Roman”字体加粗,单倍行距,居中; 培养单位、研究生姓名等:三号仿宋体加粗,分散对齐,间距为“多倍行距,设置值1.5”; 密级:四号宋体字。 2.中英文摘要要求:“摘要”:小三号黑体字,居中,段前段后各30磅; “关键词”:小四号黑体字,左缩进2个汉字的距离; 中文摘要正文和关键词:小四号宋体字,行间距20磅, 关键词之间用逗号分开; “Abstract” :Times New Roman字体,小三号,加粗,居中,段前段后各30磅; “Key words” :Times New Roman字体,小四号,加粗,左缩进4个字母的距离; 英文摘要正文和关键词:Times New Roman字体,小四号,行间距20磅,关键词之间用逗号分开。 3.论文字体、字型及字号要求: 大标题第一章章节标题(小三号黑体、20磅行距、段前后30磅、居中) 一级节标题4.1实验装置及方法(四号黑体、20磅行距、段前后18磅、居左) 二级节标题 4.2.2实验装置(小四号黑体、20磅行距、段前后12磅、居左) 三级节标题激光分子束系统(小四号宋体、20磅行距、段前后6磅、居左) (1)小标题。接排正文。(首行缩进2个汉字。小四号宋体、20磅行距) ①下一级小标题。接排正文。(首行缩进2个汉字。小四号宋体、20磅行距) 正文(小四号宋体、20磅行距、两端对齐、首行缩进2字符) 表题与图题(五号黑体、单倍行距、居中、段前空五号字一行) 图、表中汉字用宋体五号字,数字、外文字母用Times New Roman 五号 参考文献及篇眉用五号宋体 文中数字及字母除标题及图表题外,统一采用“Times New Roman”字体。 4.页眉和页码的要求。页面设置A4,左右3.2 cm,上下3.8 cm,页眉2.8 cm,页脚3.0 cm。页眉从第一章开始,采用宋体五号字居中书写。页码从引言开始按阿拉伯数字连续编排,前置部分用罗马数字单独编排。页码位于页面底端,居中书写,页码两边用一字线,如“—55—”。


文件四 本科毕业论文(设计)参考模板 说明:①毕业论文(设计)原则上采用计算机打印。使用A4纸张,边距为:上下 各为2.5cm ,左右各为2.8cm,装订线0.5cm (居左),页眉、页脚各为1.5cm 。页眉内容:“聊城大学本科毕业论文(设计)”,黑体, 5号,居中。 ②全文1.5倍行间距。 目 录(标题用黑体3号,加粗,居中) 前言(宋体4号字,加粗) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1.正文一级标题(宋体4号字,加粗)- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- 1 1.1 正文二级标题(宋体小4号字)-- - -- - - - - - - --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - 3 1.1.1正文三级标题(宋体小4号字) - -- -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - 5 1.1.2正文三级标题(宋体小4号字)- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - ---- - 7 2. 正文一级标题 (宋体4号字,加粗)-- --- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -20 2.1正文二级标题(宋体小4号字) - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - ---- - -- - - - -20 2.2 正文二级标题(宋体小4号字) - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23 …… 结论(宋体4号字,加粗) -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --- -- - 50 注释(宋体4号字,加粗,采用尾注者设此节,采用脚注者不设此节)-- -- - - --- -- - 51 参考文献(宋体4号字,加粗) - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 52 摘 要(标题黑体3号字,加粗,居中) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX (摘要内容用宋体小4号字;首行缩进2字符,字数在300字以内) 关键词(宋体小4号,加粗):XXXXX ;XXX ;XXXX ; XXXXXXX (宋体小4 号字,


论文格式字体要求作者:黄莹梅 【论文格式字体要求】 毕业论文格式 第一页: 论文题目(黑体、居中、三号字) (空一行) 作者(宋体、小三) (空一行) [摘要](四号黑体)空一格打印内容(四号宋体,200-300字)……………………… (空一行) [关键词] (四号黑体)关键词内容(小四号宋体、每两个关键词之间空两格) 第二页: 目录(居中、四号黑体) (空一行) (空一行) 引言(小四号宋体)…………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体)一、标题(小四号宋体)……………………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 1.(小标题)(小四号宋体)………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) (1)(下级标题)(小四号宋体)………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 二、(标题)(小四号宋体)…………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 1.(小标题)(小四号宋体)……………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) (1)(下级标题)(小四号宋体)…………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 参考文献(小四号宋体)……………………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 附录(小四号宋体)………………………………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 致谢语(小四号宋体)………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体)

英文题目、摘要、关键词(小四号宋体)………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 第三页开始:毕业论文正文 引言(居中、四号黑体) (空一行) (空一行) 引言内容用小四号宋体打印 (空一行) (空一行) 一、(标题)(居中、四号黑体) (空一行) (空一行) 1、(小标题)(四号宋体) (空一行) (1)(下级小标题)(小四号黑体) (正文内容用小四号宋体、下同) (空一行) (空一行) 1、(小标题)(四号宋体) (空一行) (1)(下级小标题)(小四号黑体) · · · (空一行) (空一行) 结论(内容用小四号宋体) (空一行) (空一行) 附录(居中、四号黑体) 附录内容(内容用小四号宋体) (空一行) (空一行) 参考文献(居中、四号黑体) 参考文献(内容用五号宋体) (空一行)

论文格式要求及字体大小 (2)

为规范开放教育各专业毕业论文(设计)管理,现对毕业论文(设计)写作行款格式要求如下,成招、高职等专业可参照本要求施行。 一、毕业论文(设计)写作格式要求 毕业论文(设计)的写作由封面、目录、写作提纲、正文(含内容摘要和关键词、正文内容、注释)、参考文献等项目构成。其中“目录”与“注释”可根据需要使用,其余各项内容均为必备项目。 (一)封面 1、封面左上角有“××专业毕业论文”字样,并用方框加以突出,方框内字体为小五号宋体。 2、标题及作者情况。封面的“毕业论文(设计)标题名称”字体为小二号黑体加粗;作者情况包括分校(站、点)、学生姓名、学号、指导教师、完稿日期,使用四号宋体,1.5倍行距。 (二)目录(根据需要) 另起一页。“目录”项目名称用小二号黑体加粗,顶部居中;内容另起一行用小4号宋体。目录中要标明文章各部分内容的所对应的页码。 毕业论文(设计)正文字数在5000字以下的,不需要目录。 (三)写作提纲

另起一页。“写作提纲”项目名称用小二号黑体加粗,提纲内容使用四号宋体。 (四)正文 另起一页。正文包括标题、内容摘要及关键词、正文内容、注释(根据需要)。 1、标题:毕业论文标题用小二号黑体加粗,顶部居中排列,上下各空一行; 2、内容摘要和关键词: 内容摘要是对文章内容的简要概述,一般字数为150至300字;关键词应是文章的关键概念、词组,一般在3至5个,最多不超过8个。中文“内容摘要”起首空两格,项目名称用4号楷体加粗,内容用小4号楷体,1.5倍行距;“关键词”另起一行,起首空两格,项目名称用4号楷体加粗,内容用小4号楷体,词间空一格;部分专业需要英文内容摘要和关键词的,可自行制定相应格式要求。 3、正文内容:除一、二、三级标题外,文字统一用小4号宋体,每段起首空两格,回行顶格,1.5倍行距; 正文文中标题: 一级标题:标题序号为“一”,用4号黑体加粗,独占行,末尾不加标点; 二级标题:标题序号为“(一)”,用小4号黑体加粗,独占行,末尾不加标点;


只要站起来的次数比倒下去的次数多,那就是成功。 文件四 本科毕业论文(设计)参考模板 说明:①毕业论文(设计)原则上采用计算机打印 使用A4纸张 边距为:上下各为2.5cm 左右各为2.8cm 装订线0.5cm(居左) 页眉、页脚各为1.5cm 页眉内容:"聊城大学本科毕业论文(设计)" 黑体 5号 居中 ②全文1.5倍行间距 目录(标题用黑体3号 加粗 居中) 前言(宋体4号字 加粗) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1.正文一级标题(宋体4号字 加粗)- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- 1 1.1 正文二级标题(宋体小4号字)-- - -- - - - - - - --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - 3 1.1.1正文三级标题(宋体小4号字) - -- -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - 5 1.1.2正文三级标题(宋体小4号字)- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - ---- - 7 2. 正文一级标题(宋体4号字 加粗)-- --- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -20 2.1正文二级标题(宋体小4号字) - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - ---- - -- - - - -20 2.2 正文二级标题(宋体小4号字) - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23 ...... 结论(宋体4号字 加粗) -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --- -- - 50 注释(宋体4号字 加粗 采用尾注者设此节 采用脚注者不设此节)-- -- - - --- -- - 51 参考文献(宋体4号字 加粗) - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 52


毕业论文字体字号格式要求 一、封面 题目:小二号黑体加粗居中。 各项内容:四号宋体居中。 二、目录 目录:二号黑体加粗居中。 章节条目:五号宋体。 行距:单倍行距。 三、论文题目:小一号黑体加粗居中。 四、中文摘要 1、摘要:小二号黑体加粗居中。 2、摘要内容字体:小四号宋体。 3、字数:300字左右。 4、行距:20磅 5、关键词:四号宋体,加粗。词3-5个,每个词间空一格。 五、英文摘要 1、ABSTRACT:小二号 Times New Roman. 2、内容字体:小四号 Times New Roman. 3、单倍行距。 4、Keywords:四号加粗。词3-5个,小四号 Times New Roman. 词间空一 格。 六、绪论小二号黑体加粗居中。内容500字左右,小四号宋体,行距:20磅 七、正文 (一)正文用小四号宋体 (二)安保、管理类毕业论文各章节按照一、二、三、四、五级标题序号字体格式 章:标题小二号黑体,加粗,居中。 节:标题小三号黑体,加粗,居中。 一级标题序号如:一、二、三、标题四号黑体,加粗,顶格。 二级标题序号如:(一)(二)(三)标题小四号宋体,不加粗,顶格。 三级标题序号如:1.2.3. 标题小四号宋体,不加粗,缩进二个字。

四级标题序号如:(1)(2)(3)标题小四号宋体,不加粗,缩进二个字。 五级标题序号如:①②③标题小四号宋体,不加粗,缩进二个字。 医学、体育类毕业论文各章序号用阿拉伯数字编码,层次格式为: 1××××(小2号黑体,居中) ××××××××××××××××××××××(内容用4号宋体)。 1.1××××(3号黑体,居左) ×××××××××××××××××××××(内容用4号宋体)。 1.1.1××××(小3号黑体,居左) ××××××××××××××××××××(内容用4号宋体)。 ①××××(用与内容同样大小的宋体) a.××××(用与内容同样大小的宋体) (三)表格 每个表格应有自己的表序和表题,表序和表题应写在表格上方正中。表序后空一格书写表题。表格允许下页接续写,表题可省略,表头应重复写,并在右上方写“续表××”。 (四)插图 每幅图应有图序和图题,图序和图题应放在图位下方居中处。图应在描图纸或在洁白纸上用墨线绘成,也可以用计算机绘图。 (五)论文中的图、表、公式、算式等,一律用阿拉伯数字分别依序连编编排序号。序号分章依序编码,其标注形式应便于互相区别,可分别为:图2.1、表3.2、公式(3.5)等。 文中的阿拉伯数字一律用半角标示。 八、结束语小二号黑体加粗居中。内容300字左右,小四号宋体,行距:20磅。 九、致谢小二号黑体加粗居中。内容小四号宋体,行距:20磅 十、参考文献 (一)小二号黑体加粗居中。内容8—10篇,五号宋体,行距:20磅。参考文献以文献在整个论文中出现的次序用[1]、[2]、[3]……形式统一排序、依次列出。 (二)参考文献的格式: 著作:[序号]作者.译者.书名.版本.出版地.出版社.出版时间.引用部分起止页期刊:[序号]作者.译者.文章题目.期刊名.年份.卷号(期数). 引用部分起止页会议论文集:[序号]作者.译者.文章名.文集名 .会址.开会年.出版地.出版者. 出版时间.引用部分起止页 十一、附录(可略去) 小二号黑体加粗居中。英文内容小四号 Times New Roman. 单倍行距。翻译成中文字数不少于500字内容五号宋体,行距:20磅。


毕业论文格式要求及字体大小 关于《毕业论文格式要求及字体大小》,是我们特意为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。 下面是毕业论文格式要求及字体大小,希望对大家有所帮助。 第一页: 论文题目(黑体、居中、三号字) (空一行)

作者(宋体、小三) (空一行) [摘要](四号黑体)空一格打印内容(四号宋体,2-3字)……………………… (空一行) [关键词] (四号黑体)关键词内容(小四号宋体、每两个关键词之间空两格) 第二页: 目录(居中、四号黑体)

(空一行) (空一行) 引言(小四号宋体)…………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 一、标题(小四号宋体)……………………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 1. (小标题)(小四号宋体)………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) (1)(下级标题)(小四号宋体) ………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体)

二、(标题)(小四号宋体) …………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 1.(小标题)(小四号宋体)……………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) (1)(下级标题)(小四号宋体)…………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 参考文献(小四号宋体)……………………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 附录(小四号宋体)………………………………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体)

致谢语(小四号宋体)………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 英文题目、摘要、关键词(小四号宋体)………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体)
